They’ve never been anything more than an angry mob:
Tea partiers and other anti-health care activists are known to get rowdy, but today’s protest on Capitol Hill–the day before the House is set to vote on historic health care legislation–went beyond the usual chanting and controversial signs, and veered into ugly bigotry and intimidation.
Civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and fellow Congressional Black Caucus member Andre Carson (D-IN) related a particularly jarring encounter with a large crowd of protesters screaming “kill the bill”… and punctuating their chants with the word “nigger.”
[…] And that wasn’t an isolated incident. Early this afternoon, standing outside a Democratic whip meeting in the Longworth House office building, I watched Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) make his way out the door, en route to the neighboring Rayburn building. As he rounded the corner toward the exit, wading through a huge crowd of tea partiers and other health care protesters, an elderly white man screamed “Barney, you faggot”–a line that caused dozens of his confederates to erupt in laughter.
After that incident, Capitol police threatened to expel the protesters from the building, but were outnumbered and quickly overwhelmed.
Makes you proud to be an American, huh?
Of course, bullies are also cowards, and outside of the security of their own mob, I don’t really believe that most tea baggers have the balls to act on their convictions, let alone their threats (The traitor Dave Reichert votes for cap and trade, yet faces no Tea Party challenger… what’s up with that?), but as I’ve written before, there are crazies out there, and violent rhetoric breeds violent actions. So if health care reform does pass, and right-wing violence does break out, I hope responsible political leaders have the guts to brand them as the terrorists they really are.
I don’t see much difference between that mob and this mob:
Different generations, same assholes.
As House Minority Leader, John Boehner (R-OH), said on the David Greggory Clown Hour today “let’s not let a few isolated incidents get in the way”
It is important for all of us to ignore the bigotry and racism which underlies, motivates and animates the base of the dwindling Republican party and accept at face value their claims that this behavior is isolated.
After all, it is isolated to the Republican party and the Republican funded and supported Teabagging events.
Our tax system fucks wage earners. The IRS allowed a dairy farmer to deduct an African safari as a “business expense,” but his farmhands can’t even deduct their gas to work.
Is this the demonstration where the teabaggers promised a million people would show up? And they got two or three hundred?
“teabagger”…. A Progressive troll who infiltrates the TEA Party movement, with the intent of making the TEA movement look bad….
Racial epithets, spitting and homophobic chants are perfectly ok in political discourse.
Shorter Ann Althouse, so what?
5 M
That teabagger is pretty good. He’s done everything from sending out pictures of Witch Doctor Obama from a Republican activist’s e-mail account, to selling Obama monkeys during the election, to printing and distributing Obama Bucks in the name of the Republican activists who paid for them, to holding racist signs at virtually every teabagger rally, to spitting on a sitting Congressman as he walks to a vote. Busy fella.
Hey, you’d think those gentle, righteous, upstanding, non-violent, tolerant, and certainly-not-racist-at-all protestors would recognize him by now, but apparently although they would never make any racist, violent, or anti-Semitic comments, they do have short memories.
@5 just illustrates the state of denial in which they live. Sure, there were people who had crazy “kill Bush” signs during the Dark Ages of 2001-2009, but I never heard a Democrat blame that on secret Republican agents. They were crazy people with indfensible and abhorrent ideas.
I never wanted Bush dead (although from time to time I thoughabout beating his dumb ass), because that would have kept us from trying him at The Hague.
But Republicans have to DENY that it’s even POSSIBLE that one of their own unhinged cohorts could do such a thing. Then they don’t have to diavow it, because a “real” Republican would obviously never do such a thing.
Keep up the stupid, you’re really good at it.
Goldy’s got it right.
Tea Baggers = Angry mob.
What I can’t understand is how Democrats can keep using those totalitarian tactics. Yes, fascist tactics like holding “votes” among our “elected representatives” to “pass laws.” For shame, Democratic Hitlers!
Remember that girl who said she was assaulted and the perp carved a “B” in her face?
@12 Daddy Love 03/21/2010 at 11:22 am,
Interesting point. How does one “KILL THE BILL!” without a vote? Why don’t the socialist tyrants kill the bill without a vote?
Logic and Democracy are the enemy of the people!
Don’t y’all find it even a little strange that no one caught any of these insults/epithets on tape? Not that any self-respecting left-wing “progressive” would ever lie about something like that. Perish the thought!
TEA KLUX KLAN, muthafukahs!
There used to be millions of KKK members not so long ago.
