– Sometimes you read a story about a new policy and you have a tough time with the fact that it’s actually a new policy because it’s so blindingly obvious that it should have been happening for years. Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion is one of those for me.
– I support these rule changes, Liquor Control Board.
– Another sure sign that Occupy Wall Street is on the right track.
– If I’ve been a bit Occupy Seattle heavy recently, well, here’s some info on Occupy Olympia.
– Michael Schur is one of the best writers there is, but I sure do like any Red Sox fan suffering.
– I’m still going to get bumblebees and honey bees mixed up some times.
Funny, when I wrote this earlier today, I didn’t realize I was echoing the much more elegant thereisnospoon over at Digby’s place.
A sample (read the whole thing):
GEORGE SOROS! is funding Occupy Wall Street!!!
(I think I may have just prevented a whole series of obnoxious, delusional P-dud/ever-ferret bloviations. Sorta like vaccination.)
Wages Have Dropped and Won’t Catch Up Until 2021
Here’s some analysis of P-dud’s liberal media bias – AP and Drudge and Fox – all left-of-center establishments – as proven by P-dud’s irrefutable link stutter on the other thread.
These folks look well groomed and beyond their college years.
What a bunch of gutless scaredy-cats these clownservatives are…
Oh….poor babies. Somebody get her binky.
Next we is gunna occupie deh moon!
I don’t recall anyone calling her husband’s faith a cult.
Well they’ve already got everywhere else covered.
The OWS’er are definitely a center-left thing, there’s too many of them and they’re to equally distributed around the country for this to just be a left-far left thing.
Unwashed, misanthropic, youth? Nope!
A little aside from politics. Remember the faster than light neutrinos? Well it appears the 64 nanosecond faster than light measurement may turn out to confirm relativity after all:
Still has to be peer reviewed but it’s remarkable how the calculation of relativistic effects exactly matches the data.
Now if only politicians were driven to express the truth in daily discourse as scientists are when doing their jobs.
It’s the same victim card the puddypussy (and everett, and emperor max-minidick, and troll annd all the rest) plays. Nothing is ever their fault, they are responsible for nothing.
@2: LOL. You forget that George Soros must be funding any mass popular movement on the left.
And although many bring guns to Tea Party meetings, they are just being patriotic, where any intimations of force/violence from the dirty but unarmed hippies at OW is cause for grave concern.
To listen to the right you’d think there’s really only 15 people on the left hand side of the political bell curve. Never mind that, that fails basic logic.
This clown is definitely Presidential material.
Ok. A lot of us like Apple products. Nicely designed. Tasteful. Functional yadda yadda. But we also know the dark side.
Here’s the final word about Steve Jobs:
@15: And of course, it’s worth remembering how rife the right is with astroturf and fake news, offered/bolstered/funded by the 1%. The Tea Party is a fabrication of the Kochs.
But no matter, it’s George Soros (circa 2004) that we need to focus on.
I was thinking that we should start a “Liberals with Guns” group – or “Hippies with Guns”. I don’t own a gun, and think that the gun/penis fetish is a corrosive force on American society, but I can shoot. I was on the rifle team in high school (my high school back in Missouri has both the largest pool hall in the state, and a rifle range in the basement!) and I was an NRA DX (‘distinguished expert’) by 15.
Image how the media/echo chamber/Teahaddists would FREAK OUT if a bunch of DFHs showed up in public exercising their 2nd Amendment rights packing M4s.
@3 Meanwhile, CEO pay at America’s largest corporations soared 28% last year. Anyone still wondering what “Occupy” is all about?
The straw polls (and polling) so far show Romney staying fairly constant at around a quarter of the Republican vote (23% to 25%). The other candidates fortunes ebb and flow as the anti-Romney Republicans search for ANY viable candidate. That’s why there were the` desperate pleas for Christie to enter the race.
As for the poll leaders, first it was Bachman, then it was Perry, now it’s Cain. Each enters the scene like a roman candle, heading quickly upwards in the polls highlighted by a trail of brightly-colored sparks, only to quickly reach a zenuth, give one last little “pop”, and drop back to the ground. They give and take votes from each other, but none seem able to poach from Romney’s base.
The problem for the Republicans is that their Evangelical base is going to have a REALLY HARD time supporting Romney. They’ve preached (literally) for years how important it was to have a devout Christian in the White House, and they don’t consider Mormonism to be a Christian religion. They also insisted that their candidate must have the appropriate Pro-Life credentials, but Romeny has trouble in that area, too. If the Evangelicals DO turn around and support Romney after he becomes the nominee, they will have to completely turn their backs on some 30 years of their “values” in order to do so, and just admit at that point that their justifications were just smoke and mirrors, that they really are just voting for Republicans based on party labels.
Note that up until this past week, Perry and Bachman pretty much had the Evangelical wing cornered between the two of them, with about 10% of the Republican vote each. Combined, this is within striking distance of Romney. If one or the other drops out and makes a deal to swing their support over to the other, then Romney might have a problem.
If Cain somehow overcomes all the other obsticles and becomes the nominee, they will have a similar problem with the racist componant within their own party. I’ve never said that a majority of Republicans are racists, but I HAVE said that the Republicans are more than happy to bring racists into their “big tent”, and feed their fears and bigotry if it buys their support.
If Cain is the nominee, it means a small percentage of the Republican party will simply choose not to vote when it becomes the race is between two black men.
While wingers wring their hands and tear their hair out (see, e.g., “pudge” on Stefan’s sucky little cross-town blog), the Occupy movement goes viral, spreading to hundreds of cities in dozens of countries across the globe. Looks like the proletariat is mad as hell and isn’t going to take it anymore. And polls show they have far more support than the Teahadists do.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As I posted last night, the first casualty of the Occupy tidal wave will be millionaire take-home pay: This is a political backlash against the excesses of the wealthy class and there is now unstoppable momentum for a millionaire tax increase — in the last few days it has become inevitable that the rich will pay higher taxes.
So, so sad that the money guy that the Party poo-bahs (more money guys) like just couldn’t be a goddam Presbyterian, or something.
He had to be a fuckin’ Mormon.
In the end, they will all close ranks, cause a magic-underwear wearin’ Mormon spouting Christian-y platitudes trumps a socialist Kenyan Witch Doctor any day.
@ 16
“This clown is definitely Presidential material.”
