I’m feeling a bit crappy (but better than the weekend), so today’s links are more abbreviated than usual.
– It’s sort of depressing that even when President Obama and Hillary Clinton are great on guns that it’s tough to see a way forward on the issue. Its easier to imagine the next mass shooting than to imagine the solution.
– Oh man Charon looks pretty amazing.
– Oh hey Orcas. Pretty rad.
How does one define greatness?
Why, it’s using executive action
to induce change that would have had zero effect on last week’s mass shooting.
Change We Can Politicize.
@1 Bob, why are you scared of anything that could lead to reasonable gun reform?
Hey bob, looks like it’s going to happen regardless of how little they pay the human drivers. Explain this to me, how will NOT paying a living way, keep this from happening?
“Robot Taxis Starting 2016 in Japan; Self-Driving Trucks on German Autobahn; Millions of Truck and Taxi Driver Jobs will Vanish in US by 2025 ”
Self-driving cars are already on the road in test drives with watchful researchers in them. How soon will the computerized cars become part of our lives?
@ 2
See my comments at
Loophole-closing doesn’t scare me at all. Neither do background checks.
Neither would have prevented what happened next week, Better.
@ 3
Check out analyses on how TPP will affect UAW. That should concern you more than ‘millions of jobs’ in the US going away in 10 years, Better.
Stuff happens.
Civilians ‘accidentally struck’ in Afghan hospital bombing, U.S. commander says
yes, the TPP could significantly hurt the middle class in the near term.. We will know more when the secret deal is revealed.
But sure, I’ll play along and rephrase the question….
Hey bob, looks like the TPP going to happen regardless of how little they pay the human workers. Explain this to me how will NOT paying a living way, keep the TPP from happening?
Both versions show the fault in your don’t play a living wage now argument.
@ 7
Both versions show the fault in your don’t play a living wage now argument.
And your version is something akin to ‘Hey, retirement is going to suck anyway, so let’s raid our retirement accounts now and buy Maseratis.’.
Oh my stars! Carly’s foundation gives money to pay for abortions:
(see page 40+)
Who can Real America® trust?
“Its easier to imagine the next mass shooting than to imagine the solution.”
You could as easily say it’s easier to imagine the next war than to imagine a path to lasting peace. You humans are what you are. If humans disappeared and rabbits ran the world, all creatures would get along, and everything would be warm and cuddly, except maybe at dinnertime.
@1 that is quite that accusation that “to induce change that would have had zero effect on last week’s mass shooting”. Why are you so sure that it wouldn’t?
Do you diagnose someone before or without reading their x-rays?
You morons pretend that you can’t be sure of Global Warming because you are not scientists….but you are so sure that guns laws including background check will not save 1 life. Nobody is saying that it will save all lives, but if it saves one life, then it is worth it. But you are so certain that you know it will not save one life – you are so smart Boob.
Are you trying to politicize something for nothing – like politicize politicizing?
Ohhh, how was the Vespa ride?
@1 Executive action is what you resort to when the party running Congress is so dysfunctional the country is paralyzed without it.
It may take decades but it will happen….seems like most family members of the victims becomes champions of educating people and pushing for gun safety legislation. Eventually if we continue the way we are going and just about everyone is a victim, then we’ll all want the change.
Forget about any gun laws. The sheriff that says he didn’t want to mention the shooters name because he didn’t want to give him the publicity that he sought, well he should be berated for being a Sandy Hook Truther – fucking moron!
@4 You do realize, don’t you, that those positions would get you kicked out of the NRA?
@5 I may agree with you….but of course you don’t add the word Obama in the post……is it because the TPP probably wouldn’t have passed if it didn’t have REPUKILAN Support?
Are you being sarcastic or are you now supporting the UAW. Seems like that is kind of like supporting Putin just to fuck Obama.
@11 “politicize politicizing?”
LMBAO!! That’s the next and final step in the GOP’s descent to chaos.
