Mighty slim pickins this a.m., mostly followups on earlier news, such as the Port scandal (plus ca change…) and UW student stabbing (the cops got bupkus). The guv has yet another highway proposal, this for a “520 Lite,” (yeah, that’ll work) and another case of Catholic sexual abuse has hit, this time at O’Dea High School (“O they will know we are Christians” link to Dan Savage TK). The Times lead story is original, about alumni blackmailing the UW to fire the AD and football coach. Somehow I’m not shocked. That’s it, folks, I hereby offer up today’s theme song.
As for extracurricular headlines, fur continues to fly over New Hampshire vote fraud, with MSM like The Dallas Morning News maybe perhaps starting to get interested. My $.02 continues to be data mining. It’s early in this game for conclusion-jumping. I will say that partisanship has nothing to do with voter fraud, which is simply about rigging results to ensure it can be done better next time, and that no one disputes Diebold at all levels (not just touchscreens) is easily hacked. No one with any brains thinks Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 were clean, so why not keep an overzealous eye on the 2008 campaign as it plays out? If you dismiss all voter fraud as conspiracy nuttery, then you’re just another plutocratic patsy. More fodder here and from our own Bev Harris’ Black Box Voting.
All they gotta do is just a quick hand recount of a few of the counties in question. That will put all the crap to rest, or prove the folks who have questions right. Yeah, it’ll cost money, but democracy isn’t cheap and is worth the effort.
Anyone who whines “conspiracy theory, not worth checking!” doesn’t deserve to live in a free country.
On the Ron Paul forums, where conspiracy theories abound, they’re all claiming voter fraud. Just can’t accept the fact that their hero got only 8%.
While the Dems chew over who is best qualified to clean up the mess the wretched, corrupt R’s left behind AND the wingnuts continue to be in denial over how hopelessly split they are while mulling support for McCain WHO THEY BLAMED FOR NOV 2006.
Meanwhile, meanwhile – there’s been a war going on:
16 Americans have died in Iraq so far in 2008.
Sure sucks to be a warmonger!
You missed this:
“Scud stud running
Arthur Kent, a Canadian whose live NBC reports on Iraq’s Scud missile attacks on Saudi Arabia during the 1992 Gulf War earned him the nickname “Scud Stud” is giving up journalism for politics by running for a legislative seat in Calgary, Alberta. Kent, 54, who worked for A&E, the History Channel and Canadian Broadcasting Corp. after leaving NBC in a contract dispute, is running as a Conservative Party candidate to challenge the Liberal Party incumbent.”
A member of the MSM goes straight! Alberta, the most conservative of all Canadian provinces and the only one without a sales tax, is often referred to as the Texas of Canada. The original home of the very conservative Reform Party, which morphed into the Alliance then merging into today’s Progressive Conservative Party, Albertans benefit not only from no sales tax, but also because provincial incomes are taxed at a flat-rate.
Kent’s run for a seat in the Provincial Legislature is getting a lot of attention up north, as well it should! Maybe his example might cause other “journalists” to quit their jobs and run for office. Such as:
Keith Olbermann for Commissar of the Republic of Flushyercrapistan…
Brian Williams for Flushing Meadows Dog Catcher…
Katie Couric for Flushing Meadows Dog…
Chris Matthews for East Middlesex, MA Tavern Bouncer…
Maureen Dowd for NYC Designated Spinster…
Dan Rather for President, Inmate/Patient Council – NY State Home for the Absolutely Nuts!