Well, if your religion essentially says that all other religions are cults and people push back against this claim, then one could reasonably argue that you’re being attacked for your religion. You simply have to ignore the fact that your religion manages to attack everyone else for their religion.
This is truly the very best that identity politics has to offer.
I was scanning Google News for occupy stories and it looks like people are protesting in New Zealand:
This is an interesting sample from that article:
Sweden has a wealth concentration problem??? How could this be? According to the likes of our degenerate right wing trolls Sweden might as well be a COMMUNIST COUNTRY! LMAO!!
LOL… Black Rifle Disease… The righties seem to think that owning a gun that looks just the ones soldiers use not only “supports the troops,” but makes them one of the troops as well. You know, just incase Bellevue turns into fallujah over night. The righties will totally have it covered until the troops arrive.
The gun owning hippies I know seem to prefer lever-actions in .30-30 and .357.
# 19: The right-wingers would be surprised at how many of us know how to shoot. I was in my first marksmanship competition at age eight, and at age fifteen I was a marksman on the M-14 in JRTC. I’ve shot a wide variety of rifles and shotguns, but pistols never interested me much. And don’t forget that Roger Rabbit and quite a few other veterans are liberals who know how to handle an M16 and other assorted implements of destruction.
I’ve never been in favor of abolition of an individual’s right to own guns, I just believe in reasonable regulations. For home safety, you don’t want a rifle or a pistol, you want a shotgun – that way the stray rifle bullet doesn’t go through the walls and kill the neighbors. Even so, the odds are more likely that the gun will be stolen from you while you aren’t at home, or taken from you before you can shoot, or you will end up killing your own kids, or your kid’s teenage friends sneaking in or out of the house after hours.
And if anybody really needs an automatic assault rifle with 200 rounds to hunt wild game, they obviously don’t have the requisite marksmanship skills needed to be a hunter, and should just stay home and watch the hunting shows in TV while drinking beer.
When??? Certainly not before January 2013 at the federal level.
Count me in as a believer when State after state including a token right leaning State or two raises taxes on the rich.
What’s the first State that raises taxes on the rich due to these protests? WA?? I don’t think so.
@19: Why join the debate on their terms? I’d like to think that enough smart people with a voice can achieve more than a few dumb lunatics with guns.
Parallels: The Birth Of Recycling And The Occupy Movement
My final item in this morning’s news roundup involves this MSNBC story about Harrisburg, Pennsylvania filing for municipal bankruptcy.
Harrisburg is the state capital and similar in size to Olympia — about 46,000 people. The town fathers opted for Chapter 9 bankruptcy to fend off a threatened state takeover — that’s like our goveror or legislature seizing control of Olympia’s city government — and the people there are having none of it.
Here’s why the city is mired in debt:
“The cash-strapped state capital of 46,000 people is mired in debt of more than $300 million, including $83 million in past due payments, much of it stemming from the construction of an incinerator.”
Which brings me to a bit of Seattle and King County history. Let’s start with this quote from Wikipedia’s biography of former Seattle mayor Charles Royer:
“He oversaw a number of improvements in the city, including a recycling program that is recognized as the best in the nation.”
This is bullshit. Mrs. Rabbit and I deserve more — immensely more — credit for the city and county’s recycling programs than Royer does. The truth is that Royer wanted to build a giant waste-to-energy plant (i.e., incinerator) in South Seattle, of the sort that bankrupted Harrisburg, and was a bitter opponent of recycling. Seattle and King County have recycling programs because they were shoved down Royer’s unwilling throat.
In case you don’t remember Royer, he was a local TV news personality before he became a politician (sound familiar?) and eventually became Seattle’s longest-serving mayor (3 terms, 12 years) before trotting off to some Harvard think tank.
Seattle’s recycling program was born at a kitchen table in a south Seattle home. There were 8 people sitting around that table, and two of them had long pointy pink ears. In short order, a 9th person joined that group — the now-legendary “honorary mayor of Fremont”, Armen Stepanian, whose face graces the dog in Fremont’s “Waiting For The Interurban” sculpture. Mrs. Rabbit and I knew Armen well, because he worked with our group throughout the five or six years that we fought the battle to stop Charlie Royer’s incinerator.
To stop that incinerator from being built, we had to come up with an alternative. Someone sitting at that table — I no longer remember who — spoke the word “recycling.” That was the moment when Seattle’s recycle program was born. King County later followed behind Seattle’s example.
Our tiny group of neighborhood residents recruited a community group known as the Southeast Seattle Community Association (or something like that; these events occurred over 30 years ago and I no longer remember all the details). They had a couple of paid full-time staffers who were trained activists. Their help in organizing the pro-recycling campaign was invaluable. They also helped get the big environmental groups and other large grassroots activist groups the cause.
It took tons of hard work. Mrs. Rabbit and I, and other activists, spent five years attending meetings, doorbelling, going to public hearings, lobbying public officials, etc., on an almost daily basis. It was a gargantuan effort that consumed our free time for years on end. But it was worth it, because we won.
Believe me when I say Royer did not want recycling. He wanted his incinerator. City Hall was dead-set opposed to our recycling campaign. We won because recycling was such an obviously good idea — and the incinerator was such an obviously bad idea — that once we got the ball rolling it became an irresistible force.
To put our 1980 – 1986 recycling campaign in perspective, at that time no large U.S. city had a recycling program. This was an experimental idea. We took our model from Sweden. In those early days, we organized our effort around an optimistic target of someday recycling 28% of Seattle’s residential and commercial trash. Nobody thought we would ever get to 35%. But today Seattle’s recycling rate is approaching 54% and city officials say the city will reach 60% within a few years.
To put this accomplishment in perspective, Seattle was the first major city in the U.S. to institute a large-scale recycling program. Seattle is the model and leader for all other U.S. cities when it comes to municipal recycling. All of this happened because of eight ordinary citizens. Those six people and two rabbits are the godfathers and godrabbits of all U.S. municipal recycling — it began with us.
I’m telling this story because of the obvious parallel to what is now happening in public squares across the U.S. and around the world. What we did to Charlie Royer’s incinerator 30 years ago, the Occupy protesters are now attempting to do to the culture of corporate greed that has swamped our society and is drowning 99% of our citizens. Sometimes a handful of people can start a revolution that changes history and reshapes society. It’s been done before. It can work this time, too.
