Yakima Mayor Dave Edler had a police officer remove Tim Eyman from council chambers Tuesday when Tim refused to shut up after the council voted 5-2 to cut off his rant against Councilmember Ron Bonlender.
Eyman started by arrogantly introducing himself as Yakima’s “highest ranking unelected representative,” and then went on to attack the Yakima Herald-Republic for their coverage of the recent sock puppet scandal in which Republican Rick Ensey’s wife Diane effectively used an anonymous blog to defame Bonlender during the campaign. Diane Ensey’s identity was not revealed until after her husband’s victory, prompting bipartisan calls for his resignation.
Pissed off that the Herald-Republic wouldn’t give him a guest column, Eyman called the Herald-Republic’s coverage of the Ensey’s admitted deception a “witch hunt,” bizarrely comparing it to that of the media storm surrounding the Duke Lacrosse rape case — only the Herald-Republic’s offense is apparently much worse, because….
“… that was about an alleged rape; the Ensey thing involves a few lines on a blog that maybe six people read. For years I’ve been libeled, denigrated and insulted by anonymous people on blogs, but blogs are little stray comments like you’d hear in any lunchroom, they’re mosquitoes in the alligator infested swamp of politics.”
In fact, Tim is lying as usual. Yes, he’s been insulted and denigrated by me and other liberal bloggers, but not a single one of us is anonymous, and, if he really believes I have libeled him, I urge him to sue me before I sue him first for making such a slanderous allegation. Eyman hopes to diminish our credibility and influence, but what “the Ensey thing” makes clear in the exception is that the blogosphere does indeed subscribe to a set of ethical standards… standards the Ensey’s shamelessly violated to the detriment of both the blogo- and political spheres. As a blogger I do not shy away from using strong language, but I never lie, and I certainly don’t hide behind a pseudonym like those cowardly Enseys. I have standards. Folks like Eyman and the Enseys obviously don’t.
Given that he too is a fraud and admitted liar, Eyman’s impassioned defense of the Enseys is not surprising. That some newspapers still give him valuable free space on their op-ed pages, is.
It would be priceless to hear you scream, “don’t taze me, bro!!” I’d pay money for that. U-tube and donations to the I-man next initiative?
I wouldn’t characterize you as a liar, but you’ve said some things that weren’t true.
For instance, you accused Sharkansky of changing things on his blog “to cover his tracks,” without notifying his readers with an update. You implied you didn’t do such a thing. Yet you have.
You know what the Enseys did is bad because even Republicans are holding their noses. I’m amazed to see Eyman squandering what little political capital he has left by defending those scoundrels.
Not that I ever thought Eyman had any smarts going for him. He still can’t figure out how to write an initiative that’ll pass the constitutional proscription of addressing only one subject at a time.
@2 cite please
I … ahem … was the first to post about the Enseys on HA. Quite some time ago, if you were paying attention. When this story first broke, it struck me as just another story about Republican dirty tricks, and there’s plenty of those. I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined it would result in Timmie getting escorted by the ear out of a city council meeting by a burly police officer!
Please don’t compare your ethics to Eyman’s – Tim Eyman has already shown that he is a complete liar (No – none of that money from the initiative campaigns went to ME! – when a bunch did.)
TE is a pathogical liar and thief. If you make a mistake – you own up to it and the idiot trolls on here (probably TE himself) are full of it.
also – parading as a regular blogger (like Diane Ensey did) without revealing her obvious affiliation (wife of the opposing candidate) just to stir up trouble….well, that speaks for itself.
Speaking of ethically challenged – looks like Huckabee’s real record is coming to life – petitioning the parole board to release a rapist who will rape again – just because his victim was distantly related to clinton.
That and all his campaign trough, governor’s mansion remodeling (that happened to come home with him), his lack of knowledge on Iran (what NIE? – I am too busy campaigning to pay attention to issues!) and vindictiveness is now starting to show.
Just another ethically flawed republican candidate. what is the rundown now?
Guliani: Ethically challenged slush fund for his mistress and Bernie Kerik
Mitt: For abortion before he was against it – due to moral principle (the principle of his politcal expediency).
McCain: against the right wing religious crowd before he pandered to them.
who is left? thompson – Not ethically challenged since he is too busy sleeping – and this guy is supposed to be an actor?
#1. I support Tim Eyman’s right to free speech (and to show off how fat he is)
#2. It’s worth noting that it was an outgoing Republican councilmember who was the first to hush Eyman.
Who has the Gov and legislature wrapped around his finger?
Tim Eyman.
Whose initiatives are popular with the voters?
Tim Eyman.
Who had his First Amendment right of free speech and right to petition the government for redress of grievances trampled in Yakima?
Tim Eyman.
Who, by himself, has done more to restrain the profligate legislature from fiscally raping the taxpayers?
Tim Eyman.
Who, in Washington politics, wins even when he loses?
Tim Eyman.
Who now has received a priceless new level of favorable publicity for being crapped upon by government, all for free?
Tim Eyman.
Who’s an abyss of bitterness and frustration because the public pissed on his Holy Grail, light rail, in the last election and thumped all his candidates?
Goldy (and the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans).
Goldy, who’s your political daddy now?
Tim Eyman.
The Piper
If you want to cheer for an admitted liar and incompetent – that is your prerogative.
Other questions to ask:
who can’t write an initiative that is actually legal?
who takes money to write intitiatives?
who writes pro-gambling initiatives (if paid well)?
who could not care less about the actual welfare of the state of washington, as long as his rich buddies pay less taxes?
No – timmy boy has long worn out his welcome except for the ethically challenged, anti-tax, rich, right wingers. Probably the same crew that support bush, Iraq and that whole incompetent and corrupt crowd.
Tim Eyman is a dandy.
No, Tim Eyman is a loudmouth.
He’s got rights. The right to file an initiative and the right to speak.
Liar and incompetent? How many initiatives have you successfully placed before the voters?
Is he perfect? No, but who among the HA Happy Hooligans is without sin among you? Let he who is cast the first stone.
His initiatives are legal. He’s not promoted anything that isn’t legal. That courts scrutinize his product more closely than others is recognized by the people for what it is: partisanship.
Since government isn’t, nor should it be, the be all and end all of anyone’s life, that he crimps its style is something to which I shout, “Huzzah!”
Tim…you be de man!
If he’s worn out his welcome, why did I-960 pass, and why did the Gov and legislature essentially do his bidding, Adam Kline notwithstanding?
Since lawyers routinely write initiatives, and since lawyers take money for writing anything, why shouldn’t Tim?
