Today’s headlines are so lame — the “breaking news” has to do with the bus tunnel reopening — that I thought it would be more interesting to project a few headlines for 2008 that you probably won’t read anywhere else. After all, murderous rampages, even when they happen, or perhaps especially when they happen, on Christmas Eve, have become so commonplace it’s impossible to find something compelling to say any more. I can only breathe a sigh of relief that the story broke today instead of yesterday, when its pairing with the P-I expose of lunatic unlicensed bicyclists riding amok on city streets would have been a thorny call for the Page 1 editor as to which got the banner head. In other transportation news, the streetcar has stalled twice (something my bike has never done, but then it didn’t cost $52 million) and wait, this just in, OMG, snow is forecast for the region!
So now for the 2008 Roundup. We’ll start with the local headlines:
Overbuilding Crisis: Can It Happen Here? As more hi-rises and condos and townhouses continue to get built while the ones already on the market sit unsold, alert local media sense “excess inventory” in the housing market. Not wishing to offend real-estate advertisers, however, they cast the meltdown in upbeat, forward-looking platitudes like “brief lull,” “fleeting aberration” and “not as bad as Florida.”
Richard Conlin to Run for Mayor. Someone who actually practices sustainability to take on someone who just preaches it.
Streetcar, Metro Bus Collide, Injuring Both Passengers.
Oklahoma City Bans Sonics. Says it desires professional basketball team.
7.7 Quake Levels Viaduct. God weighs in on surface-street option.
Transit Measure Defeated at Polls. By a ___ to ___ margin, voters have turned down a ____________-___________ plan, costing ________ billion, to be built from ___________ to ____________ by the year _____ in order to solve the region’s growing, critical, urgent, yikes-we’re-all-doomed transportation crisis.
And now for the national headlines:
In Replay of Great Depression, Stock Market Crashes and Banks Collapse. Bush remains upbeat about economy, calls mass suicides on Wall Street “misoverreaction.”
Bush to Seek Third Term. Attorney General, citing loophole in law, says president can run if he changes his legal name.
Bush Bombs Iran. President declares martial law “to protect the safety of our country.”
Suspected Terrorist Plot Disclosed. President declares martial law “to protect the safety of our country.”
Republicans Score Landslide Win After Osama Bin Laden Brought Into Custody on Nov. 1. Faced with riots by angry voters, President declares martial law “to protect the safety of our country.”
License that man!!!
Jeesh, I can’t believe it: not 20 minutes ago I listened to Thom Hartmann (he’s Air America’s Rush Limbaugh) talking with some crazy bitch named Ellen Ratner. They were discussing the assasination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. The jist of the conversation was that George W. Bush was respposible for it. Can it get any whackier than that? What type of drugs are Ellen and Thom sampling these days? Of course, Thom and the crazy bitch were just taking advantage of a situation for their whack-job agenda. What is Thom and the rest of the Air America Mental Institution going to do when GWB is out of office? Attack the Democrats? Thom, admit it: you’re being an asshole.
Here’s the deal: Islam is a religion that is in desperate need of reform. It was Islamo-terroist that killed Bhutto, via an Islamic crazy-homicide-bomber who thought he was going directly to heaven for killing this woman. What kind of nut-job religion believes the path to heaven is through murder of those who disagree with you? Do Muslims realize most of us see them as bloodthirsty crazies?
The news is still a little slow.
Hey Stupes, you still on the fence about skinny Mike? This should get you off it.
You can’t dispute the fact that Bhutto’s death is most convenient for Musharraf, considering elections were only a couple weeks away. Makes one wonder.
Musharraf will undoubtedly now declare martial law. He is nothing but a dictator, Bush’s personal despot. Makes one wonder even more.
Butto is dead! Pakistan, a nuKUlar country is coming apart at the seams. The Islamists want to go to heaven as martyrs and the Evangelicals want to bring on the “end times.” Thank the good Lord that we have President Bush in office in these terrible times. A man of proven wisdom and competence he shall, with the grace of God, lead us through these troubled times. Cuz you see protecting us and our families is his job. Order up some more waterboards! We need to show these god damned extremists our democratic values. Praise the Lord and God Bless America.
