Chinese Mind Control Scientists.
The Chinese scientists who brainwashed Lt. John McCain back in the late 60’s, hoping for their own real-life “Manchurian Candidate” to win the White House. Their long term plans to control the American government may finally be falling into place.
Chuck Norris.
Behind Chuck Norris’ beard is another fist, which he uses to beat the delegates out of Iowa. Which he then gives to Mike Huckabee.
When Sen. Orrin Hatch dropped out of the race back in ’00, Mormons leaders put all their efforts into Boston businessman and liberal Republican Willard Mitt Romney. With Romney’s second place showing in Iowa, the LDS plan to force all Americans to wear magic underwear and drink Sprite will likely be deferred until 2012.
People Who Think That Voters Care About Bill Richardson’s Experience.
When Iowa Democrats send 68% of the vote to a freshman senator and a one-term senator, something tells me that folks are thinking that “experience” is overrated. In any case, the future VP should start picking out some black suits, because he’ll be going to a lot of state funerals and such the next 4 years.
will…your ATTEMPT at humor is over shadowed by incorrect facts. and ,well, the fact that none of it is even remotely funny either. unless you consider bigots funny.
sprite is loaded with caffeine ,my friend, which means that no LDS will drink it.
so, i take it you are afraid of mormons too?
geez…i am almost afraid to give you the next bad news for the chicken little club…but, hey, i’ll live dangerously and do it anyway.
the UNIVERSE is coming to an end. i am just beating you little proglodytes to your next big screamer……
You’re wrong, CG:
Sprite is a clear soda, lemon-lime flavored, caffeine free soft drink, produced by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced to the United States in 1961. This was Coke’s response to the popularity of 7 Up, which had begun as “Lithiated Lemon” in 1929. It comes in a primarily green and blue can or a green transparent bottle with a primarily green and blue label.
If you doubt Wikipedia, I’m sure it’s confirmed elsewhere.
Brilliant, but if you’re going to include the Mormon jab, you should embed the south park video.
Hey Nicholas, we missed you at Wednesday’s caucus.
Would another winner be the Hollywood dentist who capped and whitened Chuck Norris’s teeth? You could read a book by the light coming off those choppers.
#3: Typical NEW Progressive dummocrap posting.
ah, will, you got me! you are right…i was thinking mountain dew.
but come one! the mormon comments? are you really freaked out that our next president might be a mormon?
@ 7
Not seriously, no.
Since the whole damn country is in hock to the Chinese right up to its eyeballs, whether or not they might have “their man” in the Oval Office hardly matters.
will…good to know.
i just wish that people would choose their candidates based on qualifications not color of skin or brand of religion/or no religion.
personally…i think huckabee would be a good president.
I assume that means that you’d be fine with a Muslim president, right?
I think the root of all our nations problems stem from how short shrub is. There should be a hight requirement. Leave your faith at the door and if your head is above that line then you are qualified.
My favorite story of the day, and well funny is in the mind of the believer: Fox News declares that Populism’s Win is America’s Loss! It is just downright un-amurkin to let the people think they have any power to decide what is in their own best interest. Okay, except for the really rich people; they can be responsible when they need to be.
Thank you for proving that arachnids are without either sophistication, intelligence, or the ability to discern when a question intended to elicit discussion is being asked.
Did you actually see that portion of Neil Cavuto’s program where it ran, or are you gullibly taking the word of what someone else THINKS was said on the program?
BTW…what are your post-third grade plans?
The Piper
I am an Edwards guy, and a bit down today, despite the amazing e mails they have churned out. But without a doubt, the most amazing event in Iowa was Democratic turnout, period. 235,000 people? Holy smokes. That is what the Repubs should be terorized by. Crazy, overoptimistic projections were 150,000 before yesterday. The energy is truly amazing and going one way for next year. We need to keep that up.
BTW, year end reports also show that D Senate candidates in potential close races have a $25 mil on hand to $10 mil on hand advantage in money over R’s. That is truly amazing, and again shows where the energy is. Unprecedented. We can build a real majority and become a real model for the world again. Maybe.
I watched Huckaby on C span today with smiling Chuck Norris behind him (Is that really supposed to impress me? Impress anyone?)He advocated abolishing the income tax and replacing it with a national sales tax. That is bat shit crazy, folks. And during a so-called war that we want my kids and grandkids to pay for, while the treasury is looted for the benefit of the arbitraging military industrial complex? No thanks. Oh yeah, and he wants to appoint Scalia molds to the SCOTUS. That makes me feel warm all over.
Lets take back the country so we can be proud of what we represent again.
Did you actually see that portion of Neil Cavuto’s program where it ran, or are you gullibly taking the word of what someone else THINKS was said on the program?
It was written on the bottom of the screen, Einstein.
The new kinder softer Smartest Woman In The World claims she’s “ready to lead”.
Can any of you moonbats name one thing she’s ever done? Other than suck Bubba’s dick many years ago?
Just wondering…
Initiative entrepreneur Timmie Lieman is floating a new proposal called the “Reduce Traffic Congestion Initiative” which would require WSDOT to:
Open carpool lanes to SOVs during non-peak hours;
Require municipalities to synchronize traffic signals on arterials;
Provide more funding for emergency roadside assistance to clear accidents faster.
Lieman claims a report that concluded “congestion relief is not a top priority” of WSDOT was met with “anger, defensiveness, and condescending dismissal.” Therefore, Lieman says, it’s necessary for voters to tell WSDOT what to do.
Lieman boasts that his new initiative won’t “raise taxes, increase fees, or impose tolls or other charges.” Instead, it redirects $85 million a year from sales taxes on new and used vehicle sales to a new dedicated “Reduce Traffic Congestion Account” in the state treasury. Of course, he does not suggest where spending could be cut in other state programs to free up this money.
In addition, Lieman’s initiative would require local jurisdictions to spend all fines and penalties collected from red light cameras on reducing traffic congestion (R.R. question: Don’t these fines help support the already underfunded court system?).
In announcing his latest initiative venture, Lieman criticizes what he calls “the-only-solution-is-a-tax-increase mentality” and says “during these tough economic times, the people deserve a common sense proposal to … [implement] traffic congestion relief … with better use of existing public resources.” He does not, of course, identify specific spending cuts that should be made, or programs that deserve lower priority. For example, he doesn’t explain what taxes local governments should raise to pay for courts if part of the revenue stream that currently supports courts is diverted to his pet project.
I’ve got a better solution to traffic congestion: DRIVE LESS!!! Ride the freakin’ bus, cut down on discretionary driving, consolidate trips, ride a bike, etc. — or saddle up Godzilla Rabbit and go hoppin’ down the Bunny Trail!
For more information, contact Roger Rabbit’s All-Natural Rickshaw Service, 1-900-RIDE-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@1 So what? You don’t even attempt to be funny and you refuse to come within 1/2 mile of an actual fact. At least he’s trying to be funny. You’re merely boooooring.
Chuck Norris made an important contribution to California’s economy: He proved there’s a market for bad movies.
@6 Typical tired OLD wingidiot posting.
@7 No, he’s freaked out by the possibility (however remote) that our next president might be another clueless stuffed shirt Republican who doesn’t give a rap about the working class and has no idea what a loaf of bread costs because his servants do the provisions procurement for his households.
You have to explain things to these wingnuts or they don’t get it.