What? Like, he should be Bernie Ward or someone?
The Piper
Luigi @2,
For instance… when? Come on, you just accused me of something, so provide an example. When have I edited HA to cover my tracks?
I thought Tim lived in Mukilteo. What the Hell is he doing in Yakima talking to the City Council about a local Yakima issue? Has he gone stark raving bonkers?
Nobody has an unlimited right to speak in a city council meeting. Usually, you get 2 or 3 minutes — 5 minutes max. Taking more than your alloted time isn’t free speech, it’s infringing on the free speech rights of others waiting their turn to speak.
Leave it to crackpiper and josef to defend trampling on the free speech rights of people who actually LIVE IN YAKIMA and pay taxes there.
@ 15
He’s originally from Yakima, apparently. He’s also an unapologetic media-whore. Natch.
Here’s a link to the press release sent to Yakima’s media outlets Tuesday evening which fully explains what happened. It speaks for itself:
The Herald and I came to an agreement today where they will print a short version of my column and include in it a URL link to the complete version — http://www.permanent-offense.org/Yakima.pdf — a fair compromise.
@15 I thought Eyman’s shtick was cutting taxes. One can ask what Eyman’s going to Yakima to defend a sleaseball who “won” a close election by libeling his opponent has to do with that?
In any case, Bonlender has said he’s going to sue the Enseys for falsely portraying him as a drunk with several DUIs to the community where he owns a business, so this case is going to court. By the next election, Ensey will be renting his house, car, and clothing from Bonlender.
Proving malice isn’t going to be a problem.
Goldy you did it the other night when Mark the Redneck placed an entry which you removed and then you removed my comment which said:
“If you remove comment #2 then Goldy would have to remove many of Pelletizer’s (TM) comments which would reduce the comment value by half#717149.”
Thank you very much…Try again
This won’t be covered by the Enseys’ homeowner’s insurance, either, because all homeowner policies have exclusion clauses for intentional torts. This is coming out of their pockets.
Goldy also said above:”but not a single one of us is anonymous”
We only know who Carl Grossman is!
What a whopper!
Who’s ego knows no bounds?
Scot St. Peeyou
Hubris, Crackpiper, is not becoming.
Eyman has had little effect on the government of WA state. His initiatives are continually challenged and beaten in court.
Scot, don’t let the facts get in your way. He is an admitted liar and an obvious buffoon. Hey, he is just like you.
@21 First of all, you don’t know who deleted those comments. It may not have been Goldy, because he delegates a lot of the moderating of comment threads to Darryl et al. Secondly, how does enforcing the comment policy constitute covering Goldy’s tracks for something Goldy said? Third, if you don’t want your comments deleted, stay on topic!!! The topic of this blog is:
So, if you post comments saying Republicans suck, like I do, you won’t get deleted! Your problem is you keep wandering off that topic. Redneck has that problem, too. And until Redneck pays his $100 gambling debt to Goldy, he should stop freeloading on Goldy’s web site.
Tim Eyman surely pisses you people off, doesn’t he?
God, how do you come up with this shit? I am a commenter, not a BLOGGER, dumass. Why don’t you sign your real name to just one of your comments?
Let me answer for you: You are a coward. Chickenshit. Pussy. Wiener. Pick one. They all fit.
Carl Grossman
Tim Eyman is Yakima’s highest ranking unelected representative – He’s Washington’s highest ranking unelected representative.
It may be arrogant, but it’s true. That’s what’s so offensive. Nobody ever voted for him, but he’s possibly the most powerful political figure in the state.
But I post not to praise Caesar but to bury him.
Tim has shit all over this state for way too long; can’t we draft him into some political office so he could see that government actually has to do some thing and when it does it has to be able to pay for them? And then, when he’s failed to satisfy minimal standards of leadership and vision maybe he’ll have a new perspective on community, the function of the state and the difficulty our elected leaders face.
Because if he’s not elected then he’s a tyrant.
beware the ides of March, Tim.
Crackpiper makes me long for the days of JCH. At least his posts were short.
Why don’t you sign your real name to just one of your comments?
I would love to see that. Ha!
Tim Eyman surely pisses you people off, doesn’t he?
That’s generally the reaction we have to people who don’t know the difference between fiscal prudence and recklessness. Everyone hates paying taxes. But the way Eyman is trying to enforce limits is reckless and will eventually hurt many of the people who believe they will benefit.
Here’s to hoping Tim Eyman can find Goldshit and make him sterile.
God knows that’s what I plan to do if I ever come to Seattle and have to deal with him.
No Goldshit kids will make the rest of us all happy and content.
Does anyone understand 31?
@26 “Tim Eyman surely pisses you people off, doesn’t he?”
It would be more accurate to say he repels us in the same way that we find all crooks and liars repellent.
yes, #31 is hard to follow.
again, here’s the link to what happened:
@28 ” … maybe he’ll have a new perspective on community, the function of the state and the difficulty our elected leaders face.”
Never happen. Cheap talk is way more fun than having to make real-life decisions. You’ll never get Eyman out of his rocking chair.
@32 I think he’s threatening Goldy with physical violence. That’s what it looks like. Probably all-talk-and-no-do, though, like all wingnuts.
I respect Tim even more now. I respect anyone who doesn’t kiss a politician’s ass.
@34 So Tim, while you’re here, could you explain why you feel it’s okay to infringe on the free speech rights of other citizens, who may have been waiting to speak to the council of matters of concern to them, by using more than your allotted time?
On 08/26/07, David, you wrote in the comments thread of a post entitled “Stefan Sharkansky is a vindictive prick” as follows:
“I’m proud of what I write, unlike Stefan, who deletes and edits posts from his archive to cover his tracks.”
On 10/12/07, David, you wrote in a post entitled “Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize” as follows:
“But of course, it’s unseasonably cold somewhere on the planet today, so folks like Stefan are just laughing at us and the Norwegians for foolishly believing in science. (What a maroon.)”
David, in the above quote you originally wrote “Swedes” not “Norwegians.” A person named “dutch” pointed out your error in the comments thread. I personally read the original when it said “Swedes.” You changed “Swedes” to “Norwegians” without notifying your readers with an update. An update pointing out your error would have made you look like a maroon, which is why you didn’t properly edit with an update.
