What, you’d prefer we pity her and treat her with kid gloves since she’s a “very special person”? But then, that would be the politicly correct thing to do, wouldn’t it?
So… you don’t think they’re monitoring this sight already? But don’t worry your pretty little head about it. THey like it when you mouth off like this, as it makes you and your entire movement sound ridiculous and irrelevant.
Hey wingnutjobs,
Please continue to hold Sarah Palin up as your standard bearer.
Never has there been a more powerful lightning rod for progressive change.
Why you tards keep talking about her is beyond me. She lost, she quit, you won. Drop it already Jesus! Of course when there is nothing and I mean nothing good to say about the current leadership at all levels, you have to focus on something else. Tards are so jealous of Palin I guess.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. YLB spews:
Never has there been a more powerful lightning rod for progressive change.
Strange, I thought it was all the hate for bush that enabled the obama to win with 52% of the vote.
People hate what they fear.
And democrats hate sarah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 We don’t hate her. How can you hate a clown? Everyone loves clowns! We especially love her cute little wink. We just don’t think she should be in charge of a country, that’s all. Or a state. Or a town. A clown’s job is to be a clown. She’s good at that, so she should stick with clowning and forget about more pretentious stuff.
“Why you tards keep talking about her is beyond me. She lost, she quit, you won. Drop it already Jesus!”
Oh…we’re not done with her yet. Not until we get the baby!!!!!!!!
11 – Heh. People with half a brain run away from crazies that threaten to do them harm.
You on the other hand run TOWARDS them.. Enjoy screaming about Sarah’s “death panel” at your next townhall, Stamnster. But be a little “civil” about it like Sarah said in her subsequent facebook post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 We love talking about Bailin’ Palin because she’s such an easy target for ridicule. You guys handed her to us on a silver platter — are you thinking now maybe that wasn’t such a good idea?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Man I love watching wingnuts writhe in agony! Poke the stick at him again! And again!
Oh I love this! A Rush listener worries about toilet paper rationing:
Imagine if Rev Jeremiah Wright had called this “downright evil,” and asserted the elderly would have to stand in front of a “death panel so [President Bush’s] bureaucrats can decide … whether they are worthy of health care.”
You and everyone else would have dismissed him as a crazy man.
I dislike palin because she is gleefully screaming FIRE in a darkened theater.
Right now Obama is speaking at a townhall in New Hampshire.
How refreshing to hear an intelligent discussion of the issues. He’s taking questions from Republicans and other skeptics.
In contrast to the fear-riven and hating screamers outside the hall.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. YLB spews:
Oh I love this! A Rush listener worries about toilet paper rationing:
Yet the left, including people like michael moore, insist that cuba has a better health care system.
Say, didn’t dodd have some cancer thing going on? What country is he going to for his treatment? After all, someone with his money would want the best healthcare he can get. So he travelled to????
Maybe the same country teddy kennedy went to for his cancer treatments.
Does it ever make you wonder that the very same people that say the healthcare system is so bad stay here for their lifesaving treatments when they can afford to go anywhere for “better” healthcare.
Actions speak louder than words.
Blue Johnspews:
#22. The two are not the same.
22 – Such a dumbass! Why is that lady wasting a Senator’s time with fears about toilet paper rationing?
Because she heard it on Rush – your favorite fear-monger?
I don’t think people in Cuba are being denied health care because of pre-existing conditions. But nowhere is anyone talking about adopting their system.
Let’s instead talk about about a country that’s closer to home – Canada. You still haven’t shown us the townhalls in Canada where the people are screaming at their politicians to trade their system for ours.
And yes we have the best medical care in the world – if you can pay for it or if you’ve got Cadillac insurance like members of Congress have.
Marvie the welfare cheat @22,
Does it ever make you wonder that the very same people that say the healthcare system is so bad stay here for their lifesaving treatments when they can afford to go anywhere for “better” healthcare.
Eh, no. They have good health care because they are on the government health care plan.
I sure wish I could get on their plan. Instead I am stuck with Premera. And I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be on that plan. Rates going up again, you know…
25. Ekim spews:
Marvie the welfare cheat @22,
Eh, no. They have good health care because they are on the government health care plan.
I sure wish I could get on their plan.
Keep wishing. Peons like you will NEVER get the same health care your democrat rulers enjoy. Hell, they only have to work for 4 years before the lifetime benefits kick in. Be a good little serf and keep working to pay for the benefits your democrat rulers enjoy.
