Well, what do you expect from a generation of yahoos who grew up watching TV shows that taught them good guys wear WHITE hats and bad guys wear BLACK hats?
Puddy loves reading how HA libtard whites understand blacks. Yet not one of these screaming HA libtard whites would take a Trayvon Martin looking guy into their house and feed him and give him a roof over his head.
Cry Puddy a river. Since the Fulton/Martin lawyers all said this trial wasn’t about race, leftists pinhead commentators and Obummer are making it about race. Obummer speaks he wants a color blind society, yet reminds everyone every day he’s black. Then, when others decry the race baiting Obummer commentary; left wrong libtard rags like Stinky Progressives attack those who call Obummer on his forked tongue experience.
And of course the satanic legion that lives in the mind of Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit appears right on cue! Everyone knows a Trayvon Martin looking person would be met with disdain if they showed up at the door of Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit.
Bill Cosby is a real life Uncle Ruckus. Fuck nigga.
Time for the tolerance brigade to whip out hateful racial slurs and punitive accusations that Cosby and Barkley are self-loathing race traitors. As Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Stacey Dash and countless others have heard over and over: Toe the line … or else.
There you have it! Blacks must stay on the reservation even though DUMMOCRAPTS offer nothing new for solutions!
Strange… where is the running Obummer commentary over all the young black men and boys deaths in Chicago during the 16 months of this investigation and trial? When you know where to go you visit it regularly… So useless HA unemployed ASSHole, here is another site to chronicle from Puddy!
So during the Zimmerman trial this happened JUST IN CHICAGO… mayored by Rahmbo Deadfish Emanuel… never let a crisis go to waste!
43 black males were killed.
9 black females were killed.
52 total blacks were killed!
The telling statistic… 7 who were killed were children under the age of 18. How did they die? The vast majority by gunshot wounds.
Now we read every day how Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit blames this on Republican gun policies… You see HA lunatic libtards… Chicago passes and passes and passes and continue to pass “tough” new gun laws and blacks continue to get murdered and murdered and murdered and the libtard rags like Stinky Progressives will not cover it.
And one can view the number of blacks who died in Chicago during the 16 months from the Trayvon shooting to the end of the trial…
It’s disturbing to read Puddy be one of the haters, no better than the racist conservatives. I wonder what happened in his life to hurt him so bad? I feel such pity for him.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
@6. from the icons, it’s a majority of black people who don’t agree with Cosby or Barkley.
No Time for Fascistsspews:
Is puddy’s logic, that because people are still dying in Chicago, we would give a free pass to the killer of Travon Martin?
Any time something happens that truly yanks the wingbaggers’ cranks, Puddy can be relied upon to step up and honor Horse’s Ass with one of his unique outpourings of cerebral vomit. How blessed we truly are!
9)I barely remember the race of the person who mugged me, since it has been almost ten years ago. He was of the Human Race, ethnicity, don’t remember. It was at 5AM in January.
Enlighten us Piddles.
Under what rationale does Zimmerman decide that Trayvon does not have the right to walk down the street on the sidewalk in Zimmerman’s neighborhood? Why is a teen chatting on a cell phone while walking arouse suspicion and the sense that he must be followed?
Be honest in your response. In your life experience, why did Zimmerman decide Trayvon was a suspect?
Probably not. Nothing the President can say or do is good enough for puddy.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
The GOP had the black vote in their pocket from the end of the Civil War to the start of the Great Depression. They pretty much controlled the federal government during that era. What did they do for blacks? Bupkis.
Kiss my ass, Pudwiper. Tell us how electing fascist fuck wingnuts will change things for the better for the black community.
This is a white problem (us), not a partisan one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “Yet not one of these screaming HA libtard whites would take a Trayvon Martin looking guy into their house and feed him and give him a roof over his head.”
Did you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Black voters like our party better than your party by a factor of 9-to-1. It takes real effort to earn that much rejection.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7,8 “How did they die? The vast majority by gunshot wounds.”
And which gang of ideologues believes guns are an entitlement and nobody should be required to prove they’re sane to get them? As long as people like you insist on arming people like this
you’re in no position to preach about murder and mayhem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Yeah, something like that, apparently.
It’s disturbing to read Puddy be one of the haters, no better than the racist conservatives
Wrong again Fascist Pigsty. Puddy doesn’t look at race like libtards do. If Puddy did then Obummer is white because his mother is white!
Sux to be you!
from the icons, it’s a majority of black people who don’t agree with Cosby or Barkley.
Reservation lovers! Ignorant and haven’t seen the world!
See ya!
you’re in no position to preach about murder and mayhem.
Puddy doesn’t do your tiny urls Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit!
This is a free country Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit! Puddy will comment when and where Puddy wants!
Is puddy’s logic, that because people are still dying in Chicago, we would give a free pass to the killer of Travon Martin?
