Talking Points Memo has picked up the story of Dino Rossi’s decision to continue headlining seminars teaching real estate speculators how to profit off of the foreclosure crisis. “It’s a strange strategy,” TPM points out, joining just about everybody else in scratching our collective head.
And NRSC spokesperson Brian Walsh’s response?
“Unless foreclosed properties are purchased don’t those properties stand vacant with no tax base coming into the local community, fewer families with roofs over their heads, and urban blight eventually resulting? Is that what the Democrats believe should happen? Or is their alternative policy that we resort to Communism, turn these properties into government housing and tell people where they should live?”
Really? He’s playing the commie card? That’s the best he can do? What a lazy douche-bag.
Oh, and by the way Brian, no, that’s not what happens when a property stands vacant. Somebody still owns the property, even if it’s the bank, and they still pay the property taxes. And as for urban blight, I’m not sure that’s much of a problem in the neighborhoods surrounding those $11 million waterfront homes Rossi is hawking.
No wonder the NRSC is getting it’s ass kicked this primary season.
“Brian, no, that’s not what happens when a property stands vacant”
Another option for foreclosed properties is for krazy wingnuts to squat on them and claim them as their own, as in Kirkland and other places.
Communist? That’s half-assed! Come on, study Glen Beck. The reference when you’re on the bad side of an argument is “Nazi”, not Communist. Communist is too soft. Watch master Glen on this. Everyone and everything you disagree with is a Nazi…and if ANYONE compares YOU to a Nazi, they’ve crossed some line and gone too far. LOL LOL LOL. God I love crazy people!
When you’re just making crap up, remember to use the CORRECT nonsense bullshit distracting reference. Leaving foreclosed properties alone and waiting for regular homeowners to buy them (not speculator “flippers” like Rossi) is like something the Nazi’s would do! Sure it doesn’t make sense, but calling everything you don’t like Communist or Nazi never does. It’s not supposed to…it’s just a distraction used by lazy people.
For the record, there’s nothing wrong with buying foreclosed properties. If that’s what Rossi wants to do for a business fine. It’s legal and perfectly good. It MIGHT be a bit politically bad in a very bad economy to be seen to be profiting on others misfortune. Legal? Sure! Politically tone deaf? Definitely.
Tone deaf Rossi.
It is real simple –
People are pissed because moneyed interests used their financial advantages to manipulate the financial system for personal gain at the expense of the hard working wage earners.
Yep, I agree. As I said before when the subject first came up on this forum, we NEED people buying foreclosed properties in order to prop up the “bottom floor” of the prices in the housing market. It would be nice if they were those who intended to reside in the homes, but if only investers are interested, so be it.
But it is a screwy move, politically. I can see the TV ad now…
You think Rossi will buy up Goldy’s property in 6 months?
He just might buy up Goldy’s property if he has no other commitments in six months, which is almost a sure bet.
rhp6033, I like your Murray ad.
But I am sure the Dems don’t have the balls to run something that hard hitting, even though it is true. It might hurt the fragile feelings of the Repubs, so the Dems will ignore Rossi’s unethical and unsavory history, just like they always have in the past.
Those ‘communists’ don’t know anything.
Race and the Foreclosure Crisis
The foreclosure crisis is a grand time for profit making.
The problem here is we are not really in touch with the vast majority of Americans who will be voting in 2010 and 2012. I understand taking shots at the Repukelicans, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. The President has a 41% Approval Rating with likely voters and this Strong Disapproval is very disconcerting.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21
I suppose we can joke with each other, but it isn’t going to do much good. We have a lot of angry people to convince the Democrats have the right formula for America and it isn’t happening. Instead, we are looking kind of foolish.
Any ideas on how to turn things around?
@10″ Good ideas begin with good facts. Using Ras data is fatally flawed.
It is abundantly clear that Ras, particularly in its tracking polls, is an egregious outlier. Ras is driving an R meme; it is part of the R messaging machine.
See the internals of presidential polling here. You can scan the table of abvailable polls and get the gist; deselecting Ras (via the filter button) flips the numbers:
Kos nails them (recently) here:
and here:
Jed Lewison destroys Ras’s credibility on tracking polls, here:
And Nate Silver, complete with cool (devastating for Ras) pics:
Ras is an integral support to daily GOP lying. Ras lying has been debunked numerous times here. Even Klynical has apparently stopped repeating Ras polls here.
Why are you? If it’s Ras, assume it’s a right wing lie to support right wing liers.
Well, we could point out that the Republicans were making pretty much the same arguments in 1934 that they are making now, and advocating a return to the unregulated way of doing things which had worked “so well” up until that little burp in 1929, they argued.
Of course, now you have Republicans trying to re-write history to argue that the economy of the Great Depression was doing just fine until FDR started screwing things up. I guess that’s why they hate public schools and public school teachers so much – they profit from a “dummed down” version of history which gives them a chance to fill in the blanks with their own fiction.
