President Barack Obama this morning officially introduced former WA Gov. Gary Locke as his third (and presumably final) pick for Commerce Secretary:
“I’m sure it’s not lost on anyone that we’ve tried this a couple of times,” Mr. Obama said while introducing Locke at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. “But I’m a big believer in keeping at something until you get it right. And Gary is the right man for this job.”
I don’t know anybody who doesn’t think this will be an easy confirmation, and that Locke is clearly qualified for the job.
Anyone. Quick. Off the top of your head. Name the last three Secretaries of Commerce.
And with that, I rest my case.
“But I’m a big believer in keeping at something until you get it right.”
We knew he had no idea how to run the country being a community organizer as his only job.
You sheep voted for what, I’ll keep trying until I get it right! HahaHa
@2: You’ll recall that Bush had a different strategy: get it wrong the first time and just insist that it was right.
Thankfully, Goldy, you don’t know (the odious) Michelle Malkin. She thinks she has dirt on Locke from a few discredited 10-year-old accusations.
Quick…off the top of your head. Name the last three postings by “Troll” that had any significance to anyone but him!
@2: Hahahaha
Obama is so much more competent, honest, a better speaker and more organized thatn the incompetent Bush. Really, your petty divisive comments show what a small minded fool you are.
Guess you loved the record budget deficits of Bush?
Guess you loved the perfomance of “Brownie” during Katrina?
Guess you loved the Abramoff-laden republican corruption machine?
Speaking of sheep – when will you stop bleating? Or do you have more in mind for that sheep?
Locke’s first challenge in his new position may be searching for any Commerce to be Secretary of.
@5: Tough question, Troll has made so many trenchant observations….’cept I can’t really think of any.
Of course, I find it hard to remember many of the incompetents that Bush had in any cabinet posts. Gonzalez stands out (as an incompetent fool) and Dirk Kempthorne – another idiot.
“The Truth” provides endless amusement. It fails to recognize the irony of labeling progressives as sheep when it can’t even draw breath in the morning without taking orders from Rush Limbaugh. Thinking independently is not “The Truth’s” forte.
We know you miss President Bush as you guys have a jerk in the white house you can’t defend.
Besides, what your saying has nothing to do with your messiah can we stick to the subject of obama? He can’t get anything right and has done nothing.
“The Truth”…
That’s a moniker, I presume, in the well-worn tradition of calling Kareem Abdul-Jabbar “Shorty” or Cass Elliot “Slim”.
At least “Troll” earns some props for truth in advertising.
I like Gary Locke…he has been a pro-business kind of Governor & fiscally responsible (as opposed to the current FUBAR Governor).
However, Locke can expect a pretty grueling confirmation process because of some of the issues Malkin has raised. Just because you hate Malkin, doesn’t mean there aren’t some legitimate questions in her pile.
I do hope that Gary has paid his taxes.
Perhaps this is yet another example of our Savior Obama forcing Americans to pay their taxes….ONE NOMINEE AT A TIME!
I’m not exactly sure what specifically the Commerce Secretary can accomplish other than try and take credit for things that happen naturally in the economy.
Oh hummmm same old garbage he’s your guy you voted for it. You won, now try to defend him.
You gals can’t so you attack like wild rats.
Pretty sad what you hoped for you didn’t get.
” Or do you have more in mind for that sheep?”
What the heck are you trying to say?
You gals are funny!
Great post I’m still laughing, From not defending obama to Rush…..
Listen, if you don’t understand what I said, calling you “dumb as a post” would be an insult to posts.
Lock was a good Gov. he did what was right for the state not for his party.
Obama doesn’t need to be defended. He is doing an outstanding job as president and has the vast majority of the nation behind him cheering him on. The only citizens rooting against him are Republicans in Congress and the delusional Right (by the way, you are a member of that category). Screaming loudly doesn’t make you relevant, dumbfuck.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Hit a raw nerve !!!!!
You still believe in the tooth fairy too.
Great post only proves not one of you can defend the guy. What has he done except talk with no meaning.
Your ending word says more than any other words you tried to say.
For playing.
As a state worker, I wasn’t a huge fan of Locke. He let this fat layer of middle and upper management get even fatter (and more useless) during his time in office.
But he is a native son of Seattle, so that is good.
It’s worth noting that with Locke’s appointment, Washington State will have two cabinet level positions (Commerce and Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowskie as Drug Czar) and a major sub-cabinet position (Sims as Deputy Secretary of HUD). Along with Patty Murray that’s a lot of firepower for a single mid-sized state.
And regarding Malkin’s purported dirt — having worked directly for Locke when he was running for County Executive in the early 90’s, I can’t imagine there is anything negative of significance to weigh against him. He is something of a boy scout, with all the good and bad that implies.
Sorry, guy. You couldn’t hit a raw nerve with a shotgun. Obama needs no defense. He is doing an outstanding job. That’s the point. If your views reflect those of the Republican Party, you dimwits will be wandering in the political wilderness for the next generation. You are unpatriotic as hell to be rooting against Obama at this time. The nation is in crisis and all you can do is scream shrill partisan nonsense. Keep it up, dude. I love seeing you guys with no dog in the fight.
“Sorry, guy. You couldn’t hit a raw nerve with a shotgun”
This says a lot about your body structure which I have no need to know.
“You are unpatriotic as hell to be rooting against Obama at this time. The nation is in crisis and all you can do is scream shrill partisan nonsense. Keep it up, dude. I love seeing you guys with no dog in the fight.”
I love my country, obama’s policy’s is the problem and if that means I have to support his policy’s to be Patriot I will not and it’s not American in doing so.. Your talking about a socialist country where we have to say yes,yes, You can drop dead dude.
Your a kick dude I’m still laughing.
And The Liar is in fine form today. What a useless little punk. I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm in irrelevance for the next 50 years, since nobody’s ever, EVER going to buy the bullshit you and your masters pulled on the world.
You HA’s are pathetic if being a Republican means nothing to you guys then why are you continuing saying the same garbage over and over again. Even though you won the election YES you WON!
The only explanation to all your postings is buyers remorse.
Hey we warned you.
@21 “But he is a native son of Seattle, so that is good.”
He’s yet another Franklin HS classmate of mine who’s done quite well.
The only pathetic one here is you, Liar.
Enjoy your irrelevance! Either that, or go kill yourself, fucknut.
Compassion from the left is shinning again.
Makes you feel like a real man using those words.
You must pee in bed at night being an insecure liberal.
go kill my self? nice thoughts bud.
You guys must be proud of your Buddie….