Well, that’s a relief. The best thing Bayh and Kaine had going for them was geography, but they were both way too conservative for my taste, while Biden’s experience adds a nice balance to the ticket that I think most voters will find comforting. Obama didn’t play games; he picked a VP undoubtedly qualified to be president, and I think that says something about Obama.
Interesting: I’m seeing pings about “probably Biden”, “not Kaine”, but no one else is willing to go out on a limb yet. But the waters are definitely swirling….
I have one thing to say: Fuck.
Joe Biden is a serious person, a formidable politician. I met him back in the 80s when he spoke to my law school. He is articulate, funny, and personable. He also gives a rat’s ass about people. All of that distinguishes him from the current VP, Dick “Go Fuck Yourself” Cheney. On the other hand, I’m not sure he is the best messenger for the change message Obama promotes. The reality, of course, is that we want to win this election. Losing this election would mean the end of the United States as we know them. From that perspective, I think Biden is a good choice.
Biden is great on the attack too. He’s kind of funny and has good international credentials. Sounds like someone else who ran for President, was Richardson on the list? He’s the Hispanic Joe Biden. Richardson negotiated with Saddam Hussein…but can he tell a joke?
Does it seems more like Biden was picked to make a stronger play at Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio? Richardson would have been a play for Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado. If Biden gives Obama a better shot in Ohio and Pennsylvania it will be an inspired pick.
Who does McCain pick to counter Biden? Lieberman?
I’ll believe it when I receive my Barack-O-Gram.
You may be right. As a westerner, I wouldn’t have minded a VP from out here. Many of the mountain states are in play. I really would have liked Montana’s governor, Brian Schweitzer, to have gotten more attention. He has charisma up the ying. Obama is stopping in Montana on the way to Denver, so he knows the state is in play. I liked Richardson for a lot of reasons. Mountain state guy, latino, tons of experience, but by tomorrow, I’ll be full-throated for Biden. My wife, a Hillary fan, actually liked Biden before Hillary. My elderly father’s first pick back in November or December was Biden, as well. Biden didn’t do well in Iowa. But, he does have a constituency. I suspect Obama’s people know that.
Game On gang…
Let’s go get it!!!
Underwhelmed. Why pick a guy who’s only job since he was 30 is ‘senator’? That removes the change idea. Why pick someone who was pro-Iraq war 2? That removes the biggest thing that separated Obama from the other mainstream Dems. As far as I can see, Biden doesn’t bring in a state’s electoral votes (that you wouldn’t have had already).
We need to win. Another four years of Republican rule, and the likelihood is that Canada could invade us and conquer. Obama needs to win. He made a pragmatic choice. Joe Biden’s a good guy. Vamonos, mis amigos.
Canada invade us? What does that even mean?
What’s the point of ‘pragmatism’ when that got the Dems Kerry and a loss last time? When that got Gore picking Leiberman?
From the Huffington Post:
…So with Biden onboard now, I guess all of those criticisms are phenomenally moot.
for so many reasons, this was a really unfortunate pick for Obama. …Not the least which is -how is Obama going to live down being denounced by Biden as not at all ready to be president??? And Biden declared Obama as “clean.” (as opposed to all those “other” less-clean minority prez candidates?). There’s no way this is a good pick.
@12 It’s a “bad” pairing, maybe like the USA and Great Britain in WWII. NO–This is one fantastic pairing–and demonstrates how well Obama can see through petty, over-hyped stumbles, zero-in on strengths, and create synergy. Form with substance. Finesse with finesse. A formidable team.
The future of this country is looking brighter and brighter.
Obama only has a two point spread in the gender gap — and it is closing. It should be 10+ points with women. Maybe Biden helps Obama regain some of the Midwest white voters he’s been losing recently, but he now has guaranteed that the Hillary voters who were already sketchy will definitely either stay home or vote McCain.
Unless voters mentally flip the ticket to Biden/Obama, as it probably should be, Obama has sunk his ship. How can you say you’re for “change” when you’ve added a career DC insider to the ticket? And someone that has blasted Obama by saying the White House isn’t the place for “on-the-job training?”
I also would’ve preferred Richardson as veep. That would go over well with westerners like ourselves, not to mention the Latino population. And having been an ambassador and cabinet secretary didn’t hurt either. Perhaps Richardson’s being passed over for VP is so that he could be, say, Secretary of State?
From the Family values, part I I post:
“19. Troll spews:
OB08. Obama Biden ‘08. That’s my prediction.
08/22/2008 AT 7:18 AM”
Here we go. Let’s remember Biden’s “macaca” moment. Puddy does –
“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” Biden said.
You can find this clip on bybygoober’s favrit site PMSNBC
Remember the Neil Kinnock plariarism moment?
query. nytimes. com/gst /fullpage.html?res=940DE5D61139F930A25752C0A96E948260
Enjoy Moonbat!s
I wonder if he told Obama – “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do.”
Maybe his speeches will contain substance vs –
www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn /content /article/2006/01/10/AR2006011001560.html
“Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his “Grandfather Finnegan,” his son’s application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is “not a Princeton fan,” and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).”
Wasn’t Biden for the Iraq war?
I guess he chose Joe Biden because he doesn’t own a $1.6 million dollar mansion and he didn’t make $4 million last year. Also he’s not the consummate Washington insider even though Joe has been in DC over 25 years.
Wait a minute… $1.6 million and $4 million… those things are true of Barack Obama.
I love the smell of GOP freakout in the morning….heh..all these potshots at Biden does not begin to disguise the broken dreams of having Hillary to attack anymore. hahahahahah
I wonder what Biden has to say about some of Obama’s advisors?
http://www.americanthinker.com/ blog/ 2008/08 /obama_adviser_brzezinski_to_th.html
Who’s freaking out? These are his comments. Many of us know Heilary had no VP chance in hell. Hence I expect some ruckus from her jock straps next week. Will be good to read about. Ain’t watching it much except for the nomination vote.
BTW are U a doctor living in Everett?
I wonder what Biden has to say about some of Obama’s advisors?
www. americanthinker. com/ blog/ 2008/08 / obama_ adviser_ brzezinski_to_th.html
Looks like the dirty Obama laundry is finally being aired. What will Joe Biden say?
dyn.politico.com/ printstory.cfm?uuid=E99B0FC2-18FE-70B2-A8749734EF6D25D9
I wonder if Joe Biden agrees with Amity Shlaes?
Shlaes wrote The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. Amity claims Obama has proposed the same policy actions that led to the 1930s Great Depression.
Yeahhhh baby!
Does Joe Biden support drilling for oil off our coasts?
Hey PuddingDick!
Is that the best you can do? If so, you guys are so screwed!
I bet Biden didn’t leave his first wife for a rich bimbo he has called “a cunt”. Has he cheated on his wife, like McCain? I bet that is going to go down well with Christian conservatives.
I bet he knows how many houses he owns. Has he promised a draft, like your hero, McDorf? Wasn’t McCain for the Iraq War, moron? I bet Biden knows the difference between the Sunni’s and the Shiite’s, unlike your hero.
And Princeton? All you have is Princeton? Did you not realize when you were writing that how small and weak that makes all your arguments seem?
Just go ahead and scare us with more Princeton talk, Puddingdick.
No matter who President Obama selected, the right wing turd factory would have gone on attack – but I am glad it’s Joe for a couple of reasons…
1) He’s an attack dog. I am sick to death of namby pamby Democrats cowing to the traitors on the right. Joe will get in their faces and tell them what’s what. He won’t take any shit from traitors and cowards on the right.
2) He’s got a ton of experience. That will help balance out all the worries of those who forgot they let MonkeyFace Bush into the White House when his only experience was as an AWOL coward who served as Governor and bankrupted THREE companies his daddy gave him to play with.
Oh and an extra item. Joe both knows how many houses he owns and what kind of car he drives.
I wonder who’s more against oil drilling off our coasts … republican Ahhhhhnold out there in Caliiiifornia – or republican Jeb Bush who fought hard to stop drilling off Florida? HE HE!
Amity Shlaes? You come on a liberal blog and use someone with no formal education in economics, to argue….economics? That is so Republican of you.
Amity Shlaes? She is a political, right wing HACK!
