A new FOX News poll released on Tuesday shows Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) leading real estate speculator and perennial candidate Dino Rossi (who prefers the GOP Party) by 48% to 47%.
You read it right…Murray leads Rossi in a FOX News poll. The poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters in Washington state on 25th of September.
This is the fifth consecutive poll that has Murray ahead of Rossi, and she has now led in seven of the last nine polls taken over the past two months. Elsewhere I take a closer look at the polls and its implications.
Rossi switched back to the Republican Party for this election. He won a party primary for the Republican Party nomination in 2004. Then he preferred the G.O.P. Party (as opposed to the “Gop Party”) in 2008. This year, he prefers the Republican Party.
For a blue state like WA to have this race this close says much about Murray and her lying TV campaign ads.
First we had Daddy Love stating Rossi would force women to keep their rape babies – PROVED WRONG
Second we had a scurrilous ad saying Rossi was against the Boeing Tanker – PROVEN WRONG AND THE ROSSI ANSWER USED WAS NOT EVEN TO THAT QUESTION. Did Murray go to Alan Grayson ad skuul? Or is this part of the DUMMOCRATIC Pollster meme… Don’t discuss your congressional votes from 2009 and 2010, but create lying ads about your opponent and see if they win you reelection?
How do you know Patty is lying…? Watch TV. So people are waking up to Murray and her lying attack ads.
People are realizing what was she doing in WA DC voting for OdumbaCare which is at it’s lowest approval rating to date.
People are wondering about her pork barrel politics. If it’s good for Patty why has Susan DelBene got her pants in a wad over Dave Reichert. Can’t have it both ways butt progressives always try.
People are wondering if having her #4 in the Senate leadership is worth the Porkulus Bill support.
So in a state which loved Odumba in 2008, people are reevaluating DUMMOCRAPTS.
November could not come too soon! Your party’s over. Face it even Obama Voters are running in droves from the crap spending producing nothing in Jobs or recovery.
As you know and fail to highlight, this result is “within margin of error”.
Look, it comes down to Murray’s Voting Record. She voted for the failed Stimulous, Auto Bailout, Bank Bailout, Budgets with pork-filled earmarks….SPEND SPEND SPEND. Murray has blown our kids & grandkids credit card and needs to be held accountable-
Her puppeteer, IMAMObaMao is in deep shit.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Gee, a seasoned U.S. senator leads a greasy little real estate salesman whose boss went to prison for robbing widows and orphans — who wudda thunk??!!
Meanwhile, in California, former CEO and multimillionaire Meg Whitman — who is running for governor as a hobby — is about to be sued by a former domestic servant for mistreatment.
Why are rich Republicans such jerks?
@4 “Look, it comes down to Murray’s Voting Record. She voted for the failed Stimulous, Auto Bailout, Bank Bailout, Budgets with pork-filled earmarks….SPEND SPEND SPEND.”
Well, let’s see how many of Mr. Clown’s stupid cells are working this morning.
1)(a) The stimulus didn’t fail. It saved millions of jobs and kept unemployment under 10%. And, lest we forget, it was failed REPUBLICAN policies that pushed us to the brink of Great Depression 2.0.
1)(b) However, to the extent the stimulus did “fail,” it’s because it was too small. All reputable economists say that. Obama and Congress knew it was too small but backed off a larger stimulus because of political pressure coming from idiotic Republicans.
2) So, goatfucker, you think Obama should have let the domestic auto industry — which for generations provided America with its best industrial jobs — go under? So ALL our cars will be made by foreigners? And we can increase our trade deficit even more by shipping domestic companies’ share of the new-car market to overseas factories? Why do you hate America, you unpatriotic shithead?
3) Bank bailout — number one, it was necessary to prevent another Great Depression, and number two, it didn’t cost the taxpayers a cent. Sounds like a bargain to me. But then, you can’t expect Republicans to know how to run a business, can you?
