Syndicated columnist/GOP flagpole Robert Novak predicts Dave Reichert will win the Appropriations Derby:
The most likely winner of the Appropriations derby will be Rep. Dave Reichert, a former sheriff of King County, Wash., who has not distinguished himself during three years in Congress and gets only a 60 percent rating from the American Conservative Union. His sole qualification appears to be that he is the most endangered Republican House member in 2008 and needs to bring home the bacon to Seattle.
I’m not so sure, but either way it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement. That the GOP leadership would even consider handing the assignment to such an undistinguished and unqualified member shows you just how scared they are of Darcy Burner’s challenge; I guess they figure Reichert will have to buy off WA-08 voters with pork if he’s to have a hope of saving his job. And with yet another vulnerable Republican choosing retirement over humiliating defeat, WA-08 could end up being the most competitive race in the nation.
Robert Novak: Plame leaker, CIA and government traitor, serial liar, republican shill still has a column?
goldy: It is Novak not Novack in the headline.
“to such an undistinguished and unqualified member”
Oh man, that is rich…..The Congressmans record “undistinguished” as it may be, far exceeds the resume of the President of the Ames lake HOA……
Exactly. This perfectly describes Burner. Her resume is so short, you have to dig a hole just to see it…..She should first try to win a local/county/state race, finish a job, do something substantive other than be the most recent Democrat loser in the 8th CD. Her only claim to fame is to be the darling of the fringe kook KOS wing of the Democrat party….
Wrong Stuff @3,
Write an email to Novak and complain. It was he who wrote that Reichert “has not distinguished himself during three years in Congress … His sole qualification appears to be that he is the most endangered Republican House member in 2008 and needs to bring home the bacon to Seattle.”
That’s Novak, a Republican mouthpiece, writing about a Republican congressman.
right Stuff:
hahahaha – Reichert is an incompetent fool. Anyone who has seen him “debate” knows that he can’t even aswer a simple question. He votes the party line – unless his ass is on the line.
He is no fit for the 8th – a total GWB supporter. Burner makes mincemeat of him in debates. He is a pathetic fool.
As documented earlier – even his own police boss says he impeded and botched the green river investigation. He was a publicity hound even then. He was appointed sheriff before he ever won the post.
It is not the experience you have – it is the judgements you make with your experience. Reichert has exhibited poor judgement throughout his pathetic career.
Bring home the bacon to Seattle?
Hey Pooper, what do you think of your beloved Novakula’s call on Sheriff Musclebuilder Hairdo’s priorities?
Too f’in funny!
It’s still no slam dunk for Desperate Dave. And if he doesn’t get the committee assignment…. ?
I don’t see how Dave keeping a chair warm for four years in the Congress sets him up as more “qualified” than Darcy.
Then again, I’m so silly that I thought that the qualifications were set out in the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2.
Republican legislator is the only endangered species Novak and the NRCC would like to preserve.
“I am a Republican, and at times I’m embarrassed by the lack of cooperation that this president and his appointees have had with the legislative branch,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) in a hearing yesterday. “There is a seething resentment by members of Congress who are Republicans by the fact that this administration has not even cooperated with us.”
did Reichert say this?
No – Rohrabacher (R) from California said it about the Bush administrations plans to secure a political relationship with Iraq without consulting congress.
Reichert is too much of a bootlicker to say anything like this. He follows Bush at almost every turn.
How have Democratic members of Congress have distinguished themselves of late? Or Dems generally?
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s playing Spanish atheletics with his chief of staff then lying about it under oath.
John Murtha’s earmarks?
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the legislative branch to new lows in approvals?
A gaggle of gasbags suckling on the public teat.
And you want to add The Darcy to that mix? Will she then write fasion commentary for the House of Representatives? That’s the closest she’s come to an original policy thought in her life.
The 8th CD isn’t categorized as a swing district just yet. It’s centrist voting, and it prefers a moderate position on social issues and a conservative one one fiscal and foreign policy issues.
The Darcy is a nutty netroot on both. She’s eligible for honorary membership in the HA Happy Hooligans! All she need do is start using the vocab and she’s good to go!
Remember…November is a long way off, and The Darcy can screw the pooch in so many ways.
The Piper
Now, how do we get the Burnermobile past the finish line?
