– Great endorsement, Seattle Times.
– I think Oliver is somewhat selective, but yes, there are many areas where liberal ideas clearly are the default, for now.
– This post on Obama’s popularity in Ireland contains some of the worst puns in human history.
– Yet another Biblical family.
– Good luck to the SeaTac Fuelers who have their day in court today.
Ha, ha, there goes one of the right’s favorite lying points.
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Well, it was entertaining.
Did it matter, tho?
Finally – on the issue of whether or not this changed your vote. In the CNN poll, 25% said they were more likely to vote for Obama and 25% said more likely to vote Romney. In the PPP poll, it was 37% more likely for Obama and 36% more likely to vote for Romney.
Just a little something to think about regarding the upcoming foreign policy debate:
It will be moderated by Bob Schieffer. Last Sunday, on his show there was a discussion of the Benghazi issue. CBS asked the White House to provide a representative to be interviewed for that segment.
The White House declined to do so.
This is for Puddl…
They’re paying black people to wear their shirts.
glug…glug…glug….the SS Scotty is taking on water….
Looks like Obama will win, but I wouldn’t get too prideful about it. There’s an outside chance that Romney could win.
It doesn’t really matter that much to me because I plan on writing-in someone else for prez and vice-prez. I don’t see either Obama or Romney ending our costly overseas empire, withdrawing all troops from foreign lands, minding our own business on the interantional front, repealing the Patriot Act, going to a flat rate income tax, actually reduciong the size of government by firing governemt workers and abolishing government agencies, establishing term limits for members of the House, Senate and Supreme Court, and adopting tort reform in the form of a loser-pay rule to eliminate frivolous lawsuits.
That’s not so much to ask for, but neither Obama or Romney want to do any of the above because those ideas mean real change, not slogans to get their happy asses elected or re-relected.
Regardless of who gets elected, the sun will still rise in the east and set in the west. I’m kinda tired of both sides acting like this isn’t the case. But, like most things the lying, the hate, and the asshattery is far greater on the right then it is on the left. I don’t see people on the left claiming that slavery was a good thing, saying lets send Mitt back to Mexico, or claiming that there’s some such things as legitimate and illegitimate rape.
Michael @ 7
Perhaps you don’t hear those comments from the left but you could hear Chris Matthews likening Romney/Ryan plan to Sharia law yesterday, and not so long ago you had Grayson (who’s in it again) doing the GOP Plan: Die Quickly schtick, etc. Last year there was Ryan pushing Granny off a cliff.
If you choose to cherry-pick the worst things from each side, yes, it will look awful. Both side have plenty of assholes.
There’s stuff you aren’t hearing, clearly. Perhaps you should be listening in different places.
You may have recognized a frequent Republican tactic When faced with a problematic issue the Republicans have countered by denying that any change took place, then demanding sources, then dismissing the sources, then quibling over details, etc. If ultimately succesful, the original issue gets muddied into arguments over details, so that the average voter gets tired of trying to follow the issue, and even journalists end up calling the issue “disputed”. There are lots of examples, too many to get bogged down here.
But Romney found himself on the receiving end of such tactics, which he brought about himself, when he tried to bring up the Bengazi attack again. As unsavory as it is to use the deaths of five Americans for partison advantage, he could arguably have a legitimate issue on whether the consulates were adequately protected on the anniversary of 9/11. I’m confident the investigation will show the Obama administration acted reasonably based on the intelligence available, but since the investigation is ongoing I won’t comment on it further here.
But the point is that Romney overconfidently stepped right into a mud pit when he tried to argue, as Ryan did, that the Obama administration didn’t admit it was a terrorist act until two weeks later.
Now, you know, and I know, that he was in the Rose Garden the very next morning calling it a terrorist attack. There were plenty of posts that day, and the next, by trolls on this board who barely contained their glee that there was possibly some issue which might divert attention away from the blunders of the Romney campaign and other Republicans.
So now the trolls, on this board and on A.M. talk radio and Fox News, are having to argue over when the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack. Fortunately for the President, his comments (as are all public comments by the Commander-In-Chief) are recorded for posterity. So the trolls are left trying to argue about whether he used the right words and word order to their satisfaction. In the meantime, the President’s comments are played again and again by the news media as they attempt to dissect the claims.
Way to shoot yourself in the foot, fellas. Romney and Ryan should just keep their mouths shut.
Thank you, serial apologist. I’m sure we all feel much better knowing you’re sure that there are just as many Neanderthal assholes on the left as on the right.
Who ya gonna trust, after all? You, a transparent shill, or our lyin’ eyes?
What I wish Obama had said during the debate:
“Governor, you are free to attempt to Etch-A-Sketch (TM)your positions whenever it pleases you to do so, but you can’t Etch-A-Sketch TM) the facts”.
So, what’s the Romney plan for the next debate? Their foreign policy “plans” have just been some broad generalities so far.
If Ryan’s comments in the Biden/Ryan debate are any indication, he will attempt to (a) paint Obama as an “apoligist” for America; (b) that the Romney/Ryan ticket will avoid all foreign policy problems by projecting an image of “strength” and “consistency”. The only other thing I can think of is for him to call for closer ties with Israel defense forces.
But remarkably, the Romney/Ryan foreign policy (as it stands in the heat of a political campaign) looks pretty much like the Obama foreign policy. Contain Iran with sanctions, court allies, etc.
If so, this next debate looks like a sleeper.
I don’t listen to the pundits on either side. The things I’m talking about on the right are coming from people that are running for office and their campaigns. I also give people a pretty wide latitude when it comes to using colorful language to spice things up, like when I call the suburbs evil.
The left does it too, but not to the degree that the right does and the left’s stuff is pretty superfluous, where as the right’s stuff is part of the campaign and points to their core beliefs.
Which leads me to wonder, why do you hangout with these assholes? You don’t seem like the “slavery was a blessing” or “If she didn’t fight him off it means she deserved/liked it” type.
@ 14
‘Hang out’?
Do you mean that by not keeping track and dissociating myself from each and every act of stupidity on the part of those in my own party that I am complicit?
It wasn’t all that long ago that I was harangued by Doctor Steve for not denouncing the content of a video that I had not/have not seen, a video we now know wasn’t responsible for Benghazi.
Seriously? That’s how high the bar is set for people like me, who take the opposite side of an argument?
If I’m not around much after November 7th, which I will refer to as GOP Gloat Day, that’s pretty much why. It’s tough arguing with people who seem to believe I’m just like everyone else who calls themself a Republican, especially when the argument participation is 10 to 1. I’m not like most Republicans. I’m pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, agnostic/atheist, and I’m willing to pay higher taxes as long as everyone else has to as well. Does that sound like your typical Republican?
I’m able to discern the difference between (most of) the people on HA and the total fucking assholes in the furthest-left perimeter of the political spectrum. Why can’t you give me the same benefit of the doubt?
Have a good day, all. Even you, Lib Sci.