4) Earmarks — oh, this is a good one! Quiz time, kiddies, who are the all-time champions when it comes to pork-slurping? REPUBLICANS!!! Who other than a Republican senator would spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a gigantic bridge to an island with only 220 people living on it? What’s wrong with a ferry boat? Or, better yet, let them get off the island the same way they got on it, if they want to get off it. Pork is one of those things Republicans are against only when Democrats do it. The difference is, when Democrats spend on pork it benefits real people. By the way, earmarks are less than 1% of the federal budget — they make great sound bites and talking points, but you can’t balance the budget by eliminating them. If you want to balance the budget you have to stop squandering trillions of dollars on recreational wars and make the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
@4 Thanks for pointing out again how much more popular Obama and his policies are compared to the last time (just 2 years ago) we let the anti-reality wingnuts run things. Republicans are just like little kids…they want candy for free. Want a $1 trillion dollar war!? Don’t have any money to pay for it!? No worries, I’ll use mommies credit card. THEN complain about and blame everyone ELSE when the credit card bill comes due. By the way we STILL haven’t paid down Reagan’s massive massive massive overspending to ‘defeat’ the Soviet union, I believe was the argument then. The ‘peace dividend’ that we were told would pay for that debt never happened (shock), because the second anyone (mostly Democrats) tried to finally cut BACK on the military they were called un-patriotic and traitors. Just like when the anti-reality Republicans said the Iraq war would pay for itself. Again, just like with Reagan, not true. YET more trillions in debt. But somehow ALL the Democrats fault. ROTFLMAO. So these anti-science anti-reality wingnut Tea Party folks think it’s midnight basketball programs, the NEA or earmarks (<1% budget) that's the problem…not THEIR TRILLIONS in overspending. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
As to your poll you keep pointing to about how much better Obama is than Bush (and on par with Ronald Reagan at this same point in 1st term)…not sure of your point? Sure people still aren't happy, don't think we're doing enough. But YOUR ideas are MASSIVELY more unpopular and just nutty.
So Rossi wins. What does he do? Cut general taxes of course. Given our current budget that means HUGE cuts in services. Tell me what he shuts down? Things like Sound Transit, Park Levy and such are off since they're paid for by totally separate voter approved bonds measure. But what out of the general state budget does he cut? Give me specifics, what 20%-30% of the budget do you cut. And run on THAT.
Re 8
Precisely the opposite.
Bush made huge errors in spending. This is true. Obama makes him look like a fiscal genius by comparison. Obama makes drunken sailors look like fiscal conservatives by comparison.
Children who want candy for free? Is this intended to be ironic, or is that accidental? It is the democrats who ask not what you can do for your country, but what cash can I get our of Uncle Sam today, not Republicans. It is democrats who promise a government that will financially backstop any foolish decision I make from having kids I can’t afford to retiring without sufficient savings.
Before you write things down, you might consider their actual meaning.
And Murray likely will win. Rossi has two defeats against him by way of name recognition. He hasn’t articulated what and how he will lead, only how badly Murray has. And western Washington State votes so far to the left that Rossi would have to campaign to win to overcome this, if he ever could. If this side of the state could resurrect and vote for Lenin they would. This is quite a hurdle for a moderate to overcome.
To small my ass, that budgetless spending spree will be shut down in November.
And HA is suggesting we vote for Murray over Rossi, correct?
So tell me, how are the other candidates you told us to vote for doing running our city, state, and country?
@9 AWWWW…you’re cute but anti-reality.
Obama is a very smart guy who made something of himself without a silver spoon (millions from daddy). Bush couldn’t even string two words together and spent FAR more than the previous 2 Democrats put together. See you’re anti-fact and anti-reality. Obama says the government “isn’t” the solution to all our problems. You wingnuts reports that Obama thinks the government is the solution to all our problems. Obama says the government can’t raise your children for you and you have to take responsibility, and you wingnuts report Obama want’s the government to raise your children and people don’t have to take responsibility for anything. Obama asks people to sacrifice and says you should give TO your country and you report that he wants everyone to just sit back and wait for government handouts.
