Pennsylvania is one of the most important swing states for presidential elections. Besides having 19 electoral votes, the state is a bellwether for WI and MI. Since 1992, the three states have voted together and, with the single exception of 2016, have given their electors to the Democrat.
With that context in mind, there are two new polls out in PA. The first is from Franklin and Marshall that has Vice President Kamala Harris leading former President and convicted felon Donald Трамп 46% to 43%. The poll’s margin of error is 3.8%, so Harris’ 3% lead is weak evidence that she would win an election held today. The release summarizes reasons for support thusly:
The main reasons that Harris voters are supporting her candidacy include anti-Трампism (18%), women’s rights (17%), character (15%), partisanship (13%), and democracy (13%). The top reasons voters provide for supporting Трамп include economic policy (29%), immigration (20%), and partisanship (19%). More voters believe Vice President Harris has better judgment, is more trustworthy, and is closer to their views on values issues than Mr. Трамп, while more voters believe Mr. Трамп is better able to handle the economy
The second poll is from Quinnipiac and finds Harris leading Трамп 48% to 45%. This poll’s margin of error is 2.4%, which means that we are getting into “real lead” territory. Note that if the polls are combined, the sample of over 2,600 voters is pretty solid evidence that Harris is now leading in PA. The Quinnipiac poll asked voters to characterize the two candidates:
- Has good leadership skills [yes/no (spread)]: Harris 48%/47% (+1%), Трамп 50%/49% (+1%)
- Cares about average Americans: Harris 50%/47% (+3%), Трамп 46%/54% (-8%)
- Kind of personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively as president: Harris 52%/46% (+6%), Трамп 46%/53% (-7%)
- Honest: Harris 46%/48% (-2%), Трамп 37%/60% (-23%)
The two polls, using different methods, find that Трамп has a serious deficit on issues of character for PA voters.
Meanwhile, in news of the weird, Vance has bizarre ideas about the “purpose” of postmenopausal women. Interestingly, Vance’s take is likely based on a tortured misunderstanding of one theory on the evolution of menopause in women. I look forward to a debate question on whether he espouses contemporary evolutionary theory. You already heard about a couple of unearthed photos of Vance in drag. A new addition to the Трамп/Vance campaign photo album is a high school photo of Vance posing with three female classmates pretending to use urinals in the boys bathroom. Good clean fun. But, you know…a little weird. A new audio recording has Vance claiming Amazon funded Black Lives Matter so rioters would burn down their brick-and-mortar competitors—a totally non-weird conspiracy theory.
Трамп gave a rambly “economic” press conference in which he held up Tic Tacs to exemplify inflation, which brought back to mind the Hollywood Access tape in which he mentioned the need to pop a Tic Tac in preparation for any urge to sexually assault Arianne Zucker. Good times. He also falsely claimed (again) that Governor Tim Walz, “wants tampons in boys’ bathrooms.” No word on how the stock markets reacted to this bizarre “economic news.”
Speaking of bizarre…. Трамп’s staff thinks he may have PTSD because he repeatedly watches himself get shot in the ear. Maybe PTSD…or, maybe it’s just a flare-up of his pre-existing narcissistic personality disorder?
He’s really going full Nazi
All your problems would be solved if we get rid of the
Jews…verminHispanics.There is no truth to the fake news reports of the failing New York Slimes and MS13BC that we owe cities from our previous campaigns. As they said in Star War ‘A Trump always pays their debts.’ No, I’m reading to you out of this economic binder of brilliant ideas like tariffs and Golf Club membership fee free of burdensome taxation here at the opulent Bedminster to show that I understand the economic stress of you ungrateful middle class voters. I did so much for you. And you’ve turned against me. Et Tu Orange Julius? Nobody knows the great works of white European literature like me.
The most interesting thing about those polls is how many voters consider Trump dishonest, but vote for him anyway.
This isn’t new. For many years now, voters have been overlooking candidates’ character deficits, and giving higher priority to ideology or policies.
Trump is the ultimate manifestation of this trend. Now, even a convicted felon and violent revolutionary can get elected president, or at least has a viable shot at it.