And quotes virulent right wing sources of propaganda every chance he gets. Mocks the appearance and personal hygiene of women who aren’t right wing. Mocks the appearance of the President’s daughter – echoing Slimebaugh’s ugly “first dog in the White House” attitudes.
i.e. doesn’t want to pay a dime more of taxes like any other right winger. Shit, he’s voting for a drop in his tax rates.. Loopholes? LOL!
Heh. Devoutly to be wished indeed.
@ 16
Mocks the appearance and personal hygiene of women who aren’t right wing.
I’ve never met you, YLB. No idea what you look like or how you smell.
Your thought for the day:
Frank J. Fleming
Obama is helping income inequality since a woman without a job earns a 100% the same as a man without a job.
or Rachel-large-mole-on-her-neck-seems-to-be-moving-on-camera Maddow let me know.
Yeah, the kid standing next to the guy who makes Amy Goodman smell good by comparison.
And rest assured it will never happen if I can help it. Btw, I don’t believe you’ve met Amy Goodman either.
@ 19
Btw, I don’t believe you’ve met Amy Goodman either.
I’ve never eaten week-old road kill, either. Doesn’t mean I don’t know it will taste awful.
Look at that stringy, oily hair when she’s doing her studio TV show.
You can pretty much smell her through the speakers.
Oh, actually, I did see her, in person, at Town Hall about 5-6 years back. It smelled badly in there but there were so many HA-types in attendance I couldn’t localize any specific source.
You’ve never struck me as a “typical Republican” so I’ve often been left wondering why you seem very supportive of them.
#20 You do seem to have mastered the Rethuglican art of lying out your ass. In that regard you are a typical Rethuglican
re 20 — Oh, YEAH, Cereal. “…get on your bad motor scooter and ride!”
@ 21
Not all of them, Michael.
Do you support all Democrats? Grayson fan, perhaps? How about Jesse Jackson, Jr.?
20 – So apparently this is an admission that I’m not lying. Good to know.
As for hygiene, no worries Robert. You’re not alone. Here’s an exchange between Mr. Cynical (moonlighting as “Jerry” these days) and Don Ward:
Would be curious to get your take on the make-up of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS and their attitudes.
Median age was about 50. Everyone apparently bathed and no one stunk of patchouli. My drink wasn’t spiked and no parasites jumped from them onto me. So that was a victory.
Shades of NAZI’s and their attitudes towards “Jewish vermin”. It’s how your tribe behaves. We understand.
Maybe Bob Schieffer can make sure there’s an answer to this question
the second time around.
Particularly as no one @ 4 from the White House had time for him this past Sunday.
@26. How does this relate to the Economy, which you said was “The Most Important Thing”(TM)
@ 27
The third debate is supposed to be the foreign policy debate, so there might not be much economic discussion.
Although I suppose I could try to wrench in the economy in the same way that Obama started talking about education when the question was about AK-47s.
The economy IS the most important thing. To women, the price of gas is more important than the birth control/abortion issue.
To the extent you fail to grasp that, it’s to your detriment.
@ 27,28
Re: the gas prices and women thing, since I’ll probably get called on it,
I read it this morning and can’t find the link. So I might not be able to support it. No time to look further now.
Solyndra will be a 100% loss to the US taxpayer.
Hey, but Obama’s bundler is sitting pretty so it’s not a total loss to the Democrat Party.
Merely to the rest of us.
Karl Rove just IM’d me again and asked me to pass this on:
Karl Rove: NO CANDIDATE HAS EVER LOST With Numbers Like What Mitt Romney Has Today
In recent weeks the president’s negatives have risen and Romney particularly after this debate has moved into a lead. You saw it in the Gallup poll you talked about. Six point lead, 51-45. Yesterday it was 50-46. This is the first time that Romney has hit 50 percent in the Gallup likely voter poll and the president has never hit 50 percent in the likely voter poll. And no candidate who has led in mid-October with 50 percent or more in the likely voter poll has ever gone on to lose.“
Man, that’s a pretty quick slide from Hopenchange to Hail Mary.
Anyone know if Obama’s released his September-end cash-on-hand figure yet?
Hell, I barely support Obama. I don’t know who Grayson is, I’ve never been a JJ Jr. supporter. But here’s the thing, I’ve been vocal about it. HA exists, at least in part, to prop up the left and skewer the right and I am a member of the left so there’s a lot more of me going after the right then the left. But, I’ve always gone after the left as well.
But here’s the thing, you’ve come on here practically copying and pasting the party line and have been asked why you support these guys and you’ve never once answered the question.
@ 32
He is far preferable to our current president.
All you need to know.
The whole “slavery was a blessing” thing is something that I heard from time to time as a kid and a teen. At the time it was understood that only a handful of racist old crackers said or believed such things and they would only say such things behind closed doors. Then it popped up in a column in our little Kitsap County business weekly a few years back. I was floored. I didn’t think that stuff was still around.
Same with there being legitimate and illegitimate rape, women not getting pregnant if it’s a “real rape,” and the whole “some girls rape easy” thing. I thought that was done and over with. But not only are we hearing it, we’re hearing it from people who hold elected offices and are endorsed by top of the ticket folks. Well, they’re endorsed until they say in public what they’ve previously only said in private.
This shit should be done and over with and we’ve seen no action on the part of anyone on the right to get rid of these guys until they’ve been outed and they’re forced to disown them. It’s fucking disgusting. I think the message to the top of the ticket folks should be clean up your mess or your gone, but we’re not hearing that from anyone on the right, are we.
@ 35
I think the message to the top of the ticket folks should be clean up your mess or your gone, but we’re not hearing that from anyone on the right, are we.
And from Pelosi we heard ‘Drain the swamp’.
Didn’t happen.
I’ve always figured that in a presidential debate focusing on foreign policy and/or defense, the challenger has an advantage over the incumbent. That’s because the challenger has already received the standard “nominee’s briefing” and knows what issues on which he can tell the most outrageous lies. The incumbent can’t counter with the truth because it’s classified.
From 7:
“…the hate, and the asshattery is far greater on the right…”
I’d say it’s about equal on both sides.
Hey all!
Another busy day creating jobs, but after last night’s evisceration of Slick Willard it didn’t seem so hard. For the trolls who disagree, take those Rmoney “binders” off.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
Add to my post @ 6:
End the War on Drugs.
“Another busy day creating jobs…”
Are you talking about the Milk Choclate Messiah?
I wish everyone would stop looking to government to “create” jobs. Jobs should be created when there’s an economic need for those jobs. Government jobs are “created” to transfer wealth from wealth producers to people who will hopefully vote for the politicians that transfer the wealth to the new “jobs.” What’s really, really needed is for wealth producers to get on the stick and create wealth for themselves. That’s when real jobs are created!
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
The only thing you’re going to hammer is your own thumb.
