Over at Slog, Goldy points out the millions in new special interest tax breaks happening in Olympia:
…a total adding up to over $97 million of lost revenues in Fiscal Year 2013, according to a tally released today by the Our Economic Future Coalition.
Health insurance subsidies for small children? No. Tax subsidies for small breweries? Yes. Nice to know our legislators have their priorities in place.
In other words, “Sorry, kid, there’s no money left to treat you. But, here, have a beer…. It’ll dull the pain.”
if you cant afford to have kids….then dont have them.
tell your kids if they want health insurance, they’ll have to first learn to brew beer.
@1 …says the party that opposes abortion, contraception, and even basic sex education.
I am not part of any party. I do not oppose contraception. I do oppose basic sex education.
care to make any further ASSumptions – or are you content with just looking like an utter asshole douchebag in one post?
Sorry kids,you will have to wait in line behind the unions massive benefit and pension plans, for we dare not touch them
can you spell “contract?”
If someone works for you under a contract, shouldn’t you be obligated to pay her?
I have an idea, lets go bankrupt! Then a court can run the state and impose taxes on the shareholders to pay of the debts!
meant to say ” I do not oppose basic sex education”
@1 Are you one of those assholes who believes in punishing defenseless little kids for choosing the wrong parents?
@4 Why do you oppose basic sex education? Are you one of those birdbrains who worships ignorance? You sound like one.
@5 Another wingnut idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. State employees pay for their own pensions through payroll deduction? Is the state supposed to pay an employer contribution? Yes. Do they? Did you even need to ask? To the extent Washington’s pension system is underfunded, 100% of that is due to legislative welshing on the state’s contribution. So why are you bashing state employee pensions that are paid for by the employees themselves? Fuck you, dude … those pensions are private property. So respect retirees’ private property, you fucking communist.
@6 Unfortunately, these jerks don’t believe in honoring private contracts any more than they believe in honoring the Constitution (see, e.g, illegal warrantless surveillance and illegal torture) and, for that matter, they don’t honor much of anything except their own monetary greed.
7, 9 — Okay, I’ll accept the correction, you’re off the hook on that one.
Just votes Monson, i.e. Republican 99.99999 percent of the time.
Another GOP Myth Exposed
I’m reading a book “Caught in the Crossfire” by Jan Goodwin. Her day job was an editor of Ladies Home Journal. When she wanted to have fun, she snuck off to the most dangerous places on earth to play the game of female war correspondent. This book is about her experiences in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation of that country in the 1980s when the Russkies threatened to kill any foreign journalists caught inside the occupied country. They didn’t want the world to know what they were doing to unarmed Afghan civilians. See, e.g., dousing children with gasoline and setting them on fire to make their parents give them information about where the Afghan resistance fighters were hiding.
Here is what Goodwin has to say about Saint Reagan’s State Department:
“[T]he State Department chose not to recognize the strategic importance of Afghanistan. Today, many Washington insiders see the agency as having sacrificed Afghanistan to its Soviet neighbor. Adds Professor Leon Poullada, political scientist at Northern Arizona University and formerly an Afghan affairs specialist for the State Department, ‘One would think American diplomacy would recognize the need to strengthen the Afghan resistance in every way — but once again American support for the Afghans is timorous, rhetorical, and vacillating. American policy toward Afghanistan remains paralyzed by appeasement ….” (at p. 79)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Afghans who fought the Soviet invaders to the point of collapsing the entire Soviet empire were the bravest and toughest people on earth. (They still are; problem is, now they’re fighting American invaders, with similar results.) And the Republicans? Reagan? Conservatives? Fucking appeasement monkeys. Afraid to help our friends for fear of antagonizing our enemies. Hey, all you Reagan worshippers, it’s okay (sort of) that your patron saint was a fucking coward; what sickens me is when you cut-and-run fuckers pretend to be Rambo …
another jobless limp wrist making ASSumptions again.
of course this is what we have come to expect from our favorite basement dwelling, child ignoring, lazy ass douchebag.
not to worry tenderhands, I will stay employed so you and your kind can keep getting those state checks.
are you one of those assholes who wants to keep a failing system going? one that seems to keep perpetuating and encouraging irresponsible behavior generation after generation?
