I suppose I could say I told you so…but it is a sad day for many in the Everett area. From workers to support business to…you name it. The Union is to blame and that ridiculous strike in the face of a recession.
No Union in SC…no excuses for Boeing either.
Boeing stock is UP nearly $1 or 2% in afterhours trading. At least employees with Boeing Stock in their portfolio got a little bump.
windows 7 roolz!
Yep, no surprise. The same guys who screwed up McDonnel-Douglas and managed to buy Boeing with Boeing’s own money are right on path to their business plan of putting Boeing into a tail-spin into the ground, as well.
But hey, it’ll take another ten years or so before Boeing finally dies. By then the current crop of executives in Chicago will have taken their hefty bonuses and be in a comfortable retirement. But they better have exercised their stock options long before then, they sure aren’t going to be worth much ten years from now.
If it Ain’t Airbus, I ain’t Going.
So how long is it going to take Boeing to get this 2nd line building planes that will actually fly?
Brenda Helversonspews:
South Carolina is merely a stop on Boeing’s route to sending assembly overseas. I saw this several times in Arkansas, which is a Right-to-Work State like South Carolina. There was always celebration when an Arkansas city would snag a manufacturer from a Northern State, but they would rarely stay for long. Limited transportation and a poorly-educated work pool would doom the enterprise, leaving the Arkansas City with an unoccupied manufacturing plant and no company to use it.
Boeing will milk South Carolina for what little that it is worth and then head overseas. And Washington will be rid of a major corporate bully.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, whatta gal!
Patty Murray finally gets involved AFTER the decision is made.
Did you see what local economist Dick Conway has been saying for years!!
Local economist Dick Conway, who has studied Boeing’s impact on the regional economy for decades, estimates that each Boeing job generates spending that supports 1.7 other local jobs — one of the highest “multipliers” of any private-sector employer. That means every job that Boeing creates in South Carolina represents nearly three jobs that won’t be created in Washington.
Way to go Governor and our Democrat lead Legislature. Kudo’s for killing the golden goose.
Now for the excuses, blame and minimizing by those who could have done something.
Hold on to your seats!
I love American Patriots. What are you talking about? I am not happy Boeing is leaving. I have family & friends impacted.
The buck stops with Governor Gregoire and the anti-business Democrats.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Why do you KLOWNS elect Anti-Business representatives and then seem amazed that businesses leave Washington??
Weird as it sounds, I think biting the hand that feeds them is how the trogs express their self-hate.
It takes two to make a strike. Most employees don’t want to strike, it’s hard on their wallets and their families. Boeing could have easily avoided the last strike – the main issue was outsourcing of maintenance workers at Boeing facilities, which they eventually gave in on.
What surprised Boeing was the reaction from the airlines, most of whom blamed Boeing management, not the Union. It also came at a time when Boeing was realizing that the 787 program was in serious trouble, and delays were going to be inevitable.
So Boeing tried to pass the blame off on the Union. The airlines aren’t buying it – a two-month strike doesn’t explain over two years of delays in a program. But a lot of people who just don’t like Unions in general are repeating the mantra in lock-step.
The thing is, Boeing actually benefited from the strike, at least with respect to the 787 line. It gave their suppliers time to catch up on parts deliveries, and inspections of the aircrafts on the assembly line revealed lots of problems which needed to be corrected (mostly in sections “assembled” in Charleston). If they had proceeded with production during that time period, they just would have created more structure which would have had to have been disasembled and re-worked later.
Gregoire, Murray and Cantwell
What a trio
To bad they can’t sing cause they sure can’t lead.
The governor finally climbed out from under her desk this afternoon. Just a little to late.
Will the last business in the Puget Sound area please turn out the lights
Seattle, home to REI, Outdoor Research, Mountain Safety Research and K2 who moved over from Vashon a few years back has been called the silicon valley of outdoor gear. Hopefully the state will work on building up small businesses like these to fill in the gap that Boeing leaves. There is no shortage of machinists to make the gear!
And Cyn should be onboard seeing as most small businesses are non-union.
Why do you KLOWNS elect Anti-Business representatives and then seem amazed that businesses leave Washington??
10/28/2009 at 2:50 pm
YOU gonna work for $14.00 AN HOUR? YOU gonna give the greedy motherfucker EVEN MORE tax breaks so they won’t have to PAY for the public services they use????
You are the dumbest motherfucker here. Easily. No fucking contest.
My (foster) father was Employee of the Year in 1986. I’m sure he’s spinning in his grave tonight.
Corporate mortal wounds are often self-inflicted. It takes a lot of effort to kill off a beast like Boeing. One of the very few lessons I’ve learned is in this life is that you can’t dissuade someone determined to fail.
The Boeing execs are certainly determined.
Boeing has been going cycles of boom and bust employment and strikes for at least the last 20 years. I really doubt that, that has been good for our region. It’s time to find a better way forward.
# 9: “The buck stops with Governor Gregoire and the anti-business Democrats.”
I won’t bother to repeat the details about how Forbes and others have ranked Washington State very high in business climate. You didn’t listen when those facts were given before, you won’t listen now.
But at least note that among Washington businesses, Boeing is probably the most favored. It receives multiple tax exemptions, and the most favorable rates on the few taxes it does pay. The state paid for multiple highway projects to improve their transportation complaints, and even paid for training centers (and the instructors to man them) to train the new workers hired for the 787 project.
In fact, it has been the small businesses which bear the burden of the tax cuts which go to big businesses like Boeing, in that they have to bear the greatist burden through the regressive B&O tax.
Heck, when Boeing recently leveled a forest greenbelt up in Everett (planted by the local government) without a permit, they were afraid to do anyting to Boeing about it (I have yet to see any notice of enforcement action against Boeing for that little “faux pax”.
Boeing didn’t leave because of any anti-government business climate in Washington. In fact, when Boeing brought out the potential move to Charleston, the State couldn’t find anything else of significance to give to Boeing as an inducement to keep them here.
Governor Gregoire is working to make Washington State a leader in sustainability. That were the new jobs are. New energy sources. Conservation technology. The business and financial infrastructure to support those activities.
Losing Boeing is a shame. But they’re hardly on the forefront of where our economy is going. We’ll outgrow them.
From the Boeing press release:
“Until the second 787 assembly line is brought on line in North Charleston, Boeing will establish transitional surge capability at its Everett, Wash., location to ensure the successful introduction of the 787-9, the first derivative model of the 787. When the second line in Charleston is up and operating, the surge capability in Everett will be phased out.”
Translation: “We will use experienced Union workers to figure out how to build the planes, correct the errors made by the various oursourced suppliers, and otherwise train their replacements. After that is done, we will lay them off and transfer the work to their less qualified replacements”.
And after Boeing lays them off, lets make sure they get a shot at setting up their own machine shops.
@21, 22
Did you know that high end skeet guns are made in Yakima?
The only problem is that this state doesn’t care about the small businesse.
Gregoire just raised the L and I taxes an additional 7%. Because the whole system is run by the state we have one of the highest rates in the country. Why would any small business ever think about opeing up in WA?