Reichert is not a bad guy (sorry some) but Burner represents something very important to us all .. she is, in a strange way, a great riff on what I hope will be the Obama generation:
*a new start, free of preoccupation with an agenda set by Rove
*an ambitious politician with a personal investment in congress rather than some power group.
*a demonstration that NON party power can emerge fomr the WEB.
and of course, we all know she is a devout muslim and intends to be sworn in on a Koran.
Here’s a proposal for a Constitutional amendment:
No Senator of Member of the House of Representatives may participate in the deliberation on or cast any type of vote on any measure the result of which is the direct or indirect expenditure of revenues of the United States, no matter how derived, in the home state of the Senator or Member of the House of Representatives.
No more bacon, no more pork…
Tell me again what The Darcy’s qualifications for office are? Beside the fact that she’s a Dem, that is. Isn’t is true that the HA Happy Hooligans would vote for Jack the Ripper if he ran as a Dem? And that policy takes a back seat to power? With power, there will be a crushing of opposition and ruthless imposition of ideology?
Talk about totalitarian!
The Piper
Yaaaaawwwwnnnn @ 11:
Same line of talk before the 2006. The only difference between then and now, the public hates Republicans even more.
Expect to see Darcy Burner as the Representative from the 8th CD, and, either our first woman president or black president with a filibuster proof majority in the senate.
When that day comes, and it will, the funeral procession for the modern day conservative movement will finally be laid to rest swiftly.
RIPGo to Hell modern day GOP. Nov. 1964 – Jan – 2009.Piper Picked Up A Pecker tried to switch this up not gonna happen – hey bitch pay attention. It was a Republican asswipe who said this about ANOTHER Republican asswipe. Live with it. Even your own kind now admit you’re all shit. Go to the sewer and do your thing. HE HE HE!
Goldy @4
True about Novak and his column.
True as well about DB’s resume…..
Side by side there is no comparison. She can’t manufacture experience between now and Nov. and her expoits since LOSING the last election? Get into bed with the fringe of her party….which is not the makeup of the 8thCD.
Here’s something for all you Dems who are of one accord, treating each other with respect, and pulling in the same direction:
Next think you know, HRC and BHO will be French kissing!
The Piper
11 Piper Scott hath spewed:
“Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the legislative branch to new lows in approvals?”
And here’s why:
A little correction for those of you who’ve thougtht it was Condi slurping away under the desk in the Oval Office while Monkey-Face stares at the latest “intelligence photos” of dead Iraqi children.
Let’s see…2006 (we are told all the time by Republicans, yet only when talking about Darcy Burner) was a year when apoparently all you had to do is scrawl a ‘D’ by your name and you could get elected. But what are the facts? (http://election.nationaljourna.....110706.htm)
1. Republican incumbents lost 20 of 38 seats rated as “Tossups.” Democrats lost no incumbent seats.
2. The National Republican Congressional Committee spent $60 million in this election, and an additional $55 million was transferred from the Republican National Committee. Most of that went to Dave Reichert (OK, that’s not really a fact).
So a groundswell of disgust for the ruling GOP went a long way for the Democrats in 2006, but not all the way. So what’s happening in 2008? (
1. In the battleground of the 70 most competitive congressional districts (35 Democratic and 35 Republican-held), the Democratic incumbents, including the big class of freshmen, have quickly moved into dramatic leads in the named congressional ballot (52% to 40%.)
2. In the 35 Republican battleground districts, the named Republicans trail their generic Democratic opponent by 5 points, 49% to 44%.
3. In a poll across seven Republican-held U.S. Senate seats, the named U.S. Senators had a vote to re-elect of only 37% and were garnering only 44% of the vote against a generic challenger.
4. The overall image of the Democratic Party has fallen back from the honeymoon post-election period to essentially where it stood for the whole 2006 election period — and that has been stable since April. On the other hand, the Republicans have weakened in the current period since April to their lowest thermometer score in the past half century.
Good luck, Dave. Drive carefully back home.
Why not make a real point?
Surely you are aware that there are corrupt pols who get into scandals. I am shocked, shocked! Unfortunately for the Reprican party they seem to have collected an excess share of such people. As the Dems succeed, it will happen there too,
I doubt very much that scandalous behavior is patented by either party.