Joel Connelly for Third Runner-Up, King County Jail Janitor
Ryan Blethen for anything anywhere just as long as it’s far, far away from here
Goldy for any office with a nice couch, decent heat, and a shower at the end of the hall
Lee for Secretary-Treasurer, Greater Seattle Tokers For Rossi
Darryl for Veep, UW Faculty in Solidarity With the People’s Republic of_______________(fill in the blank)
Paul for President, Veep, all other offices and the entire membership of the HA Happy Hooligans Who Blog About Technology
Geov for Chairman Emeritus, Only Sane Blogger at HA
Will for Seattle Community College Social Chair and Kegger Boy
Mossback for a seat on the Washington Barber/Beautician Styling and Regulatory Commission
Greg Palmer for Crosscut Representative, Bon Marche Tiger Club Fashion Board
David Brewster for Chair, Canlis Frequent Diners Club
Chuck Taylor for Second Assistant Alternate Sergeant-at-Arms, Crosscut.com Workers Organizing Committee in Support of a Liveable Wage for E-Journalists
Jean Enersen for Chair, Jubilee Retirement Center New Residents Committee
Dan Savage for Costume Mistress, I Heart Cher Fan Club
Josh Feit for Propaganda Minister, Rumors = News Luncheon Society
Ken Schramm for Bitch in Chief, Western State Hospital
Who says there are no career options?
The Piper
This last year in the White House? We’re just gonna dog it. In High School, this was called “Senioritis”:
Just in time for a returning Congress. Let’s manufacture a new “Gulf of Tonkin”!
You can “dog it” on making peace – never, never, on making new wars thinketh the neo-con dipshits.
Had you been around in 1941, I’ll bet you would have posted a statement from the Japanese Imperial General Staff about how Pearl Harbor was a figment of American Propoganda and that the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was an anti-Western-imperialist alignment of Asian peoples.
Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf had nothing on you.
The Piper
So are you agreeing with Iran that the US “manufactured” this tape?
So are you agreeing with Iran that the US “manufactured” this tape?
Read the piece on Daily Kos refuting charges of Diebold manipulation in NH: http://dhinmi.dailykos.com/. According to the piece, there is no touch-screen voting in the state — every vote is on a paper ballot and in the majority of communities, the votes are tallied by hand, not optical scanner.
If this is correct, then it would be extremely difficult to throw the election. For once, can we attribute this to superior organizing and targeted voter turnout, rather than a secret cabal? Hillary is absolutely not my first choice, but I give her credit for a very strong and well-funded field organization.
7,8,9 – You guys are total dipshits. The “heavily accented” voice recording apparently had no ambient noise.
Ok let’s hear the tape. Have you guys heard it?
So you agree with the other side of my viewpoint, that this is cause for war with Iran?
Thanks for playing guys.
Had you been around in 1941,
I bet you were around in 1964 and you were lockstep behind Johnson and McNamara.
How could you Pooper? These guys were Dems!
Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf
Yeah, that guy reminds me a lot of Stefan Sharansky right before Bridges’ decision.
So you agree with the other side of my viewpoint, that this is cause for war with Iran?
Thanks for playing guys.
Where can you find that in my comments?
I simply asked if you agreed that the video was faked by the US?
To address your comments about the audio. The article describes how the US doesn’t know if the voice transmitting was from a land based source or from the boats “buzzing” the US ships.
The article describes how the US doesn’t know if the voice transmitting was from a land based source or from the boats “buzzing” the US ships.
They also say this is a “serious incident”. Bombs away! Don’t you agree?
Thanks again for playing.
So you admit that Dems phony up pretexts to go to war. What else do they lie about?
Fascinating how you’re layin’ it down and spreadin’ it wide for the Iranians. Is it that good for you? The Ayatollah’s and Ahmednothinbutalyinsackacrap are blue ribbon credible for you?
Checked under your bed lately? Bush/Rove/Cheney bugged it and I get to listen every night.
Your new theme song? Willie and the Hand Jive.
You buckin’ for some Tehren lovin’?
The Piper
It was a serious incident. I think the restraint demonstrated by the navy was commendable. Remember the Cole? or the British sailors captured recently?
We don’t need to have a confrontation like this lattest one to justify action vs Iran. We have plenty of evidence of Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces opperating and attacking US forces in Iraq.
I think this was a probe by the Revolutionary Guard to see how close and what they could “get away with”. They were extremely lucky.
That it occured while Dubya is in the Middle East is no coincidence. Iran always looks to screw up any peace effort because it doesn’t want peace, it wants domination control, and, eventually, an Islamic Jihad against the evil West.
There is no making of any real peace with the current bunch running that country.
