With 462 of 627 precincts reporting, the AP has called it: Kathy Hochul (D) beats Jane Corwin (R).
Current tally is 48% Hochul (D) and 42% Corwin (R).
Update: President congratulates Hochul:
“I want to extend my congratulations to Congresswoman-elect Kathy Hochul for her victory in New York’s 26th Congressional District. Kathy and I both believe that we need to create jobs, grow our economy, and reduce the deficit in order to outcompete other nations and win the future. Kathy has shown, through her victory and throughout her career, that she will fight for the families and businesses in western New York, and I look forward to working with her when she gets to Washington.”
The Seniors have spoken, “We were bamboozled! It’s the Democrats who care about our interests.”
Medicare for Seniors, Medicaid for the poor and one day soon..
Jack Kemp – sorry it’s a new world down here on Planet Earth.
Thank you Paul Ryan.
Next stop: the vote in the Senate on the Ryan bill.
Randroid Ryan was talking about LEADERSHIP… The American people want LEADERSHIP. “We’ll move the polls!”, he said.
Yeah – the Republicans want to “lead” Grandma and Grandpa off a cliff.
And the polls that matter have turned the thumbs down on that Randroid bullshit.
After the battering the Newt took for having called the Ryan plan what it is, can any of the R leadership afford to back away from it?
I think not.
All the Rs in the House except for 4 voted for the Ryan express. Now they will have that albatross around their necks come 2012.
Saruff Hairspray. He must be shitting his pants.
Man is it going to be interesting to see those dopes spin away from their votes!
Pssst GOPers: You lost because your guy wasn’t “conservative enough”. Bwa Ha ha.
What a choice those turds have.
Turn away from the Ryan disaster and be torn apart by Rush and Fox and “Friends.” Or not and be torn apart at the polls.
There must have been some weird cult around Ryan in right wing bizarro land. I fondly remember Mr. Klynical Klown waxing romantic about him.
Now they’ll drop him like a load in their collective shorts.
Can’t wait to see it.
I also remember one time surfing the AM dial and hearing Ryan on the Beck show.
After Ryan hung up, Beck went into his beatific “he gets it” song.
It’s how a cult or a mass hallucination forms I guess.
Last November must seem like a long fucking time ago to these stupid Republicans. Good Lord, did the Republicans ever blow it. Didn’t those dumbfucks notice all those old people at teabagger events with signs saying “Don’t Fuck With My Medicare!”?? Amazingly, it took less than six months for Republicans to fucking blow it all to hell. Well, they can just forget about 2012 and their Randroid dreams of Grandma wandering the streets with the medical equivalent of foodstamps, begging for adequate healthcare. That realization has gotta really suck for Republicans. heh- Even Diebold can’t save them now.
Called it at 4:55pm @61 downstairs on the open thread.
Repeating – Suk it Paul Ryan!
“After Ryan hung up, Beck went into his beatific “he gets it” song.”
The voters are being heard today. They’re the ones who “get it”. People voting their interests. Nothing could scare Republicans more than that. heh- They’re probably already scheming up ways to suppress Grandma’s vote.
13 – I thought you were calling it a bit early but call it right you did.
Here’s a blast from the past:
14 – Absolutely. Like the Rachel Maddow clip in the other thread points out – the new Republican vote suppression law in WI immediately renders 20 percent of the voters in WI unable to vote.
Student ID is acceptable only NONE of the current Student ID in WI meets the requirement of the new law.
BIIIIG mistake people buying the bullshit of Republicans in 2010.
Looks like the people have spoken on the GOP’s budget plans. Republicans promised jobs, and when they got in, tried to take away Medicare.
@9 The lions are laughing tonight!
@10 Ryan has already decided not to run for the open Senate seat in Wisconsin. That should tell you something.
Medicare for all is by far the simplest way to implement single payer healthcare. And it would save us a bunch of money. We pay twice as much as any other civilized country for our health care, and we get fucking lousy expensive care that leaves millions uncovered.
The rethugs thought they had a mandate in the last election, when in reality they were playing footsie in the mens bathroom stall. Mandate indeed! They are so bloody stupid that they believe their own lies. Delusional. They are sinking with Ryan’s curse hung around their neck like an anvil.
