– I haven’t read it yet, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t link to The Stranger’s endorsements.
– How do we deal with the idea of the mom taxi for people living car free?
– Pregnant Texans Are Being Charged With Crimes That Don’t Exist
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I haven’t read it yet, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t link to The Stranger’s endorsements.
– How do we deal with the idea of the mom taxi for people living car free?
– Pregnant Texans Are Being Charged With Crimes That Don’t Exist
This is what passes for wisdom in the right-wing nut-o-sphere.
Hey Mark Fucking Asshole Driscoll!
Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!
Meanwhile left wrong whacko Michael Mooron blames ebola on the NRA and other conservatives.
So this is where HA DUMMOCRETINS nutcases like ekim and worser get their “information’ from. http://twitchy.com/2014/10/16/.....t-bankers/
Then look at all the retweets of that. Bunch of DUMMOCRETIN LIVs. Just like ekim and worser.
This fits DUMMOCRETINS to a “T” – “Unfortunately, we doubt these tweets will do much good. The liberal mind is impervious to logic.”
This passes for libtard DUMMOCRETIN thought!
S C A R Y !
Meanwhile the standard condescending and holier than thou attitude DUMMOCRETINS on ebola are now attacking the Morning Joe crew! http://www.mrctv.org/videos/ob.....a-hysteria
screw The_Stranger’s endorsements. we want yours and Goldy’s. where they differ, and why. (thankee kindly)
Our moronic kretinous klownservative village idiot troll has received his marching orders from the always wrong wing nut-o-sphere. The magic words are:
“travel ban”
Watch him go!!!!
On Indigenous Peeps day… Didn’t Chief Si’ahl, “the revered one”, own slaves? Isn’t that anti-DUMMOCRETIN?
The kretinous klownservative krackpot village idiot troll let out a lot of stinky gas yesterday.. Item one:
Yawwwwn.. He doesn’t link to where he got this cherry picked list of “unworthy” projects funded with taxpayer dollars.. (hint: an always wrong wing propaganda site)..
He also doesn’t say which of these projects happened under the nose of the empty suit he voted for twice..
He doesn’t say how much of NIH spending is targeted at Cancer (hint: it’s number one on the disease list and it’s BILLIONS of dollars).
He doesn’t say how much of NIH spending is targeted at infectious diseases (hint it’s number two on the disease list and it’s BILLIONS of dollars)..
He pooh poohs (ignores) that the NIH budget buys 23 percent LESS than it did 10 YEARS AGO.
Where was klownservative “leadership” on that issue?
Pentagon spending went up in REAL TERMS the last 10 years right?
Science??? Klownservative krackpots like the kretinous villiage idiot troll HATE SCIENCE..
Science says that mankind is heating the atmosphere..
Science says the EARTH is BILLIONS of YEARS OLD not 6 or 7 thousand years old.
Science produces vaccines for ebola if adequately funded.
Epidemics cause FEAR and klownservatives USE FEAR to get votes, new recreational WAR sinkholes and tax cuts for their wealthy funders.
And that’s the way our kretinous klownservative village idiot troll LIKES IT!
What happened to the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin’s copied NIH and CDC rant from yesterday?
Oh Yeah it earned 4 Pinocchios! What a loser!
Wait for it…
The kretinous klownservative krackpot village idiot troll farted this yesterday:
LMAO!!! Yeah awarded that to the kretinous troll’s beloved “apology tour”..
NIH budget buys 23 percent LESS than it did 10 years ago.
Klownservatives did nothing. Gave National Security everything it wanted – much of it went to waste.
His beloved empty suit preznit that he voted for twice,
WHO WAS SO BIG ON AFRICA, failed to kill Bin Laden (couldn’t be bothered), failed to deliver adequate funding to conquer infectious diseases like ebola in Africa.
No moron. Clinical trials in DECEMBER 2014 won’t help sick people in this country and raise the DEAD in AFRICA.
Lastly, the kretinous klownservative village idiot troll wants to know from MY WIFE what the F is going on about Ebola.
Awwwwww. He so frightened… He’s needs us so BADLY here at HA..
I’d LOVE to share what my wife knows about the issue with “the world” include YOU..
And you have to answer a question first! You know what it is!