PUNT! We lesser beings can safely conclude that Master Robert disdains an ambitious man from Illinois who came from very humble roots to win the highest office in the country.. Abraham Lincoln was similarly disdained in his time.
He’d much rather have a child of privilege who enriched himself beyond imagining, mostly at the expense of others not so privileged, in that office.
I mean Bush was similarly privileged and was mostly a failure in the self-enriching department. So Prince Willard is Bush but better in that regard. Aside from the strange religious practices, why wouldn’t the typical right winger want him as President?
Many times they aid in goods and services moving more efficiently..
Many times they save lives.
“The economy IS the most important thing. To women, the price of gas is more important than the birth control/abortion issue.”
That’s pretty funny. I’ll forgive you, Serial, for not posting the link (I don’t always have them available either). But that statement just flies in the face of reality.
I mean, really. Faced with the prospect of the next 20+ years of taking care of an offspring, with all the attendent responsibilities and detrimental career effects therefrom, vs. paying a buck or more for a gallon of gas???? Anybody who chooses gas over birth control is pretty short-sighted.
Why are Republicans headed right toward the cliff on birth control? I understand the abortion issue, but birth control????? Somehow the party of “limited government” wants to get into our bedrooms and check our privates to make sure we aren’t practicing some form of birth control before we have sex? Will they stick around, chanting “withdrawal is NOT an option!”????
This guy made himself fabulously wealthy..
I don’t recall many “real jobs” coming out of that 5 billion he made for himself in 2007.
Not just drivel, but condescending drivel.
Don’t you have a CT to read, doctor?
What is the latest signpost on Willard’s impending failure to win the presidency:
“No, no. Please continue, Governor.”
…and there’s more where that came from. Just wait.
This is what happens when your advisors are all sychophants. And, true to their credo, they did not allow any factchecking to impede their candidate from making a complete ass of himself.
Is this the kind of staff a president surrounds himself with? I say, no.
@41 Pasty White Idjit,
Are you talking about the Milk Choclate Messiah?
Couple of things here, champ.
1) I was talking about me. I was creating jobs. This liberal Obamabot private businessman.
2) Where the F*CK do you get off referring to anyone as you appear to be in that statement? Are you talking about the President? Did I miss something or is your use of ” Milk Choclate” [sic] your feeble attempt to refer to his color? You got a problem with people of color?
“No, no. Please continue, Governor.” is the new F*ck You.
@41 Politically Incorrect because he buys into memes,
One more thing. Wealth is not created. Wealth is derivative of creating value economically. Try cracking open a text book and get off of that prepubescent nauseating Aynn Rand. Rand made herself wealthy by grifting rubes like you.
You just it a big nail right on the head. For the last few decades we’ve fallen into an obsession with “creating wealth” without creating anything much of value. And no, “value to the shareholders” doesn’t really count. That’s as perverse as calling credit default swaps based on student loans a “product”.
@52 Art,
There’s a sucker born every minute. It takes years to become educated and, thus, a Democrat.
rael, Gallup has it 51-45 Romney.
Yuck..that nasty-ass communist shill…
you couldnt pay me enough to fuck that nutty broad.
Oh my… WaPo have some interesting information on this “act of terror” claim by Obummer. Seems Romney has some new information for next Monday!
“So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team and I gave them three instructions.” – Obummer. Then he needed to get packed that night to fly to Las Vegas and Colorado for some fund raisers the next day.
Where is Obummer’s vision for the second term? Look at all those leftists saying that!
Once all the leftist reporters stopped and thought about it… they continued to view the empty chair.
56 – zzzZZZzzzzzzzz… Links to a nutcase Islamophic right wing tool..
Obama said “acts of terror” on Sept 12, 2012..
Right wingers can’t accept facts.
And the motivation?
So the administration had good reason to talk up the video. The militia group involved was only known to care about Libyan and religious issues. They apparently had a history of attacking foreigners over “insults to the prophet”.
So why wasn’t there more security on 9/11??
Oh this!
The Republican idiots in Congress!
Oh, the Faux Christian is here…ugh.
Benghazi blew up in Willard’s face last night and you’re still beating that drum…
Night, night Puddl.
So Faux, how do you go and pull the lever, or fill in the bubble, for your guy who now says that abortion is A-OK with him?
He’s playing you for a fool, Faux.
He knows you won’t run away and he can troll for heathens and sluts and liberals and sane people all he likes – and you’ll sit there and take it.
You’re being pwn’d just like the blacks you say are staying on the plantation for the Dems…
War on wimens…
Crowley interrupts Romney 28 times. Nice journalist malpractice!
Then tells the world it’s due to a video for the next two weeks.
Gonna be great October 22. When the WaPo get’s involved the facts it makes HA buttspigot fall asleep.
Benghazi didn’t blow up in Romney’s face. That’s why it’s getting scrutiny in the news today by the libtard press. Even Crowley changed her tune the next day!
Sucks to be you!
And those ad hominem attacks aren’t even worth responding too. Everyone can see you are faux intelligent!
Really sucks to be you!
The motivation was “insults to the prophet”, i.e. the video.
Such “insults” had previously resulted in “acts of terror” against the Tunisian and Italian missions in Libya.
Right wingers, as usual, are just stirring up the dust. The facts will win out..
The Republican idiots in Congress are at fault for cutting the State Dept’s budget in their obsession with Obama’s “spending”.
Faux, Willard is slapping you around…he’s now broadcasting that abortion is OK with him.
Seems that if sacred human life begins at conception, then sacred human life begins at conception, and the circumstances of that conception – rape or incest, for example – are immaterial.
How can you tolerate him turning his back on you, and God? (I know you have a hard time differentiating those two, but try).
He’s pwn’ing you because he knows you have nowhere to go. You’re going to sit there quietly, or bleat “Benghazi” with a Stepford smile on your face and take it.
He’s mocking your commitment to human life beginning at conception and knows you can’t do a thing about it. Except not vote, of course.
You’re not pwn’d, you’re owned.
Friends of Mr faux intelligence… dunceman
LOL! As a “leveraged bullshit operator” he’s just trying to use it to lie his way into power.
Typical right winger.
Faux, you can whine ‘ad hominem’ all you like – you threatened me with your Jesus returning in “Cloud O’Glory to smite me, and yet upon examination, you reject this Jesus dude’s primary law.
You’re a hypocrite, and you are Faux.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Another diarrhea stain. First y’all claimed it was due to budget cuts… NOPE! This is about the Libyan consulate buttspigot. Nice try on selling something else!
Heh. Surprisingly Dr Butthead (puddybud, phd in ASS) approves of making exceptions for rape or incest.
He even said that is Jesus-approved.
Ummm… Jesus told Annas and Caiaphas that too!
See ya! Gotta prepare for tomorrow’s presentations.
You right wingers asked why there wasn’t better security on 9/11..
It’s well known that the consulates are not as well protected as the embassies.
It’s getting better known that Republican idiots cut the State Dept’s budget.
Is that the best name ASSociation you can do ylbuttspigot?
ylbitchslapped again!