@2 He’s actually not that coherent, from what I’m reading.
I think it’s possible we could see a Trump mental collapse before the election, so serious that the GOP has to replace him on the ballot.
Then you’ll hear all kinds of stuff from Republicans about how replacing a candidate after the primaries is unconstitutional.3,
I think if you surveyed abused children with similar questions about their abuser you’d get similar responses.
@6 My post @3 didn’t delve into the psychology behind this observed behavior. I left that to someone else, and you seem to be on top of it.
While much has been made of the Federalist Court’s immunity decision, I think an important point is being overlooked.
An article in Vox (here) says the decision “strongly suggests that a president can have their rivals killed, and it explicitly permits a president to round up their enemies and prosecute them on fabricated charges.”
This ground has been plowed. What the Vox article doesn’t say, and I haven’t seen any other source address, is what happens if a Democratic president tries to exercise the extraordinary license the Federalist Court is giving to Trump (and perhaps other Republican presidents).
Does anyone actually believe the court’s Republican majority would let any Democrat do that? What’s far more plausible is they would intervene to prevent it.
A “court” is generally understood to be an adjudicative body that, even if it has an ideological or partisan bias, applies the rules the same to everyone. A body that has different rules for different people, no matter what it calls itself, is not a court.
So what is the Federalist Court then? It’s most likely an operational arm of the Republican Party cloaked with the trappings of a constitutional institution that doesn’t exist anymore.
Great blogging, Darryl.
@ 3
The most interesting thing about those polls is how many voters consider Trump dishonest, but vote for him anyway.
A plurality think Boxcheck Momala is dishonest, too.
Say what you will about Trump’s numbers. Boxcheck Momala’s numbers are shit. Third straight election featuring two awful candidates.
It’s not Cut and Run Walz who lied, you see. The liar was his campaign, says CNN.
Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drunk driving in 1995
Cut and Run Walz was merely an innocent beneficiary of this intentional falsehood by an inanimate object: his campaign.
Had his DUI been known at the time of his first congressional campaign would this lying sack of shit won his race?
A plurality think Boxcheck Momala is dishonest, too.
Sad thing is, you and that plurality of yours are so fucking….weird.
@11 “Had his DUI been known at the time of his first congressional campaign would this sack of shit won his race?”
We don’t know for sure, but the evidence suggests yes, because “Walz was forthcoming about the incident when he ran for governor in 2018” and handily won that race, which strongly suggests voters didn’t hold it against him.
Republicans with DUI convictions have won elections in numerous states. That also suggests voters don’t hold DUI convictions against candidates. And Walz doesn’t have a DUI conviction.
Walz did drink and drive, but if that makes him a sack of shit, then what is every Republican who drinks and drives? A sack of shit, too. What is Laura Bush (ran stop sign, and had to be going really fast to kill someone), or Jason Ravnsborg (killed someone, drove off, and reported hitting a deer)? Sacks of shit, too.
Did you ever drink and drive, doc? Are you a sack of shit, too?
Bob @ 11,
Pay attention to avoid vacations: Copy ONLY brief excerpts of other people’s works. And you MUST add value to the words of other people by significant commentary.
A good rule of thumb is to add commentary that is 2 to 10 times as long as the quoted material.
Otherwise you are simply plagiarizing. That is not allowed by the comment policy of this blog.
@11 Speaking of lying campaigns, Trump’s campaign has lied about the economy, crime, and immigrants. Things that affect us all. And he lies about everything, even his crowd sizes. But that’s no big deal, is it?
This piece of shit is going to prison.
They can get away with that in the West Bank, but Netanyahu can’t protect them from the law in Brooklyn.
With Casey now pulling away in PA, the McCormick campaign is begging Trump to stay away, even to the point of threatening.
But not with more MAGA snipers, however.
Which is refreshing actually.
The same turd who wanted wounded veterans out of sight and mind, now the Presidential Medal of Freedom he bestowed on GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson’s is “much better” than the Congressional Medal of Honor because she didn’t have to be “severely injured or killed to receive it.”
