Just after 5:00 pm Pacific time, Nancy Pelosi has called the convention to order—even in this atmosphere of festive disorder. A few minutes into her speech, she is clearly in the role of attack dog, and going after John McCain. “John McCain is Wrong,” she has the crowd chanting in unison.
The “John McCain is Wrong” part reminds me of that “priceless” McCain speech with the green backdrop. You remember that one…where McCain kept saying “And that’s not change we can believe in,” followed by a sheepish grin and a nasally, McGooish laugh. The difference here is that nobody is sheepish (but they are all grins). There is nothing but enthusiasm and, dare I say it, unity. Yes, I know, there is supposed to be disunity, especially among the Washington delegation (with whom I am sitting). While I ‘m sure there are some bitterly disappointed Clinton supporters around, there is most certainly a unity of feeling at the convention that America cannot afford a McCain presidency.
Ok I’m looking at convention on CSPAN and yes I see some folks with laptops typing away up above the floor.
Could be journos, could be bloggers.
Here is a link to all the bloggers selected to attend the DNC just like this site. I like what I see here.
Lots of nice words for kennedy.
Not even a moment of silence for Mary Jo Kopechne.
Not even a moment of silence for Mary Jo Kopechne.
We were counting on you for that. And, of course, you blew it.
You are a fucking asshole, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You are an unforgiving piece of shit, and precisely what is wrong with this nation. Ted Kennedy has done more good for this nation than any politician alive. He made a mistake 40 years ago. He is now dying of cancer, and what do we see from you? There are limits to political banter. You cross them. I cannot believe you are a musician. I have never met a musician with less soul than you. Did I tell you that you are a fucking asshole?
They should have held a vigil for that kid the cunt Laura Bush killed when she was in high school because he wouldn’t fuck the ugly bitch.
By the way – a REPUBLICAN Congressman who is supporting President Obama just gave a speech on behalf of the Democratic nominee. Nice to know there is in fact at least one republican in the world who is not a traitor to America.
The mistake was his car going off the bridge.
What he did after that wasn’t a mistake. It was intentional.
What did we see from him as mary jo was slowly dying in his car? Besides him putting his career aspirations ahead of what a normal acting human being would do.
Hold the presses: Pelosi says McCain is wrong…who woulda thunk
But star struck Darryl eats it up.
Does she talk about substance ?
I’ll second that PL. The silly knee-jerk Republican hack gets no more feedings from me.
Yelling Loser Boy SCUM has feelings?
Awww… I’m switching my vote from my John to Barack, just because those two little girls are sooooo cute!
uh oh! It’s Miller Time HA bloggers. Ya gotta put up a post about the parties.
11 – LMAO!!! Get your eyes checked. Read 10 again. MORON!!
@5 And you would feel the same if John McCain
left Mary Jo to die? Yeah. FUCK YOU
First day: Very weak, very poor job.
Michelle Obama
what could be more wonderful?
Maybe they’ll read this article before they write their economic platform?
I am certain during the Repug convention they will have a loving tribute to Carol Shepp McCain, whom John McCain committed adultery on during their marriage and dumped when she lost her model looks so he could marry the wealthy beer heiress.
Yep, can’t wait to see that!
Mark@14: I agree. The Donkey would react mightily.
Like you I am an unforgiving ass hole. But. unlike you I am not a partisan UAH.
I have had the good fortune ot spend a few hours one on one with Ted Kennedy and came awy very impressed. Whatever happend at the bridge, is horrible.
But why not show some balance?
The Bush admin’s shear incompetence in Iraq has killed several thousand Americans and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of others. How can you tolerate that?
The same folks have imposed a massive debt on our children for no obvious reason byt their own greed. How can you tolerate that?
While my friends died in ‘nam of fled the country, your effin President misused our resources and avoided even the minimum of duty required of him. How can you tolerate that?
The Bush Buddiehood declared war on our own justice Dept and now will not male good the erros they made the lives they hurt. How can you tolerate that?
