– You may have heard of the Mother Jones – Frank VanderSloot lawsuit. Well, even though Mother Jones won, they could use your money.
– The gender-swapped Twilight sounds like it doesn’t do what it set out to do.
– I know Banks wants to win this election, but “you’re not from here” is so not OK.
– The GOP staffers on the Benghazi committee buying guns on taxpayer’s time is the most GOP story imaginable.
– I think there ware some 13th amendment issues.
Better them than the nation.
“RNC head: We’re ‘cooked as a party’ if we don’t take the White House in 2016”
So Mike Fuckabee wants to reinstate slavery. Why not? He’s already argued that obeying Supreme Court decisions is optional, so making the whole Constitution optional is only a small step further. It’s clear where this guy is going: He wants to replace our system of law and government with an Old Testament-based theocracy. In other words, erase 4,000 years of scientific and social progress, and restore the customs and practices of 2,000 B.C. This is ambitious even for a Republican, most of whom want to drag us back only as far as the later 19th century.
@1 I don’t think they realize that they are cooked either way but especially if they don’t win in 2016.
If they win, they will get nothing done and there will be complete chaos and disorder and then they’ll officially be cooked.
Just think….right now the Democrats are countering some of what the Republicans want to do, and if they did do what they wanted they’d upset a lot of people.
Well if they win then not much Democrats to counter what they do. And they will do all the stupid shit that they want to do, like @2, and then eventually the Nation will say, “We’ve had enough” or we will be one of the least Free Countries in this World.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave!
Not a matter of whether they need to win or lose to stay alive, but they need to change their thinking and views of present.
DUMMOCRETINS and their acolytes are SCUM… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....p=trending
@5 Just another Benghazzzzzzi and Email scandal witch hunt by the Repukilican Party. Where scum was invented, born and thrives, and creates a bunch of booing and hissing fit moronic disrespectful asshole fuck faces!
This is how you win elections. By making people less free?
Kid you not – this is their goal, however unachievable it would seem. They don’t like free sex. Is it surprising that Kim Davis, who looks like nobody would ever have sex with her, doesn’t like other people having sex.
@7 “Kid you not – this is their goal”
That woman at the link who doesn’t want people to have sex for pleasure looks like a prude who has never had sex in her life and is bound and determined that nobody else will either. Bitter old hag.
Bobbie and his sidekick the babbling jackass troll will be pleased to know the ingredient of the day that puts the “Faux” in Faux Snooze Channel – tv for incontinent white men:
Heh. Faux Snooze Channel – the most “trusted” news source for our trolls.
“Driving while brown: KY prosecutor ripped for saying being Hispanic is probable cause for arrest”
Assistant County Attorney Travis Combs can be heard saying the defense claims Martinez was “stopped because he was Hispanic.” Carter, who was standing next to Combs, can be heard adding, “That’s probable cause.”
“I’m going to act like I didn’t hear that,” Martinez attorney Dawn Elliott immediately interjected.
“I am too,” Judge Wheeler said.
Carter, a Republican who has been the Oldham County attorney since 2011, claims he was not talking about the man’s racial background, stating, “I never made any reference to the ethnicity of the defendant. And you won’t find it anywhere on the tape.”
I’m sick and tired of slimeball wingnuts and their racist bullshit.
Now what leftist propaganda rag said this?
Gee you’d think Denmark has lower taxes than the U.S. Nope, no way. You’d think they’d have “free market” health care. Nope, they have universal. You’d think they allow their young people to pile on gargantuan amounts of debt before setting out on a career. Nope, education is free just like Bernie Sanders wants it for the U.S.
So what leftist propaganda outfit said Denmark is the best in the world for bidness? Daily Kos? Daily Worker?
Nope, Forbes Magazine.
Too sad. Every time there’s a mass shooting in this country, gun sellers cash in. There’s a run on guns. Guess where those guns often end up?
Hey but the solution to guns is always more guns right trolls?