The Piper
Indiana’s Photo ID law will probably be upheld by the SCOTUS. Dahlia Lithwick nails it:
Not one case of voter impersonation has ever been prosecuted in Indiana.
But let’s burden poor, minority and elderly voters voting rights much more than their neighbors!
Remember the Cole? or the British sailors captured recently?
I remember Dumbya was too busy to do anything about the Cole had other priorities, vacation, star wars boondoggles, stuff like that.
The Brits? Well cheery old Britain is a bit under-powered to bomb and invade Iran for sure.
So where do you stand Pooper? Do we bomb, invade? We report, you decide!
Picking through the netroot/DailyKus/MoveOn talking points for the day, are you?
How many Indiana voters were deterred from voting by the ID law?
Poor, minority, and elderly voters? Exactly what percentage of them are currently without photo ID?
A state doesn’t have to experience a problem before anticipating it and acting to correct it.
What’s the next phony issue on your list?
The Piper
20 – Sorry RS..
Thank you for the late Christmas gift…
“Remember the Cole? or the British sailors captured recently?
I remember Dumbya was too busy to do anything about the Cole had other priorities, vacation, star wars boondoggles, stuff like that.”
I will use small words so you can know: The Cole was on Bill’s watch, fool!
That’s right, on October 12, 2000, Bill Clinton was President of the United States. Your memory then is as fubared as your current thinking. Might want to have the institution up your meds.
Still, the point is that 17-sailors aboard the USS Cole were killed by al-Quida terrorists who approached the ship in a small craft piloted by suicide bombers who blew it and themselves up tearing a huge gash in the ship’s side.
Were you as exultent over the U.S. deaths then as you are these days?
The Piper
A state doesn’t have to experience a problem before anticipating it and acting to correct it.
Ah, yes, and this kind of thinking is the path to smaller government and greater liberty, right?
21 – Here’s the difference between you and me. You think one incidence of voter impersonation is too much for you to bear – like that oh grieving Republican widower in 2004 who voted his dead wife’s absentee ballot for Rossi.
Oh too much, too much for poor Pooper. That outrage cancelled out a Democrat’s vote.
As for me, I think it’s an utter outrage that a citizen on voting day cannot, cannot exercise their voting right, their say in the matter of who runs things, because of a hoop manufactured by Republicans for a problem that barely exists.
If you guys are allowed to get away with manufacturing hoops , you’re only going to do everything you can to make the hoops harder to jump through. I’m agin’ it.
Voter impersonation is against the law. You do it, you pay the price. That’s enough for me.
@4 Piper you have completely fuckan lost it!! You have gone around the bend. You are now the intellectual equal of your president who charges anyone who disagrees with him with supporting the terrorists. This is a democracy you stupid fuckan Republican windbag? Dissent is patriotic you fuckin chucklehead!
Where the hell is Puddy? Let’s hear some (compared to The Piper) some well thought out argument.
Or better yet Piper why don’t you and Puddy meet for a long lunch and come up with a persuasive argument why your President shouldn’t be sent to the Hague and tried for war crimes. And while you’re at it come up with an excuse to give your maker should you ever stand before him as to why it was OK for you to enable and support lies and torture and killing of your fuckan President-the worst President in the history of this fuckan country! That’s right assholes! Your President is a baby killer.
Hey! Hey! W you stupid fuckan “pro-life” religious wacko how many kids did you kill today?
The Cole was on Bill’s watch, fool!
So that excuses Bush for ignoring it. Nice.
And 9/11 was Bush’s watch as well. Got Osama?
Were you as exultent over the U.S. deaths then as you are these days?
Thanks for reminding me that I’m dealing with the Crackpiper here.
Pudwhacker and Pooper think that governments can do nothing right. Yet they trust that every person the government imprisons without access to a lawyer or trial is guilty of whatever crime the government claims they have done. Puddy and Pooper believe in the less government intrusion into people lives the better but want the government to dictate medical decisions and who one can marry along with which religion teachings should be required in public schools. Puddy and Pooper and their President and their political party are morally and intellectually bankrupt. Lies, torture and killing-these are the values of Pudwhacker and The Pooper and their President and Their Republican party.