I grew up shooting and was on target and trap shooting teams in high school. The idea that idea that members of the left don’t have guns is a myth.
30 – Again thank you for service to our country and our community Roger Rabbit..
But it did take 5 years of concentrated effort from a much younger bunny and you didn’t accomplish it by raising hell in a park – you went door to door. You worked every single day to effect the change you wanted.
These young people raising hell in parks have to be willing to make that kind of commitment.
19, 27, 31 — Anyone with a credit card can acquire a gun and bring it to a Teaparty meeting for “show and tell.” That doesn’t mean shit in a war.
I can’t pass a military physical — they don’t take 30-inch tall rabbits with lousy eyesight. It took some fast talking to persuade the Army to take me. Because of that I only served in the U.S. military twice. After Vietnam, I did a stint in the active Army Reserve, where my job was “infantry weapons instructor.” I taught recruits and ROTC cadets how to use their individual weapons in a firefight.
Anyone capable of connecting dots — even a stupid wingnut — ought to be able to draw a couple of obvious conclusions from this. First, I’m not a pacifist. Second, fucking with me might not be a real good idea for folks whose knowledge of combat is limited to pulling a credit card out of their wallet in a pawn shop or gun store.
And now that I think about it. Some people will make that commitment because this society is not offering them much if anything better..
Didn’t someone just post that employment and/or wages won’t recover until 2020??
@32 Yes, you don’t change an entrenched system by spending a couple of evenings standing on a street corner waving signs and shouting at passing motorists. Demonstrations have a role in mass movements but ultimately you’ve got to win hearts and minds and turn it into concrete action at the ballot box.
I hope the Occupy movement morphs into what capitalists might refer to as a “restructuring” of our political and economic systems. When power and wealth have concentrated too much, and the abuses and excesses of the rich and powerful have gone too far, that’s what is needed. Far from being anti-capitalist, this type of renewal is an integral part of the free-market system and is essential to capitalism’s survival. A century ago, when monopolies got too big and powerful, popular outcry led to the government breaking them up. What followed was a burst of innovation and growth. Today’s ossified economy needs the same kind of restructuring. Corruption and cronyism are now so deeply entrenched, and a tiny cabal of corporatists and money manipulators are taking so much of the nation’s output for themselves, that we now need the same kind of fundamental restructuring of the economy and society. It’s time, once again, to break up the great fortunes and the power they exercise, and to return control over America’s wealth to those who create it: America’s workers.
This obviously will be a long-term project requiring immense effort by countless people. But it’s been done before, and it can be done again. We’re still a democracy, and it works because, at the end of the day, you have the same number of votes at the ballot box that Charlie Koch or Larry Fink does.
@34 “Didn’t someone just post that employment and/or wages won’t recover until 2020??”
See #3.
@31 I wonder if that fat slob Breitbart has ever thought about what a fat juicy target his pus-gut is? I mean, how could you miss, at any range below 100 meters? And if he’s close enough to get in your face, hell, just offer to give him a 12-gauge liposuction and you’ll see what he’s really made of.*
* Heh! Just kidding! This is a wingnut joke. Personally, I think wingnut jokes are funny as hell! I like wingnut jokes. If you want to get serious, every wingnut knows we liberals are all pacificists and wouldn’t even pull the wings off a butterfly. Torturing helpless insects is something only tough guys like them do for amusement.
So far I’ve made $1,600 in the stock market today while goofing around on HorsesAss. Sure beats working. I (heart) capitalism.
37 – I can’t stand that sweaty hustler.
@40 Look at the bright side — he can’t stand you.
With a decently flat shooting rifle and a scope he’d be a potshot out to about 250 for me. That is, if I approved of such things, which I don’t.
He’s made more than a few comments about shooting members of the left, so I think comments like this are fair game.
Geeve meh deh fwee stuph! I’s weented to deh colage ware deh saided id get deh fwee stupf?
Yep! All the righties have left is gibbering nonsense. Thanks for pointing that out.
@37 – maybe I’m a Wingnut because I like what you said.
How terrifying is it to the typical right wing zombie cretin that the result of social movements like OWS might be higher taxes on the rich and the tax dodging corporations so that the stupid wars and the fancy military hardware they cheered for on Faux News might one day be paid for.
There’s nothing the oligarchs would like more than a hot conflict between the left and the ‘bagger loons. Good excuse for the oligarchs to impose martial law.
Heyduke lives!
That is totally cool.
Check out my friend’s paintings documenting the dams and the lower valley prior to the removal, here.
Those are great.
Indeed – he is very talented.
The two on the far right on the top row – same dam, different vantage as the photo you posted. Apparently it was very difficult for him to get permission from the Park Service to go into the gorge to get to where he painted those.
@47 Let ’em try if they’re stupid enough to think they can.
Why The Revolution Is Starting Now
Over on Stefan’s sucky little blog Mark Griswold, one of the most clueless people on the planet, asks this question:
“Can someone, anyone, seriously explain to me why kids are staging walk outs to go join the protests? Especially the college kids.”
Sure, Mark. Just read this story and you’ll understand. Then again, maybe you won’t.
This story really opens my eyes. I had no idea of what was going on. I’ll bet you didn’t either. But now, having seen this story, I finally understand that America is rising in full-scale revolt against our dishonest and corrupt financial system that enriches 1% at the expense of the 99%, and this revolution is now inevitable.
“A North Carolina community college student who was banned from campus after complaining about being forced to use a school-branded debit card has been reinstated.
“Reversal of the decision leaves a critical question unanswered, however: Why are schools around the country forcing students to get … MasterCard-branded debit cards laden with booby-trap fees?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Because schools make money from these debit cards. So does Mastercard. The students are the victims. Here’s how the scam works:
“Bechtol complained last spring that school was forcing him to obtain a debit card issued by financial firm Higher One, and that his personal information would be shared with the company. … Higher One works with hundreds of schools to create combination student ID cards/debit cards that can be used for direct deposit of financial aid funds. … There have been frequent complaints that the school cards carry higher fees than traditional ATM cards.”
Not only that, but if students try to avoid these ripoff fees by not using the cards, they get hit with a $19 “non-use” fee.
This college kid got banned from the campus for two semesters for posting a comment on Facebook critical of the school’s policy of forcing its students to get these cards.