@10 “i just wish that people would choose their candidates based on qualifications”
We wish that, too, but the red states are incorrigible.
Were you trying to be funny in your tirade against the Marine Corps? Or simply the cheap, lynch-mob jerk you are?
We all love how you’re willing to try, convict, and probably execute the Haditha Marines all because that’s the result you want, not one that is justified by evidence, law, or basic decency. Then again…decency and Rabbit are oxymoronic.
Got any more bilge you want to toss at Marines? Like my son, LCpl Tom, who does his level best to do a thankless job because he believes in it and cares?
Again, coward that you are, you run from owning up to your completely unwarranted assertions about Marines, and you absolutely betray your committment to the law, the presumption of innocence, and respect for the justice system.
Madame Defarge had nothing on you; I’ll bet you would have been a riot during the Reign of Terror…All you want is for your opponents and those with whom you disagree to be killed, killed, killed.
The Piper
@10 “personally…i think huckabee would be a good president”
He’s just right if you like a guy who thinks a teenage girl deserves to be raped if she’s related to Bill Clinton and it’s okay for a teenage boy to lynch a dog at Boy Scout camp if he’s related to Mike Huckabee.
He’s just right if you like the idea of paying a 40% federal sales tax on top of our near-10% state sales tax.
He’s just right if you think public school students should be force-fed creationism and denied science education.
He’s just right if you think our country needs more illegal immigrants to help keep labor costs down.
You don’t give a rip about anyone save yourself, what with your incessant bragging about your stock market wealth.
Always ready to snidely snark at anything without having the guts to actually identify yourself…gutless wonder.
And your oh, so ready to dismiss the latest Eyman initiative without first considering whether his plan might not be an alternative to the usual liberal tax grab. Eyman’s plan calls for spending some of the now-wasted 1% for art money for projects like a new 520 or the Viaduct to fund his program. Where are your ideas to respect the taxpayer? Or do you simply like to bitch from the cheap seats like a drunk heckler in a night club?
C’mon, Rabbit, show yourself and put who you really are on the line.
The Piper
@13 It’s easy to understand their perspective once you comprehend that their definition of “America” doesn’t include the hired help. To a Foxhead, if you have to work, you’re merely chattel.
personally…i think huckabee would be a good president.
Don’t share that with your greedhead right wing friends, ghost. You’ll be dumped for sure.
The order has come from on high through Flush Limpone to all of them. (You’re probably too dense to read the memo.)
The “huckster” (Limpbone’s name for Huckabee) is the next Jimmy Carter.
At least Mike Huckabee puts his name to his opinions. What do you do? Engage in character assasination and defamation while offering nothing in the way of respect.
And you continue to run like a scared rabbit who won’t own up to the truth.
You lack integrity and honor.
The Piper
sprite is loaded with caffeine ,my friend, which means that no LDS will drink it.
Ghost, you are too funny! Sprite has no caffeine!
There she goes again. Making it up as she goes along!
Or unless you’re a Marine. Then you’re a murderer…
Roger Rabbit, the great accuser! The honest lawyer who is happy to strip the legal rights of Marines and have them tried and found guilty in the press.
What’s next? The mind boggles at the thought.
The Piper
@15 “But without a doubt, the most amazing event in Iowa was Democratic turnout, period. 235,000 people? Holy smokes.”
I think what it shows is that the will of the people will not be denied a third time in a row; that they’re determined to swamp the polls in such numbers that even the GOP’s election-stealing black boxes will be overwhelmed.
And if that doesn’t work, and the GOPers steal another one, I predict there’ll be riots in the streets. All illegitimate dictators get removed from power eventually, one way or another.
@16 Herr Einstein probably thinks some liberal put it there with a Magic Marker.
@17 “Can any of you moonbats name one thing she’s ever done?”
She supported her kid, which is more than you can say.
That’s what Redneck had to pay in vagimony to his dead crack-whore wife!!!
$ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0
@26 I’m dead serious, piper. Those killers should be prosecuted. It’s a damn shame the Bush administration is so hard up for cannon fodder they’ve lowered the standards and let scum like that enlist in the formerly proud U.S. Marine Corps. And the disposition of this case reflects very poorly on the command — what were they thinking?
That the best you’ve got? Stupid, juvenile, sophomoric, kiddy humor?
Why not take another shot at disparaging and insulting Marines? You real good at it!
Ever organized a lynch mob? Seems right up your alley.
You’re running, Rabbit, and all it does is prove you have no character, honor, or decency.
The Piper
Then write a letter to your Hey-Boy, Jim McDermott. But the chain of command, the operation of military justice, and the evidence don’t apparently support your POV. Still, there are Marines still subject to criminal liability for what happened at Haditha.
Why aren’t you willing to let the process work its way out?
And why do you then allege that this makes ALL Marines murderers? Are you saying my 22-year old son, Tom, is a murderer? Under your logic, there is no other conclusion.
BTW…how many Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Coasties have died over the years to protect your right to libel my son?
The Piper
Piper’s a bit off topic…
I take the Mormon baiting seriously, I do not think it is sensible to make fun of people wearing magic underwear or shaving their heads or wearing a nun’s habit, etc,
BUT , I also think it is absurd to say that religion does not matter. It matters hufely to me whether my Prexy believes the world is flat, that Black folks are less than human, gay pople are evil because they have blind faith in some religion. I think it is entirely fair game to ak Mitt, “do you believe that the book of Mormon is literal truth.” If he says no, I might vote for him.
Hmm… The three candidates with the biggest war chests and the the most media attention split the ticket in a three way tie. Shocking!
Could this mean the the voters can’t tell the top three apart? That they don’t really care who it is as long as its not a Republican?
I’d say that is exactly what this means.
Will said:
You can also look at the numbers another way and 67% of the voters were against Obama, 67% were against Edwards, and 67% were against Clinton.
Richardson is in the top 4, with no wacky 15% viability rules to contend with. As someone who has been improving in the debates each of the last several debates, tomorrow he’ll finally have an opportunity to participate in a fair debate that will give all of the candidates equal opportunity to speak.
By the way, when’s Edwards going to pull the non-combat troops out of Iraq? He’s finally committing to getting all of the combat troops out of Iraq by the end of his first year, but he still seems to be sticking to his September 26 Dartmouth statement that he can’t commit to getting all troops out of Iraq before 2013. Only Bill Richardson does that. 2013 is too late. And if he’s keeping troops in Iraq until at least 2013, how does he plan to pay for his health care plan?
And since I’m on the anti-Edwards rant, it has to feel pretty bad to spend 4 years campaigning in Iowa and get your butt kicked by a freshman Senator with less experience than you.
How’s this on-topic comment: John Edwards is history!
And this: the next 10-months will be very competitive and highly entertaining for political junkies, of which I’m one.
And this, too: no matter who is elected, that person will be the President of the United States, which means President of ALL the people no matter if that person is a Democrat or a…REPUBLICAN!
Those who think it’s impossible that a Republican might win the OO in ’08 need to remember the relative approval ratings of candidates in 1992. The conventional wisdom then was that George H.W. Bush would cruise to re-election, and who does that slick hick from Arkansas, Bill Clinton (he hadn’t made his “Come Back Kid” bid in NH at this point 16-years ago) think he is, anyway?
It’s amazing to me how little historic perspective and memory there is among the HA Happy Hooligans.