About a month ago when one of the posters said that his company was looking at moving to Post Falls Id. Most of the responses were “good riddance”
The only problem is that this state doesn’t care about the small businesse.
Gregoire just raised the L and I taxes an additional 7%
10/28/2009 at 3:23 pm
Posted by a right-wing dumbasss who probably does not understand what “L&I” is.
Nice. Paid your BIAW dues? More than the L&I “taxes”…
Now that don’t have those Boeing jobs to look forward to, maybe we can change things? Washington has a good record with business startups, look at the tech sector, outdoor gear, all the wineries around Walla Walla.
Post Falls is a unique situation because you can live in Washington, benefit from Washington’s public schools, hire well educated Washintonian’s and pay Idaho taxes.
I know a couple of people that work in Post Falls they, and most of their co-workers, live in Spokane.
Why would any small business ever think about opeing up in WA?
Maybe because Forbes magazine last month rated Washington state #2 (up from #3 last year) best to do business in the US?
I think Goldy owes us an apology. The leaders HE told us to vote for lost Boeing.
Daddy Lovespews:
Um, Boeing didn’t leave.
40-year Voterspews:
Boeing hasn’t been committed to the Puget Sound region since 2001 when they moved their corporate headquarters to Chicago. They are an international company now and Seattle is just another pin on their map, albeit one with historical footnotes.
And I can’t help but note, the same folks who thought that outsourcing all the parts construction on the 787 was such a great idea, they’re the ones telling us and the world that Charleston is a better place for the second assembly line.
That they got it wrong a second time should surprise no one.
Well, it’s consistent…Stonecipher screwed one of the employees. Now they’re all getting it.
The B17, B29, B47, B52, 707, 727, 737, 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777 were all on time and highly successful products.
This one’s now three years behind schedule, and they’re still doinking around trying to make the pieces fit together.
So far, McDonnell Douglas Boeing’s “whole new way of making airplanes” is really working out, isn’t it?
And…to finish what I suspect the author of @31 was leading up to, there is no Boeing, as we once knew it.
ArtFart. The 747 wasn’t on time.
No point in restating that between Democrat leadership and Unions the future of large business in Washington State is exceedingly fragile.
But how does this grab you, devout progressives? With the fundamental changes in how we do things led by the Sainted One, the holy martyr to the presidency, his annointed highness Barak Obama this is the future of the country at large.
My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation, lefties.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. Jason Osgood spews:
This the third millennium. Update your calendar.
Governor Gregoire is working to make Washington State a leader in sustainability. That were the new jobs are. New energy sources. Conservation technology. The business and financial infrastructure to support those activities.
Losing Boeing is a shame. But they’re hardly on the forefront of where our economy is going. We’ll outgrow them.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so this is why Gregoire has jammed thru 2 consecutive UNSUSTAINABLE Budgets. Gimmee a break.
I am certainly for a successful small business environment that spreads the risk.
I have worked with plenty of small businesses in my career…most of which are unhappy with the excessive regulations and tax environment in Washington and especially Seattle/King Kounty.
Time to compete…or be a loser.
If you think Boeing leaving won’t have a ripple effect, you don’t understand Economics 101.
I’m not asking, I’m telling. Goldy, you owe us an apology. The politicians you told us to vote for made Boeing choose SC over WA for the 2nd 787 line.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
22. Michael spews:
And after Boeing lays them off, lets make sure they get a shot at setting up their own machine shops.
Doing what for whom??
Building car parts no one will buy?
“My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation, lefties.”
And to think it only took us eight months to do so! Of course, there wasn’t much left for us to destroy once the Republicans were finished driving our nation to ruin. I’m sure you’ll give them the credit they so richly deserve.
@39 Just keep in mind the Bushes being escorted by the Obamas to Marine One behind the White House after the inauguration…remember Dubya’s shit-eating grin. The sea cocks were already wide open on the Good Ship America. Not that Obama’s done a very good job of looking for where to turn them off, or even realize the water was rising in the hold.
Bzzt. Wrong answer. Thanks for playing. I’m sorry, but your time is up.
For the viewing audience, Mr. Cynical claimed in the libertarian utopia, government must only pay for defense, infrastructure, and public safety.
Being eager to hear more about this wonderful form of government, I repeatedly asked Mr. Cynical who pays for elections and courts.
Silence is his response.
Pretty much what I thought. We can only conclude that Mr. Cynical does not believe that The People should have the ability to vote, nor access to the courts. In Mr Cynical’s utopia, voting and justice are privileges afforded to only the highest bidders.
Mr. Cynical has no ideas, no plan, no contribution. He’s been reduced to just venom and vitriol. Beyond that, he has nothing.
Mr Cynical, I regret to inform you that you’re no longer interesting enough to notice. Please say “Hi!” to Empty Suit for me. Be sure to tell him how much I miss him.
Too bad, so sad.
Troll pukes
I’m not asking, I’m telling. Goldy, you owe us an apology. The politicians you told us to vote for made Boeing choose SC over WA for the 2nd 787 line.
Hey Troll, you’re boring today. We’re use to you being stupid. But at least you are usually entertaining. Please try harder.
Um… Parts for our burgeoning wineries and outdoors industries? Small scale crushers so farmers can make their own bio-diesel?
It’s the old economy, not the whole economy, that’s dying.
He’s, also, never been able to point to a single successful, industrialized county that’s run that way.
My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation
Last I checked, South Carolina was still part of the United States. You must be thinking when Boeing discovers that workers in China are cheaper than in South Carolina.
Re 43
Yeah, we heard all about a new economy just before the dot com bubble burst too. Lots of stuff about new rules for business in the new electronic age, and other nonsense. That worked beautifully!
See, economic rules don’t change just because you put a fake green label on something. Parlaying a global warming hoax into a new economy actually means the ‘science’ has to hold long enough for the new products to seem necessary. This isn’t something you folks can count on. After all global temperatures have dropped or been stagnant the past 10 years, the last I checked I ski on roughly the same amount of snow as before the big scare, and sea levels are constant, not rising. So you use scare tactics, celebrity liars, and crooked politicians making money off the scare ala Al Gore to try to keep the fringe eco-business going. This never works in the long run. Ultimately you still have to produce something people want and are willing to pay your profit margin for. And you absolutely have to have large anchor businesses providing the jobs to support your small businesspeople.
The wineries are an excellent example though. Instead of trying hopelessly to compete with Chilean fruit Yakima Valley orchardists started growing grapes and making some truly decent wines. This is capitalism in action. Liberals might learn something from it, but I doubt they have the intellectual honesty.
Rhp is pretty astute commenter here and close to the industry. His call on the future of Boeing seems right on the mark to me. I’d just add (sort of, rhp has alluded to this as well) that in 15 years or less the civilian aircraft business becomes a Chinese acquisition.
We rank and file citizens have to chart our own future with a whole new economy created from the bottom up.
Re 45-
You missed the point Don, and made it. Out sourcing jobs to countries and workers who actually want to work for the pay they receive is exactly the end result of progressive economic policies. So yes, the Carolinas are US states. And yes, eventually Boeing will make the move to China or somewhere else they aren’t demonized and villified for the shocking crime of wanting value for the salaries paid.