One thing’s for sure, Doctor Dumbfuck will never call her medal “stolen valor.” Nor is she a “coward” who “cut and ran” from … what was it again she got it for? … donating money to Republicans.
(sigh) Doc, your credibility is in the shitter. Would you like me to explain why?
Aweeee, isn’t that cute, Bob is getting a little down on the Orange Ape. Down on your knees boy.
JD Vance in 2021, while discussing earlier waves of immigration to the US:
>> So after the Project 2025 dictatorship gets rid of the immigrants, black and brown people and the LGBTQ, the Italian, Irish and Germans should start to get worried.
The real reason the 78-year-old convicted felon with “bone spurs” recently discovered crypto:
With an economy dependant on trade with the west China is cracking down on Russian efforts to get around sanctions using alternative currencies like the Yuan. Sanctions imposed by President Biden in June forced the Moscow Exchange to halt trading in dollars and euros. Russia then sought to use Chinese intermediaries trading with them in Yuan. But now Chinese banks are throttling back their volumes to avoid western sanctions and targeting these pass-through intermediary payments.
So Sergey Lavrov is organizing BRICS countries who met in a summit last year to flesh out a proposal to partner in an independent crypto exchange that would facilitate illegal trade denominated in their own currencies.
And they are offering to cut Trump in on a piece of the action.
@ 13
We don’t know for sure, but the evidence suggests yes, because “Walz was forthcoming about the incident when he ran for governor in 2018” and handily won that race, which strongly suggests voters didn’t hold it against him.
You’re a bloviating asshole, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. An unknown with a DUI 11 years previously and someone with a 12 year track record in office and a DUI 23 years previously are two very different people in the eyes of a voter.
Aaron Judge as a rookie didn’t make what he makes now. It’s not because of inflation.
Boxcheck Momala apparently doesn’t think home prices are high enough, because she wants to give people who have no business buying a home $25k so they can better afford the down payment.
I still have one residential rental left, planning to sell 2026-27ish. $700k just became $725k.
Actually, make that $745k, because now the pool of potential buyers is larger so I’ll get multiple bids.
Thanks, Boxcheck Momala!
Welfare Queen YLB can commiserate, as she had to take frequent breaks from her panhandling on Capitol Hill to breastfeed her two fucked kids.
Darryl @ 14 will be gratified to hear that I left out roughly 2/3 of the tweet text and instead included a link to the entire tweet.
Do Democrats want lactating SS agents leaving their posts at a Boxcheck Momala event so they can breastfeed? And if an attempted shooting occurs and Boxcheck Momala is hustled into the secure room to get out of danger, how will she feel when she finds that there’s already a real Mom using her breasts for something other than to sexually gratify Willie Brown when she gets there?
The entire preceding paragraph was included to satisfy Darryl’s @ 14 rule of thumb. It’s also relevant, because the woman was caught breastfeeding in the room set aside for emergencies.
Fox news Chyron live
On the right: DJIA +500
Apparently when voters ignore republican bad choices, that’s just good politics, but when voters ignore Democratic bad choices, that’s just not fair and the system is rigged and media is corrupt and they only win by bribing judges.
Troll logic is because it’s been 23 years and Walz is a Democrat, NOW that DUI should count as a dis-qualifier and troll is going swear and call people names until Walz is kicked off the ballot.
@24 Alternative Headline.
Conservatives outraged a women is prioritizing the care of her child, over her job.
“I’m simply doing what JD Vance called on women to do.” she says./s
We want you to prove that this even happened.
Because right now you’ve climbed all the way out on that Dumbfuck limb that is tenuously supported by absolutely nothing more than
three sources in the Secret Service community
being quoted by a right wing, dominionist cult member with a well documented history of falsifying sources.
Short of that proof, we Democrats would also love to hear your definition of what the “Secret Service community” even is?
And when you wrap up failing in those efforts to clean the orange shit smears from your chin, would you also mind explaining why a breast feeding mother is not being properly accommodated in her employment duties by “the party of Life“?
I suppose that CUNT should just let the brat starve.
@23. It’s totally unfair that hedge fund investment firms do not get that $25k. When will rich companies get a break?