Have to leave now to work on presentations.
Sucks to be you too!
And it’s already known Charlene Lamb Deputy SoS said in sworn testimony it had no effect!
Another of your worthless memes like the bridge in Minnesota you continue to raise!
I see Faux keeps claiming to need to leave…and keeps posting and posting.
And you said it to me…clearly you’re conflating yourself with your god. Isn’t that a sin? What was that thing about a log in one’s eye?
You run along like a good little owned Teahaddist…Willard is laughing at you, just like we are.
He owns you.
No fucking way! Faux is inconsistent in his defense of blastocyst-Americans? But I thought that made baby Jesus cry?
Wow…Faux puddl seems quite compromised on the whole righteous thingy…he really is faux.
I’m not seeing that in her testimony before right wing wet-dreamaker’s Issa’s hearing..
But I see this:
Right wingers lose again!
77 – That really is his position.
I think it might have something to do with his wife.. If she ever got impregnated by a rapist, they’d abort without hesitation and they believe such an action has scriptural support.
Would it stop them from voting for a Sharon Angle aka “Make lemonade!”???
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Today’s mass shooting is a domestic. Jorge Duran Jr., 24, killed his 26-yo girlfriend and their 3-yo son, and wounded a woman, 45, and two men, 39 and 26, before being killed in a police shootout.
Humans can’t be trusted with guns. Only rabbits should have guns.
A warehouse company affiliated with WalMart is accused of retaliating against workers for protesting the company’s earlier retaliation against workers trying to organize a union.
A self-serving abandonment of principle seems obvious here…
…how Republican.
Republican up to their old dirty tricks…
The most unnecessarily cruel headline du jour:
Candy Crowley Plays
Biggest Loser with Obama
re 85– Your flop sweat is showing – like Nixon’s.
Why do you live on left wrong web sites day after day after day? Naturally they won’t tell you the truth, but you need to stay in your little basement cocoon. Puddy done delivered the knockout of dogbreath last week. As Puddy told him, you choose to skip PuddyMissives, then you deal yourself idiot cards. Now you are acting just like dogbreath. Sad so sad, but you know no better. You are the HA gutter dweller. Stupid since the day you were born in California. Read it and weep!
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa. Cleanup in thread 46975, another diarrhea puddle left by ylbuttspigot, one of the most stoooooooooooopid of the stoooooooooooopid. You make faux intelligent dunceman look like an IQ master!
Here you go diarrhea stain… Since you are home with no real job you can read her full testimony.
Then ylbuttspigot, while wallowing in your own diarrhea, here are a gross of toilet rolls courtesy of Puddy because this is a big diarrhea puddle you left. More DUMMOCRAPTS voted for the reduction (149) than Republicans (147).
BITCHSLAPPED – Can you say own goal?
And you keep coming more more BITCHSLAPPINGS Puddy supposes you enjoy it so Puddy will continue ylbitchslappings everyday!
Oh and ylbitchslapped, here ‘s Jake Tapper’s tweet…
BITCHSLAPPED – Can you say own goal?
PWNED! This is too easy this morning!
Oh and ylbitchslapped, Puddy realizes you don’t watch real news, like Fox News… but even the leftist Mediaite captures the real news you choose not to watch. That’s the price you pay for living on left wrong sites… you continue to be HA buttspigot and Puddy doesn’t have to work at all to deliver another ylbitchslapping!
Waddle along to your other left wrong sites looking for the faux news now!
So ylbitchslapped, HA’s buttspigot, did you watch this video? Here Lamb admits only one security guard was with Ambassador Chris Stevens during the attack. There was live video this sadministration will not release!
Another ylbitchslapping delivered!
Gotta go now!
Well one more ylbitchslapping to the diarrhea fiend…
– Seems to Puddy Charlene is being sacrificed on the congressional grill as the sacrificial “Lamb” before the November erections
– Charlene named two higher in rank state department management peeps who agreed to reject any additional security requests. Can you say throw dem under de bus? Not good karma there
– Lt Col Wood asked for more security and was rejected. See his congressional testimony ylbitchslap
– Ambassador Rice lied that “it was a spontaneous attack over a video” on the 5 Sunday shows
– So did Obummer for the next 14 days
– So did his water bearer Jay Carneybarker
– Obummer went to the UN telling the same video lie. Obummer mentioned it six times
– Where is David Petraeus in all this? He’s as quiet as a titmouse! Did he Be-Tray-us as your left wrong fiends claimed long ago?
Next Monday gonna be a Obummer bitchslapping!
LOL, did the pud use Faux and News in the same sentence? And you expect to be taken seriously? Only far rightwingers think Faux is news. Keep spinning those Koch brother talking points, they have trained you well to be a good little Kochsucker
And now the pendulum swings the other way:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) – Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits jumped 46,000 to a seasonally adjusted 388,000 in the week of Oct. 7-13, the Labor Department said Thursday, erasing the sharp drop from the prior week. Claims had fallen two weeks ago to a four-year low, but the decline mainly stemmed from a statistical quirk in the data that often happens at the end of a quarter and it was not reflective of a rapidly improving labor market. Initial claims from two weeks ago were revised up to 342,000 from an original reading of 339,000, based on more complete data collected at the state level. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch expected claims to rise to 365,000 in the most recent week.
The aberrations in the employment statistics that caused the steep drop in unemployment two weeks ago are now settling out – just in time to make Obama look bad, since the upward spike is shortly prior to the election.
Food for thought: What do you think this upward spike means when all the data is recalculated for the October employment report, due out on the Friday morning before the November election?
Romney/Ryan are smiling this morning.
Only Rethuglicans would smile at negative news, that we are doing as well as we are when Rethuglicans are doing everything in their power to tank the economy is quite amazing
I’m sure there’s nothing at all to this:
Chuck ToddVerified
Yesterday, Obama campaign added MN to their nat’l radio buy. Today, campaign announces Jill Biden will campaign there this wk. #halfinplay?
Nothing at all.
Merely coincidence that MN shares a long border with WI, and the Marquette poll just released indicates that the 53-42 lead Obama had in WI three weeks ago is down to 49-48.
Nothing to see here. Go back to your cheerleading for The One, who bravely referred to terrorism in a Rose Garden speech before going back to blaming a video for the next two weeks.
Polls close in Virginia at 7 p.m. — one of the first battlegrounds to report on Election Night — and if the GOP can win the state by enough of a margin that the networks call it early for Romney, that encouraging news may have a ripple effect westward in Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa and Nevada.
NM’s gone. RCP just moved it deeper blue.
But CO, NV, IA……….
91 – Yawwwwnnn. The bi-polar one is wired again..
Fact: Obama denounced “acts of terror” in his September 12 speech…
Fact: Republican idiots cut State Dept funding.
The administration’s people like Rice et. al don’t want to endanger relations with the newly forming Libya or encourage the bad guys by stirring up Islamphobic dust like right wingers want to do in the midst of an election..