Re 41
I can’t speak for Cynical, but somewhere between birth to death government intrusion into our lives and a Mad Max wasteland is surely a middle ground. Maybe we have a government to perform the tasks granted it by our Constitution and stay our of our doctors office?
Re 39
An unusually lucid comment from Steve deserves a rare response.
Absolutely Bush and Cheney deserve a pretty good portion of the blame for the situation Obama inherited. Reckless spending on foreign adventures didn’t help. Civil rights violations at huge expense by the Orwellian named Department of Homeland Security and initiating insane corporate bailouts set the stage.
But credit where credit is due- Obama yields to no man in reckless spending. No-one has the right to tell me how to spend my money, on health insurance or otherwise, and Obama pushed for reinstating sunsetting provisions of the odious Patriot Act.
No, I fully agree that Bush was a disaster, but you guys get the blue ribbon as far as presidential disasters go. Don’t be so modest.
The wineries are an excellent example though
All three examples I gave are things that are going on and growing right now. All three also tend to be run by people who are in the center or a little to the left of the center politically.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see Mr. C is gloating over Boeing picking SC. I assume that’s because it validates his worldview, which is that all workers should be paid minimum wage and have no rights.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “No, I fully agree that Bush was a disaster”
Gee, that’s pretty generous, coming from a rightwing asshole who helped put them in.
“but you guys get the blue ribbon as far as presidential disasters go.”
Sez you. Obama saved the world, stupe. But you’re too dumb to realize that.
proud leftistspews:
Jason: “Mr Cynical, I regret to inform you that you’re no longer interesting enough to notice. Please say “Hi!” to Empty Suit for me. Be sure to tell him how much I miss him.”
I must agree. Little Ricky Dumbass/Empty Suit Obama was never worth reading, just vicious, mindless partisan claptrap in every single post. I used to think Cynical had some potential–hell, his moniker suggests he thinks critically–but, alas, he has revealed himself since Obama’s election as nothing but a blind partisan fool. He is not at all cynical; he accepts at face value whatever his rightwing handlers tell him to accept.
Time to revisit the B&O Tax on airplane builders. No reason to continue the Boeing giveaway at the expense of the State’s other taxpayers.
WTF?! Now you’re saying that Boeing was forced to move to South Carolina because they can’t handle criticism?
This was over before it started. Boeing has just been jerking us around. Unless the machinists cut their pay in half (forget the no strike BS) none of it mattered. How many of us are willing to accept that pay cut?
@53…”obama saved the world”???? HAHAHHAHAHAA, that could take the cake as the most asinine comment on this board in ages.
hey rabbit, I think you have some of obamama’s cum on your chin…because you gotta be suckin’ some serious dick to have that opinion….better watch out, gman might get jealous.
The stock market is only up because the dollar is in the tank. Guess what, this means we are well on our way to third world country status. Who was the one who decided destroying the middle class was the right choice for America?
All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.
I said it years ago. WA should have told them to go fuck themselves long ago.
Now that the deal is sealed, there must be some way to reneg on those sweet tax deals they got.
After all, they’re not living up to their side of the bargain.
New Slogan: The American South — Gateway to the Race to the Bottom.
Farley Mowatspews:
. Brenda Helverson spews:
South Carolina is merely a stop on Boeing’s route to sending assembly overseas. I saw this several times in Arkansas, which is a Right-to-Work State like South Carolina. There was always celebration when an Arkansas city would snag a manufacturer from a Northern State, but they would rarely stay for long. Limited transportation and a poorly-educated work pool would doom the enterprise, leaving the Arkansas City with an unoccupied manufacturing plant and no company to use it.
Boeing will milk South Carolina for what little that it is worth and then head overseas. And Washington will be rid of a major corporate bully.”
Well said brenda, I couldn’t have summed it up better.
“All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.”
The average wage at that fat fuck firm is $700,000 a year. That’s not a typo, $700,000 a year.
And the righties have a problem with Boeing workers making $28 an hour?
35. lostinaseaofblue spews:
No point in restating that between Democrat leadership and Unions the future of large business in Washington State is exceedingly fragile.
But how does this grab you, devout progressives? With the fundamental changes in how we do things led by the Sainted One, the holy martyr to the presidency, his annointed highness Barak Obama this is the future of the country at large.
My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation, lefties
Well, hey, as long as we DO take you down with us it’s a favor to civilization and all, now, ain’t it. If we try harder can we take down your first cousin mates, too? Then that will just leave the incestuous ones and eventually that problem will take care of itself.
Northwest Terratorial Mint is moving from Auburn to Nevada and taking its 200 million in sales with them as well as 100 good paying jobs. Queen Gregoire wouldn’t even return several phone calls from the owner. (Five phone calls if my memory serves me) The Governor of Nevada and the Lt Governor returned the owners phone calls the same day. The owner says moving will save 2 million a year in payroll taxes. Way to go Gregoire! Way to go Democrats! Fucking idiots! Cant you tards see that bloated government doesn’t work, Obama and his idiocy isn’t going to work, government run healthcare isn’t going to work in fact it will be the biggest financial disaster the world has seen. It’s like a bad movie that wont end.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 Let’s see how long Nevada keeps them before they move production offshore. My guess is just long enough to cash the check the state gave them to move there.
Re 53
“Sez you. Obama saved the world, stupe. But you’re too dumb to realize that.” How do you make this out, Roger? The Nobel PC prize? The pullout of Iraq and peace in Afganistan? The stellar condition of the economy? Are these the indices you use to determine His Holiness status as the savior of the world?
By the way, I vote for Republicans because it’s the lesser of 2 evils, not out of blind partisan fervor. I’m adult enough to realize that not all Democrats are bad or all Republicans good. Heck, they’re all just politicians, and I do mean ‘just,’ to mean barely human and thoroughly unethical.
Re 56
Don, you’re usually better than this. I’ve enjoyed disputing points with you because you are. To make it simple though, for whatever reason you want it that way, here goes. Boeing, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs and all other large businesses are not inherently evil. They aren’t inherently good. They are what the conditions of society and regulations make them. All I meant was that the currently rabid anti business climate of the country makes relocation overseas where possible and financially desirable pretty much inevitable.
Re 66
The folks at Goldman Sachs make too much? Stop doing business with them. But a factory assembly worker is NOT a skilled worker, and should be paid accordingly. $28 an hour would buy a journeyman carpenter, a diesel mechanic or a plumber right now. Why should unskilled labor get the same rate? Simply because of union extortion?
Re 67
Remarkably eloquent prose. Short on actual argument or fact and long on pointless vitriol, but that’s what some extreme leftists are good at. Good luck with that. Just so you know, though you raise the fatal flaw in the Robin Hood philosophy. I’m actually doing better during this recession financially, and will come out of it far ahead of where I went in. You see, even without government handouts, of which I’ve taken none, it IS possible to plan ahead and take advantage of opportunity when others are panicking. All the government money floating around to the indigent and the stupid will end up right back in the hands of the wealthy taxpayers from whom it was stolen, eventually. Wouldn’t it be smarter and easier just to cut out the middleman and leave it there?