I count 14 times Mr. Klynical Klown went stupid over Randroid Ryan. Here’s the one I post after he makes the mistake of coming back here:
I foresee Democrats winning all 9 of Wisconsin’s legislative recall elections on July 12.
Someone call??
Hey Marvie! Long time no see, you ol’ goat fucker you.
What do you think of Ryan’s chances in the next election? He’s convinced he can change the polls, you know.
My bad. Ryan did change the polls. Right in the voting booths in NY 26. Way to go Ryan!
@23 – Greetings from Torrance perhaps?
Shit! Pasadena? From a Mac??
Must be hangin’ with the girlfriend eh Marviepoo?
Good to see you! You owned yelling loser boy all those years. It was so SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!
28 – ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzz.. Yawwwwn. In your dreams maybe.. Like the losing Ryan plan was a dream of the pathetic KLOWN.
Yes you are a snore bore!
You have the databaze moron. All the evidence of being PWNED is at your own house. Check it out. I order you too. Otherwise everyone will know how much of a bwaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaak you are.
PROVE IT OTHERWISE. Marvin PWNED your silly ASS year after year.
You are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
Mr. Cyniklown’s cabana boy.
Didn’t take long for the rethuglicant’s to wear out their welcome.
Hey fool @ 28 – No comment I see on the right wing idiot comparing the “blackness” of Obama and Cain. He insults Obama’s heritage but I bet he’d make an exception for your jewish heritage.
He wouldn’t find that “comical” – you both drink the same “Kook” aid..
Shit that’s the right wing way!
ButttPutty is so funny. Who does he think he’s fooling? Must be himself. Or maybe his latest replacement goat.
30 – zzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzz…
I don’t do your bidding moron..
If you got a chip on your shoulder over something you hallucinated, make your own stupid case.
Meanwhile, ButtPutty is still not spinning NY 26 as a rethug victory.
What’s wrong, ButtPutty? A goat bit your dick? Again?
It all started with the Reporter pretending to be David Koch calling Walker. The troops were all riled up before Ryan peed all over the 55 and under crowd. Now we’re mobilized.
Obama Landslide. Dems pick up Senate seats. Dems take back the House.
I said it here first.
Wow — McCain carried NY 26 with 56% of the vote in 2008 — which makes it a very heavily Republican district by New York standards! Way to go Ryan! Keep it up, and you are well on your way to becoming ranking minority member on the House budget committee!
Maybe 2012 will finally be the year to bounce Reichert out of office? And if we are doubly lucky, to keep the Governor’s Mansion out of McKenna’s hand?
Almost a repeat of the NY-23rd Special Election in 2009, although I wonder which one they will lose in re-deistricting. We gained our 10th, NY lost 2. In New York, the Conservative Party usually cross-endorses with the GOP candidate, but their stand-alone candidate and GOP infighting in the 23rd, led to that election loss. I heard the 26th was once Jack Kemp’s District, but did this one also include any part of the GOP’s Vice Presidential standard-bearer from 1964’s district?
It’s one district, lads and lassies. A national trend, it doesn’t portend. There is much work to do. I was just in small town upstate NY for a few days. I liked the letters to the local paper in a congressional district represented by an R. But, labor needs a helluva lot of support. Obama needs to be pushed in that direction. This country is left-center, not center-right, despite what the media says. Let’s quit playing to the right’s nonsense and tell it like it is.
Bob Beckel, left-wing mouthpiece, predicts Republicans gain the US Senate in 2012. What are y’all smoking besides ekim’s buttcrack that has some goat liquids running out of it?
Now why won’t yelling lost boy visit his databaze to disprove my point? Because he knows Marvin PWNED is silly ASS for years.
He’s afraid peeps will remember another conservative DESTROYING his fecklessness.
You are like a volcanic eruption. A whole bunch of smoke, ash and clouds. But when the dust settles, all that is left is empty hot air.
Wonder how Herrera down in the WA-03 is feeling this morning?
Do you think that maybe a few prospective Democratic candidates are calling donors? Or maybe prospective donors are calling them?
And speaking of elections, who’s running against Cantwell? Dino? Dino?? Dino???