Instead I am stuck with Premera. And I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be on that plan. Rates going up again, you know…
It’s only your perception you are “stuck” with premera.
You have the freedom to purchase any healthcare insurance you want.
Be pro-choice and make a choice that works out better for you. If you can’t afford it, be pro-choice and get a better job. If your job skills suck, be pro-choice and get some training.
The only thing stopping you is YOU.
You have the freedom to purchase any healthcare insurance you want.
Actually no. They don’t allow you to buy into any old healthcare insurance you want in this country. Your choice is limited by many factors: geographic, age, size of group you’re buying with (large, small, or self employer), and of course – state of your health.
Did I mention that my insurance went up 10% this year?
Latest Rasmussen polls:
Obama at new lows in polling and health care too? In generic polling Americans favor the republican? Say it ain’t so you idiot Olberman.
In case the crazy leftists haven’t gotten it, it’s called grassroots. Most Americans don’t want the thin end of the wedge to socialized medicine. I know you guys hate this democracy thing unless you’re ‘winning,’ but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
President Obama “Bee-otch” slapped Republicans in general on the economy as he started the town hall meeting noting that just 6 months ago we were on the verge of Great Depression v2.0 thanks to Republicans – again. And that how the Stimulus Package CUT taxes for 95% of Americans and averted making the recession/depression worse.
Message between the lines: Republicans STOOD in total opposition to helping America succeed. That mantra will get played again in the 2010 elections season.
Pres. Obama took that theme into the health care debate and demonstrated how insurance company bureaucrats get between you and your doctors NOW! That they DENY you benefits and treatment you need from the Republican backed INSURANCE DEATH PANEL.
The best news though; we’re getting health care reform this year, hopefully with bipartisan support, but we’re getting it regardless.
Once the public sees how much better Obamacare is than what they have now and how Balin’ Palin, Neutered Gingrich and the rest of the culture of corruption conservatives DENIED the American people of the best health care in the world, they’ll lose even more ELECTIONS.
You’d think that after the Social Security debacle in 2004 the Republictards would learn that you don’t try to undo basic human services wanted, needed and demanded by the voting public.
But, they don’t. Bad for them. Good for America.
Wow, you really should check into a program for that kool-aid addiction.
To my Liberal friends, let’s keep using the term “Obamacare.”
This is going to be one of the greatest events in government since FDR created Social Security.
Let’s tag it with the term “Obamacare” for all time so that the Republicans, or who ever comes after they collapse, can’t steal the thunder of OUR hard work.
I love Stamn. There is no other rightwingnut poster who is so willfully ignorant, so unable to answer a simple question, so pathetically stupid that she can’t even get a straightforward argument and so delusionally partisan that she always opposed the democrat – it almost a reflexive, thoughtless reaction.
A leading democratic progressive could propose something that the idiot Stamn actually agreed with – and Stamn would reflexively oppose it.
Stamn – who thinks global warming doesn’t exist or isn’t caused by humans.
who thinks the republican sponsored Rasmussen is actually a reputable pollster.
who loved Bush and the 1 trillion wasted in Iraq but opposed the revenue neutral health care reform.
who loved Karl Rove and his proven lies (just today, documents showed Rove lied repeatedly and demanded the firing of the US Attorneys…clearly breaking the law and injecting politics into the “Justice” dept.).
who loved Dick (damn the Constitution) Cheney and his wiretapping, torture and death squads sponsored by our US government…but hates Obama for trying to close down Guantanamo.
who loved the deep Bush recession but hates the Obama recovery.
And on and on…a partisan hack with limited intellectual ability and a failure to make a worthwhile argument.
We laugh at your total ignorance and your limited intellect Stamn.
Absolutely right GBS. This is analgous to the destruction of the constitution that the worst president in US history, FDR, performed.
Before FDR the constitution meant something. Before him people were independent and assumed responsibility for their own lives. It was a better America, and FDR was a traitor who should have been hung, gay cigarette holder and all.
Do bad things happen. Sure. That’s why you’re supposed to think ahead and plan for it. Not go begging from hard working taxpayers who did, you understand, actually work for yourself. Sorry, the concept of responsibility can’t be translated into ‘liberal speak.’
Who the hell doesn’t know they’re going to stop working some day? Who doesn’t plan for this? Social Security is the worst idea ever for social engineering of idiots. it was the thin end of the wedge that made Americans mealy mouthed government sycophants.