Even if “anybody could get one DUI” is a fair equivalent to “anybody could rape” or “anybody could fuck a sofa” (which I for one might dispute on various grounds), it still just hits very differently when you turn around and brag about it to a bus load of complete strangers or in a hardcover first edition of your memoires.
That makes it weird.
Investor Home Purchases Post Biggest Increase in Two Years
– Investors bought 1 of every 6 U.S. homes that sold—purchasing $43 billion worth of properties—and 1 of every 4 low-priced homes that sold. That’s down from an all-time high of 20.8% during the pandemic
– Single-family homes were the most popular property type among investors, making up 69% of their purchases.
>> This is why home prices are too high. Need to change the rules and tax the hell out of anything after 2 homes. (I’m being kind to the people who want a vacation home).
>> Home owners would have a better chance of getting an affordable home if they were not competing with Investors with deep pockets.
You’d almost feel bad and then you remember that this guy speaks for the superiority if the rich in all things social, philosophical and political.
JD Vance
The loveliest piece of news I will read this week is that the reason the 78-year-old convicted felon is bringing back WifeBeater to serve as his campaign Chairman is to force Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita out. Supposedly Deadbeat Dad thinks they charge too much.
@ 28
We want you to prove that this even happened.
Because right now you’ve climbed all the way out on that Dumbfuck limb that is tenuously supported by absolutely nothing more than
three sources in the Secret Service community…
Really, QoS McHillbilly? After everything that’s come out since July 13 your default response is to give the Secret Service the benefit of the doubt? Really?
Meanwhile, to protect lactating agents from the prying eyes of the public, until further notice all future presidential campaign events authorized by the US Secret Service will be held at either Hooters or Twin Peaks establishments.
@ 31
This is why home prices are too high.
Also from The Even Bigger Fucking Moron: Milk and egg prices are too high because white conservatives drink too much milk and eat too many eggs.
Gotta sell more seed corn to backfill the girlishly foolish trust fund gambling losses. Whichever of his alcoholic uncles made the sacrifices needed to build up that nest egg must surely be spinning in his grave to see it all go away in a single generation of MAGA stupidity.
Confidential to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
GNRC 175 Call
GNRC 110 Put
GNRC 120 Put
These sold options positions expire today, worthless. This is what you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, refer to as “gambling”.
Still don’t own the shares. Unless they’re put to me, I never will.
At this point none of us has a shred of doubt that if either Elmo or the 78-year-old convicted felon instructed this MAGA cult turd to pour his family trust fund into “milk and eggs for the coming apocalypse” he’d hop on the next ferry to Costco.
Enjoy this photo of teenage JD Vance harassing girls in a high school bathroom.
For some reason Democrats think this works to their advantage.
I will say he looks like a pudge in this photo. Maybe they can fat-shame him.
You’ve proved that Ed Uihlein, or FreeBeacon or TASS have published an anonymously sourced likely false report and that a PIO from the agency has dutifully replied to reporter inquiries by issuing a statement.
That’s it.
You’ve run out of material just like your Daddy Twump. It’s so bad you’ve got to start posting our material like 39.
@ 40
It’s a personnel matter so it’ll be buried. Unless there’s nothing to the story, in which case we’ll hear about it.
Assuming we hear nothing, you’ll claim it’s false because there will be no way to verify that the agent was censured, demoted, or fired.
IDF has wiped out 56% of Hamas’ fighters. 17,000 of them.
So you admit that it is yet another one of your completely unverified, bullshit claims that you are unable to back up in any way like a real man.
Yesterday it took me longer to get from SEA to Whidbey Island than it took me to get from Milwaukee to SEA.
white conservatives drink too much milk
High in sugar 12 grams per cup.. leads to type 2 diabetes, inflammation, otherwise declining health if consumed to excess… from kreepshit’s lame babbling – good for the kids..
drink up klownservatics!
@ 43
So you admit that it is yet another one of your completely unverified, bullshit claims that you are unable to back up in any way…
QoS McHillbilly, for how many weeks did you cling to your belief that it was an exploding teleprompter that nicked Trump’s ear? Or has that not yet ended?
US dairies produce 10% of the nation’s consumed calories and 20% of our consumed protein.
