The Northwest Progressive Institute (NPI) has been a strong voice in the progressive activist community in the Northwest for over seven years. One of their early projects was a set of tools for progressive bloggers that enabled them to connect, share ideas and information, and disseminate their work. In past years, they have put together a number of influential workshops that brought bloggers together and put bloggers in touch with politicians (I’ve attended a number of them). NPI has also been a strong, consistent voice against Tim “Biggest Lie of my Life” Eyman’s abuse of the initiative process in Washington.
On Thursday, April 28th, NPI is holding its Spring Fundraising Gala at the Community Center at Mercer View, 82346 SE 24th Street on Mercer Island (map). The reception begins at 6:30 PM and the main program begins at 7:15 PM.
This is your chance to hang out with other folks in the progressive community over a buffet dinner. There will be music by Don Mock. Featured speakers are Rep. Jay Inslee, State Rep. Reuven Carlyle, Timothy Ford, Peter Steinbrueck, and Scott Macklin. And Bob Ferguson will be the Master of Ceremonies.
You can find information about tickets and whatnot on the NPI web page.
“NPI has also been a strong, consistent voice against Tim “Biggest Lie of my Life” Eyman’s abuse of the initiative process in Washington.”
So, this is just another rant against Eyman. OK, we get it: you hate Tim Eyman.
I get it:
When there is a progressive initiative, the initiative process is democratic and a great device.
When there is an initiative that isnt progressive(like limiting the state from raping us for tax money), the initiative process is a failure and being taken over by corp interests and should be done away with.
its all clear now.
@2: When there is a progressive initiative, it’s staffed by people who believe in the cause. When there’s an Eyman initiative, it’s bankrolled by one or two large out-of-state donors. That’s a hell of a difference–one is a grassroots movement, while the other is the wealthy buying the laws they want.
LMFAO…sure, keep telling yourself that.
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Wait. Won’t Progressive policies in our fair state of Washington,like high taxes on millionaires and billionaires, cause our Galtan overlords to “GO GALT” to Galtan paradises like
SomaliaIdaho?Millionaire Tax Didn’t Chase the Rich From New Jersey, Study Says
Maybe this is why Ayn Rand’s gawd awful books have always and will always be found under fiction and unclassifiable in the the Dewey Decimal Classification.
# 1: That’s why this blog even exists, to make sure Eyman’s initiative scams are revealed to the public, in a way which best describes him (i.e., the name of the website).
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rhp6033 at 7:
Yes, I know where the name of this blog came from. We’re all reminded of it constantly.
if you all hate Eyman so much, why dont you write the state a bonus check each time your vehicle tabs are due?
I certianly prefer the $30 or $40 we pay now over the raping $500 a year we used to pay.
……but, of course none of you will pay the state any extra vehicle tabs..
all talk…no dick.