As for the eighth and DB, Why not be objective? Look, DR is a decent guy. You and he share some beliefs. Cool. The hype that he gets here is undeserved True nuff. So???
Answering in kind is a hell of a lot leas impressive than coming up with facts. Where does DR strand on issues that matter to you? to tohers in the 8th? Here is an SJ, non partisan list that I would like to know more about:
1. immigration
2, long term Iraq issues
3. support for science financial and educational
4, getting government out of phony issues .. stem cell research and sodomy make a ridiculous combination.
5, Middle class tax reform
6. salary gap
7. fair trade
8. campaign reform
9. healthcare/social security??
On most of these I know more about what DB thinks than I do about what DR thinks. et tu Piper?
13 And tell me what DR’s qualifications are?
How much does he know about the finances of the Internet?
Is he a creationist (a big issue in the 8th with its huge hoard of science types).
Can he explain the importance of modular software to employment at MS?
Where does he stand on rebuilding the Federal Highway Fund so that Seattle does not need to subsidize the whole West Coast in modifying I 5?
Who are his advisers adn buds here in Seattle?
OH .. and has he called for an investigation into the Nazican influences in Clark County?
When I vote, I do so on two levels: American democracy and parliamentary democracy.
In other words, I vote for a candidate for office AND I vote for a party to be in power.
Lest any among the HA Happy Hooligans howl and holler, understand that in a parliamentary system, unless you live in the Prime Minister’s constituency or riding (for Canadians), you never have the ability to vote for the top dog. What you vote for is the party. It’s the party who decides what candidate will represent you in parliament, with it being possible, often likely, that your Member’s only connection with your constituency is his or her name on the ballot.
I vote for Republicans because I want Republicans to chair committees. Of course, there have been exceptions to that when a candidate clearly isn’t a fit for the position, and, in those cases, I’ve opted for the Libertarian.
Except for Brian Sonntag…That guy will get my vote until the first of us is dead.
As for The Darcy versus The Sheriff? I completely disagree with The Darcy almost down the line. I agree with The Sheriff’s support of our Iraq effort, and since the war and terrorism are at the absolute head of my list of crucial national issues (can you imagine someone in 1943 saying that the environment or the economy were more important than the war?), that’s who gets my support.
Reading through The Darcy’s “positions” on issues is like reading a piece of Swiss cheese; there are more holes and stink than substance.
And I judge candidates by the company they keep. The Sheriff keeps better company than The Darcy. No offense to Goldy (whose marginally bedraggled pic was prominantly featured in the premier issue of Townhall magazine, a conservative publication), but his support of anyone is the kiss of death as far as I’m concerned.
Off to an appointment…
The Piper
I can’t seem to find many of her “positions” on these topics:
Let’s ask Darcy where she stands on immigration and the borders?
Let’s ask Darcy would she deport illegal aliens?
Let’s ask Darcy does she support drilling in ANWR to reduce oil prices?
Let’s ask Darcy what she would have done with Mohammad Atta. Would she give the deportation order?
Let’s ask Darcy about Khalid Sheik Mohammad? Did he deliver useful information to save lives?
Let’s ask Darcy what she thinks about rich CEOs giving to Hilary’s campaign?
Let’s ask Darcy does she feel the attacks on Barack Obama are justified by the Clintons?
Let’s ask Darcy where she stands on welfare reform? Did Clinton go too far?
Let’s ask Darcy is she a tunnel or surface person?
Let’s ask Darcy how would she finance 520 rebuild?
Let’s ask Darcy does she support reducing national defense spending?
Not to be like Pelletizer and hog all the space, there are many more questions for her.
can you imagine someone in 1943 saying that the environment or the economy were more important than the war?
Yes, we must all admit that the intense and complete national mobilization to defeat an alliance of several of the world’s foremost industrial and military powers, which had militarily overwhelmed and occupied several other Western European and Asian nations and threatened beyond European borders, in a war that killed upwards of 70 million
EXACTLY the same as the asymmetric struggle against a ragtag group of stateless transnational terrorists with no industrial base, armies, warships, warplanes, or nuclear capability, whose leadership is in hiding in rugged tribal areas of the Far East and whose total victim toll thus far is in the low few thousands.
