Two men were taken to Harborview Medical Center on Wednesday afternoon after reportedly being shot while driving on a freeway in Tukwila.
The victims, ages 23 and 24, sustained non-life-threatening injuries, according to the Seattle Fire Department.
I don’t know what to say except, please don’t shoot anybody.
Instead, how about nobody flashes gang signs at anybody else?
Well, if you don’t want to get shot, don’t flash gang signs at other vehicles.
this story is more interesting:
“Turkish archaeologists say they have found a stone chest in a 1,350-year-old church that appears to contain a relic venerated as a piece of Jesus’ cross.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Relics from Jesus’ cross are actually fairly common. They use to sell them in market stalls during the Middle Ages. If you collected them all together, you’d have enough wood to build a 25,000-square-foot house, with enough left over for a 6-car garage.
Kind of like the 263,000 49er fans I’ve met who were at the stick for “The Catch.” BTW, I have a ball that was not only used in Felix’s perfect game but it was also touched by Jesus. $4500 and it’s yours.
Kind of like the 263,000 49er fans I’ve met who were at the stick for “The Catch.” BTW, I have a ball that was not only used in Felix’s perfect game but it was also touched by Jesus. $4500 and it’s yours.
Should have been @3 and it posted twice cause I also have a ball that was stitched by St. Paul and used in three Nolan Ryan no hitters. But for you, come close, (whisper) $2700.
If you look at who dies from gun shot wounds, it’s overwhelmingly males aged 17-25. I’ve always assumed the people doing the shooting were also males of the same age group, but the data on who’s doing the shooting seems a little harder to come by.
So, the question is: how do you reach males of that age range and how to you tailor your message so that they will internalize it. Or possibly, if you can’t reach those people, how do you protect the rest of society from the damage that these people do.
You can play around with the data on this via Google Public Docs.
@7 Simple solution: reinstate polygamy. If every man over age 25 is allowed four wives, there will be enough survivors to go around, and no woman will ever have to be as spinster.
reinstate polygamy and marry off people at 19. That way they’ll be way too tired and hen-pecked at the end of the day to stay up late and get into trouble.
@9 Maybe the Mormons and Moooslems were onto something.
This may not be earth-shaking news, but the Republican Times reports tonight that Haggen’s is closing its grocery stores in Bellevue and Shoreline.
This has been flying under my radar until now, but apparently the Russian government is run by a gang of homophobic assholes, and Putin announced today that gay athletes and spectators who visit Russia for the 2014 Olympic games — including Americans — will be “detained” under Russia’s anti-gay laws. In Russia, it’s not only illegal to be gay, it’s also illegal to be “pro-gay,” which means if you’re a heterosexual who is sympathetic to giving LGBT people the same rights as everyone else (of course, in Russia, “rights” is a very relative concept) they’ll arrest you, too. So if you want to compete in, or attend, the 2014 Olympics you’d better memorize some anti-gay slurs for use at the airport or you may find yourself in Lubyanka.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Last I heard, they threw you in jail if you don’t vote for Putin, too. It doesn’t look like Russia has made much progress toward joining the human race since the Bolsheviks tumbled. About the only thing the world got out of it, it seems, is a second-hand statue in Fremont to keep “Waiting for the Interurban” company..
So if you’re going to Sochi, get yourself a t-shirt that says “Go Putin!” (in Cyrillic, of course) on the front and “Jail Queers!” on the back. Plus a little Russian Federation flag to wave at the hockey game can’t hurt. When the airport security agents start asking you questions, just look stupid and say “da” to every question. If they put you in the van and take you to a building that looks like this,
… and question you again, just look stupid and say “nyet” to every question. If they still don’t release you, promise them each a bottle of vodka and a carton of cigarets — when “da” and “nyet” don’t work, it’s a payment issue.
Since Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit made another thread his cesspool… Puddy wonders who Da Perfessa will use next since PMSNBC’s ratings are in the cesspool…
No one. They are terraists in the “archor” chairs!
Remember the link is a leftist rag!
News in an objective fashion. Al is the poverty pimp and Rachel doesn’t know the US Constitution! Chris lost his tingle. Hayes doesn’t know who kills whom. O’Clownell is a Daily Kooks news reader. Did Puddy miss anyone… Oh yeah the old fat misogynist! Y’all know all about Big Ed and the big head!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! The channel libtards run to for their morning “rush”!
Damn, Puddy wondered why ekim was posting lately… Now Puddy knows… He’s in Missouri!
@12 – I’d like to see them arrest any of the American athletes. I dare them.
I see SpittlePuddles’ brain tumor is still coming along nicely.
@ 1
how about nobody flashes gang signs at anybody else?
Maybe we can organize a summit
Gang members invited to summit designed to end the violence
to get the word out about that. Maybe invite that known inciter of violence, Al Crown Heights Sharpton, like they’re doing in Chicago, to cool people down.
@ 3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16
Wrong thread.
“Kind of like the 263,000 49er fans I’ve met who were at the stick for “The Catch.””
I have a 49er Alumni jacket that I was given at a 49er Alumni golf tournament and when wearing it I’ve often been asked if I used to be a 49er. Even former 49ers have come up to me and asked the question. Now when I hear that question I strike “The Catch” pose and ask, “You know who I am??” And they’ll say they recognize me! Too funny!
@ 19
FWIW, Steve, I would never, ever suggest that you had been selected by a professional sports team to do anything except clean the gum off the undersides of seats between games.
There was also a report today of some poor fool who managed to shoot himself in the knee while sleepwalking. At least he didn’t shoot anyone else.