Message to the young: “don’t get sick”. Message to the old, “will you hurry up and die already!” Corporatism run amuck. Disgusting!
4 – Send KBR and 5 more billion – that’ll demonstrate “resolve”.
@1 “What kind of nut-job religion believes the path to heaven is through murder of those who disagree with you?” geeez, I don’t know which branch of the Evangelicals does G.W. Bush belong to?
“5 more billion?” That’s only enough for a week or two. That hardly demonstrates resolve.
Hey Stupes, the surge is working!
The real wingnut gravy flows and flows. Hey Stupes, have you got an armored SUV yet?
“Who cares?”, think the wingnut war lovers. “28 million is chump change”. Yeah riiiiiiiiiight…
DOOFUS, that poop-scarfing mutt thinks most military are right wing. Maybe so but how right wing is being sick and tired of Shrubya and his war?
Note to Stupes: it’s from USA Today.
OK, you made the assertion that several Evangelical denominataions believe that the path to heaven is through the murder of those who disagree with you.
Prove it; cite chapter and verse of their belief system to that end.
You seem quite blase over the death of Benazir Bhutto, treating it as some sort of joke. I’ll bet you’re a real riot at funerals!
The Piper
Hey Stupes, a 90’s flashback for you! And 4 Republicans make the list! Oh I get it. We should have “conservative compassion” for those who have “fallen”.
where are the adults?
The Mittster, one of the best things ever to happen to Dems. The gift that keeps on giving. “Those who know him best” – fucking can’t stand him.
13 Right you are, sir. A country with nuclear weapons standing on the brink of civil war ain’t no joke.
bob smith says: “where are the adults? ”
You noticed too.
Bob Smith: Puddy the Pud is another doppelganger for helpless loosie (TM)
Bob Smith: YLB is the Clueless Gooberfool!
Pakistan is divided into too many factions to count, but for convenience sake let’s say that the power and loyalties can roughly be divided between three groups: (1) the secular “liberal” parties, represented in part by Bhuto, (2) the military, and (3) the conservative Islamic factions.
Now, trying to compare any of these to American politics would be very inaccurate. Bhuto’s party is “liberal” only in comparison to the other two. There are many other political parties in Pakistan, ranging from the Communists on the left to some fervent nationalists on the right. The conservative Islamic factions are mainly trying to preserve and enlarge the status quo of Islamic cultural governance, with a nominal secular head of state, similar to that of Iran (but not Shiite, as Iran is). The military is a secular nationalistic organization which pretty much is looking out after its own interests,economically and politically, and doesn’t want to be subservant to any democratically elected political party.
So Bhutto’s assasination lops off the head of at least 1/3 of the power structure in the country, two weeks before an election. This can’t turn out well. Regardless of who ordered the hit, the military benefits (can you say “9/11” in whatever the hell language they speak in Pakistan?)
And, of course, the military has control over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons – for the time being. Next week, the Taliban might have their finger on the trigger.
And Bush thought Iran was this country’s biggest threat?????
The Pakistani military is in fact something of a problem. Over the last 20 years there’s been a growing schism within the officer ranks between the older “drinking generals” who were trained by the British in the colonial days, and a growing cadre of junior officers who are more devoutly Muslim, and some of the more radical of whom are quasi-jihadists. This is no doubt the principal reason the west has supported Musharraf–he may be a tinhorn dictator, but at least he’s “our” tinhorn dictator. (Seems to have a familiar ring to it, doesn’t it?)
As to the Bush Gang, the question is whether they see an imperative to recognize the gravity of this situation and deal with it accordingly, or simply as an opportunity to start Half-Baked War Number Three after being thwarted from doing so in Iran.
@1 Given the track record of this administration and the CIA, I think it’s premature to rule it out.