In the meantime, we got to hear about true love toimite and you missed it. sad.
Did you see Nancy’s worthless diatribe with Tom Brokay Sunday on Meet the Depressing?
“I would say that as an ardent, practicing Catholic, this is an issue that I have studied for a long time. And what I know is, over the centuries, the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition.” – Nancy Pelosi
Well Nancy
Catholic Church Catechism 70 AD Didache 2:1–2 – “The second commandment of the teaching: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not seduce boys. You shall not commit fornication. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic. You shall not use potions. You shall not procure [an] abortion, nor destroy a newborn child”
Tertullian in 197 Ad wrote – “In our case, a murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from the other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier man-killing; nor does it matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to birth. That is a man which is going to be one; you have the fruit already in its seed”
Once again Donkey have no clue.
Funny, I don’t recall any of this righteous fury when someone on your side, BBG for example, goes beyond not only the bounds of “political banter”, but human decency. Or is your outrage only for your political opponents?
I love it when iBurner who is my bitch, tries to make a reasoned argument – like anyone who thinks he’s worth a fuck – RIGHT!
The right wing turds, my bitch iBurn included, don’t care about America. They care about winning. And they don’t care about anyone but themselves. They’re pro life until you’re born, then they have no use for you.
Now we should accept this and simply applaud every right wing death.
I CHEERED when Ronnie Raygun died. I jumped up and down and CHEERED. And I will do the same when that coke-snorting, AWOL, draft-dodging, monkeyfaced idiot GW Bush passes of old age. I’ll CHEER when WHATADICK Cheney finally has that last heart attack and I’ll CHEER when Rove dies of AIDS from being fucked in the ass by his queer boyfriend. These will be great days for America.
The Iraqis have spoken:
By the way it’s rumored that Rompin Rudy – the “GOP” keynote speaker plans to say “global terrorism” 123 times during his speech. Fear is all the traitors on the right have for sale.
Wonder if FlipFlop McSame will invite his first wife to the floor – you know, the one who was disfigured in a car crash and whom he cheated on with SIN dee before finally dumping the first wife he’d sworn his oath of loyalty to?
Oh, I get it. Bush is bad so it’s okay that teddy let an innocent die.
War is about death, always has been, always will be.
Should every president that has sent troops to war be brought up on criminal charges? Should a person that accidently drives off a bridge and then intentionally does nothing to help someone be brought up on criminal charges?
Case in point, right there.
BBG, put on a blindfold, and go play in traffic.
I-Burn puts party above everything else.
Too bad mary jo kopechne wasn’t available to speak at the dnc. No doubt she would have spoken highly of teddy, well, until he let her suffer and slowly die.
Marv @ 25- not every president who led the US to war should be brought up on charges. Those who lied to start the war and pursued it with incompetence, should.
I-burn @ 22
Actually, I do think BBG crosses the line. If I had a chance to talk to him, I would suggest that he not say things like:
“I CHEERED when Ronnie Raygun died. I jumped up and down and CHEERED. And I will do the same when that coke-snorting, AWOL, draft-dodging, monkeyfaced idiot GW Bush passes of old age.”
That ain’t right. So, how about you? Don’t you think that Marvistan crossed the line?
Michelle Obama came off as insincere. Ted Kennedy is a tragic, pathetic, and cowardly figure. I spent his speech reading about Mary Jo Kopechne’s life. I also spent the time reading a NY Times on a little unethical threeway between Joe Biden, his son, and a credit card company. “Biden’s son was on the payroll of a huge credit card company at the same time The Senator was voting to make it easier for huge credit card companies to keep people on the hook for their bad debts.” Corrupt, lying scumbag.
BBG, put on a blindfold, and go play in traffic.
I think he already has – once too often.
The Economist, a British conservative newsweekly, suggests American workers will have to accept a lower standard of living to keep inflation under control.
Roger Rabbit, an American patriot, says cheap labor conservatives should sacrifice a bit of their high living on the backs of America’s workers to keep greed under control.
