Law and order conservatives sure love committing crimes. It’s President Trump quid pro quoing in public, let alone in private. It’s failed City Council candidate Ari Hoffman threatening to tow people’s RV’s.
That reminds me, Carl. Hillary Clinton is two-time failed presidential candidate.
Looks like she’s going for a three-fer, too.
It’s really too bad Warren was caught in a lie about being fired because she had become pregnant.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Long as we have one of the Trumpists present this morning I thought I’d asking a few questions about their beloved president Sweaty McPornLube.
So from listening to GOP Senators Johnson, and Graham, and GOP Reps AllOfThem my understanding from what they said over the weekend is that IMPEACHMENT = DEEPSTATE COUP because withdrawing the supply of anti-tank missiles in exchange for an investigation of 2016 DEMONCRAT campaign corruption is absolutely correct and proper.
But I feel like the details about what they want to investigate from 2016 are still a little unclear or maybe a bit thin. So from what they all said, president peepee was facing DEMONCRAT/DEEP STATE smear attack starting in the spring of 2016.
So, did Shrillary/ObamaBots set out to destroy Captain Reality Pants in Jan 2016 just in case he ran the board in the GOP primaries, won the nomination and became president peepee? How did they know ahead of time that Manafucked would be brought in to fix the GOP convention? Lucky guess?
Or did Rogue DEEP STATE operatives buried within the peepee administration in 2019 build a time musheen (another one? or the same one as before?) travel back to early 2016 to plant the FAKE RussiaGate evidence implicating the peepee campaign? Or did they build some kind of quantum communications device to send DEEP STATE messages to their 2016 counterparts?
There’s a theory that YLB’s kids will suffer because of YLB’s penchant for free shit.
BTW, right now president peepee has less than one hour to obtain a judicial stay before his accounting firm will be legally obliged to meet a deadline he agreed to and insisted on for turning over tax returns.
Such a good looking week ahead for the GOP.
Having succeeded in rendering the words ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ meaningless, the left turns to the next victim in its lexicon.
Goldy Retweeted
Lizz “Propagator of Filth and Socialism” Winstead✔
Defending Trump is treason. Period.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Conveniently ignoring the two hundred and seventy nine people Donald J. Trump has accused of treason since being sworn in as the nation’s top law enforcement officer.
Once again, all your once mighty pulpits now lie in ruined smoldering ashes at your feet surrounded by spent condoms.
@ 4
Reuters Top News
Verified account
MORE: Court grants Trump temporary stay of enforcement of tax returns subpoena
7:47 AM – 7 Oct 2019
You must be used to disappointment by now.
@ 6
I never said the left didn’t have help.
Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.
Yeah, good look. Fighting until you spit your last dying breath in Federal court to keep secret that which every candidate for President in my lifetime has voluntarily disclosed.
Oh, with the argument that the President is legally absolved of any criminal investigation because, well, the President is above U.S. Law.
That’s what you’re praising here, Dumbfuck. A PR nightmare. Go Don Go!
Go Donald!
@ 9
A PR nightmare. Go Don Go!
It was a PR nightmare in 2016, too.
How did that work out for Hillary and the “absolute lock” she had on her 252 EVs, Cz-252?
House Subpoenas Defense Secretary for documents relating to Ukraine.
Every day it’s a new nightmare for the administration.
For the PR…
Do we release the documents knowing full well that our legal team has told us we’re fucked. Or do we stone wall and claim executive privilege telling voters that we are hiding something.
Meanwhile Donald is on the Twitter accusing pretty much everyone of Treason and proving that he failed Jr. High Civics in calling for House Speaker Pelosi’s impeachment.
Quick question, can one ‘Faithfully Execute’ a Constitution that is several reading grades higher than ones reading ability even if one attempts to read it. Does the ‘I Can Read’ publishing house have a U.S. Constitution?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.
In very much the same way that you and your ilk have rendered the word ‘conservative” meaningless.
If you’re going with 2020 is 2016 you’ve got some serious problems.
Did Donnie get caught funneling Pentagon dollars to his golf club in 2016?
Did Donnie’s kids pocket $80+ Million from White House Jobs in 2016?
Did Donnie get caught offering foreign aid but only if several countries aid in taking out his likely electoral rival in 2016?
Did Donnie have a 41% approval rating in 2016?
Did Donnie actually have to SUE people to keep his taxes private in 2016?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not unexpected given the record here.
Batting a solid .000
And owing to his own prior agreements made in order to avoid preliminary discovery, the stay now gets expedited review. Very good chance this is before the SCOTUS in time for a summer decis..
Leaving GOPeePee taxes tinkling* out all through August, September, and October.
*See what I did there?
Hey speaking of PR, that didn’t take long.
After announcing a plan to pull out U.S. Troops out of the way for Turkey to launch an expected war on the Kurds….
