Wiebe, the retired analyst, was the most surprised by the raid—he had not yet been contacted in connection with the investigation. He recalls that agents locked his two Pembroke Welsh corgis in a bathroom and commanded his daughter and his mother-in-law, who was in her bathrobe, to stay on a couch while they searched his house. He says, “I feel I’m living in the very country I worked for years to defeat: the Soviet Union. We’re turning into a police state.” Like Roark, he says of the raid, “It was retribution for our filing the Inspector General complaint.”
This is the world right wingers want us to live in. That this kind of thing continues to this day in the form of draconian whistle-blower prosecutions (under the Espionage Act!) means to me that this is yet another one of Obama’s “compromises” with the Dick Cheneys of the world.
he should have just hid them down his pants like sandy bergemeister, i mean berger, did.
i think i owe you all an apology. i think obama might now be my hero.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Obummer threw all the Jewish People under the bus. No call for Hezbollah to drop their demand to recognize Israel’s right to exist so peace can happen, just another land for nothing swindle. You are on the same side as most HA libtardos here.
A Perfect Match!
4 & 5,
How about we just extricate ourselves from the fight between Jews and Muslims? We’ve been too involved with Israel over the years, and, with those policies, we’ve done a fine job of totally alienating Muslims everywhere.
I don’t care about Israel or Palestine. Let the parties to the conflict fight and get us out of it.
5 – Hezbollah is in Lebanon you moron. Hezbollah would be just another religious faction with a militia if it weren’t for Israel’s brutal invasion and occupation of their country.
Now they got a hornet’s nest up there that Israel is to blame ALONE for stirring up.
If they’d just spent U.S. tax dollars defending their borders instead of building settlements in the West Bank, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, wherever – Israel might be better off!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
9 – Was there a Hezbollah before the 1982 invasion.
Israel stirred up Hezbollah through their invasion just like they stirred up Hamas to divide the Palestinians!
@10 Then you alienate the NY NJ Conn Maryland and Palm Beach FL contingent of DUMMOCRAPT party. They should be up in arms over that “speech”.
well, like everyone else here, i think i’m brilliant, but i can’t figure this one out. basically you had david axlerod and rahm emanuel, both jewish, pretty much leading obama by the nose (and im not being critical, all presidents atr just figureheads), and, george soros, also jewish, was a huge financial backer for obamas election. they are the ones pulling the strings, do they hate israel?
interestingly, straus-kahn said, “i wake up every morning asking what can i do for israel”. soros said, israel is the major stumbling block to peace (read, one world order), in the world. did soros set up straus-kahn?
Indeed, according to former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles Freeman, Shin Bet—the Israeli counter-intelligence and internal security service—knowingly created Hamas: “Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet, which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.”
Wait for it Pavlov predicts the databaze idiot will come out with some Soros dementia statement.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
@15, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But, you need to acknowledge, Hamas and the PLO were killing each other which was fine with Israel! IDIOT!
Still trying to refute Hamas’ paymasters.
Still blowing smoke up your own ASS!
P R I C E L E S S!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Hamas first emerged in 1987. It was formed from various charities based in the Palestinian territories with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement born in Egypt in the 1920s from which many of today’s radical Islamic sects, including al-Qaeda, have sprung.
Thanks yelling lost boy. Looks like Glenn Beck was right again about the Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood alliance!
You keep proving Glenn Beck right each week ya idiot!
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
The other surprise in the speech was its coda: his handling of the Israel-Palestinian peace process that has gone so far off track and seems nearly moribund.
CNN’s David Gergen on Obummer’s Middle East speech
and by the way, even though i dont believe the head of the imf could be stupid enough to rape someone in a hotel room, and there is probably something going on, conspracy or not, just looking at this guy, you all still dont believe that all this imf and world bank stuff isn’t just a way to scam enormous interest payments out of entire countries? this is all one big, planned conspiracy.
and everyone’s in on it. including that cupcake on the wall. what say there fussy britches, feel like talking.
Oh my! So many bellicose, belligerent Israelis and their fellow travelers around the world are up in arms about “1967 borders”. The “mutually agreed swaps” phrase has too many syllables. Netanyahu says “1967 borders” are indefensible so ok..
What is “defensible”??
Put Mubarak back in charge of Egypt and give the Gaza back to Egypt. His people will crack heads in the Gaza just like they kept the Muslim Brotherhood down for for so long. Between the Israeli Navy blockading Gaza from the sea and the IDF surrounding the rest, throw in Mubarak’s thugs in the Gaza and you have something “defensible”.