Free speech is important and even an ass like Eyman has the right to speak…but not at a City Council meeting on a subject not germaine to the business of the City of Yakima and not in a manner that is disrespectful of elected officials or other citizens. Nearly every local government in Washington has rules along those lines to govern behavior at public meetings. The exception would be if the City has created a “limited public forum” in which subjects other than those that appear on an agenda can be discussed. But even then, there are rules of decorum. These rules have all been upheld by various court decisions as not abridging the rights of free speech. Eyman is used to spouting off anyway he wants on talk radio and in his lengthy rants on various blogs, and his ego allows him to believe he can do what we wants however and whenever he wants. It is refreshing to see a local government remind him that he can’t.
And furthermore, whatever Tim thinks of Councilmember Bonlender and whether he was too sensitive to the blog attacks on him, at least Bonlender has more courage than Eyman has ever demonstrated. Bonlender ran for public office and has had to take public votes on budgets, taxes, permits, plans, and policies. He has had to balance competing priorities and deal with reckless laws and initiatives. He has made tough decisions and made lots of people angry as he did it. All local elected officials do. They have all demonstrated more courage, more public spirit, more sense of community, more selflessness than Tim has ever done.
@40, hear, hear!! Very well put.
Also, I’d like to point out that Puddybud, whose word is his bond, has promised to leave HA forever. Since he couldn’t possibly be a liar and a chumpsteak, any posts from him that might find their way onto the threads here are clearly a mistake.
I believe it is our obligation to honor Puddy’s word and treat his accidental posts as if they had never occurred. It’s what he’d want, I’m sure, if he could post here.
I should have referenced 5&14.
Luigi Giovanni @ 39,
You are a fucking idiot if you don’t recognize the difference between a simple factual correction (typically spelling and grammar) and what Goldy was referring to— deleting a post altogether or changing the meaning and context of a post.
Goldy has never claimed he doesn’t correct errors in his posts, and all of us poster frequently correct our errors (and we sometimes even correct each others errors).
BTW: if Goldy was “covering his tracks,” wouldn’t he have deleted dutch’s comment that pointed out the error, too?
Get a fucking life, “maroon.”
BTW: if Goldy was “covering his tracks,” wouldn’t he have deleted dutch’s comment that pointed out the error, too?
Damn you Darryl with your logic!
Tim Eyman has the right to be heard and frankly, you guys should just wait until the shoe is on the other foot.
Hey, I don’t like Tim (that much). But while you speak of civility, note the “I hope they taser him” headline. Orbusmax.com is making hay of this.
“Goldy you did it the other night when Mark the Redneck placed an entry which you removed and then you removed my comment which said:
“If you remove comment #2 then Goldy would have to remove many of Pelletizer’s ™ comments which would reduce the comment value by half#717149.”
What the fuck does deleting comments have to do with Giovanni’s claim, you retarded twit?
And it wasn’t Goldy that deleted your comment, I did. It was off topic. See the HA Comment Policy.
to: Roger Rabbit #38 and RLL #40
This was the ‘public participation’ portion of the city council meeting where any citizen can come in and get three minutes to talk about anything not on the agenda. I was stopped at about 1 minute in. So no one else’s time was infringed upon, no statement was made beyond the allotted time, and was not said during any time during regular council business.
You two are burdened by not having a clue what you’re talking about.
again, here’s the link to what happened:
http://www.permanent-offense.o rg/Yakima.pdf
oops, make that:
http://www.permanent-offense.o rg/Yakima.pdf
David forgot to delete dutch’s comment.
While it was a factual error, an error in knowledge, it wasn’t a typo or an error in grammar. The error looked pretty bad given the hubristic character of the comment.
David doesn’t discuss your distinction in his comment in August.
When should you use the update to edit? I agree it’s not necessary for a typo or spelling error. I’ll tentatively agree it’s not necessary for an error in grammar. If you change the content, however, I believe you should update.
Given David’s self-professed high ethical standards, I think he would agree with me, even if it occasionally makes him look like a maroon.
Once again Goldy’s extreme jealously of Tim is blatantly apparent. Whether he desrved this for his actions or not is not the issue to me; the issue is: That Tim DOES THINGS, and Goldy merely WANTS to do things, but does NOTHING but rant. If your balls are as big as you think they are Goldy, then get off your liberal ass and make something happen other than this meaningless website. Good luck.
@47 Tim:
Pay no mind to Roger Rodent. He’s a non-taxpayer that lives on our gov’t cheese. Hardly worth your breath.
@49: I’d put Goldy’s great “scandal” in the category of a brain fart by a tired and/or in-a-hurry poster who (as we’ve all noticed, including Goldy) isn’t real good at proofreading. His meaning was clear to anyone reading it — except you, maybe. Your efforts at parsing gradations in what merits an update read like someone trying to twist the situation to fit a preordained conclusion — which, oddly enough, was what Goldy was accusing (some) Republicans of in his original post.
“Covering your tracks?” That would be, like, what? The Bush reaction after claiming the Iranians are about to start World War III and then having it come out that the White House had known for over a year that Iran gave up its nuclear weapons program years ago? Oh, wait, by that analogy Goldy would still be defending his original lie mistake and insisting that the Peace Prize really IS given out in Stockholm…sorta like saying global warming doesn’t exist…oh, wait…I see a trend here, and it’s not Goldy’s.
why is no one talking about Bush’s lies about Iran’s nuclear weapon plans?? Thebiggest story of this wek?
We have Pat Buchananon MSNBC saying the President lied. We have Tony Blankley saying he either lied or mis-spoke.
Right winger Buchanan is demanding that Biden go to DC and start holding hearings.
Is this not important?
@52: Delete the word “lie,” WordPress didn’t recognize my overstrike command. What was I saying about HA posters who are bad at proofreading?
Luigi Giovanni,
“David forgot to delete dutch’s comment.”
No he didn’t.
Obviously, if he were somehow trying to cover-up his (IMHO rather trivial) mistake, he most certainly would have deleted dutch’s comment.
“While it was a factual error, an error in knowledge, it wasn’t a typo or an error in grammar. The error looked pretty bad given the hubristic character of the comment.”
Are you really so disconnected from reality that you believe Goldy would criticize Stefan for something so trivial as changing the name of a Scandinavian country in a post?
You seem to lack the ability to fully comprehend context.
“David doesn’t discuss your distinction in his comment in August.”
Yes…but he probably failed to consider that a brain-damaged moron like you would not understand the point of his post.
“When should you use the update to edit? I agree it’s not necessary for a typo or spelling error. I’ll tentatively agree it’s not necessary for an error in grammar.”
Guess what…nobody give a fuck what you think about editing practice!