The first person to suggest that Donald Trump would have a conflict of interest in dealing with Turkey and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was Trump himself.
“I have a little conflict of interest because I have a major, major building in Istanbul and it’s a tremendously successful job,” Trump told Stephen K. Bannon (who was then working for Breitbart) in December 2015. “It’s called Trump Towers — two towers instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”
“I’ve gotten to know Turkey very well and they are amazing people, they’re incredible people,” Trump continued. “They have a strong leader” — Erdogan — “the strong leader is now fighting pretty much with Putin, if you look at what’s going on, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of angst and a lot of anguish going on over there.”
Donnie’s got a lot of money to be made in Turkey so it’s only natural to do what Turkey wants. It’s what countries do. Boy oh boy Donnie wants his suitcases of cash and Turkey wants the Kurdish rebels who fought alongside U.S. Troops against Isis dead. It’s a win win.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Worthwhile time, all circumstances considered, to contemplate how strident SCOTUS conservatives would respond if the current terms sees them confronted with no fewer than a half dozen precedent setting decisions that would conceivably remake the Presidency for the next four or five decades.
Given the cumulative effect of these Executive branch cases potentially about to come before them, and given the potential for significant reversal of precedent in a few other cases this term, would they really want to place the next four to six Presidents entirely beyond the reach of law? Does that sound like the legacy these DudeBros want for themselves? Does that even sound like Alito, much less Roberts?
Also worth thinking about is the division within the court as it currently stands. A more polarized and deeply divided court produces more strident and often times more memorable dissenting opinions that can also contribute to the court’s legacy and shape the politics surrounding future nominations.
The incumbent peepee president and his political party are at this moment more weakened and vulnerable than they have been in a couple of decades. Roberts is 64 and is likely to be presiding over this court for the next two or three administrations. He will be around to live and preside through the results of the decisions this court makes this term and he knows it. He may indeed want to create a legacy by the decisions made in this term. But a good question to ask is what kind of legacy does he want to live through in the final decades of his career?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“… so it’s only natural to do what Turkey wants.”
Especially true if the other “strong leader” has audio tape recordings of you asking to trade pre-teens with good bladder control for military aid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lindsey Graham is upset at Trump for knifing our Kurdish allies in the back. Maybe he should pick his friends better.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is just Trump doing another favor for his friends — the Russians. Utterly predictable, and Graham should have foreseen it, the dumbshit. I wonder how much $$$ he owes them, and how far behind on his interest payments he is?
Cut and Run.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
“Having succeeded in rendering the words ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ meaningless”
“Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.”
You are a stupid fucking disgrace, Dumbfuck, and the words “racist” and “Nazi” will never be meaningless as long as you are still here.
I blame you for anything and everything wrong in this world. It’s all your fucking fault.
Live in shame.
The only place Donald is going is to hell!
Doctor Dumbfuck’s “very stable genius” says of his decision to allow our Kurdish allies against ISIS to die, “I, in my great and unmatched wisdom…”
You are humanity’s greatest disgrace, Doctor. Unmatched.
Live in shame.
“Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.”
Too little, too late, Doctor.
Perhaps if you were to post the hashtag” #iliveinshame” 4,000+ times, always closing with, “I deserve to live in shame for the rest of my meaningless fucking life”, then maybe someone here more forgiving than me will forgive your fucking treason.
@ 20
I blame you for anything and everything wrong in this world. It’s all your fucking fault.
No daylight between YLB and Steve anymore. Steve’s become wholly useless. He’s YLB, without the vagina.
The National Education Association, the national affiliate of IEA, spent more than $136.4 million a year on average from 2013 to 2018 on political activities and lobbying – which was more than it spent on representing members.
@25 and when those 12K realize that they are poor then they and others like them will be looking for a bunch more free shit.
Way to go.
“No daylight between YLB and Steve anymore.”
Of course there isn’t and there never was. Like myself, and unlike you, YLB is a loyal, patriotic American. You, on the other hand, a traitor to our nation, haven’t displayed even the slightest sliver of daylight between yourself and Vladimir Putin.
Live in fucking shame.
71-year-old Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is too sick to sit on his ass not speak and pretend to consider cases instead of voting however if the Federalist Society tells him to vote.
Geez, Doctor, looks like once again you and your orange moron did what you two do best, make Putin smile. Fucking A, you even lost Moscow Mitch on this one, you fucking traitor.
“Mitch McConnell admits Trump’s Syria withdrawal only benefits Russia and Iran”
@1 racist incel: and i hear she steals giraffes too!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
2013 to 2018.
Pay better attention to the current reports.
Warren (The Traitor!) and Sanders (The Filthy Communist) are out-raising the field and doing it all without donor events and without big donor PACs.
