“How can you have patience for people that claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?” …..Sydney Ellen Wade, The American President
I keep waiting for people lie Alec Baldwin and Barbara Streisand to move to Canada or Europe like the promised to do if Bush became President.
Baldwin and Streisand – we’re still waiting…..need a ride to the airport?
How about sacrifice? Bushism seems to me to be a patina of patriotism without sacrifice.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
I keep waiting…..
Which just underscores what a complete and utterly idiotic fool you really are.
My Left Footspews:
Dear Mark at 2:
My idea of patriotism is suffering fools like you. Recognizing that my father and my son fought for your right to spew nonsensical bullshit. Patriotism is understanding that with time, comes change in America.
Republicans have had their way with America as though she only belonged to the. The constitution be damned. Lies became the truth. Truth took a holiday.
Patriotism now comes in the form of people like Goldy, theHim and K.O.. People willing to speak up and voice the outrage of what is clearly now the majority of the people. Patriotism is standing up to your government, calling bullshit and voting, as my father said, “those God Damn lying bastards out of office”. He was speaking of Republican party of Nixon and Ford.
Come to think of, the more things change the more they stay the same. Patriotism is disagreeing with everything you say, Mark. Patriotism is being willing to die to protecting your right to say it. Sleep well tonight, Mark. Many liberal, and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
The next time someone says to you “Pardon me” say back “why, are you a republican”?.
Scooter Libby was just a perjurer like Al Capone was just a tax evader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What is your idea of patriotism on this most extraordinary 4th of July?”
Restoring the rule of law to America by incarcerating as many Republicans as possible.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hell, forget the incarceration, let’s just put ’em in internment camps!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Why should they? This is their country. You’re the one who should move. To a desert island with all your wingnut pals where you can practice your pirate conservatism on each other to your hearts’ content. Whatever. Just get the fuck out of MY country! Creeps.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “My idea of patriotism is suffering fools like you.”
Well you see MLF that was our mistake all along. We shouldn’t have suffered these fools for an instant. This rightwing nonsense should have been nipped in the bud! Wingnuts are like a mutant microbe — you have to keep them contained in a test tube, because if they ever get loose they create chaos and carnage.
My Left Foot says:
Dear Mark at 2:
Sleep well tonight, Mark. Many liberal, and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
Gee, thanks for that earthshattering revelation. I had no idea. I thought it was just me feeling tired.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Probably gonna be a slow news day … mostly Republicans blowing their fingers off with illegal fireworks.
Wouldn’t be surprised if we lose some of our trolls. We’ll see how many of ’em can still type tomorrow.
Harry Tuttlespews:
This morning, NPR played a recording of their announcers reading the Declaration of Independence. I know they’ve done it before, but not for how long. Must be a long time, though, since one of the announcers was Red Barber, who died in 1992.
His portion: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Steve Kelley, the fishwrapper’s sports columnist, finally figured it out:
“We’ve been duped by Bennett … Bennett is counting days, not wins.”
Michael Dohan of Seattle puts the Libby commutation in perspective with the clarity of a ringing church bell:
“The rest of the administration’s political appointees about to face criminal charges or congressional testimony now know that if you are well-connected within the administration, you can safely obstruct investigations and possibly even lie, because the administration is afraid of what leverage a jail sentence might provide over the guilty.”
(same link)
Roger Rabbitspews:
And Dore Svei of Olympia gives us insight into Shrub’s perspective on the matter:
“No one will think less of the president for it because he is thought of as little as any president ever has been.”
(same link)
Yeah, I think you nailed it, Dore! This president is so unpopular he has nothing left to lose, so he may as well go for broke … that’s the size of it … and, undoubtedly, the shape of more things to come between now and 2008. If we are to believe GOP insider Vic Gold and the Washington Post, even his own parents can’t stand him. Hell, even Dickless Cheney doesn’t trust him, which is why Dickless runs the country and tells the little boy what to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
L’affair Libby is not playing well in the letters pages, even in Frank Blethen’s tabloid. Suck on it, Bush apologists! The public hates you.
Two Dogsspews:
I don’t think July 4th is about patriotism. It’s more about challenging the status quo and fighting for change when that becomes necessary. It’s about honoring those who challenge the status quo, and defending their right to do so, whether you agree with them or not.
Harry Tuttlespews:
Do we ever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bush Court Appointee: Perjurer In Robes
Columnist E. J. Dionne tells us,
” … [N]ow … we learn that U.S. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh may have misled the Senate during his confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh claimed he was not involved in administration discussions about setting the rules for the treatment of enemy combatants. The Washington Post reported that he actually was. Although a spokeswoman for Kavanaugh insisted that his testimony was ‘accurate,’ Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy said, ‘I don’t believe that he was truthful with us.'”
Dionne suggests a solution:
“The Senate should refuse even to hold hearings on Bush’s next Supreme Court choice unless the president reaches agreement with the Senate majority on a mutually acceptable list of nominees.”
But I’m not sure it’ll work, because that would require the Democratic Senate to show spine, and frankly, it doesn’t have any.
Daddy Lovespews:
“Mr. Libby was tried by a jury of his peers and was convicted of a felony, ” Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) said in a statement. “The fact that Mr. Libby committed this crime while serving as a public official makes it all the more egregious. Excessive or not, Mr. Libby’s sentence should be respected.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Fourth of July commemorates the brave patriots who founded our country and their victory. The Tories were assholes then — and still are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Tories were landed gentry in 1776 — and still are, in a manner of speaking. For photo of present-day Tories, click here: http://tinyurl.com/
25 years into the computer revolution, you’d think by now someone would make a browser that works.
My Left Footspews:
Mark @ 12:
I see you missed the point of the post.
But thank you for recognizing that I wanted to mention/point out that on this Fourth of July we should be thinking of those willing to give in a selfless manner. Of their own free will.
As for the point of the post, read it again until you understand.
My Left Footspews:
It is called Mozilla Firefox. Not perfect, but much handier than IE.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Mozilla Firefox is the worst browser out there, except for all the others. (Remind you of a certain quote about democracy?)
Rog, if you’re having browser troubles I’d consider (1) the browser you’re using and (2) the stability and security of the underlying OS, in that order.
Yer Killin Mespews:
On this Fourth of July I think back to the words of Thomas Jefferson: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
I got lots more if you want to hear ’em.
A concerned Democratspews:
“The Senate should refuse even to hold hearings on Bush’s next Supreme Court choice unless the president reaches agreement with the Senate majority on a mutually acceptable list of nominees.”
But I’m not sure it’ll work, because that would require the Democratic Senate to show spine, and frankly, it doesn’t have any.
If you are the majority, why the hell would you want to block a nominee. Just vote them down. Geeeesh. I hate it when my fellow dems try to avoid debate.
Dan Ratherspews:
Wow. The dems are all of a sudden concerned with the rule of law. hehehehehehehhehe Dont you love politics. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yer Killin Mespews:
Well well. It’s a guy pretending to be a newscaster spouting complete rubbish. How much more American can you get on the Fourth of July?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 IE? Who’s got IE? This p.o.s. I’m working on is called AOL (stands for Always Off Line).
OK, Here’s your upgrade. Specially designed to handle all those calls from friends, admirers, bill collectors, skip tracers, investigative reporters, insurance salesmen and, most of all, family.
You people kill me! Idiot this, moron that. Uneducated this, dimwitted that.
Now there’s a sure fire way to win people over to your side. Instead of debating amongst yourselves what the level of stupidity is of people that happen to have a different world view than you do, how about venturing into a non leftist blog and try and engage people that vote differently than you?
Is this possible without descending into immature insults and personal attacks? Judging from THIS blog, I have serious doubts. In the mean time, you are convincing nobody and are just agreeing with each other.
Yer Killin Mespews:
We don’t have to worry much about people coming over to our side. As they realize what the Republican crime cabal has done to this country, they’re coming over on their own accord.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 That’s a small step for a rabbit, but a giant leap for rabbit-kind! Most of my species are still using ear twitches, nose wrinkles, and other forms of visual signaling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why they need me as their king. My species is technologically primitive. We haven’t figured out yet how to wreck our environment or blow up our colonies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why we’ll still be around long after you stupid humans are extinct.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Here’s a little story to show you what I mean.
Out in the suburbs Milton and Jessica viewed little Muffy with pride. She had a litter of kittens in a box and a hand-lettered sign she had made that said
They smiled at one another, congratulating themselves on how well they had raised their little daughter.
Then a couple of days later they noticed that most of the kittens were still there, but the sign had changed to read:
Jessica looked on the sigh with horror. “Muffy!” she cried. “We do not use that word around here. Why did you change the sign?”
Muffy looked up at her mother. “Mummy, they used to be Republican kitties, but now their eyes are open.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to @39:
The dumbest rabbit is wiser than the smartest Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Okay, let’s put #39 in some sort of historical perspective. For 60 years, people of Mark’s political persuasion have been calling liberals “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” “terrorists,” etc.
So we finally get some spine and start calling THEM names … and now Mark the Wingnut is upset because we’re “descending into immature insults and personal attacks”?
What he’s upset about is … we’re behaving like THEM.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Personally, I think we should do more of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We need to get serious about stealing back the elections they’re stealing from us, too. I figure they’re gonna accuse us of it anyway, so we may as well do it.
Then, when we’re appointing the judges and prosecutors, we can do some serious housecleaning to rid our beloved America of Republican traitors and subversives and get this country back on track.
Roger Rabbit says:
Reply to @39:
The dumbest rabbit is wiser than the smartest Republican.
Gee, thanks for clearing that up Roger. The next time I encounter a rabbit I’ll be sure and hit him up for some wisdom.
Thanks for also proving my point for me. Although I’d rather see you engage the other side instead of just talking to each other in 100% agreement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Mark put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Neoconmen: Love war.
Liberals: Will fight if necessary, but prefer peace.
Neoconmen: Long history of anti-labor attitudes since the days they started a civil war to defend slavery.
Liberals: Abolished slavery and child labor, regulated sweat shops, enacted worker safety laws, created workers comp and unemployment insurance, established Social Security and Medicare programs, support collective bargaining rights and minimu wage.