Gosh you morons the Tea Party candidate in NY-26 siphoned off votes from the Republican candidate. Both non-DUMMOCRAPTIC candidates outpolled your candidate. Gotta love how the leftist dummies look at elections. She lost the overall TOTAL vote. Wait that was your attack against GWBush remember?
Remember y’all were giddy screaming over the John Murtha 12th congressional district special election last May 2010 in Pennsylvania. 2012 will be a referendum on the president; all elections with an incumbent president are you leftist morons. As 2012 looms big in the future; if unemployment is above 9% and this country is still in malaise, real Americans gonna vote for Obummer?
Nope you Dopes!
“Butt no one over 55 is affected” is the Republican response over their so-called Medicare reform.
As one who’s 53 I’ve paid into medicare all of my working life. I want it there when I retire.
Way to go ButtPutty! I knew you could do it! You have managed to spin NY 26 as a Republicorp win.
But I do have one question, though. How do you spin your Republicorp candidate loosing her 20 point lead when she endorsed the Paul Ryan grand scheme to screw Medicare? She had it in the bag until then. Then she tanked. Not enough campaign money? After all, she only had 3 times as much as everyone else combined.
Like I thought. No links to back up his bullshit.
The quote above is just another way of saying: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the biggest dope (according to deborah) of all:
YLB, ButtPutty is not paid for quality, just quantity. That reminds me…
Hey ButtPutty, how much does it pay to be a Koch whore? I guess it must be hard for you to land an honest job. Either you put Koch whore on your job application and not get hired or lie about it and get fired for cause.
@37 You’re missing the bigger picture. America just became a one-party country. The GOP just committed its final act of self-destruction.
Even though I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, that doesn’t mean I march in lockstep with Democrats. When they’re wrong I criticize them.
There’s a movement among Democratic legislators across the country to legislate higher housing prices by trying to pass laws ordering real estate appraisers to ignore foreclosure sales, even where foreclosures are the entire market.
Let’s skip over the fact these bills violate federal law and get to the heart of the matter: Legislatures can’t dictate market prices; all they can do is order appraisers to lie to the public about what market valuations are, and that’s both morally wrong and very bad policy.
“Leaving aside the question of whether these laws could be worded so they wouldn’t conflict with federal rules, appraisers say there’s also a serious logistical problem: In some parts of the country, the only houses selling are foreclosures. A law that excludes these would give appraisers no way to determine a home’s value. But in some places, it’s not only that, but downright ludicrous:
“In Sedona, Ariz., for example, only two out of about 1,000 sales last year were not distressed properties, says Richard Hagar, owner of American Home Appraisals in Mercer Island, Wash.”
Note, although this article doesn’t identify the party affiliation of the legislators it names, I looked them up, and they’re both Democrats.
Roger Rabbit Commentary? Yeah, I have one — this silliness needs to end, and the sooner the better.
While it’s true that the Tea Party candidate siphoned off 7% of the vote, it is important to note that the Republican Party is so fractured and off-center that 7% of those who would normally vote Republican don’t think that a candidate who endorses the eventual disembowelment of Medicare is right-wing enough for their tastes.
At this point, I’m not worried.
If this were a normal political cycle, the traditional Republicans would recognize that they had gone too far and back off a bit so they could appeal more to the center. (Maybe not in reality, but at least in appearance). Also, the Tea Party folks would get a lecture about how this ended up being a disaster for their cause, and they would end up joining back with the mainstream Republicans for the next election. Kind of like the Democrats did to the Green Party folks after the 2000 disaster.
But this isn’t a normal political cycle, and the Tea Party folks are just way to crazy to meld back in to the established Republican Party. Instead, they will argue that the Republicans just weren’t crazy enough, and fight even harder. Like Didlier did to Rossi here in Washington State.
Democrats used to complain that they didn’t really belong to an organized political party (repeating the old humorist’s Will Rogers joke). But now it’s the Republicans who can’t exercise any party discipline. Well, they let the Tea Party folks out of the bag, and they are finding it a lot harder to put it back into the bag now that it’s tasted a bit of power.
I’m getting ready to empty my stock portfolio — basically sell everything — because it’s becoming clearer by the day that Republicans are going to force a Treasury default and trigger a massive financial market crash.
“Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that new revenues need to be part of any agreement with Republicans on legislation to raise the limit on how much money the government can borrow to continue to meet its obligations. …
“‘Tax increases are not going to be something that we’ll support,’ said Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, who’s representing House Republicans in the talks.”
Republicans have talked themselves into believing that cutting taxes for the very rich creates jobs and increases federal revenues, even though we now have 30 years of empirical evidence to the contrary. And they’re not backing off. To the contrary, they’re determined to reduce taxes to zero.
I’ve been a lawyer for a long time now — almost 40 years — and I learned long ago that you can’t negotiate with insane people. You have only two options: Institutionalize them, or dump them on the curb and live with a bunch of crazy street people. Since we can’t afford institutions anymore, we dumped them on the streets and a lot of those crazy street people eventually ended up in Congress.
I think this will work out okay in the end, at least for rabbits like me. Most of the U.S. public debt is owned by Chinese commies, Arab oil sheikhs, and billionaires. I don’t mind if they lose their shirts. But the thing I like best about the unfolding scenario is this:
1. The Fed’s policy of keeping interest rates at zero and printing electronic money has driven capitalists into stocks and created a bubble in the stock market, so I can now sell my stocks at inflated prices.
2. When the government defaults on the national debt, the financial markets will panic and dump stocks, and I’ll be able to buy back my stocks for something like 30 to 50 cents on the dollar.
3. After the panic subsides, and investors regain their senses and footing, bonds and debt paper of all kinds will be shunned for years (perhaps decades, even generations) to come, and capital will flow back into stocks again because there’ll be no place else for it to go, and I’ll be able to sell the stocks I bought for a song at the trough of the panic for $1.50 to $2.00 on the dollar.
What it all adds up to is that I can quadruple my money in a few months.
THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!! I wish everyone was as stupid as you.
Don’t worry, fellow liberals, even though the rich have looted the middle class, they’re about to give all the stolen money back to us, not only with interest but also with a tidy profit to boot.
They’re also going to give us the 2012 presidential election on a silver platter.
“A top goal of the nation’s most influential national Tea Party group is to stop Mitt Romney from winning the Republican nomination for president.”
The one guy they’ve got who has a ghost of a chance of unseating Obama … and what do the wingnuts do? They’re gonna expend all their political and financial campaign capital taking him out!!!!
Federal regulators have initiated legal action against commodity traders who allegedly illegally manipulated oil markets.
Silver’s at what? High 30’s still? The poor man’s gold.
I guess any rise in precious metals means more stocks for people who believe in putting their to money to work doing halfway useful things.
LMFAO at the Palin Bio-film, “The Undefeated”!!
heh- That’d be like calling the Seahawks Superbowl hi-lite film “The Undefeated”. That is, it would be if the Seahawks had quit and didn’t show up to play the second half.
RR: NPR last evening had a fellow on who said that the profits made by corporations last year was excessivly disproportionate to wages and GDP. He said that whenever that happens, the corporations find that their customer base (wage earners) can’t afford to buy their products at a rate sufficient to keep fueling their profits, so the bubble collapses. He said that the current rate has been reached only two times in modern American history: 1929 and 2008. Of course, both times resulted in a dramatic economic collapse.
He said some economists hold out hope that overseas consumer demand could help keep corporate profits up, but he was skeptical of people who argue that “the old rules don’t apply anymore”.
So you might be right, Roger, regardless of what happens on the budget. Obama has been making concessions on the grounds that you can’t play chicken with a crazy person, but we are beyond that point right now.
Right now, polls show that Obama’s got the edge in any presidential match-up.
But it’s pretty sorry that a political party would intentionally crash the U.S. economy just in the hopes of winning the next election. Republicans put on a good face at being patriotic, but they are just a bunch of selfish bastards.
How much deviously twisted advertising will it take to convince people that Medicare is bad for them, but good for senators and congressmen.
Republican Patriotism = sending someone elses’ sons and dughters to fight their wars.
But, to be fair, it can be stressful for a Republican politician to stand on a dais and blather about patriotism.
Paul Ryan: A case study of the Randian “Virtue of Selfishness”
How a political party can most effectively shoot itself in its collective foot: Accuse the other side of “pulling the plug on Grandma”, and then try to pull the plug on Grandma.