If these thin-skinned school administrators had tried to pull this kind of shit on my generation they would have Molotov cocktails flying through their office windows. Some of the baby boomers blew up buildings for less than this. (See, e.g., Bill Ayers & Co.)
Now why aren’t the wingers who complain about being forced to buy health insurance rising up in arms against colleges that force students to get and use high-fee debit cards as a condition of being allowed on campus?
Think about it: A debit card is now embedded in your student ID card. You are required to use this debit card to access your financial aid. But you are charged an exorbitant fee if you use it, and you are charged an exorbitant fee if you don’t use it, and you are expelled from school and banned from campus if you criticize it.
I’m having a hard time understanding why our campuses aren’t smoldering ruins. Why is there still a single building standing at colleges that do this to their students? Is this generation of college students a bunch of pussies? This is what going to college in the Sixties looked like:
ummm, wrong loser boy…you must be projecting again.
I am responsible for my own success, both professionally and privately. I dont need handouts or to blame others for any setbacks I might have, unlike you and the rest of the losers down on westlake do.
good or bad, success or setback, I make my own way. You on the other hand, are a fucking loser, sycophant, and someone who cant live without the handouts of others….you live off my table-scraps – and you should be thankful that you even get that.
now run along and strum that banjo down on westlake, maybe you will make a few pennies if you throw your hat on the ground.
you’ve been served, bitch.
Why is im here? i haiv sign…but i is not kno why is im here?
are you referring to algore or mancrush john edwards?
Here’s what he was expelled for posting on Facebook:
“Did anyone else get a bunch of credit card spam in their CVCC inbox today? So, did CVCC sell our names to banks, or did Higher One? I think we should register CVCC’s address with every porn site known to man. Anyone know any good viruses to send them?” he wrote, according to the letter FIRE published.
Yep, that got him kicked off campus for two semesters, delaying his graduation by a full year.
I know perfectly well that our entire society has degenerated into a corrupt crony system for the personal profit of a handful of utterly dishonest people who are devoid of conscience or scruples. I’m also aware that the college financial aid system has turned into a gigantic money-printing machine for greedy banksters — as of today, student loan debt exceeds credit card debt in the U.S.
Think about this: You’re told you can’t succeed in this country without a degree. You’re financially exploited at every step of getting that degree. But after you graduate, there are no jobs, just bill collectors on your doorstep trying to collect those high-interest student loans that are just a good deal for the greedy banksters and such a bad deal for you.
I know where the Occupy movement is going. The ultimate result of this political revolution is going to be a massive writeoff of overpriced loans that never should have been written in the first place. That’s what it’s going to take to save the U.S. economy, and if it doesn’t get done in bankruptcy courts because special interests have gotten a corrupt Congress to make these loans non-bankruptable, then they’re going to get written off in the streets. One way or another, the financial class that got rich by skinning the populace are going to get skinned themselves.
A popular revolt is beginning in America and its goal is debt write-off.
Like give us our free money, so we can like by some like hemp shirts and like save the Whales and stuff man.
Down with the corporations!…just a second, like my Iphone is ringing dude.
@57 et al.: “I am responsible for my own success, both professionally and privately.”
I see no evidence in any of your comments that you’re successful at anything whatsoever, least of all thinking.
@62 The corporations get free money from us, so why shouldn’t we get free money back from them? Why should money be free only for the freeloading class? Why shouldn’t it be free for everyone? If you do it for one person, you have to do it for all.
I doubt you can see at all, you senile old fuck.
# 56: Of course, they also recognized that there was a price to be paid, and blood was shed:
Kent State Shootings
I made $1,663 on Wall Street today by doing absolutely nothing except owning some electronic blips stored in a computer somewhere. Why should I work? Why should anyone?
Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today!?!
@66 Freedom is not free. Apparently neither are student ID cards. I do think when colleges force you to sign up for overpriced financial services you don’t want as a condition of attending school — which employers have made a condition of getting a job — it’s time to water the tree of liberty, as the wingers like to say.
last I checked, going to college was a voluntary activity….maybe all these kids complaining about getting student loan in order to get a drama degree or anthro degree or underwater basket weaving degree should just, like, drop out n shit
I say free tuition to veterans..the rest of the kids can go fuck off and pay for school the old fashioned way – by getting a job or by having mom and dad pay for it or get a scholarship
@68 – LBJ must be a heterosexual.
Remember a few years back when one of the day-labor places started to issue pay in the form of debit cards? The problem was, you had to pay a fee for each withdrawal. The state stopped them, pointing out that state law requires payment in U.S. funds, and that the debit fees effectively put their pay at below the minium wage.
That’s a pretty old state law – it goes back to the 1920’s, I believe, and was designed to outlaw the payment of wages in “company script” redeemable only at the company store.
@68 The peak month was April 1969 when 543 young Americans lost their lives in Vietnam combat — under Nixon, not LBJ.
Marine vets at OWS tell right wing tools like Sean Hannity what they can do:
Hey Hey Ho Ho, crappin on Cop cars is the way too go!
And the rich getting a haircut yes.
That’s both really stupid and a fairly representative example of what passes for thought on the right these days. Thanks.
Btw, have you noticed that, if you go by his record as governor, the guy that’s going to be running for president representing the right half of the political spectrum is the same as or maybe a little to the left of Obama?
O’ well, sucks to be you.
An attorney who got rich shaking down corporations who hurt people with their shoddy products and services. Too much of that can’t happen enough these days in my opinion.
As for “mancrush” – I can think of two right wing tools in these threads who voted for Bill Clinton – who committed similar personal transgressions.
You’re one of those tools. So much for being the superior right wing idiot.
When he wasn’t having sex with chickens…
For blockheads like “pudge” and Mark Griswold who can’t divine what Occupy is about, this might help:
“Americans had become shockingly complacent in the face of outrageous inequality and injustice, seeming to defend the special rights of yacht-owning ‘job creators’ while swallowing the notion that millions of our fellow citizens can be both working and poor. …
“That we’re now having a public debate about inequality and the ugly road to nowhere on which many hardworking Americans are traveling suggests that, whatever Occupy’s ultimate agenda, the process of movement building — the fact of its existence — may be its essential point.
“Social movements spring up not to achieve narrow policy goals but to shift the broader public debate, mobilizing public will toward change.