Neoconmen: Big fans of racism and discrimination, executions, concentration camps, torture, government spying on citizens without court oversight, suppressing free speech (except theirs), consistent supporters of rogue cops and votingppression.
Liberals: Enacted civil rights laws, defend due process and personal rights, oppose government oppression and misconduct.
Neoconmen: Hate democracy, love inequality.
Liberals: Love democracy, support social and economic justice.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for wingnuts to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Wingnuts are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
Personally, I think we haven’t lowered ourselves to their level enough yet. We need to fight fire with fire. And until they’re all gone, we need to turn the fire up hotter.
Mark — as a defender of Wingnut Republicanism, you can’t expect any mercy on this blog nor do you deserve any.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In case you trolls have forgotten, this is a LIBERAL blog, and you’re uninvited guests here. Of course, Goldy allows anyone to post on his blog and there’s no censorship, so you can say whatever you want. And you can trust the resident liberals here to roll out the Welcome Wagon for you every time you show your pus-ugly faces on this board!
But if you want to indulge in mutual ball-scratching without interference from honest men and women who will call your bullshit, Mr. Sharanksy will provide a more comfortable environment for you on his carefully censored and regulated blog. You guys like censorship and regulation of speech, right? You’ll love his sucky little blog, where only token liberal opinions, mildly expressed, allowed and then only to serve as objects of derision for the wingnut circle-jerk herd of lemmings he caters to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reposted to correct typos:
In case you trolls have forgotten, this is a LIBERAL blog, and you’re uninvited guests here. Of course, Goldy allows anyone to post on his blog and there’s no censorship, so you can say whatever you want. And you can trust the resident liberals here to roll out the Welcome Wagon for you every time you show your pus-ugly faces on this board!
But if you want to indulge in mutual ball-scratching without interference from honest men and women who will call your bullshit, Mr. Sharanksy will provide a more comfortable environment for you on his carefully censored and regulated blog. You guys like censorship and regulation of speech, right? You’ll love his sucky little blog, where only token liberal opinions, mildly expressed, are allowed and then only to serve as objects of derision for the wingnut circle-jerk herd of lemmings he caters to.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
Roger Rabbit says:
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Mark put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Neoconmen: Love war. Mark: Yeah, we LOVE war. In fact, we’re pissed off whenever there is NOT war. Grow up.
Liberals: Will fight if necessary, but prefer peace.
Neoconmen: Long history of anti-labor attitudes since the days they started a civil war to defend slavery. Mark: Yeah, aint it a shame there is no more slavery. Grow up. You must be a union hack. This must come as a surprise, but I was a member of the Teamsters Union for 9 years. Not by choice I might add. They were a worthless outfit for the employees that just sucked dues money out of the pockets of their members with no benefit to be had. The non union stores of the company I worked for at this time had it much better. Same wages, but no bonuses like the non union stores had and there was no 401k match since the company contributed towards that worthless Teamsters pension that is most likely going into the pockets of the mob. The only benefit anyone got from the union is if you were a shit head employee who deserved to be fired. They went to bat for the lowlifes and half the time they were successful is retaining the dead weight non productive employee. So spare me the union boss rhetoric. Fortunately, I am now in a professional salaried job where every decision is not dictated by senority like Union shops are run by.
Liberals: Abolished slavery and child labor, regulated sweat shops, enacted worker safety laws, created workers comp and unemployment insurance, established Social Security and Medicare programs, support collective bargaining rights and minimu wage.
Neoconmen: Big fans of racism and discrimination, executions, concentration camps, torture, government spying on citizens without court oversight, suppressing free speech (except theirs), consistent supporters of rogue cops and votingppression. Mark: Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.
Liberals: Enacted civil rights laws, defend due process and personal rights, oppose government oppression and misconduct.
Neoconmen: Hate democracy, love inequality. Mark: Yeah, I love inequality and hate democracy. Grow up.
Liberals: Love democracy, support social and economic justice.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for wingnuts to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Wingnuts are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Thank you once again for proving my point. Keep it coming, I love being right.
Attention advertisers, you too can reach this prime demographic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and don’t forget to click on Ann Coulter’s ad on your way out of here, to earn Goldy a nickel. He needs her money more than she does. Redneck: You can pay your gambling debt by clicking on the Coulter ad 2,000 times. (And thanks for buying my gas!)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “You must be a union hack.”
Of course I’m a union hack. Do I look like a nickel-grubbing Republican slavedriver?
“Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.”
I must admit that I was raised in a lily-white racist community that worshipped people like George Wallace, but I grew up in the ’60s after getting out in the real world and seeing for myself how some people actually treat other people. Spending a couple years at a southern college kinda opened my eyes. Yours are still duct-taped shut, or you wouldn’t be a Republican. See, e.g., this week’s Extremist Court decision re school integration. If you think you can achieve racial equality in this country by supporting a political party who appoints people to the Supreme Court who think whites are victims of discrimination, you have your head up your ass.
“I love being right.”
Right about what? You’ve never been right about anything in your entire miserable fucking life. The only thing right about you is your politics, which are totally wrong-headed. You were born 150 years too late. You would have fit well into what our society was during the Reconstruction – Robber Baron era.
Why can’t you guys stay on the topic of the post instead of constantly rehashing your boring repetitive arguments about other stuff? WE have HEARD IT ALREADY. Try to say something new. Try to make it match the subject. Genneralized Dem-GOP bickering is not the subject. The subject is what does patriotism mean to you.
I have a friend who does not even like to say he feels patriotic because he does not like so many of our nation’s acts in foreign policy. Our nation has done bad things but it also has done good things and its ideals and values are worthy. If anyone else also wants “our” values — equality, opportunity, democracy, the bill of rights, and all that, I say great! I do believe they are universal values.
At our best we _are_ and can be an inspiration. We did fight for freedom and the principle of democracy (in practice it was limited, but it was broader than almost anywhere else in the world , and we have expanded it). We did end slavery, we did achieve more progress in the civil rights era, and there are many, many countries with far more racial, gender and ethnic inequality than we have. (Sudan, Saudia Arabia, even Japan vis-a-vis Korean immigrants). We can be proud of progress achieved yet know we must do more.
As for foreign policy, yes today we are at a nadir. Many of us are doing what we can to stand up for our Constitution. Last Century we did a lot of good — Germany and Japan, you may have noticed, have absolutely no problem with how we treated them in the 1940s-1950s (we beat them with armed force, bombing, firebombing, and nuclear weapons, we took them over occupied them and rehabbed their political systems then we helped restore world peace and stability and got Europe back on its feet and today there is democracy all over Europe and the republics of the former USSR. Not bad. Hard to find a fifty year period in european history that turned out better.)
I have not listed here all the bad things (Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, D.R., now Iraq, slavery, suppression of women, et al.) as on these blogs we tend to focus only on that stuff. I guess in contrast to my friend I do own and do want to own a sense of patriotism, and it is this:
Patriotism is loving my country and its best values and working to bring them about. It’s feeling proud when we do and compelled to act when we don’t. It’s feeling connected and responsible.
It’s being imbued with the feeling that just as I enjoy the freedoms and benefits of my country , I have a responsiblity to make sure it lives up to its highest ideals.
Roger Rabbit says:
@59 “You must be a union hack.”
Of course I’m a union hack. Do I look like a nickel-grubbing Republican slavedriver?
“Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.”
I must admit that I was raised in a lily-white racist community that worshipped people like George Wallace, but I grew up in the ’60s after getting out in the real world and seeing for myself how some people actually treat other people. Spending a couple years at a southern college kinda opened my eyes. Yours are still duct-taped shut, or you wouldn’t be a Republican. See, e.g., this week’s Extremist Court decision re school integration. If you think you can achieve racial equality in this country by supporting a political party who appoints people to the Supreme Court who think whites are victims of discrimination, you have your head up your ass.
“I love being right.”
Right about what? You’ve never been right about anything in your entire miserable fucking life.
I’m right about YOU. You are an arrogant, condescending, puffed up, wannabe pseudo intellectual who can’t even fathom the idea of people voting Republican who aren’t “stupid”, “ignorant”, “uneducated”, etc. That is the sum total of your attitude towards anyone that doesn’t agree with you.
Like I said, engage the other side and see what happens. Until then, you are convincing nobody.
Yer Killin Mespews:
You must be new around here if you think the trolls will keep to the topic. They live to hijack threads, even threads about this wonderful country of ours.
Nice post, even so.
Mark The Redneck Goldsteinspews:
Rabbit 50
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Rabbit put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war.
Moonbat Libruls: Prefer appeasement and pacification that gets people killed.
Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills.
Moonbat Libruls: Set up system of “entitlements” that destroys initiative and makes The Producers pay for the voluntary lifetime of bad choices of The Takers.
Conservatives: Understand that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
Moonbat Libruls: Put people in groups and pander to them.
Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions.
Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart. Refuse to understand that it does not, and cannot work.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Dan Ratherspews:
Yeah, sleep well. The liberal(who vote republican), and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
Dan Ratherspews:
What is with liberals worrying about our reputation abroad? Why should the US care about the opinion of lesser countries? Dont get me wrong, I am not saying the people of other countries are worthless, it is just how they run government, business, ect. is inferior. I guess if you yearn to lower yourself to 2nd or 3rd world status I can understand.
Just 16% of American voters now say that Congress is doing a Good (14%) or an Excellent (2%) job. That’s down from 19% in mid-June and from 26% at the end of May.
Remind us again… who boast about controlling congress??
Let\’s talk about fat al\’s fatter drug abusing punk kid too…
#39 Mark, “Now there’s a sure fire way to win people over to your side. Instead of debating amongst yourselves what the level of stupidity is of people that happen to have a different world view than you do, how about venturing into a non leftist blog and try and engage people that vote differently than you?”
Mark, we tried. Every time we post on a “Right Wing” blog, the delete our comments, and ban us.
The Wingnut blogs can’t defend their positions, or deal with the truth. Period.