The world is changing. And if you think the progressive future you are doomed to live is dependent upon big unions you’ve been spending too much time choke-faping in MaryKay’s closet.
Even the impact that unions once had on local ground is no longer the same. There are these crazy things called “smart phones”. They enable all kinds of easy, low cost software implementation in real time to anyone anywhere. Your last Uber driver is also canvassing and updating maps. So’s the dog walker. And the pizza guy. You know. Those people whose wages you keep trying to lower and whose insurance you took away.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If Graham really cared about president peepee turning 60,000 ISIS bombers loose into the world he wouldn’t have nominated an incontinent drug addict to be his party’s nominee in the first place.
No Republican would.
Pretty much makes it clear that Klownsurvaturdism’s carefully curated claims to global security leadership are fallen about as low as their claims to moral or ethical leadership. They hold BDSM parties paid for with campaign funds where they fuck goats and trade pre-teens to terrorists for loan guarantees on resort projects.
This is really who Republicans are now.
Trump's Weird Little Penisspews:
If you really think about it, I mean in context with history and stuff like that, trying to trade infrared guided fire-and-forget anti-tank missiles for a phony political smear is just plain inappropriate. Right?
But honestly. It’s probably no more inappropriate than wearing white after labor day. Not impeachable.
@29 – I notice when Bob decides to run away. He sits around trolling, in his spare retired time, but then all of sudden he gets real busy…..really really busy, if you know what I mean.
What Republicans Said About Impeachmentspews:
In October of 2009, according to FOX and the GOP, “seeming to have some kind of malevolence” was legal grounds for impeachment.
@35 Hell, by 2014 Republicans believed wearing a tan suit was legal grounds for impeachment.
“Remembering Barack Obama’s Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit”
@34 Probably ducking the subpoenas coming his way. They all are, so I’m sure he is, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Turncoats like Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen sold the identities of U.S. spies to the KGB. Back then, Republicans called it treason. Now, the GOP sells out entire countries to Putin, Assad, Erdogan, and their ilk; if that isn’t treason, then nothing is. Is it possible to lock up an entire political party in ADX or Leavenworth? Or do we need a bigger jail for these traitors?
I’m gonna go with Bob on this one….I support the cut and run… I’m sure the other idiot who always posts that we should get out of the meddle east. Wereeeeeee outttta herrreeee!
If he is above the law, then why should he bother about anything? New elections? Screw that, he keeps being president. That’s illegal? Why bother, he can’t be prosecuted.
Someone else seems to have a chance at winning an election?
Make them not eligible to be elected and the republicans would go along.
Investigate them for some made-up stuff, put them in jail and the republicans would go along.
Doesn’t matter if it’s illegal, he’s above the law.
Someone else actually wins?
Declare the election to be unlawful and the republicans would go along.
Annul the election and the republicans would go along.
Just kill the winner and the republicans would go along.
Put everyone in jail who complains and the republicans would go along.
If he is above the law and can literally do anything that he wants, then why should he ever decide to end this and not be president anymore and be able to be prosecuted again?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Vance won the speedball review by the 2nd circuit.
Trump brief due this Friday by 5pm.
DOJ amicus due samey same.
Vance brief due one week from tomorrow by 5.
Trump response due one week from Thursday by 5.
Oral week of the 21st.
So two weeks. Then he has to pray he can get an emergency stay from whoever is assigned. Who did Roberts assign to the 2nd again? Let me see now… tip of my tongue… Victorious? Sartorious? Uproarious?
No surprise here that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron would betray the Kurds. After all, the two of them have already betrayed our country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So the judge in the Dallas killer cop case hugged the defendant in the courtroom immediately after sentencing her to only 10 years for murdering an innocent black man in his own apartment.
How does this not result in resentencing by a different judge?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Today president BigBrain McBoneSpurs announced that “when he took over the military” they were all out of ammunition.
Out. All of it. Not one single bullet.
“(A) top general, maybe the top of them all, ‘Sir, I’m sorry sir, we don’t have ammunition.'”
Top. Top of them all. Maybe.
As in maybe top. Maybe he said it. Maybe. Maybe not. Wheeee!
Now think about this: Pork Sauce and Teh Dumbfuck believe this shit. That’s exactly how far the orange slide has taken them.
That’s what Putin said.
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Circuit Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann
Not up on my court intrigue. Are you saying trump has to get an emergency stay from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to keep his tax returns from being exposed?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
On February 14, 2019, Congress overwhelmingly (House 300-128, Senate 83-16) passed Public Law 116-6. Trump signed it the next day.
Public Law 116-6 specifically provides not less than $454 million dollars in defense aid to Ukraine. Immediately after signing it, Trump ordered the money withheld. Immediately. Despite having signed the law, and despite overwhelming bi-partisan support from Congress. Months of hearings, thousands of pages of testimony and dozens of witnesses all provided the House and Senate with input, clarification, and support for helping Ukraine resist Russian military aggression. But the law was immediately broken. By Trump. Willfully. Deliberately. Intentionally.