Now Piper, you fucking windbag, give ‘er hell!
The Indiana law doesn’t increase the size of its government at all. All it requires is that before you can vote, you have to prove that you are who you say you are. Pretty much what you have to do when you cash a check, use a credit card, buy beer (though it’s been maybe 30-years since I was last carded), sign any number of legal documents (notaries won’t take your word for it just ’cause), or any number of other routine activities in life.
Welcome to living in modern society!
The Piper
“Yere either with us or agin us.”
“Were gonna git im dead or alive.”
Simple-minded dumbasses! Where is Osama anyway?
it’s been maybe 30-years since I was last carded
Yeah, that’s ok to not card the Pooper for booze but if he’s not carded at the the polling place he’s voted at for years, it’s time to don orange and picket Olympia.
@30 So Pooper those intent on committing voter fraud to change the legitimate outcome of an election are going to do it with one person at a time using an alias going in to vote. No Pooper that isn’t how it works. How it works is you get a Bush supporter who owns a company that makes voting machines and you give him the contract. Or you have the secretary of state in a state governed by your brother remove a bunch of likely Democrat voters from the rolls. The ID thing is simply to put aup a couple more hurdles between the poor and working class and the ballot box. You see Pooper, the Republicans can not win elections by attracting support for their policies and ideas. They have to cheat and scheme to win elections.
Well, my opionion is that the Navy having issued their warning as to this latest incident, should defend themselves and destroy those boats if they attempt another run. Not invade, not mass bombing. More a response of ” we told you to knock it off, do it again and face the consequences”.
Now if Iran as a nation wants to adopt a posture of declaring war on the US, then all bets are off. They get what they ask for.
You are so stupid and intellectually dishonest.
First, you try to blame Dubya for the Cole, and then when your factually inaccurate allegation is destroyed in one sentence, you haven’t got the intellectual decency to acknowledge the mistake.
Cicero’s maxim applies perfectly to you:
Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nist insipientis in errore perseverare.
You got caught red-handed, and now you can’t stand the embarrassemnt so you compound your shame by repeating your mistake.
Shakespeare foreshadowed you when he had Ceasar say:
“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” Julius Ceasar, Act II, scene 2
How many have you tasted so far?
The Piper
I get carded at my polling place every time, and I’m glad of it. The LOL’s (little old ladies) at the polling place are insistent and conscientious, and I respect them and their work.
By the way…who was President when the USS Cole was attacked?
The Piper
Not invade, not mass bombing.
Great – we agree. Thanks.
Iran is a player in that region whose violent or destablizing proclivities should be contained. Mass bombing and invasion is not a solution as it was not a solution to the Soviet Union or North Korea
Realist foreign policy thinking maintains that we should seek to empower moderates and marginalize radicals. That’s IMO is the best approach in the Middle East.
Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
What Iranian moderates? Can you name them? Is there a shadow government? Are there even Vegas odds on them assuming power?
Radicals kill moderates, witness Benazir Bhutto.
You gotta stop reading off the script and start thinking for yourself…or did the lobotomy take that ability away from you?
The Piper
First, you try to blame Dubya for the Cole,
I’m accusing Bush of not doing anything about it (he was supposed to be the “adult”, remember?) and less than a year later we see 911 – on his watch.
Are you going to blame 911 on Clinton too? More than a few on the right do just that.
Should Nixon have just let Johnson settle Vietnam from his retirement in TX? Your faux outrage is absurd and doesn’t make a lick of sense.
What a lot of foul bile.
You’d better take care of that infected soul of yours…you’re turning into the Grinch!
What Iranian moderates? Can you name them?
Answer the question: Who was President when the Cole was bombed?
You keep dying more deaths and making the same mistake over and over and over and over and over again.
Answer the question!
The Piper
@36: Piper
You are right that Clinton was the president when the Cole was bombed (at port). The top priority (and warning) the Clinton adminstration left for the Bush team, on US security, was about Al Qaida and the Cole perpetrators.
Bush and his people did the exact opposite of that and decided that Al quaida was NOT a threat (because Clinton thought it was). They knew better (cheney and rumsfeld)- the real threat was..Saddam Hussein.