“If you change the content, however, I believe you should update. Given David’s self-professed high ethical standards, I think he would agree with me, even if it occasionally makes him look like a maroon.”
Again, this is just your own problem in grasping the context of Goldy’s original post and his subsequent comment.
But, given that you live in a context-free alternate universe, I’ll simply make another context-free argument that demonstrates you are wrong.
What Goldy said was:
Goldy did not change his archives. He changed an active post—in fact the top post on the page. Hence, his correction isn’t incompatible with his criticism of Stefan. (i.e. he never criticized Stefan for updating an active post).
There you go…a completely bullet proof, albeit entirely out-of-context, argument that demonstrates your criticism is wrong.
Happy now, dip shit?
Perfesser Darryl The Dolt:
Commenter #3 in that thread said delete comment #2. I, as comment #4, answered comment #3 with what I said above.
If you were true to your deletion policy you would have deleted 2, 3, & 4.
But you didn’t Perfesser Darryl.
That’s the issue I am identifying here. Why did comment #3 stay and #4 disappear when I was answering #3?
Good point, Tim.
You got rights. Just as I have the right to call you an egomaniac who reads your own press coverage too much :-).
You’re a writer, and so is David. I’m a reader. You’re saying I’m too literal-minded, too hypertechnical?
As a writer who presumably respects his readers, why don’t you attempt to answer the question of when an update is appropriate. I’m not twisting anything.
I’m not a supporter of Bush. I regard the National Intelligence Estimate as a “gotcha” against Bush.
Tim: Pelletizer (TM) thinks:
1) AMT affects millionaires
2) Cuyahoga County is run by Republicans
3) Can’t use IF correctly
4) The ACE of Spades called him a diarrheal poster on HorsesASS!
5) None of your initiatives has survived
There, I think that sums it up!
Hey Luigi you are a liberal. I battled you in thread go by.
You have to excuse the liberals who post here. They have no memory past 24 hours. Sometimes it’s 4 hours or less.
Oh and Perfesser Darryl, my comment wasn’t removed with the caption “per HA policy”, it was just REMOVED.
You see Puddy remembers!
Where’s my five hundred grand?
I’ll concede I like that last argument. It’s very persuasive. You should have been a lawyer. (You would have to give up the emotional, ad hominem attacks, however.)
Do we need any more proof of the intellectual vapidity, the utter emptiness, of the Right?
Knowing of your own impending irrelevance sucks, doesn’t it?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick
This question was asked earlier in the thread, and I noticed Tim glossed it over: why is what the City of Yakima does any business of somebody who lives in Mukilteo? Why does Tim Eyman hate local government and local control?
Hey Luigi you are a liberal. I battled you in thread go by.
You have to excuse the liberals who post here. They have no memory past 24 hours. Sometimes it’s 4 hours or less.
And even if they have documented proof that is forged. Never, ever trust a liberal.
Knowing of your own impending irrelevance sucks, doesn’t it?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick
Yeah, like 60 minutes. You got it Joe. The MSM and the left have “jumped the shark” long ago. Courage Joe, courage. heheheheheehehehe
TO: Bax
Obviously you need to read what I said to know why I weighed in on this.
Rather than a link, here’s what happened:
Just got back from Yakima — drove over the pass in record time and am back in Mukilteo. A very enjoyable, productive trip. Here’s what I said to the Yakima City Council this evening and what transpired during it (not once did I raise my voice — it was a calm reading from a written statement):
“Mr. Mayor, my name is Tim Eyman and I was born and raised in West Valley and now live on the westside with my wife and two sons. I came her for the day for a forum this afternoon on property taxes. But I couldn’t leave today and drive back to the westside without commenting on a local issue I feel passionately about.
I have repeatedly asked the Yakima Herald if I could submit a column on this local issue so the citizens would have the chance to hear and consider my perspective on it. They’ve repeatedly refused. I want to use this forum, Mr. Mayor, to read the column the Herald doesn’t want Yakima’s citizens to hear. So here goes:
As this city’s highest ranking UNelected representative, I want to comment on the Ensey/Bonlender thing.
I’ve never met or talked with either guy but I know a media witch hunt when I see one. The press has been hounding Ensey for months; they’ve been going after me for 10 years.
What’s getting thrown at Ensey is a well-orchestrated, trumped-up railroad job. It reminds me of the Duke lacrosse team “rape” case, where the media did the same thing and “community leaders” jumped on the bandwagon before all of the facts were known. And that was about an alleged rape. The Ensey thing involves a few lines on a blog that maybe six people read.
For years, I’ve been libeled, denigrated and insulted by anonymous people on blogs. But blogs are little stray comments like you’d overhear in any lunchroom – they’re mosquitoes in the alligator-infested swamp of politics.
Ensey’s real “sin” was running as a proud Republican and earning the support of Republicans. This was an affront to the tender sensibilities of the Yakima Herald-Republic whose chosen candidate was Democrat Bonlender … the guy who lost.
But rather than be a man and accept the voters rejection (again), Bonlender and his de facto public relations machine, the Herald, have railed and moaned for weeks.”
I then said “You better call security because I’m going to keep talking.” I THEN STARTED TO RESTATE THE PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH AT WHICH TIME THE MAYOR CALLED OVER A YAKIMA POLICEMAN, ALONG WITH THE POLICE CHIEF, WHO WALKED UP AND SAID I NEEDED TO LEAVE. I responded, “this is really unfortunate.”
Never raising my voice a bit, I walked outside the council chamber. While walking, the policeman informed me that this was the first time they’ve ever removed a citizen from speaking during the ‘public participation’ portion of a council meeting. I told the policeman that I came to City Hall to read this statement and I’m going to do it in the hallway. He said that I couldn’t disrupt the council meeting. I calmly responded “fine, close the council chamber doors.” They did. I then read the rest of the statement to the six or seven people in the hall and the police officer and police chief (I was across the hall from the council chamber so through the glass doors I was able to see the mayor and city council members and they were able to see me reading the statement below):
“Not satisfied with endless hit pieces masquerading as ‘news’ stories and editorials in the Herald, Bonlender got his Democrat donors (the trial lawyers) to file an absolutely frivolous lawsuit against Ensey and his wife. It’s a vindictive, childish temper tantrum.
As far as I’m concerned, Ensey’s only mistake was saying this on election night: “I don’t want to talk to the Herald. Make it up. You will anyway.” I sympathize with wanting to stiff your opponents’ publicist, but in politics, you never, ever stop talking. You all know me – I never shut up! :)
I screwed up seven years ago. Whenever I was asked by the press if I was being compensated for my political work, I said no. I didn’t tell the truth for two years. When I finally did, I was attacked by my opponents and by the press. But my supporters stuck with me because I didn’t let my screw-up stop me from persevering on their behalf. I owed it to them to face the fallout and continue fighting.