G-clown’s many anonymous sexual partners produce 20% of his consumed protein. And that’s just on Saturday nights.
@ 45
… leads to type 2 diabetes, inflammation, otherwise declining health if consumed to excess
Welfare Queen YLB conflates milk with ice cream and cheese. Such an unserious twat.
All because she can’t afford to buy milk for her family.
It wasn’t excessive milk consumption that killed Leon.
Shorter Welfare Queen YLB @ 45: Dihydrogen oxide consumption has been linked to death from drowning.
Boooob, for how many weeks did you cling to your belief that a 5.7mm, 4 gram copper jacketed tungsten core round traveling at 950 meters per second conveying 1,325 ft⋅lbf passed through the ear of the 78-year-old convicted felon leaving that ear visibly unscathed only one week later?
conflates milk with ice cream and cheese
It’s documented kreepshit… 12 grams of lactose per cup of whole, skim, non-fat.. I’d say the skim and non-fat is even higher as it’s processed more than whole..
Drink up and add some bourbon – good for the kids.. – at least following from your own silly babbling..
the more you drink, the more “serious” you get.. lmao..
@ 51
12 grams of lactose per cup of whole, skim, non-fat.. I’d say the skim and non-fat is even higher as it’s processed more than whole..
Welfare Queen YLB didn’t breastfeed because of the risks of lactose to the body. From birth through age three she gave her infant fucked kids nothing but whole wheat bran. Via enema infusion.
And it worked! Those two fucked kids don’t have diabetes. Or sphincter control.
@52 lmao.. all kids don’t start out as “white conservatives”…
I give ’em the benefit of the doubt until at least they’re of age to pledge a degen klownservatic frat. After that all bets are off.. Drink as milk, bourbon, diet coke or pepsi (Dori Monson’s fav) as they care to..
You “seriously” babble it’s great for the kids…
Lactose, being a very simple disaccharide sugar that very easily metabolizes directly into glucose and thus very quickly spikes glycemic load precisely equivalent to table sugar, the risk is diabetes, a metabolic lifestyle disease currently burning through red Murica like a prairie fire.
👍🥛Drink up, MAGA!
#35 The troll thinks House Investors = white conservatives? That’s weird.
passed through the ear of the 78-year-old convicted felon leaving that ear visibly unscathed only one week later..
I knew it.. It had to be the shart to end all sharts.. So “powerful” it bled from an ear.. World record..
@46. Are you referring to the ear nick made by a bullet from a republican gun, shot by a disgruntled republican that was miraculously healed to the point of being invisible a week later?
Oh my God, those poor Secret Service agents.
I hope they got extra pay.
Probably couldn’t enjoy food for a month after that.
The Bureau of Prisons should debrief them in order to prepare for the next stage in the 78-year-old convicted felon’s “career”.
Yours truly understands that teh magats are really into raw milk these days..
Consuming that carries a high risk of passing bird flu (H5N1) to the general population..
magats becoming walking “lab leaks”.. heh. Figures.. they’ll inject bleach, consume horse or cow dewormer – anything from what they swallow from their always wrong wing masters.
IDF has killed 40,000 Palestinians to stop 17,000 Hamas.
“A 42% success rate aint that bad” says the troll. “Who cares if they were women and children.”
“You can’t say anything anymore. You can’t even be funny. The leftist thought police is out of control.”
Also conservatives:
“Mayo and tuna tacos is racist and Ben Shapiro is right that they owe me an apology!”
Actually this here says regular milk has 15.75 grams of lactose per 200 grams of milk (less than a cup):
And mature or hard cheeses have very little.
Magats, drink up.. Raw milk if you really have to.. We all know from where you take your orders. Besides kreepshit babbles it’s good for the kids.
A normal family’s shame is a weird family’s pride it seems.
IDF has killed 40,000 Palestinians to create 80,000 Hamas.
Cuz America knows that’s how this shit works.
I used to believe that it would never be possible for any presidential candidate to ever surpass the limitless stupidity and self-sabotage of Senator John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.
Once again Republicans are teaching me to see beyond their limitations and dream the impossible.
