A teacher from Colorado joined local teachers at press conference this morning to explain how Initiative 1033 would harm education in Washington state, and guess who showed up to crash the party?
I’m editing video now of some of the highlights of the press conference, plus some very rude treatment of me and Joel Connelly when we attempted to ask Tim Eyman serious questions. I mean, really… what a horse’s ass.
Tim stands up for what he believes in.
Gotta admire that.
Goldy, you owe your career to Tim Eyman.
It’s easy being the guy sniping from the sidelines, isn’t it.
It takes courage to stand up and take the hits that Eyman takes.
I’ve told you KLOWNS that once 49.3% of the population FEELS overtaxed, Conservatives will take over. I-1033 is a test of where we stand. If Eyman wins…Good-bye Atheist Progressives! Good luck in Hell…or wherever you Atheist’s wind up!! Perhaps Organic Compost???
1: “Tim stands up for what he believes in.
Gotta admire that.”
Are you really that naive? Your moniker could not be more off the mark, as you are so gullible to rightwing rot of the most foolish nature–you never critically analyze any shit that flows from a rightwing ass. Timmy stands up for his own financial interests, and that’s all. If he didn’t profit from his initiatives, he wouldn’t give a damn about public policy.
@1 “Tim stands up for what he believes in.”
Tim believes in making as much money as he can by exploiting public cynicism for personal profit as much as possible.
David, if you referred to me as a horse’s ass, I would be rude to you too. To begin with and to state the obvious, don’t you think referring to someone as a horse’s ass is rude?
@1 and @4: Agreed.
Sounds like another chapter in Goldy’s jealousy book and total obsession of Eyman. What’s the matter Goldy, feeling left out and inferior once AGAIN? You should consider yourself lucky that he said anything to you at all, seeing how irrelevant you are to anything.
Tim stands up for what he believes in.
Making money for himself.
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You may feel overtaxed, but everybody has their favorite government program/kickback and once they think their’s will be cut… they start liking the idea of others paying taxes.
Eyeman isliving proof that some teachers are incompetent. He’s also developing the jowly look of a serious drinker.
re 2: “I’ve told you KLOWNS that once 49.3% of the population FEELS overtaxed, Conservatives will take over.”
Actually, this is a perfect example of Mr. Cynical’s cynicysm. He doesn’t care if they are or are not overtaxed, only that he can create the FEELING, justified or not, that they are. Then he can proceed with his hateful agenda of destroying the middle class.
Unfortunately for Mr. Cynical, he underestimates the cynicism of the Left, in that we are busily working to get people to understand that they ARE overtaxed — because the rich are undertaxed.
Don’t count count your chickens, Cyn….
This isn’t 1980, Cynical. It will take 40 years at least for enough people to die off who don’t remember the primrose path Republicans have always led the people of this country down.
Cynical — the feeling of ‘overtaxation’ isn’t playing out like it used to.
Imagine the disgust that voters will have when the rich start in with their whining about the Bush tax breaks expiring.
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, dont they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,” John Fogerty
His pocket.
According to the conservative Tax Foundation, Washington State ranks 35th in terms of state and local tax burden. If you’re trying to scare people into believing you’re overtaxed this number doesn’t help your cause very much or not at all.
So Tim decided to include Federal income taxes in his tax burden figure that he put in the Voter’s pamphlet. He says we are the 8th highest taxed state. What he doesn’t mention is that we are also the 8th highest state in terms of income per capita.
Also he neglects to mention that Federal taxes have nothing to do with I-1033 since it only deals with state and local taxes.
So believe Tim at your peril. He’ll say whatever he needs to, to get you to support I-1033. Read the fine print – the text of the initiative before you vote.
Polls, polls, so many polls. On September 22nd, a Rasmussen poll of I-1033’s ballot title (This measure would limit growth of certain state, county and city revenue to annual inflation and population growth, not including voter-approved revenue increases. Revenue collected above the limit would reduce property tax levies) among 500 likely voters showed it at 61% yes, 31% no, 8% undecided. That’s a 30 point lead with just a few weeks to go. YIPPEE!!!
Today, KING 5’s SURVEYUSA had these results among likely voters: 45% yes, 32% no, 22% no certain. But they didn’t read voters I-1033’s ballot title, instead they asked “Initiative 1033 would limit spending for state, county, and local governments.” So without being told that I-1033 lowers property taxes, that I-1033 allows governments to grow at inflation and population growth, that I-1033 allows bigger increases with voter approval — all information that’s in I-1033’s ballot title — even so, I-1033’s way ahead.
Stuart Elway’s poll, which consistently understates the level of support our initiatives receive on election day, has I-1033’s ballot title results at 46% yes, 22% no, 32% undecided (don’t forget, those undecided’s gotta go somewhere).
So while opponents spend millions of Washington DC’s dirty dollars spreading their threats, lies, and scare tactics, they’re clearly in a hole.
