I want to strongly emphasize that not all right-wing Evangelical Republicans are serial child rapists. But you know… some are.
A former South Dakota lawmaker is accused of molesting his own foster children and legislative pages. […] Former State Representative Ted Klaudt is accused of manipulating, molesting, intimidating and threatening teenage girls who the state of South Dakota paid him to raise.
[…] The first victim to come forward told investigators Klaudt offered to earn her enough money to pay for college by helping her donate her eggs to a fertility clinic. She says Klaudt used a fake email address from the supposed clinic agent to trick her into letting him perform what’s supposed to be a surgical procedure.
The victims say Klaudt touched them while they were foster children at his home here in Walker. But the girls say the molestation also happened in Pierre during legislative sessions while some of them also served as pages.
Five different girls now say Klaudt did things ranging from manual “breast exams” to the painful procedure of actually going inside of them with a speculum and collecting body fluids. The girls say when they cried, Klaudt gave them a beer and told them to toughen up.
Just drink the beer and quit your crying. Uh-huh. I guess this is what George Lakoff means when he talks about the “Strict Father Model” that defines conservative metaphors for morality.
It should come as no surprise that Klaudt repeatedly voted for bills that limited or prohibited abortions. And according to the inimitable Howie Klein:
Klaudt fancied himself a radical right Republican (and an evangelical) and in 2005 was a leader against the formation of the South Dakota Mainstream Coalition, meant to turn Republicans back towards mainstream conservatism.
By “mainstream conservatism,” I suppose Howie means not serially raping one’s foster children.
So the hell what? There are liberal democrats driving all by themselves in their Lexuses. The fucking hypocrits!
This guy’s so disgusting that it’s in exceptionally bad taste to even use him as an example to prove a point.
I hope they lock his ass up, throw away the key, and that the rest of us never see or hear of him again.
Read this story http://tinyurl.com/2l266n
about the filthy conditions our troops in Iraq live in; especially read this paragraph:
” … corps members describe using baby wipes from the packages when they had no running water for bathing and receiving shaving cream just as superiors were demanding they dry shave beards thick from days of growth.”
Have you ever dry-shaved? It’s a punishment that drill sergeants inflict on boot camp recruits for not shaving. Try it sometime … it hurts, gouges your skin, makes your face bleed. This is what our commanders do to Marines in Iraq? Now you know why officers get fragged.
But the bigger question here is:
Why can’t an administration that shovels money into duffel bags for favored contractors and pays mercenaries six-figure salaries get clean sheets and socks, water for bathing and shaving, and shaving cream to our combat soldiers?
Ask the commander-guy. But don’t hold your breath for a plausible explanation.
To me, it looks like a breakdown of command-and-control. Starting the tippy-tippy-top, and trickling all the way down to the squad level.
Oh yeah, one more thing — any officer who makes battle-weary combat troops dry-shave because they have no water or shaving cream deserves to be summarily relieved … with, in soldier-lingo, extreme prejudice.
Actually, I think what Lakoff meant is that any woman caught without a burkha is to be summarily stoned … with extreme prejudice.
Well, that guy looks like the type — fat, ugly, double chin, can’t fit into his clothes … yep, he looks exactly like a REPUBLICAN. And I’ll bet his crime career started in YAF and the COLLEGE REPUBLICANS.
College Republicans are the guys who bilk senior citizens of their life savings. http://tinyurl.com/6tnzu
This serial child rapist is brought to you by the political party whose answer to global warming is to complain about Al Gore living in a big house.
They should have locked him up in the basis of that illegal haircut!
Whoever did that hatchet job was definitely a product of home-schooling. Absolutely no intelligent design there for sure.
1. Poster Child represents the modern wing of the republican party.
2. Why is it that nearly all of the disgusting child rapists and serial molesters (Klaudt) are pseudo-religious republicans?
In the words of Nacho Libre: “what a dooooouche”!
Sorry @10,
Um… I think Poster Child was being facetious.
They start by misrepresenting themselves, and then outright lies about themselve; then cloaking themselves in some bogus shield of righteousness and pretend to some type of moral superiority. And when they get caught, they rage, and snort about the absurdity of the charges. . .and when they are finally brought to justice, they whine, weep, and gnash their teeth; begging for the forgiveness they never gave to anyone else, least of all their victims. What a sad, depraved and leprous group these ‘moral conservatives’ are
Dave, I am disappointed in you. Really, really disappointed.