The emphasis was taken off the threat from al quaida until – oops – 9/11. Partisanship by the Bush team trumped our safety – this has been the consistent mode of operation by Bush.
43 – No you lose. Who didn’t do anything about the Cole when the baton was passed to him?
What were the “higher priorities”: a tax cut, a stars wars boondoggle, withdrawal from ballistic missle defense treaty, clumsy shouting over the incident with the Chinese, capping stem cell research at the knees, lots of vacation.
Punishment for those responsible for the Cole? I didn’t see it.
Realist foreign policy thinking maintains that we should seek to empower moderates and marginalize radicals. That’s IMO is the best approach in the Middle East.
Yes agree
Radicals kill moderates, witness Benazir Bhutto.
Yes agree
My opionion is very simple. let Iran decide what they want. If they want to be a problem, destabilizer, meddler, then we treat them as such with reponses measured to that posture. If they buzz our ships again, they lose their boats. If they cross over into Iraq, they lose those fighters. If they choose something more aggressive, like attempting to close the strait or overt actions against US forces, then they get what they ask for…..
I have a new subtitle for Horses Ass. Horses Ass (Goldy, Lee, Paul, and others, comment on articles from The Seattle Times and P.I.).
Oh, those moderates! You mean the ones kicked to the curb by the Ayatollahs and Ahmedi’llkilltokeepthisjob?
Here’s something written by an Iranian moderate who doesn’t share your “hug-a-thug and he’ll become a moderate” niavete: http://www.americanthinker.com.....jad_1.html
“President Ahmedinejad has in a short time acquired great many descriptors at home and overseas: zealot, fascist, fanatic, anti-Semitic, lunatic and more. One prominent Western columnist called him “unhinged.” But we cannot just dismiss the man as an aberration, someone who is in urgent need of psychological help, a person out of touch with reality, who represents nothing of substance.”
But, according to the author, an Iranian-born U.S. Citizen, that’s not the half of it since Iran, under Ahmedinejad, is Hell-bent for leather to slaughter every member of the Baha’i faith he can get his hands on.
Funny thing about us wingnut types: we believe fiercely in the freedom of conscience and religion, while your pals in the Jihad want to kill all who don’t bow to Mecca five-times a day their way.
Short of a CIA-sponsored overthrow, your so-called “marginalize the radicals” policy is catalogued in the library not just under fiction, but it’s in the fantasy section.
BTW…Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
The Piper
What? No sense of humor? Can’t see the irony or satirical possibilities in something?
Lighten up a bit! Or Lee will have to enroll you in the Tokers in order to get a chill pill!
The Piper
48 – DinnerJacket is not a decision maker. He’s a kook for sure. But he’s a passing fad.
Here’s a piece of evidence that speaks to that:
If he’s so dangerous why does King Abdullah hold hands with him?
Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
That was already answered – who did that President pass the baton to who then in the runup to 911 blew off any responsibility he had to those sailors who lost their lives?
your so-called “marginalize the radicals” policy is catalogued in the library not just under fiction, but it’s in the fantasy section.
Perhaps, like wasting 5 billion in Pakistan to get Osama and kill off the Taliban?
Oh that wasn’t a fantasy that was just plain old Republican corruption and incompetence.
“Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
That was already answered”
YOU never answered the question, and it was to you that the question was addressed, so here it is again:
YLB…Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
The Piper
What Iranian moderates? Can you name them?
Mohammad Khatami. And PLEASE argue that he’s not a moderate, as it would be a good start to the 4th Crackpiper Chronicles (as I mentioned before, the 3rd is almost done and will be posted this weekend).
“If he’s so dangerous why does King Abdullah hold hands with him?”
Perhaps because it’s customary in Islamic cultures for men to do it? Why, even President Bush held hands with King Abdullah…it’s called diplomacy!
Again…Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
Can’t bring yourself to say it, can you?
The Piper
54 – I guess if the King and Dinnerjacket are even in the same room to hold hands, then the kooky fellow isn’t much of a threat to the world’s biggest oil producer and by extension the world’s largest oil consumer.