And not only was the law that both parties overwhelmingly supported and passed and that he signed immediately broken, but he immediately began lying about it. No sooner was the law passed and signed by Trump than Trump, Pompeo, Mnuchin, and the rest all began lying to Congress about the status of the defense funding. And they began threatening the Ukrainians immediately about it as well.
The law was passed Feb 14. The Smear-for-Dollars phone call was placed on July 25. The phone call only came at the very end of a months long, sustained, and entirely illegal criminal enterprise involving gas leases, smear jobs, and god only knows what else.
It is frankly beyond comprehension at this point that we have to spend even a single second trying to explain an impeachment inquiry to the fundamentally corrupt meatheads of the GOP. The depravity being exhibited by Republicans in Congress is of an historic nature. The law they worked on and passed, a law that held the fate of a small nation, a nation they claimed to support and believe in, was being willfully and deceptively defied for personal and political gain.
That does not remotely compare to lying about a blowjob.
Just wonder why republicans thought it was fine for #MoscowMitch to keep President Obama from seating a supreme court justice because the rules do not say he had to schedule a vote on it but it’s not fine for Nancy Pelosi to go forward with an impeachment inquiry because the rules do not say she had to schedule a vote on it.
Hypocrites. As usual.
@47 if that is the case then that woman doesn’t stand a chance, she’ll be dead by Monday.
@48. Maybe that’s why Repukes were onboard with the Bill. Until they helped pass it The Hump couldn’t extort from Ukraine.
I find it hard to believe the other Pukes didn’t know what was going to go down.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Assuming that his appeal to the 2nd circuit is not successful, the question of The Court maintaining the stay beyond that would be heard first by Justice Ginsburg before being available for review by any five of The Nine who might elect.
They might ultimately vote to consider the case. That only needs four. But to maintain the stay… I suspect that one just might die with RBG.
There are real jurisdictional issues at stake here. And one possibility is that the 2nd might keep the stay in place and refer the parties to NY state court. But at least at the federal level, nobody is interested in accommodating delay in this matter. Trump’s lawyers wanted this in federal court so the DOJ could chime in and because they hoped by stalling it in the federal appeals process they could drag it out beyond the next election. That prospect looks decidedly dim at this point. But strange things happen every day in federal court.
Still, Mukasey filed Trump’s suit last month. He’ll be arguing his first, and possibly only appeal in two weeks. If delay was their strategy it ain’t working.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That’s certainly a more reasonable way of explaining their response than what Congressional Republicans have offered us so far.
Has the added virtue of not having to rely on Time Musheeens too!
“You better not talk President Zelensky, otherwise my friend Vladimir will need my assistance” – Putin’s little bitch.
Bob elected a Russian Spy/Operative.
The whole family are traitors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Re Carl’s link: “They have stolen gas from my trucks”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t most newer vehicles have gas filler spout covers that unlatch from inside the vehicle? And if he’s still driving his 1975 Ford pickup, locking gas caps cost, what, $9.95?
If someone parks on your property, you can have them towed (I recommend hiring a professional for this; self-help and amateur towing can lead to assorted unanticipated problems).
If someone parks on private cemetery property, the cemetery manager can have them towed.
If someone parks on a city street, I’d be interested to know under what legal theory you can sue the city for failing or neglecting or refusing to have them towed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 More evidence that Trump is on Moscow’s payroll.
If Republicans don’t wake up soon, this Country is finished.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 I wouldn’t count on Republicans for squat, and it doesn’t take Republicans, they’re only a third of the population. It’s the swing voters who need to do something.
“The whole family are traitors.”
I’m sure there’s innocence to be found on the right someplace, somewhere. For example, I have yet to see any evidence at all that would lead me to conclude that Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse is a traitor.
Eric Cartmanspews:
There cheers for the South Park creators for telling the Chines Commies to piss up a rope and suck on the wet end. It’s a shame the NBA pussies caved.
I think I said yesterday or a couple of days ago that The Hump was going to hell. It’s now confirmed!
Pat Robertson: Trump Will Lose His ‘Mandate of Heaven’ if He Pulls Out of Syria
Correction – I think yesterday or a couple of days ago I said….
It is sad that Bob has been reduced to what he has become today, waking up in the morning and dropping a few farts, telling Steve to think of his sins, and then running off because he’s embarrassed by his party but too proud to reveal that and face the embarrassment any longer of his Party.