From Wikipedia:
“On September 2, 2005, Ms. Shlaes wrote a column for the Financial Times arguing that the George W. Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina showed that it had been well-prepared for the disaster.[3]. Ten days later, in another Financial Times column, Ms. Shlaes noted that there had in fact been delays in responding to Katrina, but argued that the Bush Administration should not be held responsible for them, as they were simply an unfortunate result of federalism.
In July 2008, Ms. Shlaes wrote a column defending Senator Phil Gramm’s comment that Americans were “whiners,” arguing that Senator Gramm was correct in stating that the United States had not entered a recession.”
Yeah, there is your fucking hero Amity Shlaes. Got anyone else you would like to quote, maybe Doug Feith on how Obama is wrong about Iraq? Maybe Karl Rove on redeeming human values? How about giving us a Cokie Roberts quote on exotic Hawaii? Bill Bennett, compulsive gambler, on moral values?
I wonder if Joe Biden supports Obama’s proposed tax increases:
1) Increase individual income taxes top rate to almost 40%.
2) Increase the top capital-gains tax by 33%.
3) Increase the top dividends tax by 33%.
4) Increase payroll taxes by 16% percent to 32% percent if you make $250,000 or more a year.
5) Reinstate the estate death tax with a top rate of 45%.
6) Windfall profits tax on oil, which you’ll pay at the pump.
pusdrivendyke: Shows how much you know about history.
Wasn’t Biden for the Iraq War idiot? If CNN hasn’t remove the link from the PuddyArchives: http://www.cnn.com/2002/ ALLPOLITICS/10/11/ senate.rollcall.us.iraq.ap/index.html
And look on crooks and liars – another favrit haunt of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats – “This morning on Meet The Press, Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden walks in lockstep with right-wing talking points on Iraq funding.”
Funny Puddy remembers what the lunatic left says.
Too bad you don’t pay attention.
I don’t like John McCain.
Pay attention dufus!
Pusdrivendyke and bybygoober – I guess in life Biden likes Mulligans –
http://www.salon.com/ politics/ war_room/2007/02/16/biden/
“Hillary Clinton says there are no “do-overs” in life, but Joe Biden seems ready to orchestrate one: The Delaware senator and presidential candidate says he’s working on legislation that would repeal the 2002 resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq. Biden voted in favor of the use-of-force authorization.”
Nuff Said MORONS!
Wait a minute… HAs clueless idiot, Yelling Loser Boy SCUM, will claim Salon has right wing ties.
The point is all of the experience that Biden has both stomps on Obama’s greatest strength (change/newness) and shows that Biden was wrong on all the issues he’s supposedly an expert on–from the most recent Iraq war, to supporting the bombing of Serbia, to the expansion of NATO.
Wikipedia? http://newsbusters.org/node/5043
Not Exactly but close. The differences Biden delivered regarding Obama in the Presidential debates earlier this year are now forgotten? You get it but the moronic lefties don’t.
Unlike the right wing Nazis in the “GOP” – Democrats are not afraid to listen to other opinions. Only weak, pus-filled, cum-drunk, right wing whores are so insecure as to need yes men everywhere they go. Look at Monkeyface Bush!
President Obama is a leader. He’s not afraid to listen to different points of view.
Now will McSame finally get the courage to make his pick? The ancient fuck even admitted he was waiting on Obama! What a turd. Do you need someone to show you to the bathroom too McSame? And this old fuck thinks he’ll be President?
Fuck you puddybitch.
Last I heard (been gone for a while because of tripe like yours), you were votin for the black guy.
Changed your mind?
Votin for Col. Sanders…AGAIN…’lil chikkin?
It looks like Puddy is the first to lose it. I’d hoped you’d last till November before your head exploded. I’ll just have to look at this as an unexpected summer treat you’ve shared with us. Yes, indeed, thanks for sharing.
Rudejax!: Been gone a while? Or just not posting?
Really? http://www.horsesass.org/?p=5484#comment-844899 07/30/2008 at 11:34 am
You too haven’t been paying attention.
My bitch HAs clueless idiot Yelling Loser Boy SCUM can educate you on what my positions are for the presidential election.
Steve, I’ve lost nothing. Just posting factual statements of your candidate’s words.
You can’t handle the truth!
Funny Puddy remembers
Does he remember
“I am Puddybud NOT”?
“my word is my bond”?
Enjoy holier than thou day…
What a bad choice – Biden is a total motor mouth, makes Bill Clinton look tame.
ALL the stuff will be used – now Mc Cain can attack Biden to the max as the Obama surrogate and avoid any charge of racism.
Hillary was Obama’s ticket to the White House, too bad.
Obama just neutered a very strong shadow issue – about 60 percent of voters are worried about age – Biden and Mc Cain look like they could share rockers at the home. End of that background apprehension to be exploited.
IF Mc Cain takes a woman on his ticket – Obama is toast, period.
As someone said – Game on – so I will work for this ticket, with fear in my heart – and little real ardor.
(By the way, this blog read like crack head city)
@46 “Just posting”
Posting out of desparation, Puddy? Like most Republicans, you’re stuck with a candidate you don’t like. Incapable of sincere support, you resort to what America is sick and tired of, negativity. That’s too bad.
Your mean spirited, clueless candidate is not only out of touch with America, he’s out of touch with his own life. Did he ever figure out how many houses he owns?
The debates will seal the deal for Obama, our nation’s next president.
I know this sucks for you, but have patience, Puddy. Eight years from now you can hate on Hillary again. Who knows? As unlikely as it might seem, perhaps you’ll come up with a viable candidate by then.
My, my, what a spew of k/b diarrhea from PWhackjob.
Nice catch mike on Amity Shlaes. Stupes is so addicted to right wing bullshit its too sad.
Biden will be a decent veep I guess. Obama could have done worse.
Now McSame cannot even think of picking Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee as a running mate. There’s too much attack material there for Dems to use. Of course we should use fellow republican’s point of view in any event in our attack ads. But if McSame is going to take the approach of using campaign rhetoric against Biden, then he has to expect the same and THANK GOD we have a Veep choice who will tell these traitors and cunts on the right to suck a dick!
I really don’t give a fuck about morons like you puddybitch…
…or what you “think”…
‘Just Words’ That Joe Biden Would Like To Forget
A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.
One great thing about McSame winning the Republican nomination. We haven’t heard much from the Coultergeist after she trashed Gramps totally at CPAC.
Hell even I found that entertaining. I wish CSPAN had a tape of that archived.
But I haven’t been following the antics at Faux Noise lately.
The Chi-town Assclown picked the Deleware Dimwit……….I love it!! Congratulations on your new training wheels Barack.
Biden is clearly a racist (like most Democrats)as he displays in this video link. This mutt is so stupid he demeans an ethnic group while talking to someone in that ethnic group.
Tell me he isn’t that fucking retarded…….
Time to start clenching your asscheeks Dems, this race is all but over with McCain/Romney running circles around Obama/Biden this November. I couldn’t ask for a better pick than Biden.
Here’s a link to the obama/biden gaffes on youtube.
President Obama is a leader. He’s not afraid to listen to different points of view.
To be sure. He chose as a running mate someone who voted for the war, called for MORE troops as the war progressed, thought withdrawing or setting a deadline would be a gigantic mistake, predicted the surge would be a failure as the war worsened . . . and praised John McCain.
Of course, he hammered H. Clinton for her vote on Iraq time and again to add a touch of irony.
I can’t believe that none of the regulars have tried to mock mcsame’s new tv ad for being, um, factual.
Obama’s new campaign slogan.
Change, except for the veep that’s been in politics longer than mcsame.
I’m guessing after the polls drop because of this veep pick that obama will clarify his position and throw biden under the bus.
I wonder how all those hillary supporters feel knowing that hillary wasn’t even considered for the job.
What a terrible way to kick off the DNCC convention.
With this pick, I can just assume that the Suicide hotline is ringing off the hook as forlorn liberals jam the lines. Goldy will be binge drinking before noon with this news.
By the way, your best viable pick was Bayh or Clinton dumbasses.Barack let Michelle (the Hoodrat) decide that Hillary wasn’t a good choice…..Once again showing poor judgment.The Chi-town assclown has sealed his political fate.