These wingnuts will do anything to keep from admitting they want four more years of the same failures.
McSame is what they want. When McCain had some independent stands on the issues, they HATED him (even when he voted with the Chimp most of the time). Now he’s the McSame and they’ll vote for him.
They want the same old bullshit – McSame.
@3 Will the GOP/BIAW convention have a moment of silence for Laura Bush’s boyfriend?
@8 Poor Stamm believes Teddy pushed Mary Jo’s head under. Because Wingnut Central told him to. What Wingnut Central says, goes. Stamm may not question Wingnut Central.
But the rest of us can!!
@29 PL
Tough one. Difficult to be at all objective, as I don’t much like TK, either. However, speaking ill of a dying man is probably beyond good taste, if nothing else, yes.
Does anyone know if it’s true that Obama is a supporter of the Republic of New Afrika (RNA), which seeks the creation of a black nation in the U.S. in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina?
Any chance you will ever confront yourself and realize that you don’t know the truth from your anal cavity? You are not a liberal, you are not a Democrat. You need to go to your own people and reside among the muck of what passes for the opposition party. Go, man, play with the children that call themselves Republicans. Quit your charade about being a liberal. I’d ask if you had any shame, but Republicans have no shame so I will refrain from asking.
@9 Substance. Now there’s a fascinating topic! I could talk about substance all night! Unfortunately, the rightwing-biased media won’t talk about substance for 3 seconds. If they did, no Republican would ever be elected to anything, because Republicans fail on substance every time.
Republican Score Card:
Peace: F
Human rights: F
Foreign policy: F
Economy: F
Health care: F
Employment: F
Inflation: F
Standard of living: F
Food & drug safety: F
Disaster response: F
Tax fairness: F
Fiscal policy: F
Open government: F
Judicial appointments: F
Ethics: F
Energy policy: F
Transportation: F
Education: F
Bank regulation: F
Pensions & retirement security: F
I guess Marvie was at the bridge and saw it all happen. He is all knowing, after all. Hey, Marvie, do you have any friends? As a musician, do you have any gigs? I have to ask, given that you say that you live in California and seem to post here quite a lot. I don’t know why a California resident and popular musician would post on this blog unless, well, unless he really didn’t have anything else to do.
Comparing me to bibigoober?
All I said was “Not even a moment of silence for Mary Jo Kopechne.” That’s a far cry from cheering or the slew of names bibigoober routinely engages in.
Obviously you feel strongly that what teddy did was wrong, other wise the mere mention of mary jo’s name wouldn’t have pissed you off like it did.
What do you think Mary Jo would have said at the convention? Maybe the other john edwards could use his psychic powers and tell us.
Ted Kennedy committed a reprehensible act — one that millions of other Americans commit — namely, drinking and driving. He has spent the rest of his living atoning for it by caring about ordinary Americans — America’s workers, students, veterans, and families.
Republicans don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves and their own bank accounts.
I’ll take Teddy over any Republican you can name any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Betcha the Lord will, too.
Sign on Heavenly Gates:
Here’s a list of the democrats that lied us into the war.
You’ll be amazed how many were lying before bush took office. Don’t overlook the words of clinton, after all, as president he would know.
I-burn @36
Fair enough, I guess. I think that whatever you think about Teddy, you have to acknowledge he gives a shit about this nation. Bringing up Mary Jo Kopechne at this point in time reveals a person who is incapable of anything but the most ardent partisanship. One of the things that marks hard core contemporary Republicans is an inability to ever admit anything wrong with their leaders. The Cult of Reagan is the best example. Contemporary Republicans, even my friend, the Piper, treat Reagan as if he was the second coming. On our side of the fence, we don’t idolize. We recognize that humans are humans, not gods. That is why Hillary did not win the nomination. Bill may have been popular, but he was human. Reagan, on the other hand, with those of you on the right, never did wrong. I don’t get that.