Bob, all you have to do is say that you’ll never agree with any liberals on policies and none of us will ever change you, but that you too are disgusted with what is happening right now. I’d forgive and forget. Until then you’ll only be further embarrassed more and more as this goes on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 The weak spot in your reasoning is lack of evidence the horse is a rightwinger. His association with the doctor is not one of free will, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a Democrat behind the doctor’s back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “It is sad that Bob has been reduced to what he has become today,”
Recent events haven’t reduced Bob. That’s not possible, because the place he started out from was already this low. He hasn’t changed. He’s always been like this.
That reminds me, Carl. Hillary Clinton is two-time failed presidential candidate.
Looks like she’s going for a three-fer, too.
It’s really too bad Warren was caught in a lie about being fired because she had become pregnant.
Long as we have one of the Trumpists present this morning I thought I’d asking a few questions about their beloved president Sweaty McPornLube.
So from listening to GOP Senators Johnson, and Graham, and GOP Reps AllOfThem my understanding from what they said over the weekend is that IMPEACHMENT = DEEPSTATE COUP because withdrawing the supply of anti-tank missiles in exchange for an investigation of 2016 DEMONCRAT campaign corruption is absolutely correct and proper.
But I feel like the details about what they want to investigate from 2016 are still a little unclear or maybe a bit thin. So from what they all said, president peepee was facing DEMONCRAT/DEEP STATE smear attack starting in the spring of 2016.
So, did Shrillary/ObamaBots set out to destroy Captain Reality Pants in Jan 2016 just in case he ran the board in the GOP primaries, won the nomination and became president peepee? How did they know ahead of time that Manafucked would be brought in to fix the GOP convention? Lucky guess?
Or did Rogue DEEP STATE operatives buried within the peepee administration in 2019 build a time musheen (another one? or the same one as before?) travel back to early 2016 to plant the FAKE RussiaGate evidence implicating the peepee campaign? Or did they build some kind of quantum communications device to send DEEP STATE messages to their 2016 counterparts?
There’s a theory that YLB’s kids will suffer because of YLB’s penchant for free shit.
There’s a theory that greedy Boomers are to blame for cash-strapped millennials.
Stupidity should be painful.
BTW, right now president peepee has less than one hour to obtain a judicial stay before his accounting firm will be legally obliged to meet a deadline he agreed to and insisted on for turning over tax returns.
Such a good looking week ahead for the GOP.
Having succeeded in rendering the words ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ meaningless, the left turns to the next victim in its lexicon.
Goldy Retweeted
Lizz “Propagator of Filth and Socialism” Winstead✔
Defending Trump is treason. Period.
Conveniently ignoring the two hundred and seventy nine people Donald J. Trump has accused of treason since being sworn in as the nation’s top law enforcement officer.
Once again, all your once mighty pulpits now lie in ruined smoldering ashes at your feet surrounded by spent condoms.
@ 4
Reuters Top News
Verified account
MORE: Court grants Trump temporary stay of enforcement of tax returns subpoena
7:47 AM – 7 Oct 2019
You must be used to disappointment by now.
@ 6
I never said the left didn’t have help.
Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.
Yeah, good look. Fighting until you spit your last dying breath in Federal court to keep secret that which every candidate for President in my lifetime has voluntarily disclosed.
Oh, with the argument that the President is legally absolved of any criminal investigation because, well, the President is above U.S. Law.
That’s what you’re praising here, Dumbfuck. A PR nightmare. Go Don Go!
Go Donald!
@ 9
A PR nightmare. Go Don Go!
It was a PR nightmare in 2016, too.
How did that work out for Hillary and the “absolute lock” she had on her 252 EVs, Cz-252?
House Subpoenas Defense Secretary for documents relating to Ukraine.
Every day it’s a new nightmare for the administration.
For the PR…
Do we release the documents knowing full well that our legal team has told us we’re fucked. Or do we stone wall and claim executive privilege telling voters that we are hiding something.
Meanwhile Donald is on the Twitter accusing pretty much everyone of Treason and proving that he failed Jr. High Civics in calling for House Speaker Pelosi’s impeachment.
Quick question, can one ‘Faithfully Execute’ a Constitution that is several reading grades higher than ones reading ability even if one attempts to read it. Does the ‘I Can Read’ publishing house have a U.S. Constitution?
In very much the same way that you and your ilk have rendered the word ‘conservative” meaningless.
If you’re going with 2020 is 2016 you’ve got some serious problems.
Did Donnie get caught funneling Pentagon dollars to his golf club in 2016?
Did Donnie’s kids pocket $80+ Million from White House Jobs in 2016?
Did Donnie get caught offering foreign aid but only if several countries aid in taking out his likely electoral rival in 2016?
Did Donnie have a 41% approval rating in 2016?
Did Donnie actually have to SUE people to keep his taxes private in 2016?
Not unexpected given the record here.
Batting a solid .000
And owing to his own prior agreements made in order to avoid preliminary discovery, the stay now gets expedited review. Very good chance this is before the SCOTUS in time for a summer decis..