And you can’t bring yourself to say who that President passed the baton to and then punted.
Your further blatherings on this point will be ignored.
@24 No voting for Dino Rossi that’s the answer.
My goodness Piper youy are so literate: “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”
How many deaths have your brave war dodging Republican patriots like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc died by now?
And you know Piper, because you know everything, Japanese soldiers were prosecuted for using (your President’s favorite “harsh interrogation technique”) waterboarding during WW2. Of course, like you and Puddy and the rest of the brave Republican waariors fucking up things right now, Bush doesn’t have the balls to outright admit he is a war criminal. Andm sadly, the Democrats, many complicit in his war crimes, don’t have the balls to go after him for his lies and torture and killing.
“‘I wonder why there’s been nothing from her before this,’ said Rossi campaign spokeswoman Jill Strait. ‘She’s had three years as governor.’ Rossi has yet to share his own views on 520.”
Still refuse to answer the question, eh?
No intellectual honesty, eh?
Got caught making an egregious mistake, and now you have rotten egg all over your face, eh?
Shown to be the fool you are, eh?
Why you’re even against US efforts in Afghanistan, eh?
Just want to jaw-bone the Taliban, eh?
Why don’t you admit you’re a hollow skank of a human being who hasn’t had an original thought since your third-birthday? You revel in bad news for America, exult in casualty figures while remaining silent about day in and day out atrocities commited by the other side, act as an apologist of Iranian perfidy (Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw Haw have nothing on you!) and generally act the fool you are.
I’m resurrecting the Walter Duranty Award, and awarding it to you.
Familiar with him? If not, go here and find out what kind of a piece of scum he was:
The linked article was the most charitable piece I could find. Didn’t want to send you anything more pointed, since you have a real difficulty dealing with the truth and being honest about your own hypocrisy and mistakes.
Who was President when the USS Cole was bombed?
The Piper
“The guv has yet another highway proposal, this for a ‘520 Lite,’ (yeah, that’ll work)”
Yeah, living within your means works, and is a practical strategy after trying to live beyond your means fails. Put another way, the bridge you can afford is better than no bridge — if you need a bridge.
So, what are you carping about, Paul? That they won’t spend an extra half billion dollars to build in an option to add light rail to the bridge decades from now, after you’re dead?
It’s easy to throw money around when it isn’t yours.
When are the poobahs gonna wise up and have everyone mark paper ballots, then count them by hand? So what if it takes three weeks to figure out who won the election. Getting it right is more important than getting it fast. All the pressure for instant results comes from the media. I say screw the media.
@2 It’s amazing he got that much. All it proves is that at least 8% of New Hampshire’s voters are nuts.
@4 I see you wisely left yourself off the list of prospective candidates for public office. First thing you’ve done right all week.
@7 9/11 was a figment of Bush’s willful refusal to listen to warnings.
8, 9 — No, he’s not. Are YOU saying that getting buzzed by 5 speedboats that didn’t fire on our ships is worth starting a war for? Yes, I think you are.
@17 “It was a serious incident.”
It was an incident, period. Of course it was a probe. A proper response would not go beyond defending the ships from the speedboats.
@19 Since SCOTUS is supposedly in the business of solving real legal issues, this case should never have made it to the court.
Do you have a question?
My opinions about Iran are clearly posted here. See @46.
Find any “black boxes” yet in NH?
@23 “Were you as exultent over the U.S. deaths then as you are these days?”
In all seriousness, piper, when you post comments like this you shouldn’t have to wonder why we despise you.
Hmmmm, Camille Paglia lashes out at Hillary’s man-hating ways, watch-hubby-abuse-women-while-I-look-the-other-way habits and such. See link off Drudge.
Why you’re even against US efforts in Afghanistan, eh?
Nope, I’m against corruption, ineffectiveness and incompetence. 5 billion in Pakistan wasted – it’s pretty freaking sad. 16 American lives lost since the New Year – tragedy compounded on the fetid shambles of a war sold with lies.
All my commentary here speaks to that: corruption, ineffectiveness, incompetence.
All of your commentary excuses that or is in denial of that.
I’m done with you for today.