The West Bank goes to Israel. Why beat around th e Bush? (Pun intended.. Now there was a guy who “got it”.) Any Palestinian who doesn’t like it can just go “somewhere else”. Jordan’s just next door – they can take you. Some compliant Palestinians can stay (as long as it isn’t too many) – after all Arabs are more free in Israel than anywhere else right?
Then Israel reserves the right to defend itself however it likes – bombing runs into Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan. Maybe an incursion of the IDF here and there. This will signal to those nervous nellie Jews in the rest of the world that it’s ok to come home. It’s much “safer” in Israel than those awful Jew hating countries you refuse to leave for some dumb reason.
There, it seems that is “defensible” to the Israeli fellow traveler tearing their hair out on the airwaves right now over Obama’s “1967 borders” “betrayal”.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Oh my one can see the armchair quarterback yelling lost boy knows it all. But we also know yelling lost boy has NEVER been to Israel so how would yelling lost boy know if Netanyahu is correct or not?
BTW yelling lost boy Obummer supported Mubarak before he threw him under the bus.
Nancy Pelosi loved Bashir Assad before Obummer threw him under the bus.
Obummer loved Gaddafi before he threw him under the bus.
So maybe Netanyahu has a point about his border security.
Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood all have said their main goal and every day task is to wipe Israel off the map. That’s A-OK with most HA Leftists. Sure is amazing how you leftists stand arm and arm with MOT after accusing him of hatred.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Remember HA leftists, Puddy wrote earlier this week I didn’t believe in any rapture and said I’ve written about it 50 times on this blog. I told rujax to ask his ugly twin brother yelling lost boy to verify in his databaze.
Notice rujax has no mind and his writing above proves it about this non-Biblical based rapture.
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
So everyone can see this is the second time in two weeks yelling lost boy has delivered a link proving another of Glenn Beck’s points so passionately argued wrong by Media Morons. I didn’t know Glenn Beck was pulling on yelling lost boy’s strings.
27 – Glad to see you agree with me on what’s “defensible”.
It’s strange that you question Netanyahu’s leadership Puddybud. He’s made a career of going to the right of Ariel Sharon – as if such a thing were possible!
Priceless indeed…
What other idiocies..
Mubarak “under the bus”.. I see.. I thought the people of Egypt threw him there where they believed he belonged. Ahhhh. that ODS..
Liked Gaddafi??? I seem to remember Condi having a nice tea with him and lo and behold we started buying a bit of his oil. Again it would appear ,to some anyway, that a madman going on state TV promising to kill a whole bunch of people shouldn’t be enough to prompt our actions just like it didn’t in Rawanda.
29. Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Are spews:
So everyone can see this is the second time in two weeks yelling lost boy has delivered a link proving another of Glenn Beck’s points so passionately argued wrong by Media Morons. I didn’t know Glenn Beck was pulling on yelling lost boy’s strings.
Who knew.
05/20/2011 at 5:09 am
Glenn Beck????
This idiot is defending Glenn Beck????
The Glenn Beck that’s so toxic that FOX dropped him?
I suppose the puddybitch is gonna go all Mormon on us now. What a let down.
And no rapture for him either. They won’t take Mormons…checkin for the underpants. “Got the undies…throw im’ back!” Crap.
@35 Glenn Beck????
This idiot is defending Glenn Beck????
The Glenn Beck that’s so toxic that FOX dropped him?
“He cites a theory by unauthorized Beck biographer Alexander Zaitchik, who says that Beck was caught in a vicious circle: “To keep viewers coming back, he had to keep creating new, more intricate theories. Last November, in a two-part special that indirectly invoked anti-Semitism, he accused liberal Jewish financier George Soros of orchestrating the fall of foreign governments for financial gain. During the Egyptian Revolution, Beck sided with Hosni Mubarak, alleging that his fall was ‘controlled by the socialist communists and the Muslim Brotherhood.’ ”
oh, and what, both of those are lies?
Puddybud, identifying Zitz and FartAss as De Fools Dey Arespews:
Wiebe, the retired analyst, was the most surprised by the raid—he had not yet been contacted in connection with the investigation. He recalls that agents locked his two Pembroke Welsh corgis in a bathroom and commanded his daughter and his mother-in-law, who was in her bathrobe, to stay on a couch while they searched his house. He says, “I feel I’m living in the very country I worked for years to defeat: the Soviet Union. We’re turning into a police state.” Like Roark, he says of the raid, “It was retribution for our filing the Inspector General complaint.”
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/repor.....z1Mp3FaqqS
This is the world right wingers want us to live in. That this kind of thing continues to this day in the form of draconian whistle-blower prosecutions (under the Espionage Act!) means to me that this is yet another one of Obama’s “compromises” with the Dick Cheneys of the world.
he should have just hid them down his pants like sandy bergemeister, i mean berger, did.
i think i owe you all an apology. i think obama might now be my hero.