In the meantime, kontact your own klownservative krackpot friends in the health care sector..
You’re probably stuck ‘cuz infectious diseases don’t pay like other specialties and they’re too busy kashing out to go Galt like Dr. Bobby the misogynist troll.
F you!
Spittles is another example of what the Conservative hold up as one of the finest intellects they have to offer.
This is what they look at when they think of intelligence. Thus, they consider all intelligence to be suspect. If this is their finest example, imagine what they must believe of that of the opposition.
Meanwhile, the real Fascists, the ideological Fascists who were deeply and personally wounded by the defeat of European Fascism in the 1940s and 50s, are making bank behind the scenes, and courting real relationships with budding domestic terrorist and criminal organizations like the Family Research Council, the Conservative Citizens Council and the National Rifle Association, not to mention the so-called “Patriot” organizations and vigiliante Militias.
Sedition is a Federal Crime, punishable by the death penalty. When you have the renamed “White Citizens Councils” calling the shots on nearly every piece of legislation the States and Congress present to themselves for voting into Law, that seems to be bearing the grease to the loudest, squeakiest wheels instead of the bulk of the citizenry. The only wheels that can squeak that loud are the ones with the cash flow to support the mass dissemination of the propaganda, and pay the Legislators the cash money to sweeten the deal on nearly everything they do.
So who is it that owns the message? It sure as shit isn’t the “bleeding hearts and artists” who are calling the extermination of major populations of African-descended populations in the world as being the only real solution to preventing the spread of Ebola. But you go into the hard-rightist forums like WND, StormFront and FreeRepublic, and there are whole threads devoted to exactly that.
More people die every year from Crutzfeld-Jacob and Equine Encephalopathy every month than have even been infected with Ebola in the entire history of the United States. The danger of Ebola exists, but it is now being called into play as the rationale for those solutions.
The modern Klans and SilverShirts don’t wear hoods and swastika armbands anymore, they wear Armani and Georiani suits and Patek-Philippe wristwatches. That way, they can get a lot of the “blackfolk” on board without being too obvious about it. Everyone admires and worships massive wealth, you see it on every rap video and Sports-Hero interview. It’s all about “Dat Fat Stack of Cash money yo.” The rappers spend their millions on fast cars and plastic women and strut around like they King Shit of the Turd Universe, and do it as publicly as possible so everyone can see them. Meanwhile, they are so concerned with showing off “Dat Fat Stack” that they don’t even see the crimes that are committed against their own populations, and openly parrot the philosophy that causes those crimes. Then they lay blame on the Jews or the Liberals for the problems “because taxes”.
It has almost universally been the case that populations that have been targeted for elimination and pogrom have always had highly vocal advocates within their own communities that parrot the political belief system that is all but promising to “solve the problems”. There were thousands of Jews and Socialists amongst the Blackshirts and Brownshirts in Europe during the 1920’s and 30’s. They willingly and enthusiastically served their purpose, and then failed to see that night when the knives came out and the arrests began, refusing to believe it was possible, even after everyone else had spent years warning them.
Spittles is one such individual.
Wow lots of left wrong fodder here… This is what the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin translated
from what Puddy wrote to as a simple question to the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin…
This is the question Puddy asked this jackASS of an IDIOT! If Puddy wanted to know what’s going on your family is the last Puddy would want to contact. Especially with a left wrong low life couch sitting non-job seeking loser as the second in command at that household.
Instead, Puddy would contact the mother of one of Puddy’s God children you useless tool. She runs the OR of a prestigious east coast hospital. Been running it for the last 10 years you worthless biomASS. Puddy was wondering what Seattle hospitals are doing since they are NOT on the official CDC list of “ebola approved” hospitals. And… since Obummer will not close the border, there are direct flights from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London and Paris to Seattle. Eventually someone will arrive to the left coast and what will libtards do then?
So it really sux to be the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin who hates all the time 24×7. So back at you with your useless rants. Puddy already has the materials for traveling precautions.
Ahhh yes the old standard vanguard of brown shirts and fascists. Nothing new from deadtoad the racist. Of course DUMMOCRETIN wall street gets a pass from deadtoad the racist. What, no n1@@3r rant deadtoad the racist?
Same worthless comments in a new thread on a new day.