68 – The greedheads who own the company get to put more in their pockets, take Nevada’s handouts and laugh all the way to China..
Nice work if you really want it…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 I can keep this real simple. I don’t see how a philosophy that espouses low wages and no bargaining rights helps workers. And, beyond the selfish interests of the owners, if a business doesn’t provide good jobs for workers, what’s it good for?
Stiv Batorspews:
Maybe the management really likes south Carolinas easy come, easy go sex attitudes.
I mean Gregoire cannot compete with Gov Sanford, or the assist attorney gen who was caught in a cemetery with a hooker, viagra and sex toys this week.
South Carolina is fun!
Oh, and you gotta love these washington dumb fuck conservatives who don’t want anyone making over 10 bucks an hour in this state.
Hey dumbfucks, who’s gonna buy your cars, couches, appliances?
The amount of money mangement wasted w/ all the outsourcing,mistakes, penalties, is way more than paying a decent wage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 “But a factory assembly worker is NOT a skilled worker, and should be paid accordingly.”
OK let’s do this. Let’s round up a random bunch of guys off the street and have them assemble an airplane. Then let’s send you for a ride on it …
Of all the stupid comments posted in this blog, this one takes the cake. Is it possible for anyone to be this ignorant? Aerospace assembly not only is skilled work, it’s HIGHLY skilled work, far more demanding than most factory work. A jetliner is one of the most complex and intricately engineered products there is. Screw up a wiring harness or the installation of a control surface and 200 people are dead. This isn’t a job making Gameboys. You are a dolt. Once again, you have demonstrated the intellectual bankruptcy of the stupid right.
Building a plane isn’t skilled labor? Let’s see you put one together.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with the Attorney General suing them for fraud would it? They’ll fit right in in Nevada, home of boiler rooms and scams, they will.
The wineries are an excellent example though. Instead of trying hopelessly to compete with Chilean fruit Yakima Valley orchardists started growing grapes and making some truly decent wines.
This is socialism in action, growing grapes using water from a Federal irrigatio9n product and technology from a state funded agricultural school!. KUDOES
and more: @ 48 LIB endorses MNORE socialism ..
Out sourcing jobs to countries and workers who actually (work for government owned companies and are not allowed to form unions. These workers’ pay they )they receive is exactly the end result of (Marxist/Maoist,) ..economic policies.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
63. CC “Bud” Baxter spews:
Who gives a fuck about Boeing stock being up?
Try Boeing stockholders. Duh.
Apparently you own ZERO.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
“All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.” The average wage at that fat fuck firm is $700,000 a year. That’s not a typo, $700,000 a year. And the righties have a problem with Boeing workers making $28 an hour?
Righties have no problem with Boeing fool. Our problem is Goldman Sucks, who gives most of their political largess to Dummocrapts.
Of course the HA Libtardo MarkS forgets real facts. Contact the left-eye porn guy ylb arschloch. He’ll give you the links.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
CC “Bud” Baxter spews:
All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.
Are you referring to Gov. Corzine (D-NJ)??
Or do you give him a pass cuz he’s a Dem.
We posted all the massive campaign contributions from Goldman to Obama…where were you??
Re Reactionary Leftists in General
No, standing on an assembly line watching a machine do all the work isn’t skilled labor. Sorry to disappoint, but it isn’t. Unless your 12 coffee breaks and 3 lunches during your 8 hour shift count as a skill…. Goldbricking? Clock watching? Not sure these are marketable skills in this business environment.
There are skilled jobs at Boeing, certainly. But these jobs, which should be paid $28 an hour, aren’t. They’re paid much more highly.
And Rabbit at 72 is just being obtuse I hope, because the alternative is stupid. Businesses aren’t in existence to make jobs. They are in business to make profits. Jobs are a by-product of this effort. If a country, or state or municipality makes the business environment welcoming more businesses move there, hence more of the by-product, jobs. As well as taxes, increased property values etcetera. If they make it less so more companies move away, hence less of all of these things. This is not a moral or ethical issue. It is a mathematical one. Do you really not understand that, having claimed to be a retired attorney?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 Awww, Goatfucker is shedding crocodile tears over capitalist excesses. How touching!
Re 77
Reading between the lines everyone that uses a government provided resource anywhere is a socialist? I assure you, I’m not. Yet I drove on the freeway a number of times today. I watched a firetruck go by, and a police cruiser. My kids went to a public school. And I paid taxes for reasonable government services, and some I consider unreasonable.
These aren’t socialist, unless I misunderstand the term. They are what citizens agree via legislation to pay for the common good through taxes. Governments obtain legitimacy from the value they provide citizens weighed against the cost. If the value drops too far what sane citizen continues to support that government though? It’s a question of value for money. This is the antithesis of socialism.
I couldn’t understand the second part, but assume you mean China is a socialist dicatorship, and jobs are going there? We’ve been through this before, and I don’t think even you would say China is a great place to be a wage earner. If this is your workers paradise I’ll pass, thanks.
According to Seattle Times, here are the “showstoppers”
The union had asked for a commitment to put future work here in exchange for a long-term no-strike commitment through 2020.
That was the first showstopper for Boeing; the second was an IAM request that the company adopt a position of union neutrality instead of opposing labor organizing drives in its facilities.
“We told them, if those are on the table, there cannot be a recommendation to the board of directors to put a second line in Everett,” Kight said.
The Times article has a lot of Union Leader posturing and demonizing…it shows the level of angst towards Boeing.
It says it all after loooooooong negotiating.
Now it appears the Union is crying over spilled milk. They took a shot…and lost.
Time to move forward and find other ways to grow the Puget Sound economy.
Chris Stefanspews:
I suggest you search for “liquidity trap” and “deflationary spiral” for some hints on how Obama saved the world (though to be fair Geitner, Bernake, Paulson, and even shrub deserve some credit too).
The economic situation would be far worse today without the bailouts, unconventional measures from the Fed, and stimulus package.
As for Boeing machinists, they are hardly unskilled factory assembly workers. A large commercial aircraft is hardly a plastic toy or pair of sneakers. $28 per hour is peanuts for the level of skill required. It is easily comparable with an experienced carpenter, diesel mechanic, or plumber.
Chris Stefanspews:
God you are a fucking dumbass. You obviously have no idea what a machinist actually does or the amount of skill required.
BTW you can find goldbricking and clock watching in any large organization, public or private, union or non-union.
He’s just here to bleat reactionary crap like the rest of Koncervycal’s disciples.
84 – Naah. Just caught you being a right wing homophobe and misogynist.
You represent the right wing well.
Thanks for playing.
85. Mr. Cynical spews:
According to Seattle Times, here are the “showstoppers”
The union had asked for a commitment to put future work here in exchange for a long-term no-strike commitment through 2020.
That was the first showstopper for Boeing; the second was an IAM request that the company adopt a position of union neutrality instead of opposing labor organizing drives in its facilities.
“We told them, if those are on the table, there cannot be a recommendation to the board of directors to put a second line in Everett,” Kight said.
The Times article has a lot of Union Leader posturing and demonizing…it shows the level of angst towards Boeing.