It is not that we namecall out of spite Mark. The simple fact is anyone still supporting the Bush Crime Family after this much evidence to their wrongdoing has been uncovered would be considered a traitor, and Un-American. They belong in North Korea, or Red China.
It is not that you have as you put it “a different worldview” Mark. It is the fact that no facts support your worldview, and “your side” has to lie, and deceive every step of the way to justify their crimes. It is getting old…..
#59 Mark: You love being right? Thinking you are right would be the same thing as a German Citizen saying Hitler was right.
Republicans make Real Americans sick.
The party built on lies, fear, and defamation.
Your time is up. Good riddance. Rove, and Bush destroyed the GOP for the benefit of the rest of the world. The problem is it will take decades to undo the damage the GOP controlled government has caused. We can start by filling some jails with all the “Loyal Bushies” in our government…
Harry Tuttlespews:
@59 Mark says:
Yeah, aint it a shame there is no more slavery. Grow up. You must be a union hack. This must come as a surprise, but I was a member of the Teamsters Union for 9 years. Not by choice I might add… [blah, blah, blah we’ve heard it all before.]
So, now you have a job where how hard you suck the anus of your boss (or customer) determines your advancement. A good thing for you, because your march in straight line, obey at all cost mentality needs the discipline of kneeling and obeisance.
You may not believe it, but what do I care? I worked in a professional capacity for the largest computer company in the world for twenty-five years, one where the founders prided themselves for keeping the unions out by treating their employees well. Until NAFTA, of course, now it is just one more organized bunch of psycopaths forcing the quality of life into an ever downward spiral.
Now, the Teamsters union assures that I just do my job and leave the brown nosing to guys like you.
Praise boss when morning work-bells chime.
Praise him for bits of overtime.
Praise him whose wars we love to fight
Praise him, fat leech and parasite.
God I love slaughering people as disillusioned as you. Your talking points don’t hold water one bit. Read on….
“Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war. (People with brains know it is a little more complicated than invading non threatening nations against the will of the rest of the world. Sorry buddy. The best way to achieve peace is through strong alliances, something the criminals in charge laugh at)
Moonbat Libruls: Prefer appeasement and pacification that gets people killed. (Like the Republicans appeased Hitler? Liberals want our resources spent fighting terrorists, not creating more of them)
Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills. (Totally free market means America is eventually one monopoly. Regulated fair markets make sense)
Moonbat Libruls: Set up system of “entitlements” that destroys initiative and makes The Producers pay for the voluntary lifetime of bad choices of The Takers. (That is why Bush cut taxes on dividends and capitol gains? Those folks are producing orders at the poolside and nothing else)
Conservatives: Understand that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” (And we should ignore the damage, and inequities of centuries of institutionalized racism too right? You must have been born with a silver spoon up your ass right?)
Moonbat Libruls: Put people in groups and pander to them. (That is Rove’s master plan. Haven’t you heard?)
Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions. (The only thing sustainable in Bush’s economic plan is the oil companies profits. The environment gets screwed every step of the way.)
Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart. Refuse to understand that it does not, and cannot work. (Hmmmmm. Calling the reality based community Marxists doesn’t work any more turkey.)
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility. ”
(Gee Mark great comment. Why don’t we start burying all them soldiers that died in Iraq creating Rove’s permanent Republican Majority in your back yard. I gotta love how you can ignore all the crimes of the Bushies that have come to light in the last few months. Keep it up. Soon you will have to find a deeper hole in the sand to bury your head.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 I see in the news that Al Gore’s kid got busted for driving a Prius — a fucking Prius — over 100 mph!!! And you thought Democrats driving hybrids are sissies! ha ha ha
P.S., thanks for buying my gas, Redneck! NOV is almost $110 a share.
P.P.S., pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
When I’m rich, I’m gonna get one of these http://tinyurl.com/yr34qj to blow Redneck off the road and outrun the cops!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Back in March 2003 the Busheviks told us their invasion of Iraq would be over in, what … 3 weeks? How’s that working out for you righty armchair colonels?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 We don’t do partisan cooperation here. This is a PATRIOTIC blog! We mete out justice to Republican TRAITORS.
My Left Footspews:
I have been coming here for what seems like forever. (In a good way, Goldy).
I haven’t seen this much blind faith since Jim Jones served Kool-Aid.
The bottom line is that posters such as Mark, Mark the Redneck, Puddybud, JCH, Auntie-Liberal and the Union Fireman all have one thing in common. They suffer from fear. The same fear the current leadership in Washington suffers. The fear of being questioned, the fear of the light of day being shined on their antics and positions.
Whenever anyone questions them they immediately turn and attack the inquisitor as being a traitor, an aid and abettor or worse. They have no other out. Like animals cornered, they cower in fear and then lash out.
Today, I am reminded of all the men and women who have given of themselves that we might remain free. Today I am even more mindful of the men who wrote our constitution, who’s foresight and wisdom has carried on to this day.
I know that in just over a years time we will again use the power of the constitution to take back what these interlopers have usurped…..our freedom and our right to open government, free from tyranny and threat, that answers to the people.
George Bush’s legacy is set. His administration will be remembered and reviled for its attack on the American way. It will be remembered for the needless deaths of American men and women in a civil war that has no foreseeable end, that once again was fought not on native soil, but in a land we have no business occupying. It will also be remembered for the lies it used to further it’s selfish interests. It will be remembered for the wanton disregard of our constitution. It will be remembered as a complete and utter failure.
This administration will also be remembered for proving that our system works. They will be sent quietly into the night, shamed and disgraced. Our system will then begin the process of recovery and rebuilding and healing.
So to the Republicans I say thank you. Thank you for strengthening my belief in our system.
Now, get out of the way. We have work to do. Important work.
Dan Ratherspews:
Okay, let’s put #39 in some sort of historical perspective. For 60 years, people of Mark’s political persuasion have been calling liberals “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” “terrorists,” etc.
No, we have been calling you that for longer than 60 years. It is just that now we have a couple stations on the radio and one TV station that dont tow the democrat party line. Of course, like always, you dems can dish it out but can’t take it. Democrats have always been pussies. That is why they support the fairness doctrine.
headless lucyspews:
re 78: You might want to try reframing that “against” the fairness doctrine.
Your gonna lose that one.
It’s as if you are saying: “We’re the astro-turf Republicans against fairness!”
\”American liberalism has transformed itself into the L-word,a curse to be avoided even by some of its foremost champions, such as John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. But the poison is not in the word, the poison is in the meaning that lurks behind the word. In modern America, liberal is progressive is globalist is socialist. They all represent precisely the same freedom-hating concept, constructed on the notion that all rights spring from government, that the government\’s primary roles include: a) providing for the needs of its people, b) serving as a referee between competing group interests, c) acting as God, High Priest and Supreme Judge in bringing cosmic justice to society, and that all property belongs collectively to society through the agency of the government.\” –Vox Day
\”If we desire to insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments ofour rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.\” –George Washington
How do FREEDOM HATERS celebrate a day that celebrates freedom? By spending the entire day on a country hating blog.
Pitiable fuckers.
\”[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man\’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.\” –John Adams
\”[A] wise and frugal government…shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.\” –Samuel Adams
\”To restore…harmony,…to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot.\” –Thomas Jefferson
Welcome to HorseAss and the Democrat party, 2007, Mr Adams. Is you heart broken yet, Mr Jefferson?
\”I think we have more machinery of government than is
necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the
industrious.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.\” — Joseph Warren (Boston Massacre Oration, 6 March 1775)
\”Act worthy of yourselves\”… better yet, act worthy of the freedom you scorn and little deserve, fuckers
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” —George Washington
Ah, George you recognized the asses even then. Thank You.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 “Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-har-HAR!!! That’s like trying to dry up the Columbia River by bailing with a bucket!! Typical conservative thinking: Looks great on paper, doesn’t fly in the real world.
“Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-har-HAR!!! Unregulated capitalism is self-destroying! Look at Mexico for example, where Carlos Slim owns 8% of the national economy and drug gangs own most of the other 92%. Or … look at the history of the U.S. before the New Deal: One financial panic after another. What societal ills have unregulated markets solved? Free markets have given us a grossly expensive and dysfunctional health care system that is 50 times less efficient than the little bit of government-run health care that exists in this country.
“Conservatives: Understand that ‘The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.'”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-HAR!!! Empty rhetoric that does nothing to solve our most severe societal ill.
“Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-HAR!!! What free markets? Show me a sustainable solution and I’ll show you government subsidies, tax breaks, depletion allowances, taxpayer-provided infrastructure, government reclamation projects, and other forms of corporate welfare. There’s hardly a business worth mentioning in this country that isn’t being subsidized by the government in one way or another.
“Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-ha-HAR!!! We only pay lip service to redistributing wealth; you guys practice it every day, by redistributing wealth from workers and consumers to the rich!
“See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours.”
Hard to argue with this one. We ran the country successfully for 75 years until you fuckups came along.
“Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-ha-HAR!!! Redneck’s claims always fall apart upon close examination. For example, he claimed that cutting taxes always increases revenue. Let’s subject this to an empirical test.
Hmmm … looks like federal revenue was LESS after Bush’s tax cuts!! Another Redneck argument blow to hell!
Here’s another monkey wrench in Redneck’s pat ideology: States that vote Democratic pay more in taxes to the federal government than they get back in federal spending, while states that vote Republican pay less taxes than they get in spending. Locally, King County votes Democratic and exports $125 million a year of gas taxes to other (mostly Republican) counties. So much for Redneck’s bullshit claim that liberals are “parasites” — when you look at the facts it’s actually the other way around.
The biggest parasites of all, of course, are conservative Republican farmers and ranchers who get billions of dollars of reclamation projects free of charge, cheap electricity to pump irrigation water they expect to get free forever, grazing rights on federal land for one-fourth of market value, crop subsidies, rural electrification subsidies, road subsidies, enough tax breaks to make an accountant’s head spin, price supports, etc. ad nauseum. Trying cutting their government handouts by one fucking penny and see how loudly these “self-made rugged individualists” scream!