This post approved by your next president/VP of the United States………
McCain/Romney 2008
Marvin, you want to know what Hillary supporters think, this is how I felt:
unbelievable, both my girlfriend and I were physically ill when we heard the news that Obama picked Biden. It was like Obama stabbed the backs of the 50% of the Democrats who supported Hillary Clinton by picking Biden, who is part of the entrenched and bankrupt policies of Washington-as-usual group, what Bart at http://www.bartcop.com calls pink tutu Democrats. Those are the Democrats who consistently voted for or at least didn’t fight against the crimes commented to the American people by Bush and company. This shows how far to the right Obama has moved. If he didn’t like Hillary, then he should have picked anyone but one of those pink tutu Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Reid, and a few others on that list.
Has biden found any other “clean” african americans yet?
D’oh! Up until today, McCain was going to let the “Obama is inexperienced” line of attack drop. Seriously, the R’s will get a few good days out of dredging up some of Biden’s recent and old statements but that’s about it. Whether this is a good or bad pick depends a lot more on what Biden says and does from today forward.
Sorry to hear so many democrats are disappointed at the pick.
Obviously the right loves the pick.
Obama has chosen a clean, articulate, well spoken, typical white person. They will poll well in all 57 states.
Obama didn’t play games; he picked a VP undoubtedly qualified to be president, and I think that says something about Obama.
Is this your game face? See @58. Biden’s judgment on the war has been far from stellar (sort of a buy high, sell low record).
I’m not a Democrat, but as an observer watching the Democratric primaries I couldn’t figure out why Biden didn’t do much better than he did. His experience combined with his positions should have made him the front runner. I’m not sure whether Barry Hussein will get my vote or not, but I must confess he made the best possible choice for VEEP.
Well the vitriol and 13-year old schoolgirl sounding bullshit from the right tells me this was a very strong pick.
Most of the legitimate news wires are quoting storied from republican sources saying Biden was the one pick they hoped President Obama didn’t make.
They’re on the run. Let’s see what FlipFlop McSame does now. I am HOPING it will be Romney but probably no such luck.
I wonder how biden is going to affect the black vote. Unlike the hillary supporters that will vote for mcsame out of spite, I don’t believe blacks will vote for mcsame but they will sit this one out.
Unlike us political junkies, the racist words are now going to become public knowledge.
Don’t kid yourselves that these words aren’t going to hurt the obama trainwreck.
Don’t you have a date at the OK Corral in Everett with I-Burn at noon:
65. Marvin Stamn spews: Obviously the right loves the pick.
I am sure the right does love Biden, since he has done so much for them.
Proves how easy it is to goad obama into doing the wrong thing.
How bad is this pick for the democrats?? BiBiGoober isn’t posting his usual posts about his dicksucking and other fantasies.
Now he’s trying, and failing, to make a point without profanity.
Damn, things are bad for the democrats.
@71 No, BiBiGroper prefers the animals from the barns in Enumclaw. I-burn just films but doesn’t participate in the vile sexual depravity.
The ‘hoodrat Michelle made up her mind for Barack. She wears the pants in the family anyway as we all know and makes all decisions concering her family. An Obama/Clinton ticket would have been a lock, but the ‘hoodrat felt threatened by another alpha female. Nothing more beautiful than witnessing liberal cannibalism is there? HAHA
Advantage: McCain/Romney- the Next President of the United States and his Vice President. Learn to love it Libs, as it is your future.
A Triumph of Rationality
Obama and Biden are tied together by three things:
Intelligence: I happen to like McCain and beleive he means well, but he is anyhting but an intellectual heavyweight.
while these guys did opose each other in re Iraq, bith based their decision on a rational analysis of the data available to them.
In fact, Biden’s ideas for a post USA Iraq fit hand-in-glove with Obama’s concept of exiting with a strategy.
commitment to the midle class
Noned of the discussed pairings for MCC can come close to this.
One outcome of this will be a further movement of America’s monied folks to their new, Democratic home. The monied crowd are very rational and see O-B as the sort of CEO material they might hire. I doubt anyone would want McC to head GM.
Any of the possi9ble GOP choices comes across as a lightweight. Romney is woirse than a lightweight, he has all the appeal of a 2AMK used car ad. The funniest idea is Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Even the most commited Villager is not going to vote for the dragonlady in the poof hair do.
Biden has the capability of being viscious. I predict his first memem will be t attack McCains lack of exerience in foreign affairs. “I do not mean to demean the Hanoi Hilton, bit that is the last plce I wold want a Commander in Choef to learn military strategy.”
On the negative side:
I still beleived Obama had a go at a Southern Stratagey. This caps that idea. My guess is this means a fpocus on rust belt states. This also makes intersting issues for McC. Romney will not seel well in the South or in the Rustbelt. An evangelical from working class background is likely his best choice. I do not klnow much about Pawlenty but would not rule out Huckaby.
Huckaby would sure up the South, he could win a debate with Biden, and might be competive in the Western states.
Romney ..
If McC does choose Mit it means:
1. he has totally anbandoned his principles
2. he is in deperate need of money
I’m not sure whether Barry Hussein will get my vote or not, but I must confess he made the best possible choice for VEEP.
Oh, so there’s some glint of hope you’ll throw the lever for America’s first muslim president.
I mean here’s the alternative:
@ 75 can you say Spell check?
Romney is the only person still left in this race that has any clue how to Govern since he’s done it before (Massachussettes Gov). McCain will only be a first termer and Romney is more than capable of holding the highest office with his demonstrated exectutive acumen.
Barack’s training wheels (Biden) only highlights the Jr. Senator’s lack of experience (read lightweight).
I commend Michelle Obama’s pick for VP…it guarantees a Republican victory in November.
After all the smack talk by ByeBye in that post it’s hard to believe he’d allow himself to be tied up by HA. Then again, if he (albeit reluctantly) stays here we shall continue to benefit from his insights.
Little Rickie Dumbass! LOL! Romney would be a most excellent choice of course – if you guys want to lose.
You guys are buying the Corsi books by the boatload that says Obama is a muslim.
And you want a Mormon for Veep – one 72 year old heartbeat away from the Oval Office?
And it’s not a lie like the Corsi book – Romney IS a Mormon. And an embarrassing windbag who makes Biden look like a monk under a vow of silence.
Watch all those 4 million evangelicals Rove got in 2004 stay at home.
It guarantees an Obama victory in November.
Little Rickie Dumbass..
Well put.
Little Rickie Dumbass talks about Michelle so much there’s only one explanation.
He’s infatuated with her.
Sorry little Rickie Dumbass, you can try to get close but the SS would put a cap in your sorry ass. Knowing you though, you’ll substitute the hand.
Yearns4LittleBoys~ Sorry little one, but Romney will be your next Vice President and President after that. Your anti-Mormon bigotry will not be enough to stop it. Just make sure you have the suicide hotline on speed dial as you’ll need it come November when President McCain and his VP Mitt Romney are elected to the highest office in the land.
Joe Biden decided to go with the first”clean” African American to run for the office by his own admission. Very interesting eh? I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are “dirty” African Americans according to the racist VP nominee Joe Biden. The slavery party never fails to disappoint do they?
82 – Nothing against Mormons Little Rickie Dumbass – it’s the base of your sorry party who wouldn’t look twice at them.
They think Mormons believe that Satan is Jesus’ brother. I didn’t make that shit up.
I’ll go to sleep tonight knowing that in 76 days the rethuglifuck reign of error will we over.
Congratulations President McCain. A job well done.
All that is left for you at this point is to Start picking out the suit for your inauguration in Janurary. Perhaps you need to leave that task to the beautiful Mrs. Cindy McCain.
Wow let’s HOPE it’s that fake fuck Romney. Then WE have plenty of footage of the “GOP” Veep telling the world that McSame sucks.
Then throw in the fact that he believes all that Mormon bullshit and America will RUN away to the Dems.
Start think President Obama, Vice President Biden you republican bitches. Then get ready to bow down. HE HE!
85 – LMAO!! The hand must be going so hard it’s a blur.
rickydee took an extra dose of stupid pills today.
Biden even admitted that the Jr. Senator from Illinois is not ready for the presidency.Standby for ad material that will destroy the Dem Ticket. The Jr. Senator picked out his own personal training wheels (biden) and now will attempt to ride his bike all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Good Luck son.
it’s okay Libs, there is always 2012……..Hillary is jumping for joy knowing she will be back on the scene in 4 years to run against McCain/Romney, the incumbents.
Thank you Michelle for your choice of Joe Biden, we couldn’t have wished for a better choice for VP nominee. You just Goat fucked your husband with your insecurity about Hillary being the alpha female on the ticket. The ‘hoodrat comes through for the GOP…………Yeeehaw.