So we, the most propersous and powerful nation on earth, should abandon any pretense of environmental or social domestic and world concerns, to pour all of our national treasure into a morass of a military struggle in a nation unconnected to the terrorists.
Good one. Go Dave. Go home Dave.
Pooper the loser:
Your beloved Novakula called it like he saw it:
According to you and your knee-jerk wingnut friends, Seattle is evil. Why does he Sheriff Muscles Hairdo want to get earmarks for Seattle?
Either way you lose Poop for brains – the Sheriff is trying to earmark or Novakula is full of shit.
Reichert is good at two things: body building and keeping his hair in place. Unfortunately there’s not much between his ears.
And you support him. Poor Poopster.
#20 SeattleJew says:
Excess share of such people? Hardly. MSM doesn’t give the same kind of coverage to dem scandals. Something about the “hypocracy” the media believes is so important. On the other hand, if you blink, you missed the dem scandal. Many times the party affiliation is not listed when the offender is a democrat.
Here are a few examples where the democrat party label is omitted…
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....de04m.html (Senator Cantwell’s aide caught soliciting little boy) (the other person indicted is also a democrat)
I made some comments on Stefan’s blog about how the Republicans, since September 2001, have totally flubbed an opportunity to do something great. There is so much they could have done that would have been useful to the country, but they just continued to fuck it up, left and right.
Obviously, my comments were attacked: I was even accused of being a Democrat. Can you imagine, me, a Democrat!! Not in this lifetime!
Pudster @ whatever run on you had.
Let’s ask Reichert why he doesn’t vote to support the troops. You know, not those grandstanding votes the Republicans were famous for when Boner was running the show, I mean votes like voting against funding the VA to reat Traumatic Brain Injuries our soldiers are getting in Iraq.
YO, shit what happened to you? Did you get your GED?
Huge improvement since the last time I saw your dribble.
Did you finally get in a Head Start program?
GBS hey,
what bud/s class were you?
I answered that for you already. Go look it up.
@31 Alright.
found what you replied.
I have been reading quite a bit about SEALS and their exploits. Especially since 2005.
I seriously was just curious.
That’s cool.
Any and all SEAL’s records are public records. There are databases easily accessible with names of everyone who graduated. It’s common knowledge.
There’s no such thing as “secret” missions, destroyed records, people who made it into SEAL without going through bud/s training etc.
Everyone goes through bud/s, everyone. No exceptions. Everyone who makes it through is in the database. That is enough to figure out who I am by cross referencing other public records.
G is the inital of my first name B&S have to do with my service.
Why the keen interest regarding SEAL’s since 2005?
Piper @22:
can you imagine roosevelt in 1943 saying: Hitler isn’t all that important – why bother going to Berlin?
If the war on terror is so important, why haven’t we gone after bin Laden like we should?
Why is Bush “not concerned” or why doesn’t think about bin Laden?
Like you I was upset with 9/11 and I didn’t like the reaction of some (including the palestinians) to 9/11.
I wanted and still want to catch our avowed enemies. Going into Iraq never fit into that plan for me. I have never seen the justification for the Iraq war and I think it has hurt our security. Even if Iraq had WMDs it had no way to deliver them to us – and as a soveriegn state would risk certain annihilation if they ever tried anything.
since the invasion – al qaida has moved into fertile ground in Iraq. So I think we are worse off than before – and we STILL don’t have bin Laden!
You can ask my good friend Puddybud. I bust his balls, but consider him a personal friend. Had lunch with him in 2006.
He can verify my first name initial. Although, I’ll ask him not to disclose my name on HA. Not a big deal, but pefer my privacy.
He’s one BIG black man that’s no shit.He’s got abum knee though so I’m sure I can take him even at my advanced age. LOL.
@ 34
Isn’t bin Laden thought to be in Pakistan?
If Republicans were in charge in 1943 we would’ve invaded Brazil going after the Nazi’s.
GBS: good one on Brazil!
Yeah – our Pakistan policy has also been superb. support Musharaff with tons of money while elements of his own army protect bin Laden. Then wonder why we are not popular for supporting a dictator for whom democracy is an empty shell and he can “unprotect” anyone who runs against him.
I just love the WWII analogy for the “war on terror”.