Once again Fascist Pigsty made another of his useless canard associations.
It’s Trayvon, moron!
And if the Florida Attorney General went for manslaughter instead 2nd degree murder Zimmerman would have been convicted. Corey and her minions blew it and you leftards can’t accept it.
The killing in Chicago been going on for years.
Tell us how electing fascist fuck wingnuts will change things for the better for the black community.
Been electing fascist left fuck wingnuts since 1960.
Nuff said sucka!
Did you?
Puddy asked you first Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit!
What’s your answer Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit?
@21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 No answer from obsessed troll. No Answer. Has no answer ’cause it cuts a little too close.
Why did George Zimerman see a threat and not a teenager walking down the street on his phone? What was it about Trayvon that seemed out of place?
Then afterwards open the good book and contemplate Matthew 8:28-34.. More edifying than your typical Sat Night hate fests..
Why did George Zimerman see a threat and not a teenager walking down the street on his phone? What was it about Trayvon that seemed out of place?
Obsessed with identifying the moronic and latent nature of HA libtards.
Recent break-ins in the neighborhood.
Why didn’t Trayvon answer the two questions heard by Rachel Jeantel and tell George he was going to his father’s girlfriends house who lived in the development? Instead Trayvon went violent. Why did Trayvon decide to confront George with his Seems he threw a few punches.fist?
Notice checkmate won’t discuss the Chicago crime statistics. Nope. Just focus on the Zimmerman/Martin encounter instead of all those Puddy identified as black on black crime in just ONE city!
Oh my the fiend is all f’d up in the head as usual..
Looking in the mirror again useless unemployed idiot?
Came back… Notice in #14 checkmate didn’t answer the question Puddy directed at everyone but posed to the SENILE one… Why won’t checkmate answer that question either? If fact no HA libtard would answer that question!
Puddy knows why! The same reasons these libtards are all up in arms about George Zimmerman!
It’s already been stated.
Puddylogic…because violence exists in one place, one shouldn’t care about violence in another.
Puddylogic 2:
Because one doesn’t respond to an attempt at changing the subject, one doesn’t care about the smokescreen subject.
All you are doing is proving your kind are savages.
It’s already been stated.
By Proud of His ASS?
What do you think ya moron? You always let others speak for you?
If the lawyers and the Fulton/Martin family claim it’s not about race then why make it about race?
Plain and simple. If we want a colorless society then y’all need to make it so. Y’all control the media. What’s in your mind checkmate? Hatred, PURE and SIMPLE!
Anything a black man says about a black youth being gunned down by a white guy* is sure to bring the haters out of the woodwork.
Okay, he’s not all white, he’s speckled; but compared to Trayvon White’s death, that’s a minor technicality.
I am surprised Conservatives did not wait for the President to finish before the criticisms started.
@2 Exactly as I predicted @1.
Well, what do you expect from a generation of yahoos who grew up watching TV shows that taught them good guys wear WHITE hats and bad guys wear BLACK hats?
Puddy loves reading how HA libtard whites understand blacks. Yet not one of these screaming HA libtard whites would take a Trayvon Martin looking guy into their house and feed him and give him a roof over his head.
Cry Puddy a river. Since the Fulton/Martin lawyers all said this trial wasn’t about race, leftists pinhead commentators and Obummer are making it about race. Obummer speaks he wants a color blind society, yet reminds everyone every day he’s black. Then, when others decry the race baiting Obummer commentary; left wrong libtard rags like Stinky Progressives attack those who call Obummer on his forked tongue experience.
And of course the satanic legion that lives in the mind of Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit appears right on cue! Everyone knows a Trayvon Martin looking person would be met with disdain if they showed up at the door of Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit.
More pathetic libtard thought… You’d think Stinky Progressives would cover this? HELL NO!
There you have it! Blacks must stay on the reservation even though DUMMOCRAPTS offer nothing new for solutions!
Strange… where is the running Obummer commentary over all the young black men and boys deaths in Chicago during the 16 months of this investigation and trial? When you know where to go you visit it regularly… So useless HA unemployed ASSHole, here is another site to chronicle from Puddy!
So during the Zimmerman trial this happened JUST IN CHICAGO… mayored by Rahmbo Deadfish Emanuel… never let a crisis go to waste!
43 black males were killed.
9 black females were killed.
52 total blacks were killed!
The telling statistic… 7 who were killed were children under the age of 18. How did they die? The vast majority by gunshot wounds.
Now we read every day how Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit blames this on Republican gun policies… You see HA lunatic libtards… Chicago passes and passes and passes and continue to pass “tough” new gun laws and blacks continue to get murdered and murdered and murdered and the libtard rags like Stinky Progressives will not cover it.
And one can view the number of blacks who died in Chicago during the 16 months from the Trayvon shooting to the end of the trial…
here and here
Crickets chirp at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
It’s disturbing to read Puddy be one of the haters, no better than the racist conservatives. I wonder what happened in his life to hurt him so bad? I feel such pity for him.