@6 A perfect example of “be careful what you ask for,” but there are people who will learn nothing from it.
@7 “hurt the middle class”
Does anyone in a position of power care?
@8 Yeah, my neighborhood is crawling with Maseratis bought by working stiffs raiding their retirement accounts … your comments grow more idiotic by the day, Boob. Have you been raiding the hospital drug cabinet?
@8. Your response is stupid.
My point was pay the workers a living wage or pay the workers nothing, it wouldn’t matter, the bosses are going to put robots in to that job regardless, so why NOT advocate for a living wage for the time you have one.
Your response was something about the workers (maybe) ignoring their future needs and blowing it on expensive things? WTF?
Once again, you didn’t answer the question.
If workers were paid a living wage, they could put something away, to buffer them for when the robots take their jobs. Not gonna happen on minimum wage.
Your response was no point in the lords allowing the serfs more money, the peasants will just waste it on gaudy trinkets, jazz and booze. How very robber barron of you.
So Boob’s argument, as I interpret it, is that workers should be paid less than subsistence because if we pass laws requiring employers to pay a living wage they might raid their retirement accounts to buy Maseratis.
Boob was born 150 years too late. If he were around in 1865, he could have argued that if Lincoln freed the slaves, they’d all cash in their plantation pensions and take off down the road in fancy buggies, so let’s keep ’em in chains for their own good.
“You morons pretend that you can’t be sure of Global Warming because you are not scientists….but you are so sure that guns laws including background check will not save 1 life. ”
Brilliant. Great point.
@21. Nice response.
Another way to look it it: “If workers got paid a living wage, they might spend or invest their wealth in a way that Bob approves of.”
@23 So much for the Republican assertion that individuals should be free to decide how to spend their own money. Apparently that only applies to the taxes that Republicans don’t want to pay, and not to the wages they pay their employees.
It seems to me that if Joe Lunchbucket wants to drive a Maserati, and someone will finance it for him, that’s none of Boob’s goddamn business. And I ain’t even a Republican.
From another thread…..from Sloppy Mother Fucker
“Requiring education and insurance might reduce the number of deaths that occur as a result of accidents. It won’t do jack squat to accomplish what you really want”.
How would requiring insurance reduce the number of deaths? You mean if people weren’t required to have insurance the would be like, “Hey, let’s run people over or cause an accident because I don’t have insurance!”
@23 dang phone interface, the “not” got erased! Should have said “That bob does NOT approve of”
@25 The only people who need insurance are those with assets. If you’re judgment-proof, insurance is superfluous. We have a state law requiring all drivers have liability insurance, but it’s not enforced, and something like a third of the drivers on our roads are unlicensed and uninsured — I don’t know the exact figure, but it’s pretty damned large. That’s why you need uninsured motorist coverage. Unless, of course, you’re one of those uninsured motorists who doesn’t have a cent of equity in the car you’re driving recklessly and you get free medical care in emergency rooms. (Several years ago, I had an encounter with one of these drivers that totaled my car and left me injured. No license, no insurance, and speeding in a parking lot.)
Now is not the time blah, blah, blah…
Your proposed regulation would not have prevented blah, blah, blah…
While Republicans continue perpetrating the falsehood that Umpqua Community College was “gun-free zone” that left students vulnerable by stripping them of their guns, one of the legally armed Umpqua students explains why he didn’t use his gun:
“In fact, there were multiple students on campus at Umpqua Community College who were in fact legally armed and carrying, including veteran John Parker who was on the scene and carrying his weapon. But Mr. Parker had various reasons for not drawing his weapon and charging into the fight. The first among them was that he very well could’ve have been a target for S.W.A.T. and a distraction from the real shooter.”