In 12 years, I’ve never seen an initiative that fits the times as well as Initiative 1033 does. Voters seem especially eager to send a message of fiscal discipline to the politicians.
What do you think?
The conservative Tax Foundation ranks Washington State’s local and state tax burden in the BOTTOM THIRD OF ALL STATES. They rank Washington State as 35th (with 1 being the highest) in terms of state and local tax burden.
You can check the results yourself here:
Of course if you are trying to claim that Washington State’s taxes are obscene and unsustainable and out of control, 35th lowest is not a number you want to use. That’s why Eyman adds in our Federal income tax and says in the Voter’s Pamphlet that we are the eighth highest taxed state in the county.
Of course he neglects to add two other facts. We are also the eighth highest state in terms of income per capita according to the Tax Foundation and the fact that I-1033 is not a Federal initiative and can do nothing to change Federal taxes.
I-1033 only affects state and local taxes and does nothing to change sales taxes paid. We have the highest sales taxes in the country. The Tax Foundation says on property taxes we rank 25th. And remember we have no income tax unlike 43 other states.
Eyman deals in hyperbole and stretching the truth. Forbes magazine has since retracted their ranking of 8th and the Tax Foundation figures Tim uses included Federal income taxes. Tim repeats his false comments over and over hoping that repeating something that’s not true over and over will somehow convince people it is true.
Initiative 1033 is a complex measure and does a lot more than Tim says. It is not needed. No one likes to pay taxes but they are the price we pay to keep our communities livable.
Washington State’s taxes rank in the bottom third regarding state and local tax burden per capita. Let’s not make things worse by further reducing public services and slowing down recovering from the recession. Vote No on I-1033.
Yea! Higher sales taxes for everyone!
Hey Goldy, your enviro-buddies are burning away tax dollars as we speak by suing the state over the Tunnel!
Progressives at work!
At least Tim Eyman fights to keep $$ out of the pockets of reckless government.
Progressives suing…PROGRESSIVES!
@13 Revenue collected above the limit would reduce property tax levies
So a protected class would jump to the head of the cue? Meaning the landed gentry gets their money before the rest of us hard working, but renting, slobs?
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I-1033 = higher sales taxes for all
to uptown (previous post): actually, I-1033 prohibits higher sales taxes. The only way to raise any taxes or fees under I-1033 is with voter approval.
Eyman does not even pass 50% in latest KING TV poll. Sounds like he’s in trouble.
Here are 3 reasons to give people to vote No on I-1033. The biggest danger in this election is that people who oppose I-1033 don’t vote. It’ll be a low turnout election. Urge your friends and familiy and others to vote No on I-1033. They’ll all be getting mail ballots, except Pierce County.
1. I-1033 IS A BUDGET FREEZE. There is no “growth” in public services if all you can do is buy the same service next year at its inflated price. A similar measure in Colorado resulted in continued severe cuts in public services. Voters recently suspended it because of all the cuts.
2. I-1033 IS A WEALTH TRANSFER SCHEME. Renters who comprise 35% of households in the state will pay the same sales taxes and other fees as before but will get no tax rebate. One third of the tax rebate goes to corporations and businesses not homeowners. And what homeowners get is not dependent on the sales taxes they paid but on the amount of property they own. I-1033 is a reverse Robin Hood scheme taking tax dollars from renters and using it to pay property taxes for property owners. The winners are wealthy property owners.
3. I-1033 TAKES AWAY LOCAL CONTROL OF PUBLIC SERVICES BY ELECTED OFFICIALS AND REPLACES IT WITH BUDGETING BY REFERENDUM. This is a wasteful and costly process that has contributed to California’s budget woes.
I-1033 is a scheme dreamed up by conservative anti-tax, anti government fanatic Tim Eyman to sneak in another measure to reduce government without consideration for the costs or impacts on the public.
Times are tough enough for the public and I-1033 will make them worse by locking us into a permanent recession. Vote No on I-1033.
Spread the word and tell people to vote NO on Eyman’s latest scheme to pick your pockets for the wealthy. Because I-1033 is really a wealth transfer scheme, taking tax dollars paid by renters and others without property and using it to help pay the property taxes of the wealthy.
Here are some of the things your tax dollars go for now:
educating our children
providing health care for seniors and children
mental health services
repairing roads and bridges
keeping parks and libraries open
paying for police and fire protection
paying for courts and jails
cleaning up Puget Sound
providing clean water and clean air
sidewalks and bike paths
affordable public transit
emergency services
services for seniors and disabled
and the list goes on.
But here is what your tax dollars above Eyman’s recession level limit will go for if I-1033 passes:
Paying property taxes
That’s all.
“Tim stands up for what he believes in.”
In front of a urinal, maybe.
So you agree you are giving any tax cuts only to the landed gentry? Even from taxes paid by the rest of us, just because we pay rent?