It doesn’t make sense, of course. The last thing the U.S. wants is more political instability in Pakistan. That doesn’t work in our favor. But then, nothing Bush has done works in our favor … is he stupid enough to dip his fingers into Pakistani domestic politics by ordering the CIA to engineer the assassination of a popular opposition leader? Well, he’s certainly done plenty of equally stupid things. But given the nature of that country, this was probably just the customary muslim fratricidal violence at work again. There were plenty of people who wanted to get her.
@2 Bush, making an ass of himself as usual, is publicly wringing his hands this morning over this blow to Pakistan’s “democracy.” What democracy? But it’s not surprising that Bush looks at a military dictatorship and sees democracy ….
@13 Well, Ann Coulter does, but it’s debatable how “evangelical” she is. Coulter worships in the Church of the Almighty Fast Dollar.
@21 The truth of the matter is that anti-proliferation efforts are merely a temporary holding tactic that will fail in the long run. Eventually numerous tinpot regimes will get nuclear weapons. They’re ridiculously easy to build; the only hard part is producing weapons grade plutonium, and the process itself is no secret, you simply need the infrastructure. The saving grace (if there is one) is that nuclear weapons are heavy and bulky (“suitcase bombs” are a myth), making their delivery to a foreign target something of a problem. So, they’re probably most useful for controlling your own restive populace. There is, however, a delivery system that’s accessible to even the poorest nuclear power … it’s called a “cargo container.” Which is why it’s utterly senseless that Bush and the Republicans adamantly oppose spending what amounts to peanuts on cargo container inspection. It is the Democrats who want more port security and 100% container inspection; it is the Republicans who repeatedly voted against port security funding, and tried to sell control of major U.S. ports to an Arab country. Anyone who still thinks Republicans are “better on national security” is either willfully ignorant or terminally stupid.
The real reason that Republicans don’t want those cargo containers inspected regularly is absolutely transparent.
Another thing I distrust politicians about is ‘securing our borders.’ My naturally suspicious mind sees an attempt to keep us in, not to keep ‘furrinners’ out.
Of course, Bush’s go-it-alone cowboy foreign policy can only encourage every insecure regime in the world to acquire nuclear weapons as fast as possible … what would YOU do if you were running North Korea, Iran, or a host of other countries?
@29 Yeah, with one jurisdiction after another decertifying Diebold voting machines, it’s clear their only hope of hanging onto power is a mushroom cloud over a U.S. city.
@30 Keep out all that desperate cheap labor? That’ll be the day! If they spend billions of our tax money building a fence, they’ll spend millions more cutting holes in it and digging tunnels under it to assure a steady flow of cheap labor to corporate farms and assembly plants.
You’d think the radicals who wanted to get rid of Bhutto also want to get rid of Musharraf … funny how he’s alive and she isn’t ….
13,27 It would appear that there are at least some members of evangelical Christianity who have somehow managed to twist the notion of “blood atonement”–that his suffering and death Jesus “took the rap” for the entire world’s iniquities–into a dangerous heresy. Specifically, they’ve decided that if they “take Christ as their personal Savior”, in return they’re absolved of responsibility for all their sins, not just for those already committed, but for any acts, no matter how heinous, they might commit in the future! The practical implications of this are obvious, at least to anyone not sharing such delusions.
“A country with nuclear weapons standing on the brink of civil war ain’t no joke.”
It sure isn’t a joke ESPECIALLY when the most powerful country in the world (the USA) is governed by a religious nut case equal to a cave dwelling fucking Taliban peasant.
“Overbuilding Crisis: Can It Happen Here? As more hi-rises and condos and townhouses continue to get built while the ones already on the market sit unsold, alert local media sense ‘excess inventory’ in the housing market. Not wishing to offend real-estate advertisers, however, they cast the meltdown in upbeat, forward-looking platitudes like ‘brief lull,’ ‘fleeting aberration’ and ‘not as bad as Florida.'”
Experienced investors know that when the papers report the end of the world is nigh, it’s time to buy; and when the papers are singing the praises of the markets, it’s time to sell. In fact, newspapers are one of the most reliable investing guides there is — you always do the opposite of what the papers are saying.
“7.7 Quake Levels Viaduct. God weighs in on surface-street option.”