Ensey’s thing isn’t even close to what I did, and yet it’s being spun as worse than Watergate. It was a few lines on a blog written by his wife. Big deal. So his spouse did something that’s embarrassing. Boy, do I know about that. I’ve embarrassed my wife for years.
I’ve been on television and in newspapers dressed up like a gorilla, Darth Vader and Buzz Lightyear. If my wife can tolerate my stuff, Ensey can surely deal with his wife’s thing.
This is a total non-issue. A few lines on an insignificant blog didn’t swing the election. Bonlender lost because his Democrat philosophy (more taxes, more regulation, more litigation) didn’t sit well with Yakima’s voters.
Ron Bonlender has embarrassed himself. His post-election pouting and his boo-hoo hissy fits and his pathetic lawsuit show he doesn’t have the character to hold public office.
The Herald has embarrassed itself. Nothing but trumped-up, hyped-up, lynch-mob hysteria disguised as journalism.
As for Ensey, he’s shown tremendous dignity and courage under fire and clearly has more character in his little finger than Bonlander can ever hope to have.
My message to Ensey: The bad guys want to badger you into quitting or cow your conservatism as a councilman. They will never like you, never accept you, never vote for you. So you need to sponsor ordinances and vote for legislation that is more conservative than you’d normally do just to shove it back at them. You didn’t beat Bonlender by kowtowing to critics. Always stay focused on the policies and principles that the voters want and you’ll do just fine. And most importantly, never stop talking.
— END —
At this point, I thanked the police officer and police chief and the people in the hallway for listening and then walked out to my truck and drove home. Again, I was calm throughout this.
Why did I do this? I know what Ensey is going through. I faced it myself. I thought my experience would provide a different viewpoint and offer some perspective and some balance — unfortunately, there’s only one viewpoint allowed in Yakima right now. My statement above further explains the reasons why I weighed in.
Why does Tim Eyman hate local government and local control?
It’s obvious that the KCRE hates the control of the rest of the state. That is why we have the Queen instead of who really won. Why are you liberals so ass backwards? Geeeesh.
I think little Timmy should be allowed to speak. The more he speaks the easier it is to see what a moron he is. I love this quote from him @ 68
“Democrat donors (the trial lawyers)”
That is laugh out loud FUNNY!
Does little Timmy even understand that any attorney who has ever set foot in a court room is a dreaded “Trial Lawyer”? That makes up more than half of the Republic Party in Congress.
What a bunch mealy mouthed pablum, from a small and dimwitted Rove-wannabe.
Give it up little Timmy. You really are just a horse’s ass.
I was joking that David forgot to delete dutch’s comment.
When David discovered his error, he recognized that he looked like an idiot in the context of his hubristic comment.
David calculated he couldn’t delete dutch’s comment, since dutch could complain in the comments thread and continue complaining if the complaints were deleted. David concluded it would be best to edit the main post and trust that not many readers would read the comments thread.
@ 71 Luigi Giovanni – Mind Reader!
GOD DAMN liberals are so fucking arrogant and ignorant it
truly is entertaining.
I thought the fascists were claiming that Christine Gregoire was the highest ranking UNelected representative.
So, I guess they finally agree the Gov. was elected, after all.
Tim, I wouldn’t waste one breath reading your shit stained screed.
You think you matter? Grow a pair, and run for Governor. I bet you couldn’t even get Ellen Craswell’s share(42%).
C’mon badass. You talk the talk, now walk the walk. I will even donate the first $100, just to watch you burn slowly.
Oh, that’s right, you couldn’t even beat Dino Rossi in the primary.
to: busdrivermike
I really appreciate your support and enthusiasm. We couldn’t be successful without our supporters backing up our efforts.
Here’s the link to watch the presentation to the Yakima City Council:
Thanks again for your tremendous support. You’re the best!
I like it when people, who are probably going to want to run for some sort of local office one day in the future, say things in blogs that will prevent them from ever winning. I also like how easy it is to save things to disk.
Again, how is what the City of Yakima does the business of somebody who lives in Mukilteo?
As this city’s highest ranking UNelected representative, I want to comment on the Ensey/Bonlender thing.
Highest unelected representative? We had one of those in the 1700s. His name was King George III. We fought a little rebellion over him. It resulted in our present form of government, the one where we elect people.
We don’t have unelected representatives in this county, we have elected ones. If you want to represent people, run for office. Quit pretending to be King.
Bax and the rest of ya’ lefties, taser this: G*D BLESS TIM EYMAN FOR STANDING UP FOR FREE SPEECH RIGHTS LIKE A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even though I-892 was a satanic and frankly in my view racist initiative.)
I’ve had enough of you people not respecting the right of an American citizen to petition for redress of grievances and speak out. What if the shoe was on the other foot?
Some of us – Democrats and Republicans alike – seem to forget this golden rule.
Bax says:
As this city’s highest ranking UNelected representative, I want to comment on the Ensey/Bonlender thing.
Highest unelected representative? We had one of those in the 1700s. His name was King George III. We fought a little rebellion over him. It resulted in our present form of government, the one where we elect people.
We don’t have unelected representatives in this county, we have elected ones. If you want to represent people, run for office. Quit pretending to be King.
If you lefties would stop rigging elections I would agree with you. Until then.. Go Timmy go!
Hey Tim…you really want to do something good for the State? Run an initiative to bring in an income tax. Repeal whatever property and sales taxes (the state part) you need in order to make it revenue neutural.
If you did THAT — then I’d be impressed.
As it is, I just think you’re a blowhard egomaniac.
Re 82:
OneMan (and Tim), count me in too.
Darryl, in the main post, David discusses the values of credibility and influence. He also discusses ethical standards.
Darryl, no doubt, you and David are on the same page.
Darryl, I must say that your comments today have gone a long way to enhance the credibility and influence of HA today, especially among casual readers. You’ve also provided an illuminating glimpse into those high ethical standards, especially regarding editing.
Bax says:
Again, how is what the City of Yakima does the business of somebody who lives in Mukilteo?
Hear, hear…I agree. I just want to thank all my supporters who live in the 206.
Marcel says:
why is no one talking about Bush’s lies about Iran’s nuclear weapon plans?? Thebiggest story of this wek?