Hmm… By picking Biden is Obama saying he’s in a strong enough that he doesn’t need to play electoral college games?
LMAO!!! Not only is McSame running for the third term of GWB, he’s also running for the second term of Herbert Hoover.
If Rove steals another election, there’s no way people will look at Republicans for the next 40 years.
The McCain camp will absolutely goat fuck
LMAO!! I’ll let Steve make short work of that one.
The best part is that Hillary will never, never, ever be prez!
And that’s a very good thing!
and it couldn’t be better said by one of the big European papers (the ones who loved him Ueber alles ):
Obama avoids Risk
Barack Obama announced the “change”, but his VP candidate, more than most others, belongs to the Washington Establishment. – Joe Biden is supposed to counter Obama’s weaknesses. Obamas’ decicision however, does not show a willingness for risk, it just shows that all he wants is power. The willingness for change seems to be gone.
94 dutch–
exactly, how soon until we see the ad saying:
“Obama and the Democrats idea of change is appointing a 30 career politician to the ticket.”
Looks like Biden’s only worked a couple years (if that) outside of Washington in the private sector.
The willingness for change seems to be gone.
Yeah, like Obama/Biden is going to continue the stinking corrupt policies of the chimp administration.
The change is going to be stark and positive:
winding down the stupid occupation of Iraq.
defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan
investment in clean energy technologies
putting America back to work.
re-allocating money AWAY from corrupt Republican special interests
investing in health care for all Americans
reforming trade
battling climate change
This is only the beginning
If a wingnut’s livelihood has been tied to the Republican corruption gravy train, then they’d better find another line of work.
Ylb: Talk is cheap and Obama just showed that in his choice. It doesn’t even show the willingness to get a running mate from the progressive end, a woman or minority. No, he takes the “establishment”…biz as usual and not what he keeps talking about.
Richardson would have been a much better choice. Great experience to counter O, bring in some hispanic votes, liked on both sides (except the Hillary crowd) and not too overpowering to be of danger to the One.
But what O did here was pull a Cheney. If that is change…oh boy.
97 – You’re not even close to knowing what you’re talking about.
Obama is not a hard-core progressive – he’s a pragmatist. Which is ok with me. After the last eight years? I want to win. The electorate at large is not ready for an all out progressive agenda.
Once he has won, progressives will continue to elect their champions to the Congress. I hope progressives one day override one of Obama’s vetos.
Richardson? He was put through the vetting process and rejected.
Biden will never be a Cheney. No one could be that evil.
I don’t know – I wish Obama could switch gears and go all out progressive but most likely that wouldn’t play well in the re-election cycle. People generally reject too much change too fast.
In survey after survey the ‘electorate at large’ express their desire for single payer health care, getting out of Iraq and other ‘progressive’ ideas. The ruling elite of BOTH major parties don’t want to see this happen.
Also YLB, why do you think an occupation of Afghanistan will be any more successful than the occupation of Iraq has been? You think the US is winning many hearts and minds every time they kill more civilians? How’s the plan of pressuring the Pakistani government to attack the Taliban ruled part of their country working out? How’s the US going to ‘put people back to work’ or have some sort of new energy program when both major parties candidates want to continue expanding the military?
If Joe Biden was in Obama’s shoes would he pick Obama for the VP????????????
What do his fellow republicans think of McSame? Well let’s see what leading “GOP” Veep contender Mitt Romney said during the republican primary debates.
Romney called McCain “dishonest” and warned that the Republican Party wasn’t ready “to take as dramatic a departure from the house that Reagan built” as they would if they embraced McCain.
Republican Mitt Romney accused John McCain of using dirty tricks by suggesting the former Massachusetts governor wanted a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.
Romney tried to portray McCain, who performs well among political independents, as out of the conservative mainstream.
Romney hit McCain for his opposition to drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. He also noted that McCain twice voted against tax cuts pushed by President Bush and sponsored campaign-finance reform legislation that he claimed “took a whack at the First Amendment.”
“He’s virtually indistinguishable from Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama on a number of major issues our country faces,” Romney said, citing McCain’s work with Democrats on campaign finance, immigration reform, opposition to the Bush tax cuts and what he called a “unilateral America pays” system of combating global warming.
99 – Fuck the elites especially the DLC. Do you get it now?
I support Afghanistan because we progressive Democrats are going to do what we do best – clean up the mess left by Republicans which in this case is the mess left by Reagan and Bush the Elder.
I also support Afghanistan because Afghanistan is a half-way decent multi-lateral effort unlike the phony Iraq “coalition” and that’s how America has to be in the world.
Progressives have to see the military as a middle-class entitlement program – yes really! It’s plain reality that a proud tradition of military service runs strong in many American families. By attacking the military, all you do is help Republicans. At the same time America should demand that the Pentagon be accountable. I advocate that the Pentagon needs to pass a GAO audit by the end of Obama’s second term. Right now? It can’t do that. The comptroller general has stated this many times.
By the way, China, Japan and the Arabian peninsula finances us and in return we have to provide a market for their goods, defend shipping lanes and keep the wheels of commerce spinning. Not a pleasant state of the union but that’s the way it is – for right now.
If you’re pining for a true implementation of a progressive agenda, you’re just NOT going to get it right now. No way. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We don’t have the next FDR and I doubt Obama can fill those shoes. In fact this may not happen until the ownership class’s assets drop in value by more than 50 percent.
I found it funny that big news like this was made public at 5:30AM pacific time on a saturday.
Usually only bad news is made public like that to avoid the media being all over it 24/7.
Well, for the democrats it is bad news. I guess that explains it.
bibigoober is still not using his usual profanity, you know this pick is killing him.
When that happens, the country will collapse. WHy would a rich person stay here as their money is being taken by threat of force by the government. Who will pay the bills of the country, the people voting for obama???
I wonder how many of the people obama wanted for the veep turned him down.
Will those documents ever be made public or is that too secret?
Obama is a car salesmen………….
I posted my comments before the announcement on the Off to Denver. Needless to say, I am very disappointed
38. Century of the Common man spews:
Obama VEEP choices?
1. Nunn
2. Hillary
3. Byah
Biden would be a huge mistake. Biden has never developed a national following. He has had two Presidential campaigns fail and fail badly at that. Biden has been around long enough to the point that he seems to be part of the problem and not the solution. Selecting Biden would be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
While Nunn would be the best choice, he just may not be interested. Hillary would be excellent in terms of party unity and frankly, even though she may not be popular in all circles, she is popular within the circles that Obama needs to win. Bayh’s experience seems to be overlooked… he is smart, comes across well and will do nothing to outstage Obama. Plus, Byah and even Hillary add electoral strength in the midwest were there are several battleground states.
It should be one of the three and anyone else would not help Obama with the voters to create an electoral majority.
While I would be very upset with Obama for selecting Biden as a VEEP, mainly because there are just better choices that will help him win, Biden’s ability in the Senate would better serve the Obama Administration. If Obama is that impressed with Biden’s foreign policy credentials, then maybe consider him for Secretary of State.
At the moment, I really don’t like where this VEEP selection is going. I sincerely hope that Obama will select one of the three choices above that truly add a winning combination to the Democratic Ticket.
08/22/2008 at 6:59 am
Rush is going to have a hay day with this VEEP pick. It’s going to be a fun two months.
Lush Flimbaugh won’t have a field day with anything. He’s too busy trying to pop Viagra and regain his hard on after going to the ear doctor because he’s a pill head.
Don’t worry I have a list of what ALL the “GOP” candidates said about FlipFlop McSame and I’ll be posting those later for people who want to know what his fellow republicans think of the old fuck.
And by the way for those who are new here. Marvin is a child rapist who lives in a California prison so we discount everything he says. FYI he’s never denied any of the aforementioned.
And also, for those who are new here, BBG is a cowardly, liar.
He “called me out”, so I gave him the opportunity to meet in person. He failed to show up, and then tried to claim he was there. Keep that in mind before paying any credence to anything that loser says, about anything.
What do you expect. Dems are pussies. Just ask Ann Coulter.
Yeah, mcsame doesn’t know how many houses his wife owns.
Butt obama doesn’t know who’s running for president.
Biden for both president and vice president.