The beauty of this is the roadbed comes with the fill already in place.
“Bush to Seek Third Term. Attorney General, citing loophole in law, says president can run if he changes his legal name.”
Sorry, “Doofus” is already taken. (By one of our HA trolls.)
PudWax™: I am not ‘Puddy the Pud’. But I could be lying.
I’m only saying this to exacerbate your paranoia. Heh!
PudWax™: When you say denigrating things about me, make sure you spell my name correctly. As it is, I’m already at the head of a very common google search for our famous progenitor, the REAL headless lucy.
In Boise, Idaho (where else?), firefighters in a hurry to respond to a call forgot to turn the stove off in the firehouse kitchen and — you guessed it — came back to find their station house on fire.
They were, of course, cooking Tater Tots.
No kidding — this story is for real. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....aze27.html
Helpless Loosie (TM) – @41. I know I didn’t change my name to Pudwax. I could accept Pud, Whacks Liberal Morons!
Some moron above claimed GWB assassinated Bhutto?
You all are liberal morons. Isn’t Musharraf under attack from the same friends of Don Joe? Or good friends of Clueless Gooberfool (YLB)?
Hey Paul! That’s a nice propaganda photo. I’ve got a photo of a bicycle and a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
Hey Clueless Gooberfool: Is “FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo)”
one of Murdoch/Scaife’s purchases?
Roger Rabbit==Puddy the Pud
Identity crisis…or enjoys talking to himself since no one else listens.
42 Does the Boise fire chief look like Steve Martin with a long nose?
Here is a headline only a liberal could write.
“More people say there should be less of a Christian emphasis placed on the holidays
Survey finds 64 percent still believe Jesus is the reason for the season”
@7 & 13: Does “wishing for” count? ‘Cause Pat Robertson has pretty much said flat out that he wishes Teh Great Godzoogle would reach down and smite us liberals fags and others who don’t like his favorite Imaginary Friend. Per his specs.
As to Bhutto’s death, it’s highly unlikely that anybody in the US had anything to do with it. There are plenty of whackjobs right there in their own country to do the deed. Now, whether or not Musharraf or someone in his “posse” had something to do with setting that madman on his motorbike…that’s another question. They play seriously hardball politics in that part of the world.
The cost of Bush’s military adventure has reached $15 billion a month. That means January’s war costs could buy a light rail system for Seattle, and February’s war costs could buy three big new irrigation reservoirs for eastern Washington’s farmers. That’s how much money the neo-convicts are wasting in Iraq.
Becuz Clueless Gooberfool doesn’t comprehend much in non-kool-aid URLs:
“Of those who do, three-quarters of adults say they will observe it as a religious holiday, while just 20 percent will mark it as a secular day.”
CHRISTmas a religious holiday?
Hey Clueless Gooberfool:
Looks like your favorite newspaper is doing the “Fox News” thing as you like to watch on the YouTube videos in pictures.
Winston Churchill said: “Any man who is under 30 and is not a liberal has no heart; and any man who is over 30 and not a conservative has no brains.”
Clueless Gooberfool (YLB) where are you?
A well written article on AP lefty leanings.
Hey Stupes, I know you’re no fan of the Mittster, with the theological differences and all, but you gotta laugh at this comeback from
Viagra-man DoleJohn McCain:LMAO!!! Not bad for an old geezer.
Yo Stupes, I admire your party’s “winning strategy” – go after the dirty hippies:
That’s more in “wingnut math” than something 5,000 times greater (in dollars):
Back on Topic:
Paul missed one of the more obvious 2008 headlines:
“Bush Pardons His Entire Administration, Including Himself”.
The other night the Washington State cable channel reran its coverage of a meeting of the KC Republicans from some time early this year. I was particularly amused by Jean Hague standing up in front of the assembled faithful and bleating out an ode to how George W. Bush had “restored honor and dignity to the White House”.
bleating out an ode to how George W. Bush had “restored honor and dignity to the White House”.
Perhaps she was a bit into her cups?
I don’t think the Bush administration is behind the assasination of Bhutto, nor do I think they planned 9/11, nor did they plan for the renewed conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis starting in 2001.