Damn it sucks to be a right wing idiot! Every day and in every way IT SUCKS TO BE RIGHT WING!
What was attacked last Sept 11??
An “embassy”???
No it was a CONSULATE you dumbass..
Right wingers LOSE again!
@ 97, 98
I’m sure Obama will get the opportunity to explain more fully why he obliquely referred to “acts of terror” the next day and yet allowed his administration to blame the video for the next two weeks after that, likely on Monday evening.
Bob Schieffer wanted to ask those questions on Sunday, but the White House wouldn’t provide anyone for him to interview.
Now he gets to ask Obama, face-to-face.
YLB, you realize that this will not work in Obama’s favor, don’t you? This has been in the news for 5 weeks and will continue to be in the news for at least a few days after the debate. Continued scrutiny of a diplomatic disaster is not something Obama wants right before an election.
You have Candy Crowley to thank for that.
So do I.
where are all the bible thumpers? Maybe they are having sex with a Prostitute, cheating on their wives and girlfriends. Making a mockery of the greatly valued book of Jesus.
@99 have you ever heard of downplaying something. Similiar to what GWB did regarding the warnings before 9/11. Grow up.
@ 101
Someone should explain to this asswipe that comparing Obama’s behavior to that of George W. Bush is not a winning election strategy in an environment in which Obama has spent four years blaming George W. Bush for all of his failures.
Oh, Dr. Robert, your FUD is just so precious.
I anticipate, on issues like Benghazi, that Willard is going to come at Obama with some gimmick, some wheedling turn of phrase – much like you do here – some taunt, and, much like the last debate, Obama is going to be Presidential, and both take the honest heat, as in from a journalist, and deflate the hot air coming from the pretender, Willard.
You see, Willard is just that, a pretender, a cardboard cut-out of a bona fide human. We’ve seen this over and over – on this topic, the day after the attack and Willard’s disastrous press conference. He got up there and shamelessly – and cluelessly – pranced and smirked and strutted like he was scoring a goal (that everyone knew he wasn’t) – when the situation called for far far different emotions and optics and behavior of someone presuming to be President.
Seems all Obama needs to do is show up – and actively be himself – and Willard looks terrible – the other night he was preening and entitled and haughty – also actively being himself, BTW. Willard only looks good if Obama lets him get away with the charade (which was his BIG mistake first time around).
See, the problem is yours, because your guy only looks good in a vacuum, and falls apart and shows his true colors when examined, particularly when in the presence of an actual human.
That is the core of the problem with allowing the Teahaddists to pick your candidate. You end up with a total dick that nobody likes.
Sucks to be you.
Don’t you have some scan to read, Dr. Robert? I imagine that that is a whole lot more rewarding than the sniveling and wheedling you do around here.
@102 – You don’t absolve a murderer of his actions just because they serve their sentence. Once a murderer, always a murderer, even after serving your sentence. No different from GWB serving his 8 years. One thing not to hold him accountable during those eight years but another thing letting him go scott free after leaving office. His disastrous policies have a long term effect beyond his term. GWB was and will always be a monkey.
@ 103
I’m old, so not as clued in as I should be on some of the acronyms.
I get these on Google:
Urban Dictionary: fud
http://www.urbandictionary.com.....udScottish slang term meaning pussy, vagina, muff, cunt.
http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/F/FUD.htmlDefined by Gene Amdahl after he left IBM to found his own company: “FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM sales people instill in the minds of …
It’s the second one, right? You’re not referring to my lady parts. Or am I giving off a vibe like YLB?
@105 – take it from a homo, you are one big vagina.
Only 48% of the youngest voters are definitely going to turn out to vote.
So Obama really needs a high percentage of those who do.
The problem?
He’s way down from where he was in 2008:
A new Harvard Institute of Politics national poll of 18-to-29-year-olds likeliest to vote shows Obama leading Mitt Romney 55 percent to 36 percent. In 2008, the president won young voters by a whopping 34-point margin — 66 percent to 32 percent — over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
Down 15 points from where he was four years ago.
Maybe he’d be doing better if some of them had jobs.
Just a suggestion.
re 107: “Maybe he’d be doing better if some of them had jobs.”
Maybe if social security were strengthened and the retirement age lowered there would be jobs for them to have.
For example, forcing a janitor to work until he’s seventy because lawyers live longernowadays than they did when social security was implemented is another one of those retarded austerity schemes that you guys mindlessly propose.
The janitor and other workers in similar jobs live to about the same age as when social security was implemented.
“Oh, and they’re talking about raising the retirement age, because people live longer — except that the people who really depend on Social Security, those in the bottom half of the distribution, aren’t living much longer. So you’re going to tell janitors to work until they’re 70 because lawyers are living longer than ever.
Still, I guess this is what it takes to get compromise, if by compromise you mean something the center-right and the hard right can agree on.”
Somebody’s not very appreciative that Obama single-handedly saved GM and Chrysler.
Ungrateful bitches.
You would think that after dropping all that taxpayer coin on union members, Obama would be closer to 50% and would at least have a lead outside the MOE.
You would think.
Maybe some of those non-union employees that got totally shafted by Obama aren’t too happy with him for topping off the pensions of the unionized workers.
Bet there are some OH voters who feel the same way.
Hurry, Rael! It’s time for another post telling us the GOP is doomed!
@ 108
That was funny.
To rephrase what you said, there’d be more janitorial jobs for college graduates if only we would force Social Security to go tits up even sooner.
That’s what passes for liberal thought in the Obama age.
When you wake up all hungover on Wednesday, November 7th, and find that you were ripped a new asshole overnight, go back and read your @ 108 post.
That way you won’t wonder why it happened.
re 92: He said ‘titmouse’, a word that he probably learned on the mean streets of Levittown, where he and Bill O’Reilly no doubt played ring-a-levio.
re 110 — …and to rephrase what you said: there’d be more janitorial jobs for college students and graduates like Dino Rossi and John Boner if only we would force congress to raise the witholding level to $250,000 yearly, which Romney has stated is only middle income in this day and age.
One of the four freedoms is freedom from fear. You don’t work to lessen it, you work to exacerbate it.
@ 112
$250,000 yearly, which Romney has stated is only middle income in this day and age.
Not just Romney.
Schumer, too:
Harry, what did you mean by withholding level?
@110. that’s not what he said, and you know it. You changed what he said, so you could flog your personal fear agenda about Social Security.
re 113: “Harry, what did you mean by withholding level?” Don’t be fatuous, Cereal.
“$250,000 yearly, which Romney has stated is only middle income in this day and age.
Not just Romney.
Schumer, too:”
So, we all agree that $250,000 yearly is middle class and that maybe the witholding threshold for social security should be raised, thereby keeping social security safe and solvent for generations to come.
You should be in favor of that. I mean, how much money can you make blathering for rightists on the internet?