With the addition of the Paulites, these are the same bigots, most of them just stopped wearing sheets.
rodent said:
“Our tax system fucks wage earners.”
So, let’s switch to a flat rate tax.
Or, better yet, go to a national sales tax. Why have this complicated mess that we have now?
Yup, bunny, my thoughts exactly
the banality of evil
@13 and your point is what?
I hope you’re not suggesting she was really assaulted – that was debunked long ago – the “B” was even backward, because she did it to herself using a mirror (Giving a very scary look into the intellect of a typically unhinged right winger)
You are comparing her idiocy to what we’ve witnessed with the taebaggers over the past few days, right?
Opps I didn’t really mean it, them Republicans just get me so angry, they are the reason why I said it.
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) came to the defense of the racists and bigots who shouted slurs at members of Congress Saturday. The Tea Party protesters shouted the ‘n’ word at African American members of Congress the ‘f’ word at an openly gay member.
Rather than condemn the anachronistic behavior, Nunes blamed the Democrats, saying that they make people do and say crazy things with their tyrannical behavior.
The teabagger behavior excellently shows that the entire basis of the whole teabagger movement is racism and bigotry.
Hey dumb asses. PROVE IT HAPPENED. Something aside from the supposed ‘victims’. That shouldn’t be too hard even for a left-winger to understand, or accomplish.
@20 – Yep, her story was just that – a hoax for partisan gain.
You are a moron.
But, to put the nasty wheedling snide little hint of doubt that you raise to rest…
Incidents reported first-hand by Brian Beutler of TPM.
Confirmed and expanded by the targets themselves – Reps. Frank, Clyburn, Cleaver, Lewis.
Reported by major news outlets CNN, MSNBC.
Incidents apologized away as Democrat’s fault by wingnut Rep Devin Nunes (R-idiot), who did not question that the incidents indeed took place.
Hey, eyewitness reports don’t prove anything. Only tape will.
At least until a tape is proffered–at which point the good Republicans will insist that it was doctored. Because denial is all they have. They can’t handle the truth.
Or that the people on the tape are Democrats out to make the tea baggers look bad.
25 LS
It is probably better-sourced than anything Matt Drudge has ever published.
27 M
Yes, given that they are already using that lame-ass excuse.
It probably would have been a whole lot uglier (god forbid) if the teabaggers had been aware of Andre Carson’s religion.
The Tea Party is just nuts. It’s bits of the crazy John Birch society, some KKK folks, the extreme wing of the NRA, the slightly retarded, and corporate lobbyist all rolled up together. Just a HOT BAG of insane.
this has been reported by multiple people who heard it:
More republican lies. Look what Seante republicans are trying to keep in the bill….the same stuff they were criticizing. What hypocrites:
The foul-smelling flower of the Southern Strategy is in full bloom now. Happy?
@32 Reported by multiple people with a vested interest in the perpetuation of such slander, you mean.
I acknowledge there might have been isolated instances of epithets being tossed out there. However, do I believe that any goddamn politician in the world is above making up such a malicious lie if they thought it would advance their own particular cause? Not a freaking chance I don’t. And there is no way I accept the word of any politician about anything without proof.
“Scientist”? Right. Whose the moron claiming scientist as part of their moniker yet willing to accept something as gospel without *unbiased* verification?
Would you believe eyewitness reports if the sides were reversed? Not a fucking chance in hell you would and unless you’re an utter hypocrite, you’ll admit that.
Again, I’m not saying it didn’t occur, I just want to see the proof. Surely when Nancy Peolusi can’t make a move around there without a million cameras recording her every move, something so completely incendiary would have been caught on tape, by someone.
Hmmm….so what happened to herding disruptive protesters off into fenced “free speech zones” far away from not only the events in question, but any press exposure?
35 IB
Sure you don’t. Why should we lbelieve that without proof?
They staged that moon landing too!
The Holocaust wasn’t real!
@I-burn: Deny, deny and deny….these are your fellow bigots. Why don’t you just claim them as your own?
The mindless, bigoted fools who follow Faux news…and have no ability to think for themselves and spout the same carp (socialism) that they shouted against social security and Medicare.
Bunch of small minded liars and fools.
First of all those douchebags were recording the event on their phones, which the press woulda been more than happy to show. Thing is, they weren’t called niggers by anyone much less spat upon, you bunch of fucktards. Secondly, what gives you pinkos sole custody of the right to protest? Get over yourselves already. You want a nanny state, and to be told how to live your pathetic lives, but most of us don’t so how about effing off and dying like good lil’ girls!