This is a slimy cheap shot. I thought this sort of thing was beneath you.
Klaudt is a deviant scumbag, no question about it. But linking this to his politics is beyond the pale, and an insult to his victims.
How shameful.
Ya know, I bet Klaudt would be the sort of guy to lose a custody battle in divorce court with a crackwhore. . . .I’m just sayin’.
“Klaudt is a deviant scumbag, no question about it. But linking this to his politics is beyond the pale, and an insult to his victims.”
Over at Digby’s place, tristero has a good post on this, including more citations of this guy’s attempted legislation. Waddaya know, he wanted to re-criminalize abortions. It seems valid to connect his private predations with his public attempts to hurt others, via unjust laws.
How many pompous, lying, moralizing hypocrites do we need, before we start looking for the pervert inside the preacher? Our politics would improve if we started making this obvious link.
Scarface@14 You bring to mind a line Ben Johnson once wrote:“Methinks the Lady doth protest too much. . ..
@14 Well my friend, I think the point is that his politics have something to do with it. You see, Republicans are self-centered assholes who believe they can do whatever they want to whomever they want without consequences as long as they keep talking about “values” and “accountability” and keep accusing Democrats of voting fraud.
This arrogant prick Klaudt even thought he could get away with wearing the haircut in public!!! Bleccccccchhhhh!!! Is nothing sacred to GOP assholes?!
Low Tax Looper is the face of the Republican Party, too.
Ward Churchill himself would tell you that he despises Democrats. If anything, he should be tagged with the Greens – he appeared onstage with GP Senate candidate Aaron Dixon in Bellingham last year, a friendship that goes back to their respective radical glory days in AIM and the Black Panthers.
Klaudt, on the other hand, was (is) an elected Republican whose views are in the mainstream of his state’s party. Calling him the face of his party is a lot more justified than lumping Churchill in with a party he despises.
Considering that Mr. Klaudt is a four-term Republican that deliberately tried to keep any rational members of his party from forming an organization devoted to getting South Dakota Republicans from deserting the neo-con fold, I think he might just be fair game.
No, all Republicans are not devients like Mr. Klaudt, but those in power did manage to give him the ability to continue his little hobby. Normally, the various social services agencies look rather suspiciously at large unattractive men that want to have teenage girls as foster children.
Additionally, some of the abuse was directed at pages for the state House, which is completely Republican controlled and seems to have inadequate safeguards against such things. I say they are inadequate because they happened, and more than once.
Now, considering the fact that we keep hearing about a former Virginia state ACLU director that had downloaded some child porn, and the righties use that to discredit not just the ACLU but the entire Democratic party, I think you folks having a four term state Representative that abused children in the South Dakota statehouse is fair game.
Downloading child porn is disgusting, and if he’s guilty, I hope they lock the guy up, but compared to actually molesting children serving as pages for the South Dakota House, it just doesn’t measure up.
You’d think the chicks would be drawn to a good looking guy like him.
scarface……..anytime that goldy can try and draw a connection between those evil christians AND republicans…he does. it doesn’t matter if it makes ANY sense at all, or if it’s just cheap histrionics…..after all, that’s his shtick.
that’s all he has.
but on the happy side….he is just going to be one of those crazy bitter little men muttering to himself and talking to ivy [the plant…not a woman] on the street………
oh, wait…he’s already doing that, isn’t he?
see….i told you so! LOL.
goldy is just another garden variety BIGOT.
Goldy the Ass****
“I want to strongly emphasize that not all right-wing Evangelical Republicans are serial child rapists. But you know… some are.”
You purport through innuendo by using ‘right-wing’ in your initial sentence that all right wing folks could be guilty.. Anyone of any political persuasion could be guilty of any crime! You Sir are an ‘Arse’ by using the wrong orifice of your alimentary canal to espouse total nonsense!
Your postings on the Pet Food problems were excellent but this posting is absolute total nonsense!
This make me beyond ill! Sick pervert, I hope someone uses some homemade “tools” to pay “Doctor” on HIM when he hits the slammer. Put him in with the general population and let them educate him.
those evil christians AND republicans
And Greer, vilified by many religious protesters, is a church regular. He also is a conservative Republican in a state whose conservative Republican governor tried to overturn one of Greer’s orders.
yos…it didn’t take long for YOU to be standing up for a southern baptist. hah hah hah…now that’s funny.
too bad the guy is also an incompetent idiot that doesn’t like women, especially the wife type…
” One of the lowest points in Greer’s career as a judge came in 1998, when he denied an injunction for a wife seeking protection from her husband. He note d that the woman had not liste d any acts of violence by the man.
