Last week, Obama made a laughingstock of the Republican Candidates. He pointed out their words about how they would be so “tough” dealing with Putin, and then chided them for their insufferable whining over uncivil debate moderators.
Now they are whining about children expressing anger over Trump’s ugly racism in this ad:
The Donald doesn’t like it one bit.:
“I think it’s terrible, I think it’s just terrible,” the Republican presidential candidate said on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo.”
Young kids speaking that way “is a disgrace,” he added….
…a disgrace to The Donald because, typically, when little brown kids talk to him that way, he fires their parents.
Marco Rubio is also outraged,
“People are looking at it and say, these people are grotesque. I mean these are little children. What kind of parent allows their children to go on a video like that and use that kind of profanity and what kind of parents allow a kid to do that?”
Rubio, born to two non-U.S. Citizen immigrant parents, might qualify as a non-citizen “Anchor Baby” in Donald Trump’s world.
So…apparently, children using four letter words is more threatening than an opponent who would strip him of his citizenship.
Just when you start to think Rubio might have a human streak, he reminds you again that he’s a Republican.
P.S. #1, The GOP candidates don’t need Obama’s help to look bad. They manage that quite well by themselves.
P.S. #2, No doubt the irony is completely lost on the low-information, low-intellect GOP electorate. Just wave a Bible at them, and you’ve got their vote.
Last week, Obama made a laughingstock of the Republican Candidates. He pointed out their words about how they would be so “tough” dealing with Putin, and then chided them for their insufferable whining over uncivil debate moderators.
Puttin been kicking Obummer ASs all over the world stage! Been making Obummer the Curly of the 3 Stooges!
Bunch of pussies. They can’t even take the taste of their own medicine.
The biggest fucking hypocrites…..they don’t want to be poltically correct….but everyone has to be PC to them..
Fuck’em….hope they all go to hell where they belong.
Fuck, the loon can’t even spell his hero’s name right.
@2 “Puttin been kicking Obummer ASs all over the world stage! Been making Obummer the Curly of the 3 Stooges!”
Really? Then what does that make Puttin (sic), the guy who just got his ass kicked two-thirds of the way back to Moscow by a bunch of camel herders?
@4 Maybe he’s been drinking. After all, it’s Saturday night, and he has to get ready for his salt mining shift.
Well, well, what have we here? A year ago, the largest newspaper in Texas looked at the 2014 election results, then looked ahead to 2016 and saw a GOP electoral disaster in the making. Their take:
“Republicans are disappearing from … the most heavily populated sections of the country while intensifying their hold on a declining electoral bloc of aging, white, rural voters. The 2014 election not only continued that doomed pattern, it doubled down on it. As a result, … no Republican candidate has a credible shot at the White House in 2016, and the chance of the GOP holding the Senate for longer than two years is precisely zero. For Republicans looking for ways that the party can once again take the lead in building a nationally relevant governing agenda, the 2014 election is a prelude to a disaster. … [A]t the outset of any Presidential campaign, a minimally effective Democratic candidate can expect to win 257 electoral votes without even trying … of the 270 needed to win.”
That effectively means the Democratic nominee only needs to win one moderate-sized swing state, or two little ones. Not good, not good, if you’re a GOP strategist. Maybe this explains why the GOP is clowning around. Maybe they realize it doesn’t matter who they nominate, and they have nothing to lose.
I posted about this when it first happened on another thread. A conservative was whining that it was disrespectful for a child to use that sort of language.
I taught my son to not use that language around adults. However, those were not my kids nor the conservatives kids. Parents have the right to raise their kids any way they want unless it is going to seriously harm the child. I think parents who teach their kids to be racist or don’t allow them to learn about sex ed are awful people but I won’t demand they be deported or reported to CPS. Why do conservatives demand that other parents conform to their rules when they don’t approve.
Speaking of which…Conservatives are hypocrites, like being against abortion but then being unwilling to pay for food stamps or public education and for the death penalty, You don’t see conservatives excorating that black kid who was bad mouthing the President of the United States. That’s just as disrespectful, but they turn a blind eye to him.
Read some of the comments. Those are some very racist hate fulled comments. A bunch of ignorant scared angry violent conservatives who love being anonymous so they can vent their most intolerant views.
@8 “Why do conservatives demand that other parents conform to their rules when they don’t approve.”