The democrats screwed themselves so badly the party might not recover from this for years. With the country so fed up with republicans (or so say the democrats) and yet obama is in a neck & neck race with someone the democrats believe to be bush III. How badly are the democrats out of touch with their own country??
The new campaign slogan for obama & biden.
Blowhard & Blowharder
Hey wingnuts,
Drill now!
Right under our feet even! Just in time for the plug-in hybrids.
Damn, when things go bad for the democrats things go bad!!
Change and hope. Change for the worse. Hope it doesn’t hurt.
This would be such a scandal if mcsame was involved, lucky for obama the liberal media is in his back pocket.
If the drilling would be a waste, let the oil companies waste their time & money on something we won’t need.
Teach those evil oil companies a lesson!
After obama introduced biden as president, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RElChQ6g2Io, I wonder if biden still thinks he’s the first african american to be articulate.
Sure is quiet around here. The bad news about the choice of biden as veep must not be going over very well.
I’m tried calling the seattle suicide hotline and the recorded message said they were experiencing high call volume and it would be a 10-12 hour wait on hold.
Wow iBurn is really hard up. Punk plans this big meet up – then doesn’t even show. One way to completely air this out bitch is to show up at DL but so far, you’ve pussed out there too.
You all should read the thread. I have this cunt jumping through hoops every single day.
He’s just another baby-raping coward who shows the right won’t stand for anything.
Come on iBurner tell us YOUR pick for Veep. And then tell us why you can’t produce your alleged DD214, why you are obsessed with me and why your wife is so ugly.
Do it now cunt!
Oh yeah – I’ve rum the coward iBurner completely off the open thread and neither he nor Marvin his dick sucking pal have ever denied they are child rapists!
102. YLB spews:
99 – “Fuck the elites especially the DLC. Do you get it now?”
Why do you say ‘fuck the elites’ and then do what they want?
“I support Afghanistan because we progressive Democrats are going to do what we do best – clean up the mess left by Republicans which in this case is the mess left by Reagan and Bush the Elder.”
Let’s see the mess in Afghanistan was started by Carter, and Brzezinski (who’s now advising Obama)–that was when the CIA got into the biz of arming the radical Islamists to lure the USSR into their own Vietnam.
I’m not attacking the military—it’s just way too big. The real American tradition is a very small army, if any at all. Secondly, the reason the Pentagon is extra out of control under Bush2 is because the Democrats have gone along with the funding bills that put the money for the wars under the heading of an ’emergency’. This is another way in which the Democrats have failed to do their job as an opposition.
Finally, I don’t know what you are talking about as far as the Navy guarding sea lanes. Guarding them from who?
I know we are ‘NOT’ going to get a progressive agenda if we don’t demand better from these so-called leaders, and if we support them no matter what they do.
Just ONE of the reasons the right wing traitors are squealing like little girls full of fear and hysteria since President Obama selected VP Biden…
Biden could help win Florida. And that’s the ball game folks.
@118 BBG
You had your chance to “air this out” today, and you were too scared to show up. Don’t get all huffy now and try to play it as anything else you freakin’ maggoty ordure. The only thing you can run, is your mouth. What a great representative of Democratic ideology you make, dumbass.
Has anyone on HA ever actually met this cretin in person? Anyone at all? I have my doubts. This little nutjob talks a lot, but I don’t believe for a moment there is anything but a lying little metrosexual pussy beneath the bluster & bullshit. There sure as hell wasn’t today.
Yelling Loser Boy SCUM@98:
Bullshittium line:
You’re the clueless idiot telling me Obama was the most liberal senator in the senate. That’s being pragmatic?
What a moronic idiot you are.
How insecure is obama?
Check out the campaign signs. Obama is in white against a blue background. Biden is in a shade of blue that kinda blends into the background.
This is going to be the worst election for the democrats in the history of their party.
bybygoober wrote:
This thread is about Obama’s choice you idiot!
hey i burn the reason that you did not see the gober is he lost his id.the turd he carries in his back pocket must of fell out.and dont pay to much attention to gbs he is a felon who got the boot from the navy.hey gober you little needle dick the bug fucker.coward. no show gober.
kirk91@120: Arguing history with HAs clueless idiot Yelling Loser Boy SCUM is a worthless task. If he can’t visit Daily Kurse and drink the warm man juice he is lost!
Did you read the link from the American Thinker where Zbig told the Russians don’t worry… Post #24. Great reading on how Obama’s man si screwing up.
All HA Readers:
I challenged bybygoober May earlier this year. He chose not to show up twice.
Who’da pussy bybygoober?
We know it’s you!
Even if they did, no one would admit it. His mom insists she aborted him.
Notice how he’s ignored by 98% of the people on here. Hell, even lee called his little punk ass out and bibigoober isn’t even a troll.
If he was as tough as he wants everyone to believe, he would post his real name and contact info. Compare little bibigoober with Lee. Lee isn’t afraid to put his real info out there. bibigoober will have 100 reasons why he can’t, and not one of them would be the real reason, that’s he’s scared of his own shadow.
Didn’t Biden vote for the war, and for the funding?
That can’t be going over well with the anti-war types in the democrat party.
Will they sit this vote out or vote for a VP that was in favor of the war?
Or in other terms, obama just threw the anti-war faction of the dem party under the bus.
Silly Stupes, it’s all relative moron when the Republicans have moved the beltway so far to the right.
And who says a liberal can’t be pragmatic? Even Bill Buckley voted for at least one liberal I know of.
120 – You haven’t understood a word I’ve said in this thread.
Wow, look what that kos kid said…
The party was already splintered because of how obama treated hillary. Now this? Who’s going to be left to vote for obama if everyone is thrown under the bus. Obama better become a vegetarian so he can get the peta vote.
Any truth to the rumor that the grand kleagle isn’t going to the convention? Of course, he’ll probably say it’s because of his health. wink wink.
Silly Stupes, it’s all relative moron when the Republicans have moved the beltway so far to the right.
And who says a liberal can’t be pragmatic? Even Bill Buckley voted for at least one liberal I know of. He said he’d rather vote for one smart liberal than a bunch of dumb conservatives. He must have been thinking of dipwads like you.
120 – You haven’t understood a word I’ve said in this thread. Shipping lanes? Ever hear of the Persian Gulf? That’s the big one. Google around. There’s plenty of other examples.
Hey iBurner it was easy for you to claim you showed up today. I figured you pull some shit like this being the 13 year old cunt hiding in your mom’s basement. This is why you didn’t want to come to HA. Too many people would see that you were a cickenshit. Show up with that alleged DD214 bitch. Show us in an environment where everyone can verify whether or not you showed up.
What are you afraid of cunt? Come on…
And Puddylicker failed to show up TWICE to the Port Orchard bowling alley. He’s nothing but a figment of his imagination.
All I can say is show up or not, I am going to dog you like the cunt that you are. Every thread you post on, I’ll be there to remind people that you’re a cowardly cunt who lied about being in the military and who jumps through my hoops all day long.
Now jump again bitch.
And remember folks, this coward has not one time denied he’s a baby raping fool like his asshole buddy Marvin. And Puddylicker for that matter.
Puddy your wife still says hi! Remember when you were asking Richard Pope if you could sue over that shit! LOL That was too fucking funny you retarded asswipe!
I own all you right wing bitches. You can’t ignore me. You’re obsessed with me. Bow down now cunts and be done with it!
@125 hey Puddylicker – this thread is about any fucking thing I want it to be bitch! Deal with it.
And since when did an ass-wipe like you care about staying on topic?
Oh and remember when you said you would ignore me from now on? That was one of my favorites. You can’t do it bitch. You’re obsessed with me. You want to suck my dick. But sorry – your wife handles that for me.
And you, BBG, haven’t denied being boned by your daddy, so I guess that must be true, too. Wait a minutes, that really is true, you say? hahaha I knew it.
Face it you ignorant clown. You’re too stupid to even have a real conversation. You’re a legend in your own mind, loser.
Marvin Stamn @ 124
You’re right. The design of those new Obama/Biden signs really sucks. I also watched the regular videos of the event, and the light blue on dark blue for Biden’s name is really terrible.
bybygoober really farted when he typed this dribble:
GBS said he wanted to see a fight. I told everyone I’d meet bybygoober at lunch in the Rainier Valley at GBS’ favorite Mexican Lunch Truck. Later I gave bybygoober another chance to redeem himself at DL that night. Another no show so I ate dinner with SeattleJew and his wife.
bybygoober all blow (job) and no show job!