@65 Following that link to the Daily Beast I see Victoria Jackson is not long for this world.
Dang, she was quite the Shrubya butt licker and Obama/Hillary hater back in the day.. But she claims she could be shot by a “Maga hater”..
Doesn’t seem to fit. I also see she joined “Moms for Liberty” and was prone to unhinged homophobic rants.. Pride parade in TN? heh.. brought out the “best” in VJ..
Kreepshit “seriously” believes that VJ’s condition will turn out best for the kids.
Is Taylor Lorenz about to learn that claiming hackery only works for black girls like Joy Reid, and not for white folx like Anthony Weiner and herself?
krazy josh hee-hawley is kreepshit’s magat hero:
quick on its feet I understand..
Hey kreepshit, we understand that your candidate drumpf sported a lisp babbling its baby talk to elmo musk..
Orange dear leader just has a “thing” for dictatorial autocrats w/ lotsa munee.. makes it swoon…
Townhall 🙄🤡
Not dentures, goddammit!
(pausing to throw cheeseburgers)
I’m not old. I’m the youngest ever!
My teeth are perfect.
You shut up. You have bad hearing. My teeth are wonderful.
Not a joke, actually.
S.V. Date was doing a story for NPR covering the Xhitter interview and had a follow up email exchange with Stephen Cheung to answer questions about how the event was arranged, format, preparations, technical production, and viewership.
Based on the audio available from Xhitter he asked about the slurring and Cheung blew up replying
“Must be your shitty hearing. Get your ears checked out.”
Cheung refused to answer all further questions.
The pressure is getting to them.
What the actual fuck?
52. Again with the butt stuff obsession of other people’s sons. It’s weird
MarketWatch Live U.S. stocks on track for their best week since November
noun, verb, boxcheck momala!
Tulsi is giving Trump advice on how to get through airport security faster.
Gabbard snuggling with dictators and dictator wannabes is not actually newsworthy.
It’s a day ending in “y”.
You guys are making a big mistake by running Harris.
@20 Anybody who ever watched the “Godfather” trilogy knows every Italian who got off the boat immediately joined the New York Mafia. And Daniel Day-Lewis educated us on New York’s Irish gangs. Fiction? Oh well, so is everything else Republicans believe.
Tester now moves ahead to a five point poll lead on the strength of the 78-year-old convicted felon’s recent sparsely attended PedoPlane rally in Bozeman.
We need more Trump!
@22 Years later, Aaron Judge is still in the big leagues. Years later, despite his 29-year-old reckless driving conviction, Tim Walz is still in the big leagues, too. It’s job performance, not driving record, that counts doc.
I’ll bet you never got a traffic ticket. Not even an expired tag or overtime parking ticket. You couldn’t have been a radiologist if you did. The medical board is very strict about that.
@23 I’m curious how you bought your first home with all that medical debt hanging over your head. Did you sell your shoelaces? Or get help from some government program?
Good for you, Darryl. for coming down on the duumbfuck for his long-assed cut and pastes. There’ve been many far longer than that one.
What’s weird is that he believes he can pwn with us something nobody bothers to read and all the while he’s doing a self-pwn just by merely posting it. Indeed, dumbfucks havng to dumbfuck is truly a fucking weird phenomenon.
@24 More evidence the Republican program to force women into childbearing is running into some glitches.
@28 Actually, why wouldn’t a breastfeeding Secret Service agent be on duty, instead of maternity leave? If there was a special accommodation made, it was letting her work. Yeah, it reeks of fiction.
@32 This is interesting: “The event on Thursday is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! It is by invitation only.”
“Vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance spoke to veterans on Thursday morning at an event in Lower Burrell.”
And what did he tell the veterans? “He says that he and Donald Trump are the best choice for veterans in the upcoming election.”
I’ll bet Trump has never been in a VFW hall in his entire life. And why would he? He hates looking at veterans in wheelchairs.
@34 From your Newsweek link: “Crabtree noted that a working Secret Service agent on duty is not allowed to bring children to a protective assignment. She said sources told her the agent, who was from the Atlanta Field Office, was accompanied by two other family members.”