Nuthin new your honor. It sux to be deadtoad the racist.
Can you say The National Institutes of Health web site? They have to post all of their grants monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin. This is why you are such a dumb brick on this blog. The dumbest brick around. Stoooooooooooooooopid can’t begin to describe how stooooooooooooooooooopid you really are!
Those are listed projects are since Obummer took over. Just like Puddy posted the NIH budgets from the 4 years under Nancy Pelosi. Yep a real leap in funding. Shut the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin on that one too. Puddy made sure to weed through and choose 2009-2014 projects. Don’t like them monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin? Awww… Sux to be you!
Now Puddy could have missed one or two in PuddyHaste, butt thems are what they are. The NIH funding projects faced more scrutiny when Bush was in the whitey house.
Who hates science? It’s libtards. When more and more scientific discoveries corroborate the Bible, libtards enter the fiction zone.
Yesterday Carl posted how some lady gamers are rudely treated by misogynist male gamers. Yet when you check it out those misogynist male gamers are DUMMOCRETIN.
Not one HA DUMMOCRETIN would touch that. Puddy know why too! It hits home right between the eyes!
Sux to be you HA DUMMOCRETIN gamers!
Hey monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin, this is how people are reacting to the second nurse on the Frontier flight. Blows gas up yo ASS on those worthless rants above http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....wo-cities/
PuddyCommentary: Now the CDC is blaming the second nurse. She called the CDC more than once to verify she could fly back to Dallas. Butt the CDC director claimed all the Texas Hospital peeps were being monitored! Where is Jesse Hi-Jackson or Al NotSoSharpton as she’s black? Why are they qwiet on this? http://media4.s-nbcnews.com/i/.....aa796f.jpg
The more the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin posts the more the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin is proven wrong!
Why is the Army keeping the Bowe Bergdahl desertion findings under wraps until after the elections? Must be it’s not good. Must be just as his platoon mates said when State Department mouth Marie Harf discredited them for “not being there”. Moonbattiness at it’s zenith! Otherwise an exoneration would be front and center now! Trading 5 Taliban Generals for a “sergeant” is P R I C E L E S S !
Everything done by Obummer’s gang is fully political!
Hey monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin, the libtards at Politico are scratching their short hairs too! http://www.politico.com/story/.....html?hp=f1
The more the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin posts the more the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin is proven wrong!
Oh no Obummer has lost Jay Carneybarker! http://www.politico.com/story/.....html?ml=la PuddyCommentary: What is happening in America? Just a few months removed from his daily lying lectern now Jay can finally be himself? Hmmm…?
Oh no… Obummer’s EPA just approved Dow Enlist Duo Herbicide… This herbicide is made from a combination of 2,4-D (one of the active ingredients in Agent Orange) and glyphosate (the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide).
So much for Obummer being a klown for the peeps!
Now this will make morons like rujaxoffalotbuttnuthinappears: http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html Very interesting story! Must make the Al NotSoSharptons and Jesse Hi-Jacksons upset.
HA DUMMOCRETIN hero Tom Steyer… Wants to suppress Republican votes… http://thefederalist.com/2014/.....on-scheme/
Did (u)SP finally die? I was unable to link to either “http://soundpolitics.com” or “http://www.soundpolitics.com” just now. It seemed to be in fine form as recently as yesterday, with pudge calling people liars and banning them for “being abusive,” i.e. showing he was, yet again, totally wrong.
Anyone know / care what happened?
Let’s see – 2 months ago the first person with Ebola comes to the United States (Atlanta Georgia) and is successfully cured without passing on the disease to any of the care takers. Why wasn’t Texas able to do the same? Is everything is big in Texas just too stupid and incapable and incompetent. Why is their governor not making sure their state is capable and prepared? I thought the republican mantra is that the states no better than the federal government. This country isn’t prepared as much as it should. Where were republicans talking about the crisis in Africa before it became out of control? They don’t care, they just want to turn this into a political moment.
@23 you talking about someone suppressing the vote is laughable, you big Ape.
@5 Your wish is my command! Herewith Roger Rabbit’s endorsements:
(1) I-1351 — No. What could be warmer or fuzzier than smaller class sizes? But there’s no funding mechanism, which renders this initiative merely hortatory. Bring it back again with a way to pay for it, and I’ll vote for it.
