Breaking news from Postman: apparently, Dave Reichert is running for Congress!
In other Congressional news, Reichert will get some big-name help to start his re-election fundraising. First Lady Laura Bush will headline an event Feb. 27th for Reichert in Medina.
So, the million bucks Reichert has raised thus far, and last August’s high-donor event with the First Lady’s husband… none of that counts as fundraising? Is Reichert challenging Mike McGavick for the WA state record for most campaign kickoffs?
I’m sure you saw the recent Gallup Poll showing that 55% of likely voters said they would support the Democrat running in their congressional district compared with only 41% for the Republican candidate.
Darcy Burner has to win this time or she’s never going to.
‘Breaking news from Postman: apparently, Dave Reichert is running for Congress!’
NEWSFLASH: “Apparently ditzy Darcy Burner is running against George W. Bush” (Details to follow!)”
Mark1, successful women intimidate you? My how puny you must be.
Davey never knows whether he’s coming or going, so he may not understand that his campaign started months ago. On a side note, do Republicans really pay big money to hear Laura Bush speak? What the hell does she talk about, that she still loves her husband despite his being a buffoon?
A good campaign strategist would tell any Democratic candidate for national office to run against GW if the candidate’s opponent is an incumbent Republican. GW’s unwashable stench extends to all such creatures. And, who does DimDavey bring out to campaign for him? GW’s wife. If I were running against Davey, I’d tag him every chance I got with his support for GW. While people in your tiny and insulated political world might think that GW still is admirable, the vast throngs out here would disagree.
well, hopefully they’ll have adequate seating for them at his event.otherwise dave could get caught in an embarrassing moment of desperation as he runs around pleading — “i need a chair NOW!” — AGAIN!
@2 Burner has more smarts in her fingernail than you have between your ears.
@4 She probably tells them how much he paid her to stay with him. Hearing THAT is worth $$$ to snarky Repubs who love gossip.
George W. Bush isn’t exactly the world’s best advertisement for the concept of inherited wealth.
Without family money he’d have had a hard time making it as a dishwasher.
RR @ 9
And, the greatest arguments for inherited wealth would be?
9 & 11
OK lefties, “preserve capitalism” by wailing about inherited wealth. Save the world, chumps!
zip @ 12: We don’t have to wail about inherited wealth. Bill Gates Sr., and his son, have both laid out the case against inherited wealth pretty well. While Bill Gates Sr. was certainly willing to give his son a hand up in the world, including private school, Harvard education (before he dropped out), and money to help his start-up business, he never saw any need for anything beyond that. Bill Gates Jr. also has insisted that his children will not inherit more than a very small amount of his wealth, he intends to give it away long before he dies. The children will get a good education, and presumably any security necessary because of the notariety of their parents, but otherwise they are on their own.
So, do you think the world’s richest man, and his father, are lefty loons? Perhaps Bill Gates Sr. should have let his son know, at an early age, that he didn’t really have to work hard, he should go to school and earn his “gentleman’s C”, and no matter what happens after that, he will always have Dad’s trust fund to fall back upon?
Aside from Nelson Rockefeller, who had something of a political career, can you name any of the descendents of Rockefeller, DuPonts, or Vanderbilts who made a significant contribution to the nation, industry, or otherwise, after receiving the benefits of their trust funds?
If at first you don’t succeed and all! It’s like one of those crappy businesses that have their 4th annual ‘grand opening’ sale, or in this case maybe, going out of business sale.
Claiming Reichert hasn’t “started” fund raising, hasn’t started his campaign yet, in an effort to explain the disparities is disingenuous at BEST…laughably funny for sure.
I’m an independent, I don’t owe either party my blood…this isn’t a Crips v Bloods fight for me. Darcy isn’t the strongest candidate on earth, she is new and fairly inexperienced. That doesn’t mean she might not be great at the job, just means it’s hard to be certain at this point. But Reichert has a record…and it’s not good. He’s barely competent, not that bright, and ineffective at representing his district. You can claim his opponent isn’t experienced, but Reichert on the other hand is experienced…at sucking at his job.
So Postman’s article is primarily about Bart (Snohomish County Sheriff) running in the 2nd against Larsen. Some memorable quotes:
“There needs to be a new sheriff in Congress, and it’s going to be me.”
Oh, I thought Reichart was the “new sheriff in Congress”. Is Bart expecting the old one to be gone? But apparantly Reichart is calling Bart, and asking him to run.
“He’s begging me to run and I keep asking him why and he says he’s lonely.”
I’m not even going to touch that one with a ten-foot pole.
“Does Mark(whatever) think the Gateses are leftist loons?”
In Mark’s absurd world, I think he does.
rhp 13
No, I think Roger has a loony idea that liberals are here to “preserve capitalism” (from a few days ago).
However, using the Rockefeller and Gates families to illustrate policy is also loony. We’re more likely to be struck by lightning 6 times each than to be in their shoes.
rhp 15
Do you have something specific against Bart or is this guilt by association?
Zip @ 18: I don’t know much about Bart, even though he’s the Sheriff in the county I reside. All I know is he’s a Republican, and those quotes are from Postman’s article. I found the quotes to be humerous. I also liked the following quote:
All we hear is change, change, change. That’s a real interesting dynamic. In the state of Washington, change is a good message for Republicans, and for different reasons than Barack Obama says.
Interesting attempt to spin the fact that even the Republicans believe that the Bush administration has screwed things up royally.