Somewhere in the world today Piper someone is being tortured under the orders of your brave President. This person is a terrorist according to your government. The same government you think can do nothing right Piper.Yet you Piper will not denounce the use of torture or even consider the suggestion that the person being tortured without access to habeas corpus may be innocent. Somewhere in the world Piper a person is being subjected to waterboarding, extreme temperatures, bright lighting and loud music, hung from the wall by their limbs and who knows what other evil is being done to them. This is happening 24/7! Torture is not something people can respectably disagree about Piper. Torture is evil Piper. Profoundly and inexcusably evil! Piper. And so when I happen upon a person who enables and supports torture, like you Piper, I feel profound contempt and disgust for that person. Your President has done great harm to the very essence of this country Piper. And he has done it with the support of people like you PIPER. You support evil Piper. And you can go on and on and on with your rhetoric and straw men and quotes from Shaespeare Piper as much as you want . But somewhere Piper is a poor son of a bitch suspended from wall shackles being tortured in your name Piper, and you are as guilty of that act of torture as the torturer and the man who ordered it: Your President Piper George W. Bush.
Since SCOTUS is supposedly in the business of solving real legal issues, this case should never have made it to the court.
The Scalia-wing of the SCOTUS’ target was the “facial challenge” used by the ACLU to the Indiana Law to contest its constitutionality.
That’s what they will strike down and it will then be much more difficult to battle these kind of vote suppression laws before elections take place.
Piper @ 4:
Kent is running as a Tory, but you didn’t give the full name of the party he represents : the Progressive Conservative party. To use an astronomical metaphor that works well in politics, Canadian political parties are blue-shifted a step. Real American-sytle conservatism hasn’t really been seen since Preston Manning’s Reform Party fell apart and the remnants went back to the Tories. Canada’s current PM, Conservative Stpehen Harper, isn’t particularly popular with his fellow Canadians, partly because of his close ties to the Shrub, and also due to his desire to reverse the recent decisions by the Canadian court systems to allow same-sex marriages.
In all seriousness, Rabbit, he needs to quite posting exultant near-huzzahs! every time an American service member gets killed. And his post on Afghanistan where he dismissed that effort? Pile of crap!
He still didn’t have the kahones to admit he made a serious factual error in an accusation nor at any time did he correct it. He’s like you in that regard; you can dish it out, but you can’t take it.
BTW…in your case? That you despise me and the price of eggs in Sao Paolo are on the same level of concern. I regard you as on the level of a circus clown.
And that’s my rulin’!
The Piper
Since you claim to have once been a journalist:
Rabbit for Recording Secretary, Future Ingrediant Society, L’Ecole des Trois Ponts
Membership in the society is of short duration since today you’re elected, tonight you serve…
Title: French Rabbit Stew
Categories: Wild game, French, Wine
Yield: 4 servings
1 Rabbit; disjointed (I volunteer to to it!!!)
3 T Butter
1 1/2 ts Salt; optional
1/2 ts Freshly ground black pepper
2 T Flour
1/4 c Beef broth
1/2 c Dry white wine
4 sl Bacon; diced
12 sm White onions
1 cl Garlic; minced (it really
-needs 2 or 3)
1/2 lb Mushrooms; sliced
Clean, wash, and dry the rabbit. Melt the butter in a Dutch oven.
Brown the rabbit in it. Sprinkle with the salt (optional), pepper,
and flour, stirring until the flour browns. Add the broth and wine;
bring to a boil, cover and cook over low heat 45 minutes to one hour
or until tender.
While the rabbit is cooking, brown the bacon lightly in a skillet;
pour off half the fat. Add the onions; saute until golden. Add the
garlic and mushrooms; saute 3 minutes. Add this mixture to the
rabbit; cook 15 minutes longer or until the rabbit is tender.
Note: If mixture seems dry, you can add a little more beef broth or
wine to the mixture while it is cooking.
My youngest daugher just returned from five-months in France and now in Quebec for four told me she developed a real taste for rabbit. She loves to see it cooked thoroughly then see the assembled diners tear into it, ripping the meat off the bones with their teeth.
