Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board voted 8-1 to nominate the old Ballard Denny’s for historic preservation, an act the Seattle Times attacks as an involuntary “partial taking of the owner’s property without compensation, for reasons that are at bottom political.” The building opened in 1964 as a Manning’s Cafeteria, and was designed by noted architect Clarence Mayhew. With its swooping roof and sixties-era futuristic look, preservation advocates argue that the building is one of the best remaining examples of “Googie” architecture in the region, a sentiment the Times derides:
It’s an old Denny’s, boarded up.
Huh. I’m agnostic on the issue for the moment, but I wonder if folks at the Times will be so unsentimental the day they board up Fairview Fanny and cease operations as a print publication?
Times columnist Ron Judd thought landmark designation for the hunk-of-junk Denny’s is a joke, and he’s no friend of the orthodox or staid.
Where do the proponents of landmark status come off essentially dictating use to the owners of the property who aren’t in favor of it?
If they want to save the ugliest building in town, the EMP notwithstanding, then they ought to pony up the dough and buy it!
Otherwise, why don’t they shut up?
For once, The Times ariculates a common sense POV that’s probably shared by the vast majority of area residents.
The Piper
UM, Piper, don’t let the facts get in the way of your argument.
The Benaroya Companies applied for the status. They had bought the property with intent of resale. They were sure landmark status would be denied so that they could resell the property with a guarantee that the new owner, presumably a developer of condos, would be assured of an unencumbered building process.
You are a bombastic egomaniac who is bent on proving your lack of intelligence time and time again.
The lesson here, is don’t ask for what you don’t want. They tried to play the system and got bit. Now they are crying. Boo fucking hoo.
Historic preservation status for a Denny’s? Particularly that ugly eyesore? As for boarding up Fairview Fannie, the old Ford Motors Model-T plant down the street is now a storage business.
Somehow that pile of weather-beaten boards, stucco, and shingles simply isn’t in the same class as, say, a 300-year-old western red cedar growing in an ancient rainforest on the Olympic peninsula.
Benaroya applied for the status hoping it would be rejected.
The building was already slated for demolition as a monorail terminal site, but with the demise of the monorail, the property then became available for sale.
If you’re so hot to go to save the building, then buy it yourself.
The Piper
I think what this city needs, though, is an ordinance saying developers can’t replace ugly buildings with even uglier buildings. The law should be that what you’re putting up can’t be any uglier than what you’re tearing down.
Piper @ 5
I don’t give a crap about the building. All I pointed out was that the buyer is the party who applied for the landmark status. Not some hippie loving, pot smoking, flag burning liberal as you might believe.
The buyer got bit in the ass with their own strategy. Now they want a mulligan. For you to now cry outrage in support of the buyer, again the party who applied for landmark status, is duplicitous. They wrangled this snake all by themselves. The snake bit em. Then they act surprised that the snake bit em. The conservative mind is an amazing bit of gray matter that just can’t be studied enough.
Please, Piper, do your research. Just because you say something does not make it so.
I see a point in preserving kitsch architecture, since most of it IS already long gone. Anyone remember the old Hat and Boots? At least the Java Jive is still around down in Tacoma. But that old Denny’s ain’t just ugly, it’s fugly. Someone chopped down an entire forest of ugly trees to build that place.
I know that Benaroya applied for the status; it was a pre-emptive move intended to head off a gaggle of do-gooders with absolutely zero financial stake or risk in the project who were agog, simply agog, to save this marvelous example of Googie architecture.
That Benaroya was jacked into having to engage in hypocrisy like this is tawdry. The pro-preservation crowd, expecting defeat, didn’t know what to do when the preservation board, with only one member dissenting, voted in favor of landmark status.
Here’s what I think ought to happen: if they think the Denny’s is so cool and want it saved, then they ought to buy the damn thing at market price and save it!
Put up or shut up!
The Piper
Shorter Piper:
The rich get to do whatever they want! WAAAHHHHH! If you do not like it, become rich! WAHHHH!
The revolution that you sowed with the selection of the dictator Bush is at your door piper, get your kleenex ready.
I think that Sunset Lanes is architecturally significant also. More than the Apartment building that is going to replace it.
Wow! I had no idea that Dubya had anything to do with the Ballard Denny’s! Thanks for enlightening me.
Checked under your bed lately? They’re there, you know…and they’re calling your name!
The Piper
Oh, and here I thought it was your daughter.
Getting a bit hot in here for you? Calm down. Breathe.
They were not forced into anything. This is America where we do what we want. Right?
Plain and simple, the plan backfired. End of story. Period. No one forced them to apply. They did it of their own free will and choice.