@ 115
It wasn’t fatuous. I truly did not understand that by ‘withholding’ you meant increasing the FICA Social Security tax to incomes up to $250,000.
Maybe that’s my fault but when I hear $250K in this election season I think income, I don’t think SS withholding levels.
So let’s summarize:
Obamacare will already hit people with dividend income for another 3.8%. That’s a done deal.
Obama wants to increase taxes on those earning more than $250K.
Now you want to increase the Social Security tax on the higher earners.
That’s a triple-whammy on the higher echelon, Harry.
All because you don’t want to share in the burden of digging us out of the hole we are in.
Good luck with that.
Personally, I’d rather go off the fiscal cliff.
I suspect that Dr. Robert is racking up big income while he writes – read an X-Ray/send a bill, write a thread post, check FreeRepublic, read an X-Ray/send a bill, rinse, repeat – he’s squeezing in one of those activities in the midst of the other – unclear which is primary.
Eh, Dr. Robert?
When it was designed, the SS income cap was designed so the tax would capture a certain fraction of the total dollars paid in wages in the country. Over the years, the fraction of income of the total that is below the cap has shrunk, and thus SS is collecting only a fraction of the portion of total wages it was designed to do. Raising the ceiling would simply make SS do what it was designed to do, and thereby ensure its solvency well into the future.
Shouldn’t Obama’s people be making the case for Obama’s re-election, rather than Romney’s?
Former Obama economic advisor Steve Rattner on “Morning Joe” says that growth under Obama is the slowest since the 1930’s (October 18, 2012).
Don’t miss Ratner’s response to Halperin’s question near the end. Simply devastating. Wow.
Awwww…precious how ‘we’re all in this together’ when a wealthy Republican wants to address the deficit.
It’s that old ‘privitized profit and socialized loss’ scheme – works great every time. Just like shrieking ‘CLASS WARFARE!!1!!!’ whenever the workers fight back.
@ 118
Raising the ceiling would simply make SS do what it was designed to do, and thereby ensure its solvency well into the future.
Noted. But, so would raising the rate paid by everyone, and leaving the ceiling where it is (after annual CPI adjustments as currently occur), Lib Sci.
There are nice cliffs all around the coast around here…be our guest, Robert.
Fox (Faux) News – Epic Failure – didn’t know well enough to report the Libyan Attack as Terrorism. How long did it take them to figure it out. Took Rachel Maddow 1 day, and she is hardly a news organization. Faux News is a failed News Organization, that can’t report on its own.
OMG, sharp tongued women!
Does that sound weird to anyone? Romney sounds like he’s living in the 1950’s or something.
Yes, and for everyone below the ceiling they pay more.
Are you being deliberately dense, or is it a sad and inevitable byproduct of reading all those emails from Karl Rove?
The tax was designed to capture a certain fraction of total income, and do so at a particular rate. To best account for the shift in relative income toward upper earners one raises the ceiling.
To protect those upper earners from paying their share, you tax the people at the lower end at a higher rate.
Very clear distinction.
I though this was an interesting factoid
As many have talked about, romney didn’t raise taxes, but he raised fees like crazy. I suppose this is his vision of a pay as you go society, but he’s being disingenuous by not mentioning the associated cost of the fees.
The folks in MI seem to like Obama better than Romney, Obama’s up by 3%.
There’s not a lot of Romney FTW going on here:
@ 125
Yes, and for everyone below the ceiling they pay more.
Are you being deliberately dense, or is it a sad and inevitable byproduct of reading all those emails from Karl Rove?
Actually, I think I’m being consistent, Lib Sci.
I’ve repeatedly stated my openness to higher income taxation as long as it was shared sacrifice, right?.
There are two ways to equally distribute the burden with SS:
1. Increase the rate paid by everybody.
2. Increase the retirement eligibility age.
I would be OK with either of those.
You, too, are being consistent, Lib Sci, in wanting only the higher earners to pay for everything.
We have differing perspectives. My position shouldn’t surprise you, and yours doesn’t surprise me.
Last word can be yours, Doctor. Have a good day. Gotta run.
According to RCP Obama’s up by 4.2% and the last poll they have is a Rasmussen Reports one that has him up by 7%.
Taxes on high earners are at historic lows.
Social Security was specifically designed for a distribution of payroll that no longer exists – and the way to most reapproximate its original design is to raise the ceiling on the income that is taxed.
Your drivel about raising rates or limiting eligibility is typical rigth-wing policy of making the poorer pay more. Big of you to be “OK” with two stupid and cruel and destructive strategies for shifting burdens further on those with the least among us.
Great News! RealClear just moved NC to Romney giving Romney an 206-201 Electoral lead. His first lead..at just the right time. Hardy-har-har! Take a look friends.
The swing states are pretty much within the margin of error. Monday nights debate on Foreign Policy ought to finish Obama off. The Libya Lie will be totally exposed. Obama found guilty of parsing words and lack of clarity as a supposed Leader.
I understand Obama just hired a new campaign director by the name of BEN DOVER! Poor old Ben will be going down with the ship.
Obama is done.
Give up leftist clowns.
You cannot win.
It’s over.
Michael @ 129:
Someone should re-poll OR.
OR has been +8, +9 for Obama but not polled in the last month.
Given what’s happened in CO and what’s happening in WI, MI, I bet OR is down to +2, +3 for The One.
New Obama Record! Federal & State Welfare spending tops $1 TRILLION in 2011, up over 30% in 3 years. Clearly, Obama is trying to create a welfare nanny state making as many people dependent on the government as possible.
Hardly a record to be proud of and 2012 could be even higher.
Yesterday we had National Journal telling us Obama is pulling back from NC, FL, VA.
Today WaPo tells us that Romney is also re-allocating, only he’s going for the 40-state win, it seems:
At the same time, the GOP presidential nominee’s advisers and the Republican National Committee are looking to give Romney more routes to reaching the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory. They are weighing whether to shift resources from North Carolina, where Republicans express confidence of winning, into states long considered safe territory for President Barack Obama, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Has Team Obama announced their cash-on-hand figure for end of September, yet?
Obama’s up in MI. You tried to make it look like he wasn’t, but he is. Maybe next week he wont be, but the fact of the matter is that there have been very few polls that put Romney over Obama. Please stop with the lying, you’re not very good at it.
@ 137
Unfair. What was the intentional untruth?
I didn’t say Obama was not up. I even mentioned his lead in the post @ 109.
I provided a link that included mention, and link, of new poll data that has Obama only at 44% and a lead under the MOE. Then @ 132 I gave you the link to the poll itself.
Explain my falsehood or retract your statement that I lied. Please.
Dr. Robert, 9:51 am:
Dr. Robert, reposting:
Must be a slow day in the CT scanner.
@ 139
Yeah, I know. Then some new info dropped. Then I was called a liar for reasons I can’t discern, since I posted a link and referred to the data.
It would be nice if the author had greater credibility.
I wonder when those emails will be leaked.
