– Join Mayor Murray on a vigil walk for 7-year-old struck on MLK
– I don’t know why you would want to be Ray Rice for Halloween this year, but don’t.
– Wait, some people don’t mark their ballot based on how they feel about the undead?
– The background checks initiative looks like it’ll pass, still vote, for goodness sake.
– Oh, but I like their tofu.
What you can do to bring about the government you want:
– Mail your ballot
– Talk to your family, friends and neighbors and ensure their ballot is mailed
– Knock doors to get ballots mailed
– Find ways to support phone banking for candidates in other states not as progressively responsible as ours
Despite the Herculean efforts of Republicans to stir up an Ebola panic in the USA, there has been no contagion in this country, and all but one of the Ebola patients treated in US hospitals have survived. The one who didn’t was misdiagnosed and sent home. Thus, the survival rate under US medical care would appear to be 100%. One of the key survival factors is that Ebola cause dehydration and it’s essential to keep patients hydrated, a simple task for US hospitals — all it takes is an IV.
@1 There’s a pretty high level of apathy in this election because everyone knows it won’t change anything, at least not in Congress, although it looks like the election could produce one big surprise: The polls point to an impending slaughter of Republican governors. The GOP could lose half a dozen of their high-profile governors, which would significantly alter the 2016 GOP nomination race.
In South Carolina, gays still have to sue the state to get a driver’s license in their married name.
@3 Apathy is not a viable emotion during an election in a democracy. Either one steps up to the responsilites of self government or one is part of the problem.
We all need to do our bit.
I was listening to the feed from CBC RADIO ONE Toronto on Monday night, with the coverage of Ontario’s Municipal elections. Interesting exit poll they conducted, with a reporter riding on one of Toronto’s busiest streetcar lines.
By the way, Mayor-elect John Tory is more pro-transit than Rob and Doug Ford.
Rob Ford did win his council seat so thank you Toronto.
Island Tofu has been mistreating workers since the 80s.
Ron Paul!
7)The ward he and his brother had represented, Etobickoe. Was his strongest base of support.
John Tory will be working with somebody he once ran against for Provincial government. He once ran against the Member of the Provincial government for the seat of Don Valley West, held by a rising star in the Ontario Liberal Party, now the Provincial Premier.
Also in Missassagua, a Toronto suburb, it was a tough mayoral election. The 93 year old incumbent did not run for another term.
Also about Toronto, the divisions won’t go away overnight. The city still has not come to terms with the forced, by the Provincial government, amalgamation 20 years ago. Among the suburbs forced into the City of Toronto, were Etobickoe and Scarborough.
Hmmm… Ebola crisis over eh? http://nypost.com/2014/10/29/c.....ead-ebola/
Oh yeah not a problem. Just a quiet release of facts forced because others know better.
When you are DUMMOCRETIN scum no one cares. You are acting as expected. Doesn’t matter if it’s against the political opposition or allies. But when someone (Assad) kills 150,000 of their own people that’s a great man to support.
Meanwhile Scott Walker surges ahead of Mary Burke. Wasn’t she recently criticized for plagiarizing job proposals from three other DUMMOCRETIN guvnur candidates? And her stint at Trek?
Hey Moronic Wabbit,
Once again, you are on the wrong side of American thought! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/do.....ith-ebola/
Just another typical day on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Thanks to Obummer and Jerry Brown two wives and six children will NEVER EVER see their husbands and fathers again. Waytogo libtardos! http://www.conservativehq.com/node/18707
So what sez the monomaniacal moonbat moron about this?
SchizoPudd @ 15
First question,
Since when is it up to the States to secure the international borders? That is actually illegal for them to do so. Joe Arpaio is in a shit-ton of trouble for trying to do that. He’s been arresting, imprisoning without trial, and deporting American citizens who look a little too “ethnic”, including members of the Hopi and Navaho tribal members who were born in his own county.
Second question,
What does a State issuing driver’s licenses to allow people to drive on the roads have anything to do with felonious behavior in an entirely different State? A driver’s license is a measure of basic competence to operate a motor vehicle and show documentation of residence. That’s all it is. It has no bearing on one’s eligibility to live in that State, foreign-born or not. I know it is impossible for you to understand this with your extremely limited cognitive abilities, but when you disallow a resident from acquiring a license to drive, or any other State-issued identification, that only encourages crime, not preventing it. When people are too terrified to call the police when they are victims of crimes for the basic reason of their permission status to live in the United States is in question, you perpetuate that criminal behavior.
Unreported crimes are still a major issue on Indian reservations and in much of the South, because there is a greater chance for the victim of that crime of being summarily executed by a police officer than the Police actually doing anything to solve that crime and remove the actual criminal from the streets. There’s a reason why “don’t snitch” became such a thing amongst the “darker” folk.
Of course, you being a white-supremacist black guy, you have no problem with that.
OWS racist deadtoad,
When you call Puddy schizo it gave you away.
First question:
Obummer has purposely stopped implementation an employment-verification (E-verify) system. Why did Obummer do that?
Obummer has purposely used executive fiat to stop ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) agents following immigration law. Think Fast and Furious racist deadtoad. And Obummer has made it harder for ICE to send back illegal aliens who are multiple felons.
Obummer has purposely used executive fiat to allow tens of thousands of illegal alien children then under the cover of darkness Obummer and gang shipped them to places even libtards screamed and shouted. Do you remember this racist deadtoad? http://abcnews.go.com/images/P.....reform.pdf
Do you remember this racist deadtoad? http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-.....mmigration
Sux to be you!
Second question,
racist deadtoad… They are here illegally. Only morons like DUMMOCRETINS like to reward illegal aliens for being here illegally!
Notice the racist deadtoad doesn’t address the cop killer. Now why is that racist deadtoad? Two wives and six children and now husbandless and fatherless!
Nuff said sucka!
@14 Of course Americans overwhelmingly support a quarantine. What do you expect when they’re being egged on by Republican politicians and rightwing propaganda who make their living by peddling fear and ignorance to the masses?