It says it all after loooooooong negotiating.
Now it appears the Union is crying over spilled milk. They took a shot…and lost.
Time to move forward and find other ways to grow the Puget Sound economy.
20 NOVEMBER on the beach in CEBU. Fantastic!
Away from YOU, you greedy, hypocritical, self-righteous, judgemental, self-proclaimed saint and proxy for God!
No more having to share the same soil with a despicable, hateful old sow like YOU.
Happy Thanksgiving, you solipsistic cesspool!
from WA to SCspews:
I’ve lived here in SC for 11 years and moved from WA. I can say if it meant keeping my job then yes I would take a cut in pay. I used to be proud of being from WA but by some of these posts, I wouldn’t want to claim it now. The longer I live here, the more ashamed I become by some of the people back home. Of course I realize most of you could care less what I think. That’s what makes our “current” country so great. We get to “freely” express what we think. Already, that’s not been the case and it will change again soon. Hope some of you enjoy the Hope and Change you’re getting.
I think a custom paint job honoring the fine history of SC should be applied to the jets they’ll produce — ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 7-Rebel-7:
I suppose I could say I told you so…but it is a sad day for many in the Everett area. From workers to support business to…you name it. The Union is to blame and that ridiculous strike in the face of a recession.
No Union in SC…no excuses for Boeing either.
Boeing stock is UP nearly $1 or 2% in afterhours trading. At least employees with Boeing Stock in their portfolio got a little bump.
windows 7 roolz!
Yep, no surprise. The same guys who screwed up McDonnel-Douglas and managed to buy Boeing with Boeing’s own money are right on path to their business plan of putting Boeing into a tail-spin into the ground, as well.
But hey, it’ll take another ten years or so before Boeing finally dies. By then the current crop of executives in Chicago will have taken their hefty bonuses and be in a comfortable retirement. But they better have exercised their stock options long before then, they sure aren’t going to be worth much ten years from now.
If it Ain’t Airbus, I ain’t Going.
So how long is it going to take Boeing to get this 2nd line building planes that will actually fly?
South Carolina is merely a stop on Boeing’s route to sending assembly overseas. I saw this several times in Arkansas, which is a Right-to-Work State like South Carolina. There was always celebration when an Arkansas city would snag a manufacturer from a Northern State, but they would rarely stay for long. Limited transportation and a poorly-educated work pool would doom the enterprise, leaving the Arkansas City with an unoccupied manufacturing plant and no company to use it.
Boeing will milk South Carolina for what little that it is worth and then head overseas. And Washington will be rid of a major corporate bully.
Hey, whatta gal!
Patty Murray finally gets involved AFTER the decision is made.
MrC, why do you hate Americans?
Did you see what local economist Dick Conway has been saying for years!!
Way to go Governor and our Democrat lead Legislature. Kudo’s for killing the golden goose.
Now for the excuses, blame and minimizing by those who could have done something.
Hold on to your seats!
I love American Patriots. What are you talking about? I am not happy Boeing is leaving. I have family & friends impacted.
The buck stops with Governor Gregoire and the anti-business Democrats.
Why do you KLOWNS elect Anti-Business representatives and then seem amazed that businesses leave Washington??
Ekim @ 8
Weird as it sounds, I think biting the hand that feeds them is how the trogs express their self-hate.
It takes two to make a strike. Most employees don’t want to strike, it’s hard on their wallets and their families. Boeing could have easily avoided the last strike – the main issue was outsourcing of maintenance workers at Boeing facilities, which they eventually gave in on.
What surprised Boeing was the reaction from the airlines, most of whom blamed Boeing management, not the Union. It also came at a time when Boeing was realizing that the 787 program was in serious trouble, and delays were going to be inevitable.
So Boeing tried to pass the blame off on the Union. The airlines aren’t buying it – a two-month strike doesn’t explain over two years of delays in a program. But a lot of people who just don’t like Unions in general are repeating the mantra in lock-step.
The thing is, Boeing actually benefited from the strike, at least with respect to the 787 line. It gave their suppliers time to catch up on parts deliveries, and inspections of the aircrafts on the assembly line revealed lots of problems which needed to be corrected (mostly in sections “assembled” in Charleston). If they had proceeded with production during that time period, they just would have created more structure which would have had to have been disasembled and re-worked later.
Gregoire, Murray and Cantwell
What a trio
To bad they can’t sing cause they sure can’t lead.
The governor finally climbed out from under her desk this afternoon. Just a little to late.
Will the last business in the Puget Sound area please turn out the lights
Seattle, home to REI, Outdoor Research, Mountain Safety Research and K2 who moved over from Vashon a few years back has been called the silicon valley of outdoor gear. Hopefully the state will work on building up small businesses like these to fill in the gap that Boeing leaves. There is no shortage of machinists to make the gear!
And Cyn should be onboard seeing as most small businesses are non-union.
YOU gonna work for $14.00 AN HOUR? YOU gonna give the greedy motherfucker EVEN MORE tax breaks so they won’t have to PAY for the public services they use????
You are the dumbest motherfucker here. Easily. No fucking contest.
Dear Boeing…
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Ungrateful shitheads.
Hi Goldy.
My (foster) father was Employee of the Year in 1986. I’m sure he’s spinning in his grave tonight.
Corporate mortal wounds are often self-inflicted. It takes a lot of effort to kill off a beast like Boeing. One of the very few lessons I’ve learned is in this life is that you can’t dissuade someone determined to fail.
The Boeing execs are certainly determined.
Boeing has been going cycles of boom and bust employment and strikes for at least the last 20 years. I really doubt that, that has been good for our region. It’s time to find a better way forward.
# 9: “The buck stops with Governor Gregoire and the anti-business Democrats.”
I won’t bother to repeat the details about how Forbes and others have ranked Washington State very high in business climate. You didn’t listen when those facts were given before, you won’t listen now.
But at least note that among Washington businesses, Boeing is probably the most favored. It receives multiple tax exemptions, and the most favorable rates on the few taxes it does pay. The state paid for multiple highway projects to improve their transportation complaints, and even paid for training centers (and the instructors to man them) to train the new workers hired for the 787 project.
In fact, it has been the small businesses which bear the burden of the tax cuts which go to big businesses like Boeing, in that they have to bear the greatist burden through the regressive B&O tax.
Heck, when Boeing recently leveled a forest greenbelt up in Everett (planted by the local government) without a permit, they were afraid to do anyting to Boeing about it (I have yet to see any notice of enforcement action against Boeing for that little “faux pax”.
Boeing didn’t leave because of any anti-government business climate in Washington. In fact, when Boeing brought out the potential move to Charleston, the State couldn’t find anything else of significance to give to Boeing as an inducement to keep them here.
John @ 13
This the third millennium. Update your calendar.
Governor Gregoire is working to make Washington State a leader in sustainability. That were the new jobs are. New energy sources. Conservation technology. The business and financial infrastructure to support those activities.
Losing Boeing is a shame. But they’re hardly on the forefront of where our economy is going. We’ll outgrow them.