The Piper
@Everyone, because this needs to be said
Full Disclosure: I am the Washington state director of the Bill Richardson for President campaign. My views on this blog are mine alone, and not representative of the campaign.
Good job!
I think the only thing you can say based on Iowa is that the Republicans are in trouble and we already knew that before Iowa.
Bill Richardson is running for Veep, and everyone knows it.
Bill who? in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Michigan, and the big dogs on Super Tuesday.
Here’s a message out of Iowa: Don’t tell me about your experience since it smacks of Washington, D.C. (Richardson is as much an insider as any of them).
At least among Dems, the X Generation is telling the Boomers to move it on over and let another dog in.
The Piper
Let’s review:
“The … Haditha massacre refers to the incident where 24 Iraqis were killed on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar.
“At least 15, and allegedly all, of those killed were noncombatant civilians and all are alleged to have been killed by a group of United States Marines. …
“A Marine Corps communique initially reported that 15 civilians were killed by the bomb’s blast and eight insurgents were subsequently killed when the Marines returned fire against those attacking the convoy. However, evidence uncovered by the media contradicted the Marines’ account.
“The Time magazine reporter’s questions prompted the U.S. military to open an investigation into the incident. The investigation … found evidence that ‘supports accusations that U.S. Marines deliberately shot civilians, including unarmed women and children’, according to an anonymous Pentagon official. …
“House #1 — 7 killed, 2 injured (but survived), 2 escaped
1. Abdul Hamid Hassan Ali, 76 — grandfather, father and husband. Died with nine rounds in the chest and abdomen.
2. Khamisa Tuma Ali, 66 — wife of Abdul Hamid Hassan Ali
3. Rashid Abdul Hamid, 30.
4. Walid Abdul Hamid Hassan, 35.
5. Jahid Abdul Hamid Hassan, middle-aged man.
6. Asma Salman Rasif, 32.
7. Abdullah Walid, 4.
Injured: Iman, 8, and Abdul Rahman, 5. …
“House #2 — 8 killed, 1 survivor: Shot at close range and attacked with grenades
8. Younis Salim Khafif, 43 — husband of Aeda Yasin Ahmed, father.
9. Aeda Yasin Ahmed, 41 — wife of Younis Salim Khafif, killed trying to shield her youngest daughter Aisha.
10. Muhammad Younis Salim, 8 — son.
11. Noor Younis Salim, 14 — daughter.
12. Sabaa Younis Salim, 10 — daughter.
13. Zainab Younis Salim, 5 — daughter.
14. Aisha Younis Salim, 3 — daughter.
15. A 1-year-old girl staying with the family.
Survived: Safa Younis Salim, 13.
“House #3 — 4 brothers killed
16. Jamal Ahmed, 41.
17. Marwan Ahmed, 28.
18. Qahtan Ahmed, 24.
19. Chasib Ahmed, 27.
“Taxi — 5 killed: Passengers were students at the Technical Institute in Saqlawiyah
20. Ahmed Khidher, taxi driver.
21. Akram Hamid Flayeh.
22. Khalid Ayada al-Zawi.
23. Wajdi Ayada al-Zawi.
24. Mohammed Battal Mahmoud. …
“On November 20, 2005 a Marine press release from Camp Blue Diamond in Ramadi reported the deaths of a U.S. marine and 15 civilians. It said that the death of the civilians was a consequence of a road side bomb and Iraqi insurgents. The initial U.S. military statement read: ‘A US marine and 15 civilians were killed yesterday from the blast of a roadside bomb in Haditha. Immediately following the bombing, gunmen attacked the convoy with small arms fire. Iraqi army soldiers and marines returned fire, killing eight insurgents and wounding another.’
“Eman Waleed, a nine-year-old child who witnessed the incident, described the US marines entering their house. She said: ‘I couldn’t see their faces very well – only their guns sticking in to the doorway. I watched them shoot my grandfather, first in the chest and then in the head. Then they killed my granny.’
“The director of the local hospital in Haditha, Dr Wahid, said that the 24 bodies were brought to the hospital around midnight on November 19th. While the Marines claim that the victims had been killed by shrapnel from the roadside bomb, Dr Wahid said that there were ‘no organs slashed by shrapnel in any of the bodies’. He further claimed that it appeared that ‘the victims were shot in the head and chest from close range’.
“The Marine Corps paid a total of $38,000 to families of 15 of the civilians killed.”
“Video … and cellphone photos … have been put forth as evidence that the killings were methodical and without resistance. The term ‘execution-style’ has been used by anonymous U.S. military officials to describe the killings. …
“On June 2, 2006, news outlets had reported that 24 Iraqis were killed, none as a result of the bomb explosion. The … military’s investigation … found that the 24 unarmed Iraqis — including children as young as two years old and women — were killed by 12 members of Kilo Company in the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. …
“The first investigation, under U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Eldon Bargewell 2006, … found that: ‘Statements made by the chain of command during … this investigation, taken as a whole, suggest that Iraqi civilian lives are not as important as U.S. lives, their deaths are just the cost of doing business, and that the Marines need to get “the job done” no matter what it takes. …’
” … [I]n June 2006, the New York Times reported that, ‘Investigators have also concluded that most of the victims in three houses died from well-aimed rifle shots, not shrapnel or random fire, according to military officials familiar with the initial findings.’
“Many of those killed have wounds from close-range fire, and their death certificates record ‘well-aimed shots to the head and chest’ as the cause of death. …
” … Sergeant Sanick Dela Cruz, who received immunity in return for testimony, testified that he watched Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich shoot five Iraqis who were attempting to surrender. Cruz further testified that both he and Wuterich fired into the bodies of the five after they were dead, and that he had urinated on one of the dead Iraqis.
“During the hearing, Maj. Dana Hyatt, then a civil affairs officer for the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, testified that eight of the dead were insurgents, contradicting the Marine Corps prosecution claims that all 24 slain were civilians. The eight consist of four men killed in one house and the four passengers in the taxi, who were said to be insurgents based on an unconfirmed report of weapons in the car. No weapons were found in the white taxi. …
“On April 17, 2007, the Marine Corps dropped all charges against Sgt. Sanick P. Dela Cruz in exchange for immunity during testimony.
“On August 9, 2007, all charges against Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt and Capt. Randy Stone were dropped.
“On September 18, 2007, all charges against Captain Lucas McConnell were dropped.
“The investigating officer recommended charges be dropped against LCpl. Stephen Tatum.
“According to Sidney Blumenthal in a Salon Magazine article, ‘The coverup at Haditha reportedly began instantly. However, an Iraqi journalism student shot a video the day after of the bloodstained and bullet-riddled houses where the massacre had occurred. That video made its way to … Time magazine. When Time made its first queries, the Marine spokesman, Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool, who had issued the first statement on Haditha as an action against terrorists months earlier, told reporters that they were falling for al-Qaida propaganda. ‘I cannot believe you’re buying any of this,’ he wrote in an e-mail. Nonetheless, word reached Lt. Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, the second-highest-ranking U.S. military officer in Iraq, that there had been no investigation and he ordered one ….’
“According to the Los Angeles Times, military and congressional sources distinguished between two squads: the original Marine squad involved in the explosion and shootings, and a Marine intelligence squad that took photos shortly after the shootings. According to LA Times sources, although the intelligence squad’s photos were inconsistent with the Marine squad’s report of a firefight, no investigation occurred until after a March 2006 Time Magazine story alleging a massacre. According to the story, military officials blamed the delay of the investigation on the Marine squad’s efforts to cover up the events ….