@62 It’s hard to believe just how completely they blew it. It’s a huge political blunder – a political game changer. They defined the new paradigm by their own incompetence – it’s now clearly the Randroids versus the rest of us. They’ll likely learn the hard way that politics makes for strange bedfellows.
As for 2012? You can forget about it, Randroids. Ya blew it.
You have to ask: why would the Republicans take on Medicaid? It’s an immensly popular program, and like Social Security it is generally considered a “third rail” in politics – touch it and you die.
I can only guess. Perhaps they had their heads stuffed so far in the sand that they thought the echo of their own thoughts about Medicare being “socialism” was a chorus of voter support. Or perhaps they realized that their disasterous handling of the economy was putting Medicare funding in jeapordy, and they wanted to find a way to cut it (blame the increases on somebody else) before it became an obvious issue that taxes were going to have to be raised.
Of maybe they were just being stupid. After all, they had repeatedly talked a fair number of American taxpayers to vote against their own interests, and just figured they could do so again.
So even IF the Tea Party nutbag wasn’t in there and his votes went to the Republican, they might have won 51% to 48%…which still makes the point. You can’t get as far away from what the public wants as the Republicans are doing and get elected.
@10 I probably shouldn’t admit it, but I’ve come to miss Cynical more every time Puddy staggers in here and spouts his increasingly incoherent delusions.
@66 I miss the ol’ sheep fucker’s rantings too. Where did he go? Maybe he would come back if we promised to not be so mean to him. After all, what he does with his sheep in his own sheep pen is his business. (And his neighbors’ business if he is over fucking their sheep again.)
Maybe Cynical was prematurely Raptured by a sheep kicking him in the head.
Hey you other trolls! Do you know where Cynical’s gone? Has he been making it to your goat parties?
That is my created quote you moron yelling lost boy.
Links? For what? LMBBAO!
The DUMMOCRAPT in NY-26 scared seniors. This loon leftist said she isn’t gonna do nothing in Medicare. Yet we all see Obummer is stealing $500 Billion from Medicare to “fund” ObummerCare.
Republicans usually lose special elections because there are two Republican/Conservative candidates in each election. When it’s a 1:1 election race we’ll see.
Nope you goat-fucking dope. Listen to what William Jefferson Clinton told Paul Ryan about Medicare. Even Clinton gets it. Yet the HA goat-fucker ekim is a continual factless moron!
Jack Davis funded his own campaign. It looks like he siphoned off more votes than Hochul’s margin of victory. And… goat butthead ekim… The Hochul’s campaign ads had a bunch of lies…
1) They displayed “Republicans” burning old peopl’s Medicare Cards – LIE
2) They told old people their Medicare benefits would IMMEDIATELY disappear under Ryan’s plan. – LIE
3) They told the lie to old people of Paul Ryan throwing Granny off a cliff. – LIE
How do you know a DUMMOCRAPT is lying? What a DNC or DNCC or DNSC or a DUMMOCRAPT led C-Street commercial.
Don’t forget to google “right wing slut” gang!
No…it won’t be the puddybitch (who is LYING HIS ASS OFF )
Don’t forget to google “right wing slut” gang!
No…it won’t be the puddybitch (who is LYING HIS ASS OFF )
ekim the goatsee and facts… ekim can’t understand facts.
PROVE IT in this thread of NY-26 rujaxdipshithead!
Oh yeah still waiting for the proof in the Pawlenty thread!
Don’t forget to google “right wing slut” gang!
No…it won’t be the puddybitch (who is LYING HIS ASS OFF about the Ryan Budget and Medicare and will BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY for all the LYING he does here. Shame on the puddybitch.)…but it will be fun! And Helpful!!!
Thanks Ed!!!!
YOU prove it jackass…I’m not your research assistant (as the rabbit so succinctly put it).
OH…the puddybitch “who don’t take no orders from YOU” thinks I need to look shit up for HIM????
Funny asshole. Really funny.
No links… can’t prove jackshit!
therefore rujaxdipshithead is lying again…
Yeah a libtardo moron with no ratings Ed Schultz can call a conservative woman a slut and you love it rujaxdipshithead. Ed, a flame that draws useless insects like rujaxdipshithead to him.
Classy rujaxdipshithead. That must be how you address women in your family eh mofo?