Getting bit in the ass is tough to take. I suppose it hurts more when you bend over and ask for it.
Here is what I think should happen: Benaroya will now have to jump through hoops, spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to undo their OWN mistake. They will enrich already wealthy lawyers, they will get all kinds of bad publicity and in the end whatever happens, they asked for it.
I do think that the irony of a wealthy corporation being so frightened of a non-existent cabal of “do good-ers” is hilarious.
Tell me, Scot, do you see the liberal conspiracy monsters under your bed too?
I feel sorry for you. Soon your party will be out of power and you will be on the outside looking in. How will you deride the majority of Americans who prefer a more liberally balanced government?
Wonder if the Denny’s building issue will be settled by then? I bet not. The lawyers will drag it out to up the billable hours. All because some genius at Benaroya had an idea. Wonder if said genius is still employed? Hey, you could activate your license and get in on the fun and fees.
If Benaroya can’t round up five or more votes on the City Council to nix the Preservation Board vote I would be very surprised.
I suppose Benaroya could put in a night club and the Mayor and Council would run right over to help knock down the building.
As for Googie architecture. We have the Supreme Googie Ugliness already. It is called the Space Needle. Although Piper is right the EMP is pretty damn ugly. What style is that, Turdie?
I get the distinct impression that you people like romanticizing the gutter. Ballard has largely been a blighet shit hole, yet I keep reading about you people reminiscing about the “good ole days” of Ballard. This Denny’s should be bulldozed ASAP.
“I get the distinct impression that you people like romanticizing the gutter.”
That is why I love reading about the Republican hero, Richard Mellon Scaife, and his divorce proceedings. LMAO, you have to be a tight-assed monarchist to be racist against the Irish. I mean, THE IRISH?? That is old money racism.
A $1.4 Billion dollar guy and his 43 year old hooker in a $49 motel room! Those Republican family values.
The itchy Asshole @ 17:
Who is romanticizing Ballard or the building? Who is reminiscing? Cite your example.
Ballard is a wonderful neighborhood, ever drive through the residential streets? Nice houses, old architecture, tree lined, etc…. Ballard is more than Market Street and 15th.
Now you can say someone romanticized Ballard.
Smirky McFlightsuit (Dumya) has infested any Republican with a near-fatal stench for an entire generation.
The greed, avarice, incompetence, laziness, and downright butchery–all combine to guarantee to flush many otherwise decent Republicans.
Maybe all 13 of ’em.
Now go back in your closet and play with your pipe.
It’s funny the picture for “googie architecture” entry in Wikipedia is the Space Needle. Which last I check was still in fact “remaining” and “in the region.”
I like Goldy am an agnostic on this decision, but I am sick of the bullshit peddled to justify government overreaching. One day politicos will realize that the public can take it…
“Anyone remember the old Hat and Boots?”
Parts are still on display on Corson Ave. South, just south of Michigan St.
(If you want to drop by and leave a wreath.)
I’ve posted a reply to the Seattle Times editorial on Crosscut. It really demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of the situation. The merits of the Ballard diner aside, landmark laws do not violate property rights any more than zoning or environmental regulations do. They are constitutional. This is not a taking, the government isn’t going to take over the property and no public money is being asked for renovation. The idea that preservation should only be voluntary is ridiculous: we wouldn’t have the Pike Place Market if that were the case. The major property owners there wanted to tear it down and build a giant parking garage. The editorial contains all kinds of other incorrect assumptions, but this one is the worst.
“Whatcom County wants $71 million for Olympics prep
“Associated Press
“BELLINGHAM, Wash. – Officials in Whatcom County plan to ask federal officials for more than $70 million to help prepare for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia.
“The Whatcom Council of Governments projects as many as 175,000 people will travel north through the county on Intestate 5 in the two weeks before the games — a 50 percent increase from 2004.
“Whatcom County Executive Pete Kremen says he’s also worried about terrorist threats. …
“Kremen … drafted a … [wish] list that includes a regional emergency operations center and equipment upgrades for fire and law enforcement agencies.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Milk that cow, baby! The foreign country next door is hosting the Olympics, so this is a golden opportunity to get a shiny new regional operations center and shiny new equipment for firemen and cops. And I do mean “golden” because everywhere else county taxpayers have to pay for this stuff.
I wish someone would give ME a gift certification for $71 million …
gift certificate
Sorry…but the Ballard Denny’s ain’t the Pike Place Market.
If that ugly, insignificant building qualifies as a historic landmark, what won’t? That Googie architecture is considered significant by achitectural affecianados has no relative meaning to the broader population.
Sometimes buildings just need to be razed in order to put the public out of its misery.