“On May 17, 2006, Democratic Representative John Murtha of Pennsylvania, a retired Marine colonel …, stated at a news conference that an internal investigation had confirmed the story. He was quoted as saying: ‘There was no firefight, there was no IED (improvised explosive device) that killed these innocent people. Our troops … killed innocent civilians in cold blood.’ …
“The Nation Interviewed a group of marines who had served extensively in Iraq and they had this to say about Iraqi civilian deaths, ‘Some participated in such killings …. Many also heard such stories, in detail, from members of their unit. The soldiers, sailors and marines emphasized that not all troops took part in indiscriminate killings. Many said that these acts were perpetrated by a minority. But they nevertheless described such acts as common and said they often go unreported – and almost always go unpunished.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given convincing evidence (as a lawyer, you know what the means, piper) that an atrocity was committed in Haditha, I say try the Marines who did he shooting for murder; and if the evidence doesn’t support the allegations, or if they have a valid legal defense, so be it. But you don’t get there by dismissing the charges before ever getting to trial. There is absolutely no reason to trust Marine Corps prosecutors to exercise an impartial professional judgment in that matter, given that the Marine Corps has lied about, and covered up, this incident from the get-go. At a minimum, those involved in the shootings and the cover up, and those witnesses who have lied about what happened, have brought dishonor and shame on themselves, the Corps, and the United States.
The shootings in the heads and chests of defenseless young children at point-blank range is reminiscent of Nazi atrocities in the Second World War.
When U.S. Marines behave like Nazis, we’ve got a problem.
Let me say this to you again:
“Those who think it’s impossible that a Republican might win the OO in ‘08 need to remember the relative approval ratings of candidates in 1992. The conventional wisdom then was that George H.W. Bush would cruise to re-election, and who does that slick hick from Arkansas, Bill Clinton (he hadn’t made his “Come Back Kid” bid in NH at this point 16-years ago) think he is, anyway?”
Only a total idiot would make hard book at this point in the race.
The Piper
What is really nauseating is that rightwing blogs, talk radio, and trolls have not only defended this atrocity but also attacked those who, repulsed by it, called for investigations and prosecution of the perpetrators.
It’s clear that those rightwingers have no character or honor, and can’t be trusted to exercise sound judgment or to serve America’s (or the Marine Corps’) long-term best interests.
@51 Only a delusional fool would refuse to acknowledge that the vast majority of Americans are thoroughly fed up with Republican rule.
Man Piper Scott…you are sure whining excessively today. (You’re fucking pathetic!)
…something gotten under under your skin today?
@55 The big wart between his shoulder blades itches.
@38 And what are you — a pathetic apologist for baby killers? It either happened, or it didn’t. The way you find out whether charges are supported by evidence is to put the accused on trial. You’re a lawyer, and you know goddamned well that’s our system for determining truth.
As for your fucking lame attempt to portray me as condemning all Marines, no I’m not, and it is clear to everyone except you that I’m talking about the Haditha killers, and only about them.
I didn’t accuse your son of anything, so go fuck yourself with that bullshit.
@40 He’s also off his meds, and irrational tonight.
Piper is one of those pathetic fake patriots who think the military is above question or criticism, and would wrap the flag around atrocities and tell us we have no right to demand investigation of the truth and accountability for wrongdoing when our troops violate their orders and training and commit acts that are against our own laws.
@44 “And this, too: no matter who is elected, that person will be the President of the United States, which means President of ALL the people no matter if that person is a Democrat or a…REPUBLICAN!”
When was the last time a Republican president thought he was president of all the people? Helpful Suggestion: Start with Abe Lincoln and work forward …
And don’t forget that he’s also someone who will call us callous and evil for not valuing the life of a fetus enough.
All you have to offer is hearsay? And the opinion of a partisan guttershipe like Sydney Blumenthal who’s one of the most reprehensible individuals in political life?
Quoting John Murtha, who has since had to back-track on some of his Iraq comments, isn’t better. And simply copy/paste a Wikipedia article – who the Hell knows who wrote that or how biased it is? – proves only your willingness to convict on inadmissable evidence.
Read http://archives.seattletimes.n.....ry=haditha which included the following:
“Two enlisted Marines and two Marine officers will face trial in coming months for the killings and for failing to investigate them.
“The case has turned not on an alleged rampage but on a far more complex analysis of how U.S. troops fight an insurgency in the midst of a population they seek to protect.
“(Staff Sergeant Frank) Wuterich is charged with nine counts of voluntary manslaughter, alleging he had an intent to kill and that his actions inside a residential home and on a residential street in November 2005 amounted to unlawful killing “in the heat of sudden passion caused by adequate provocation.” Charging documents released this week allege he killed at least nine people without properly obtaining positive identification that they were the enemy in the midst of an attack.
Wuterich and Lance Cpl. Stephen Tatum are the only two shooters that day to face criminal scrutiny; battalion commander Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani faces charges that he was derelict in his duty for failing to ask for an investigation. Lt. Andrew Grayson has been charged with obstructing the investigation.
“Public attention to the Haditha case increased in spring 2006 when Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said after briefings from military officials that the Marines had killed civilians “in cold blood.” The killings are among the most infamous of the Iraq war; 69 U.S. troops have been charged in connection with killing Iraqi civilians and 22 of them have been convicted of murder, negligent homicide or voluntary manslaughter.
Military-law experts said the manslaughter charges reflect the military’s reluctance to pursue murder charges because they are hard to win in court — especially as military juries tend to give combat troops the benefit of the doubt.
Investigating officers in the cases have recommended lesser charges because they have found that the Marines determined the houses were hostile and believed they could kill everyone inside, more likely a case of recklessness than intent to commit a crime.”
It’s amazing to me that ABSCAM and Earmark John Murtha has the temerity to accuse anyone of anything; he is one partisan hack!
Now, two career officers are under investigation, a senior NCO is criminally accused, and another Marine faces serious charges, yet you won’t acknowledge this? And you indict the entire Marine Corps? Which includes my son???
Total, complete, unadulterated, absolute, yet sadly typical for you…CRAP!
For you to assert that Marines like my son are Nazis is totally depraved and immoral. And it shows that while you may have served in uniform, you have no idea what those in combat experience.
You also, in your role as persecutor, failed to mention the exculpatory evidence in the case, and there apparently is some.
Nope…all you want to do is take the lot of them and, by your specific words, the entire U.S. Marine Corp, out and shot them because YOU think they’re guilty.
Crap and crap again!
Talk about your rush to judgment…May I recommend you read The Ox-Bow Incident by Walter Van Tilberg Clark. The parts about the lynch mob will teach you something about yourself.
The Piper
@ The Piper
I’ve seen you in action before. Who’s your preferred candidate: Romney, Huckabee, Ghouliani, McCain or Grandpa Fred?
PSsyndrome @ 51: “Only a total idiot would make hard book at this point in the race.”
If the vig is big enough, and there is lots of offsetting action, you would be an idiot not to. Obviously, you don’t know shit about being a bookie, Piper.
BTW…what are your post-third grade plans?
Always being three grades ahead of you.
Yay, for on topic comments!
So far the only person in the race I like is Huckabee. I find him entertaining, but I would want him elected to dog catcher.
You can only look at things broadly at this point. Meaning that you can rule one party or person in or out, but that a comment like mine stating that, “the Republicans are in trouble.” can stand.