After the Clinton legal team had a chance to review the State Department cable traffic between Benghazi and Washington, the experts came to the conclusion that the cables proved that Hillary had in fact given specific instructions to beef up security in Libya, and that if those orders had been carried out — which they weren’t — they could conceivably have avoided the tragedy.
Clearly, someone in the Obama administration dropped the ball — and the president was still insisting that it was not his fault.
In the end, then, Hillary decided to assume responsibility to show that she was acting more presidential than the president.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10.....z29fnWbU9k
Wasn’t RR talking about a high-water mark Romney reached, only a couple of days ago?
He’s at 52% now.
Do you ever feel like you’re talking to yourself, Robert?
There was a study done at Brown University Medical School not long ago about people who talk to themselves…something about magical thinking…I’ll have to find the reference.
@142 “He’s at 52% now.”
That was before he crashed and burned in the second debate.
Newsweek Ends Print Edition
Newsweek announced today it will end its print edition on Dec. 31, 2012, and go to an all-digital edition. The magazine has been published continuously for 80 years. Management blamed declining circulation and ad revenue.
@ 145
Management blamed declining circulation and ad revenue.
Yeah, that typically follows obsolescence and irrelevance.
Not to mention abject stupidity:
CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn’t 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn’t felt that way in recent years. So Obama’s had, really, a different task We’re seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from … Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is – we are above that now. We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above above the world, he’s sort of God.
Posted on June 5, 2009
CNN, well aware by now of who the president will be in January, does some post-Crowley damage control a few days before the final debate, which will focus on foreign policy.
Does Romney bring this up, or will Schieffer do it?
B…b……b……but bin Laden is dead!
Yeah, good luck with that.
re 116: “So let’s summarize:”
You can’t understand simple declaritive sentences and questions, but, no matter, you feel fully competent to ‘summarize’ things.
The joke is that you’re the joke.
re 116: “Personally, I’d rather go off the fiscal cliff.”
Well, I’ll be standing near the cliff and passing out donuts for those who want to watch you do it.
Just another day of lib sci looking like a complete clown.
Also, Cereal, social security witholding isn’t a tax. I know that right wingers would like to redefine it as a tax and use means-testing for a graduated payment mode, but this is only so that they can weaken it and give credence to the opinion of the rich that they are providing someone with a free lunch.
re 150: You are just a jerk-off. No one listens to you. You are not even smart enough to say something outrageous.
Oh Dinesh been a very very very bad boy, very very bad. Take the teachings of the Bible and make a mockery of it…..very, very bad boy. How about fucking being responsible for ones own actions before calling for others to be responsible for theirs. Very very very bad Republican boy.
Rachel Maddow reported Terrorist action the day after the attack….how come Fox News couldn’t get the story right?
Bob’s witch hunt. Give it up. Slain Ambassador’s Mother says, no point in blaming anyone.
War is War.
153 – LMAO!!! I suppose the nutcase D’Souza will blame his straying from the straight and narrow on living in “Obama’s America”…
The woman looks anorexic.. What a joke!
And the woman he was interloping with was married too. Family Values for everyone, everyone, family values for all. Republican Hypocrites. Fakes. Phonies and Pretenders.
Just like with any other hustling, shakedown artist. It’s gotta end sometime.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer right wing idiot.
Obama is doing better with debating Romney because now he not only dislikes him (which he always has), but he has no respect for him anymore.
Mitt’s sons tied to a Ponzi Scheme – Their dads election. Don’t they have jobs, how can the travel with their dad to every campaign event and every debate?
Another knob-jobbing clown……
re 161: Yawn….. Refer to #152
@ 159
Gee, I thought the reason Obama did better the second time around was because he hardly could have done worse.
You didn’t really think Team Clinton was going to assume responsibility and then quietly recede into history, did you?
It begins.
re 163: “Gee, I thought the reason Obama did better the second time around was because he hardly could have done worse.”
“Gee” ??? Do you work with Cub Scouts?
Obama could have done a lot worse. I do not think that you understood the grin of triumph that Obama had when he looked at Romney as he was lying through his teeth about his stance on abortion (or, repositioning, as your side has so delicately described it).
You don’t have to be black to understand rope-a-dope. Romney shot his wad on the first debate and he’s already set himself up as a liar when it comes to criticising Obama’s foreign policy.
The image of Romney in the second debate confidently and boldly striding forth to make a complete ass of himself on the issue of when Obama called the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack will remain in the minds of voters whether they want it to or not.
No one wants an idiot like Romney (however self confident) to represent their country to the rest of the world.
Although, to be fair to Romney, I do not think that he would attempt to give the chacellor of Germany a backrub at an international confab like Bush did — but only because he’s too stiff and formal, not because he’s smarter.
Also, to be fair to Bush, I have always admired Bush for his physical agility in avoiding getting thwacked in the face by the shoe that the Iraqi journalist hurled at him.
It was really going fast. It just proved that Bush was very fast when it came to not thinking on his feet.
Over the final three weeks, HA libbies will start to sound more and more like a group Iraqi Information Minister.
“God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis.”
“They’re coming to surrender or be burned in their tanks.”
“No I am not scared, and neither should you be!”
“Be assured. Baghdad is safe, protected”
And one more for Gman:
“We blocked them inside the city. Their rear is blocked”
re 169 and 170: Your pointless and inane phumphering makes it increasingly clear to even the most casual observer that you have a very diffficult time distinguishing your humerus from your posterior.
@ 171
You must mean Gman. He spends much of the day with his arm buried up to the humerus in someone’s posterior.
Oh how sweet, Serial Idiot is thinking of me. I feel so flattered.
Oh noes… Right in time for the last two weeks of the erection! I guess Jack Welch was right!
Seems Eva Longoria has tweeting issues. They are so bad the HuffPo picked them up! You go girl! Now we see why San Antonio Guard Tony Parker left her for another woman. BTW Longoria, is an Obummer campaign co-chair!!! Yeah baby!
Did you know at a campaign event today, Vice President Joe Biden asked the audience, “How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran?”
GAFFE a day Joe!
Golly Joe please tell us!
P E R F E C T for the foreign policy debate!
This guy is a real piece of work, probably Bob is like him, just as desperate for attention.
So GOATBOY @177,
You really want to put that up against the epic fail of 9/11?
ekim shows his slimy ASS today… How is that goat appendage feeling in ya?
Oh you mean all those terraists who came in during the Clinton regime?
Do tell!
Growing a Deficit – I don’t know how anyone can talk out of their ass and say they care about the deficit and then also believe in Mitts plan. I guess the deficit really just doesn’t matter to them. It didn’t matter to GWB and when he was President and I guess it won’t matter when and if Mitt is President. It only matters when a Democrat is President.
@179 – Goatboy is putting it nicely.
Did you all know
per Obummer…
Wait a minute… no it isn’t. Obummer’s gang took that line out now!
P E R F E C T!