Done bullshitting, Redneck? You’ve got some unfinished business to tend to: PAY YOUR FUCKING GAMBLING DEBT, PARASITE!!! P.S., thanks for buying my gas!! NOV is almost $110 a share.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It takes a lot of space to debunk Redneck, not because his bullshit is complicated, but because there’s so much of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It costs just as much to grade and pave a mile of rural highway used by 1 farm truck a day as it does to build a mile of urban arterial used by 10,000 cars a day. It’s pretty fucking obvious the farmer isn’t paying for it, isn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Show me a parasite and I’ll show you a Republican!
GOP = freeloader collective
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “that dont tow the democrat party line”
Dufus = typical illiterate wingfuck! He probably doesn’t even know what’s wrong with this sentence!
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know things are bad for GOPers when Bush Pioneers flock to Hillary Clinton. http://tinyurl.com/ysneqe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 We don’t do partisan cooperation here. This is a PATRIOTIC blog! We mete justice to Republican TRAITORS.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I-966, which would bar government benefits to illegal immigrants, is “dead in the water.” With Friday’s deadline looming, it has less than half the signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. I-966 is sponsored by a member of the rightwing Minuteman militia group.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If illegals don’t get government benefits, they shouldn’t have to pay taxes. If they pay taxes, they should get the benefits they paid for.
When you work for government, everything you type on a government computer is a public record, so don’t type anything you don’t want to read in a newspaper.
New England Patriotspews:
Multiple (Pro) Choice:
[] Roger’s off his meds
[] Roger’s on wayyy too much estrogen again
[] Scooty Libber = Paris, and he should do her time
Actually, boys & girls, Scooty (perjury, obstruction) = BlueDressBill (perjury, obstruction). Freedom, Justice, & The American Way demand that Scoot serve the same Draconian hard-time stay that big Bill was sentenced to.
Or Sandy Berger. Who got sentenced to a $10,000 fine and a time out for wearing shredder underpants. Sandy’s old Dan Schorr’s good friend.
And when Schorr outed covert CIA agents and operations in the ’70s, why didn’t you old toothless, drooling Goldycrats call it treason?
(Richard Helms, CIA, wrote about Schorr. He also wrote about the Family Jewel plots against Castro, domestic spying, etc. Helms said even a rogue agency would never have taken those risks without presidential authorization, plausibly denied. Now we know beyond doubt that Kennedy (John) and Kennedy (Bob) were pushing the CIA to kill Castro. Lyndon Johnson, according to last week’s papers, ordered domestic spying to prove that left-wing radicals were tools of the USSR. Bobby Kennedy ordered the wiretapping of Martin Luther King.)
Doger Crabbyspews:
\”American liberalism has transformed itself into the L-word,a curse to be avoided even by some of its foremost champions, such as John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. But the poison is not in the word, the poison is in the meaning that lurks behind the word. In modern America, liberal is progressive is globalist is socialist. They all represent precisely the same freedom-hating concept, constructed on the notion that all rights spring from government, that the government\’s primary roles include: a) providing for the needs of its people, b) serving as a referee between competing group interests, c) acting as God, High Priest and Supreme Judge in bringing cosmic justice to society, and that all property belongs collectively to society through the agency of the government.\” –Vox Day
\”If we desire to insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments ofour rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.\” –George Washington
How do FREEDOM HATERS celebrate a day that celebrates freedom? By spending the entire day on a country hating blog.
Pitiable fuckers.
\”[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man\’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.\” –John Adams
\”[A] wise and frugal government…shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.\” –Samuel Adams
\”To restore…harmony,…to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot.\” –Thomas Jefferson
Welcome to HorseAss and the Democrat party, 2007, Mr Adams. Is you heart broken yet, Mr Jefferson?
\”I think we have more machinery of government than is
necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the
industrious.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.\” — Joseph Warren (Boston Massacre Oration, 6 March 1775)
\”Act worthy of yourselves\”… better yet, act worthy of the freedom you scorn and little deserve, fuckers
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” —George Washington
Ah, George you recognized the asses even then. Thank You.
Oh. my. Another conservative posing as a patriot whose life is so fulfilled that he has nothing better to do than annoy real people. Bring it on, hero. We gaze in awe at your wisdom, etc, etc.
Another sloooww day.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Somehody remind me again. What was Clinton convicted of?
Yer Killin Mespews:
Anyone who supports the current “administration” has lost the right to call themselves a patriot. Patriots do not stand by and watch while the constitution is shredded, liberties are eroded, suspended or canceled, and everything that our forefathers put on the line 231 years and 1 day ago is set aside and valued as naught.
Methinks that New England Patriot played way too many games without benefit of a helmet. (Sorry, too good a line, just couldn’t resist.)
So, are you talking about the same situation where the CIA was violating both its charter and federal law by spying on US citizens for Richard Nixon? Were those the “covert agents” you mean?
And you might have noticed that the political leanings of the parties have changed a bit since the 1960s. Yes, forty years ago, we had Democrats that were in favor of segregation, Democrats that got us into terrible wars and Democrats that were at the center of political corruption. Lyndon Johnson may have been a Democrat, but he was also an old-school conservative politician.
As to the “Bill lied too” mantra that you wingnuts just can’t seem to let go of, let’s try a little thought exercise, shall we?
Someone sees a kid (that he knows) swipe a candy bar from a mini-mart, but tells the police officer he didn’t see it. Wrong? Certainly. Obstruction of justice? Yes. Is the guy going to be sent to jail for it? Only if he’s black and lives in Texas or Arizona. De minimis non curat lex. (Look it up if you don’t recognize the phrase.)
A bank robber shoots up a bank, injures some people and threatens others. Someone sees the face of the bank robber and recognizes him. He also lies to the police, preventing them from catching the robber. Same crime? Technically, yes. Should the punishment be the same? Well, according to you wingnuts, the answer is also “yes”.
Not surprisingly, I disagree.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
To change the subject: Roger pointed out that the CEO of Morgan Bank is endorsing Hilary. Hmmm. I kinda like this. . .it sinks Republicans and Hilary at the same time. It takes money away from slimeballs like Thompson and Giuliani, and at the same time firmly settles a burning tire of ‘corporatism’ around Hilary’s neck in place of those pearls. . .
My intuition is that as long as the Preznit trolls the waters below thirty percent popularity,primarily for his criminality, and Congress continues their low marks for their spinelessness, and Obama continues racking up truly impressive dollar amounts from the grass roots, Hilary becomes an afterthought, and Obama becomes a shoo-in. Disclaimer I make no reference to Obama’s qualifications, only his chances.
“Armed Madhouse” was excellent reading. Thank you. I only wish that the information had raised my blood pressure. While I try to remain optimistic, nothing in the book really surprised me.
I suppose that it comes from many years in the military, dealing with government agencies, along with my reading of history, both of the US and other countries.
On a positive note, even though much of history teaches us that this sort of corruption is all too common, it can also be noted that we’ve managed to live through it every time it comes up. It causes injustice, poverty and terrible wars, but somehow we always manage to survive.
My hope is that, at least for a little while, we can hold the corruption at bay and make just a bit of progress.
“He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.” Saint Augustine, 345-430 A.D.
Yer Killin Mespews:
I’d change that to $SOMEBODY_ELSE is a shoo-in. I like Edwards’ chances, and I like what he’s saying. I’d still vote for Obama before I’d vote for Hilary. And of course if Gore enters the race things get real interesting. For one thing, Mark the Redneck Welsher’s head would explode when Gore wins.
Learn 2 Forgetspews:
95: If a line is way too good to resist, then give attribution to its source instead of stealing it. Lyndon Johnson said it 40 years ago about Gerald Ford, who played pro-quality college ball.
And let me repeat, slowly this time: Lyndon Johnson, progressive Democrat, was the source also of the CIA’s domestic spying. Got concerns about the agency’s charter? Johnson didn’t. He wanted the CIA to spy on left-wing radicals and bedwetters, domestic, to show they were tools of the international communist conspiracy. AKA useful idiots, rather like Goldstein.
Go back to the Times and P-I, last week. It’s in there.
Not in there is the slam-dunk certainty that LBJ used illegal surveilance against Republican Goldwater in 1964 and against the Mississippi Freedom Democrats at LBJ’s coronation or convention in 1964. Nixon had nothing to do with it.
goldy milhaus nixonspews:
The free screech people are unusually shrill today … nonsense about unprecedented threats to our civil liberties. I commend to everybody here a left winger’s good book about wartime liberties. Read it. Learn something. Get some context. Get a clue. Get a grip.
The book is Perilous Times. Author is Jeffrey Stone, dean of the law school at University of Chicago. Do a little Barelli experiment by comparing 1917/1919 to now. The difference, aside from toxic repression in the earler period, is that “progressive” Goldycrats were running the show in the earler period.
Of course Goldy will say that the Democrat tyrant Woodrow Wilson wasn’t really a Democrat, just like he says that Dave Ross isn’t a leftist or that Chinese communists aren’t communusts, they’re capitalist totalitarians. (And Barelli sez that LBJ wasn’t a Democrat socialist. Lyndon was a New Dealer all the way, Mr. Barelli. The New Deal didn’t look back & didn’t think twice about the socialist reconstruction of the South: rich Southern Democrats got richer when the New Deal paid them not to grow food; poor black Southern sharecroppers got starved and strung up in trees.)
“How can you have patience for people that claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?” …..Sydney Ellen Wade, The American President
I keep waiting for people lie Alec Baldwin and Barbara Streisand to move to Canada or Europe like the promised to do if Bush became President.
Baldwin and Streisand – we’re still waiting…..need a ride to the airport?
How about sacrifice? Bushism seems to me to be a patina of patriotism without sacrifice.
I keep waiting…..
Which just underscores what a complete and utterly idiotic fool you really are.
Dear Mark at 2:
My idea of patriotism is suffering fools like you. Recognizing that my father and my son fought for your right to spew nonsensical bullshit. Patriotism is understanding that with time, comes change in America.