Yep, he didn’t want to get shot by the SWAT police* he expected to swarm the scene in a couple of minutes. (*Or maybe another armed student mistaking him for the attacker, hmm?) As a matter of fact, cops did swarm the scene and engage the gunman, and it was over in 5 minutes, with the gunman dead and Parker still alive. So here you have an armed Army veteran in a position to attempt shooting the gunman, and he doesn’t do it, and that turns out to be a very wise decision. The devil is always in the details, something that apparently doesn’t register with the NRA and the idiot Republicans who argue against all reason and logic that armed citizens being amateur cops somehow makes us safer.
It’s interesting that apparently several Umpqua students were legally packing guns, and faced with a split-second life-or-death decision, they all did the same thing — nothing. So much for the NRA’s armchair theory about armed bystanders taking down rampaging madmen.
You stupid humans are congenitally incapable of learning from experience. How did you manage to evolve? It’s amazing you ever got past stone tools.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I understand the rationale of refinancing a home to get a tax break on the interest — IF you’re using the money to pay off other debts and NOT to buy more “stuff.” My philosophy is that the only good debt is no debt, and if anything should be debt-free, it’s your burrow. Debt is what enslaves you to a lousy job and lousier boss. If I needed to buy something on credit, say a new car, instead of shifting that debt to my burrow, I’d use the extra cash flow I enjoy as a result of having a debt-free lifestyle to pay off the loan fast. For example, if I took out a 5-year loan on a new car that I had to finance to replace an old car that dropped dead — both of my present cars are over 10 years old — I would pay it off in 12 months. The interest charges might be less than the fees on a home equity loan, and even if they weren’t, it’s worth something to me to not encumber my burrow. It’s worth a lot, actually, having a patch of dirt I can call my own. You stupid humans just don’t get it. Easy credit is your enemy, not your friend. It brings out your worst behavior.
Everything, including homicidal mania, has been bred into us by evolution and hundreds of thousands of years of ruthless wars. The most we can hope at this point is to lessen the damage with controls that make sense. It’s either that or all public spaces, schools, bars, churches, malls, stores, will continue to be battle zones. That’s what RepubliKKKlans want. But the people who know we need to change things don’t bother to vote. So I’m not optimistic.
After you’ve labored and sacrificed to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 18 years, like I did, you’ll understand what I mean. You have to go through hell getting to debt-free before you appreciate what being debt-free means in terms of your freedom. It means goodbye to lousy jobs, sucky wages, and bad bosses. What’s that worth to you?
A very early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit posted this smelly pellet: –> While Republicans continue perpetrating the falsehood that Umpqua Community College was “gun-free zone” that left students vulnerable by stripping them of their guns, one of the legally armed Umpqua students explains why he didn’t use his gun:
More horsesASS manure from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The campus grounds were open carry BUTT the buildings were gun free. Puddy placed the Umpqua Community College web site link and their own words regarding this “commentary” from libtard left wrong morons! Puddy supplied the Douglas County history for open carry and the stories behind the college decision making process!
Too bad early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbits have a tendency to talk out the brown furred arschlochs without looking at FACTS!
The trustee in charge of recovering the assets Bernie Madoff stole from his Ponzi-scheme victims has done yeoman’s work. Of the $17.5 billion Madoff robbed from his victims, Irving Picard has recovered nearly $11 billion. There aren’t all that many crime victims who get back 63% of what the thief took from them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So far, the clawback from the crooked bankers who crashed the economy is 0%. All the losses landed on their innocent shareholders and the innocent general public. Why do the crooked bankers get special treatment? Probably because they fund the political campaigns of both parties.
@34 “The campus grounds were open carry BUTT the buildings were gun free.”
Thanks for proving how stupid, ignorant, unthinking, and ill-informed you are. This, of course, is a result of your stubborn insistence on reading nothing but rightwing propaganda and convincing yourself that responsible journalists and reputable media are propagandists for subversive leftists. (E.g., climate science is a commie plot to destroy capitalism, etc.)
If this were true, there would be no story about Mr. Parker being armed but not using his gun, because if what you say is correct he would’ve been unarmed, yes? Also, please explain how this “gun-free” buildings concept works? Do the legally armed students park their handgun-containing bookbags on the building steps and leave them outside unattended while attending class inside?