Cash from Uncle Sam? You mean to the Republican eastern Washington farmers who all vote against Democrats but take huge government subsidies and handouts? You mean the cash Alaska gets (more per person than ANY state in the Union) and then pretends to be independent and hate government spending. The greatest welfare use is by the poor rural south (Republican base). Just like the highest divorce rate is in the Republican strongholds like Arkansas not the Democrat gay marriage state Massachusetts (lowest divorce rate).
WMDs, magic gay powers, anti-evolution, gay marriage causing divorce, which party REALLY spends more, you just make shit up. This is why I constantly call Republicans anti-reality. Sorry. Gays don’t have super powers…or cause divorce. Evolution is real. Science trumps magical belief. Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush spent wildly but NOW you will control yourself?
Re 8
Bill Clinton could balance the budget because the Soviet threat was ameliorated. People didn’t have the background fear of nuclear anhilation because Reagan ended that threat. The very theories you idolize were proven wrong by the former USSR.
But acknowledging any of this would take a modicum of reason you simply don’t posess. It would take an intellectual honesty you couldn’t even imagine, never mind practice.
I’ve read your blog, on accident by clicking your name rather than your comment. What an amazingly ineffective propagandist you are. See, propaganda, to work, requires at least a nodding acquaintance with truth. You see reality and truth as optional tools of partisan fury. It doesn’t really work that way, just so you know.
@10 “And western Washington State votes so far to the left”
Not voting for the likes of far-right candidates like Ellen Craswell does not make western Washington voters “far left”.
“This is quite a hurdle for a moderate to overcome.”
Republicans used to do quite well when they nominated actual, um, moderates. These days they come up with “moderates” who describe girl scouts as hairy legged lesbians.
Alki Postings @ 13..
So because ImamObaMao is a bastard child who needed the government to pay for his education and everything else to date…that makes him qualified to be President??
It’s about ImamObaMao’s policy’s and record….and American’s are clearly upset with him. And the impact is being felt by other Dems who rabidly supported him.
Here is the latest in Colorado–
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Re 13
Obama hasn’t held a real job in his life. He’s dabbled at law. He’s dabbled at community activism (whatever the hell that is.) He’s dabbled at being a professor. He’s play acted at being a legislator, which job he never intended to do. That was only a step on his way to the presidency, not an obligation to voters he intended to fulfill. And then this unqualified, though admittedly smart and eloquent, hack became your president. Most of his money comes from a combination of Chicago corruption getting him and his wife jobs for which they weren’t qualified, and book sales of his peurile nonsense.
Unlike you, I judge a man by his actions, not his words. Anyone can say they want people to take responsibility. But when asked who is responsible for credit card debt is it the borrower? No sir, it is the evil company which forced you at the point of a gun to sign the credit application. When asked who should pay for the 4 kids a family has without the means to support even themselves is it that family? No. It is me, who chose to have a family as and when I could afford it.
So keep your ideological talking points for those who already believe them.
@14 Wrong. Anti-reality. Our budget didn’t stabilize because the Berlin wall fell. That’s nutty. The budget was under control because spending was under control AND the internet boom happened. Anti-fact anti-reality. The boom in the economy as we transitioned to a new tech oriented economy (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc, all came out of this age). That’s what drove the budget.
Why are you anti-fact anti-reality again? The Soviet threat slowed yes. But we did NOT cut the Defense budget by that much…not enough to offset the rest of our spending. That alone, the ‘peace dividend’ did not have anything to do with the economy. Nutty. Made up. Anti-intellectual.