My mother would have collapsed in fits of hysterical laughter if she had heard such nonsense. She lived through the Depression, and she personally knew the local Republicans who were simply trying to make a profit of other’s misery, and how F.D.R. and the Democrats were making life better for everyone. Of course, she’ long dead now. And so are most of the others who were old enough during the Depression to remember the politics of that era. Modern Republicans such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc. are trying to profit off of their absence.
are those the same people (who had it not been for congress forcing the home loan industry to give money to people of questionable credit and income), who bought houses they could not afford – and who were too stupid to actually read the documents they were signing?
My comment at 11 is “awaiting moderation”. It’s links (re Ras polls to @10) with some comment so nothing obvious as to why. It’s a bit longish, but no cut n paste so no doubt about fair use. Hopefully someone will enlighten me as to what happened for future reference.
Uh oh, Chongo! wins @ # 12!!!!
He was first to respond (once again) with the allegation, repeatedly proven false by anyone caring to look at the actual details of the legislation and the foreclosure rates, to the effect that the banks were “forced” to make dangerous loans to minorities which caused the foreclosure crisis.
He also gets extra credit points for throwing in the race card a second time, implying that any minorities who lost their homes were too stupid to read the documents. Obviously, based on his implications, banks shouldn’t be giving home loans to minorities, as they are too stupid and irresponsible to handle them!
Way to go!!!! And come back often to play our “How Stupid and Rascist Can I Be” contest!
@10, @11 I might propose obtaining the rights to use Charles Bragg’s “The Night Nurse” (go look it up) with a caption about the GOP offering nothing more than another dose of the medicine that’s made America sick.
@12 “Chongo’s” chunder is just another example of the right’s thinly coded pandering to its racist base.
This one’s particularly lame. Even the banks themselves, for the most part, haven’t stooped to the “The devil made me do it!” defense.
If Rossi himself is shoveling out such misinformation to whoever’s paying to attend his seminars, they ought to demand their money back.
it has nothing to do with race…plenty of stupid white people are in the same boat.
I think you should examine your rather obvious inner racism.
When you have finished swallowing your own BS, along with gmans load, perhaps you can try and see through the political BS.
or perhaps you cant….
@12 Uh oh, Chongo 06/18/2010 at 1:48 pm,
What did the article or the study whose findings it was reporting say?
# 18: Your post at # 12 specifically refers back to the post @ # 9 for context, which in turn specifically discusses the effects of foreclosure rates upon the black community. You responded by implying, in effect, that it was their own fault.
Although your attempt to backtrack is rather expected. Kind of like the Texas Representative yesterday who specifically apologized to BP, then a few hours later after being taken to the woodshed by party leadership, apologized generally if his comments were “misconstured”.
No misconstruction here. We heard your intended message. You just thought that by not specifically saying “blacks”, you could wiggle out of it if someone called you on it.
I imply that anyone who does not read the loan documents is a dumbass…that goes along with people who make $30k a year who try and purchase $300,000 houses.
Other than that, you can take the racist claims and shove them up your ass, because I really dont give a flying fuck what a loser like you thinks.
You on the other hand, are the one who appears to have some race issues….perhaps you are hiding something?
“urban blight”, exclusive gated community blight, it’s all the same.
#22: Getting a little peevish, arn’t you? Trying to deflect the unwanted attention by using vulgarities and trying to attack the other person? It must suck to get busted when you are caught talking out of your nether-regions.
Seriously, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, but no serious facts at your disposable, only a repetition of right-wing talking points. Is school out for you this summer, and nobody will play with you?
And the housing crisis wasn’t caused by people making $30,000 buying $300,000 houses. That’s another one of the right-wing rumor mill that seeks to excuse the role of the banks, Wall Street, and the Bush administration in the collapse of the housing market, the mortgage markets, and the financial markets in general. It’s considerably more complicated than that.
The GOP is an entity that depends on people being stupid and ignorant. The problem for them is that, while there will always be stupid and ignorant people, more and more people are wising up and not buying the GOP swill anymore. There’s nothing like the failures of the Bush administration to wake people up to the gargantuan disconnect between what Republicans say and what they do.
@22 Given that you can’t buy a house in Seattle for less than $300,000, the obvious solution is to raise the wages of people making only $30,000. It seems to me that if someone works full-time, works hard at his or her job, and does the job right, those who do America’s work (while the rich stand around and “supervise”) deserve to live in their own house. Maybe you can justify houses costing $300,000 or more, but you can’t justify paying workers so little they can never have a home they’ll be able to call their own.
@22 Leave the unwitting buyers out of this. The economic crisis, pure and simple, was caused by real estate salesmen, appraisers, loan officers, mortgage brokers, banks, brokers, and Wall Street tycoons who intentionally wrote shaky mortgages and then repackaged and sold them to unsuspecting institutional buyers under conditions amounting to criminal fraud.
The takeaway from all this, of course, is that laissez faire capitalism doesn’t work; that unregulated markets destroy themselves; and that the housing and credit markets need rules and cops just like everything else does — all of which flew right over the heads of wingding idealogues like you who are still as clueless as ever.