But Sharon felt comfortable that the Bush administration would back him when he made his pilgramage to the Wailing Wall, which was known to be inflammatory to the Palestinians and had the completely intended and foreseable consequence of causing a Palestinian uprising which caused the fall of the existing Israeli government, allowing Sharon to take power. Worked out real well for them, huh? He eventually had to withdraw from Gaza completely, and now its run by the Hamas.
And although I don’t think the Bush administration planned 9/11, they certainly took advantage of it to exert their agenda on many levels. Even in time of war, the 2004 election was pretty darned close, and that was with Bush campaigning as a successful “War President”, before things really went to hell in a handbasket over there. Anybody want to guess whether Bush could have won in 2004 without repeating “9/11” every fifteen minutes or so?
And even if the Bush administration didn’t plan or execute the attack on Bhutto, the Pakistani military benefited from it, and they knew Bush was unlikely to do anything to them even if he knew, after the fact, that they were behind it.
Gee, for somebody on “national security” issues, is there anything Bush doesn’t ruin, either by his actions or by his inactions?
Of course, it’s usually a bad idea to think that anything is beneath the dignity of the current administration. Rove was a student of Daniel Segretti of the Watergate Plumber’s fame, and in 1972 stole the election for the Presidency of the College Republicans. His campaign strategies have always been a bag full of dirty tricks, including spreading infamous lies and innuendo about opponents, damaging his candidates own yard signs so he could blame the opponant, making sure he had the appeal process rigged before the election so he could win any recount, etc. A few weeks ago he even had the nerve to claim the Democrats were at fault for the mess in Iraq because they insisted on a Congressional vote “before the administration was ready”, and shouting down anybody who disagreed with him. Fewer men in American history have done so much to lower the quality of public discourse and debate in this country than he has. And he is clearly setting up shop to do it all over again in the summer of 2008, for whoever happens to be the Republican candidate.
Isn’t there something sad about the fact that I feel compelled to argue that Bush didn’t order the assasination of a foreign political leader who advocates democracy, not because it is beneath him or his administration, but only because it probably doesn’t particularly help him to do so?
Art at 59:
Yea, I was thinking the other day, about Bush’s 2000 campaign statements:
“I’m a uniter, not a divider”
Yea, he united us pretty much. Against him.
“I’m a compassionate conservative”
Sure, as long as you are a friend, supporter, or oil company. And as long as your interests continue to coincide. Otherwise, no matter how long your association, you will be required to fall on your sword for Bush – but perhaps he will pardon you, or at least commute your sentence.
60 As a matter of fact, she may well have been on her way home from this very event when she got busted. It sounded like, shall we say, a good time was being had by all.
61 The Bush administration basically deals with any significant event by seeking whatever opportunity exists therein to seize more power and advance the intentions of the Corporatocracy.
Dominionism in brief
Throughout the 2000 year history of Christianity there has always been a vein of dominionism embedded in the strata of doctrines. This seam has ebbed and flowed for 20 centuries, sometimes submerged, sometimes exposed. Whenever out in the open, it has given rise to horrible abuses done in the name of Christ. In the early 21st century, once again this vein is now showing and active. Keep in mind:
Dominionism is always an aberration of true Christian theology.
A remnant of believers has always opposed it, often suffering a martyr’s fate at the hands of intolerant dominionists.
A militant false prophecy
“We are coming to the times when passive Christianity and passive Christians will cease to exist. There is a maturity, a discipline, and a divine militancy coming upon the people of God. Those who have succumbed to humanistic and idealistic theologies may have a hard time with this, but we must understand that God is a military God. The title that He uses ten times more than any other in Scripture is “the Lord of hosts,” or “Lord of armies.” There is a martial aspect to His character that we must understand and embrace for the times and the job to which we are now coming.”34
Rick Joyner, “TAKING THE LAND”
Did anybody see Chris Vance’s comments in the paper? He pretty much conceeded that the Washington State Democrats were going to pick up more seats in the House.