“Talk about your rush to judgment…May I recommend you read The Ox-Bow Incident by Walter Van Tilberg Clark. The parts about the lynch mob will teach you something about yourself.”
Even far into his chips, Roger Rabbit cannot be characterized as a “mob”. The nebbish Young Republican Trotskyites in three piece suits that were flown first class down to Florida in 2000 by the GOP to pound doors and threaten citizens engaged in a lawful recount with bodily harm….now there was a mob.
How soon you forget, Piper.
@62 I take it, then, your version of Haditha is those 24 bullet-riddled Iraqis died of natural causes; or, if they were murdered, little green men from Mars did it?
The US murder rate is about .043 per 1,000. Assuming we have rotated about 1/2 million troops through Iraq, 20 to 22 murders is about what you’d expect.
If you’re going to export the american way of life, you might at well send it warts and all.
After all you morons touted how you “support the troops,” you’re the first to rush to judgment to condemn them.
You asserted in another thread that the entire Marine Corps wasn’t worthy of respect and that the Marine Corp is “once proud” and now disreputable. Since my son is a Marine, I assume you intended that to apply to him, too.
My suspicion is that you’ve never respected Marines; your words betray you.
When an investigation concludes that certain charges can’t be proved, that other, admittedly lesser charges are warranted, and that the investigation is open, you still refuse to respect the process as you demand the ultimate without first-hand knowledge of the evidence.
You’re simply interested in pimping anything that blackens the eye of the Iraq War, the Bush Administration, Republicans, and generally any with whom you disagree.
Take this comment of yours: “If someone kills Obama, it will be a redneck whackjob whose head was filled with the spew of wingnut hate talk who did it.”
If that isn’t the epitome of irresponsible demagoguery! Yet you think you’re clever when you write vile, hateful, and contemptuous bile like that.
Where’s your evidence? Do you have proof of these assertions? Or, like your stupid dismissal of the Haditha findings, do you just lust after the blood of your opponents?
The United States Marine Corp is a proud and honorable branch of the military. My son serves with dignity and pride. He doesn’t deserve to have your anonymous, cowardly, snippy, and insults.
Again…where’s the presumption of innocence? Where’s your willingness to wait and hear ALL the evidence? Where’s your understanding of battlefield conditions and the exigency of combat? And where’s your respect of those who’ve been exonerated or otherwise not charged with a crime?
Lynch mob lepus…
The Piper
Whoa! The hairy hare attempts to defend his blatant incorrect opinions against the Piper assult and totally loses!
The Pelletizer loses again! Two points to Piper!
should read “can not.”
It’s time for Michael to shell out for a new keyboard.
@62 “The case has turned not on an alleged rampage”
That’s the problem I pointed out, dimwit … an alleged rampage isn’t being prosecuted as a rampage, but is being excused as “complex” … blowing unarmed kids’ brains out at point-blank range is not complex. There’s no complexity or ambiguity or nuance whatsoever to such acts. Anyone with a conscience understands it was murder, and it’s heinous. You’re proving in this thread that you don’t have a conscience.
People like you shouldn’t be allowed to vote, because you can’t be trusted to exercise the franchise responsibly.
@62 “It’s amazing to me that ABSCAM and Earmark John Murtha has the temerity to accuse anyone of anything; he is one partisan hack!”
What’s truly amazing is that anyone smart enough to get through law school would think this is relevant to what happened in Haditha. I can see why you’re not a lawyer anymore. What did you do, flunk a pop quiz in a CLE, and then get asked to surrender your license?
@62 “Now, two career officers are under investigation, a senior NCO is criminally accused, and another Marine faces serious charges, yet you won’t acknowledge this?”
Go back and read my original post, you fucking moron. The topic of my post was that 24 innocent noncombatants were murdered, and no one was charged with murder.
@62 “And you indict the entire Marine Corps? Which includes my son???”
Where did I accuse your son of anything? Cite, please! Are you really this stupid?!
Posted before but worth repeating.
Ol Rog is the classic legend in his own mind….
I have met many like him. He’s the typical “never been told anything he didn’t already know” types.
Fancies himself an expert on all topics. Roger thinks he’s the smartest kid in the room, but he’s just the loudest.
Roger Rabbit- Famous for most comments on someone else’s blog. woo-hoo-hoo. Now that’s an accomplishment.
As an institution, the Marine Corps is to be faulted for dealing with the mass murder of 24 people as little more than a reporting infraction. Yes, I am criticizing the commanders who allowed this, and yes, I am criticizing the higher commanders for not ordering a proper court martial on proper charges, and yes I am criticizing people — in or out of the military — who minimize and excuse this heinous crime.
Got a problem with that? Fuck you.
Here’s the real deal, piper: In a few more months, you morals-deprived Republicans aren’t going to run the show anymore, and we’re going to do things our way.
Now bend down and kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG! All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund!
@63 I think he prefers Jack the Ripper.
@66 The topic of this blog is:
@66 The shit Huckabee does isn’t entertaining at all. Neither are his plans for the presidency if he gets in.
You slammed the entire Corps, both specifically and by implication. Out of hand you dismiss the result of the criminal investigation and legal evaluation by it, and you demand blood.
How many of the facts of the case do you know of your own personal knowledge? Or are you condemning the Marines based upon what you’ve read in the newspapers? Which, as you will recall from your evidence class, means you condemn on hearsay evidence.
Were you there? Did you see it? Did you interview witnesses? Defendants? Other persons of interest? Or is this simply your cheesy OPINION?
And why don’t you talk to serving Marines and ask them how they feel about Haditha? How many of them are sick at heart because they have families, too?
Haditha is a tragedy. But it doesn’t need to be compounded by your bigotry against all things Iraq, Bush, Republican, or, frankly, military.
Where are your legal ethics? Where is the presumption of innocence? All you offer is judgment and condemnation and a blood-thirsty cry for the heads of as many as can be strung up.
The Piper
At this point, I’m for Fred Thompson.
The Piper
@69 Well, if you look at it that way, the Marines in Haditha used up the U.S. military’s entire quota for 2005, plus 2 to 4 over quota, which will be duly subtracted from the allowable number of murders allocated to 2006.
Maybe this is a good place to remind everyone that our wingfuck friends justified their war in Iraq as saving the Iraqi people from an evil dictator.
What the Iraqi people need now is someone to save them from us.
@70 So you’re saying they died of natural causes, or little green men did it?
C’mon piper, you were once a lawyer (long ago), so let’s hear your alternative theory of who killed those people.
Part of the reason that Al Qaeda is nearly defeated in Iraq is because of actions like Haditha. The Al Qaeda who set traps and kill US and Iraqi’s hide among the population. They snipe and shoot at soldiers from within family homes, mosques, schools, anywhere they know the Americans won’t readily return fire.
The people of Iraq are tired of it, and turned against Al Aqaeda.
Make no mistake. Haditha occured becuase Al Qaeda/insurgents attacked marines. The marines are only guilty of defending themselves. I trust the military to bring those to justice whom they discover are breaking our laws.
Are you saying the Marine investigators who proposed charges against those guys are liars?
Are you saying unarmed children and old people shot at point-blank range in their beds were a threat to the Marines, and the Marines who shot them acted in self-defense?
C’mon, piper, let’s hear what lame justification for this heinous crime you can come up with, you fucking cockroach.