“Polls show this movement’s message against corporate greed not only has wider support than either political party in Washington but wider support than the tea party. ‘Occupy’ protests are springing up in unlikely places, from Idaho to Indiana, and drawing unlikely protesters like soccer moms, small-business owners and, yes, tea party members. That you’re even reading this column is evidence the protests are making a mark.”
If that doesn’t explain it, try this: The public is no longer passive about getting screwed by our corrupt system of crony capitalism.
Remember how GOPers used to claim they were the “party of personal responsibility?” My question is, when (if ever) has a Republican ever accepted responsibility for anything?
Rick Perry’s son quit his job to campaign for his father. And now Perry’s wife is blaming Obama for her son’s “unemployment.”
@79 Personally, I’ve always thought his daughters look a little bit like his beagles.
The emperor max-minidick is hitting the sauce early today.
I’d love to tell Herman Cain what a clueless heartless motherfucker he is…
Herman Cain would say “let them eat Haagen-Dazs black walnut ice cream”….Wait…they don’t make that any more. Some how that’s so telling.
What would happen if we changed the tax code so a CEO would be taxed 100% on everything over 20x times the least paid employee of the company?
This included temps, interns and H1B-Visa workers, overseas employees and sub contractors and any other way they could think of to weasel out of paying for it.
You want to put $1 million in the bank, then pay your janitor $50 K.
rujax with his horseshit shit of the night
It was libtardos like crock of liars who attacked Tea Party people when they arrived for Glenn Beck’s 9/12 project. Except they were peaceful. There were no police confrontations. There was no littering. No sex in public displays. No cursing out police. No arrests. They left the park cleaner than it was before they arrived.
It was liberals who tried to get Beck’s meeting permit canceled. Has any conservative done this? Watching the interviews we see fools screaming for violence. We see fools screaming for violent revolution. We see fools being fools. No coherent message until the unions appeared earlier this week.
Good try rujax. Another of your EPIC FAILS!
Ann Coulter aptly named them … The Flea Party.
Go for it. He’d love to meet a libtardo loser such as yourself rujax!
Hey, lickspittle–OCCUPY CURLEW! God’s country.
Too bad the pussypussy can’t/won’t recall that the tea party was funded by the Koch Maching and fueled by lies from Faux News.
puddypussy is such an ignorant dupe. Limbaugh just takes idiots like him and leads them around by the ring in their noses.
(before the puddypussy accuses ‘Ol Rujax! of being racist)…not just our little cult member here.
The dummyhead puddypussy can bloviate and blather and bleat to his heart’s content.
The 99% Movement will have legs BECAUSE it represents the 99% of the Citizenry who are not represented anymore.
PS, motherfucker…you’re NOT a 1%-er…not EVEN close. You will NEVER EVER be a 1%-er. And they will NEVER-EVER-EVER let you (or me or Herman Fucking Cain) in. NEVER. Cain might as well enjoy his 15 minutes of fame ’cause he’s gonna tank. Like a REPUBLICAN operative said…cain as a candidate has the life expectancy of a Al-Qaeda Lieutenant…hahahaha!!!!
OH…that was SCARBOROUGH???
@88 It’s much more fun to tell Mittens what a wishy-washy flip-flopper he is. The Inevitable Republican Nominee (TM) — who will be the nominee only because the GOPers have NO ONE else — stands for nothing. If you vote for him and he somehow gets elected, you will get Obama’s foreign policy.
“When, for example, would Mr Romney bring the troops home from Afghanistan? Ah, that would depend on ‘the best recommendation of our military commanders’: in his first 100 days there would be ‘a full inter-agency review’. Well then, what about Iraq? Good question, but it is ‘impossible to predict’ whether American troops will be required in Iraq when he becomes president in 2013. … Iran? Like Barack Obama, Mr Romney declares that a nuclear Iran is ‘unacceptable’. He would send aircraft-carriers to the region to make clear ‘that a military option … remains on the table’. Meanwhile he would tighten sanctions and build defences against Iranian missiles (present American policy in a nutshell). Russia? President Romney would ‘review’ the New START treaty and the other arms-control policies of the Obama administration ‘to determine whether they serve the best interests’ of the United States. China seeks hegemony, but Mr Romney will use carrots and sticks to guide it towards responsible global citizenship. …
“[H]owever you tart it up, [his] message … makes a nonsense of the Grand Old Party’s shrill disparagement of the incumbent president’s foreign policy. As the Republicans tell it, Mr Obama has spent his presidency projecting weakness, leading from behind, apologising for America, denying American exceptionalism and throwing Israel under a bus. … Mr Obama has made mistakes in foreign policy, but not the ones the Republicans harp on. ‘Leading from behind’ may turn out to have been a cost-effective way to help America’s allies dispose of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi. Mr Obama got nowhere in Palestine, but pushing for a two-state solution based on the 1967 border was longstanding American policy, not a betrayal of the Jewish state. The oft-repeated claim that he does not believe in America’s exceptionalism leans on selective quotation from a press conference in which he made it perfectly plain that he did.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What it all boils down to is that President Flip-Flopper would build a couple more Navy warships a year. Otherwise, his foreign policy will be identical to Obama’s. At least Obama is a known quantity, however inadequate. With Romney, the only thing you’re sure to get is continued profligate spending on defense at the expense of taking care of our own citizens plus a little verbal saber-rattling now and then.
Hey all you eager young graduates out there who are looking for your first job! You might be interested to read the inside scoop on what hiring managers look for in prospective hires.
But hey, you don’t really want to work for these nutjobs anyway, do you?
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, the Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Puddy’s comparison of OWS to the Tea Party is funny, particularly in contrast to the debate about the supposedly liberal media. See here for a nice chart. Note how the OWS protest had gone on for two weeks before the media coverage surpassed what the Tea Party movement got on day 1.
This generally proves two things:
1) The notion that the media have a liberal bias is a lie. It’s a complete and utter fabrication. Were it not a lie, then OWS would have had more media coverage than the Tea Party movement from the get-go.
2) OWS is a true grass-roots movement, and the Tea Party is an astroturf movement. The only way a true grass roots movement actually generates any media coverage is when they start clashing with the police. Nobody pays any attention until then.
Facts like these escape the wingnut mind.
@93 Fuck that. All I need is a computer, a phone, and my stockbroker.