Leaving GOPeePee taxes tinkling* out all through August, September, and October.
*See what I did there?
Hey speaking of PR, that didn’t take long.
After announcing a plan to pull out U.S. Troops out of the way for Turkey to launch an expected war on the Kurds….
Donnie’s got a lot of money to be made in Turkey so it’s only natural to do what Turkey wants. It’s what countries do. Boy oh boy Donnie wants his suitcases of cash and Turkey wants the Kurdish rebels who fought alongside U.S. Troops against Isis dead. It’s a win win.
Worthwhile time, all circumstances considered, to contemplate how strident SCOTUS conservatives would respond if the current terms sees them confronted with no fewer than a half dozen precedent setting decisions that would conceivably remake the Presidency for the next four or five decades.
Given the cumulative effect of these Executive branch cases potentially about to come before them, and given the potential for significant reversal of precedent in a few other cases this term, would they really want to place the next four to six Presidents entirely beyond the reach of law? Does that sound like the legacy these DudeBros want for themselves? Does that even sound like Alito, much less Roberts?
Also worth thinking about is the division within the court as it currently stands. A more polarized and deeply divided court produces more strident and often times more memorable dissenting opinions that can also contribute to the court’s legacy and shape the politics surrounding future nominations.
The incumbent peepee president and his political party are at this moment more weakened and vulnerable than they have been in a couple of decades. Roberts is 64 and is likely to be presiding over this court for the next two or three administrations. He will be around to live and preside through the results of the decisions this court makes this term and he knows it. He may indeed want to create a legacy by the decisions made in this term. But a good question to ask is what kind of legacy does he want to live through in the final decades of his career?
“… so it’s only natural to do what Turkey wants.”
Especially true if the other “strong leader” has audio tape recordings of you asking to trade pre-teens with good bladder control for military aid.
Lindsey Graham is upset at Trump for knifing our Kurdish allies in the back. Maybe he should pick his friends better.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is just Trump doing another favor for his friends — the Russians. Utterly predictable, and Graham should have foreseen it, the dumbshit. I wonder how much $$$ he owes them, and how far behind on his interest payments he is?
Cut and Run.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
“Having succeeded in rendering the words ‘racist’ and ‘Nazi’ meaningless”
“Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.”
You are a stupid fucking disgrace, Dumbfuck, and the words “racist” and “Nazi” will never be meaningless as long as you are still here.
I blame you for anything and everything wrong in this world. It’s all your fucking fault.
Live in shame.
The only place Donald is going is to hell!
Doctor Dumbfuck’s “very stable genius” says of his decision to allow our Kurdish allies against ISIS to die, “I, in my great and unmatched wisdom…”
You are humanity’s greatest disgrace, Doctor. Unmatched.
Live in shame.
“Trump has rendered the word ‘disgrace’ meaningless, too.”
Too little, too late, Doctor.
Perhaps if you were to post the hashtag” #iliveinshame” 4,000+ times, always closing with, “I deserve to live in shame for the rest of my meaningless fucking life”, then maybe someone here more forgiving than me will forgive your fucking treason.
@ 20
I blame you for anything and everything wrong in this world. It’s all your fucking fault.
No daylight between YLB and Steve anymore. Steve’s become wholly useless. He’s YLB, without the vagina.
Now keep going.
The National Education Association, the national affiliate of IEA, spent more than $136.4 million a year on average from 2013 to 2018 on political activities and lobbying – which was more than it spent on representing members.
@25 and when those 12K realize that they are poor then they and others like them will be looking for a bunch more free shit.
Way to go.
“No daylight between YLB and Steve anymore.”
Of course there isn’t and there never was. Like myself, and unlike you, YLB is a loyal, patriotic American. You, on the other hand, a traitor to our nation, haven’t displayed even the slightest sliver of daylight between yourself and Vladimir Putin.
Live in fucking shame.
71-year-old Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is too sick to sit on his ass not speak and pretend to consider cases instead of voting however if the Federalist Society tells him to vote.
Geez, Doctor, looks like once again you and your orange moron did what you two do best, make Putin smile. Fucking A, you even lost Moscow Mitch on this one, you fucking traitor.
“Mitch McConnell admits Trump’s Syria withdrawal only benefits Russia and Iran”
Live in fucking shame.
@1 racist incel: and i hear she steals giraffes too!
2013 to 2018.
Pay better attention to the current reports.
Warren (The Traitor!) and Sanders (The Filthy Communist) are out-raising the field and doing it all without donor events and without big donor PACs.
The world is changing. And if you think the progressive future you are doomed to live is dependent upon big unions you’ve been spending too much time choke-faping in MaryKay’s closet.
Even the impact that unions once had on local ground is no longer the same. There are these crazy things called “smart phones”. They enable all kinds of easy, low cost software implementation in real time to anyone anywhere. Your last Uber driver is also canvassing and updating maps. So’s the dog walker. And the pizza guy. You know. Those people whose wages you keep trying to lower and whose insurance you took away.