You are a gullible idiot who swallows righwing bullshit propaganda no matter how nonsensical it is to any thinking person.
So here you have an armed Army veteran in a position to attempt shooting the gunman, and he doesn’t do it, and that turns out to be a very wise decision. The devil is always in the details, something that apparently doesn’t register with the NRA and the idiot Republicans who argue against all reason and logic that armed citizens being amateur cops somehow makes us safer.
Somehow the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is continually FOS every day and in every way… http://www.chicagotribune.com/.....story.html
PuddyCommentary: Now how did Puddy know about this? Maybe reading from many web sites and not reading the warm man juice from Daily Kooks! So there you have it. When the person knows there will be no cops to fire at him, a concealed carry person takes out the perp and that turns out to be a very wise decision. The devil is always in the details, something that apparently doesn’t register with the gun removal nutz and the idiot DUMMOCRETINS who argue against all reason and logic that armed citizens being amateur cops somehow is stoooooooooopid!
Somehow the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is continually FOS every day and in every way…http://rightwingnews.com/democrats/cincinnati-man-with-concealed-carry-permit-stops-gunman-from-shooting-at-1-year-old-child/
PuddyCommentary: Now how did Puddy know about this? Maybe reading from many web sites and not reading the warm man juice from Daily Kooks! So there you have it. When the person knows there will be no cops to fire at him, a concealed carry person takes out the perp and that turns out to be a very wise decision. The devil is always in the details, something that apparently doesn’t register with the gun removal nutz and the idiot DUMMOCRETINS who argue against all reason and logic that armed citizens being amateur cops somehow is stoooooooooopid!
This is simply a case of unqualified armchair “lawyers” with an agenda misreading a statute. What Oregon law actually is on the subject has been gone over many times and needn’t be reiterated here. In any case, it’s useless to try educating dumbfucks like Puddy who are impermeable to facts, reality, and common sense.
More for the IDIOT WABBIT… https://youtu.be/b2I93N6H_eM
Oh and guess who was a connection to the Oregon shooter… Mahmoud Ali Ehsani http://pamelageller.com/2015/1.....file.html/
@38 “When the person knows there will be no cops to fire at him … etc.”
Well, waddya know, the dumbfuck troll actually knows how to differentiate differing factual situations. So now we have to assume his stupidity is willful and malicious, and not an accident of birth.
Stooooooooooopid early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
you still haven’t visited the college web site! We know from the manure you threw up. You drink the warm man juice from Daily Kooks every day here thinking Moulitsas is always correct. Pfffffffffft! You didn’t read what the past college president said after the shooting did you?
Of course not that’s why you are a LIV!
This is simply a case of unqualified armchair “lawyers” with an agenda misreading a statute. What Oregon law actually is on the subject has been gone over many times and needn’t be reiterated here.
Ummmm no early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, this is what Umpqua Community College decided to implement after the Open Carry law.
DAYUM U B weal stoooooooooooopid early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Did you actually watch the video you linked to, dummy? Hannity explicitly asks Parker if Umpqua CC is a “gun free zone.” Then listen to what Parker says beginning at 1:33 of the video.
@40 A Facebook “like” is a “connection”? Really? I’ll bet you have some interesting connections …
@42 This is the college website.
Now, care to point out what specific content you’re basing your argument on?
@43 & @44: You are just plain flatass fucking wrong.
… ad infinitum.
It’s a pure waste of time. The key to winger manufactured reality lies in absolutely, never, ever acknowledging any other alternatives, no matter how clearly and starkly displayed. Survival of the tribal identity is at stake. You can even trap them with their own words. And they will simply repudiate them, deny them, and try to shift the debate. Someone like The Fuckwad enters into any debate in what he/she regards as “the enemy camp” with the conviction that credibility (whether his/hers or yours) is not relevant. Consequently, the potential of his/her lies, no matter how blatant, is only limited by his/her willingness to repeat them.