Yeah MOT@4,
Obummer threw all the Jewish People under the bus. No call for Hezbollah to drop their demand to recognize Israel’s right to exist so peace can happen, just another land for nothing swindle. You are on the same side as most HA libtardos here.
A Perfect Match!
4 & 5,
How about we just extricate ourselves from the fight between Jews and Muslims? We’ve been too involved with Israel over the years, and, with those policies, we’ve done a fine job of totally alienating Muslims everywhere.
I don’t care about Israel or Palestine. Let the parties to the conflict fight and get us out of it.
5 – Hezbollah is in Lebanon you moron. Hezbollah would be just another religious faction with a militia if it weren’t for Israel’s brutal invasion and occupation of their country.
Now they got a hornet’s nest up there that Israel is to blame ALONE for stirring up.
If they’d just spent U.S. tax dollars defending their borders instead of building settlements in the West Bank, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, wherever – Israel might be better off!
How quickly the chronological idiot yelling lost boy forgets facts…
Puddy doesn’t!
Suck a useless moron that yelling lost boy is!
Then you alienate the NY NJ Conn Maryland and Palm Beach FL contingent of DUMMOCRAPT party. They should be up in arms over that “speech”.
9 – Was there a Hezbollah before the 1982 invasion.
Israel stirred up Hezbollah through their invasion just like they stirred up Hamas to divide the Palestinians!
Then you alienate the NY NJ Conn Maryland and Palm Beach FL contingent of DUMMOCRAPT party. They should be up in arms over that “speech”.
well, like everyone else here, i think i’m brilliant, but i can’t figure this one out. basically you had david axlerod and rahm emanuel, both jewish, pretty much leading obama by the nose (and im not being critical, all presidents atr just figureheads), and, george soros, also jewish, was a huge financial backer for obamas election. they are the ones pulling the strings, do they hate israel?
interestingly, straus-kahn said, “i wake up every morning asking what can i do for israel”. soros said, israel is the major stumbling block to peace (read, one world order), in the world. did soros set up straus-kahn?
The extra chromosome ODS set is all up in arms over the 1967 borders remarks of Obama. They didn’t hear the part about “mutually agreed swaps”..
Those words are too big for those dummies!
Oopsie looks like they are already alienated….
Went to Wikipedia huh idiot? It’s 2011 and you are an amazing idiot. Hamas’ paymasters are Hezbollah.
Too bad you are a chronological moron!
15 – Who the heck said this?
Some lefty rag? Nope.
MOT, you missed Soros and DSK were working together on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)? You aren’t looking too hard. Well known common knowledge!
Or how about these Greek headlines almost two weeks ago…
Remember this from last year?
Wait for it Pavlov predicts the databaze idiot will come out with some Soros dementia statement.
@15, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But, you need to acknowledge, Hamas and the PLO were killing each other which was fine with Israel! IDIOT!
Still trying to refute Hamas’ paymasters.
Still blowing smoke up your own ASS!
P R I C E L E S S!
Thanks yelling lost boy. Looks like Glenn Beck was right again about the Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood alliance!
You keep proving Glenn Beck right each week ya idiot!
CNN’s David Gergen on Obummer’s Middle East speech
and by the way, even though i dont believe the head of the imf could be stupid enough to rape someone in a hotel room, and there is probably something going on, conspracy or not, just looking at this guy, you all still dont believe that all this imf and world bank stuff isn’t just a way to scam enormous interest payments out of entire countries? this is all one big, planned conspiracy.
and everyone’s in on it. including that cupcake on the wall. what say there fussy britches, feel like talking.
Pffft.. In search of enemies.. Israel wants no peace. What does peace mean for the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet??
You’ll never see the pattern because you’re a tool.
Jesus H Christ!
YLB keeps FORGETTING that the puddybitch is NEVEREVEREVEREVER wrong. Land’o’Goshen!
Not only is the puddybitch NEVEREVEREVEREVER wrong; he remembers EVERY god damned thing.
SHIT! Why didn’t Bush know about this national security treasure! Rummy? Condi????
Where was Bolton anyway? puddybitch is Bolton’s kind of dude…shoot first…then shoot again!
Fuck. What a waste…and he’ll be gone Saturday.
Bummer dude, bummer.
We’ll miss ya puds…so will Netanyahu.
You been coachin’ ol’ Benny haven’t ya? C’mon…you can tell yer buds here, maaaan…
…won’t matter anyway anyhow.