If Graham really cared about president peepee turning 60,000 ISIS bombers loose into the world he wouldn’t have nominated an incontinent drug addict to be his party’s nominee in the first place.
No Republican would.
Pretty much makes it clear that Klownsurvaturdism’s carefully curated claims to global security leadership are fallen about as low as their claims to moral or ethical leadership. They hold BDSM parties paid for with campaign funds where they fuck goats and trade pre-teens to terrorists for loan guarantees on resort projects.
This is really who Republicans are now.
If you really think about it, I mean in context with history and stuff like that, trying to trade infrared guided fire-and-forget anti-tank missiles for a phony political smear is just plain inappropriate. Right?
But honestly. It’s probably no more inappropriate than wearing white after labor day. Not impeachable.
@29 – I notice when Bob decides to run away. He sits around trolling, in his spare retired time, but then all of sudden he gets real busy…..really really busy, if you know what I mean.
In October of 2009, according to FOX and the GOP, “seeming to have some kind of malevolence” was legal grounds for impeachment.
@35 Hell, by 2014 Republicans believed wearing a tan suit was legal grounds for impeachment.
“Remembering Barack Obama’s Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit”
McConnell joins Graham in decrying Trump’s stab-in-the-back of the Kurds. Trouble is, they enable Putin’s stooge, so they own this shit.
@34 Probably ducking the subpoenas coming his way. They all are, so I’m sure he is, too.
Turncoats like Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen sold the identities of U.S. spies to the KGB. Back then, Republicans called it treason. Now, the GOP sells out entire countries to Putin, Assad, Erdogan, and their ilk; if that isn’t treason, then nothing is. Is it possible to lock up an entire political party in ADX or Leavenworth? Or do we need a bigger jail for these traitors?
I’m gonna go with Bob on this one….I support the cut and run… I’m sure the other idiot who always posts that we should get out of the meddle east. Wereeeeeee outttta herrreeee!
If he is above the law, then why should he bother about anything? New elections? Screw that, he keeps being president. That’s illegal? Why bother, he can’t be prosecuted.
Someone else seems to have a chance at winning an election?
Make them not eligible to be elected and the republicans would go along.
Investigate them for some made-up stuff, put them in jail and the republicans would go along.
Doesn’t matter if it’s illegal, he’s above the law.
Someone else actually wins?
Declare the election to be unlawful and the republicans would go along.
Annul the election and the republicans would go along.
Just kill the winner and the republicans would go along.
Put everyone in jail who complains and the republicans would go along.
If he is above the law and can literally do anything that he wants, then why should he ever decide to end this and not be president anymore and be able to be prosecuted again?
Vance won the speedball review by the 2nd circuit.
Trump brief due this Friday by 5pm.
DOJ amicus due samey same.
Vance brief due one week from tomorrow by 5.
Trump response due one week from Thursday by 5.
Oral week of the 21st.
So two weeks. Then he has to pray he can get an emergency stay from whoever is assigned. Who did Roberts assign to the 2nd again? Let me see now… tip of my tongue… Victorious? Sartorious? Uproarious?
No surprise here that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron would betray the Kurds. After all, the two of them have already betrayed our country.
So the judge in the Dallas killer cop case hugged the defendant in the courtroom immediately after sentencing her to only 10 years for murdering an innocent black man in his own apartment.
How does this not result in resentencing by a different judge?
Today president BigBrain McBoneSpurs announced that “when he took over the military” they were all out of ammunition.
Out. All of it. Not one single bullet.
“(A) top general, maybe the top of them all, ‘Sir, I’m sorry sir, we don’t have ammunition.'”
Top. Top of them all. Maybe.
As in maybe top. Maybe he said it. Maybe. Maybe not. Wheeee!
Now think about this: Pork Sauce and Teh Dumbfuck believe this shit. That’s exactly how far the orange slide has taken them.
That’s what Putin said.
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Circuit Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann
Not up on my court intrigue. Are you saying trump has to get an emergency stay from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to keep his tax returns from being exposed?
On February 14, 2019, Congress overwhelmingly (House 300-128, Senate 83-16) passed Public Law 116-6. Trump signed it the next day.
Public Law 116-6 specifically provides not less than $454 million dollars in defense aid to Ukraine. Immediately after signing it, Trump ordered the money withheld. Immediately. Despite having signed the law, and despite overwhelming bi-partisan support from Congress. Months of hearings, thousands of pages of testimony and dozens of witnesses all provided the House and Senate with input, clarification, and support for helping Ukraine resist Russian military aggression. But the law was immediately broken. By Trump. Willfully. Deliberately. Intentionally.