In WWII we had a common goal (defeat Germany/Japan and facism, people made enormous sacrifices and raised money to support the war and we defeated Germany in under 5 years.
With the WOT nobody makes sacifices except for our liberties, we are going broke paying for it and it is lasting longer than WWII. yeah – totally analogous to going into Iraq :)
GBS – I like busting Puddy too – but I have a feeling I would like him in person.
Well I have had an interetst in the navy since reading Hunt for Red October way back when…Read all Clancy’s books. Read Dick Couch’s books and was curious about what SEALS do and who they are.
I have to say that it wasn’t until reading “Lone Survivor” that I really got an appreciation for what title SEAL means.
Reading his first hand account blew me away. Everything else I had seen or read was not personal, his story really made it vivid.
Best book I’ve read in a very long time.
Hey YO
Why do you want to know? Besides being retarded, are you a cannibal?
C’mon, Libs! Put him on the Endangered list, with all the civil rights of a Snail Darter or Spotted Owl, and let him live!
Hey Darry,
Been flying past few days.
With all that crisp cold air I bet it would make for good performance… Not to mention vis.
GBS, George Bernard Shah of Iran, mordantly mentions invading Brazil in 1943. Joe Persico, in Roosevelt’s Secret War, tells of a blatantly bogus map that FDR presented to an inattentive nation in the late 1930s. The map, allegedly lifted from the German general staff, showed that after wrapping up Europe the Nazis would seize eastern South America as a launching pad for seizing the United States.
Roosevelt was told emphatically that his ‘map’ was a fake. He kept using it anyway.
(Not that I disapprove of the final result. I agree with Democrat historians, a redundancy, that Roosevelt the warmonger was right and that America First, the isolationists, were wrong. I’m even ok with FDR making us allies of the world’s second-most murderous despot for the necessary work of destroying the world’s third-most murderous despot. Since most of WWII happened back in the USSR, devious FDR may willfully have followed the counsel of Churchill and of Truman that we play the tyrants against each other.)
The thought of eating Darcy, the plump little porker, is almost too sickening to enunciate. Glad I’m a born-again Jew and can let the pig plop in slop, unmolested by me.
GBS: Damn, my brother from no other mother!
How was the trip?
Notice how loony YLB – Yelling Libby Blatherer has become? He has gone Loony Tunes. Did you know he can’t even create a working Excel spreadsheet?
Now stop knocking my knee. BTW you ain’t no shrinking violet either.
Now onto the Vote. Yes GBS I agreed that Reichert did vote against that bill but if you remember it was laden with other donkey pork too.
Now that you are back GBS, please show these donkeys how to debate.That’s what I like about you! You want to answer some Puddystudies on history? I know you are more knowledgeable than the average liberal idiot here.
How many polygraph tests were given to Gary Ridgway?
Who gave the polygraph tests to Gary Ridgway?
Who determined Gary Ridgway wasn’t their culprit?
Correctnotright: I am a lovable black teddy bear. I like facts.
Do you?
GBS: I asked Yelling Libby Blatherer about these three black gentlemen. Yelling Libby Blatherer would not answer the question. We surmise Yelling Libby Blatherer is a moron. I know you will.
Why did Mike Steele get the special donkey treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special donkey treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special donkey treatment?
BTW how do you like the Clintons’ Loony Insane Tag (CLIT) Match against Obama?
GBS: PacMan sends his greetings. But he isn’t interested in visiting here much. Since you left correctnotright and Pelletizer have castigated headless lucy and his racist rants. He went 24/7 again last november.
But Lee, Goldy, Geov, Will, Paul, Carl seem to have lost their voice against racist commentary.
Maybe a navy seal can help them find it again…
Oh BTW… I will never divulge who you are.
@26 . Stamm
Are you serous? You googled and came up with a dog catcher, justice of the piece, and secretary who have scandals on the demo side. Errr ahhh
Seems like the Repricans have all the fun!
#54 SeattleJew says:
Sorry SJ, you followed the wrong links in the wrong post. Want to try again?
If not… the links are about a mayor, a judge and a state auditor. And about a male member of Maria Cantwell’s staff that was hooking up with little boys. ALL democrats, all party affiliation not mentioned. So, how can you be expected to know when the articles you read don’t contain the truth about democrats.