Basically a giveaway to the corporations, who pay the largest property taxes.
Wow – Wow – Wow!!!. This is getting very intense.
Think I’ll go over to Harry Poon’s and have a Quim Beam and soda.
As Puddy remembers the libtardo press and TV campaign against I-695 so it seems the same gang is at it with I-1033. When you see Puddy write “they” think Libtardos. They=Libtardos.
They made a number of dire and very silly predictions. Remember they screamed over Boeing and Microsoft leaving the state? They had a stupid screech over need for a state income tax to cover the lost revenues? They claimed a draconian state of emergency would happen to WA State. They had police, fire and nurses scream and shout regarding what would happen to WA State if I695 became law. They said police officers would be laid off. They said basic county health services would die. They said flu shots would end, and child immunizations would stop. They said restaurant inspections would end and more salmonella-like food issues would increase. They said school safety would be jeopardized. They said daycare checks would all be cut. They claimed our cars would have to be taxed differently. They said our roads would develop large potholes. They said bridge repairs would stop and bridges would fall down because there would be no new WA State highway projects. They said up to 70,000 transportation department and private jobs would disappear. Remember the WA State budget reserve? They would spend it profligately. Wait a minute… Queen Chrissie did that anyway.
Hey Quimface@24 above, all you are doing is going from your living room to your kitchen since you are the same person!
I think you really are a horses ass.
re 25: Here’s a clue. No one cares.
More news: Moe Sizlak is not a real bartender.
Gee, if Tim “stands up for what he believes in”, what does it mean when:
He uses church groups to solicit signatures for an anti-gay initiative, but then gets into a spitting match whith the church leaders, insisting that they turn over the lists to him so he can deliver them to the State. Sounds to me like his primary motive was to copy the signature info so he could add the signers to his mailing list for future purposes (fundraising, etc.).
He sponsored a bill to massivly expand gambling in the state, saying that the proceeds could then be used to reduce property taxes. So gambling is a good thing, as long as you get a cut of the action?
20. Steve Zemke MajorityRulesBlog
I think you will soon have to change your Blog to MinorityRulesBlog!!
Steve also spews–
That’s not the point steve.
The point is are all the services being provided needed and desirable AND how do you most cost effectively provide them.
Yea, it sure be done like our current healthcare system…lots of bling for the upper management, nothing for the workers.
Plus the richest property owners get the largest share of any tax cuts, even if the money doesn’t come from property taxes.
re 29: Aren’t you stealing the unionized government worker’s incentive to work by taking away a reasonable wage for performing a difficult job?
You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
And our experience with ‘privatization’ only proves that you spend even more money for worse service.
So, take your lame-brained Jonny 1 note ideology and try peddling it to the fish-mongers at Pier 9.
31. Quimface Norquist spews:
Folks are lining up for Government jobs.
Tells you the TOTAL COMPENSATION (Wages, Benefits & Paid Time-off) is waaaaaaaaaay above the market.
Proves my point.
Well the state ferry fares skyrocketed and the fleet ended up rusting out as predicted.
If you can’t find people willing to work for $0.25 a day just import them right?
Oh, and I almost forgot: Cynical hates teachers, librarians, nurses, cops, firefighters, kids, seniors, puppies, and kittens.
Good point. A government job is the way to financial security.
Federal civilian wages averaged $79,197 in 2008, more than 50% greater than that of the average private sector employee’s wages of $49,935.
Pay in the public sector climbed 53.7% from 2000 to 2008 for federal civilian workers while wages in the private sector rose just 28.5% over the same time period.
The U.S. government issued employee bonuses of some $370 million last year.
The average state and local government employee earns 29% more than the average private sector employee.
When wages and benefits are combined, federal civilian workers averaged $119,982 in 2008, twice the amount of $59,909 which workers in the private sector averaged for wages/benefits.
The value of benefits for federal civilian workers averaged $40,000/year, four times the value of benefits that the average private sector employee receives.
The private sector lost some 5.2 million workers while government grew by 238,000 workers between July 2008 and July 2009.
And since I’m in kalifornia, this is disturbing…
In San Francisco, California, the prevalence of “spiking”, or boosting pension benefits via final work year promotions, has resulted in over half of the police and firefighters in the past decade earning pensions in excess of the wages they earned while actively working.
You can make more retired than you could working. The life that the rabbit wanted.
I love the fact that Tim Eyman takes advantage of state funding by going to WSU, then turns around and tries to gut the same funding he utilized to get his higher education. What a hypocritcal piece of shit.
@22…then go buy a fucking condo or house….they are selling for cheap now.
#36 Marvin Stamn as part of the fear-mongering rabid right it is apparent that you hope to get people frothing mad in Washington state about FEDERAL government jobs. Those damned feds! Why, we ought to gut the resources of Washington STATE so we can all feel smug that we…showed uhm…them.