@6 Now, be nice. Remember, scientists tell us scum was the first life on earth. Therefore, Republicans were here before us.
A new study from Notre Dame University business school confirms what workers have known all along: You can’t get a bullying boss off your back. They do it because they enjoy it, and there’s no way to appease them. Quitting is the only way out.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s skip over the fact that hard work is its own punishment, and loyalty and working harder will be punished even more, and get to the chase. Fortunately, quitting is possible, if you devote yourself body and soul right out of the gate to getting out of debt and amassing independent sources of income. That’s what I did, and I don’t have to put up with bullying bosses anymore. That’s because I don’t work. Why should I? There’s no reward in it. Our culture despises workers, and worships the idle sloths who seat in beach chairs sipping margaritas and getting drunk
on the fruits of other people’s labor. In our society, that’s considered smart and everyone aspires to emulate it. I have ethical qualms about it, but we’re not an ethical society, so that’s irrelevant. The priceless look on your boss’s ugly face when you drop your resignation on his desk and inform him that you’re too good to work for him is a moment you’ll treasure for the rest of your life! So, if you haven’t done it yet, today is a good time to get these three things done: (1) create a realistic budget, (2) a debt repayment plan, and (3) open a brokerage account and start accumulating dividend-paying stocks using dollar cost averaging and DRIP (dividend reinvestment) — even if you can invest only small amounts to begin with. Freedom comes by breaking chains one link at a time! Remember Martin Luther King Jr.’s immortal financial advice, and use it as inspiration to keep you going: “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God I’m free at last!”
If your boss actually runs his business, he may be making a 20% return, which means if he has $1 million invested in the business, he’s getting paid $200,000 a year to bully you, and you’re getting paid $10 an hour (or whatever) to take it.
It’s pretty obvious who makes out under our system: The capitalists. And who doesn’t: The workers. So wouldn’t you rather be a capitalist than a worker? That’s what I did and it’s working out great! My stocks are up $2,349 today, and I got out of bed only 20 minutes ago.
I think I’ve figured out the major reason for TPP secrecy: The tobacco companies. They want the right to deny governments their ability to regulate these poisonous products. I bet you you that’s the big reason. Our government has played this game before.
Breaking News: Dave Reichert has decided not to run against Jay Inslee. Because. He. Would. Lose.
“Therefore, Republicans were here before us.”
Indeed. Some Republicans like our loon say they even hung out with dinosaurs.
How To Understand Official School Jargon
You need a special decoder ring for this. I borrowed one from a friend, so let’s give it a whirl.
Background Briefing #1: “Newly released Kirkland police records describe a hazing culture in the Juanita High School football program and show school officials initially were uncooperative when police investigated the attempted sodomy of a student team manager in the locker-room showers.”
Jargon: “Juanita High School and Lake Washington School District officials have denied a hazing culture existed in the football program”
English Translation: The school officials are scared shitless they’re going to get hit with a huge lawsuit for not preventing several football players from stripping a special needs student naked from the waist down and shoving a broomstick up his butt in the locker room.
Jargon: “Just after the broomstick assault, school officials tried to avoid involving police and initially were uncooperative.”
English Translation: The school officials are scared shitless they’re going to lose their jobs and go to prison for failing to report child abuse.
Background Briefing #2: “Youth Court Judge John Erlick, who reviewed these documents before sentencing three of the players in August, said a hazing culture existed within the high school’s football program.”
Jargon: “School officials said their own investigation found no evidence to support Erlick’s characterization.”
English Translation: The school officials, who have been caught dead to rights, are taking the Fifth Amendment on the advice of their lawyers.
Jargon: “Kathryn Reith, a district spokeswoman, said Wednesday the district did have the police reports. She earlier noted that the team’s booster club ran the camp and it was not a school activity.”
English Translation: When you’re guilty as sin, and have no viable defense, try blaming someone else as a desperate last resort.
Jargon: “The day of the attack, Juanita athletic director Steve Juzeler did not return a police message to call immediately. Only on a sixth phone attempt did police reach him, about 12:30 a.m., records show.”