And now you assholes want to ruin health care. Go to hell and take that moronic talking head of a president with you.
proud leftistspews:
You couldn’t distinguish the Constitution from Mein Kampf. GWB’s administration treated the Constitution as an inconvenient piece of paper that need never be consulted. Your boys hate the rule of law. Your boys hate civil liberties. Your boys hate democracy. You are smarter than your post above, lost. And, you’re better than saying something like this: “FDR was a traitor who should have been hung, gay cigarette holder and all.” Although, maybe I just read you wrong in the past. Sarah Palin is the face of the Republican Party right now. That makes me both happy (we on the correct side of politics are going to keep winning for a long, long time) and sad (a noble opposition is essential to a functioning democracy).
@ 34:
Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmm . . . Wow. Aren’t you an unhinged and angry conservative who has little understanding of American history, FDR, the reason for the creation of Social Security, how successful the SS program is and how much the American people don’t want politicians tampering with it.
The political capital GWB spent on the “privatization” effort of SS and the utter demise it would have brought down on the country IF we followed Bush’s Ronald Reagan philosophy of governing is undeniable.
It was, the nexus that pulled the lynchpin on the Republican dominance in politics.
But, you wouldn’t understand that because you reflexively oppose anything a Liberal says.
That’s OK. Not everybody thought the “au-to-mobile” was a good idea either. I really don’t want you to understand that your tired, worn out, rhetoric is failing your party’s agenda.
You think what Hannity and Limbaugh are telling you to believe is the correct path, go ahead and watch it, listen to it.
The problem for you, and the benefit for America is that your party has lost ALL the Reagan Democrats, you lost the swing voters, lost the majority of independent and are losing moderate Republicans. Mainstream Republicans are loathe to self identify as “Republican.”
Only the hardcore of the hardcore base is on your side. As long as that’s the case and until you right wing extremists move far to the left of where you are now on the political spectrum, you’ll remain in political exile.
Like I said, your unyielding commitment to the lies of Bailin’ Palin, Gingrich, Hannity, Limbaugh et al are hurting you and helping America because 75% of America has abandoned your political philosophy.
But, hey, stand on your principles and do NOT waiver from them.
GBS and the rest of citizens who truly love America where Country First isn’t some stupid political slogan.
Haywood Jablomespews:
Olbermann is a narcissistic fag…who cares what the used up ESPN reject thinks.
proud leftistspews:
“Olbermann is a narcissistic fag.”
Ah, yes, we see the intellectuals on the right advancing their arguments.
Haywood Jablomespews:
@38 there is no argument to advance in this case: Chief Onebrow Olbermann is a narcissistic fag – “the debate is over” as Chairman Gore put it.
If that bothers you, take a children’s chewable tylenol and go to bed.
proud leftistspews:
You don’t make the slightest bit of sense. Grow up. Adulthood isn’t bad, even if responsibility takes some getting used to. You fucks on the far right have ruined your political party. You now set out to ruin the nation. Do you feel good about what you are doing? Sleep well. Don’t let either reason or facts intrude upon your implacable mindset.
Haywood Jablomespews:
What political party? I hate political parties. You on the otherhand, sound like the typical lemming who is party first, nation
If so proud to be a leftist, why not move to a leftist country? Oh, I forgot, because they all blow chunks. And we should copy them? LOL
I sleep great, thanks for caring.
I think you have some Joseph Olbermann Goebbels on your chin.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Why criticize Palin when you’ve actually got one of the biggest dolts around actually in an important office: Joe Biden. The guy’s comic relief for the Obama administration.
37. Haywood Jablome spews:
Olbermann is a narcissistic fag…who cares what the used up ESPN reject thinks.
Oh look, bonehead told a funny.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I don’t think Olbermann is a fag. He’s a narcissist for sure, but so is O’Reilly, Hannity, Matthews, Moyers, and all of the rest of the media blowhards.
Haywood Jablomespews:
@43….apparently you care what some media hack thinks…lemming much?
Haywood Jablomespews:
@44….well on that we do agree….
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Uptown farts:
Your choice is limited by many factors: geographic, age, size of group you’re buying with (large, small, or self employer), and of course – state of your health.
You forgot state laws. You forgot congressional limitations.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
PI@44, yep but Olbermann is a loser with ratings. Of course his frothing at the mouth faithful are most of the HA Libtardos here.
Olbermann and the left hate Sarah Palin. So what else is new?
Politically Incorrect @1,
WTF?!? You’re kidding, right?
Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving!
Paraphrasing “Politically Incorrect” above: Olbermann is an asshole. So what else is new?
What, you’d prefer we pity her and treat her with kid gloves since she’s a “very special person”? But then, that would be the politicly correct thing to do, wouldn’t it?
John425 @ 3,
Olbermann is an asshole. So what else is new?
I can see how you might dislike someone who speaks truth to CRRRAAAAZY.
Olbermann speaks truth? Meth isn’t your friend.
Oh and Olbermann’s ratings, aren’t they phenomenal? MSDNC as a whole is just doing awesome.
Darryl: Olbermann is an asshole and Obama’s healthcare plan was devised by the SS. Now-go ahead and report me to whitehouse.gov. Fucking Fascists!
So… you don’t think they’re monitoring this sight already? But don’t worry your pretty little head about it. THey like it when you mouth off like this, as it makes you and your entire movement sound ridiculous and irrelevant.
Hey wingnutjobs,
Please continue to hold Sarah Palin up as your standard bearer.
Never has there been a more powerful lightning rod for progressive change.
Why you tards keep talking about her is beyond me. She lost, she quit, you won. Drop it already Jesus! Of course when there is nothing and I mean nothing good to say about the current leadership at all levels, you have to focus on something else. Tards are so jealous of Palin I guess.
Strange, I thought it was all the hate for bush that enabled the obama to win with 52% of the vote.
People hate what they fear.
And democrats hate sarah.
@1 We don’t hate her. How can you hate a clown? Everyone loves clowns! We especially love her cute little wink. We just don’t think she should be in charge of a country, that’s all. Or a state. Or a town. A clown’s job is to be a clown. She’s good at that, so she should stick with clowning and forget about more pretentious stuff.
John425 @ 7,
“Obama’s healthcare plan was devised by the SS. Now-go ahead and report me to whitehouse.gov. Fucking Fascists!”
LOL! It would certainly be doing you a favor, reporting you to a mental health professional….
Maybe a nice whiteroom (the padded type).
@11 “People hate what they fear.”
I didn’t realize you had such insight into yourself and your own kind, Marvin. It’s your inner Freud talking!
mark @ 10
“Why you tards keep talking about her is beyond me. She lost, she quit, you won. Drop it already Jesus!”
Oh…we’re not done with her yet. Not until we get the baby!!!!!!!!
11 – Heh. People with half a brain run away from crazies that threaten to do them harm.
You on the other hand run TOWARDS them.. Enjoy screaming about Sarah’s “death panel” at your next townhall, Stamnster. But be a little “civil” about it like Sarah said in her subsequent facebook post.
@10 We love talking about Bailin’ Palin because she’s such an easy target for ridicule. You guys handed her to us on a silver platter — are you thinking now maybe that wasn’t such a good idea?
@15 Man I love watching wingnuts writhe in agony! Poke the stick at him again! And again!
Oh I love this! A Rush listener worries about toilet paper rationing:
Doncha just luv’ right wing hate talk radio?
Imagine if Rev Jeremiah Wright had called this “downright evil,” and asserted the elderly would have to stand in front of a “death panel so [President Bush’s] bureaucrats can decide … whether they are worthy of health care.”
You and everyone else would have dismissed him as a crazy man.
I dislike palin because she is gleefully screaming FIRE in a darkened theater.
Right now Obama is speaking at a townhall in New Hampshire.
How refreshing to hear an intelligent discussion of the issues. He’s taking questions from Republicans and other skeptics.
In contrast to the fear-riven and hating screamers outside the hall.
Once again you miss the point.
Cuba is having a toilet paper shortage.
Yet the left, including people like michael moore, insist that cuba has a better health care system.
Say, didn’t dodd have some cancer thing going on? What country is he going to for his treatment? After all, someone with his money would want the best healthcare he can get. So he travelled to????
Maybe the same country teddy kennedy went to for his cancer treatments.
Does it ever make you wonder that the very same people that say the healthcare system is so bad stay here for their lifesaving treatments when they can afford to go anywhere for “better” healthcare.
Actions speak louder than words.
#22. The two are not the same.
22 – Such a dumbass! Why is that lady wasting a Senator’s time with fears about toilet paper rationing?
Because she heard it on Rush – your favorite fear-monger?
I don’t think people in Cuba are being denied health care because of pre-existing conditions. But nowhere is anyone talking about adopting their system.