(2) I-591 — No! We don’t need no frikken ban on background checks. See (3) below.
(3) I-594 — Yes. Enough is enough! This initiative probably won’t stop (and may not even slow down) school shootings or theater rampages, but why make it apple-pie easy for madmen to get guns? And it doesn’t mean what Pudge claims it means; he won’t go to jail for handing a gun to his mother (although it’s a nice idea, and based on what I know about Pudge, I’m not sure I’d trust his mother). But even if this initiative proves to be totally ineffective, you should vote for it anyway, just to piss off Pudge and his NRA pals.
(4) Candidates — I’ll save myself some typing here and lump them all together. Vote for the Democrats. Don’t vote for the Republicans. Why the hell would you vote for a Republican? for anything? Let me put it this way, the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican, no exceptions.
(5) Supreme Court — Vote for the two incumbents, no matter how anti-incumbent your mood is, because both of their opponents are living demonstrations of the fact our state bar association has never had a sanity requirement for lawyers. It does, however, have an ethics requirement which means one of these candidates, if somehow elected, will not be allowed to serve.
(6) Other judges — just do what the Stranger says and you’ll be fine.
(7) City of Seattle issues — I’ve had a long day (attending an out of town meeting) and just fell asleep. Maybe I’ll come back to this later. Or maybe I won’t.
Bloomberg writer Francis Wilkinson’s take on the GOP stance on immigration reform. Basically, they seem to be ready to cleanse the nation of all “non-traditional” immigrants, and likely their descendants as well. Looks like the SchitzoPudd is gonna have to start packing if the GOP ever wins all three branches again. I hear Liberia is nice in the summertime, or perhaps he’d prefer Uganda. After all, they hang the queerfolks there with squirt-boom cranes or just shove old tires down around their arms, dump gasoline on them and set them on fire.
He loves that shit, he’d fit right in. That’s “conservative” justice. Of course, they call it “traditional” justice, but everyone knows what that really means. It’s what we’d see right here with the TeaFascists in charge. They demand it.
@28 “Basically, they seem to be ready to cleanse the nation of all “non-traditional” immigrants, and likely their descendants as well.”
They’ve decided to return the continent their ancestors stole to the Native Americans? It’s about time.
“Anyone know / care what happened?”
I can’t get on there either. Perhaps it’ll come back as Zombie (un)SP. If the domain becomes available, it could be fun to grab it and create a (un)SP parody site and keep it going that way. It’d be fun seeing if Shanghai Dan, KDS and Rags can tell the difference.
Doc Z
“I-594 — Yes. Enough is enough!”
Yes on I-594
The semantics BS put out there by Pudge and others is a fail. Pass the damned initiative. If semantics proves to be a problem and Pudge’s dear mother indeed gets busted, the legislature can always change it after it’s on the books for a couple of years.
But close the damned loophole. Now. Yes on I-594.
Interesting article and commentary on the newest streetcar line in France, the city of Aubagne.
Some leftist pinhead named the empty tea bag with the puffed butt farted this
Man this puffed butt empty tea bag scum sucker is just plain DUMB and STOOOOOOOOOOOOPID… First they were treated at one of the CDC’s confirmed isolation hospitals you IDIOT! Texas Presbyterian Hospital was not a confirmed CDC isolation hospital and the CDC’s isolation doctrines were incomplete and not well thought out. Also the instructions were unclear per the nurses union. Do you pay attention to anything besides left wrong web sites empty tea bag with the puffed butt?
Now how did they survive? http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/03/.....cco-plant/
There isn’t anymore you moron! Of course blaming this on Texas is as stooooooooopid as the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin posting anything useful on a blog thread.
The rest of puffed butt empty tea bag scum sucker rant is useless as he is to the rest of the world.
If this is the best y’all can do for libtard pinhead thought then you need better libtards.
That means ASSholes like #28 would be kicked to the curb.
Still no comments from the left wrong crowd on the lady gamers and their treatment by misogynist gamer libtards.
Hammer struck the nail on the head. DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS!
Oh my… http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/16/.....index.html
hey empty tea bag with the puffed butt… http://www.cbsnews.com/news/eb.....in-dallas/ More CDC caused carnage?