English Translation: Also, go into hiding.
Jargon: “At first Juzeler denied to police he knew about the shower-room attack, but when pressed, said he knew of the incident but didn’t think it serious enough to involve police, public records show.”
English Translation: When you’re caught lying, change your story. [N.B.: If you’ve already starting talking, damage control is better than nothing, but you have no business talking to the cops in the first place; whenever police get involved in a situation, instead of attempting to answer their questions you should ask for a lawyer and otherwise remain silent.]
Jargon: “By that time, however, Juzeler already had phoned the victim’s aunt — his legal guardian — and told her some type of incident had occurred.”
English Translation: If a kid has been raped in your locker room, telling the family “some type of incident has occurred” makes it sound like (a) you heard about it through other sources, (b) you don’t know anything, and (c) it isn’t serious.
Jargon: “Juzeler also said principal Gary Moed had informed him earlier in the day that police should not be alerted, according to a police report.”
English Translation: I told my boss, so if someone goes to jail, it should be him, not me.
Jargon: “Juzeler declined to be interviewed by The Times. Moed has not responded to interview requests.”
English Translation: Even dummies know better than to spill the beans to a newspaper, although that’s pretty basic, and not indicative of high intelligence.
Jargon: “Later, the Kirkland police investigation into the attack was delayed when police sought copies of the district’s own investigation, including witness interviews. A district lawyer declined to provide them, saying the police needed to get a search warrant or subpoena.”
English Translation: When you’re in this deep, you might as well cover up the coverup. There’s nothing to be gained from making it easy for them to nail you.
Jargon: “In another case, a different player told police a varsity player was attacked on a bunk bed at camp. … The intended victim, who is still on the football team, did not report it. The victim did confirm the bunk-bed attack when asked about it in May by coach Shaun Tarantola, the coach said in an interview with The Seattle Times last month. But Tarantola assumed others knew of the incident, he said, and did not report it to anybody. He is now an assistant football coach at a Texas high school.”
English Translation: You gotta know when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em, and when to get the hell outta Dodge.
Jargon: “Tarantola, who had been at the camp, denied knowing such hazing was taking place.”
English Translation: Denial is the first line of defense. If that doesn’t work, shut up and hire a lawyer.
Jargon: “Te’o, who succeeded him as head coach, also did not, he said.”
English Translation: If you cover for your buddy, maybe he’ll do the same for you.
Jargon: “Both coaches, who had been put on leave after the October 2014 attack, were later cleared of any wrongdoing and reinstated by the district. ”
English Translation: Of course the district’s investigation cleared them. To do otherwise would be admitting wrongdoing for which the district could be held civilly liable and school officials might be found criminally culpable.
Jargon: “Te’o did not respond to interview requests.”
English Translation: Even dummies know better than to spill the beans to a newspaper, although that’s pretty basic, and not indicative of high intelligence.
Jargon: “Among the newly released documents are accounts by some players who told police they were upset the assault impacted an otherwise strong 6-3 season for Juanita’s varsity team. ‘The team feels it’s just really unfair because we had a good run at the playoffs this year,’’ one player told police. ‘I thought we could have gone [further] if we didn’t lose our coaches.'”
English Translation: Nobody told us it’s against the law to tackle someone (we do it on the playing field all the time), rip their clothes off, and shove a broomstick up their ass (we’ve been doing it in the locker room for as long as anyone around here can remember). Can someone explain to us what our coaches meant when they used the word “extradition” in their farewell speeches to the team?
Even though the Seattle Times editorial board sucks, their news staff sometimes do some pretty good investigative reporting. There’s going to be a housecleaning in that school district. The school board will be gone, the superintendent will be gone, the principal will be gone, the coaches will be gone. They may even suspend the football program, although that’s unlikely. The community must have its gladiator sports at all costs. So they’ll just pay the legal judgments out of the taxpayers’ pockets, replace fired administrators and jailed coaches, recruit a new team, and carry on until the next football scandal hits them. And then, wash, rinse, and repeat again.