@89 “Part of the reason that Al Qaeda is nearly defeated in Iraq is because of actions like Haditha.”
When I was in the Army, this was referred to as the “Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out” approach, and our government hanged Nazi and Japanese war criminals for using it.
“Part of the reason that Al Qaeda is nearly defeated in Iraq is because of actions like Haditha.”
This absurd assertion is also bullshit. Actions like Haditha help groups like Al Qaeda. It’s the best recruiting tool they’ve got, and only wingnut morons are stupid enough to hand it to them on a silver platter. I’m sure U.S. rightwing blogs are required reading in Iran’s madrasses.
@71 Opinions are like assholes; everybody’s got one.
@71 If you ask me, piper is getting his ass severely kicked in this blog. But then, that morally and intellectually challenged fool gets his ass kicked in every thread …
@77 “Ol Rog … I have met many like him.”
Oh no, you’ve NEVER met anyone like Roger Rabbit before.
@77 “Roger thinks he’s the smartest kid in the room”
I’ve never said any such thing. In fact, I’ve pointed out numerous times that I’m only a dumb bunny. How many times do I have to repeat something before it sinks in? Only wingnuts are capable of such pretensions.
@77 Just because I’m a talking rabbit doesn’t make me smarter than you humans. It’s you humans’ stupidity that makes me smarter than you.
Maybe this is a good place to remind everyone that our left wing trolls particularly Roger Rabbit have tried to blame and justify 9/11 on America and the Republican party rather than on the root cause, Al Qaeda. Little do the hairy hares realize that we are at war and that Iraq is only one of the battle fields.
What the American people need now is someone to save them from the Far Left-Wing idiots as demonstrated by Roger Rabbit.
Piper, Please continue in your discussions even though it will probably not accomplish anything!
@83 “How many of the facts of the case do you know of your own personal knowledge?”
You are truly a fucking moron — the world doesn’t work that way, idiot! I’m not required to reject the 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of human knowledge acquired from second-hand sources (scientists, researchers, journalists, etc.) simply because I don’t have personal knowledge of the matter. I’m entitled to rely on what is reported by competent sources.
C’mon piper, you were once a lawyer (long ago), so let’s hear your alternative theory of who killed those people.
Isn’t it obvious Roger?
Bill ClintonAl-Qaeda did it.@92
Let me re-state for you “legend in your own mind””.
Iraqi civilians are tired being used as human shields by Al Qaeda.
@93 well, if you say so mr. never heard anything you already didn’t know…Accept for that little problem that Al Qaeda is nearly destroyed in Iraq. Not growing…
@99 “Maybe this is a good place to remind everyone that our left wing trolls particularly Roger Rabbit have tried to blame and justify 9/11 on America and the Republican party….”
Project much?
Yep the idiot rabbit is still the moron in this conversation.
Score: Roger, th hairy hare: -1000 Piper: +1000
I Marine Staff Sergeant put a bullet into a child’s head, “without properly obtaining positive identification that they were the enemy in the midst of an attack,” and is being charged with voluntary manslaughter.
Exactly what protocol is necessary to determine that a child is not an enemy combatant?
@83 “Where are your legal ethics? Where is the presumption of innocence? All you offer is judgment and condemnation and a blood-thirsty cry for the heads of as many as can be strung up.”
I did? Where? All I asked for is a trial. What is the relevance of legal ethics to what is posted in a political blog? This comment thread isn’t a courtroom. For your information, if the trial I am demanding is held, I will expect the prosecutors, defense counsel, and judges/presiding officers to exercise the highest degree of legal ethics and render a fair and impartial verdict supported by evidence in the record — is that good enough for ya, bub? All I’m asking for in this thread is that people who allegedly shot 24 defenseless noncombatant civilians in cold blood by charged with murder, not some bullshit lesser charge.
I’ll say this about rightwingers. They can be counted on to defend anything that anyone wearing an American uniform does, no matter how criminal and heinous, and to attack anyone who demands justices or even dares to criticize them for doing it. And they think they’re “patriots” … you cockroaches aren’t patriots, you’re sorry excuses of human slime.
When did you EVER see ANY wingnut acknowledge that shooting unarmed civilians in cold blood is wrong?
Maybe this is a good place to remind everyone that our
leftright wing trolls particularlyRoger Rabbitme have tried to blame and justify 9/11 onAmericaBill Clinton and theRepublicanDemocratic party rather than on the root cause, Al Qaeda [and George Bush’s refusal to read and interpret a PDB. He had “other priorities”, you know, like finishing weeks and weeks of vacation.]What the American people need now is someone to save them from the Far
LeftRight-Wing idiots as demonstrated byRoger Rabbitme.PiperRoger, Please continue in your discussions even though it will probably not accomplish anything!MeYLBThey can be counted on to defend anything that anyone wearing an American uniform
Not true Roger. The absolutely worst vitriol I’ve seen the right spew is at vets who don’t tow the neo-con line.
The worst by far. If a vet contradicts their phony baloney myths they go completely nuts.
I don’t know whether the Haditha atrocity is directly related to the lowering of enlistment standards, but the Bush administration has allowed people to serve in the armed forces who previously would have been rejected because they failed intelligence tests and/or had criminal records. It stands to reason that when you send criminals to fight, you’re going to get soldiers committing crimes.
@110 They just can’t stand anyone debunking their Big Lie that all soldiers and veterans are Republicans!
A prize example is this one:
In August 2005, newspapers around the country ran an Associated Press photo of VFW member Bill Moyer, 73, listening to a speech by President Bush in Salt Lake City with a pair of cardboard “Bullshit Protectors” over his ears.
The wingnut propaganda machine picked up this photo (without AP’s permission) and ran with it. Their version — i.e., “Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while Senator Ted Kennedy addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars” — was so widely circulated that many wingnuts actually believe Moyer WAS demonstrating against Sen. Kennedy. If you told them the truth — that he was expressing his disgust with how the Bush administration has treated veterans — they wouldn’t believe you. After all, wingnuts are not the sort to let facts interfere with ideology.
@99 “our left wing trolls particularly Roger Rabbit have tried to blame and justify 9/11 on America”
When? Where? Cite, please.
It’s Hail Mary time for desperate trolls … when they’re getting their asses kicked, they start peeling shit off the walls, it’s the last trick in their small toolbag.
@102 The only relevance of Al Qaeda has to Haditha is that atrocities committed by American troops like the one in Haditha are a great recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. In addition, such actions provoke retaliation, directly leading to American deaths.
Roger at 111: Your attempt at blaming the Bush administration is very lame and only shows your idiocy as a Rabbit,. There are on-going investigations as shown at,00.html and yes there may be be some blame on the Marines that were involved. The entire Marine Corps is not to blame as you continue attempt to try and accomplish.
So again – Roger is -1000 and Piper is +1000
@105 What I don’t understand is why such an act is charged as “voluntary manslaughtered” instead of “premeditated murder.”
Marine prosecutors originally proposed charging some of the defendants with “unpremeditated murder.” I assume that charge was withdrawn after they released that charging the Marines with “unpremeditated” (i.e., impulsive) murder would constitute an admission that Marine Corps training is ineffective and at least some of the people they send to the battlefield are undisciplined and unable to control their own actions. Obviously, that’s not the image the Marine Corps wants to project, nor does it reflect the standard of discipline they expect from Marines. When they got to thinking about it, they realized “unpremeditated murder” was not tenable, and they apparently didn’t have the stomach for a capital murder case, so they knocked it down to the absurdly lesser charge of “voluntary manslaughter.” I could live with that if, upon a finding of guilt, the sentences for each separate count were required to be served consecutively.