Let’s instead talk about about a country that’s closer to home – Canada. You still haven’t shown us the townhalls in Canada where the people are screaming at their politicians to trade their system for ours.
And yes we have the best medical care in the world – if you can pay for it or if you’ve got Cadillac insurance like members of Congress have.
Eh, no. They have good health care because they are on the government health care plan.
I sure wish I could get on their plan. Instead I am stuck with Premera. And I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be on that plan. Rates going up again, you know…
Sarrah’s Death Panel exists now.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Keep wishing. Peons like you will NEVER get the same health care your democrat rulers enjoy. Hell, they only have to work for 4 years before the lifetime benefits kick in. Be a good little serf and keep working to pay for the benefits your democrat rulers enjoy.
It’s only your perception you are “stuck” with premera.
You have the freedom to purchase any healthcare insurance you want.
Be pro-choice and make a choice that works out better for you. If you can’t afford it, be pro-choice and get a better job. If your job skills suck, be pro-choice and get some training.
The only thing stopping you is YOU.
Actually no. They don’t allow you to buy into any old healthcare insurance you want in this country. Your choice is limited by many factors: geographic, age, size of group you’re buying with (large, small, or self employer), and of course – state of your health.
Did I mention that my insurance went up 10% this year?
Latest Rasmussen polls:
Obama at new lows in polling and health care too? In generic polling Americans favor the republican? Say it ain’t so you idiot Olberman.
In case the crazy leftists haven’t gotten it, it’s called grassroots. Most Americans don’t want the thin end of the wedge to socialized medicine. I know you guys hate this democracy thing unless you’re ‘winning,’ but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
President Obama “Bee-otch” slapped Republicans in general on the economy as he started the town hall meeting noting that just 6 months ago we were on the verge of Great Depression v2.0 thanks to Republicans – again. And that how the Stimulus Package CUT taxes for 95% of Americans and averted making the recession/depression worse.
Message between the lines: Republicans STOOD in total opposition to helping America succeed. That mantra will get played again in the 2010 elections season.
Pres. Obama took that theme into the health care debate and demonstrated how insurance company bureaucrats get between you and your doctors NOW! That they DENY you benefits and treatment you need from the Republican backed INSURANCE DEATH PANEL.
The best news though; we’re getting health care reform this year, hopefully with bipartisan support, but we’re getting it regardless.
Once the public sees how much better Obamacare is than what they have now and how Balin’ Palin, Neutered Gingrich and the rest of the culture of corruption conservatives DENIED the American people of the best health care in the world, they’ll lose even more ELECTIONS.
You’d think that after the Social Security debacle in 2004 the Republictards would learn that you don’t try to undo basic human services wanted, needed and demanded by the voting public.
But, they don’t. Bad for them. Good for America.
Wow, you really should check into a program for that kool-aid addiction.
To my Liberal friends, let’s keep using the term “Obamacare.”
This is going to be one of the greatest events in government since FDR created Social Security.
Let’s tag it with the term “Obamacare” for all time so that the Republicans, or who ever comes after they collapse, can’t steal the thunder of OUR hard work.
ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE, ObamaCARE!
@27 Total Moron Stamn
I love Stamn. There is no other rightwingnut poster who is so willfully ignorant, so unable to answer a simple question, so pathetically stupid that she can’t even get a straightforward argument and so delusionally partisan that she always opposed the democrat – it almost a reflexive, thoughtless reaction.
A leading democratic progressive could propose something that the idiot Stamn actually agreed with – and Stamn would reflexively oppose it.
Stamn – who thinks global warming doesn’t exist or isn’t caused by humans.
who thinks the republican sponsored Rasmussen is actually a reputable pollster.
who loved Bush and the 1 trillion wasted in Iraq but opposed the revenue neutral health care reform.
who loved Karl Rove and his proven lies (just today, documents showed Rove lied repeatedly and demanded the firing of the US Attorneys…clearly breaking the law and injecting politics into the “Justice” dept.).
who loved Dick (damn the Constitution) Cheney and his wiretapping, torture and death squads sponsored by our US government…but hates Obama for trying to close down Guantanamo.
who loved the deep Bush recession but hates the Obama recovery.
And on and on…a partisan hack with limited intellectual ability and a failure to make a worthwhile argument.
We laugh at your total ignorance and your limited intellect Stamn.
Absolutely right GBS. This is analgous to the destruction of the constitution that the worst president in US history, FDR, performed.