Because they’re little nazis who get their rocks off from bossing other people around. They’d even love to shoot some if they could get away with it; in fact, there’s a subset who do — cops.
“Speaking of which…Conservatives are hypocrites, like being against abortion but then being unwilling to pay for food stamps or public education and for the death penalty,”
That ain’t the half of it, or even a third of it. They cheat on their wives, and when their mistress gets knocked up they ship her to a Planned Parenthood clinic that hasn’t been firebombed yet in a blue state that doesn’t suppress abortion and pay for it with campaign funds.
@7 the little Hitlers are going to try and probably succeed on changing the electoral college and how the votes are counted. They don’t like democracy. Be ready for civil war.
First RepubliKKKlans get mad when people don’t speak English, then they get mad when they do. Go figure.
Putin kicking Obummer’s ASS and HA DUMMOCRETINS are into revisionist history…
So let’s explore the differences between Putin and Obummer! Of course the useless and non-erudite fools here will claim Puddy love Putin! Pffffffffffft! HA DUMMOCRETINS can’t fathom truth and FACTS when it comes to critically looking at Obummer’s feckless foreign policy! Puddy put this modified list out last week!
1) Putin took Crimea – Obummer dithered
2) Putin took Eastern Ukraine – Obummer dithered because there is no American-led NATO
3) Putin backs up his words with action – Obummer is a gas bag
4) Putin looked at the Syrian RED LINE Obummer drew and crossed it – Obummer dithered then erased the red line
5) Putin attacking the American CIA backed rebels – Obummer dithered
6) Putin is more interested in being feared than liked – Obummer wants to be liked and no one trusts Obummer’s words anymore
7) ISIS attacked Russia’s airliner because Putin is taking the initiative.
It’s sad we see the how ISIS JV not care about human life. Puddy is the only one here sad to see all those people die! Not on HA DUMMOCRETIN has stood tall and claimed it was horrible! If ISIS attacked an American airliner we’d witness a whole different story here on HA from the HA DUMMOCRETINS!
8) Unlike Obummer who abandoned his only middle east ally Netanyahu when he made his UN speech in September, Putin’s UN men didn’t abandon his allies during their speeches!
9) Obummer acts more like Neville Chamberlain than Neville Chamberlain
10) No country would violate a deal with Russia as Iran has already with Obummer!
11) Remember that whitey house presser where Obummer claimed Putin was in a position of weakness? The rest of the world didn’t agree with Obummer that day or the days since!
12) Obummer being criticized by his own DUMMOCRETIN party for the paltry 50 “advisers”! Putin did what? Even Cuba has troops on the ground!
13) Even Forbes put Putin ahead of Obummer and CBS News went nutz last week!
Puddy, do you have something to lose by calling for war ? Any of YOUR kids gonna be on the front lines or are you a hypocrite and want to war with other people’s lives?
Wait, isn’t the SDA pacifists?
Is this still true?
“RESOLVED, That it is the judgment of this Conference, that the bearing of arms, or engaging in war, is a direct violation of the teachings of our Saviour and of the spirit and letter of the law of God.”
Where has Puddy called for war? Train wrecks abound with leftist pinheads like you! Thinking attacking Puddy’s religion is going to change Obummer feckless foreign policies? EPIC FAYLE moronic twit!
Obummer went the pacifist route. And what has that yielded America? No one trusts Obummer middle east commentary. Called ISIS the JV and what has the JV done?
1) Just on ISIS videos, ISIS has killed 52 Christians. Not once has Obummer publicly condemned those beheadings or burnings. Yet let someone fire Muslims truck drivers for having to KNOWINGLY deliver beer on a route they chose to take as a job and Obummer’s Just US department backs them up to the hilt! $240,000 settlement!
2) Beheaded children in front of their parents
3) Lit up and burned in a cage a Jordanian pilot
4) Beheaded numerous people
5) Hung 4 Kurdish prisoners upside down then made them human torches.
Seems all this is A-OK with you, moronic twit! Now why is that? They want to kill you. This bombing of a Russian airliner is their expeditionary force test! Well we see the JV has surpassed Al Qaeda in horrendous acts!
Obummer invests all his gravitas into this Iran deal and what does Iran do? Give Obummer the middle finger by sending Suleiman to Russia before the ink is dry! Then we learn last month some nuclear hardware is missing per the IAEA. Don’t Worry Be Happy is Obummer’s commentary on Iran!