@6. from the icons, it’s a majority of black people who don’t agree with Cosby or Barkley.
Is puddy’s logic, that because people are still dying in Chicago, we would give a free pass to the killer of Travon Martin?
Any time something happens that truly yanks the wingbaggers’ cranks, Puddy can be relied upon to step up and honor Horse’s Ass with one of his unique outpourings of cerebral vomit. How blessed we truly are!
9)I barely remember the race of the person who mugged me, since it has been almost ten years ago. He was of the Human Race, ethnicity, don’t remember. It was at 5AM in January.
Enlighten us Piddles.
Under what rationale does Zimmerman decide that Trayvon does not have the right to walk down the street on the sidewalk in Zimmerman’s neighborhood? Why is a teen chatting on a cell phone while walking arouse suspicion and the sense that he must be followed?
Be honest in your response. In your life experience, why did Zimmerman decide Trayvon was a suspect?
@8 Do you care that President Obama said this?
Probably not. Nothing the President can say or do is good enough for puddy.
The GOP had the black vote in their pocket from the end of the Civil War to the start of the Great Depression. They pretty much controlled the federal government during that era. What did they do for blacks? Bupkis.
Kiss my ass, Pudwiper. Tell us how electing fascist fuck wingnuts will change things for the better for the black community.
This is a white problem (us), not a partisan one.
@5 “Yet not one of these screaming HA libtard whites would take a Trayvon Martin looking guy into their house and feed him and give him a roof over his head.”
Did you?
@6 Black voters like our party better than your party by a factor of 9-to-1. It takes real effort to earn that much rejection.
@7,8 “How did they die? The vast majority by gunshot wounds.”
And which gang of ideologues believes guns are an entitlement and nobody should be required to prove they’re sane to get them? As long as people like you insist on arming people like this
you’re in no position to preach about murder and mayhem.
@11 Yeah, something like that, apparently.
Wrong again Fascist Pigsty. Puddy doesn’t look at race like libtards do. If Puddy did then Obummer is white because his mother is white!
Sux to be you!
Reservation lovers! Ignorant and haven’t seen the world!
See ya!
Puddy doesn’t do your tiny urls Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit!
This is a free country Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit! Puddy will comment when and where Puddy wants!
Once again Fascist Pigsty made another of his useless canard associations.
It’s Trayvon, moron!
And if the Florida Attorney General went for manslaughter instead 2nd degree murder Zimmerman would have been convicted. Corey and her minions blew it and you leftards can’t accept it.
The killing in Chicago been going on for years.
Been electing fascist left fuck wingnuts since 1960.
Nuff said sucka!
Puddy asked you first Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit!
What’s your answer Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit?
@21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 No answer from obsessed troll. No Answer. Has no answer ’cause it cuts a little too close.
Why did George Zimerman see a threat and not a teenager walking down the street on his phone? What was it about Trayvon that seemed out of place?
Turning in too late tonight.. Yawwwwwwn…
Oh my the fiend is all f’d up in the head as usual..
Hey fiend. Gotta a rec for “date night” with the old lady..
Check out Upstream Color..
Then afterwards open the good book and contemplate Matthew 8:28-34.. More edifying than your typical Sat Night hate fests..
Obsessed with identifying the moronic and latent nature of HA libtards.
Recent break-ins in the neighborhood.
Why didn’t Trayvon answer the two questions heard by Rachel Jeantel and tell George he was going to his father’s girlfriends house who lived in the development? Instead Trayvon went violent. Why did Trayvon decide to confront George with his Seems he threw a few punches.fist?
Notice checkmate won’t discuss the Chicago crime statistics. Nope. Just focus on the Zimmerman/Martin encounter instead of all those Puddy identified as black on black crime in just ONE city!
Looking in the mirror again useless unemployed idiot?
Came back… Notice in #14 checkmate didn’t answer the question Puddy directed at everyone but posed to the SENILE one… Why won’t checkmate answer that question either? If fact no HA libtard would answer that question!
Puddy knows why! The same reasons these libtards are all up in arms about George Zimmerman!
It’s already been stated.
Puddylogic…because violence exists in one place, one shouldn’t care about violence in another.
Puddylogic 2:
Because one doesn’t respond to an attempt at changing the subject, one doesn’t care about the smokescreen subject.
Interesting who agrees with President Obama’s speech on race yesterday. Zimmermann’s brother.
The President also said the Jury has spoken.
All you are doing is proving your kind are savages.
By Proud of His ASS?
What do you think ya moron? You always let others speak for you?
If the lawyers and the Fulton/Martin family claim it’s not about race then why make it about race?
Plain and simple. If we want a colorless society then y’all need to make it so. Y’all control the media. What’s in your mind checkmate? Hatred, PURE and SIMPLE!