Days later, the husband stabbed her to death.”
i love the lead in….”One of the lowest points in Greer’s career……..”
his career? HIS CAREER???
i’ll bet HANDS DOWN that it WAS THE LOWEST POINT in that poor woman’s life….don’t you think?
gee…i think there is a pattern here. if she’s married AND a woman, greer wants her DEAD.
and for those of you with no medical background or training at all, those of you who have just “had to sit by and watch my family member die horribly” as understandable as your GUT reaction is….can you imagine not being ABLE to be by their side if you wanted to because the person that put them in that condition in the first place now OWNS them???
and who said chattel property was not still around…….?
and you should really do some reading about comas and even the condition terri was in before you jump to conclusions. it’s really amazing what patients have heard and remember… the same people that everyone thought were vegetables.
but i suspect that the same people that wanted terri dead are also the same people that think OJ is innocent and scott peterson was framed, right?
i mean…what are the odds of a cheating husband trying to kill his wife? i mean really…in todays’ world? that would never happen right?
i’m sure that the odds of a completely healthy young woman [which terri WAS] just ceasing to breathe are much higher right?
do any of you ever think at all??????
Hey Ghostie-
You are so fucking irrelevant.
Ghost- I believe OJ was guilty, as was Peterson, and I also believe Terri S. was brain dead.
I also recall she had eating disorders and a severe potassium imbalance, which could have caused heart problems. But more important than what I know, it was litigated through the courts, and there was no fonding of guilt.
finding, not fonding
Ah, Christmasghost
Much easier to ignore the responses to your earlier rantings when you skip to another thread and post off-topic, isn’t it?
First, while the religion of the primary judge in this case really is irrelevant, since you made a point of misstating his religion, we should make sure that the record is straight. He was and is a conservative Christian.
Next, not one, but many doctors actually examined Ms. Schiavo, and their judgement was that she was in a persistent vegetative state, and would not recover. You are welcome to choose to believe doctors that never examined Ms. Schiavo, but only observed videos prepared by people that were somewhat less than unbiased witnesses, but I will go with the judgement of the doctors that actually examined her.
From that point, we have the fact that the primary judge was most certainly not the only one that examined the actual evidence and came to the conclusion that Mr. Schiavo was a responsible custodian for his wife, and that the best medical evidence was that she would never regain consciousness.
On the other side, we have doctors that never actually saw Ms. Schiavo in person, pundits that had no medical training, family members attempting to gain control for their own purposes (although I will hope with the best of intentions) and politicians grandstanding.
And you, deciding that the politicians and pundits know better than the doctors and judges.
Goldy, I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply by using this whackjob as an example. The most obvious attempt would be to try to take this single case and imply that applies to an entire class of people, but you’ve said you aren’t trying to do that.
A more complicated view is that maybe you’re attacking the moral superiority that Republicans often exhibit. As in, by showing how one of them is a twisted perverted scumbag, the idea that Republicans as a whole are “better people” than non-Republicans is bunk. Like I said, complicated, and, if so, way too obscure, IMO.
Personally, I think you would’ve been better off just addressing this case in and of itself, if you wanted to go here at all: the case of some morally bankrupt SOB brutalizing children. That would be social commentary, not political (at least not directly). Bringing political affiliation into this serves no useful purpose, IMO, and only makes you look like an opportunistic jerk.
“me” (apparently not the person that had been using that handle in the past.)
Perhaps you haven’t noticed this, but this is a liberal, left-wing blog. While some of us actually try to debate issues and topics, others come here to simply let off a bit of steam, after being called perverts, NAMBLA supporters, traitors, cowards, etc… by the folks on the right.
If you’re looking for a balanced political view, you’re in the wrong spot. There are a few more balanced, moderate blogs around, but they tend to be a bit dull for many here.
If you’re looking for a blog where Democrats are routinely called all of the names listed above, and where any time some obscure Democrat gets caught reading Playboy, it is trumpeted as proof positive that we’re all hypocrites and perverts, try SoundPolitics, or as we like to call it, unSoundPolitics.
Now, if you want to hang out here, our official HorsesAss “Greeter of Wingnuts“, R. Rabbit, Esq, will be around shortly to give you the official greeting.