I was never “on the hook” in the first place.
Solly Grunty who hurt his arm patting himself on the back. You seem a bit excited by the word “asshole”, perhaps you meant to write in the Santorum section. This one is about the cowardly way politicians want to soak the poor to give an added break to the rich.The” hook you are on” is your own heartless detachment…good luck with that!
I wonder if “Solomon Grundy” is MOT in disguise. Same hate, anger, divisive tactics, name-calling style.
Should Roger Rabbit live in fear because he toiled all his life for the state (citizens) and is now retired. I think not.
We’re all workers here, organize, we’re all in this together.
So who do you think can really afford to have kids? The middle class has been decimated. If you can’t get insurance through work, you have little hope of being able to afford it through an individual policy.
Waiting for the offspring of the rich to get off their butts and do something economically useful, but with Paris Hilton as a role model it’s very unlikely to happen. In fact my retirement plan is to persuade these generational free loaders to give me most of the money.
By the way, did I read the news item right in the papers today? The Democrats and Republicans in the state House had agreed to a compromise plan which would make up over half of the revenue/spending gap over the next two years. It’s not pretty, it requires cutting 50% off assistance for disabled people.
But the Republicans say they agree with the plan, but won’t vote for it.
Jerks. They campaign against taxes, then force the Democrats to make significant spending concessions which hurt the most vulnerable people in our state, and then refuse to vote for it so they can avoid the consequences of their vote.
Just like the Republicans in Congress in October 2008, who cried that the Democrats had to agree to pass the TARP bill without taking the time to put in significant protections, then turned around and voted against it at the last minute so they could use in in their campaigns later.
Speaking of jerks…
Two ICE agents were gunned down on a Mexican highway yesterday by drug gangs using assault rifles. They were in Mexico as part of a task force to cooperate to cut off drug traffic between the countries. The ICE agents were also unarmed.
It’s been well known for some time that the drug gangs are getting most of their weapons by buying the guns legally in Arizona gun shops, and then smuggling them back across the border into Mexico. Drugs go into the U.S., get converted to cash, are used to buy guns, guns go to Mexico, repeat.
In the meantime, Arizona has been on a campaign against illegal immigration, claiming that the immigrants include drug gangs which pose safety risk to residents of the state. But they don’t target drug gangs, they target anyone they can stop and arrest under the vague charge of “driving while hispanic”.
But when the federal government tried to get the gun sellers to report the sale of five or more assault rifles to the same person, the NRA and Arizona Republicans and Tea Party types had a fit, and angrily denounced all attempts to make even minimal attempts to stop the flow of weapons to Mexico.
The Mexicans have a valid complaint against the U.S. They have born the brunt of the drug war, with many of their cities along the border becoming effectively under the control of the drug gangs while the body count rises to astonishing levels. Northern Mexico is virtually in a state of war, both between drug gangs and between the drug gangs and the government.
This could all be stopped or significantly reduced if we in the U.S. (a) would simply stop buying the drugs, (b) cut off the supply of weapons to the drug gangs, or (c) made drug use and distribution legal (at least to some degree, like legalizing pot). But we don’t do anything about it, and the price is being paid mostly by Mexico.
Another Truth Proven Again – Many in the Leftist MSM are ASSholes
Nir Rosen
Another leftist ASShole proves how much of a leftist ASShole he is!
How’s that different than what the big p’dumbski does EVERY TIME he comments here?
In response to, you know, the original topic, here is the email I sent to my delegation:
Dear Senator Chase, Rep. Kagi and Rep. Ryu:
We are all sympathizing with the Legislature as it grapples with our state’s revenue/spending problems, waiting for drastic cuts in core services, etc. Now we are asked to accept more tax breaks for business, via HB 1883/SB 5794, HB 1919/SB 5641, and HB 1943/SB 5732. And I can just imagine how many more similar bills may have been dropped into the hopper. I just cannot believe this is happening; I cannot imagine a worthwhile compromise that would justify this kind of legislation this year. I note that the sponsors include members of both parties, and I’m just appalled. Please vote against these and similar bills. If anything, we should be passing bills to reduce or eliminate such tax breaks.
Thank you for your consideration.