We have Pat Buchananon MSNBC saying the President lied. We have Tony Blankley saying he either lied or mis-spoke.
Right winger Buchanan is demanding that Biden go to DC and start holding hearings.
Is this not important
Goldy you can fell free to deleate this post it has nothing to do with the subject being presented tonight. Tim keep up the good work these folks might see their short comings. Chief Lake
Reichert’s office is on Mercer Island and has a 206 area code number. Great example, dumbass.
Well folks it appears that everyone wants to know if Tim was speaking in tongs in Yakima. The link is so busy that the video will not work. Now is that Tim’s problem or Goldy’s, and is Goldy spreading rumors or embellishing the truth? The Yakima-Herald is hot off the press with their side of the story, but who is telling the truth?
OneMan says:
Hey Tim…you really want to do something good for the State? Run an initiative to bring in an income tax. Repeal whatever property and sales taxes (the state part) you need in order to make it revenue neutral.
If you did THAT — then I’d be impressed.
As it is, I just think you’re a blowhard egomaniac.
OneMan where did you come up with that name, how about posting with your real name coward? Oh! I fix your spelling neutural (neutral) sorry I’m the only one who can miss spell words. Tim cannot do what you request too many subject matters and the folks in Seattle would be confuse about the initiative. He has to keep it real simple and pictures are required along with the subject matter translated into Chinese. The problem is not the Chinese but the political correct language for those in Seattle. The Red Necks can comprehend better than those who graduate from the Seattle School District. Now that isn’t stretching the subject matter like Roger Rabbit.
I know that I am better, richer, and own more property than these WingNutz™ commenters. I am so well off, I think I’ll give some Kraft cheese to a welfare queen in a pink Cadillac.
I already have tickets to the Sprinsteen concert, and they don’t even go on sale until Sat.!
I’m so special and elite!
Hi all,
I don’t follow closely or support Eyman, but I want to see the left begin to respect fiscal conservatism as a weapon, and at least realize that taxes actually can be a real burden to real people at times.
Large government projects that are basically either tax-and-spend monstrosities or eminent-domain abuses are destroying the environment as well as oppressed groups all around the world. Let me cite a few examples:
Avanca in Brazil will punch roads all through the Amazon and as sure as the sun will rise that forest will burn as a result.
Here in Washington, the Army Corps of Engineers wants to spend billions of our tax money to put a new dam on Crab Creek that will evict many farmers & a wildlife refuge from the land. The project won’t have the slightest chance of turning a profit, so it’s one lunacy that would never be undertaken by the free market.
Our fire-fighting bureaucracy makes the forest safe for developers–who build homes in CA and other forests knowing the federal government will bail out their customers as soon as the next scheduled fire burns through the area.
A war in Iraq and a federal facility at Gitmo are tax and spend projects, as is the prison industrial complex/war on drugs which at the state level is the reason government has become such a voracious spender in recent decades.
I am so tired of liberals doing all the heavy lifting on taxes for the Republicans and right wingers, who say “We hate taxes,” while they happily spend all the money the liberals raise for government on things like widening 405, new prisons and military bases in 179 countries abroad, plus of course 4 wars counting drugs and Colombia.
Can’t liberals and leftists take a more nuanced and complex view of taxation and it’s most famous nemesis in this state, Tim Eyman?
Thanks all, New Left Conservative #1
Klake is a Plebian, public restroom, wide-stanced, foot-tappin’ Idahoan.
Is it Idaho or Udaho? With Klake, it’s Udaho.
re 91: New Left Conservatives are called ‘neo-cons’. You are far less nuanced than you imagine.
headless lucy maybe you should consider this option for your problem? Yes some folks know you are a guy but want to be a women. You never know your dream might come true.
The reported 68% – 86% overall success rates for sex reassignment surgery must be viewed cautiously; the lack of long-term follow-up studies makes these statistics misleading. There is evidence suggesting that some gender dysphoric patients benefit primarily from sex reassignment surgery. Most such patients, however, are secondary transsexuals who can benefit from various modes of psychotherapy. Sex reassignment surgery should only be considered as the last resort for a highly select group of diagnosed gender dysphoric patients. As physicians learn new ways to diagnose and treat transsexualism, either sex reassignment surgery will be abandoned as a routine treatment modality or new predictive variables for choosing suitable patients for sex reassignment surgery will be established.
Luigi @39,
Heaven forfend, I fixed typo. I fix typos all the time. (I make tons of them, and I’m a terrible proofreader.) If I wanted to cover my tracks, wouldn’t I have deleted the comment pointing out my error?
You want to equate fixing a typo with deleting entire posts, that’s up to you, but I stand by my record.
Josef @45,
The Orb may be making hay of the headline, but that’s only because he’s typical of righties in suffering from irony deficiency.
I have posted quite passionately about my opposition to the routine use of tasers, and even devoted an hour of my show to it. Most recently I wrote:
So I think my position on the use of tasers is quite clear, ironic headline notwithstanding.
I waded through Tim’s screed and watched the video. (I want my clicks back!)
He is obviously suffering from delusions of adequacy.
Puddy, klake, dan,
How about you put your real names to your posts? If you want to be thought of as men, act like men. Not cowardly commenter’s who hide behind some really rather dull monikers. I bet if you signed your posts with your real names you would find far fewer of them deleted.
As for Mr. Eyman, he is an admitted liar. That does not make him a saint. He is what he is……a scam artist who makes his living out of the wallet of one wealthy man who is just trying get his jollies. I wonder just how close these two men are? Doe anyone have any evidence, real or imagined (I learned this from the Republicans) that they can share that proves Eyman is gay?
Got any watches left you want unload, Tim?
Carl Grossman
to: all
You all prove what I’ve believed for a long time, that not one person on the left has any concept of humor and tongue-in-cheek satire (“As this city’s highest ranking UNelected representative …”)
Rent a comedy and learn to laugh — you’ll live longer.
You mean like William Jefferson Clinton is repellent to you guys?
Remember he was CONVICTED of Purjury; lying UNDER OATH, so he is a liar. That is something that CAN NOT be debated.
I think the vast majority of libs/dems/progs close their mouth, ears and eyes when someone that shares their own political views lies, commits crimes or cheats.
Actually he suffers from delusions of IN-adequacy. Which is a step up from the level of inept aptitude from which he truly operates.
Tim, it would have been funny……..If you did not actually believe it to be true.
Pay for a few visits to a mental health counselor. Learn to be honest with yourself. You’ll live longer.