“”Politically, it’s a rout right now,” said Chris Vance, a GOP consultant and former chairman of the state Republican Party…. House Democrats, he said, are highly organized, they’re raising more money and have a history of recruiting better candidates. “The Democrats have proven they can win anywhere,” he said.”
A Republican in touch with reality? That is a most curious phenomenon. Either Chris Vance is about to switch parties or he has made this statement for strategic purposes and is lying about what he truly believes.
“Politically Incorrect says:
Jeesh, I can’t believe it: not 20 minutes ago I listened to Thom Hartmann (he’s Air America’s Rush Limbaugh) talking with some crazy bitch named Ellen Ratner. They were discussing the assasination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. The jist of the conversation was that George W. Bush was respposible for it. Can it get any whackier than that? What type of drugs are Ellen and Thom sampling these days? Of course, Thom and the crazy bitch were just taking advantage of a situation for their whack-job agenda. What is Thom and the rest of the Air America Mental Institution going to do when GWB is out of office? Attack the Democrats? Thom, admit it: you’re being an asshole.
Here’s the deal: Islam is a religion that is in desperate need of reform. It was Islamo-terroist that killed Bhutto, via an Islamic crazy-homicide-bomber who thought he was going directly to heaven for killing this woman. What kind of nut-job religion believes the path to heaven is through murder of those who disagree with you? Do Muslims realize most of us see them as bloodthirsty crazies?”
I listened to that very same segment of that very same show you ignorant moron.
That is NOT AT ALL what was said. Clean the shit out of your ears, dumbshit…
Correction…I meant “dumbass”. I hate to repeat myself.
I knew Politically Incorrect was mischaracterizing what he had heard when he compared Thom Hartman to Rush Limbaugh. Hartman is moderate, measured, and fair in tone while Limbaugh is, of course, nothing but a blowhard egoist who has an aversion to reasonable inquiry. Hartman treats conservatives on his program with respect. Limbaugh can’t even say “liberal” without sticking a pejorative adjective in front. Calling Hartman a liberal Rush Limbaugh indicates that Politically Incorrect has struggles.
Limbaugh’s brother, David, is a Christian dominionist and has written a bewildering and stupid tome about the subject.
He certainly knows his audience.
Conservative politics and religion is the Limbaugh family’s cash cow.
What they really believe in is money and sexual abuse of third world boys.
Hear, hear. It is ridiculous to compare liberal and conservative talk show hosts. One second tier conservative talk show host has more listeners than all of the liberal talk show hosts combined. In short people want to listen and follow conservatives… liberals…. well you get the point. heehehe
re 75: You could fill a Physics classroom with Down’s Syndrome citizens and it would be the same as a gaggle of ditto-heads listening to Thom Hartmann. Heh!
Close. Listening to Thom Hartmann is about as productive as listening to a bunch of Down syndrome student in a physics classroom. Of course the retards probably have more common sense and more listeners. hehehee
re 77: Wow! You really turned that one around on me!
But, next time you do that, use spell-check before you post.
Referring to “Down syndrome” kind of ruined the effect. Are you trying to compare the Liberal listeners to people with an unusual affection for goose feathers? Heh!
@47 I’m pretty sure you’re the only idiot on this board who imagines Pudwhacker and Roger Rabbit might be the same critter.
@42 They didn’t provide a photo but I’ll bet he does.
That should be @48.
Hey Pud! Are you aware the idiot @47 accused you of being Roger Rabbit?
@61 “I don’t think the Bush administration is behind the assasination of Bhutto, nor do I think they planned 9/11, nor did they plan for the renewed conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis starting in 2001.”
You might be on solid ground. The Bush administration doesn’t seem to plan anything.
On their watch, shit just happens while they fiddle.
Actually, the funny thing about the idea of Bush pardoning all his loyal lackeys is that I think he’s perfectly capable of leaving them to twist in the wind.
PudWax™: I am not ‘Headless Lucy’. But I could be lying.
I’m only saying this to exacerbate your paranoia. Heh!
I realizer the Pelletizer (TM)@82 doesn’t process information too well in #47. If he read post#19 he would have realized I identified Puddy The Pud as helpless loosie (TM).