The middle east respects force not words. Puddy placed their own reactions to force long ago. So let’s review. Four Russian diplomats were taken hostage by a shiite gang. One was killed. What did Russia do? They captured tortured the leader’s male relative and sent his balls and cock special delivery to them. The next day the three were released. Verified and checked by SNOPES!
So we revisit the Benghazi video when we know it was a big lie. Obummer could not come clean during the 2012 presidential elections that they knew it was Al Qaeda operatives that killed Ambassador Stevens. Gotta lie lie lie! Heilary emails proved this was a BIG time lie BEYOND a shadow of a doubt! DUMMOCRETINS abandon Americans for political expediency!
zzzzzZZZZZzzzzz… The batshit loon is melting down over tall-tales Ben imploding and all it can babble about is a Russian dictator on the ropes with his country’s economy in free-fall, making empty gestures on the world stage to keep oligarchic nationalist idiots from taking power in a palace coup.
The loon is too sad. Tall-tales Ben never going to replace TWO TERM President Barack H. Obama.
Very weak sauce clueless crazed databaze deala!
Sweet! Republicans who haven’t gone batshit insane are doing our work for us.
“Former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson (R-WY) called out wealthy companies and conservative leaders as hypocrites over the weekend for refusing to support a $15 minimum wage even though corporations showed billions in profits each year.”
“This business of the minimum wage, ‘Oh, you can’t afford $15.’ Well, then don’t publish your quarterly reports saying you made a billion and a half. Give me a break.”
“Hypocrisy is the original sin,” he declared. “It’s the guy who’s checking your moral values, like to ask for Jesus, you know — while they’re diddling their secretary. That’s not my idea of family values.”
@13 tell him Better. Tell him how stupid he is… he’ll be blaming Obama because it is going to rain tomorrow because he is doing nothing about Global Warming although he doesn’t even believe in Global Warming himself.
Global Warming is said to wipe out 100 Million people but he’s not concerned, he’s only concerned about the children in the Putin’s plane that recently went down.
Puffy you are the biggest wacko in history, you and your kind. You breed people that are wacko’s.
Walking thru Union Square in NYC today, came across a bunch of Muslims trying to lure people in like the rest of the religious freaks in this city, although some have good intentions. The Muslims had a sign that said something to this effect “get rid of Israel and this will create peace”. Not a big fan of the politics of Netty and the rest of the Israeli Hawks…..but that was pretty appalling to see. I felt like getting a sign of mine that said “get rid of you asshole extremist Muslims (and the GOP) and there will be peace”. Puffy you are no different from these Muslims – you are a bigot, hater, and traitor to this Country. You deserve more than a circumcision.
So we have Mexican kids whacking on a pinata? Wow. Stay classy Democrats, stay classy.
@ 20
You want to know, how I know, that you’ve never been to a Mexican kid’s birthday party? I went to one just a few weeks ago. There were about 30 kids, along with their parents at this party. They blasted five Piñatas in about an hour. I got hit in the tit with a big chunk of that Neapolitan coconut candy. Yum.
One thing Mexicans are really, really good at, is throwing a party. Especially when it’s for the kids.
@7 There could be an alternative reason for all the clowning around. Keeps them in the news, recognition, and helps them out with that little demographic problem. Now if the rest of the candidates could host SNL.
Freedom of Speech! It’s a wonderful thing! Of course it’s he speech we don’t like that is protected. Maybe the Donald will figure that out during this political season. Meanwhile makers of Trump piñatas are gonna have a blast. Will the Donald get a clue or will he sue?
@13 Some people just can’t stand peace. As long as their kids aren’t being killed. Which is not a worry for privileged characters.
@14 “Where has Puddy called for war?”
Squid ink …
@20. To paraphrase you,
Did you read the comments? Wow. Don’t stay racists, Conservatives, just stop being racist.
@22 No doubt focus groups revealed that acting like clowns goes over really big with their particular audience.
I think Alan Simpson got it right!!
Good for him. Fuck you Puffy,
@20 Don you’ve done whacked more than piniatas. You people are hypocrites. And fucking babies, you start crying the minute people display similar bad behavior to your behavior. Go fuck yourself.
You call booing and hissing classy. You guys are the epitome of classless. Bunch of classless mother fuckers. Go back into your cave.
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