@ 36
It’s the same thing our previous President was discharged from the Texas National Guard for, on top of being permanently banned from ever again holding a pilot’s license. For life, Jack.
Using a military aircraft to fly 3-4 kilos of Peruvian flake into the country every few days tends to get one in a bit of hot water, no matter who their daddy is.
From the WaPo – Obama names an Ebola czar
President Obama named Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden and also to Vice President Al Gore, as the new Ebola czar to oversee the government’s response to the ongoing crisis. Klain is currently president of Case Holdings and General Counsel of Revolution, an investment group.
Looks like your standard DUMMOCRETIN operative vs. some well known non-political doctor!
Something for libtards to chew on since The One will not stop people from arriving from these countries… http://nypost.com/2014/10/16/a.....ia-to-jfk/
Sounds to me that the state’s hospital’s are unprepared, as Texas Helth Presbyterian. This to me sounds like a State issue – aren’t conservatives always saying the states are better than the feds. Well, now they want the Feds to be their saviors…..Mabye Rick the Prick Perry should learn how to govern his state, including the ability for his hospitals to be able to deal with a problem. Something like 70 people cared for Duncan…sounds to me like that was mistake number one, they should have limited the amount of expose to care givers. Rick Perry should think about fixing it….it, afterall, is his hospital not the CDC’s or the Federal Government’s hospital. Texas the Big State – Big on Ebola State. Led by Prick Perry.
@40 My question is — who let YOU back in??!!
@34 Not to mention me and you …
Reports that ISIS has control of 3 military aircraft and are flying them. Damn that Obama!
Is your rent going through the roof? Yep, you guessed it, your money is going to banks.
P.S., apartment construction is growing 18 times as fast as single-family construction, so it looks like we’ll all soon be living in — pardon the expression — rabbit warrens.
Golly empty tea bag with the puffed butt you are still proving to be really stoooooooooooooopid… The guidelines come from the FEDS. Did you listen to the nurses union rep you idiot?
NOPE cuz it wasn’t on the DOPE whack job lib sites.
@46 – Rick Perry really is a fool and f’d up. The state of Texas is shit, you would think he would have his hospitals in order.
@46 – so now you are calling for more government regulations? Don’t Tread on Me, in this Texas State!
From a USA Today Article
So States also regulate hospitals – Why was Texas so lax? Maybe the state is more at fault.
Looks like “fangate” was a setup that backfired.
Yeah the ones whose heads explode in HATE when you say the magic word:
Now watch..
Is the village idiot troll still sceeered???
It’s ok village idiot troll – just resist the urge to show HA to nearest feverish, red-eyed West African on the airplane.
Oh! You can’t do that.. Sucks to be you!
And also, to the psycho-fucktard @ 46:
This was a private hospital, not subject to jurisdictional oversight by the CDC at all. It was a State-regulated, NON-UNION hospital that had no protocols in place whatsoever to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as Ebola. The Hospital wasn’t even AIDs certified.
I think you know this, and are cherry-picking as much of the propaganda coming out of the liar-sites like FOX and Breitbart to support your arguments. In other words, you are deliberately lying, as usual.
The Hospital Company ignored CDC guidelines altogether, and chose instead to roll the dice. The nurses were instructed by their superiors to use porous bandaging tape to seal the collars and cuffs on their scrubs, and then weren’t even wearing masks or fucking gloves for chrissake. There was no isolation set up at all until the Nurses developed the infection, four days after the original patient had been accurately diagnosed. He had been sent home with a dose of antibiotics, after being left to himself in the hallway of the emergency ward for over four hours. This was a total fuckup on the part of the Hospital Company, and now they’re in full cover-ass mode. They have the full support on this effort from the GOP and the Corporate Conservative media. It is now a political football, and they’re blaming the President, for something neither he, nor any Federal office under the Executive Branch had any control of nor jurisdiction over at all.
All the CDC could do was offer guidelines, and those guidelines were deliberately ignored to minimize financial cost to the Corporation. Following the protocol was going to cut into their profits, and they just would not stand for that.
@53 I see the ape needed a banana or some watermelon. Just tell him the facts. You can’t try to talk monkey/ape talk like him, it will get you nowhere. As he is going nowhere in life. He is confined to the monkey cage.