Oh, and for Christmasghost
My response to you is caught in Goldy’s filter, so it will show up eventually.
Until then, you could go back to where your bit about Ms. Schiavo was actually on topic, and read much of the same information there.
Tuor @40,
Hmm. Last year, there was a disagreement over the specifics of a sex offender bill coming before the WA state legislature. The Democrats supported a bill that was supported by law enforcement officers, prosecutors and victims advocates. The Republicans supported an alternative bill because it had tougher sentences — provisions which the professionals argued would make it more difficult to get family members to testify against their abusers.
It was a policy disagreement. And so the House Republican Caucus mailed out fake sex offender notices to tens of thousands of households, accusing Democratic legislators of protecting the rights of sex offenders over the safety of our children. Democrats, we were told, were pro-sex offender.
Today, I — a mere blogger — wrote an accurate (if snarky) post about a real, right-wing Republican who victimized real children. And I’m the opportunistic jerk?
What pisses off the righties so much about what I do here is that I give back as good as I get. And better.
The creep looks like he’s related to Jerry Falwell! Same neck roll.
Here is the prosecutor’s affidavit in supporting of arresting Ted Klaudt:
Looks like the South Dakota Attorney General (who happens to be a Republican) is handling this prosecution personally.
Goldy, do you think Ted Klaudt will win the Senator Brock Adams award for Distinguished Pubic Service?
Seattle Times, March 1, 1992
“8 More Women Accuse Adams — Allegations Of Two Decades Of Sexual Harassment, Abuse – And A Rape
Susan Gilmore, Eric Nalder, Eric Pryne, David Boardman
Sen. Brock Adams (D-WA) has sexually harassed and physically molested female employees and associates over the past two decades, according to eight who say they are victims.
The allegations range from aggressive sexual harassment to rape, and include stories of Adams plying women with a mixture of drugs and alcohol.”
Nice work digging that up, Popester. I made it to about page 5 before wanting to vomit. The only sentence that monster deserves is to have his victims vivisect his fat ugly ass. Preferably within five minutes of his being found guilty, and perferably on live national television.
47 Uhhh…I don’t think so. You’d have any number of equally perverted people getting off on watching it.
46 To tell ya the truth, I never really did like Brock Adams. I really didn’t like him as Carter’s Secretary of Immobility, er Transportation.
If you’re working up to bringing up Mike Lowery next, it might be worth pointing out that when he got in trouble, just about the only person in the state who spoke up in his defense was John Carlson.
@22 Churchill seems to be, more than anything else, a liar, poseur, fabricator, plagiarist, and provocateur. Even the Indians are fed up with this lily-white man who pretends to be an Indian rights leader.
Brock Adams was one of ours, but instead of covering up his offenses like Republicans do, we dumped him as soon as we learned he was an offender. Ward Churchill has never been one of ours. Even the Weather Underground bombers and cop-killers don’t want him; he claimed to have been a W.U. radical in the ’60s, but former W.U. leaders say “we never heard of him.”
Goldy @43,
Please re-read what I said at the end of my earlier post. I said “… and only makes you look like an opportunistic jerk.” (emphasis mine)
I don’t think you are an opportunistic jerk, Goldy. I’m just saying that by taking the stance you took, it tends to give people that impression.
As for the Tale of Two Bills you mentioned, I’m not surprised the Republicans used such a tactic. They’ve repeatedly shown what they mean when they talk about “moral values”: unforunately for the rest of us, they’re all bad.
Just these words to the people of South Dakota: Hang Klaudt. And I kid you not!a
For once, its good to see that it’s not just homosexuality that is bringing this country down to it’s immoral ways.
#41 John –
If people on this blog posted the ‘truth’ about their views and feelings that would be fine but to blatantly and continuously post ‘untruths’ only reflects the level of intelligence of the posters or quite possibly the amount of alcohol that has been consumed. Goldy attempt to smear all Evangelical Republicans with his first sentence just reflects poorly on him.
So as you put it – Why are you (the members of this blog) stooping so low when you you should be taking the high road with the truth so this Blog is believable. It is really difficult to change someone’s opinion or vote with ‘nonsense’.
You know, if you want, just a little photoshopping here and there and you can morph that face into Voice of Chalk Scratching…
Puddy commentary: Get rid of him now. He’s a worse blight on society that Stupidman… and that’s saying something.
RPope: Nice touch on the Senator Brock Adams award for Distinguished Pubic Service. Is that a fat ass trophy? No… it’s a HORSESASS?