Republicans have had their way with America as though she only belonged to the. The constitution be damned. Lies became the truth. Truth took a holiday.
Patriotism now comes in the form of people like Goldy, theHim and K.O.. People willing to speak up and voice the outrage of what is clearly now the majority of the people. Patriotism is standing up to your government, calling bullshit and voting, as my father said, “those God Damn lying bastards out of office”. He was speaking of Republican party of Nixon and Ford.
Come to think of, the more things change the more they stay the same. Patriotism is disagreeing with everything you say, Mark. Patriotism is being willing to die to protecting your right to say it. Sleep well tonight, Mark. Many liberal, and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
The next time someone says to you “Pardon me” say back “why, are you a republican”?.
Scooter Libby was just a perjurer like Al Capone was just a tax evader.
“What is your idea of patriotism on this most extraordinary 4th of July?”
Restoring the rule of law to America by incarcerating as many Republicans as possible.
Hell, forget the incarceration, let’s just put ’em in internment camps!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke.
@2 Why should they? This is their country. You’re the one who should move. To a desert island with all your wingnut pals where you can practice your pirate conservatism on each other to your hearts’ content. Whatever. Just get the fuck out of MY country! Creeps.
@5 “My idea of patriotism is suffering fools like you.”
Well you see MLF that was our mistake all along. We shouldn’t have suffered these fools for an instant. This rightwing nonsense should have been nipped in the bud! Wingnuts are like a mutant microbe — you have to keep them contained in a test tube, because if they ever get loose they create chaos and carnage.
My Left Foot says:
Dear Mark at 2:
Sleep well tonight, Mark. Many liberal, and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
Gee, thanks for that earthshattering revelation. I had no idea. I thought it was just me feeling tired.
Probably gonna be a slow news day … mostly Republicans blowing their fingers off with illegal fireworks.
Wouldn’t be surprised if we lose some of our trolls. We’ll see how many of ’em can still type tomorrow.
This morning, NPR played a recording of their announcers reading the Declaration of Independence. I know they’ve done it before, but not for how long. Must be a long time, though, since one of the announcers was Red Barber, who died in 1992.
His portion: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Steve Kelley, the fishwrapper’s sports columnist, finally figured it out:
“We’ve been duped by Bennett … Bennett is counting days, not wins.”
In today’s letters to the editor, Tacoma’s Bambi Lin Litchman eloquently captures the essence of the Scooter Libby travesty:
“Even Paris Hilton served her time.”
Michael Dohan of Seattle puts the Libby commutation in perspective with the clarity of a ringing church bell:
“The rest of the administration’s political appointees about to face criminal charges or congressional testimony now know that if you are well-connected within the administration, you can safely obstruct investigations and possibly even lie, because the administration is afraid of what leverage a jail sentence might provide over the guilty.”
(same link)
And Dore Svei of Olympia gives us insight into Shrub’s perspective on the matter:
“No one will think less of the president for it because he is thought of as little as any president ever has been.”
(same link)
Yeah, I think you nailed it, Dore! This president is so unpopular he has nothing left to lose, so he may as well go for broke … that’s the size of it … and, undoubtedly, the shape of more things to come between now and 2008. If we are to believe GOP insider Vic Gold and the Washington Post, even his own parents can’t stand him. Hell, even Dickless Cheney doesn’t trust him, which is why Dickless runs the country and tells the little boy what to do.
L’affair Libby is not playing well in the letters pages, even in Frank Blethen’s tabloid. Suck on it, Bush apologists! The public hates you.
I don’t think July 4th is about patriotism. It’s more about challenging the status quo and fighting for change when that becomes necessary. It’s about honoring those who challenge the status quo, and defending their right to do so, whether you agree with them or not.
Do we ever.
Bush Court Appointee: Perjurer In Robes
Columnist E. J. Dionne tells us,
” … [N]ow … we learn that U.S. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh may have misled the Senate during his confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh claimed he was not involved in administration discussions about setting the rules for the treatment of enemy combatants. The Washington Post reported that he actually was. Although a spokeswoman for Kavanaugh insisted that his testimony was ‘accurate,’ Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy said, ‘I don’t believe that he was truthful with us.'”
Dionne suggests a solution:
“The Senate should refuse even to hold hearings on Bush’s next Supreme Court choice unless the president reaches agreement with the Senate majority on a mutually acceptable list of nominees.”
But I’m not sure it’ll work, because that would require the Democratic Senate to show spine, and frankly, it doesn’t have any.
“Mr. Libby was tried by a jury of his peers and was convicted of a felony, ” Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) said in a statement. “The fact that Mr. Libby committed this crime while serving as a public official makes it all the more egregious. Excessive or not, Mr. Libby’s sentence should be respected.”
The Fourth of July commemorates the brave patriots who founded our country and their victory. The Tories were assholes then — and still are.
The Tories were landed gentry in 1776 — and still are, in a manner of speaking. For photo of present-day Tories, click here: http://tinyurl.com/
25 years into the computer revolution, you’d think by now someone would make a browser that works.
Mark @ 12:
I see you missed the point of the post.
But thank you for recognizing that I wanted to mention/point out that on this Fourth of July we should be thinking of those willing to give in a selfless manner. Of their own free will.
As for the point of the post, read it again until you understand.
It is called Mozilla Firefox. Not perfect, but much handier than IE.
Mozilla Firefox is the worst browser out there, except for all the others. (Remind you of a certain quote about democracy?)
Rog, if you’re having browser troubles I’d consider (1) the browser you’re using and (2) the stability and security of the underlying OS, in that order.
On this Fourth of July I think back to the words of Thomas Jefferson: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
I got lots more if you want to hear ’em.
“The Senate should refuse even to hold hearings on Bush’s next Supreme Court choice unless the president reaches agreement with the Senate majority on a mutually acceptable list of nominees.”
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/opinion/2003771827_dio nne03.html
But I’m not sure it’ll work, because that would require the Democratic Senate to show spine, and frankly, it doesn’t have any.
If you are the majority, why the hell would you want to block a nominee. Just vote them down. Geeeesh. I hate it when my fellow dems try to avoid debate.
Wow. The dems are all of a sudden concerned with the rule of law. hehehehehehehhehe Dont you love politics. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Well well. It’s a guy pretending to be a newscaster spouting complete rubbish. How much more American can you get on the Fourth of July?
@29 IE? Who’s got IE? This p.o.s. I’m working on is called AOL (stands for Always Off Line).
@35 I wonder if upgrading my phone system would help? http://tinyurl.com/3dzn89
@30 MS-XP + AOL + POTS — what can I say?
OK, Here’s your upgrade. Specially designed to handle all those calls from friends, admirers, bill collectors, skip tracers, investigative reporters, insurance salesmen and, most of all, family.
You people kill me! Idiot this, moron that. Uneducated this, dimwitted that.
Now there’s a sure fire way to win people over to your side. Instead of debating amongst yourselves what the level of stupidity is of people that happen to have a different world view than you do, how about venturing into a non leftist blog and try and engage people that vote differently than you?
Is this possible without descending into immature insults and personal attacks? Judging from THIS blog, I have serious doubts. In the mean time, you are convincing nobody and are just agreeing with each other.
We don’t have to worry much about people coming over to our side. As they realize what the Republican crime cabal has done to this country, they’re coming over on their own accord.
@38 That’s a small step for a rabbit, but a giant leap for rabbit-kind! Most of my species are still using ear twitches, nose wrinkles, and other forms of visual signaling.
That’s why they need me as their king. My species is technologically primitive. We haven’t figured out yet how to wreck our environment or blow up our colonies.
That’s why we’ll still be around long after you stupid humans are extinct.
Here’s a little story to show you what I mean.
Out in the suburbs Milton and Jessica viewed little Muffy with pride. She had a litter of kittens in a box and a hand-lettered sign she had made that said
They smiled at one another, congratulating themselves on how well they had raised their little daughter.
Then a couple of days later they noticed that most of the kittens were still there, but the sign had changed to read:
Jessica looked on the sigh with horror. “Muffy!” she cried. “We do not use that word around here. Why did you change the sign?”
Muffy looked up at her mother. “Mummy, they used to be Republican kitties, but now their eyes are open.”
Reply to @39:
The dumbest rabbit is wiser than the smartest Republican.
Okay, let’s put #39 in some sort of historical perspective. For 60 years, people of Mark’s political persuasion have been calling liberals “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” “terrorists,” etc.
So we finally get some spine and start calling THEM names … and now Mark the Wingnut is upset because we’re “descending into immature insults and personal attacks”?
What he’s upset about is … we’re behaving like THEM.
Personally, I think we should do more of it.
We need to get serious about stealing back the elections they’re stealing from us, too. I figure they’re gonna accuse us of it anyway, so we may as well do it.
Then, when we’re appointing the judges and prosecutors, we can do some serious housecleaning to rid our beloved America of Republican traitors and subversives and get this country back on track.
Roger Rabbit says:
Reply to @39:
The dumbest rabbit is wiser than the smartest Republican.
Gee, thanks for clearing that up Roger. The next time I encounter a rabbit I’ll be sure and hit him up for some wisdom.
Thanks for also proving my point for me. Although I’d rather see you engage the other side instead of just talking to each other in 100% agreement.
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Mark put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Neoconmen: Love war.
Liberals: Will fight if necessary, but prefer peace.
Neoconmen: Long history of anti-labor attitudes since the days they started a civil war to defend slavery.
Liberals: Abolished slavery and child labor, regulated sweat shops, enacted worker safety laws, created workers comp and unemployment insurance, established Social Security and Medicare programs, support collective bargaining rights and minimu wage.
Neoconmen: Big fans of racism and discrimination, executions, concentration camps, torture, government spying on citizens without court oversight, suppressing free speech (except theirs), consistent supporters of rogue cops and votingppression.
Liberals: Enacted civil rights laws, defend due process and personal rights, oppose government oppression and misconduct.
Neoconmen: Hate democracy, love inequality.
Liberals: Love democracy, support social and economic justice.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for wingnuts to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Wingnuts are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Personally, I think we haven’t lowered ourselves to their level enough yet. We need to fight fire with fire. And until they’re all gone, we need to turn the fire up hotter.