From the Boeing press release:
“Until the second 787 assembly line is brought on line in North Charleston, Boeing will establish transitional surge capability at its Everett, Wash., location to ensure the successful introduction of the 787-9, the first derivative model of the 787. When the second line in Charleston is up and operating, the surge capability in Everett will be phased out.”
Translation: “We will use experienced Union workers to figure out how to build the planes, correct the errors made by the various oursourced suppliers, and otherwise train their replacements. After that is done, we will lay them off and transfer the work to their less qualified replacements”.
And after Boeing lays them off, lets make sure they get a shot at setting up their own machine shops.
@21, 22
Did you know that high end skeet guns are made in Yakima?
Or that high end whisky, gin and vodka are made in Spokane?
We need more stuff like this.
Michael @14
The only problem is that this state doesn’t care about the small businesse.
Gregoire just raised the L and I taxes an additional 7%. Because the whole system is run by the state we have one of the highest rates in the country. Why would any small business ever think about opeing up in WA?
About a month ago when one of the posters said that his company was looking at moving to Post Falls Id. Most of the responses were “good riddance”
Be careful what you wish for.
Posted by a right-wing dumbasss who probably does not understand what “L&I” is.
Nice. Paid your BIAW dues? More than the L&I “taxes”…
Now that don’t have those Boeing jobs to look forward to, maybe we can change things? Washington has a good record with business startups, look at the tech sector, outdoor gear, all the wineries around Walla Walla.
Post Falls is a unique situation because you can live in Washington, benefit from Washington’s public schools, hire well educated Washintonian’s and pay Idaho taxes.
I know a couple of people that work in Post Falls they, and most of their co-workers, live in Spokane.
Why would any small business ever think about opeing up in WA?
Maybe because Forbes magazine last month rated Washington state #2 (up from #3 last year) best to do business in the US?
If they don’t like L&I they could always self insure:
Here’s a good primer as to where we’re at L&I wise.
I think Goldy owes us an apology. The leaders HE told us to vote for lost Boeing.
Um, Boeing didn’t leave.
Boeing hasn’t been committed to the Puget Sound region since 2001 when they moved their corporate headquarters to Chicago. They are an international company now and Seattle is just another pin on their map, albeit one with historical footnotes.
And I can’t help but note, the same folks who thought that outsourcing all the parts construction on the 787 was such a great idea, they’re the ones telling us and the world that Charleston is a better place for the second assembly line.
That they got it wrong a second time should surprise no one.
Well, it’s consistent…Stonecipher screwed one of the employees. Now they’re all getting it.
The B17, B29, B47, B52, 707, 727, 737, 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777 were all on time and highly successful products.
This one’s now three years behind schedule, and they’re still doinking around trying to make the pieces fit together.
So far, McDonnell Douglas Boeing’s “whole new way of making airplanes” is really working out, isn’t it?
And…to finish what I suspect the author of @31 was leading up to, there is no Boeing, as we once knew it.
ArtFart. The 747 wasn’t on time.
No point in restating that between Democrat leadership and Unions the future of large business in Washington State is exceedingly fragile.
But how does this grab you, devout progressives? With the fundamental changes in how we do things led by the Sainted One, the holy martyr to the presidency, his annointed highness Barak Obama this is the future of the country at large.
My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation, lefties.
20. Jason Osgood spews:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so this is why Gregoire has jammed thru 2 consecutive UNSUSTAINABLE Budgets. Gimmee a break.
I am certainly for a successful small business environment that spreads the risk.
I have worked with plenty of small businesses in my career…most of which are unhappy with the excessive regulations and tax environment in Washington and especially Seattle/King Kounty.
Time to compete…or be a loser.
If you think Boeing leaving won’t have a ripple effect, you don’t understand Economics 101.
I’m not asking, I’m telling. Goldy, you owe us an apology. The politicians you told us to vote for made Boeing choose SC over WA for the 2nd 787 line.
22. Michael spews:
Doing what for whom??
Building car parts no one will buy?
“My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation, lefties.”
And to think it only took us eight months to do so! Of course, there wasn’t much left for us to destroy once the Republicans were finished driving our nation to ruin. I’m sure you’ll give them the credit they so richly deserve.
@39 Just keep in mind the Bushes being escorted by the Obamas to Marine One behind the White House after the inauguration…remember Dubya’s shit-eating grin. The sea cocks were already wide open on the Good Ship America. Not that Obama’s done a very good job of looking for where to turn them off, or even realize the water was rising in the hold.
Mr Cynical @ 36
Bzzt. Wrong answer. Thanks for playing. I’m sorry, but your time is up.
For the viewing audience, Mr. Cynical claimed in the libertarian utopia, government must only pay for defense, infrastructure, and public safety.
Being eager to hear more about this wonderful form of government, I repeatedly asked Mr. Cynical who pays for elections and courts.
Silence is his response.
Pretty much what I thought. We can only conclude that Mr. Cynical does not believe that The People should have the ability to vote, nor access to the courts. In Mr Cynical’s utopia, voting and justice are privileges afforded to only the highest bidders.
Mr. Cynical has no ideas, no plan, no contribution. He’s been reduced to just venom and vitriol. Beyond that, he has nothing.
Mr Cynical, I regret to inform you that you’re no longer interesting enough to notice. Please say “Hi!” to Empty Suit for me. Be sure to tell him how much I miss him.
Too bad, so sad.
Troll pukes
Hey Troll, you’re boring today. We’re use to you being stupid. But at least you are usually entertaining. Please try harder.
Um… Parts for our burgeoning wineries and outdoors industries? Small scale crushers so farmers can make their own bio-diesel?
It’s the old economy, not the whole economy, that’s dying.
He’s, also, never been able to point to a single successful, industrialized county that’s run that way.
My children and grandchildren thank you for destroying a once proud nation
Last I checked, South Carolina was still part of the United States. You must be thinking when Boeing discovers that workers in China are cheaper than in South Carolina.
Re 43
Yeah, we heard all about a new economy just before the dot com bubble burst too. Lots of stuff about new rules for business in the new electronic age, and other nonsense. That worked beautifully!
See, economic rules don’t change just because you put a fake green label on something. Parlaying a global warming hoax into a new economy actually means the ‘science’ has to hold long enough for the new products to seem necessary. This isn’t something you folks can count on. After all global temperatures have dropped or been stagnant the past 10 years, the last I checked I ski on roughly the same amount of snow as before the big scare, and sea levels are constant, not rising. So you use scare tactics, celebrity liars, and crooked politicians making money off the scare ala Al Gore to try to keep the fringe eco-business going. This never works in the long run. Ultimately you still have to produce something people want and are willing to pay your profit margin for. And you absolutely have to have large anchor businesses providing the jobs to support your small businesspeople.
The wineries are an excellent example though. Instead of trying hopelessly to compete with Chilean fruit Yakima Valley orchardists started growing grapes and making some truly decent wines. This is capitalism in action. Liberals might learn something from it, but I doubt they have the intellectual honesty.
Rhp is pretty astute commenter here and close to the industry. His call on the future of Boeing seems right on the mark to me. I’d just add (sort of, rhp has alluded to this as well) that in 15 years or less the civilian aircraft business becomes a Chinese acquisition.