Ohio is looking not so good for The One:
Four years ago, Democrats made up about 42% of the early and absentee vote while Republicans made up 22% – a dismal 20-point deficit that contributed to Sen. John McCain’s defeat in Ohio.
Through Wednesday, however, the margin has narrowed: Democrats account for 36% of the early and absentee vote while Republicans make up for 29%.
Bill Clinton makes the case for Romney…
P E R F E C T!
Why, this is almost enough to see a troubled liberal see red:
A new poll shows Republican Mitt Romney leading in Pennsylvania, a state that Republicans had all but written off just weeks ago but which is now listed as a toss up by the Real Clear Politics website.
Susquehanna Polling and Research provided The Washington Examiner with a poll it conducted for state party officials that shows Romney with a 49 percent to 45 percent lead over President Obama.
I wonder if news like @ 185 @ 187 is why left-leaning Politico is running articles with titles like this:
Could Reid and Romney work together?
Whenever I see the Puddybud moniker, I am reminded of a doleful rendition of Send in the Clowns done in the early seventies by Judy Collins:
“Don’t bother, they’re already here”
Whenever I see the Harry Poon moniker Puddy knows it’s racist headless lucy doppelganger #31. Personally, Irv Kupicet was your best alias!
Obummer, now the 7-11 Presidency!
Oh noes… they resurrected Obummer’s binder of Muslims!
191 – Hey moron. I wiped you all over the floor @ 98..
As for your “spending” trope..
2 wars on the credit card – not paid for..
tax cuts for the rich – NO LOOPHOLES CLOSED! Grover Norquist don’t approve of that!
a new entitlement for seniors not paid for..
So moron @ 192. Have you prayed lately that Prince Willard is the fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy?
I bet this guy has..
Hanging by a thread… grooooaaan…
Oh noes… From the Marquette University Wisconsin Poll
Puddy forgot the link… https://law.marquette.edu/poll/
You wiped up nuthin buttspigot@193…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy put forth the CBS video from the hearings. No DUMMOCRAPT commented on the word embassy.
SUCKS to be you!
Oh noes… Looks like Obummer has a bigger pension than Romney.
You listen all the time…you are my litle marionette
Oh?? Let’s replay that then:
Who asked that question dumbass?? Who said “embassy”???
You?? Some Right is Wrong website moron like Allahpundit? Who?
A right wing idiot jerk move obviously. Yawwwwn..
When the Obummers went on the view they received softballs. When Mrs Romney went on The View the leftards attacked attacked attacked! Typical!
Huh? Did some asshat piece of shit say something?
Hey, Barack:
How many American deaths at the hands of Al Queda on the anniversary of 9/11 do you think IS optimal?
“Here’s what I’ll say. When four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it,” Obama said per pool. “The government is a big operation and [at] any given time something screws up,” he also said, saying that he believes “you find out what’s broken and you fix it.”
So buttspigot…? It still doesn’t change your original narrative of
So here it is from Andrew Sullivan’s Beat…
Just like Jake Tapper…
So it’s your diarrhea stain that needs cleaning up.
Shit puddle in thread 46975… needing cleanup! AllahPundit – The Beast – Jake Tapper…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Still achieving at the lowest level!
ylbitchslapped again! Nice try fiend. Budget cuts had no affect!
BTW Gallup has Romney at 52%. Oh noes…
Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways………
Note that Romney DID make himself available for the draft after some deferments, the same way as Bill Clinton eventually made himself available after deferments.
After months of blind assumption that Obama is unstoppable, you now are seeing that he’s very, very fallible, and you’re resorting to ever-increasing desperation moves.
Does anyone really wonder why Romney doesn’t feel much like going on The View? Taking one’s lumps is one thing. No law says a guy has to lead with his chin.
203 – Oh now you’re changing it..
FACT: You quoted some Right is Wrong bullshit website that said “embassy”..
FACT: It was a CONSULATE that was attacked!
FACT: Jake Tappers tweet was way different.
FACT: The State Department’s security budget was CUT! WAAAAY more in the Republican House than the barely D Senate.
FACT: You’re an idiot who swallows right wing bullshit.
LOL! I believe she stated that the security arrangements were based on agreements with the Libyans.. Her testimony:
I’d say this was security typical of most consulate facilities.. Bush had facilities just like this attacked on his watch.
FACT: There’s no change buttspigot because Charlene Lamb said so before you offered your horse manure from left wrong sites. “No sir.”
YOU LOSE fiend!
Thanks for playing.
Still searching eh buttspigot?
Who cares what you believe moron. She was asked under oath and she told the world “No sir.” You chose not to put that forth.
Keep scraping the bottom of the barrel buttspigot.
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
In comment 87 you farted:
In comment 203 you crapped:
Looks like a change to me.. Where’d you get the first made-up shit??
Obvious: from a right wing ding makes-shit-up website that’s too stupid to distinguish between an embassy and a consulate..
The evidence is clear: you’re stupid to use right wing crap like that as reliable information.
YOU LOSE. I got a ballot to fill out and send in.
Still screaming over losing the argument… Did you notice the congressional DUMMOCRAPTS aren’t using that argument anymore? Andrew Sullivan – Jake Tapper – AllahPundit – CBSNEws… “No sir.”
You still lose! SUCKS to be you, gutter boy fiend, bottom of the barrel scraper!
What a buttspigot! There was no budget effect on Benghazi!
Amazing! Send out a memo to keep Candy looking good!
Faux Christian seems to really be off the meds….the posts literally make no sense.
Does it have to do with his total fixation on anuses and feces?
213 – Don’t forget male ejaculate..
The freak is nuts.
Crazed databaze EPIC FAYLE #96. Just 4 more attempts buttspigot!
BTW ylbuttspigot, years ago on HA, when Puddy proved your continual use of Daily Kooks; Puddy called it drinking the warm man-juice kook-aid of Kos. You couldn’t stay away from Kooks for 90 days. You and others still drink from that well!
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
At the Al Smith dinner last night Al Smith IV said per Jake Tapper…
Then a well known leftist central Florida newspaper chooses Romney!
Obummer ain’t no leader!
There are so many great comments in this editorial. And these guys are known leftists! At least one leftist newspaper editorial board has seen Obummer and found him wanting!
Reading the comments proves these people are bathed in the Obummer kook-aid and The Sentinel served leftists for years! Great endorsement.
Of course this is not an Obummer GAFFE
So Preznit Obummer how many American getting killed is optimal in your mind?
Romney drops some real bunker busters on Obummer at the Al Smith dinner…
Romney drops some real truthful bunker buster jokes on Obummer at the Al Smith dinner…
Meanwhile in ylbuttspigot‘s state home DUMMOCRAPT Congressional candidate Raul Ruiz is trying to hide his support of Leonard Peltier. Who is Leonard Peltier? Well he was convicted in 1977 of killing two FBI agents. Seems that’s information not fit for public consumption.
DUMMOCRAPTS – pond scum!