Vindi at 100:
I could lay money that some troll, in this case you, would eventually blaming Bill.
In what universe is your comment even remotely relevant to the discussion?
Have another beer.
100 Vindi says:
Republican, on the other hand, never do this. Foley, DeLay, Craig…….
Brain dead asshole!
“Why did comment #3 stay and #4 disappear when I was answering #3?”
I’ll simply refer you to the HA Comment Policy.
“Oh and Perfesser Darryl, my comment wasn’t removed with the caption “per HA policy”, it was just REMOVED.”
Indeed. So?
My Left Foot says:
Did you even read what Rabbit said? No, I think you saw someone disparage your god Bill and jumped the shark by saying I’m blaming Bill.
All I’m doing is pointing out that Rabbit said that liars are repellent to folks like him.
I want to know if he and others like him feel the same way about “Cigar Man”
You got the guts to answer up?
I doubt it…all I expect to see another “Troll” comment.
“to: all
You all prove what I’ve believed for a long time, that not one person on the left has any concept of humor and tongue-in-cheek satire (”As this city’s highest ranking UNelected representative …”)
Rent a comedy and learn to laugh — you’ll live longer.”
Mr. Eyman,
See: John Stewart, Stewart Black, Al Franken, Bill Maher and Micheal Moore. Five (five > one) “persons on the left” who have made a living (a larger living than you have made, I might add) studying and perfecting the “concept of humor, and tongue-in-cheek satire.” So I suppose you will admit now that at the very least you exaggerated when you said that “not one person on the left has… etc.” because, as I have shown, at least five do.
To: All the HA Happy Hooligans
From: The Noses on your faces
Subject: You are clueless!
Tim Eyman wins even when he loses. You all lose, but never win.
I-960 was supported by a majority of voters. Was your beloved Prop 1?
I-747 was re-validated by the legislature and Gov. Gregiore in record time. Had its provisions been the problem you all claim, would all those Democrats have clamored to get on board?
You piss and moan about what “loser” Tim “Liarman” is, yet he wins in the competitive electoral marketplace. Do you?
And you’re all so gleeful that his First Amendment rights were violated in Yakima where he had every right to be with every right to say whatever.
For the Yakima CC to do what it did means they need a tutorial on the public’s right to criticize them; since when has there’s not stunk?
You’re all for “free speech” save when it’s speech with which you disagree. Hypocrites, the lot of you!
We the People LIKE Eyman initiatives. They RESTRAIN government waste and profligacy. In Washington, the people have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT OF INITIATIVE per the Washington Constitution, a document with which Goldy is apparently unfamiliar given his unwillingness to accept the initiative and referendum process specified therein.
While we’re at it? Lee…I am STILL of the belief that Irag was a just, albeit flawed, effort, so your bitching about waste there falls on deaf ears as far as I’m concerned.
Frankly, no coincidence that Iran apparently backed away from its nuclear weapon program the same year the U.S. blew into Iraq. Maybe the Ayatollah’s took a page from Muammar Qadaffi’s book? Then again, maybe not since apparently the intelligence estimate has more waffles in than a freezer full of Eggo’s.
Curious, too, that you all bow and scrape in favor of intelligence after lambasting the intelligence used to go into Iraq. I know, you’ll parse your way out of this one, but I’m so used to it, I’ve come to expect it.
Back to Tim…Time after time after time after time after time, he outfoxes you, out hussles you, out campaigns you, and just play blows your butts off the floor! He’s The New England Pats to your St. Louis Rams.
Essentially, in the Fourth Branch of Washington government, the people as a direct legislature, he is our Mr. Speaker. Get used to it! Hurl your barbs, but understand: they and you are pathetic and in the nature of juvenile school yard taunts.
BTW…no law says you can’t be extra taxes to make up the difference for whatever the amount you don’t have to pay because of Eyman initiatives. Put your money where your mouths are…but I won’t hold my breath!
The Piper
Final ‘graph should read, “…no law says you can’t pay extra taxes…”
The Piper
@39 At least Goldy corrects factual mistakes when they’re pointed out. That’s more than any Republican ever dos. BTW, civilized folk refer to that as “editing,” which is deemed by civilized folk to improve a journalistic or literary work. But you probably don’t know anything abut that.
sp correction
dos = does
@43 Of course he’s a fucking idiot. He’s a wingnut.
@45 Tim Eyman was heard. What he doesn’t have a right to do is ignore the city council’s rule or play by his own rules. JCH is a Nazi. The Yakima City Council is not an anarchy.
@51 Why shouldn’t he? You do.
Perfesser Darryl Dingleberry:
Which of my responses to #3 did I “offend”
* Deliberately off-topic comments (except in “open threads”), as well as pointless comments on these comments.
* Deliberately repetitive comments, particularly those intended to repeat and a reinforce slander that has already been sufficiently debunked.
* Large chunks of cut-and-paste from copyrighted works or other blogs and comment threads.
* Blatant sock puppetry.
My comment to #3 was about the Pelletizer (TM) who always in every thread does the large chunks of copying and YOU Darryl ignore!
This answer from Perfesser Darryl – product of dumb-down NEA education, will be so illuminating; so much so it can light a Christmas Tree at Sea-Tac!
I’m starting to come to the conclusion that this blog is an outlet for people who need to vent their anger, but politics isn’t the real problem. I think most everyone here has some sort of pre-existing anger issue, or is socially maladjusted, or has some other personality disorder. Does this blog, in the big picture, actually solve anything?
Speaking of Republican bloggers:
“I mean, talk about a direct IV into the vein of your support. It’s a very efficient way to communicate. They regurgitate exactly and put up on their blogs what you said to them. It is something that we’ve cultivated and have really tried to put quite a bit of focus on.”
— former WH communications director Dan Bartlett, on conservative blogs
re 94: Finally, Klake, a comment from you on a subject that you’ve obviously done some homework on!
Good for you, Klakester, or should I say, ‘Klakerina’?
Piper: Judging from 2006, we’ve learned a few hard lessons, which we plan to follow up on with more electoral successes!
It’s been a joy these past several years to never have to refer to Dino Rossi as ‘Governor’ Rossi.
Put that in your foo-foo pipe and smoke it.
re 115: Thanks for the reminder, P-Wax™. It’s time to start the war on Christmas again.
96 – Okay. I get it. Sarcasm.
117 – Happy to help in Marummy Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
113 – I’ll remember that when you sir/ma’am have your free speech rights trampled on.
#116 BS says:
Excellent observation. The amount of hate that most of the regulars express does border on psychotic.