We rank and file citizens have to chart our own future with a whole new economy created from the bottom up.
Re 45-
You missed the point Don, and made it. Out sourcing jobs to countries and workers who actually want to work for the pay they receive is exactly the end result of progressive economic policies. So yes, the Carolinas are US states. And yes, eventually Boeing will make the move to China or somewhere else they aren’t demonized and villified for the shocking crime of wanting value for the salaries paid.
Re 41
I can’t speak for Cynical, but somewhere between birth to death government intrusion into our lives and a Mad Max wasteland is surely a middle ground. Maybe we have a government to perform the tasks granted it by our Constitution and stay our of our doctors office?
Re 39
An unusually lucid comment from Steve deserves a rare response.
Absolutely Bush and Cheney deserve a pretty good portion of the blame for the situation Obama inherited. Reckless spending on foreign adventures didn’t help. Civil rights violations at huge expense by the Orwellian named Department of Homeland Security and initiating insane corporate bailouts set the stage.
But credit where credit is due- Obama yields to no man in reckless spending. No-one has the right to tell me how to spend my money, on health insurance or otherwise, and Obama pushed for reinstating sunsetting provisions of the odious Patriot Act.
No, I fully agree that Bush was a disaster, but you guys get the blue ribbon as far as presidential disasters go. Don’t be so modest.
All three examples I gave are things that are going on and growing right now. All three also tend to be run by people who are in the center or a little to the left of the center politically.
I see Mr. C is gloating over Boeing picking SC. I assume that’s because it validates his worldview, which is that all workers should be paid minimum wage and have no rights.
@50 “No, I fully agree that Bush was a disaster”
Gee, that’s pretty generous, coming from a rightwing asshole who helped put them in.
“but you guys get the blue ribbon as far as presidential disasters go.”
Sez you. Obama saved the world, stupe. But you’re too dumb to realize that.
Jason: “Mr Cynical, I regret to inform you that you’re no longer interesting enough to notice. Please say “Hi!” to Empty Suit for me. Be sure to tell him how much I miss him.”
I must agree. Little Ricky Dumbass/Empty Suit Obama was never worth reading, just vicious, mindless partisan claptrap in every single post. I used to think Cynical had some potential–hell, his moniker suggests he thinks critically–but, alas, he has revealed himself since Obama’s election as nothing but a blind partisan fool. He is not at all cynical; he accepts at face value whatever his rightwing handlers tell him to accept.
Time to revisit the B&O Tax on airplane builders. No reason to continue the Boeing giveaway at the expense of the State’s other taxpayers.
WTF?! Now you’re saying that Boeing was forced to move to South Carolina because they can’t handle criticism?
This was over before it started. Boeing has just been jerking us around. Unless the machinists cut their pay in half (forget the no strike BS) none of it mattered. How many of us are willing to accept that pay cut?
and the bull semen sales tax exemption.
Maybe Unka Timmy will have an initiative whereby Boeing is forced to pay back the $3.2 billion to the taxpayers. Na, won’t happen.
lost @ 49
He can’t speak for himself, so at least you have that much in common with him.
@53…”obama saved the world”???? HAHAHHAHAHAA, that could take the cake as the most asinine comment on this board in ages.
hey rabbit, I think you have some of obamama’s cum on your chin…because you gotta be suckin’ some serious dick to have that opinion….better watch out, gman might get jealous.
Who gives a fuck about Boeing stock being up?
The stock market is only up because the dollar is in the tank. Guess what, this means we are well on our way to third world country status. Who was the one who decided destroying the middle class was the right choice for America?
All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.
I said it years ago. WA should have told them to go fuck themselves long ago.
Now that the deal is sealed, there must be some way to reneg on those sweet tax deals they got.
After all, they’re not living up to their side of the bargain.
New Slogan: The American South — Gateway to the Race to the Bottom.
. Brenda Helverson spews:
South Carolina is merely a stop on Boeing’s route to sending assembly overseas. I saw this several times in Arkansas, which is a Right-to-Work State like South Carolina. There was always celebration when an Arkansas city would snag a manufacturer from a Northern State, but they would rarely stay for long. Limited transportation and a poorly-educated work pool would doom the enterprise, leaving the Arkansas City with an unoccupied manufacturing plant and no company to use it.
Boeing will milk South Carolina for what little that it is worth and then head overseas. And Washington will be rid of a major corporate bully.”
Well said brenda, I couldn’t have summed it up better.
“All I can say as thank heaven the fat fucks at Goldman Sachs got their money. I was worried sick about them.”
The average wage at that fat fuck firm is $700,000 a year. That’s not a typo, $700,000 a year.
And the righties have a problem with Boeing workers making $28 an hour?
Well, hey, as long as we DO take you down with us it’s a favor to civilization and all, now, ain’t it. If we try harder can we take down your first cousin mates, too? Then that will just leave the incestuous ones and eventually that problem will take care of itself.
Northwest Terratorial Mint is moving from Auburn to Nevada and taking its 200 million in sales with them as well as 100 good paying jobs. Queen Gregoire wouldn’t even return several phone calls from the owner. (Five phone calls if my memory serves me) The Governor of Nevada and the Lt Governor returned the owners phone calls the same day. The owner says moving will save 2 million a year in payroll taxes. Way to go Gregoire! Way to go Democrats! Fucking idiots! Cant you tards see that bloated government doesn’t work, Obama and his idiocy isn’t going to work, government run healthcare isn’t going to work in fact it will be the biggest financial disaster the world has seen. It’s like a bad movie that wont end.
@68 Let’s see how long Nevada keeps them before they move production offshore. My guess is just long enough to cash the check the state gave them to move there.
Re 53
“Sez you. Obama saved the world, stupe. But you’re too dumb to realize that.” How do you make this out, Roger? The Nobel PC prize? The pullout of Iraq and peace in Afganistan? The stellar condition of the economy? Are these the indices you use to determine His Holiness status as the savior of the world?
By the way, I vote for Republicans because it’s the lesser of 2 evils, not out of blind partisan fervor. I’m adult enough to realize that not all Democrats are bad or all Republicans good. Heck, they’re all just politicians, and I do mean ‘just,’ to mean barely human and thoroughly unethical.
Re 56
Don, you’re usually better than this. I’ve enjoyed disputing points with you because you are. To make it simple though, for whatever reason you want it that way, here goes. Boeing, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs and all other large businesses are not inherently evil. They aren’t inherently good. They are what the conditions of society and regulations make them. All I meant was that the currently rabid anti business climate of the country makes relocation overseas where possible and financially desirable pretty much inevitable.
Re 66
The folks at Goldman Sachs make too much? Stop doing business with them. But a factory assembly worker is NOT a skilled worker, and should be paid accordingly. $28 an hour would buy a journeyman carpenter, a diesel mechanic or a plumber right now. Why should unskilled labor get the same rate? Simply because of union extortion?