Marvistan @ 41
You don’t get it at all, do you? Marching through life oblivious ain’t no way to go, m’lad. I’d hate to be you. Nonsense is not a rational path to follow. Go hide in your hole. People like you, who are utterly incapable of taking facts into account, utterly incapable of anything that the most partisan of thinking, are what is wrong with the good old US of A. Marvie, have I ever suggested that you go fuck yourself?
I was waiting for the personal attacks. You can’t dispute the facts that your idol teddy allowed someone to die so you have to attack me.
You know the truth.
Enjoy reading-
Mary jo could not be reached for comment.
Ted Kennedy committed a reprehensible act — one that millions of other Americans commit — namely, drinking and driving. He has spent the rest of his living atoning for it by caring about ordinary Americans — America’s workers, students, veterans, and families.
What evidence was there that he was drinking?
See the results of the inquest here:
I think the question here is whether his position provided advantages ordinary citizens wouldn’t have had.
What fact am I missing?
You know, I can go fuck myself.
Mary jo does not have that option thanks to teddy.
Here’s a list of folks who can’t fuck themselves thanks to Bush/McCain
Be patient, it is a long list.
Wonder if traitors and cowards like iBurn/AKA HMS ever wonder how all the dead US service men’s families felt when that coward McSame made 30 proaganda tapes helping the VC. Of course since iBurn/AKA HMS never served, they wouldn’t understand. They’re just traitors like everyone else on the right.
Oh yeah – and Laura Bush killed a guy! (Becuase he wouldn’t fuck her!)
A very interesting website about teddy and mary jo.
Let’s see, a car accident that happened nearly 40 years ago and a link to a web site that shows a very poor understanding of the meaning of the word “lie.” This is the legacy of Stamnering Marvin.
For the record, asking the CIA to forge documents is a lie.
I cannot believe you would claim that Michelle Obama’s speech was insincere. She is fucking remarkable. Your remark indicates how partisan you are. You really need to quit your charade. Oh, and by the way, go fuck yourself.
Of course “troll” is insincere.
He’s just a paid plant from the McCain campaign.
Just another product of the lie machine that is the Republic Party.
You have no soul. I’ve never met a musician without a soul. Therefore, I don’t believe you are a musician. Even Toby Keith can connect. You cannot. That is why you have no gigs. Life ain’t easy, Marvie, unless you live in your parents’ basement.
So george tenet, the clinton appointee lied for bush?
George tenet doesn’t agree with you, nor does he agree with the author of the book you linked to-
Too good to check, the dan rather story.
Yup, no soul, no gigs. I live in the basement of my parents house. Life ain’t easy, you got me pegged.
Since you are all knowing, why did teddy let her die and try to cover it up?
The soul of Mary Jo is wondering.
So, Stammer, even when you are attempting to defend the Repugs, you end up admitting that they actively worked to lie the US and the US Congress into a war.
Man, sucks to be a repug apologist.
Stammer, a question for you. Why did McCain denounce America and admit to being a war criminal?
Man, it surely do suck being a repug apologist, don’t it, Stammer?
Ooh Boy, the Repugs are such a complete failure
It is going to be such a treat to have real adults back in leadership. Maybe we can finally clean up the disaster the Repugs have caused.
Troll is a republican – he’s not even good at PRETENDING to be a Democrat. He’s an inbred idiot so best to ignore him.
As for Marvin, he’s a child rapist who lives in California. He’s never denied it. And what a loooooser. . . he has nothing better to do than post on an out-of-state board dominated by Washington-state Democrats.
Wonder if Marvin the child rapist is proud of the fact that McSame made 30 propaganda tapes for the VC – which helped boost our enemy.
Oh yeah and don’t forget. . . Laura Bush killed a guy. Google it!
Google “McCain is an asshole” 12,500 references.
Try the same for Obama – 538 references.
Pretty much sums it up.
Does anyone know if it’s true that Troll fucks sheep in his basement and fucks chickens in bed at night?
Does anyone know if it’s true that Marvin Stamn is jealous because he can’t afford the same quality of sheep and chickens that Troll owns?