This is an almost totally uncensored blog. That means that the folks that want to let off steam and rant get to post, just as the folks that want to “take the high road”.
And just why would you think that a four-term Republicans’ penchant for underage girls would not be fodder for us, even taking the “high road”?
While this individual case is both extreme and disgusting, the real points here involve hypocrisy and abuse of power by a high-ranking Republican. Sounds like pretty reasonable fodder for a left-wing blog. Certainly if the party labels were reversed, every right-wing blog around would be trumpeting it from the mountainsides, and we’d be seeing hourly updates from Faux News.
I’ve been a proponent of taking the “high road” throughout my time posting here, but my limit on that is that I insist that we only use the truth in our attacks, unlike Republicans that have repeatedly shown that they are willing to use lies and innuendo.
I strongly denounce those in my party that suggest that we need to use the tactics of the Republicans. Honesty is important. Fair election procedures are important.
But where the truth is on our side, I’m as willing as any other partisan Democrat to use it, combating the lies and cheating that the Republicans have so often showed that they are willing to use.
And if that truth is distasteful to Republicans, my suggestion is that they regain control of their party, and raise the level of accountability to the point where they stop handing us all this ammunition to use against them.
An honest, accountable Republican party will be much harder to defeat in honest elections, but that doesn’t bother me much, as honest, accountable Republicans in office won’t do nearly the damage that the present bunch has done.
Glad to see we agree on most points – Now if Goldy will set the example!
Me @55,
That’s hilarious. My lede:
And yet you understand that as an attempt to smear all Evangelical Republicans?
Had I omitted that sentence, I would have been accused of attempting to smear all Evangelical Republicans.
john….you are truly obscene with this remark “family members attempting to gain control for their own purposes (although I will hope with the best of intentions)”
oh RIGHT…. her family was trying to gain something?? her family?? yeah…i’ll bet they wanted to take care of their daughter and make the decisions for THEIR daughter…gawd….WHAT MONSTERS!!! what would they want next? to be able to attend her funeral??? to know where she was actually buried???? the nerve!!!!!
but not the murdering cheating lying sack of sh&* husband, right? he was a saint in your world…you complete idiot.
you really have earned that “john -boy” name the libs gave you here. you are a fence sitting idiot trying to sound much more intelligent than you are….a huge stretch, i might add.and you know what dante said about people that sit on fences right, john?
and JB@41….you are hysterical. now you are the official greeter and explainer on this blog? now that is funny…..i can’t stop laughing. goldy has just got to be having a fit after reading THAT! but what can he do? he’s hoping you are going to pony up for another useless ad……
too funny…..
“and only makes you look like an opportunistic jerk.” tuor….BINGO! but you are too kind with the “look” part…IMO.
geez roger….”Roger Rabbit says:
@22 Churchill seems to be, more than anything else, a liar, poseur, fabricator, plagiarist, and provocateur. Even the Indians are fed up with this lily-white man who pretends to be an Indian rights leader. ”
and didn’t i tell you this about two years ago???? it took this long for it to sink in?????
christmasghost @61,
I don’t think I’m being ‘too kind’. I’ve listened to Goldy’s show before, and I think he’s someone who has strong beliefs that he airs forthrightly. I respect that sort of thing, even if I disagree with many of his viewpoints. I only wish more people were willing to say what they believe and, even more, have rational arguments to back them up. I wouldn’t have bothered posting here if I felt Goldy was just another blowhard trying to make a name for himself and get attention.
Now, you may disagree with my assessment of Goldy, and that’s your right, but unless he shows me I’m wrong, I’m going to hold to what I said. If I wanted to talk to someone with beliefs identical to my own, I’d talk to myself in front of a mirror.
tuor…….well said. and i agree with you on many points.
however…hang around awhile and you will realize that goldy doesn’t really hold to too many real beliefs….he’s just the little kid kicking an anthill.
but, sometimes, he’s very very amusing………
#60 – Goldy
I am glad to see that you are hilarious – Your reply to me was :
“That’s hilarious. My lede: I want to strongly emphasize that not all right-wing Evangelical Republicans are serial child rapists.”
You mistakenly omitted the last phrase of your initial comment – ‘But you know… some are.’ which leads people to believe that if some are; more than some could be…That is where you are hilarious at trying to deliberately cover up. As Roger Rabbit has said at one time or another ‘HAR, HAR”!
Surely you can do better than that?