One of the reasons we need a Democratic administration is so that, when we send the armed forces to invade a foreign country, our troops will be held to a higher standard of conduct than Republicans are willing to enforce.
@109 Of course it’s accomplishing something. They took the bait, didn’t they?
Man, if this were Nam, I could walk this troll fuckers into an ambush so easy …
@116 What did I blame on the Bush administration besides lowering the IQ and criminal record standards for enlistment? Which happens to be a fact — they did.
113 – Roger, all of your your posts make you appear as a ‘Truther’, one of the conspiracy theorists that have no basis on the truth. So please prove otherwise or post otherwise! Your non-conspiracy reply will only add to your normalcy that you are not a real rabbit.!
@116 “The entire Marine Corps is not to blame as you continue attempt to try and accomplish.”
Where did I blame “the entire Marine Corps?” Yes, I referred to “the Marine Corps as an institution,” but that has a different meaning than what you mean by “the entire Marine Corps.”
For the benefit of our intellectually challenged trolls, I am NOT criticizing any individual Marine whose actions I did not specifically reference by reason of said idividual(s) personal involvement in the events complained of. Comprende? No. You wingnuts comprehend nothing.
@123 Of course I’m not a real rabbit. I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit for literary effect. Happy now?
BTW — everyone else on this board figured that out without having it spelled out for them, why not you?
123 – How old are you? 12?
@123 As for the rest of your post, specifically the first sentence thereof, wtf are you talking about?
@126 About half that.
These trolls got their inspiration from watching “The Three Stooges” as kids — they told all their friends, “I want to grow up to be just like them!” — and they did.
We’ve just gone through about 80 comments watching the amoral trolls deny, minimize, or excuse a cold-blooded mass murder of old men, women, and kids.
Back to winners and losers
Winner (sort of): our favorite right wing lunatic Stefan Sharansky wins 5 grand in wingnut welfare from some Illinois wingnut outfit.
Nice work if you can get it.
Loser: the sick, twisted freak himself, Glenn Beck, comes to an epiphany after being operated on in a nice hospital. We won’t know what it is until Monday, but I’m sure it’s something about the evils of socialized medicine. (Supposedly even the CEO of GE has been treated at this hospital).
It’s pretty hilarious. I have zero sympathy for this guy.
127 – Truther – Noun- One who rejects the accepted explanation of the events of 9/11. Truthers generally believe the U.S. government committed the acts of terrorism against itself.
Or in this case, a ‘Truther’ is anyone of the Left-wing ilk who totally believes in the left-wing idiocy, particularly your comments such as: (even if made in jest)
“Looking forward to the fall presidential debates, I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he’s going to abolish science education and force America’s public schools to teach creationism to our kids, so that our future doctors, biologists, scientists, and engineers will think mutating viruses are supernatural punishment for immoral behavior.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee explain that little girls deserve to be raped if they’re related to Bill Clinton, and it’s okay for little boys to lynch dogs in Boy Scout Camp if they’re related to Mike Huckabee.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he wants to replace the progressive income tax with a 40% sales tax.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell a worldwide TV audience in the hundreds of millions that George W. Bush’s foreign policy is all wrong — he should have used nukes from the get-go.”
So again – Piper is scored at +1000 and Roger, the non-hare is still at -1000
Oh! BTW YLB your question is totally irrelevant as most of your posts are.
Please enjoy the weekend!
Sorry didn’t read this absurd amount of comments (couldn’t get past the bickering about LDSers. But seriously:
Prez: Obama
VP: Edwards
I think Obama and Clinton have far too divided followings to stick them together.
@131 “Stefan Sharkansky of Seattle won the $5,000 Sunshine award for his work investigating the government with Washington’s Public Records Act and exposing cases of government waste, incompetence, and malfeasance on his blog, Sound Politics.”
I’m curious what government waste, incompetence, and malfeasance he exposed, although I can think of some government waste he CAUSED, to wit, the expenses incurred by King County taxpayers in giving him free use of a room and six weeks of an employee’s time to review 600,000 documents, and the additional expenses incurred defending against his lawsuit seeking money from King County taxpayers on the alleged grounds that the aforementioned was not enough to satisfy Washington’s Public Records Act, all in a failed attempt to prove that Dino Rossi wuz robbed ….
@132 “Truthers generally believe the U.S. government committed the acts of terrorism against itself.”
You must be referring to someone else, because I don’t believe that, and never said I did. I believe the 9/11 attack was carried out by Al Qaeda under the direction of Osama bin Laden, and might have been prevented if the Bush administration had not chosen to ignore warnings from the outgoing Clinton administration that Al Qaeda was “an existential threat” and to ignore warnings prior to 9/11 of the impending attack.
@132 “Looking forward to the fall presidential debates, I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he’s going to abolish science education and force America’s public schools to teach creationism to our kids, so that our future doctors, biologists, scientists, and engineers will think mutating viruses are supernatural punishment for immoral behavior.”
This is a fair comment that does not misrepresent Gov. Huckabee’s stated position on teaching creationism in public schools, to wit:
“Huckabee has voiced his support of creationism and … that he does not accept the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution. He was quoted in July 2004 on Arkansans Ask, his regular show on the Arkansas Educational Television Network: ‘I think that students also should be given exposure to the theories not only of evolution but to the basis of those who believe in creationism.’ Huckabee also stated ‘”I do not necessarily buy into the traditional Darwinian theory, personally.'”
Interestingly, there is no mention on his official campaign website of his support for teaching creationism in public schools.
Interesting point on the magic underwear.
Could somebody steer me in the direction of the company that makes their magic underwear?
This might be a good stock purchase.
Pipester: You seem to know everything–where can I buy stock in this outfit?
@132 “I want to hear Gov. Huckabee explain that little girls deserve to be raped if they’re related to Bill Clinton, and it’s okay for little boys to lynch dogs in Boy Scout Camp if they’re related to Mike Huckabee.”
This is a fair comment on Gov. Huckabee’s actions in securing the release from prison of a rapist, motivated substantially by the fact the victim was a Clinton relative, and then lying about his role in the inmate’s release after the inmate subsequently murdered two women.
It is also a fair comment on Gov. Huckabee’s attempts to prevent investigation and prosecution of his son for hanging a dog at a Boy Scout camp. These attempts included firing the state patrol chief for refusing to cooperate with the coverup. The incident was verified by camp staff, and Huckabee’s son was fired from his job as a camp counselor as a result.
@132 “I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he wants to replace the progressive income tax with a 40% sales tax.”
This is a fair comment on Gov. Huckabee’s support for the self-labeled “FairTax Movement,” which seeks to replace the progressive income tax and FICA taxes with a national sales tax.
“FairTax” claim the tax rate would be 23%, but their calculation methodology is widely disputed by economists, mathematicians, and in the media — in fact, it has been called “dishonest.” The proponents’ proposal is to charge a sales tax of 30 cents on a $1 purchase. They claim that because the total cost of the purchase would be $1.30, the 30-cent tax is only 23%, derived by dividing 30 cents by $1.30. In fact, by all accepted tax rate accounting methods, a 30-cent tax on a $1 purchase is, in fact, a 30% tax rate.