Speaking of Republicans (liars and anti-intellectual)…
Just when you think you couldn’t have a less educated and intelligent person than the current Republican party darling (Sarah Palin) here comes the gift of Christine O’Donnell (anti-reality nut for Delaware)
Seems she did NOT attend Claremont Graduate University as she claimed. They have no record of her ever being there. The confusion might be because she was part of some crazy anti-fact basement organization (ie. conservative think tank) called the “Claremont Institute”, which gave her a “fellowship”. That’s like saying you graduated from M.I.T. because you went to the Massachusetts Institute of Tee-Shirt Printing.
She also didn’t attend University of Oxford. Again made up. She was a student of a Phoenix Institute group that she took a course from that just rented space near there. Sigh.
She also sued Intercollegiate Studies Institute for $150,000, claiming lost “earning power” due to the fact that they had not given her ample time to complete coursework at the university. She just audited one undergraduate class. Really. Where’s that Tort Reform Republicans love…to stop frivolous lawsuits like Christine’s.
And speaking of work, I have too much to do to continue this discussion. It’s supposed to be sunny. Hope you all get to enjoy a nice autumn day.
“reality and truth”
Tell us about the “reality and truth” to be found in teabagger Christine O’Donnell’s supposed education at the University of Oxford and Claremont Graduate University.
Just made up again. Liar. Anti-fact. Obama did not have the government “pay for his college”.
He paid for college (Columbia University and Harvard Law School) with scholarships and student loans.
Hey, while at Harvard, Obama was President of the Harvard Law Review. An intellectual position Bush could never come within a million miles).
10. lostinaseaofblue spews:
It depends up Election Day momentum.
Right now, the momentum is anti-Democrat. They are emptying their warchest trying to save seats like Colorado..to no avail.
I’ve carefully watched Rossi in the past.
In 2004, there was a strong anti-Bush sentiment and he almost won.
In 2008, the anti-Bush sentiment was much stronger and the dumb young folks voted for Obama with Gregoire getting the tag-a-longs.
This is much different lost. Mid-term election with anti-Obama and anti-Democrat sentiments.
Murray has a clear voting record of SPENDING that helped create the $13.6+ TRILLION National Debt which is now 92% of GDP.
Remember, when Murray took office, the National Debt was $4.1 TRILLION and 65% of GDP.
It has more than tripled while she was in office and it’s escalating under ImamObaMao.
I agree Rossi is somewhat weak in this kind of messaging. It’s all about VOTING RECORDS of Murray, how Rossi would have voted and what Rossi would do. Rossi is trying hard to copy the Scott Brown formula. It’s a different time and slightly different state.
Trust that Murray is deperate. She got a nice bump based on attack ads that did next to nothing to defend her own votes and the results. Young folks need to hold Murray accountable for abusing their credit card!!
@18 heh- Looks like found the O’Donnell convergence zone.
@16 The government didn’t “give” Obama a college eduction. You made that up. (shock)
Obama didn’t get his student loans paid off until he published his first book and used the royalties from that to pay off the last of his loans. That’s boring and expected, just how most people are straddled with debt from college.
So I repeat. Republicans, anti-fact anti-reality. You just lied and made up shit. You said “the government” paid for Obama to go to school and “everything” up to this point. That’s your fantasy anti-reality Republican “belief”. The FACTS! The reality! Opposite of course. He used his intelligence to get scholarships but mostly used the for-profit free-market system of student loans, which he paid on for many many (many) years like all of us.
You made that up. Stop lying.
“Murray has a clear voting record of SPENDING that helped create the $13.6+ TRILLION National Debt which is now 92% of GDP.”
Cite the votes, KLOWN. She voted against most of the Republican crap that ran up the debt.
@ 14. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Re 8
GW Bush could not balance the budget because even though the Soviet threat was ameliorated he spent TRILLIONS of dollars fighting phantom enemies.. People now have the all too real fear of global annihilation because Reagan and other know-nothings refvuse to listen to science.