@ RR @ 14
As the old sage Malvina Reynolds said, “Whats the point of workin’ for a livin’ if’n ya can’t make a livin’ outta workin’?
She was very wise.
@ YLB @ 9
As for the greatly self-esteemed Mr. Simmons, as a “well-respected” expert in the National Security games, he was a regular speaker and guest at security conferences in Israel, Saudi Arabia, hundreds of such meetings over the years in the United States , Canada, South Korea and Japan. That means he hobnobbed with a lot of people who were actual experts in the field, and drank with them and ate with them, and “talked shop” with them. He knew the lingo well enough to fool a godawful lot of people about his experience and acumen. He had the gift of gab. That is now established beyond any doubt.
The flipside of all that?
He listened. He absorbed information. You know goddamn well he did. You damn well know that when a buncha good-ol-boys get together at conventions, certain conventions of professional behavior tend to become unimportant when everyone in the room speaks the same language and is there for the same purpose. Off-hand remarks are made, tidbits of important information can be gleaned from that. Any good security professional will tell you this.
So this sort of rings a little bell in my head:
Who was he reporting that information to?
And another thing. What was he doing to steer some of those conversations towards a certain narrative?
@8 I hate to denigrate lesbians this way, but she is probably a lesbian who couldn’t come to terms and now angry at the world for having sex…..recreational sex.
I wonder can anyone do some digging, maybe it is right am my finger tips, but I wonder if she ever married and had kids?
Also, this is pretty much the reason why they are against same sex marriage. There is no worry over the sanctity of marriage. What they really don’t like is the idea of two people, of the same sex, being free and engaging in what they see as disgusting sex.
I wonder how she feels about masturbation?
City of sin, it’s a pity on a whim
Good girls gone bad, the city’s filled with them
Mommy took a bus trip, now she got her bust out
Everybody ride her, just like a bus route
Hail Mary to the city, you’re a virgin
And Jesus can’t save you, life starts when the church end
Came here for school, graduated to the high life
Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight
MDMA got you feelin’ like a champion
The city never sleeps, better slip you an Ambien
“I wonder how she feels about masturbation?”
Husband, three kids. No more sex. Husband jacks off, hopes wife doesn’t catch on.
And batshit insane.
“Why “Gay Marriage” is Not Marriage
As American culture moves closer to an acceptance of “gay marriage” Dr. Miller explains from religious and philosophical arguments why such sexual unions are contrary to human dignity and human sexual responsibility and not equivalent to heterosexual marital bonds as they fail to provide inherent, embodied identity and duties upon which the foundation of society itself depends.
“The Role of Women in the Church. Based on her book The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church, Dr. Miller explains that women are the sign of the Church in relation to the male priesthood and thus exercise the absolutely essential life-giving moral and sacramental responsibility for the Faith within the nuptial covenant of redemption.”
Why “Gay Marriage” is Not Marriage
As American culture moves closer to an acceptance of “gay marriage” Dr. Miller explains from religious and philosophical arguments why such sexual unions are contrary to human dignity and human sexual responsibility and not equivalent to heterosexual marital bonds as they fail to provide inherent, embodied identity and duties upon which the foundation of society itself depends.”
“and not equivalent to heterosexual marital bonds as they fail to provide inherent, embodied identity and duties upon which the foundation of society itself depends.”
yes society definitively depends on heterosexuals being married and divorced six times over. That is quite the bond, or they do what Johnny Manziel does, and beat his woman’s head against the car window while in his drunken rage.
ohhhhhhh my. Here is another beauty.
I’m sure she looks a letter better with makeup on and when she’s swooshing her hair like Cher.
We gain nothing mocking the appearance of people we don’t like, please leave that behaviour to people like bob who famously mocked the appearance of the president’s daughters. Lets be better than that and just discuss how her ideas are wrong.
@26 Agreed. But you must admit “Trumpkins” are a well timed bit of comedy.