@94 “Facts like these escape the wingnut mind.”
Is that all? I thought ALL facts fly over them. They sure talk like people who don’t know ANYTHING. That’s why we call them know-nothings.
Wrong again Roger DOPEY Rabbit. We’d get someone who would not be “The Apologizer in Chief”. Did you just forget the Japanese rejected Barack ObamAA+’s latest apology attempt over WWII?
Well you are a libtardo and memory issues abound due to your mental disorder.
For what Don Joe? You seem to forget the libtardo MSM hates anything conservative. So they immediately started covering the Tea Party telling the world how racist it was because it disagreed with Barack ObamAA+. The HA dumb cinder block rujax went from thread to thread calling anyone who disagreed with Barack ObamAA+ a racist! Need to see the rujax evidence again? I surely don’t. The boy is a dope!
Now jump forward to this week. Who does the libtardo MSM put front and center to attack Herman Cain?
1) Danny Glover
2) Harry Deo Belafonte
3) Cornel West
4) Tavis SMiley
5) DL Hughley
6) Morgan Freeman
7) Al Sharpton
Why? Because Herman ain’t on the DUMMOCRAPTIC reservation and the libtardo MSM doesn’t know what to do with him. He doesn’t fit their stereotype just like the Tea Party (a bunch of racists per the libtardo MSM) backing Cain doesn’t fit their racist stereotype!
So why is this Don Joe? You leftists want… no, you NEED minorities women, blacks, hispanics to need and lean on government. You libtards have long claimed since the early 60s that y’all represent blacks better than the conservatives ever could. Yet we’re still in the same poverty while you whites have gotten richer and richer and richer. Somehow the dumb cinder block rujax can’t see that.
I saw it when I left Philly and grew up. You allow two or three poverty pimps to rally the black troops for every election year. and we all know who they are. Both failed at getting the DUMMOCRAPT presidential nomination. Enter Herman Cain. Herman Cain will peel off 33% of the black vote because he asks what has a DUMMOCRAPT done for you over time? Are you better off jock strapping them?
All I need is a bong, a doobie brothers album, and my home depot bucket drum.
So I ask Don Joe,
If the media is so fair and balanced what conservative black person has the libtardo MSM used to discuss the conservative qualities of Herman Cain? Well I have seen conservative blacks on Fox News. But they are not the libtardo MSM!
The data demonstrates otherwise yet Don Joe will continue to argue against the facts. Libtardo MSM type continue to vote in the 85% percentile for DUMMOCRAPTS and they give their money to DUMMOCRAPTS at the same level percentage!
I is holdin dis sine, and is poopin on deh polic car…but whi is i hered?
P-dud is at it again – he’s a sewer pipe of Fox News propaganda – stupid or duplicitous, always the same question.
How can anyone be that stupid?
No, of course P-dud and Fox are not telling the truth. Rather…
Affirmative, obstinate stupidity…we are doomed as a species.
Why does one need to be black to discuss that clown Herman Cain? Aren’t you colorblind like the rest of the conservative movement, you racist pig?
What a waste, what a terrible terrible waste P-dud is.
@ 98
“For what Don Joe?”
For facts, Puddy. You know, the stuff upon which reasonable people base their conclusions.
“You seem to forget the libtardo MSM hates anything conservative.”
You can’t “forget” something that’s not true.
“So they immediately started covering the Tea Party telling the world how racist it was because it disagreed with Barack ObamAA+.”
When Ron Paul gets up and says, “we get to go to Washington and take back our government,” exactly who has taken the government away in the first place? Did Ron Paul, or anyone else in the Tea Party movement, complain about the fact that George Bush started with a budget surplus and left with a huge budget deficit? Did anyone complain about George Bush fighting two wars of choice on a credit card financed by our children’s future? Why did these issues suddenly become a concern when a black guy got elected President, Puddy?
When John Boehner pines for the days when he grew up, what, exactly, is he pining for? That was before the civil rights movement. So, is John Boehner pining for days when black people had to ride the back of the bus?
I’ve already pointed out that the most controversial part of the most controversial piece of legislation to cross Pres. Obama’s desk was an idea originally cooked up by the Heritage Foundation. Half of Obama’s stimulus package consisted of ideas Republicans themselves had proposed just a scan few years ago. In every significant way, ObamaCare is RomneyCare.
Yet Republicans now repudiate every one of the policy proposals that they had, not too long ago, supported, and all we hear from the Tea Party crew is “socialist” this and “socialist” that.
The main stream media is talking about racism, because it’s inherent in just about everything that folks in the Republican Party have done and said since Obama got elected. So, when Herman Cain, who clearly didn’t do jack shit during the Civil Rights movement, wants to lecture people on what is and what is not racism, and the main stream media cover the backlash against that, you want to take that as evidence that the main stream media is biased?! What the fuck planet do you live on, Puddy? It sure ain’t the real planet we live on.
@ 100
“The data demonstrates otherwise yet Don Joe will continue to argue against the facts.”
No, Puddy, the data is here, and the only one who hasn’t responded to their conclusions is you. Just so you know precisely what the fuck I’m talking about, here’s their conclusion:
By the way, Puddy, if the main stream media were really interested in having a productive conversation on race, Dr. Joy DeGruy would be a household name. They clearly aren’t, which is neither liberal nor conservative. It’s just white.
Just so people know what I’m talking about, you can see Dr. DeGruy here:
@97 “We’d get someone who would not be “The Apologizer in Chief”. Did you just forget the Japanese rejected Barack ObamAA+’s latest apology attempt over WWII?”
@102 “How can anyone be that stupid?”
He has to work at it.
@101 – Puffypoop is that you? You seemed to have brushed up a little on your English – good for you!
Here’s Steve Dooooocy of Fox and Friends apologizing to P-dud:
This would be funny if it weren’t so tedious – Pudidiot is so easily misled by the voices in his head, er, FoxNoise, which of course turns out to be lying.
And the ironic thing – he calls others Cass Sunstein Homer Simpson Idiots – or some such drivel, but in reality, the one parroting the lines fed to him by the message machine – Tides foundation, Frances Fox Piven, Cass Sunstein, Japan Apology, and on and on and on and on and on…is P-dud, useful idiot of the right wing.
What a moron.
You see libtardos Lib UnScientist runs to left wrong whack job sites and I whip out ABC News…
When you visit the whack job left wrong sites they spin the news even more.