Texans don’t like regulations, especially federal regulations. The think the states know best. But per the USA today article texass, yes Texass, had the most shirt conditions. Thanks Prick Petry, come to texass and get Ebola.
There’s NO argument.. That dignifies his “commentary” way too much!
Just HATE.. and ignorance. That’s all it is.. All it ever has been.
He betrays it right here from the mouth of his sockpuppet, MWS:
And hypocrisy too:
GOATSEBOY screams:
The guidelines come from the FEDS.
Eh GOATSEBOY, you do realize the guidelines are just…guidelines?
And Texas Presbyterian was free not to follow them, which they didn’t.
Rick Perry: Texas is ready to handle Ebola case
October 1
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said in a news conference Tuesday the state was equipped to handle the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States, and said “some school-aged children had contact” with the patient and are being monitored at home.
“This case is serious,” Perry said. “Rest assured that our system is working as it should.”
Is sex only for rich people?
“Our country apparently doesn’t want low-income Americans to have free access to birth control, either by compelling all insurance plans to offer it or by adequately funding public reproductive health programs. In many schools — predominantly located in low-income, high-teen-pregnancy areas — we don’t even teach kids how contraception works. We also don’t want them to have easy access to abortions when they inevitably get pregnant because they’re not using birth control, with states such as Texas and Mississippi trying to shutter their few remaining abortion clinics.
Then we don’t help them very much after they birth those unplanned kids, instead publicly chastising irresponsible single mothers for having babies they can’t afford and offering little assistance in the form of child care, education or cash. Dumping unwanted children onto the child welfare system isn’t exactly celebrated, either.”
The amazing thing is that puddy touched on all those points a couple of days ago. He didn’t want to have birth control options and skills available and he was clear he didn’t want to support any one elses’s baby once they were born.
… create a (un)SP parody site and keep it going that way. It’d be fun seeing if Shanghai Dan, KDS and Rags can tell the difference.
Dan would be suspicious, but play along, and then yell, “I told you so!” even though he hadn’t. Rags would figure it out after no one engaged her off-topic rants. KDS would complain the site was no longer wacko enough, but otherwise would never get it.
Although, how exactly would anyone tell the difference between (u)SP and a parody of it?
Percy Harvin traded to the Jets!
So the same Republicans who say changing an effective date for the Affordable Care Act is an impeachable act are raging that the President did not take over local health departments? What a bunch of hypocrites.
@61. For a guy that doesnt say nice things about yln, what are you now stealing his sports commentaries? You don’t have a sliver of originality in you.
@62 more than just hypocrites, they are schizophrenic bi polar assholes.
Friday Afternoon News Roundup
Item #1: Wyoming has joined the parade of states whose gay marriage bans have been struck down by federel courts as unconstitutional.
Item #2: Michael Dunn, the Florida man convicted of shooting a teenager for playing loud music, has been sentenced to life without parole. Even in Florida, self-defense has limits. A boom box is not an imminent threat to life.
Item #3: Florida Democrats are milking “fangate” for all it’s worth. You don’t often get a gift like that, even from Republican idiots.
Texas Presbyterian is like a lot of hospitals with a “great” reputation. They cater to the wealthy with boutique child-birth services and high-margin cardiac procedures. Emergency medicine isn’t a money maker and consequently they do it poorly.
So it’s not surprise that an African coming in with a fever is given cursory care. The fact that he was given antibiotics without tests or a clear diagnosis is an additional medical error (wonder why we are losing ground to drug-resistant bacteria) given he didn’t have a bacterial infection.
The CDC deserves criticism as well for its own outdated ebola precautions. They should have consulted with Doctors without Frontiers, who have been treating ebola patients longer than anyone and with a good track record on protecting health care workers. My guess is that, even below the level of conscious thought, the CDC figured it had nothing to learn from volunteer doctors working in primitive jungle hospitals. We’ve got shiny machines that go “beep” so we know best.
Thanks for the link to the endorsements list from the Gaynger, I’ll make sure to vote opposite of what they recommend.
This is a very good tip particularly to those new to thhe blogosphere.
Brief but vesry accurate information… Appreciate your sharing this one.
A must read post!