Throwing them in the concentration camps they built for us would be a good start. http://www.freedomfiles.org/war/fema.htm
@53 Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
Mark — as a defender of Wingnut Republicanism, you can’t expect any mercy on this blog nor do you deserve any.
In case you trolls have forgotten, this is a LIBERAL blog, and you’re uninvited guests here. Of course, Goldy allows anyone to post on his blog and there’s no censorship, so you can say whatever you want. And you can trust the resident liberals here to roll out the Welcome Wagon for you every time you show your pus-ugly faces on this board!
But if you want to indulge in mutual ball-scratching without interference from honest men and women who will call your bullshit, Mr. Sharanksy will provide a more comfortable environment for you on his carefully censored and regulated blog. You guys like censorship and regulation of speech, right? You’ll love his sucky little blog, where only token liberal opinions, mildly expressed, allowed and then only to serve as objects of derision for the wingnut circle-jerk herd of lemmings he caters to.
Reposted to correct typos:
In case you trolls have forgotten, this is a LIBERAL blog, and you’re uninvited guests here. Of course, Goldy allows anyone to post on his blog and there’s no censorship, so you can say whatever you want. And you can trust the resident liberals here to roll out the Welcome Wagon for you every time you show your pus-ugly faces on this board!
But if you want to indulge in mutual ball-scratching without interference from honest men and women who will call your bullshit, Mr. Sharanksy will provide a more comfortable environment for you on his carefully censored and regulated blog. You guys like censorship and regulation of speech, right? You’ll love his sucky little blog, where only token liberal opinions, mildly expressed, are allowed and then only to serve as objects of derision for the wingnut circle-jerk herd of lemmings he caters to.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
Roger Rabbit says:
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Mark put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Neoconmen: Love war. Mark: Yeah, we LOVE war. In fact, we’re pissed off whenever there is NOT war. Grow up.
Liberals: Will fight if necessary, but prefer peace.
Neoconmen: Long history of anti-labor attitudes since the days they started a civil war to defend slavery. Mark: Yeah, aint it a shame there is no more slavery. Grow up. You must be a union hack. This must come as a surprise, but I was a member of the Teamsters Union for 9 years. Not by choice I might add. They were a worthless outfit for the employees that just sucked dues money out of the pockets of their members with no benefit to be had. The non union stores of the company I worked for at this time had it much better. Same wages, but no bonuses like the non union stores had and there was no 401k match since the company contributed towards that worthless Teamsters pension that is most likely going into the pockets of the mob. The only benefit anyone got from the union is if you were a shit head employee who deserved to be fired. They went to bat for the lowlifes and half the time they were successful is retaining the dead weight non productive employee. So spare me the union boss rhetoric. Fortunately, I am now in a professional salaried job where every decision is not dictated by senority like Union shops are run by.
Liberals: Abolished slavery and child labor, regulated sweat shops, enacted worker safety laws, created workers comp and unemployment insurance, established Social Security and Medicare programs, support collective bargaining rights and minimu wage.
Neoconmen: Big fans of racism and discrimination, executions, concentration camps, torture, government spying on citizens without court oversight, suppressing free speech (except theirs), consistent supporters of rogue cops and votingppression. Mark: Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.
Liberals: Enacted civil rights laws, defend due process and personal rights, oppose government oppression and misconduct.
Neoconmen: Hate democracy, love inequality. Mark: Yeah, I love inequality and hate democracy. Grow up.
Liberals: Love democracy, support social and economic justice.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for wingnuts to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Wingnuts are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Thank you once again for proving my point. Keep it coming, I love being right.
Attention advertisers, you too can reach this prime demographic.
Oh, and don’t forget to click on Ann Coulter’s ad on your way out of here, to earn Goldy a nickel. He needs her money more than she does. Redneck: You can pay your gambling debt by clicking on the Coulter ad 2,000 times. (And thanks for buying my gas!)
@59 “You must be a union hack.”
Of course I’m a union hack. Do I look like a nickel-grubbing Republican slavedriver?
“Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.”
I must admit that I was raised in a lily-white racist community that worshipped people like George Wallace, but I grew up in the ’60s after getting out in the real world and seeing for myself how some people actually treat other people. Spending a couple years at a southern college kinda opened my eyes. Yours are still duct-taped shut, or you wouldn’t be a Republican. See, e.g., this week’s Extremist Court decision re school integration. If you think you can achieve racial equality in this country by supporting a political party who appoints people to the Supreme Court who think whites are victims of discrimination, you have your head up your ass.
“I love being right.”
Right about what? You’ve never been right about anything in your entire miserable fucking life. The only thing right about you is your politics, which are totally wrong-headed. You were born 150 years too late. You would have fit well into what our society was during the Reconstruction – Robber Baron era.
Why can’t you guys stay on the topic of the post instead of constantly rehashing your boring repetitive arguments about other stuff? WE have HEARD IT ALREADY. Try to say something new. Try to make it match the subject. Genneralized Dem-GOP bickering is not the subject. The subject is what does patriotism mean to you.
I have a friend who does not even like to say he feels patriotic because he does not like so many of our nation’s acts in foreign policy. Our nation has done bad things but it also has done good things and its ideals and values are worthy. If anyone else also wants “our” values — equality, opportunity, democracy, the bill of rights, and all that, I say great! I do believe they are universal values.
At our best we _are_ and can be an inspiration. We did fight for freedom and the principle of democracy (in practice it was limited, but it was broader than almost anywhere else in the world , and we have expanded it). We did end slavery, we did achieve more progress in the civil rights era, and there are many, many countries with far more racial, gender and ethnic inequality than we have. (Sudan, Saudia Arabia, even Japan vis-a-vis Korean immigrants). We can be proud of progress achieved yet know we must do more.
As for foreign policy, yes today we are at a nadir. Many of us are doing what we can to stand up for our Constitution. Last Century we did a lot of good — Germany and Japan, you may have noticed, have absolutely no problem with how we treated them in the 1940s-1950s (we beat them with armed force, bombing, firebombing, and nuclear weapons, we took them over occupied them and rehabbed their political systems then we helped restore world peace and stability and got Europe back on its feet and today there is democracy all over Europe and the republics of the former USSR. Not bad. Hard to find a fifty year period in european history that turned out better.)
I have not listed here all the bad things (Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, D.R., now Iraq, slavery, suppression of women, et al.) as on these blogs we tend to focus only on that stuff. I guess in contrast to my friend I do own and do want to own a sense of patriotism, and it is this:
Patriotism is loving my country and its best values and working to bring them about. It’s feeling proud when we do and compelled to act when we don’t. It’s feeling connected and responsible.
It’s being imbued with the feeling that just as I enjoy the freedoms and benefits of my country , I have a responsiblity to make sure it lives up to its highest ideals.
Roger Rabbit says:
@59 “You must be a union hack.”
Of course I’m a union hack. Do I look like a nickel-grubbing Republican slavedriver?
“Yeah, I am a big fan of racism and descrimination. Let all them darkies stay at the back of the bus. Grow up.”
I must admit that I was raised in a lily-white racist community that worshipped people like George Wallace, but I grew up in the ’60s after getting out in the real world and seeing for myself how some people actually treat other people. Spending a couple years at a southern college kinda opened my eyes. Yours are still duct-taped shut, or you wouldn’t be a Republican. See, e.g., this week’s Extremist Court decision re school integration. If you think you can achieve racial equality in this country by supporting a political party who appoints people to the Supreme Court who think whites are victims of discrimination, you have your head up your ass.
“I love being right.”
Right about what? You’ve never been right about anything in your entire miserable fucking life.
I’m right about YOU. You are an arrogant, condescending, puffed up, wannabe pseudo intellectual who can’t even fathom the idea of people voting Republican who aren’t “stupid”, “ignorant”, “uneducated”, etc. That is the sum total of your attitude towards anyone that doesn’t agree with you.
Like I said, engage the other side and see what happens. Until then, you are convincing nobody.
You must be new around here if you think the trolls will keep to the topic. They live to hijack threads, even threads about this wonderful country of ours.
Nice post, even so.
Rabbit 50
It’s kinda funny to watch a wingnut like Rabbit put on airs and pretend there’s some sort of intellectual and/or moral parity between their ideas and our ideas. Let’s review:
Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war.
Moonbat Libruls: Prefer appeasement and pacification that gets people killed.
Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills.
Moonbat Libruls: Set up system of “entitlements” that destroys initiative and makes The Producers pay for the voluntary lifetime of bad choices of The Takers.
Conservatives: Understand that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
Moonbat Libruls: Put people in groups and pander to them.
Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions.
Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart. Refuse to understand that it does not, and cannot work.
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility.
Yeah, sleep well. The liberal(who vote republican), and conservative, soldiers stand ready……making that sleep possible.
What is with liberals worrying about our reputation abroad? Why should the US care about the opinion of lesser countries? Dont get me wrong, I am not saying the people of other countries are worthless, it is just how they run government, business, ect. is inferior. I guess if you yearn to lower yourself to 2nd or 3rd world status I can understand.
Just 16% of American voters now say that Congress is doing a Good (14%) or an Excellent (2%) job. That’s down from 19% in mid-June and from 26% at the end of May.
Remind us again… who boast about controlling congress??
Let\’s talk about fat al\’s fatter drug abusing punk kid too…
Marijuana, Xanax, Valium, Vicodin and Adderall…
Run Al Run!
But hey, the punk was dringin a greeny car!
#39 Mark, “Now there’s a sure fire way to win people over to your side. Instead of debating amongst yourselves what the level of stupidity is of people that happen to have a different world view than you do, how about venturing into a non leftist blog and try and engage people that vote differently than you?”
Mark, we tried. Every time we post on a “Right Wing” blog, the delete our comments, and ban us.
The Wingnut blogs can’t defend their positions, or deal with the truth. Period.
It is not that we namecall out of spite Mark. The simple fact is anyone still supporting the Bush Crime Family after this much evidence to their wrongdoing has been uncovered would be considered a traitor, and Un-American. They belong in North Korea, or Red China.