In fact, whether the “FairTax” would be revenue-neutral at a 30% tax rate, as its proponents claim, is hotly disputed. Some experts have pointed out, for example, that because the federal government would pay the tax, it would have to collect more revenue just to maintain current program levels, and it would take a 40% tax rate to cover current spending plus the government’s sales tax payments. Other commentators have calculated a tax rate as high as 60% would be necessary for the “FairTax” scheme to be revenue-neutral. The figure, of course, is affected by how much “rebate” is assumed or enacted.
Interestingly, on his official campaign website, Huckabee promotes the “FairTax” but nowhere mentions what the tax rate would be. He also claims that as governor of Arkansas he cut taxes and fees “almost 100 times” but doesn’t mention that he raised taxes far more than he cut them, including increases in the gas tax and a bed tax on nursing home patients. In fact, Huckabee has been criticized as a “big taxer and spender” by conservative organizations.
Rogers posts make him appear as many thing, but a Truther is not one of them.
Now if you had said stubborn old coot…
@133 The only thing you missed was trolls making excuses for the cold-blooded murder of old men, women, and kids by U.S. Marines in Haditha, Iraq.
@137 Why, at Land’s End, of course.
@137 Got any other bright ideas on how to make money in the stock market on days like today?
@140 I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit for literary effect. I’m also a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
@137, 143
The proper name is temple garment. No, I’m not LDS.
right wing troll “me” @ 132
So “truther” is the paint you want to slather over everyone here who are bored of your trite opinions.
Have a great weekend yourself. Please don’t come back if you can help it.
Christmasghoul at 1
Dumb ass.. Try researching your topic. Sprite is caffeine free. So is the diet version. Wake up, you are not the know it all you fancy yourself to be. And the post is very, very funny. It is campy, it is satire and it just whizzed over your enormous head.
I am freaked out by the possibility of a Mormon president. One only need look at how Utah is run to understand the implications of religion running the show.
I don’t see your answer to a Muslim president? Or how about a one of Iraqi descent? Duplicity is your specialty.
Michael at 145
The Mormon name for the magic underwear is “Sacred Garments”. Perhaps you would like to debate whether or not the LDS Church is a cult? It absolutely is in my opinion. Might want to read the God Makers, Under The Banner Of Heaven or any of 100 books on the truth about Mormons and their bloody, violent, child molesting history.
Anytime you would like to start, let me know.
Prediction: He is going to scream about The God Makers authors, but not once will he refute what is in the book. Wait for it.
What a bunch of baiting bigots. Bashing the MORMONS, you all are a little late.
So, circa 1850.
In some quasi fact finding mission, most religion sucks.
Oh, you all believe the Old Testament is the Word of God?
By the way, I have met lots of Mormons, liked them all, and they could give a rats ass about outside opinions.
Being very independent in all things is one of their strongest character traits. Of course, the FUCKING AIR HEADS HERE, live their lives in fear of what others might think about their underwear.
For those who have not studied the history of the Catholic Church, oh, is it a cult? The inquisition makes the rest of bad religion look wonderful by comparison.
It is interesting, the MORMONS are right about smoking … just 100 years early. How could that be? And maybe wearing a one piece union suit as underwear keeps you in better health, especially if there is NO central heating…..duh, stupid bigoted baiting fuck heads.
Since Lee and gang can’t stand the truth about what Pelletizer (TM) says, Pelletizer@125 (TM): Then why do you brag about this?
A Real Fetish?
I expect post #151 to be erased, because you can’t object to what the Pelletizer (TM) says about himself no matter how idiotic and strange it is.
Jack: Most lefties here do not believe in the Word – Jesus or the Word of God.
So when Jesus comes in the clouds of Glory they’ll be shocked and amazed.
Pipester and Christmasgoast are checking their magic underwear for skid marks.
Who is Piper Scott and why does he have to rely on his kid for his identity?
Considering the number of pyschotic ex-Marines wandering around civilian streets these days maybe Mr Scott’s postings make some kind of sense.
Will somebody beam Scotty up to reality, please?
Hey Pooper, howcum you proudly discuss your kids honourable Marine service and never wanna talk about your own? Hmmmmmmmm – maybe because you NEVER FUCKING SERVED ?????
You sniveling little coward, “bray” vly leading from behind !
Come on!!!! What branch would have him? The French Bullshit Legion?
@43 Ken Camp
Bill Richardson’s experience
I have been utterly diaappointed by his candidacy. Other than touting his experience, nothing in the campaign has shown evidence of the levated judgment one would HOPE the experiencee would entail.
His Iraq war stand has been pandering, his comments on foreign policy not in a league with Biden, Dodd, or Obama.
I have begin t think BR is a good guy, a technocrat, but not a leader.
@58 Roger Rabbit on Piper Scott
RR .. you might
readhis 5k word response to my 20 questions. Piper obviously cares but he is intellectually lazy. He relies on blind faith. I think he is a basically good person with not much to say.@71 Roger Rabbit says:
Opinions are like assholes; everybody’s got one.
Richard Nixon was rectumelssa and died FOS.
@160 Piper is for Frd Thompsen
OK, I will try again.
Piper .. do yo have any reason for being for Mr. FT? What issues does he support that would make you vote for him over Romney or Obama.
NOTE: I said issues, NOT ad homnem thinsg abut who you like or doen’t like.
@133 Josh
If BHO is the candidate, I would hope he would NOT choose Edwards. It seems to me that Edwards would brinbg very little to the ticket other than some organization and great legal talents.
The number one issue in chooseing a VP will be who does the bets to secure the election? BHO’s weaknesses arein two areas: foreign policy/military and organization/management. His best choices would be someone prestigious in one or both of these who could enhance BHO’s status by looking up to him.
1. Richardson .. strong on both counts, secures Hispanic vote, great experiencee as gov., good ideas on education reform.
negs: fat, small state
2. Biden … strong of foreign policy, no admin credentials
neg. weak public image.
3. Webb … great foreign creds, Great speaker. Like bHO can write. Southernor
neg. first term
4, Clark HUGE creds as in for. policy, management, southernor, agent for change.
neg. not great as a speaker.
5. Bloomberg, Hagel .. obvuousl buy too disruptive.
6. Bob Kerry Huge credits, some controversy over war record
PStupid @ 151
What’s wrong with fucking? It’s how we all got here.
Can’t we celebrate fucking in comments?
I know you PStupes, you’ve rambled on at length about “pussy” and what you like to do to it. Ask for the cite. Ask for it…
Now if you only you turned off that Murdoch smut and torture porn to stoke the fire.
Well, I’LL bite. What’s he say Is it Holy? Is he gonna expect Jesus to commend him for his representation here on earth at the RAP-sure?
Clueless Gooberfool@163:
You betcha I luv luvin my wife. Only Pelletizer (TM) makes commentary about doing the same to animals. Do you do the same?
165 – He’s a rabbit, fool! What the fuck’s the matter with you?
Roger Rabbit says:
@123 Of course I’m not a real rabbit. I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit for literary effect. Happy now?
BTW — everyone else on this board figured that out without having it spelled out for them, why not you?
01/04/2008 at 9:06 pm
Well not to Clueless Gooberfool. He really thinks Pelletizer (TM) is a rabbit! See post #166.
I couldn’t understand some parts of this article More Winners and Losers, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.