You really tie the threads together man…just want you to know.
…uhhh dibs on yer stuff?
Oh my! So many bellicose, belligerent Israelis and their fellow travelers around the world are up in arms about “1967 borders”. The “mutually agreed swaps” phrase has too many syllables. Netanyahu says “1967 borders” are indefensible so ok..
What is “defensible”??
Put Mubarak back in charge of Egypt and give the Gaza back to Egypt. His people will crack heads in the Gaza just like they kept the Muslim Brotherhood down for for so long. Between the Israeli Navy blockading Gaza from the sea and the IDF surrounding the rest, throw in Mubarak’s thugs in the Gaza and you have something “defensible”.
The West Bank goes to Israel. Why beat around th e Bush? (Pun intended.. Now there was a guy who “got it”.) Any Palestinian who doesn’t like it can just go “somewhere else”. Jordan’s just next door – they can take you. Some compliant Palestinians can stay (as long as it isn’t too many) – after all Arabs are more free in Israel than anywhere else right?
Then Israel reserves the right to defend itself however it likes – bombing runs into Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan. Maybe an incursion of the IDF here and there. This will signal to those nervous nellie Jews in the rest of the world that it’s ok to come home. It’s much “safer” in Israel than those awful Jew hating countries you refuse to leave for some dumb reason.
There, it seems that is “defensible” to the Israeli fellow traveler tearing their hair out on the airwaves right now over Obama’s “1967 borders” “betrayal”.
Oh my one can see the armchair quarterback yelling lost boy knows it all. But we also know yelling lost boy has NEVER been to Israel so how would yelling lost boy know if Netanyahu is correct or not?
BTW yelling lost boy Obummer supported Mubarak before he threw him under the bus.
Nancy Pelosi loved Bashir Assad before Obummer threw him under the bus.
Obummer loved Gaddafi before he threw him under the bus.
So maybe Netanyahu has a point about his border security.
Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood all have said their main goal and every day task is to wipe Israel off the map. That’s A-OK with most HA Leftists. Sure is amazing how you leftists stand arm and arm with MOT after accusing him of hatred.
Remember HA leftists, Puddy wrote earlier this week I didn’t believe in any rapture and said I’ve written about it 50 times on this blog. I told rujax to ask his ugly twin brother yelling lost boy to verify in his databaze.
Notice rujax has no mind and his writing above proves it about this non-Biblical based rapture.
So everyone can see this is the second time in two weeks yelling lost boy has delivered a link proving another of Glenn Beck’s points so passionately argued wrong by Media Morons. I didn’t know Glenn Beck was pulling on yelling lost boy’s strings.
Who knew.
27 – Glad to see you agree with me on what’s “defensible”.
It’s strange that you question Netanyahu’s leadership Puddybud. He’s made a career of going to the right of Ariel Sharon – as if such a thing were possible!
Priceless indeed…
What other idiocies..
Mubarak “under the bus”.. I see.. I thought the people of Egypt threw him there where they believed he belonged. Ahhhh. that ODS..
Liked Gaddafi??? I seem to remember Condi having a nice tea with him and lo and behold we started buying a bit of his oil. Again it would appear ,to some anyway, that a madman going on state TV promising to kill a whole bunch of people shouldn’t be enough to prompt our actions just like it didn’t in Rawanda.
That has been clown? zzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzz…
What an idiot – grasping at straws..
Don’t matter what you believe.
We’ve got our fingers crossed that God, Jesus, Buddha, the flying spaghetti monster, whatever is going to BEAM YOUR MISERABLE ASS UP!
What a relief that will be!
Sounds like a good idea to me!
Glenn Beck????
This idiot is defending Glenn Beck????
The Glenn Beck that’s so toxic that FOX dropped him?
I suppose the puddybitch is gonna go all Mormon on us now. What a let down.
And no rapture for him either. They won’t take Mormons…checkin for the underpants. “Got the undies…throw im’ back!” Crap.
Glenn Beck????
This idiot is defending Glenn Beck????
The Glenn Beck that’s so toxic that FOX dropped him?
“He cites a theory by unauthorized Beck biographer Alexander Zaitchik, who says that Beck was caught in a vicious circle: “To keep viewers coming back, he had to keep creating new, more intricate theories. Last November, in a two-part special that indirectly invoked anti-Semitism, he accused liberal Jewish financier George Soros of orchestrating the fall of foreign governments for financial gain. During the Egyptian Revolution, Beck sided with Hosni Mubarak, alleging that his fall was ‘controlled by the socialist communists and the Muslim Brotherhood.’ ”
oh, and what, both of those are lies?
oh, and what, both of those are lies?