It is not that you have as you put it “a different worldview” Mark. It is the fact that no facts support your worldview, and “your side” has to lie, and deceive every step of the way to justify their crimes. It is getting old…..
#59 Mark: You love being right? Thinking you are right would be the same thing as a German Citizen saying Hitler was right.
Republicans make Real Americans sick.
The party built on lies, fear, and defamation.
Your time is up. Good riddance. Rove, and Bush destroyed the GOP for the benefit of the rest of the world. The problem is it will take decades to undo the damage the GOP controlled government has caused. We can start by filling some jails with all the “Loyal Bushies” in our government…
@59 Mark says:
Yeah, aint it a shame there is no more slavery. Grow up. You must be a union hack. This must come as a surprise, but I was a member of the Teamsters Union for 9 years. Not by choice I might add… [blah, blah, blah we’ve heard it all before.]
So, now you have a job where how hard you suck the anus of your boss (or customer) determines your advancement. A good thing for you, because your march in straight line, obey at all cost mentality needs the discipline of kneeling and obeisance.
You may not believe it, but what do I care? I worked in a professional capacity for the largest computer company in the world for twenty-five years, one where the founders prided themselves for keeping the unions out by treating their employees well. Until NAFTA, of course, now it is just one more organized bunch of psycopaths forcing the quality of life into an ever downward spiral.
Now, the Teamsters union assures that I just do my job and leave the brown nosing to guys like you.
Praise boss when morning work-bells chime.
Praise him for bits of overtime.
Praise him whose wars we love to fight
Praise him, fat leech and parasite.
#65 Mark the Red Communist:
God I love slaughering people as disillusioned as you. Your talking points don’t hold water one bit. Read on….
“Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war. (People with brains know it is a little more complicated than invading non threatening nations against the will of the rest of the world. Sorry buddy. The best way to achieve peace is through strong alliances, something the criminals in charge laugh at)
Moonbat Libruls: Prefer appeasement and pacification that gets people killed. (Like the Republicans appeased Hitler? Liberals want our resources spent fighting terrorists, not creating more of them)
Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills. (Totally free market means America is eventually one monopoly. Regulated fair markets make sense)
Moonbat Libruls: Set up system of “entitlements” that destroys initiative and makes The Producers pay for the voluntary lifetime of bad choices of The Takers. (That is why Bush cut taxes on dividends and capitol gains? Those folks are producing orders at the poolside and nothing else)
Conservatives: Understand that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” (And we should ignore the damage, and inequities of centuries of institutionalized racism too right? You must have been born with a silver spoon up your ass right?)
Moonbat Libruls: Put people in groups and pander to them. (That is Rove’s master plan. Haven’t you heard?)
Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions. (The only thing sustainable in Bush’s economic plan is the oil companies profits. The environment gets screwed every step of the way.)
Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart. Refuse to understand that it does not, and cannot work. (Hmmmmm. Calling the reality based community Marxists doesn’t work any more turkey.)
See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours. That’s like saying a judge and a criminal should be treated as equals in the courtroom. Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society. They should all be rounded up in pest traps and quarantined in a secure underground storage facility. ”
(Gee Mark great comment. Why don’t we start burying all them soldiers that died in Iraq creating Rove’s permanent Republican Majority in your back yard. I gotta love how you can ignore all the crimes of the Bushies that have come to light in the last few months. Keep it up. Soon you will have to find a deeper hole in the sand to bury your head.)
@65 I see in the news that Al Gore’s kid got busted for driving a Prius — a fucking Prius — over 100 mph!!! And you thought Democrats driving hybrids are sissies! ha ha ha
P.S., thanks for buying my gas, Redneck! NOV is almost $110 a share.
P.P.S., pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher!!
When I’m rich, I’m gonna get one of these http://tinyurl.com/yr34qj to blow Redneck off the road and outrun the cops!
Back in March 2003 the Busheviks told us their invasion of Iraq would be over in, what … 3 weeks? How’s that working out for you righty armchair colonels?
@62 We don’t do partisan cooperation here. This is a PATRIOTIC blog! We mete out justice to Republican TRAITORS.
I have been coming here for what seems like forever. (In a good way, Goldy).
I haven’t seen this much blind faith since Jim Jones served Kool-Aid.
The bottom line is that posters such as Mark, Mark the Redneck, Puddybud, JCH, Auntie-Liberal and the Union Fireman all have one thing in common. They suffer from fear. The same fear the current leadership in Washington suffers. The fear of being questioned, the fear of the light of day being shined on their antics and positions.
Whenever anyone questions them they immediately turn and attack the inquisitor as being a traitor, an aid and abettor or worse. They have no other out. Like animals cornered, they cower in fear and then lash out.
Today, I am reminded of all the men and women who have given of themselves that we might remain free. Today I am even more mindful of the men who wrote our constitution, who’s foresight and wisdom has carried on to this day.
I know that in just over a years time we will again use the power of the constitution to take back what these interlopers have usurped…..our freedom and our right to open government, free from tyranny and threat, that answers to the people.
George Bush’s legacy is set. His administration will be remembered and reviled for its attack on the American way. It will be remembered for the needless deaths of American men and women in a civil war that has no foreseeable end, that once again was fought not on native soil, but in a land we have no business occupying. It will also be remembered for the lies it used to further it’s selfish interests. It will be remembered for the wanton disregard of our constitution. It will be remembered as a complete and utter failure.
This administration will also be remembered for proving that our system works. They will be sent quietly into the night, shamed and disgraced. Our system will then begin the process of recovery and rebuilding and healing.
So to the Republicans I say thank you. Thank you for strengthening my belief in our system.
Now, get out of the way. We have work to do. Important work.
Okay, let’s put #39 in some sort of historical perspective. For 60 years, people of Mark’s political persuasion have been calling liberals “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” “terrorists,” etc.
No, we have been calling you that for longer than 60 years. It is just that now we have a couple stations on the radio and one TV station that dont tow the democrat party line. Of course, like always, you dems can dish it out but can’t take it. Democrats have always been pussies. That is why they support the fairness doctrine.
re 78: You might want to try reframing that “against” the fairness doctrine.
Your gonna lose that one.
It’s as if you are saying: “We’re the astro-turf Republicans against fairness!”
\”American liberalism has transformed itself into the L-word,a curse to be avoided even by some of its foremost champions, such as John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. But the poison is not in the word, the poison is in the meaning that lurks behind the word. In modern America, liberal is progressive is globalist is socialist. They all represent precisely the same freedom-hating concept, constructed on the notion that all rights spring from government, that the government\’s primary roles include: a) providing for the needs of its people, b) serving as a referee between competing group interests, c) acting as God, High Priest and Supreme Judge in bringing cosmic justice to society, and that all property belongs collectively to society through the agency of the government.\” –Vox Day
\”If we desire to insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments ofour rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.\” –George Washington
How do FREEDOM HATERS celebrate a day that celebrates freedom? By spending the entire day on a country hating blog.
Pitiable fuckers.
\”[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man\’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.\” –John Adams
\”[A] wise and frugal government…shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.\” –Samuel Adams
\”To restore…harmony,…to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot.\” –Thomas Jefferson
Welcome to HorseAss and the Democrat party, 2007, Mr Adams.
Is you heart broken yet, Mr Jefferson?
\”I think we have more machinery of government than is
necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the
industrious.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.\” — Joseph Warren (Boston Massacre Oration, 6 March 1775)
\”Act worthy of yourselves\”… better yet, act worthy of the freedom you scorn and little deserve, fuckers
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” —George Washington
Ah, George you recognized the asses even then. Thank You.
@65 “Conservatives: Understand that peace comes from destroying our enemy’s ability to make war.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-har-HAR!!! That’s like trying to dry up the Columbia River by bailing with a bucket!! Typical conservative thinking: Looks great on paper, doesn’t fly in the real world.
“Conservativies: Believe in the individual and know that free markets provide long term sustainable solutions to societal ills.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-har-HAR!!! Unregulated capitalism is self-destroying! Look at Mexico for example, where Carlos Slim owns 8% of the national economy and drug gangs own most of the other 92%. Or … look at the history of the U.S. before the New Deal: One financial panic after another. What societal ills have unregulated markets solved? Free markets have given us a grossly expensive and dysfunctional health care system that is 50 times less efficient than the little bit of government-run health care that exists in this country.
“Conservatives: Understand that ‘The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.'”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-HAR!!! Empty rhetoric that does nothing to solve our most severe societal ill.
“Conservatives: Believe in free markets to provide sustainable solutions.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-har-HAR!!! What free markets? Show me a sustainable solution and I’ll show you government subsidies, tax breaks, depletion allowances, taxpayer-provided infrastructure, government reclamation projects, and other forms of corporate welfare. There’s hardly a business worth mentioning in this country that isn’t being subsidized by the government in one way or another.
“Librul moonbats: Marxists at heart.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-ha-HAR!!! We only pay lip service to redistributing wealth; you guys practice it every day, by redistributing wealth from workers and consumers to the rich!
“See what I mean? It’s ridiculous for librul moonbats to pretend their ideas and attitudes somehow merit the same respect and consideration as ours.”
Hard to argue with this one. We ran the country successfully for 75 years until you fuckups came along.
“Libruls moonbats are slime-sucking parasites on society.”
Waaaa-ha-ha-ha-HAR!!! Redneck’s claims always fall apart upon close examination. For example, he claimed that cutting taxes always increases revenue. Let’s subject this to an empirical test.
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
2006 – $1,346,019,000,000 (estimate)
* Combination of individual and corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes (including inheritance tax)
Source of data: http://www.taxpolicycenter.org.....?Docid=203
Hmmm … looks like federal revenue was LESS after Bush’s tax cuts!! Another Redneck argument blow to hell!
Here’s another monkey wrench in Redneck’s pat ideology: States that vote Democratic pay more in taxes to the federal government than they get back in federal spending, while states that vote Republican pay less taxes than they get in spending. Locally, King County votes Democratic and exports $125 million a year of gas taxes to other (mostly Republican) counties. So much for Redneck’s bullshit claim that liberals are “parasites” — when you look at the facts it’s actually the other way around.