When I heard that Obama had picked Biden for VP I almost laughed myself purple with glee. This is truly manna from heaven. Biden is one of the biggest blowhards in D.C. and woe to anyone who gets between him and an open mic. His propensity to shoot off his mouth before he engages his brain will give conservatives more ammunition than could be used in fifteen runs for the White House. And by benefit of being in Congress he will have little he can point to that he can call his own. Blowhard, gaffs, without portfolio, I’m just more than a little giddy about it all.
I’v just seen the new McCain ad where Biden “stands by” his words calling Obama inexperienced in no uncertain terms and then praises McCain as a guy who can run the country and he’d “be proud of” is just to priceless for words. I giggle every time I think about it. I am as I type this.
Who says politics is boring?
Damn, there I go giggling again . . .
To Yelling Loser Boy SCUM, you bet I haven’t understood your drivel. Neither has anyone else above, especially your diatribe on Afghanistan. Totally worthless pixels. In fact, you’re the butt end of the joke! It was your own words continually reminding everyone by saying Obama was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there being the most liberal senator. So how can he be pragmatic? Fully non-sensical, like everything else you post everyday!
So bitch you need to go to bed!
133. YLB spews:
“120 – You haven’t understood a word I’ve said in this thread. Shipping lanes? Ever hear of the Persian Gulf? That’s the big one. Google around. There’s plenty of other examples.”
The US Navy is designed for attacking other countries via aircraft carrier based planes and cruise missiles. If it were designed to escort ships (or whatever you are talking about) there would be more smaller ships or anti-sub planes etc. The big ships the Navy has can barely move in the enclosed waters of the Gulf, that’s why they were destroyed in that wargame simulation the US ran a couple years back.
I think I understand pretty well what you were saying. First you said the electorate wasn’t ready for progressive ideas. I posted a link to one of many surveys debunking that idea. Then you talked about the military being an economic boost, even though the money spent doesn’t result in anything useful, like bridges or alternative energy sources etc.
Then you moved on to the US Navy patrolling the sea lines to protect somebody from something, and I pointed out that the Navy isn’t built to do anything of the kind.
I missed the part where you were going to explain how the US/NATO will be able to occupy Afghanistan any better than they have been able to occupy Iraq.
So iBurner you lie some more but that’s what you do. At least in your apparent stupidity you manage to prove you’re a child rapist.
And Puddylicker the problem you have is one you set a meet without telling anyone and two you didn’t show up TWICE for the ones I set up. So maybe you are iBurner too. Since you have 19 names it could be true. You have so many personality disorders we can’t be sure. And fight? You? Are you fucking kidding? I don’t beat up retards. It’s politically incorrect!
Come on – back to my question – remember when you went crying like a bitch to Pope asking if you could sue because someone called your fucking ugly wife a whore? Remember? God that was priceless!
you bet I haven’t understood your drivel
Brain fart! Look again moron. I was directing that to 120. It’s you who needed to go to bed.
The US Navy is designed for attacking other countries via aircraft carrier based planes and cruise missiles.
Yes, the elites use those big boats to rattle the sabre at countries they don’t like – like Iran. Fuck ’em I say.
If it were designed to escort ships (or whatever you are talking about) there would be more smaller ships or anti-sub planes etc.
Which the Navy has in spades. Your point?
The big ships the Navy has can barely move in the enclosed waters of the Gulf, that’s why they were destroyed in that wargame simulation the US ran a couple years back.
The piece you cite is pretty laughable trying to imply that the Iraqis in 2002 could easily defeat the U.S. Navy. Didn’t happen did it?
I think I understand pretty well what you were saying. First you said the electorate wasn’t ready for progressive ideas. I posted a link to one of many surveys debunking that idea.
Again I’m repeating myself. Let’s say you’re right. Fuck the elites. Take over the Congress. It took since before 1964 to elect someone like Ronald Reagan. It’s going to take at least that long to find the next FDR.
Then you talked about the military being an economic boost, even though the money spent doesn’t result in anything useful, like bridges or alternative energy sources etc.
How about the internet? How about the freaking transistor? How about jet travel? Nuclear power was another spinoff but yeah, I don’t care for that one even though we get 20 percent of our electricity from it.
Then you moved on to the US Navy patrolling the sea lines to protect somebody from something, and I pointed out that the Navy isn’t built to do anything of the kind.
Maybe so. But that’s one role they play so Japan and the Arabian peninsula keep financing us. I’m repeating myself
I missed the part where you were going to explain how the US/NATO will be able to occupy Afghanistan any better than they have been able to occupy Iraq.
They haven’t because of the stupid occupation of Iraq. What’s your solution? Let Afghanis backslide AGAIN into the 12th century? At least the occupation is a multi-lateral action. AGAIN I’M REPEATING MYSELF.
So occupations that result in conditions so terrible that folks welcome the Taliban and that result in the only cash crop being opium are good because they are ‘multi-national’? Ridiculous. It’s not up to the US to determine the form of government of everyone else in the world, but to stop invading them and overthrowing their governments every few years.
The article on the Iran thing was about a WAR GAME. Of course it didn’t happen in real life. You are confusing the ‘reason’ the power elite gives for a big military (protecting the world) with the real reason for it (dominating the world.) I’m against the US dominating the world militarily. I’m against the US spending more money than the rest of the world combined on arms.
Any of those programs could have been funded directly without the war department being involved. For example civilian space flight spawning a lot of computer innovation.
This is just one pathetic read. If this is about electing Democrats and better ones at that, it is abundant clear that the tone of this discussion really needs to move in a different direction. How about a discussion of Biden and no name calling which seems includes a spectrum of words that has no place in an intelligent political dialog. I really do not think that is too much to ask.
Let’s see the mess in Afghanistan was started by Carter, and Brzezinski (who’s now advising Obama)–that was when the CIA got into the biz of arming the radical Islamists to lure the USSR into their own Vietnam.
And the the Soviets left Afghanistan in 1989 on Bush I’s watch. What was the plan for the aftermath? Not much of one was there?
I’m not attacking the military—it’s just way too big. The real American tradition is a very small army, if any at all. Secondly, the reason the Pentagon is extra out of control under Bush2 is because the Democrats have gone along with the funding bills that put the money for the wars under the heading of an ‘emergency’. This is another way in which the Democrats have failed to do their job as an opposition.
How much military production goes on in each Democratic Congress critter’s district? A lot. For a real education see usaspending.gov. Democrats cannot be anti-military, that just helps Republicans. Democrats had to go along with the war because the war fever after 9/11 was too great and not all of them did by the way. And when you have soldiers in harms way, how does it look to cut their funding? And the Dems did try to force a timetable but they didn’t have the votes to override the chimpmeister’s veto.
Finally, I don’t know what you are talking about as far as the Navy guarding sea lanes. Guarding them from who?
Japan is an island completely dependent on imports of energy – oil, LNG, etc. Japan made a lot of enemies in WWII and probably just as many becoming a world economic force. One attack on a large tanker, LNG transport means a huge financial headache for the Japanese and for this country for that matter who imports a lot of Japanese goods and want them to keep buying our treasury bonds.
I know we are ‘NOT’ going to get a progressive agenda if we don’t demand better from these so-called leaders, and if we support them no matter what they do.
Who says we shouldn’t? If we don’t get what we want – find better Dems. Hell, find better Republicans as long as they have their heads screwed on straight.
bybygoober lying again.
GBS and others knew where to meet. In fact GBS suggested meeting at his Rainier Valley Mexican Lunch truck. Otherwise, how could I find to meet him moron? Then when I told the HA world I’ll be at DL that afternoon, you were a no show again. If you follow the May threads everyone will see your claim was way later after the DL Tuesday party was ooooooooooooover!
Yelling Loser Boy SCUM:
Kirk91 said it best –
That’s because your single celled brain is seldom connected to your fingers and you just type horsesass excrement and expect a miracle to occur… someone figgering out what you were trying to say!
Waaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaah haaaaaaaaa
Yelling Loser Boy SCUM asked:
Was there supposed to be a plan? What? Clinton have a plan for Afghanistan Yelling Loser Boy SCUM?