And not only was the law that both parties overwhelmingly supported and passed and that he signed immediately broken, but he immediately began lying about it. No sooner was the law passed and signed by Trump than Trump, Pompeo, Mnuchin, and the rest all began lying to Congress about the status of the defense funding. And they began threatening the Ukrainians immediately about it as well.
The law was passed Feb 14. The Smear-for-Dollars phone call was placed on July 25. The phone call only came at the very end of a months long, sustained, and entirely illegal criminal enterprise involving gas leases, smear jobs, and god only knows what else.
It is frankly beyond comprehension at this point that we have to spend even a single second trying to explain an impeachment inquiry to the fundamentally corrupt meatheads of the GOP. The depravity being exhibited by Republicans in Congress is of an historic nature. The law they worked on and passed, a law that held the fate of a small nation, a nation they claimed to support and believe in, was being willfully and deceptively defied for personal and political gain.
That does not remotely compare to lying about a blowjob.
Just wonder why republicans thought it was fine for #MoscowMitch to keep President Obama from seating a supreme court justice because the rules do not say he had to schedule a vote on it but it’s not fine for Nancy Pelosi to go forward with an impeachment inquiry because the rules do not say she had to schedule a vote on it.
Hypocrites. As usual.
@47 if that is the case then that woman doesn’t stand a chance, she’ll be dead by Monday.
@48. Maybe that’s why Repukes were onboard with the Bill. Until they helped pass it The Hump couldn’t extort from Ukraine.
I find it hard to believe the other Pukes didn’t know what was going to go down.
Assuming that his appeal to the 2nd circuit is not successful, the question of The Court maintaining the stay beyond that would be heard first by Justice Ginsburg before being available for review by any five of The Nine who might elect.
They might ultimately vote to consider the case. That only needs four. But to maintain the stay… I suspect that one just might die with RBG.
There are real jurisdictional issues at stake here. And one possibility is that the 2nd might keep the stay in place and refer the parties to NY state court. But at least at the federal level, nobody is interested in accommodating delay in this matter. Trump’s lawyers wanted this in federal court so the DOJ could chime in and because they hoped by stalling it in the federal appeals process they could drag it out beyond the next election. That prospect looks decidedly dim at this point. But strange things happen every day in federal court.
Still, Mukasey filed Trump’s suit last month. He’ll be arguing his first, and possibly only appeal in two weeks. If delay was their strategy it ain’t working.
That’s certainly a more reasonable way of explaining their response than what Congressional Republicans have offered us so far.
Has the added virtue of not having to rely on Time Musheeens too!
this is a beauty.
“You better not talk President Zelensky, otherwise my friend Vladimir will need my assistance” – Putin’s little bitch.
Bob elected a Russian Spy/Operative.
The whole family are traitors.
Re Carl’s link: “They have stolen gas from my trucks”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t most newer vehicles have gas filler spout covers that unlatch from inside the vehicle? And if he’s still driving his 1975 Ford pickup, locking gas caps cost, what, $9.95?
If someone parks on your property, you can have them towed (I recommend hiring a professional for this; self-help and amateur towing can lead to assorted unanticipated problems).
If someone parks on private cemetery property, the cemetery manager can have them towed.
If someone parks on a city street, I’d be interested to know under what legal theory you can sue the city for failing or neglecting or refusing to have them towed.
@54 More evidence that Trump is on Moscow’s payroll.
If Republicans don’t wake up soon, this Country is finished.
@57 I wouldn’t count on Republicans for squat, and it doesn’t take Republicans, they’re only a third of the population. It’s the swing voters who need to do something.
“The whole family are traitors.”
I’m sure there’s innocence to be found on the right someplace, somewhere. For example, I have yet to see any evidence at all that would lead me to conclude that Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse is a traitor.
There cheers for the South Park creators for telling the Chines Commies to piss up a rope and suck on the wet end. It’s a shame the NBA pussies caved.
I think I said yesterday or a couple of days ago that The Hump was going to hell. It’s now confirmed!
Correction – I think yesterday or a couple of days ago I said….
It is sad that Bob has been reduced to what he has become today, waking up in the morning and dropping a few farts, telling Steve to think of his sins, and then running off because he’s embarrassed by his party but too proud to reveal that and face the embarrassment any longer of his Party.
Bob, all you have to do is say that you’ll never agree with any liberals on policies and none of us will ever change you, but that you too are disgusted with what is happening right now. I’d forgive and forget. Until then you’ll only be further embarrassed more and more as this goes on.
@59 The weak spot in your reasoning is lack of evidence the horse is a rightwinger. His association with the doctor is not one of free will, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a Democrat behind the doctor’s back.
@63 “It is sad that Bob has been reduced to what he has become today,”
Recent events haven’t reduced Bob. That’s not possible, because the place he started out from was already this low. He hasn’t changed. He’s always been like this.