The we have the Republican religion of untrammeled free enterprise The very theories you idolize were proven wrong by our current great recession, the widening gap between the ultra rich and everyone else,and the wholesale outsourcing of America’s productivity to Communist China..
But acknowledging any of this would take a modicum of reason you simply don’t possess. It would take an intellectual honesty you couldn’t even imagine, never mind practice.
…You see reality and truth as optional tools of partisan fury. It doesn’t really work that way, just so you know.
09/29/2010 at 8:10 am
17. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Re 13
What BS. Tell us what is a real job?
Who do you regard as great Presidents and what was their preparation in terms of real jobs?
The Bush babies???
Oh, so becoming a Prof of Constitutional law is LESS impressive than being a grade C author of historical novels? As for your community organizer shtick … Being a failed military office … good, being a successful community organizer bad?
He’s dabbled at law. He’s dabbled at community activism (whatever the hell that is.) He’s dabbled at being a professor. He’s play acted at being a legislator, which job he never intended to do. That was only a step on his way to the presidency, not an obligation to voters he intended to fulfill. And then this unqualified, though admittedly smart and eloquent, hack became your president. Most of his money comes from a combination of Chicago corruption getting him and his wife jobs for which they weren’t qualified, and book sales of his peurile nonsense.
Unlike you, I judge a man by his actions, not his words. Anyone can say they want people to take responsibility. But when asked who is responsible for credit card debt is it the borrower? No sir, it is the evil company which forced you at the point of a gun to sign the credit application. When asked who should pay for the 4 kids a family has without the means to support even themselves is it that family? No. It is me, who chose to have a family as and when I could afford it.
So keep your ideological talking points for those who already believe them.
09/29/2010 at 8:17 am
25. Steve spews:
The debt went up from $10.6 TRILLION to $13.6 TRILLION in the past 20 months steve. Murray voted for Bailouts and Porkulous. She voted for unsustainable deficit spending budget.
She did nothing to address the deficit spending.
She is one of ImamObaMao’s useful idiots…with an emphasis on Idiot.
There is really no difference between Dems and Reps: they’re just different branches of the Big Government Party.
I won’t be voting for either Rossi or Murray. I may write-in myself just as a protest vote.
lost’s definition of a “real job” is a job that either he or a member of his family has.
Uh, whupty-doo.. She is the incumbent, 3 term Senator.
The fact that she STILL polls under 50% and is within the MOE is bad news for her.
This race shouldn’t be close, but it is…
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How can you delete references to other Senate Race polls? Of course they are relevant. Harry Reid is deadlocked with Angle. That’s a reflection on the depth of the despair and despite yhuge Democrat & Union efforts to help Harry. Same in Florida…Rubio has been attacked & attacked by the Left and still leads substantially.
Murray is probably a couple points ahead.
Not insurmountable…especially when considering these other races.
Mr. Cynical,
Your posts were not deleted for being off-topic. Please review the policy for other possibilities….
“Reagan and other know-nothings refvuse to listen to science….”
Apparently in your universe Reagan is still alive.
“Who do you regard as great Presidents and what was their preparation in terms of real jobs? Palin, McCain..”
And Palin and McCain were American presidents.
This is all getting rather tiresome.
Republicans: “Murray’s going to get crushed! The Tea Party Express is going to roll over her! She’ll be lucky to get the pothead vote over in the U-District! Nobody would vote for her! Look – in one poll out of five taken over the past two weeks, she’s only 1% ahead!!!!!”
Democrats: Murray’s going to breeze to a win! Nobody in their right mind would vote against someone who regularly brings home the bacon! Dino’s about to be a three-time loser, and will be lucky to get 1/3 of the vote! Look – in the most recent poll, she’s a full 1% ahead!!!!!”
Rossi’s the only one flogging these polls, trying desperately to prove to voters and financial backers that he’s still got a chance.