The first question that comes to mind is why did Secret Service supervisors allow an agent to bring her baby to a field security assignment?
With that question answered (she didn’t), the next question is why did Secret Service supervisors allow a working agent’s relatives on site with her baby?
The third question is, how did the person who leaked this incident get this information? Were they hanging out with agents on a field security assignment too?
@35 I’m glad you asked. Cal-Maine is America’s largest domestic producer and distributor of shell eggs. Its earnings were $126 million on sales of $1.5 billion in 2018, $133 million on sales of $1.8 billion in 2022, and $15.52 on sales of $3.1 billion in 2023.
Sure, an egg shortage from an avian bird flu epidemic helped drive prices up. But other factors may have contributed, too. And Cal-Maine was a defendant in a recent jury verdict involving egg price-fixing in the early 2000s.
You don’t even know if any of these alleged events actually took place. There is no record and no eyewitness. There are no reports of any kind other than the one Twitter account of a woman named Crabtree with a record of falsifying scandals.
Please do not validate bullshit. Just stop it. If any of this stuff is even remotely true the agency will address it independently of any politics. This is a fuck stick agency dominated by the kinds of knuckle dragging troglodytes who gave us the Columbian Teen Prostitute scandal ten years ago. The same fucking garbage human beings are still there. Only now they are all pissed as hell because most of them have been passed over for advancement.
And who do incompetent white males of very low character blame when their lives are not working out?
Wait for at least ANY corroboration before you dive into their piles of bullshit headfirst.
@37 “Still don’t own the shares. Unless they’re put to me, I never will.”
Selling options to take on risk of owning shares you don’t want sounds like gambling to me.
Let me expand a little further on why options trading is gambling and owning shares isn’t. A shareholder can choose when to buy and sell, and therefore is able to ride out unfavorable market fluctuations; an options trader can’t, he’s stuck with whatever the share price is on the option expiration date. A shareholder has control over transaction timing and the price he buys or sells at; an options trader does not, he’s gambling on hitting a price on a specific day in the future, and given how much stock prices fluctuate, that’s dart-throwing.
By the way, my GNRC shares were up today, and up some more in after-hours.
Many of the stories that MAGA turds believe are our vulnerabilities are in fact our strengths:
@41 Assuming we hear nothing, you’ll assume it’s true because the agency doesn’t announce whether agents are censured, demoted, or fired.
ASS U ME always works for you.
@42 IDF has also wiped out 23,000 women, children, toddlers, infants, teachers, doctors, nurses, aid workers, and journalists with “PRESS” in large letters on their vests and cars.
No word yet on how many of them were used as human shields by Israeli troops, which is a war crime.*
* Sure, Hamas does it, too. Hamas are terrorists, IDF is a military force. Or was. If IDF mimics Hamas, they’re terrorists, too.
@51 He probably drinks goat milk laced with his own semen.
What Does Team Harris/Walz know that previous campaigns did not? Keep hammering on him because he’ll fold. Just never let up.
Put out on Social Media just before Donald started speaking at Bedminster
@89 Read between the lines of #87, please.
Brexitshambles on Xitter.
Think he needs the narrative to be the woke left ruined him and not the truth that he is a bad capitalist?
If I was an advertiser, I wouldn’t be advertising with a platform that was suing to force me pay good money to be next to Nazi and racist and apartheid posts.
What is it with republicans and force anyway?
Musk has driven all the smart people who make tesla and twitter good, now he reaps the results.
Two solid uninterrupted hours of raw meat rotting in the New Jersey sun.
And then there was the tables of groceries off camera behind him.
So Trump brought back a wife-beater to run the campaign, I’m sure that’ll help.
@99 Frank Luntz is wondering if Trump wants to lose, “because no sane person would campaign the way Donald Trump is
I don’t think he necessarily wants to lose, I think it’s a matter of priorities, and being a jerk is more important to him.
$3.19 a gallon for gas in West Bumfuck Delaware, where it probably costs more to supply the gas to, and $3.39 close Mr to the Beaches area. Makes sense from an economic standpoint, but who says the price of gas is nothing more than a game and not government policies.