This is priceless analysis from the GLA GLAAD land & sanctuary city to killers:
http:// http://www.sfgate.com/ cgi-bin/ article.cgi?file=/n/a/2008/08/22/politics/p231228D77.DTL
“The picks say something profound about Obama: For all his self-confidence, the 47-year-old Illinois senator worried that he couldn’t beat Republican John McCain without help from a seasoned politician willing to attack. The Biden selection is the next logistical step in an Obama campaign that has become more negative – a strategic decision that may be necessary but threatens to run counter to his image.” [emphasis mine]
Obama Campaign and ACORN?
Say it ain’t so…
http:// http://www.pittsburghlive. com/x/ pittsburghtrib/news/ election/s_584284.html
Didn’t bybygoober above say Biden will bring Florida to Donkeys?
Well why would a Tampa newspaper print this?
http:// hosted.ap.org/ dynamic/ stories/C/CVN_BIDEN_VULNERABILITIES?SITE=FLTAM&SECTION=US
“In addition to political baggage, Biden might have to adjust his positions on some issues to fit on the Obama team.
Obama favors abortion rights while Biden, who is Catholic, voted to ban a controversial procedure that opponents refer to as partial-birth abortion.
On health care, Obama favors mandatory coverage for children. Biden has called for expanding access to health coverage for all children and adults, but he has stopped short of mandating universal coverage.
Biden and Obama favor an emphasis on preschool education, but they would go about it in different ways. Obama would encourage but not require universal pre-kindergarten programs, expand teacher-mentoring programs and reward teachers with higher pay not tied to standardized test scores. Biden would provide two years of free preschool to the public school system.”
Gotta love it.
So occupations that result in conditions so terrible that folks welcome the Taliban and that result in the only cash crop being opium are good because they are ‘multi-national’? Ridiculous. It’s not up to the US to determine the form of government of everyone else in the world, but to stop invading them and overthrowing their governments every few years.
I was against the initial Afghan invasion because there was a good chance that we could have forced the Taliban to give up bin Laden and his crew. But do you have any idea of how the Taliban ruled Afghanistan? It made Saudi Arabia look like a liberal paradise. Let them produce all the opium they want. It’s a poor, poor country. We don’t have to buy it except for legitimate medicine. If we treated drug addiction like a medical problem instead of a jobs program for cops, prosecutors and mercenaries, illicit drug production wouldn’t be a problem.
The article on the Iran thing was about a WAR GAME. Of course it didn’t happen in real life. You are confusing the ‘reason’ the power elite gives for a big military (protecting the world) with the real reason for it (dominating the world.) I’m against the US dominating the world militarily. I’m against the US spending more money than the rest of the world combined on arms.
I’m against it too, but you’re not going to turn that ship around very quickly. Its going to take at least another generation of patient effort with the total bankruptcy of the U.S. being probably the final motivator. We’re Americans, things don’t change unless there’s a crisis.
Any of those programs could have been funded directly without the war department being involved. For example civilian space flight spawning a lot of computer innovation.
Maybe but they weren’t. Many people in this country, especially in the South expect to serve in the military when they become of age. It’s a cultural issue and you can wish it away but that isn’t going to make it go away. Many people don’t see much of future flipping burgers and working in shopping malls so they turn to the military to get education benefits or because civilian life doesn’t seem all that meaningful. For a real education see HBO’s Generation Kill.
And you just got finished saying military spending doesn’t produce benefits – a lot of people didn’t see much sense in spending more 100s of millions sending more astronauts to a barren rock in space called the moon. The space station seems equally pointless but again at least that’s a multi-national effort which to me is a correct model for bearing the costs of manned exploration. I just love the unmanned science programs, they’re cheap and yield a tremendous amount of interesting science.
Clinton have a plan for Afghanistan?
He had to clean up that other mess left by a Republican in Somalia brain gas man!
Looks like the liberals are at it again on Wikipedia. Biden’s 2004 entry is now gone.
2004 – Biden told Kerry to select John McCain as running mate. Well that’s missing now from Wikipedia.
One of the links took you here – “McCain urged to join Kerry ticket Biden says a joint ticket would help heal ‘vicious rift’ dividing U.S.” – but PMSNBC took it down.
So now we’ll see Biden tell us why he changed his mind? Hmmm…?
I think Obama should have done what Adlai Steveson did in 1956… he did not select a running mate and he left the VEEP selection open to the convention. Now that would have been a stroke of genius… People would watch the Democratic Convention and it would actually be a convention instead of a horrible over budgeted infomercial. No scrips… no nonsense and politics at its finest on National Television. Hillary would LIKELY be the VEEP and people would tune in to watch in historic numbers.
Senator Obama… Its not too late to say that you were only joking with the Biden announcement.
The Democrats needs help and starting with the replacement of Howard Dean as party chairman is a great place to start. However, that is the subject for another day.
I remeber McCain was at least considered by Kerry and it would have been a better choice than the choice he made. I thought Kerry should have selected Nunn or Bayh then.
I haven’t seen this type of Wikipedia revisionist history since the Chinese and their gymnastic team in Olympics.
Wait a minute – revisionist history was invented by the Donkey! The Chinese copied them.
The message is who wants 4 more years of McSame with the economy going down the toilet?
You will not defeat that message.
The chimpmeister was a disaster and a failure and you voted for him twice. Now he wants to cut and run from Iraq just in time for the R-sickophant convention.
What are the odds of a victory speech? Pretty good – from the Rose Garden.
How predictable.
And iran gave up hostages when raygun took office. Kadafi gave up his weapons program under bush. The cold war ended under raygun.
I’m starting to see a trend.
Wasn’t that movie black hawk down about clinton and his failed attack on somalia?
Hey, didn’t carter have some helicopter disaster in a failed attempt to rescue the hostages in iran? Thankfully the country wised up, elected raygun and the hostages came home.
Hey Puddylicker if you can take that dick out of your mouth long enough just do one thing for me….link to the post where I agreed to meet you.
Of course if you can’t do that – then you’re just the typical right wing, ass-licking, inbred, baby raping, cowardly cunt representing your party with typical bullshit.
Anything short of the ACTUAL link showing my agreement to show to these meetings you set up on threads weeks old when the meeting happened will be more of your lies, crap, bullshit and deception.
But hey – you can still run to Pope like a little bitch and ask if you can sue people who called your wife names on HA. That’s some funny shit! LOL!
Show us the link cunt. Show us the link.
Wikipedia revision? You mean like the rethugs putting bullshit into the Biden entry in the first place?
Let’s look at the McSame wiki entry. Wonder if they mention he made 30 propaganda tapes for the VC!
What a contrast between Senator Biden and FlipFlop McSame. When Biden’s wife and child were killed by a drunk driver he stayed by his family. When McSame got back from Nam and found out his wife had been disfigured in a car accident, he abandoned her, had an affair with SIN dee and proved AGAIN his word is shit.
Bybygoober: Ask GBS what happened since you choose not to understand…
Remember he was there.
This isn’t going to go over well with the druggie contingent of the democrat party.
[emphasis mine]
I wonder if lee is going to be happy with a veep that is going to do all he can to make sure lee can’t legally get high.
So in other Puddylicker you dick sucking baby raper. . . you don’t have a link. If GBS was there or not isn’t relevant. You didn’t have any feedback from me – the guy you supposedly called out. So now that you can’t provide the link, we know you’re just the bend over, take it in the ass, lying cunt we all knew you were.
You lying is just normal SOP!
Now – back to that funny story about you crying like a girl to R. Pope that you wanted to sue because someone called your wife a name. Now THAT IS some funny shit!
BBG, you’re the last person to accuse anyone else of lying.
I will commend you for working out your therapy on these pages though. Good way to release your anger at the world that fails to appreciate your genius, eh?
Maybe if you weren’t such an obnoxious, loser, asshole, you’d actually have friends, and a life. But that’s pretty much up to you.
BTW, I remember the thread Puddy was talking about as well. You did agree to meet him, and then failed to show. Just like you did with me. See a pattern? I do. You have the mouth, but not the balls to back it up.
So let’s hear your next juvenile, profanity riddled tirade. I can hardly wait.
Here’s a quick highlight reel of how I have dominated iBurn the cunt here on the famous open thread.
@150. I-Burn spews:
***”Meet you at DL? Uh, yeah… Not! BBG, I don’t care what you think.”
It appears you DO care what I think iburn my bitch since you can’t let go of this thread.