I’m not impressed with the campaign ads of either candidate, both employ slick attack styles that are meaningless in substance. It would be really nice if they could get into a real debate over the issues (Gee, Mr. Rossi, exactly WHICH programs would you eliminate to pay for the Bush tax cuts over the next twenty years?). But we all know that’s not going to happen. I’m sure if we had a debate with a moderator who insisted that Dino give actual answers, rather than vague generalities and sound-bites, that Murray would come away the clear winner.
Oh really Dumb Bunny?
You seem to forget Porkbusters. Ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA for the info.
Seems rhp6033 disagree with you Dumb Bunny. SWEEEEEEEEEEET
Yet, DelBene screams all about Reichert bring home some small bacon bits while she’s very qwiet on Murray’s pork. If DelBene was for real she’d tell everyone she disagrees with Murray’s pork and putting the bill on our children.
Uhhh rhp6033,
The moderator needs to ask Murray why did she vote the way she did and why is she running away from her votes in her ads? Why is she taking the DUMMMOCRAPT pollsters advice and creating incorrect attack ads? That would be a great debate.
Puddy @ 38: Nothing I said contradicts Roger. And Rossi’s attempts to blemish Murray’s effectiveness in representing this state is laughable, the only thing he’s got left is a general criticism against pork in general. Rossi’s almost admitting that he would be complettely ineffective in representing our state, but argues that’s a good thing. He might as well be saying “I’ve got nothing”.
What I pointed out was that both sides have been posturing about how big a victory they are expecting, and using rather small changes in opinion polls with not-very-large leads as being proof. Yesterday Dori Monson (the idiot) was arguing that the same poll which showed Murray ahead by 1% proved that Murray had peaked and Rossi was pulling ahead, whereas Democrats use the same poll to show that she’s still ahead, even in a Republican-leaning poll.
I’m just ready for the polling to end and the voting to begin. I’ll vote for Murray, Larson, in favor of the income tax initiative, and against anything Eyman is in favor of.
Puddy @ 39: I’ve seen a lot more lies in Rossi ads than the purported exaggerations in Murray’s ads.
And admit it… Rossi’s long on talks about the deficit, federal debt, and pork – but he won’t specify how he’s going to pay for extending the Bush tax cuts. And the budget CANNOT be balanced without ending them.
Typical Republican. Promises to cut taxes and balance the budget, but won’t say how.
@39 “The moderator needs to ask Murray”
The moderator needs to ask Rossi how much loot he’s gained off of the pain and misfortune that other Americans have suffered by the failure of Reaganomics resulting in the Great Bush Recession and the foreclosure crisis.
rhp6033, Roger attacks Republicans for Pork and you approve a DUMMOCRAPT’s continual visit to the pork trough as a great thing.
Something doesn’t add up here!
Purported exaggerations? You have the two mistaken. Butt that’s not the first time.
Re 42
That’s too easy to answer. Rossi made not one penny “off of the pain and misfortune that other Americans have suffered.” He made money buying houses forfeit by non-payment of mortgages. He didn’t force any one of those folks to buy a house they couldn’t afford, or sign a note they didn’t understand. They made those choices and suffered the consequences.
Facts and Steve Stupid Solution… Diametrically Opposites… Like Noah in the Torah… Stupid Solution Steve rejects Jewish traditions… Just like Steve Stupid Solution rejects facts.
Yeah, I see your point. Millions of Americans, victims of the failure of decades of Reaganomics and Republican greed, losing their jobs in the Great Bush Recession had nothing to do with them being unable to continue making their payments. It’s all their fault.
Whatever allows you Republicans to sleep at night.
The economy started dying when DUMMOCRAPTS got hold of the Congressional purse strings in 2007. It’s another fact lost on HA progressives.
Puddy documented the rise in gas prices late January 2007 when Pelosi made her new oil tax laws announcements. Just ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb Stupid Solution Steve.
Did you read this article by Ann Coulter? It’s hysterical about Patty’s dumbness-
September 29, 2010
Great article on Murray!