The Piper
Talk about a transparent ripoff …
@7 Kinda reminds me of the idiot who put a rattlesnake’s head in his mouth to impress his girlfriend. He was from Texas, of course. Probably votes Republican, too. (Maybe that should be “voted” as in past tense.)
@8 Hat and Boots wasn’t ugly, and it’s still around, too. It was relocated and restored.
Pelletizer (TM)@24: There is Googie architecture in Bellingham?
@10 Kudos, BDM! Couldn’t have said it better myself. The rich guys outsmarted themselves this time … and we’re supposed to cry for them?
Wile E. Coyote Scott, community super genius. You know when you agree with him, you should probably re-think your position. Kind of like an bizarro world political weather vane.
@9 Benayora happens to be a very RECENT owner of this property. Its previous was the Seattle Monorail Project, which bought it to tear down the building and build a monorail station. Well, guess what, ever hear of “due diligence?” Benaroya didn’t do enough of it — instead of investing in competent pre-purchase research, they assumed if SMP could tear it down, they could too. Whose fault is that? They certainly knew the historic landmark law might apply to it; after all, they themselves initiated the process in order to find out. Now why didn’t they take an option on the property subject to its being developable and file the application before handing over all that money for it? Hmmmm? Isn’t that what corporate lawyers and fancy consultants get paid big bucks for?
@12 Ballard is not part of the country that Bush imposed fascist economics on? Since when?
@14 Benaroya forgot that all politics is local.
@16 You absolutely should go into the consulting business.
@17 We’re not the only ones who enjoy wallowing in gutters. I notice you spend a lot of time in these threads, too.
@21 Who overreached? When you jump into a deep well and can’t swim, is that the water’s fault?
@23 Knute, you’re talking to people who think rules against dumping barrels of toxic chemicals on the ground should be voluntary, and government interference with that particular exercise of “private property rights” is “communism.”
@27 “If that ugly, insignificant building qualifies as a historic landmark”
Now we’re getting somewhere! The problem is not the landmark preservation law but stupid commissioners! That’s what appeals are for. As an ex-lawyer, you should know that.
@31 How would I know, and wtf are you talking about?
Idiot@42: Check the thread heading. What has Bellingham have to do with anything in the thread fool?
@43 Money.
Everything in politics, in the end, is about money piper.
there is nothing wrong with the Dennys that a match and some gas can’t fix.
Sometimes piper and her girlfriend puddybud just need to be razed in order to put this blog out of its misery.
It is ugly, ugly, ugly.
The Landmarks Board next will designate a parking lot. Or a Burgermaster.
They are supposed to preserve things worth preserving and ugliness should not be the qualifier.
And Mr. Berger, you can say it’s not a taking and legally that’s correct. But in reality, it’s a fucking taking.
When you lose 85% of the value, it’s a taking.
And I believe that the Pike Market is not in private ownership so that analogy is total bullshit.
They have shitty, shitty, food, too. At Denny’s.
We should change the name of the board to the Blight Preservation Board.
If ugliness were the basis for razing old buildings, there’s a fugly one on Fairview that should be high up the list.
I (and everyone I knew) thought that thing was butt ugly when Manning’s first built it, and it hasn’t improved over the years, in esthetic appeal or utility. The bowling alley will be missed more.
The general area around 15th and Market was once sort of a central focus for Ballard, but it’s become somewhat blighted over the years. Turning it into a canyon between giant stucco condos won’t be much better, but there are plenty of other things around here that are far more worthy of preservation.
I’m sure that if someone offers Frank Blethen the right price, he’ll be more than happy to move the rest of his operation to Bothell, or Yakima, or Bangalore.
So many people lack both taste and imagination. If Tom Douglas came in and repurposed that building into the kid of place where you pay $40 bucks for six beef tournedos, you’d be all over it, crowing about how “world-class” it is. The Benaroyas themselves would be calling up and bullying the hostess for a special table.
Instead, you’re content to see the same bland shit that is going up all over Ballard replace a building that someone actually put some thought into.
Why can’t it be integrated into the new development? What’s so radical about that? Nothing – except that they’d have to pay an architect to come up with something, instead of the same old tired plans that some developer pulls out of his ass and reuses over and over and over…
If you want to live in Phoenix, live in Phoenix – I’d rather see just a little bit of local color preserved.
Gaseous Excretion@47:
Did you say something worthwhile? Nope! Still a pinprick!
Last I remember, the remains are behind a big ol’ chain-link fence. If it wasn’t in such a shitty neighborhood, somebody would’ve done something with that property by now. I’d honestly rather have the remains razed than see the sad eyesore that rests there.