An ypou can call me all the names you want. I whip out facts and they DID NOT come from Fox News, etc.
Really sucks to be WRONG all the time eh Lib UnScientist. What really brings laughter to my heart is the sycophantic yes groups all you have here. No one even checks to see if another HA libtardo could be WRONG WRONG WRONG!
See ya morons!
From your own fucking link, you dipshit:
And, for good measure, my quote above was from your friend STEVE DOOCEY, FoxNoise talking head.
You are so fucking tedious.
That’s because Cass Sunstein called YOU a malleable Homer Simpson idiot. Butt then again you probably missed it because you claimed to skip over my posts. Well you skip right over Roger DOPEY Rabbit posts and he posts conceptguerilla.org at least once a month. The HA arschloch had to describe conceptguerilla to you.
That was P R I C E L E S S !
Here is Cass Sunstein’s own words about progressives
Ohhh ahhh Lib UnScientist
Just like a senior white house official asserts that Eric Holder didn’t really know about Fast and Furious.
Yeah how do you know a liberal is lying… He moves his mouth!
Cass Sunstein:
Back to the subject at hand – why can’t you admit that the “Japan Apology” was a made up story?
Even your hero STEVE DOOCY repudiated their own reporting on it on FoxNoise.
Here’s Steve Doocy again, in case you missed it above:
Hey you seem to forget Lib UnScientist that rujax already tried that attack.
He too failed miserably. Libtardo msm whities can’t run around and attack Herman Cain because they would be “stooping down” to the same level they claim the Tea Party is. But contratry to their beliefs the real issue is the Tea Party loves Herman Cain. So libtardo MSM have one avenue left to them… Use their “friends” who still occupy the reservation! I named 7 of them. There are many more but 7 is one of God’s perfect numbers!
Oh my using Fox News Lib UnScientist?
I can’t wait for your reference to Frances Fox Piven to appear at any minute now…
And we surely know what left winger Jared Loughner did with that gun eh Lib UnScientist?
Tedious – yes that’s Lib Unscientist!
Only to point out what an idiot you are. Think of it as me doing you a favor – I’m helping you get onto the correct talking points of the day – clearly you didn’t realize that the whole Japan Apology ™ story had been abandoned already – I’m saving you from making more embarrassing mistakes and helping you catch up to the latest Fox/Beck drivel.
Today, at FoxNoise:
War on Christmas in 3…2…1…
My god, SJ was right, you are a talkbot!
I was just getting to that…
Right from her interview on Democracy Now…
She just about let the cat out of the bag there Lib UnScientist. Using Union Dues to support DUMMOCRAPTIC causes.
Ummm Let’s get one thing crystal clear here Lib UNScientist… I use the libtardo MSM to attack the libtardo MSM. When the libtardo MSM decides to skip over a story like they did for months on Fast and Furious, I visit Fox and their Friends.
Just ask the crazed HA databaze arschloch. He has my links broken down. He did that while he could have been looking for a yob! Ask him Lib UnScientist.
So ABC News was my source. Too bad for you!
Facts explode liberal minds. Remember WikiPedia detailed all of Loughner’s leftist actions direct from ABC, CBS and CNN. NBC chose to ignore leftist Loughner!
What… no Herman Cain retort? Oh you are searching the ‘nets so you can reword something someone else wrote like when I found your maldistribution of wealth question on Google.
That too was P R I C E L E S S!
Still waiting for the sycophants to repudiate these FACTS about the libtardo MSM!
I love getting him spinning like this – a Saturday morning guilty pleasure.
The sputtering, and inability/disinclination to focus, the nonsensical “conclusions” and “retorts”, the declarations of success…
it really isn’t right to have so much fun at the expense of the delusional.
Puddy, there are medications for this. The voices in your head can be silenced – risperidone, haloperidol, olanzapine…a trained psychiatrist could help you – you only need to make the call…1-866-4CRISIS
BTW, P-dud, I’m still waiting for you to comment on FoxNoise withdrawing the “Japan Apology” ™ story that you were so diligently harping on….
So why is Lib UnScientist against that 3 day waiting period? Puddy thinks a thorough check is needed. Imagine a rujax with a gun?
NO…, don’t imagine that!
Why? I didn’t use Fox News moron. I used ABC. I gave you the link.
**Crickets** for brains!
Still waiting for that Cain retort!
**Crickets** for brains!
And I followed the link and the report contained this:
Like I said already, from your own fucking link, dipshit.
And I’ll repeat Stevey Doooooocy, of FoxNoise:
What about being schooled don’t you get?
Gawd you’re dense. Is it on purpose? Is this an act? Could you really, really be that obtuse? Are you a talkbot?
Um, you mean the big big secret that unions donate to Democrats?
SHIT! Our nefarious plat to turn the USofA into a soschulist workers’ paradise have been foiled! By P-dud!
Damn that meddling kid!! We’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for puddy!
Perhaps you’re right about Herman Cain. Maybe the MSM is just waiting to get a picture like this of him.
I just went back and reread some of P-dud’s posts above – so, so many tangents! – and I had missed this gem.
Add numerology to the list of delusions, along with Noah’s ChrisCraft, the 6000 year old earth, Frances Fox Piven obsession, manic delusions, word salad…the man needs help.
I love how Lib Unscientist picks and chooses his comments to “drill deeper” on. He finds one point and he continues while skipping over all the other Puddy Points.
But Unions don’t use union dues remember Lib UnScientist? That’s what their public persona says!
And he wants me to play his gotcha game. Notice he hasn’t refuted much in my links.
Okay so the Japan article may be questionable. So why do I need to refute Fox News. I never used them moron!
And Fox Piven is a FACT!
And the libtardo voting and given record is still indisputable. Notice Lib UnScientist won’t go there.
Notice how he weasels out of Herman Cain. Won’t repudiate how the left wrong MSM will not use conservative blacks on their shows.
A real factual no show that Lib Unscientist is!
Heh. It looks like our trolls are pretty nervous when reality-based Americans take to the streets and demand a redress of grievances.
I’m totally lovin’ this meltdown of the braindead trolls!
And I thought I was doing a good job keeping up with your extremely tangential thinking.