P R I C E L E S S!
Why this dumbass is wasting time defending a worthless bitch like Laura Schlesinger…who was so hateful she was FIRED as a talk-radio blathermouth…
…fuck, it’s the puddybitch. Whatever.
My oh my… rujaxdipshithead it was Laura Ingraham. Da dumb cinder block rujaxdipshithead doesn’t read his own links. BTW Laura Schlesinger retired from radio ya moron!
Looks like PMSNBC suspended Ed for a week. Seems the HA dipshithead likes vile leftist pinheads. Well you tend to sink to the lowest common denominator, and rujaxdipshithead is at the Mariana Trench level now. I propose rujaxdipshithead should be suspended for two weeks, one week for each offense:
1) Cheerleading Ed on his slut use Classy rujaxdipshithead. That must be how you address women in your family eh mofo?
2) Getting the two Laura’s mixed up.
Remember this Schultz called Chris Christie a fat slob last fall.
Hey Darryl, ya gonna use Sgt Schultz in the Friday Night Funny Pages?
Ed Schultz, a flame that draws useless insects like rujaxdipshithead to him.
Speaking of NY-26 and scaring seniors with lies,
Looks like AARP is getting an ObummerCare exemption. From Fed records AARP spent $121 million in ObummerCare advertising and paid Washington lobbyists $millions more for scaring old people with their lies.
Guess it pays to be in Obummer’s circlejerk of Mediscare friends
Why don’t the Randroids just “go Galt”, like Puddybud’s right wing goddess Michelle Malkins says? Doesn’t that mean disappear?
Who the F needs them?
This is what “Dr. Laura” got fired for…a rant containing the “n” word. ‘Course a tom like the puddybitch doesn’t care what the white overlords really think of him, as long as the crumbs keep falling from the table.
Does the puddybitch let people talk about his family like that…
N.B. OH…and before suckasucka starts going of on Media Matters…they just lift actual quotes and airbites…not edited like that phony Breitbart asshole the puddybitch likes so much.
Here’s the puddybitch’s second favorite right wing slut in action:
That’s just a partial list…this one just goes onandonandonandonandonandonandon…(hmmm…kind of like the puddybitch
Well, they are both right-wing sluts and throw them in with Malkin and Coulter and who really can tell the difference. Odious…ALL of them.
He’s not???
You’ll get a steady diet of Ed and Cenk…it’s so much fun to watch you pop off.
See ya Sucka….KA-Blammo!!!!
Awwww.. Poor Puddybud. We’ll I’ll defer to the Bard in response. To paraphrase:
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Good to see another leftist pinhead like rujaxdipshithead denigrating women. You are a misogynist pig rujaxdipshithead.
Poor rujaxdipshithead doesn’t understand a woman picking on a woman is acceptable even when it seems despicable. Witness Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Joy Behar and Andrea Mitchell all attacked Sarah Palin this year. But rujaxdipshithead cheers a man calling a woman a slut. And rujaxdipshithead cheered all of this on too!
Now onto Dr Schlessinger. Dr Laura’s show was produced and distributed by her own company, Take on the Day. So how COULD SHE BE FIRED YOU STUPID MORON rujaxdipshithead? Reading Media Morons delivers the HA moron rujaxdipshithead !
Schultz was contrite and admitted he embarrassed his wife and apologized for his actions. rujaxdipshithead the loony leftist misogynist doesn’t give a damn what he does behind his wife’s back!
rujaxdipshithead, stupid yesterday, stupid today and guaranteed to be stupid tomorrow and the future!
LMBBAO! EPIC FAYLE! Ed, a flame that draws useless insects like rujaxdipshithead to him.
Classy rujaxdipshithead. That must be how you address women in your family eh mofo?
PWNED every day by Puddy!
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Can’t you have one original thought?
I have no problem standing on the shoulders of giants dumbass. Sir Isaac Newton did that too.
“Butt” your stupid ego won’t let you – so you end up being nothing but a giant TURD!
Your commentary is as a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, signifying RIGHT WING IDIOCY!
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[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
rujaxdipshithead – gets the wrong Laura, gets it wrong about the wrong Laura, then keeps calling Laura a slut.
A P R I C E L E S S dumb cinder block!