@49 It’s amazing to me how people can cling so desperately to what is not working or has never worked. This shows how brainwashing works. You have people so convinced they are right that no evidence to the contrary will ever have any meaning.
It’s working for him/her. By now The Fuckwad surely is aware that he/she was quite wrong about all the other students and staff carrying handguns at UCC. But lying about it comes at no cost, as he/she sees it.
@49 & @50: Yes, it’s time to move on. I have better things to do than argue with a tree stump.
“Consequently, the potential of his/her lies, no matter how blatant, is only limited by his/her willingness to repeat them.”
The batshit crazy loon’s problem is that he never learned how to “speak American” as the Heinous Witch of Wasilla commands of immigrants. He tells the same lies over and over again but the only people who understand the batshit crazy loon’s insane comments are a small handful of regular progressive commenters with decoder rings.
Tens of thousands of comments full of lies and hate and all the batshit crazy loon has to show for it is to be laughed at and mocked by DUMMOCRETIN scum. Works for me. If the batshit crazy motherfucker wants to waste his life by showing up here every day to get one humiliating ass- whuppin’ after another, then who am I to say no to that?
CBS News reports an American Airlines pilot died in flight from Phoenix to Boston today, and the copilot landed the plane after being diverted to Syracuse.
Hey Bob didn’t Monkey Bush use executive orders too? Did you not like it when he did it also? Or are you just trying to politicize executive orders?
I think the real humiliation for Conservative True Believers like The Fuckwad can be found in how they are serially “utilized” by the elite mob of cynical, perverted tin siding salesman they choose as their leaders. They get worked like a hand pump with absolutely nothing to show for it.
I think it’s just too soon to talk about W’s executive orders.
@29 in addition he gave his gun to authorities while they were on the scene. Boy imagine if that was Onama asking you to turn over your guns or suggesting that that be protocol, even if it was for twenty minutes. My god. Violation of his constitutional rights!!!!?
Of course HA’s racist closeted foreplay would chime in to help the poor moronic early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Direct from their web site early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
“Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited.
Possession of knives with a blade longer than 4” is prohibited.
Brandishing weapons is prohibited.
Misuse of personal defensive weapons – e.g., pepper spray, etc. is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.”
Your own links have this in it
Soooooooo while the Oregon law says one thing students were led to believe that guns were NOT allowed!
So early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit standard FACTUAL DUMMOCRETIN led distraction!
And………… since all of the Oregon college shooter’s guns were legally acquired by his black momma through existing FBI background checks, y’all are running away from that!
Can’t touch that! Nosiree!
Of course, there are those times when even the best decoder ring in the world will fail you. Take @59, 60, 61 for example. Nothing but batshit insane free association spewn by a babbling jackass. Must suck not being able to “speak American”.
Puddy not a tree stump, he more like a tv
Triple S is expressing that triple pressure behind the eyes and between the ears.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the
left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S
can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
TV with no off switch
@59 All you’re proving is that you don’t know what “except” means. Over and over again.
You are proving over and over that English is a foreign language to you…
So why would students THINK it was a gun free zone @66?
Wait for Triple S stoooooooooopidity!
Mr. Puddybud etc or whatever,
It’s like there might be three people following this thread other than you. And they might even be sock puppets. And at this point those three are just busting you.
So what I’m wondering now is who exactly do you imagine you are preaching to? There aren’t any impartial observers here right? Are you so crazy you actually think you have some sympathetic audience to appeal to? Is it God? Kinda doubt she has time for this.
Hmm, needs fixing…
Fixed. That fits the psychotic loon soooo much better.
@69.puddy says #IAmAChristian
Really? Then act like one.
I thought this was an interesting result for “Living like a Christian”
“Have you ever considered that you’re actually hurting Christ more than helping him with how you treat other people? ‘
Another site said: “The “actions” that glorify our Father in heaven are those that bear much fruit (John 15:8). This is, in fact, how we show we are His disciples. Indeed, the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)—should be the hallmark of Christian behavior, especially love. ”
When are you going to start, puddy?