Too bad his feeble old mind is a feeble old mind
Everyone knows that I, Pudwhacker, am the Pooper. The real deal. A die-hard believer in Republican values. Lies, torture, killing, budget deficits, and protecting your families from the evil terrorists. The terrorists killed 3000 Americans on 9-11. Since that fateful day the American tobacco industry has killed 2,400,000 Americans. The auto and gun and chemical and pharmaceutical and insurance industries are responsible for the deaths of millions more. But I as a good Republican believe that those deaths are acceptable-for they are the result of the wisdom of the free market! Hallelujah! And damn the immigrants! If speaking English was good enough for Jesus it should be good for the wetbacks!
#88@with their idiot gene:
Wetback is not in my HorsesASSHole dictionary but I can clearly see it’s in yours.
I must be succeeding as you leftist HorsesASSHolers focus on me. I must be bringing it to the table.
Keep up the good work. Y’all force me to be crisp, even when I misspell some words.
You may be crisp Puddy-pud but you aren’t winning any aruguments just by name calling and setting up silly requirements before answering direct questions like Do you puddy support the use of torture? or Do you Puddy believe that your president is telling the truth when he says “we do not torture.? or Do you Puddy as an enabler and supporter of Bush and the Republican party feel any personal responsibility for the war crimes committed by them? And Puddy pud wetback is certainly in your Republican dictionary-it’s on the same page as Tancredo and illegal alien.
Why are they still building? Because it takes years to get
building permits from King County. Probably the most corrupt group of subhumans to ever organize. The average person has no idea what it takes to develop a project like
a new neighborhood let alone a remodel. They continually
break the law in a big way and continue to do so. Hopefully
Rossi can get elected and bring about some change. Want
affordable housing? How about not having sales tax added to
the cost of a new house. Almost 10 percent when you add in B&O tax and they even charge it on the builders profit. Bet you guys didn’t know that. Anyways it takes a long time
to get some of these projects online and now alot of people
are committed and probably will lose everything they own
seeing it through.
Rossi can get elected and bring about some change.”
Rosii will be revealed this time as the wacko religious nut job he is. We the people are sick and tired of wacko religious nut jobs.
Pudwhacker AKA helpless loocie–
For the last time helpless loocie (TM), I gave you the requirements for any answer to your questions answered in #90 when you asked them as Puddly the Pooper:
So when your idiot gene pops up and you decide to asked the same moronic questions, you have some soul searching to do and some decisions to make.
Do I continue to ask my questions knowing the people I directed them at will ignore me
Do I admit who I am hiding behind all these Puddy derivatives and come clean with who I am in real life.
So helpless loosie (TM) you can choose to be who you are here 24/7 by hiding behind at least ten monikers or you can greatness and fess up who you are when you visit the Darcy Moonbat! meetings in Issaquah.
As they say on those NFL commercials: You make the call!
#90@Helpless_Loosie (TM): Please show me when I used wetback and where “wetback” has been used by me in any derogatory term except to point out that it’s liberal haters who denigrate others whith their slang usage.
This question I will answer.
Pudwhacker==Roger Rabbit…not headlice loosey
YIKES: He can’t be Pelletizer (TM). Pudwhacker like other nonsensical pud derivatives used code words Helpless Loosie (TM) is known to use before. There is only the original Puddybud!
Reason. When Pelletizer (TM) writes it’s in simple sentences as he can’t create a cogent thought without hitting the Submit Comment button after a sentence or two.
When there is more than one paragraph it’s usually a rewrite of someone elses thought or some simple law point he’s rehashed in his mind (stretch) that most can say in 1/3 the space he uses.
Or, it’s some URL he’s copying to make some inane point. He wrote simply to us (eloquently to himself) about how the AMT tax would affect millionaires. But he had not facts, no URLs or no proof. It was one of his “famous” diatribes of nothingness. When confronted with a non-partisan tax organization and it showed how WRONG he was he moved on like most lefties when they are proven wrong. They never say oops… but demand we do…