It keeps the rabbit at home instead of tormenting children and the elderly.
#122: Do you say or think anything that isn’t a WingNut™ talking point?
Here’s some perspective for who are interested:
Here’s a link to the press release sent to Yakima’s media outlets Tuesday evening which fully explains what happened. It was during the public participation portion where any citizen can talk about any topic for three minutes. It speaks for itself:
I went there to calmly read the column I wrote which the Herald had refused to print and then walk out the door. I had come to town for this:
The Herald and I came to an agreement where they will print a short version of my column and include in it a URL link to the complete version — http://www.permanent-offense.org/Yakima.pdf — a fair compromise.
If you watch the video …
… you’ll see me smiling broadly as I read the opening sentence: “As this city’s highest ranking Unelected representative, I want to comment on the Ensey/Bonlender thing.” The Yakima Herald made a big deal about the Mayor, the highest ranking Yakima official, asking Ensey to resign. It was my way of responding to that.
It’s called s – a – t – i – r – e. man, you guys are humorless.
Proud to be a Yakimaniac
#123 headless lucy says:
Any time you want to explain why black people can be stressful to be around 24/7 feel free to tell us. Obviously you would NEVER marry a black person, nor could you ever serve in the military with a black person.
Vindi at 106
UM, well, lets see…….
Bill did not lie about government business or dealings. He lied, just as I would or you would, had you been tempted and fallen. If I were a woman, I would not date the cheater. As a voter, his home life has nothing to do with his work life. How many executives end up in messy divorces over a dalliance or five? They don’t get fired, they just pay up.
Eyman on the other hand OUT RIGHT lied about his income which was DIRECTLY related to his “government” dealings. In this case the signature gathering business he runs. Call it what you want, but that is all he is doing.
That, asshole, is the difference to me. Just because I might like to sit in a bathtub full of pudding while whistling Dixie does not mean I can’t do my job.
Marvin aka Puddy:
What does marrying a black person have to do with anything? Puddy went after lucy for a misinterpreted comment LONG BEFORE YOU SHOWED UP.
Every single time you try to use two or more monikers you eventually screw/slip up. Proving that black/white/red/yellow/brown or blue, you are not the brightest light on the Christmas Tree. Or Menorah.
#125 My Left Foot says:
We don’t have court verified PROOF he lied about anything else.
Your assumption that everyone else would lie speaks volumes about your morals/ethics.
#126 My Left Foot says:
Forgetting all your other posts, this one is proof you make a burned-out bulb look downright brilliant.
You begin by writing “Marvin aka Puddy:” and then write that Puddy went after lucy for being a racist “LONG BEFORE I SHOWED UP.” Well, what is it. I am Puddy or was Puddy here long before I showed up?
For your information, your deduction that “Marvin aka Puddy” is so flawed it makes you look ignorant to those that know the truth.
#126 My Left Foot says:
Just yesterday your amazing powers of deduction insinuated that I was Piper. Today Puddy. Tomorrow maybe you’ll think I’m the rabbit.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I had to post: The funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time:
My Left Foot says: Marvin aka Puddy: “What does marrying a black person have to do with anything? Puddy went after lucy for a misinterpreted comment LONG BEFORE YOU SHOWED UP.
Every single time you try to use two or more monikers you eventually screw/slip up. Proving that black/white/red/yellow/brown or blue, you are not the brightest light on the Christmas Tree. Or Menorah.”
Carl: Lee already posted we’re two different IP Addresses. DUMBASS.
And… navigate back to September 9-15, 2005 and look at the multitudinous racist postings of Leadlice Loocie (TM). If he just apologized and said I’m sorry I’d let it pass like a smelly fart. But no he can’t. As more people on your side read his comments more REAL people stand up and call it wrong. But Carl Left Foot Grossman hasn’t weighed in. Why is that Carl?
Still Waiting for Goldy to stand up and be a man. No, I won’t hold my breath on that!
Carl: Even Perfesser Darryl, trained by the best the NEA had to offer, condemned the comments of Leadlice Loocie ™. And Carl, you grovel at the feet of Darryl. So what say you?
How old are you? 15? You call me an asshole because I pointed out that Clinton lied. Just goes to prove what I think about most progressives – if you don’t believe as they do they resort to name calling and insults. People like you give us Democrats a bad name and reputation.
I fully expect you to start claiming I’m a “Neocon” next. Isn’t that the normal procedure when someone continues to point out that Progressive have a set of standards for them, and a different set for others who don’t follow the same idealogy?
The fact is that he (Clinton) did LIE WHILE DOING HIS JOB. Do you even remember what the testamony given was? He was IN THE OVAL OFFICE, on the phone to National Security Advisor while getting serviced by Monica.
You place conditions on what is OK to lie about. I don’t give a rats ass that he got the BJ. I care that he lied, , UNDER, oath about it. And where he got the hummer.
How much further are you going to move the bar to justify your reasons?
My guess is you’ll move as far as you have to, to justify your hatred of someone that is opposite in his political beliefs from you.
It is amazing that Eyman is still so important in this state. And if Rossi beats Gregoire, Eyman better get the spotlight at Rossi’s victory party.
I do not follow his every track, but if I am not mistaken the Yakima Herald is owned by the Seattle Times.
Somewhere in the Yakima parody of a city council meeting is the truth that people do not get thrown out of city council meetings anywhere for reading a brief statement during open comments, never ever, anywhere, no place.
Most such moments, the statement is read, someone leading the meeting says thank you and the meeting moves on. The fracas in Yakima is a real free speech fiasco.
Messed up Yakima City Council …. had I been there, as an old real lefty, I would have been shouting “let him speak” and booing loudly.
Then, I would have expressed my personal scorn to Tim for having tried to take away civil rights for gay people two-three years back. His repeal initiative failed in the signature drive, as we all remember.
Tim, I think you are a scum bag for that attempt. All is not forgotten.
Carl: Goldy and his head minion Perfesser Darryl, stopped sock puppetry some time ago.
I realize Teresa took you to South LA due to her job. I thought the extra sunlight would change your disposition and would illuminate that single celled brain in that over-sized cranial orifice and improve your view of truth. I see neither has happened!
On a more serious note Carl, how are you doing health wise? You see Puddy doesn’t forget and even though your politics suck I care for you as a fellow human! So what up homey?
to: george
the Yakima Herald editorial board agrees with you (that I’m scum but even scum has First Amendment/free speech rights):
Eyman’s harangue should’ve been allowed to continue
Published on Friday, December 7, 2007