The fur is used for decorative items. There are no brains to speak of, typical of the specie.
The Piper
As a general rule, the Canadian Progressive Conservatives are to the left of the Republican Party…except in Alberta, arguably the most conservative of the provinces and more conservative than many of our red states.
Again…no sales tax, a very modest flat tax on income, a real loathing for most anything out of Eastern Canada, and a fierce and independent pioneer spirit. And lots of oil and natural gas!
If Canada ever breaks up – always a possibility – Alberta would make a great 51st state.
The Piper
Like dung on the street, I avoid then ignore you.
Though the stench of you pollutes the surrounding air for a moment, it dissipates quickly. Eventually, you dry up, crumble and are swept away like the immaterial dross you are.
The Piper
Piper, ALL Canadian parties are left of the R’s. Some alarmingly so. Canada’s history is littered with oddball parties like Reform, Parti/Bloc Quebecois and Social Credit. And I already knew that Alberta was the most conservative of Canadian provinces – that’s where the Manning and his Reform Party came from, after all. But if I had my druthers, I’d rather have British Columbia for a 51st state – better scenery, better skiing and much better fishing. And if the right container falls off a ship out in the Pacific, I can go to Tofino and get some free Air Jordans.
UPDATE: After a quick check of Wikipedia, Preston Manning’s father was the SoCred Premier of Alberta for 25 years. That kinda explains the son’s conservatism.
As Rod Tidwell says, “Show me the money,” and the money is in Alberta.
BTW…ever been to Waterton Lakes? Banff, Jasper, Lake Louise? Talk about your Rockey Mountain High!
I will concede, however, that B.C.’s Bowron Lakes Provincial Park is special. You can take a two or three-week canoe trip in a series of lakes and rivers that form an almost perfect parallelagram such that you park your rig, get in your canoe (no motors allowed), set off, and two or three-weeks later, you’re back where you started without ever seeing the same tree or lakeshore twice. Pretty cool!
As a youngster, I moved to Washington State in 63, and in those days, the Bennett’s and SoCred’s ruled B.C. Frontier justice and frontier politics were the rule of the day. The summer of 64, the fam drove up to Prince Rupert on parts of the Al-Can Hwy, much of which was un-paved. Late June saw spring flooding still rampant, and we had to hold up in some tourist trap north of Prince George for several days.
B.C. used to be cool, now it’s too much Robert Picton, drugs in Vancouver, and craziness. And I have to wonder to what extent the Olympics will end up screwing provincial taxpayers. I know lots of Canadians who wouldn’t move back to B.C. on a bet.
However, but I can’t find data to support this, it’s my understanding that many years ago the CIA did a study on what to do in the even the Canadian confederation fell apart and individual provinces petitioned the U.S. for admission as states.
Alberta, no problem, because of it’s natural resource wealth. B.C., probably, though even in those days it was getting dicey. Sasketchewan, also probably, wheat is a good thing! The rest, no way! Especially the Maritimes since they were then and are now welfare state basket cases.
Ontario…a bunch of snobs.
Manitoba? Let’s just forget we mentioned it.
As an aside…the B.C. Ferry System has more tonnage than the Canadian Navy.
Since the failure of the Meech Lake Accords, there hasn’t been much of a rumble toward disintegration in Canada, but the possibility is always there. Federal Canada isn’t like the United States.
But it’s politics are fascinating.
The Piper
I remember hearing interesting stories on the Vancouver channels (before cable, that’s all they really had in Port Angeles when I was a kid) about the shenanigans SoCred pulled while they were in power in BC. After the fact, of course. Frontier politics, indeed.
Sure, Vancouver is turning into Amsterdam West, but that’s not enough reason to overlook the whole province. But Alberta does have one thing over BC…….the Hart Family.
Stampede Wrestling FOREVER!
Ontario? Ditto, Piper. There’s a reason Vancouverites call it Hogtown. Actually it’s a legitimate name harkening to the city’s past, but most Vancouverites just think it’s full of pigs. But that’s also where my favorite band of all time came from. That would be Rush.
Yes, I am a nerd. But then again, most of us are at least a little nerdy, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.