@59 No one but you and your fellow wingnuts are confused by “except as expressly authorized by law”.
@67 “However, community college and university boards have broad authority to enact policies, she added.”
And their policy contains a phrase that begins with “except.” See #72.
@68 You can’t reason with a petrified dinosaur turd. The only reason we bother replying to puddyspew is to prevent him from misleading some unwitting stranger who happens to pass by this blog on his/her way to somewhere else.
OMFG – the fucking Moron @32 is still talking about the college being gun free “in the buildings”. He obviously isn’t paying attention to anything. A complete fucking moron.
Why does Puffy copy everything everyone here does? You would think he wouldn’t copy people he is debating and hates.
I think I finally figured out why Bob always gets back on the Vespa – I think he’s doing everything he can do to get away from his deranged partner in crime, Puffy.
I was thinking of a tv with no on switch. No one is home. That TV is incapable of showing anything
@78 You mean a tv with no off switch. You can’t turn him off.
“Meet the Senate Candidate Who Sacrificed a Goat and Drank Its Blood”
It’s hard to believe any party could top the GOP for weird candidates, but the Libertarians are giving it a shot.
When you explain Romans 1:18-32 then you can ask Puddy Biblical questions worser!
See ya!
No commentary on #70?
So worser you are claiming to be an atheist with that comment above?
Pot calling kettle black?
@83 Because people who talk too much and have nothing to say don’t deserve commentary.
Very interesting the HA DUMMOCRETINS skip right over the students thinking that the campus was a gun free zone! So why would those students think that HA DUMMOCRETINS? Unless this was pushed by the administration.
Skipped right over by ever hateful HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“the students thinking that the campus was a gun free zone”
You should be quite familiar with the concept of ‘being wrong’ as you’ve never ‘been right’ about anything. That’s because you’re a batshit crazy loon.
Like the loon, O’Reilly incessantly lies about Chicago’s gun laws,
“Every time I bring up the Chicago murder rate where gun laws are stringent, I get blank looks from the left.”
This lie has been debunked countless times, of course, leaving out the fact that Chicago is surrounded by lax gun laws,…
…and yet they keep telling the same lie over and over again.
The Coast Guard has said that the SS EL Faro has sunk. So far the body of one crewmember has been spotted.
Also, already speculating over the ship’s age, although the MV Isla Bella, the first of TOTE Maritime’ s new Marlin class ships will soon enter service.
Triple S regurgitates the gun haters meme attack against Bill O’Reilly. Of course this was missed by Triple S…
So Bill O… hated by HA DUMMOCRETINS said this…
So Triple S with triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN, all that swill over where the guns come from is EXACTLY what Bill O is saying. It’s the gun used in the crime. You have strict gun laws in Chicago. Seems those strict gun laws don’t work. It’s not the good people of Chicago who are the ones shooting, killing, robbing, beating is it?
“You have strict gun laws in Chicago. Seems those strict gun laws don’t work.”
Just like I said, the loon tells the same lie over and over again, rebuttals be damned. That’s why he’s a batshit crazy loon.
I looked up Romans 1:18-32: God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,”
I see you are reveling in the rage and hate part and ignoring the part of the bible about Love and compassion. I guess being a “good” christian is too hard for you.
It’s gonna suck when you find out out you are heading to hell, instead of heaven, because you didn’t live the life of a loving christian.
@82. If puddy was the only example I knew of a christian, yes I would be an atheist.
I see you are reveling in the rageI see you are reveling in the rage and hate part and ignoring the part of the bible about Love and compassion.
Rage and hate? So you are saying you skip over some laws and ignore them because they don’t fit your small little cage?
Ahhh yes Triple S didn’t answer #92. We know why. The triple pressure!
Absolutely breathtaking.