***”I’m sure as hell not going out of my way to “look you up”. You simply aren’t worth my time.”
Again another iburner lie. You DID go out of your way – or so you say – to look me up. Are you even capable of telling the truth?
In @159 I said…”Jump iBurn you little cunt. Jump through the hoop like the trained monkey you are LOL!”
In @160 you said… “In fact I will.”
So you admit you’re a cunt and you take orders from me to jump through my hoop. Nice.
In @166 you said…”Could you possibly get any more boring?”
Yet you keep coming back for more. Must not be THAT boring huh cunt!
@175 Iburn said..”Do you understand this is a little nothing blog?”
Yet I’ve kept you, like a monkey on a string, coming back here day after day posting on this “little nothing blog.” How pathetic are you bitch?
@183 you said…”You don’t tell me what to do.”
Ah but to anyone reading this it is clear I DO tell you what to do. And like the weak, mindless cunt you are – you do it. You jump when I tell you to. You post when I tell you to. I am your master bitch and you prove it every day.
@185 you said…”And nobody is reading this thread any more…”
Ah but again the bitch is wrong. We see several of the HA regulars chiming in following along and one agreeing with me that I’ve made you my bitch. Must make you feel ashamed!
These are just some of our greatest hits cunt. You DO need more lessons here though so come on back and jump through my hoop again – do it bitch and remember, I OWN YOU!
Marvin Stamn @ 167
I had doubts about Obama’s choice of Biden, but things like you are pointing out are making it look better all the time.
Republicans go wild!
@172 well they need to be careful because someone may just decide to respond via the same tactics against the “GOP” office.
I don’t think the right really wants a civil war – they wouldn’t have anyone to fight on their side – they sent all the poor people to Iraq!
Oops, you mean hillary supporters seek revenge.
Good thing obama is for lobbyists and special interests. Otherwise this would be damaging.
Pick biden, drop 2 in the gallup poll.
Is obama just playing a game or is he really trying to run for office. It’s becoming more difficult to tell the difference.
It’s obvious how painful this pick was by the number of people not posting here the last couple days.
This place is already resembling the graveyard I expected it to be when obama lost.
President Obama is UP six points in the MSNBC – Washington Post poll. And he hasn’t even gotten his convention bounce. Wow the right wingers are beside themselves with fear.
Now we have to see what the old fuck does with his VEEP pick. PLEEEEEEEASE let it be the mormon maggot!
@177 President Obama is UP six points in the MSNBC – Washington Post poll.
That’s a WP/ABC poll – perhaps you read it at MSNBC:
and became confused?
And that’s for registered voters. For likely voters the difference narrows to 4 points. And the more recent Gallup tracking poll has them in a dead heat:
And perhaps you also because confused and thought you’d gone to the Everett Mall when you really hadn’t? Maybe?
Biden wiill serve nicely as Barack’s training wheels…………..it was a nice fall back position.
Hey HMS /AKA iBurn – it was you who were confused about being at the Everett Mall when you were in fact hiding in your mommies basement.
And the poll shows you right wingers that you have a LONG way to go. Six points amongst registered voters is low and here’s why. This year, we’re seeing record numbers of new voters join the ranks of citizens who care about taking America back from the dictator GW Bush. Accordingly – six is actually more like 8 points. Baaaad news for you right wing traitors!
bybygoober: I am not searching HA to get the May link. The old timers here remember. Suffice it to say, when GBS reads this thread he’ll skuul you on your chickenass.
Yeah like I thought – you’re just a lying cunt aren’t you Puddylicker/AKA Rick D./AKA iBurner.
Since iburn lied again and said he was through with this thread – I think it’s time for some greatest hits by the chief cunt iBurn…
Here’s a quick highlight reel of how I have dominated iBurn the cunt here on the open thread.
@150. I-Burn spews:
***”Meet you at DL? Uh, yeah… Not! BBG, I don’t care what you think.”
It appears you DO care what I think iburn my bitch since you can’t let go of this thread.
***”I’m sure as hell not going out of my way to “look you up”. You simply aren’t worth my time.”
Again another iburner lie. You DID go out of your way – or so you say – to look me up. Are you even capable of telling the truth?
In @159 I said…”Jump iBurn you little cunt. Jump through the hoop like the trained monkey you are LOL!”
In @160 you said… “In fact I will.”
So you admit you’re a cunt and you take orders from me to jump through my hoop. Nice.
In @166 you said…”Could you possibly get any more boring?”
Yet you keep coming back for more. Must not be THAT boring huh cunt!
@175 Iburn said..”Do you understand this is a little nothing blog?”
Yet I’ve kept you, like a monkey on a string, coming back here day after day posting on this “little nothing blog.” How pathetic are you bitch?
@183 you said…”You don’t tell me what to do.”
Ah but to anyone reading this it is clear I DO tell you what to do. And like the weak, mindless cunt you are – you do it. You jump when I tell you to. You post when I tell you to. I am your master bitch and you prove it every day.
@185 you said…”And nobody is reading this thread any more…”
Ah but again the bitch is wrong. We see several of the HA regulars chiming in following along and one agreeing with me that I’ve made you my bitch. Must make you feel ashamed!
These are just some of our greatest hits cunt. You DO need more lessons here though so come on back and jump through my hoop again – do it bitch and remember, I OWN YOU!
And the poll shows you right wingers that you have a LONG way to go. Six points amongst registered voters is low and here’s why.
Gallup and CNN, more recent, have a tie. Writes CNN:
“In a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Sunday night, 47 percent of those questioned are backing Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominees, with an equal amount supporting his Republican opponent, McCain.
“This looks like a step backward for Obama, who had a 51 to 44 percent advantage last month,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
Yeah like I thought – you’re just a lying cunt aren’t you Puddylicker/AKA Rick D./AKA iBurner.
You need help:
So you right wing ass licks are excited you’re only down from 1-7 points. You’ve been trailing all along. And of course you’ll be trailing by more next week. But of course it only matters how much you trail by on election day – and it looks like a landslide. Not only for the White House – but you traitors will probably loooooooose at least five and as many as 10 seats in the US Senate. If that happens, wow you are SO fucked. We have a veto proof majority! And remember the last three special federal elections were held in heavily republican districts – long-time republicans districts and ALL THREE VOTED for Democrats.
Man it sucks to be a republican right now.
Man it sucks to be a republican right now.
And it must suck to be you all the time.
Keep trying to lie about not showing up on Saturday. You’re immitating Herr Goebbels, very well, loser. Keep lying long enough hoping people will forget the truth, trying to silence any opposition, taking comments out of context, avoiding answering questions. Yeah you have it down pat. Pretty funny that you’re always yammering on about “right-wing” this, and “right-wing” that, and here you are using the very methods of one of the most infamous. Hypocritical bastard.
So you right wing ass licks are excited you’re only down from 1-7 points.
With all the issues Obama has going for him – Iraq, the economy, George Bush, the credit bust – Obama is only up by an average of 1.7 points:
With this tailwind he should be up by much more. Instead, the gap has steadily narrowed.
Obama is not the candidate people imagined, despite the mindless bravado.
So HMS/iBurn – you seem to forget that he only needs to be up on election day by one vote. Then you loooooose. Who cares how much he “should” win by. Look at the reverse. You have 8 years of a republican regime. You have six of those eight with a republican House/Senate. THAT SHOULD mean an automatic walk into the next election, but you blew it cause you guys suck.
And when you lie about everything – from going to the mall or being a vet – well you loooooose even more credibility.
iBurn as the chief bitch, cunt and dicksucker on this board all you EVER have to do to resolve all the doubts about your credibility is one thing….
Come out of your mon’s basement to DL where there are witnesses and bring your DD214 to prove you were in the military.
Otherwise everyone here will for all time know you are my bitch.
Pretty simple really. Even a child rapist like you should be able to get that.
Now off to the parole office – isn’t it time for your new sex offender registration?
It would be ineresting if Romney gets the VP pick. My recollection was that he looked like an idiot at most of the Republican debates. It was actually painful to watch. All the while Biden looked like he won many of the Democratic debates (but everyone knew he didn’t have the votes of the front-runners).
Biden would mop the floor with Romney. And he’ll have fun, be funny, and look good doing it.
186 HMS
It must suck for your candidate to be behind by so little.
@189 It must suck for your candidate to be behind by so little.
Maybe . . . if my candidate was behind.