The biggest parasites of all, of course, are conservative Republican farmers and ranchers who get billions of dollars of reclamation projects free of charge, cheap electricity to pump irrigation water they expect to get free forever, grazing rights on federal land for one-fourth of market value, crop subsidies, rural electrification subsidies, road subsidies, enough tax breaks to make an accountant’s head spin, price supports, etc. ad nauseum. Trying cutting their government handouts by one fucking penny and see how loudly these “self-made rugged individualists” scream!
Done bullshitting, Redneck? You’ve got some unfinished business to tend to: PAY YOUR FUCKING GAMBLING DEBT, PARASITE!!! P.S., thanks for buying my gas!! NOV is almost $110 a share.
It takes a lot of space to debunk Redneck, not because his bullshit is complicated, but because there’s so much of it.
It costs just as much to grade and pave a mile of rural highway used by 1 farm truck a day as it does to build a mile of urban arterial used by 10,000 cars a day. It’s pretty fucking obvious the farmer isn’t paying for it, isn’t it?
Show me a parasite and I’ll show you a Republican!
GOP = freeloader collective
@78 “that dont tow the democrat party line”
Dufus = typical illiterate wingfuck! He probably doesn’t even know what’s wrong with this sentence!
You know things are bad for GOPers when Bush Pioneers flock to Hillary Clinton. http://tinyurl.com/ysneqe
@62 We don’t do partisan cooperation here. This is a PATRIOTIC blog! We mete justice to Republican TRAITORS.
I-966, which would bar government benefits to illegal immigrants, is “dead in the water.” With Friday’s deadline looming, it has less than half the signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. I-966 is sponsored by a member of the rightwing Minuteman militia group.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If illegals don’t get government benefits, they shouldn’t have to pay taxes. If they pay taxes, they should get the benefits they paid for.
Here’s why government employees shouldn’t use office e-mail for “private” conversations. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....or05m.html
When you work for government, everything you type on a government computer is a public record, so don’t type anything you don’t want to read in a newspaper.
Multiple (Pro) Choice:
[] Roger’s off his meds
[] Roger’s on wayyy too much estrogen again
[] Scooty Libber = Paris, and he should do her time
Actually, boys & girls, Scooty (perjury, obstruction) = BlueDressBill (perjury, obstruction). Freedom, Justice, & The American Way demand that Scoot serve the same Draconian hard-time stay that big Bill was sentenced to.
Or Sandy Berger. Who got sentenced to a $10,000 fine and a time out for wearing shredder underpants. Sandy’s old Dan Schorr’s good friend.
And when Schorr outed covert CIA agents and operations in the ’70s, why didn’t you old toothless, drooling Goldycrats call it treason?
(Richard Helms, CIA, wrote about Schorr. He also wrote about the Family Jewel plots against Castro, domestic spying, etc. Helms said even a rogue agency would never have taken those risks without presidential authorization, plausibly denied. Now we know beyond doubt that Kennedy (John) and Kennedy (Bob) were pushing the CIA to kill Castro. Lyndon Johnson, according to last week’s papers, ordered domestic spying to prove that left-wing radicals were tools of the USSR. Bobby Kennedy ordered the wiretapping of Martin Luther King.)
\”American liberalism has transformed itself into the L-word,a curse to be avoided even by some of its foremost champions, such as John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. But the poison is not in the word, the poison is in the meaning that lurks behind the word. In modern America, liberal is progressive is globalist is socialist. They all represent precisely the same freedom-hating concept, constructed on the notion that all rights spring from government, that the government\’s primary roles include: a) providing for the needs of its people, b) serving as a referee between competing group interests, c) acting as God, High Priest and Supreme Judge in bringing cosmic justice to society, and that all property belongs collectively to society through the agency of the government.\” –Vox Day
\”If we desire to insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments ofour rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.\” –George Washington
How do FREEDOM HATERS celebrate a day that celebrates freedom? By spending the entire day on a country hating blog.
Pitiable fuckers.
\”[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man\’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.\” –John Adams
\”[A] wise and frugal government…shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.\” –Samuel Adams
\”To restore…harmony,…to render us again one people acting as one nation should be the object of every man really a patriot.\” –Thomas Jefferson
Welcome to HorseAss and the Democrat party, 2007, Mr Adams.
Is you heart broken yet, Mr Jefferson?
\”I think we have more machinery of government than is
necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the
industrious.\” –Thomas Jefferson
\”Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.\” — Joseph Warren (Boston Massacre Oration, 6 March 1775)
\”Act worthy of yourselves\”… better yet, act worthy of the freedom you scorn and little deserve, fuckers
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” —George Washington
Ah, George you recognized the asses even then. Thank You.
Oh. my. Another conservative posing as a patriot whose life is so fulfilled that he has nothing better to do than annoy real people. Bring it on, hero. We gaze in awe at your wisdom, etc, etc.
Another sloooww day.
Somehody remind me again. What was Clinton convicted of?
Anyone who supports the current “administration” has lost the right to call themselves a patriot. Patriots do not stand by and watch while the constitution is shredded, liberties are eroded, suspended or canceled, and everything that our forefathers put on the line 231 years and 1 day ago is set aside and valued as naught.
Methinks that New England Patriot played way too many games without benefit of a helmet. (Sorry, too good a line, just couldn’t resist.)
So, are you talking about the same situation where the CIA was violating both its charter and federal law by spying on US citizens for Richard Nixon? Were those the “covert agents” you mean?
And you might have noticed that the political leanings of the parties have changed a bit since the 1960s. Yes, forty years ago, we had Democrats that were in favor of segregation, Democrats that got us into terrible wars and Democrats that were at the center of political corruption. Lyndon Johnson may have been a Democrat, but he was also an old-school conservative politician.
As to the “Bill lied too” mantra that you wingnuts just can’t seem to let go of, let’s try a little thought exercise, shall we?
Someone sees a kid (that he knows) swipe a candy bar from a mini-mart, but tells the police officer he didn’t see it. Wrong? Certainly. Obstruction of justice? Yes. Is the guy going to be sent to jail for it? Only if he’s black and lives in Texas or Arizona. De minimis non curat lex. (Look it up if you don’t recognize the phrase.)
A bank robber shoots up a bank, injures some people and threatens others. Someone sees the face of the bank robber and recognizes him. He also lies to the police, preventing them from catching the robber. Same crime? Technically, yes. Should the punishment be the same? Well, according to you wingnuts, the answer is also “yes”.
Not surprisingly, I disagree.
To change the subject: Roger pointed out that the CEO of Morgan Bank is endorsing Hilary. Hmmm. I kinda like this. . .it sinks Republicans and Hilary at the same time. It takes money away from slimeballs like Thompson and Giuliani, and at the same time firmly settles a burning tire of ‘corporatism’ around Hilary’s neck in place of those pearls. . .
My intuition is that as long as the Preznit trolls the waters below thirty percent popularity,primarily for his criminality, and Congress continues their low marks for their spinelessness, and Obama continues racking up truly impressive dollar amounts from the grass roots, Hilary becomes an afterthought, and Obama becomes a shoo-in.
Disclaimer I make no reference to Obama’s qualifications, only his chances.
Note to Tree Frog Farmer:
“Armed Madhouse” was excellent reading. Thank you. I only wish that the information had raised my blood pressure. While I try to remain optimistic, nothing in the book really surprised me.
I suppose that it comes from many years in the military, dealing with government agencies, along with my reading of history, both of the US and other countries.
On a positive note, even though much of history teaches us that this sort of corruption is all too common, it can also be noted that we’ve managed to live through it every time it comes up. It causes injustice, poverty and terrible wars, but somehow we always manage to survive.
My hope is that, at least for a little while, we can hold the corruption at bay and make just a bit of progress.
“He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.” Saint Augustine, 345-430 A.D.
I’d change that to $SOMEBODY_ELSE is a shoo-in. I like Edwards’ chances, and I like what he’s saying. I’d still vote for Obama before I’d vote for Hilary. And of course if Gore enters the race things get real interesting. For one thing, Mark the Redneck Welsher’s head would explode when Gore wins.
95: If a line is way too good to resist, then give attribution to its source instead of stealing it. Lyndon Johnson said it 40 years ago about Gerald Ford, who played pro-quality college ball.
And let me repeat, slowly this time: Lyndon Johnson, progressive Democrat, was the source also of the CIA’s domestic spying. Got concerns about the agency’s charter? Johnson didn’t. He wanted the CIA to spy on left-wing radicals and bedwetters, domestic, to show they were tools of the international communist conspiracy. AKA useful idiots, rather like Goldstein.
Go back to the Times and P-I, last week. It’s in there.
Not in there is the slam-dunk certainty that LBJ used illegal surveilance against Republican Goldwater in 1964 and against the Mississippi Freedom Democrats at LBJ’s coronation or convention in 1964. Nixon had nothing to do with it.
The free screech people are unusually shrill today … nonsense about unprecedented threats to our civil liberties. I commend to everybody here a left winger’s good book about wartime liberties. Read it. Learn something. Get some context. Get a clue. Get a grip.
The book is Perilous Times. Author is Jeffrey Stone, dean of the law school at University of Chicago. Do a little Barelli experiment by comparing 1917/1919 to now. The difference, aside from toxic repression in the earler period, is that “progressive” Goldycrats were running the show in the earler period.
Of course Goldy will say that the Democrat tyrant Woodrow Wilson wasn’t really a Democrat, just like he says that Dave Ross isn’t a leftist or that Chinese communists aren’t communusts, they’re capitalist totalitarians. (And Barelli sez that LBJ wasn’t a Democrat socialist. Lyndon was a New Dealer all the way, Mr. Barelli. The New Deal didn’t look back & didn’t think twice about the socialist reconstruction of the South: rich Southern Democrats got richer when the New Deal paid them not to grow food; poor black Southern sharecroppers got starved and strung up in trees.)