Re 67
Remarkably eloquent prose. Short on actual argument or fact and long on pointless vitriol, but that’s what some extreme leftists are good at. Good luck with that. Just so you know, though you raise the fatal flaw in the Robin Hood philosophy. I’m actually doing better during this recession financially, and will come out of it far ahead of where I went in. You see, even without government handouts, of which I’ve taken none, it IS possible to plan ahead and take advantage of opportunity when others are panicking. All the government money floating around to the indigent and the stupid will end up right back in the hands of the wealthy taxpayers from whom it was stolen, eventually. Wouldn’t it be smarter and easier just to cut out the middleman and leave it there?
68 – The greedheads who own the company get to put more in their pockets, take Nevada’s handouts and laugh all the way to China..
Nice work if you really want it…
@70 I can keep this real simple. I don’t see how a philosophy that espouses low wages and no bargaining rights helps workers. And, beyond the selfish interests of the owners, if a business doesn’t provide good jobs for workers, what’s it good for?
Maybe the management really likes south Carolinas easy come, easy go sex attitudes.
I mean Gregoire cannot compete with Gov Sanford, or the assist attorney gen who was caught in a cemetery with a hooker, viagra and sex toys this week.
South Carolina is fun!
Oh, and you gotta love these washington dumb fuck conservatives who don’t want anyone making over 10 bucks an hour in this state.
Hey dumbfucks, who’s gonna buy your cars, couches, appliances?
The amount of money mangement wasted w/ all the outsourcing,mistakes, penalties, is way more than paying a decent wage.
@70 “But a factory assembly worker is NOT a skilled worker, and should be paid accordingly.”
OK let’s do this. Let’s round up a random bunch of guys off the street and have them assemble an airplane. Then let’s send you for a ride on it …
Of all the stupid comments posted in this blog, this one takes the cake. Is it possible for anyone to be this ignorant? Aerospace assembly not only is skilled work, it’s HIGHLY skilled work, far more demanding than most factory work. A jetliner is one of the most complex and intricately engineered products there is. Screw up a wiring harness or the installation of a control surface and 200 people are dead. This isn’t a job making Gameboys. You are a dolt. Once again, you have demonstrated the intellectual bankruptcy of the stupid right.
Building a plane isn’t skilled labor? Let’s see you put one together.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with the Attorney General suing them for fraud would it? They’ll fit right in in Nevada, home of boiler rooms and scams, they will.
@46 lostinblue offers praise for socialism
This is socialism in action, growing grapes using water from a Federal irrigatio9n product and technology from a state funded agricultural school!. KUDOES
and more: @ 48 LIB endorses MNORE socialism ..
63. CC “Bud” Baxter spews:
Try Boeing stockholders. Duh.
Apparently you own ZERO.
Righties have no problem with Boeing fool. Our problem is Goldman Sucks, who gives most of their political largess to Dummocrapts.
Of course the HA Libtardo MarkS forgets real facts. Contact the left-eye porn guy ylb arschloch. He’ll give you the links.
CC “Bud” Baxter spews:
Are you referring to Gov. Corzine (D-NJ)??
Or do you give him a pass cuz he’s a Dem.
We posted all the massive campaign contributions from Goldman to Obama…where were you??
Re Reactionary Leftists in General
No, standing on an assembly line watching a machine do all the work isn’t skilled labor. Sorry to disappoint, but it isn’t. Unless your 12 coffee breaks and 3 lunches during your 8 hour shift count as a skill…. Goldbricking? Clock watching? Not sure these are marketable skills in this business environment.
There are skilled jobs at Boeing, certainly. But these jobs, which should be paid $28 an hour, aren’t. They’re paid much more highly.
And Rabbit at 72 is just being obtuse I hope, because the alternative is stupid. Businesses aren’t in existence to make jobs. They are in business to make profits. Jobs are a by-product of this effort. If a country, or state or municipality makes the business environment welcoming more businesses move there, hence more of the by-product, jobs. As well as taxes, increased property values etcetera. If they make it less so more companies move away, hence less of all of these things. This is not a moral or ethical issue. It is a mathematical one. Do you really not understand that, having claimed to be a retired attorney?
@80 Awww, Goatfucker is shedding crocodile tears over capitalist excesses. How touching!
Re 77
Reading between the lines everyone that uses a government provided resource anywhere is a socialist? I assure you, I’m not. Yet I drove on the freeway a number of times today. I watched a firetruck go by, and a police cruiser. My kids went to a public school. And I paid taxes for reasonable government services, and some I consider unreasonable.
These aren’t socialist, unless I misunderstand the term. They are what citizens agree via legislation to pay for the common good through taxes. Governments obtain legitimacy from the value they provide citizens weighed against the cost. If the value drops too far what sane citizen continues to support that government though? It’s a question of value for money. This is the antithesis of socialism.
I couldn’t understand the second part, but assume you mean China is a socialist dicatorship, and jobs are going there? We’ve been through this before, and I don’t think even you would say China is a great place to be a wage earner. If this is your workers paradise I’ll pass, thanks.
@62….LMFAO…oohhh, a “gotcha”
Im starting to think ole YLB is a switch hitter…
According to Seattle Times, here are the “showstoppers”
The Times article has a lot of Union Leader posturing and demonizing…it shows the level of angst towards Boeing.
It says it all after loooooooong negotiating.
Now it appears the Union is crying over spilled milk. They took a shot…and lost.
Time to move forward and find other ways to grow the Puget Sound economy.
I suggest you search for “liquidity trap” and “deflationary spiral” for some hints on how Obama saved the world (though to be fair Geitner, Bernake, Paulson, and even shrub deserve some credit too).
The economic situation would be far worse today without the bailouts, unconventional measures from the Fed, and stimulus package.
As for Boeing machinists, they are hardly unskilled factory assembly workers. A large commercial aircraft is hardly a plastic toy or pair of sneakers. $28 per hour is peanuts for the level of skill required. It is easily comparable with an experienced carpenter, diesel mechanic, or plumber.
God you are a fucking dumbass. You obviously have no idea what a machinist actually does or the amount of skill required.
BTW you can find goldbricking and clock watching in any large organization, public or private, union or non-union.
He’s just here to bleat reactionary crap like the rest of Koncervycal’s disciples.
84 – Naah. Just caught you being a right wing homophobe and misogynist.
You represent the right wing well.
Thanks for playing.
20 NOVEMBER on the beach in CEBU. Fantastic!
Away from YOU, you greedy, hypocritical, self-righteous, judgemental, self-proclaimed saint and proxy for God!
No more having to share the same soil with a despicable, hateful old sow like YOU.
Happy Thanksgiving, you solipsistic cesspool!
I’ve lived here in SC for 11 years and moved from WA. I can say if it meant keeping my job then yes I would take a cut in pay. I used to be proud of being from WA but by some of these posts, I wouldn’t want to claim it now. The longer I live here, the more ashamed I become by some of the people back home. Of course I realize most of you could care less what I think. That’s what makes our “current” country so great. We get to “freely” express what we think. Already, that’s not been the case and it will change again soon. Hope some of you enjoy the Hope and Change you’re getting.
I think a custom paint job honoring the fine history of SC should be applied to the jets they’ll produce — ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 7-Rebel-7:
The 7-Rebel-7