Remember this:
That would be you, as is this:
Pud, the fact that you were pushing the Japan Apology ™ story so hard, was because it’s what you do – you’re a sewerpipe for right-wing propaganda, always have been, always will be, it seems. You never fail to disappoint, or to play to type, harping on the latest from the noise machine. That you could find something related at ABC, as opposed to Fox, really isn’t notable, unfortunately – as the strategy goes – “it’s out there” – all Fox or the “liberal” Drudge has to do is mention it and the rest of corporate media follows along, just like you do.
Sad thing is, as the Japan Apology ™ story illustrates, IT’S ALL BULLSHIT.
Really now, P-dud, it’s all I’ve done all morning is refute your bullshit – and rather well, I might add, if I do say so myself.
What exactly are you trying to say here – my decoder ring is on the fritz and your ‘thought process’ is a but muddled.
Looking back, you made two links this morning, one to ABC News about Japan Apoolgy ™, and one about Cass Sunstein.
With regard to the former, your statement
I’ll take as a concession that I’ve beaten you to a rhetorical pulp.
With regard to the latter, my response was clearly too subtle for you. You do engage in very VERY concrete thinking, and that really limits a normal person’s ability to get through to you – not my fault really, and psychiatry is not my specialty.
But, once again, you’re playing games and making claims about links that just aren’t true. So, to delusional and abusive, let’s add dishonest to your list of attributes.
And we’re still waiting about 85%+ voting record or the 86%+ giving record of libtardo MSM to DUMMOCRAPTs!
did someone say **crickets**?
WRONG again Lib UnScientist… I work all day so I read my news in the morning before I head off to work at 5:45AM and I get my news when I return home after 5PM. I don’t have the luxury of you and other HA libtardos to scan the news all day. I may stop in a Starbucks before work and hit HA with a few more links.
I am building things during the day not on my ASS perusing left wrong web sites!
Really, how many times do we have to go through this. You come back to this one point (see comment above regarding CONCRETE THINKING), when in the past others and myself have demolished this line of argument about the supposedly liberal ‘MSM’.
See my post here for a fairly comprehensive dismantling of your “argument”.
It is, BTW, another example of you posting a flurry of links, none of which really support your argument. Either you don’t understand the content of what you’re linking to (see ABC link above, debunked), or you’re being actively, affirmatively deceptive.
Again, here we are, at the eternal question prompted by interaction with right wingers: stupid or lying?
Cry me a fucking river, puddles.
I don’t know about anyone else here (aside from RR, whose lifestyle I envy as a lazy rabbit stealing dollars from Republicans on the stock market by day, and chasing little cotton-tailed bunny chicks by night – how do you get a gig like that?), ahem, but I for one work a very demanding job – I just take seriously my responsibility to smack down your vile lies at every opportunity.
Ta-ta, dipshit.
Shorter HA arschloch… I have no skillz once you get past the crazed databaze, so I live vicariously on other libtardo coattails!
Here are the voting facts again since Lib UnScientist can process them
just one snippet of many…
See facts continue to elude Lib UnScientist!
And the 2008 contributions stated above of 86+% were from the US FEC reports. You can find them yourself.
Heh… Frontal lobe injury is just one of many zombie attributes.
First ep of the new season of The Walking Dead (our SURREAL American trolls) is tomorrow night at 10pm on AMC!
149 – Correction 9:00 pm..
@ 145
“Really, how many times do we have to go through this.”
With Puddy, it’s likely to extend on to infinity. Puddy ignores the fact that there is such a thing as a conservative Democrat, and Puddy ignores the fact that attempts to discern media bias in actual reporting find no evidence of such bias.
So, now, we get the Herman Cain argument:
“Notice how he weasels out of Herman Cain. Won’t repudiate how the left wrong MSM will not use conservative blacks on their shows.”
I guess we have to ignore the fact that, say, Rachel Maddow regularly features Michael Steele on her show. No, what Puddy’s really on about is that Herman Cain accused African Americans of being brainwashed, and the mainstream media are covering the inevitable backlash against his remarks.
What’s missing, apparently, is any word of conservative African Americans coming to Herman Cain’s defense. But, where, exactly are these conservative African Americans coming to Herman Cain’s defense? Michael Steele telling Herman Cain to get off the book tour?
No media, mainstream or otherwise, is going to talk to someone who has nothing to say. Nevertheless, there are clearly plenty of media outlets where conservative African Americans can respond to Herman Cain’s allegation of brainwashing. Where are they? You can’t find any.
So, the main stream media are “liberal” because they won’t stick a microphone in front of someone who isn’t saying anything!
Seriously, this is precisely the kind of reasoning we can expect from someone who’s been willing to argue that Alan Greenspan was a liberal.
@145 “stupid or lying?”
Ooh, ooh, I know the answer to that one!!
At the level of trolldom, and most especialy at the lowest level of self-loathing loons and goatfucking Klowns, these treasonous, hate-filled asswipes are incredibly stupid fucking liars. So the correct answer is actually not offered as a choice, which would “all of the above”.
Why some self-loathing loon who has this kind of shit hanging around his neck would blather on and on and on about some fuck named Cass, whoever the fuck that is, beats the hell out of me.
Hundreds of wingnut pervs. If they can’t find a kid, these freaks will fuck goats, chickens, horses, washing machines(!) and Lord only knows what else. And that’s only the ones who’ve been busted! I’d think that, if a freak like our self-loather could even momentarily come to his senses, he’d stop his incoherent babbling, hang his damned head in shame for a moment, and then graciously blow his fucking brains out. But no, a loon has no fucking sense.
Saiv dem der wales!
@153 – They all seem to be heterosexuals too. Good thing we are always reminded of the Family Values that they don’t have. Oh I guess not, just a bunch of homos who are anti homo.
@154 – you are starting to sound like a drunken pirate, you need to brush up a little.
I is have guud collage learnen…thay is tuld mes i gets tu have teh fwee stufph
Powur teh dem peeples might be halfway funny if it wasn’t such a blatant rip-off of Lolcats.
Authenticity. It’s what the wingers will never understand.
I is not stoled nothin…everting is freed for peeps to has, tats wat dey teach dude say.
158 – Trolls aren’t funny.
Now the Euros – they know how to protest:
Emeror Max-minidick either started early of is still fucked up from last night.
Yeahd…yu go, ryotin an violance is deh whey tu go…gandi was pussi
Powur is not max, dipshit.