Before FDR the constitution meant something. Before him people were independent and assumed responsibility for their own lives. It was a better America, and FDR was a traitor who should have been hung, gay cigarette holder and all.
Do bad things happen. Sure. That’s why you’re supposed to think ahead and plan for it. Not go begging from hard working taxpayers who did, you understand, actually work for yourself. Sorry, the concept of responsibility can’t be translated into ‘liberal speak.’
Who the hell doesn’t know they’re going to stop working some day? Who doesn’t plan for this? Social Security is the worst idea ever for social engineering of idiots. it was the thin end of the wedge that made Americans mealy mouthed government sycophants.
And now you assholes want to ruin health care. Go to hell and take that moronic talking head of a president with you.
You couldn’t distinguish the Constitution from Mein Kampf. GWB’s administration treated the Constitution as an inconvenient piece of paper that need never be consulted. Your boys hate the rule of law. Your boys hate civil liberties. Your boys hate democracy. You are smarter than your post above, lost. And, you’re better than saying something like this: “FDR was a traitor who should have been hung, gay cigarette holder and all.” Although, maybe I just read you wrong in the past. Sarah Palin is the face of the Republican Party right now. That makes me both happy (we on the correct side of politics are going to keep winning for a long, long time) and sad (a noble opposition is essential to a functioning democracy).
@ 34:
Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmm . . . Wow. Aren’t you an unhinged and angry conservative who has little understanding of American history, FDR, the reason for the creation of Social Security, how successful the SS program is and how much the American people don’t want politicians tampering with it.
The political capital GWB spent on the “privatization” effort of SS and the utter demise it would have brought down on the country IF we followed Bush’s Ronald Reagan philosophy of governing is undeniable.
It was, the nexus that pulled the lynchpin on the Republican dominance in politics.
But, you wouldn’t understand that because you reflexively oppose anything a Liberal says.
That’s OK. Not everybody thought the “au-to-mobile” was a good idea either. I really don’t want you to understand that your tired, worn out, rhetoric is failing your party’s agenda.
You think what Hannity and Limbaugh are telling you to believe is the correct path, go ahead and watch it, listen to it.
The problem for you, and the benefit for America is that your party has lost ALL the Reagan Democrats, you lost the swing voters, lost the majority of independent and are losing moderate Republicans. Mainstream Republicans are loathe to self identify as “Republican.”
Only the hardcore of the hardcore base is on your side. As long as that’s the case and until you right wing extremists move far to the left of where you are now on the political spectrum, you’ll remain in political exile.
Like I said, your unyielding commitment to the lies of Bailin’ Palin, Gingrich, Hannity, Limbaugh et al are hurting you and helping America because 75% of America has abandoned your political philosophy.
But, hey, stand on your principles and do NOT waiver from them.
GBS and the rest of citizens who truly love America where Country First isn’t some stupid political slogan.
Olbermann is a narcissistic fag…who cares what the used up ESPN reject thinks.
“Olbermann is a narcissistic fag.”
Ah, yes, we see the intellectuals on the right advancing their arguments.
@38 there is no argument to advance in this case: Chief Onebrow Olbermann is a narcissistic fag – “the debate is over” as Chairman Gore put it.
If that bothers you, take a children’s chewable tylenol and go to bed.
You don’t make the slightest bit of sense. Grow up. Adulthood isn’t bad, even if responsibility takes some getting used to. You fucks on the far right have ruined your political party. You now set out to ruin the nation. Do you feel good about what you are doing? Sleep well. Don’t let either reason or facts intrude upon your implacable mindset.
What political party? I hate political parties. You on the otherhand, sound like the typical lemming who is party first, nation
If so proud to be a leftist, why not move to a leftist country? Oh, I forgot, because they all blow chunks. And we should copy them? LOL
I sleep great, thanks for caring.
I think you have some Joseph Olbermann Goebbels on your chin.
Why criticize Palin when you’ve actually got one of the biggest dolts around actually in an important office: Joe Biden. The guy’s comic relief for the Obama administration.
Oh look, bonehead told a funny.
I don’t think Olbermann is a fag. He’s a narcissist for sure, but so is O’Reilly, Hannity, Matthews, Moyers, and all of the rest of the media blowhards.
@43….apparently you care what some media hack thinks…lemming much?
@44….well on that we do agree….
Uptown farts:
You forgot state laws. You forgot congressional limitations.
PI@44, yep but Olbermann is a loser with ratings. Of course his frothing at the mouth faithful are most of the HA Libtardos here.