– I just finished reading David Neiwert’s new book The Eliminationists. It’s a very timely book, especially with all of the ridiculous comparisons people are making to Nazi Germany these days. Very few people seem to know the reality of what fascism was and how it came to power. At its core, it was a movement about cultural purity and national renewal. It was fed largely by a militant opposition to modern democratic ideals, civil liberties, and multiculturalism. The idea that it’s comparable to modern American liberalism is a notion so absurd that it really doesn’t even warrant serious discussion, yet it remains a constant theme on talk radio and even cable news. David is careful not to use the term fascist too broadly to describe the elements in our society that tend to exhibit traits similar to what bubbled to the surface in Italy and Germany in the early 20th century, but his book is a must-read for Americans who really want to understand that time in history and to be mindful of what could happen here.
– The idea of boycotting Whole Foods over CEO John Mackey’s somewhat clueless op-ed is probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard from progressives since they confused Don Imus with David Duke. For a good rebuttal to Mackey, Ezra Klein has a nice analogy here comparing markets for food with how we should approach health care by integrating public assistance with free market competition. But even though I don’t agree with Mackey’s ideas, he really wasn’t being an ass. If I boycotted every company with a CEO who bought into goofy libertarian groupthink, I’d quickly die of either starvation or boredom.
– On Sunday, The Seattle Times’ Ryan Blethen wrote the following:
Journalists have the right to write pointed critiques or damaging stories. This is never done lightly and must be backed up with fact. What we do can alter somebody’s life for better or worse. Almost every professional journalist is careful not to abuse this right of free speech.
There is nothing wrong with pushing the limits of the First Amendment, but there is a line where free speech can go too far and real damage is done. Bloggers are writing past this line and finding themselves in trouble.
I’m surprised that Goldy hasn’t responded to this yet (and maybe he still will), but I wanted to point out one thing. Everyone – not just journalists – have the right to write pointed critiques or damaging stories. For some reason, though, I always thought that journalists had an obligation to do it. I’d always thought that journalists exist to expose the corrupt, to explain the elusive, and to tell the truth in a world where many powerful people find comfort in lies. Journalists are supposed to be unpopular to the powerful, not their spokespersons. Maybe if the Times actually understood how profoundly they’re failing in their role as journalists, it would be easier to understand why so many bloggers are trying to fill the gap.
– Argentina’s Supreme Court ruled that it’s against their Constitution to arrest people for the personal use of cannabis. This is following the long-awaited decriminalization of drugs in Mexico, something that Bush Administration officials had actively prevented them from doing in the past.
– I haven’t written about it much, but I’m very concerned about the overuse of Tasers in what should be normal law enforcement activities. That said, I have no problem with repeatedly Tasering the people at TLC who brought us Police Women of Broward County.
I think Whole Foods is as fine an example of the failure of market discipline as you could wish. They are anti-union and anti-environmentalist. (I think there was also an article in one of the major SF-area dailies, too, but I haven’t gone & dug it out.) It clearly came from the top, too. When I was living in Silicon Valley, they’d get their employees together & lecture them from Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. (Really!)
I call “Tasers” convulsers. It accurately describes their effect and makes them sound less cool and more dangerous.
The Raven–
Suggestion…don’t shop there.
I love Whole Foods!
I’m also discouraged by the continued use of “fascist” and “nazi” labels by the right wing in trying to label their opposition. Not only does it betray a complete absence of understanding of history or political ideology, but it’s a shameless trivialization of the tremendous scale of the crimes committed by the Nazis. They should be ashamed of themselves.
As for tasers, I do believe that they are over-used. A taser should be considered by the police as a potentially leathal weapon, a last alternative short of gunfire. Instead we see police using it whenever they decide that they’ve wasted enough time dealing with an argumentative person, as a way of “cutting off debate”. They need to back off on resorting to it so quickly.
@ 3
The only people I hear comparing regular citizens to nazi’s, fascism, Timothy mcVeigh, etc. are Democrat party politicians. That is truly despicable of supposed “representatives” too cowardly to take criticism from their constituents. Also, I think the liberals have a short memory when failed sportscaster turned failed liberal talk show host keith olbermann called President Bush a “Fascist” on his failed PMNBC show. short term memory I guess. I imagine it didn’t get much play in the mainstream press because his viewership numbers rival those of the late night test patterns on other channels.
Baird and Pelosi the most obvious examples
Well, now that some dude named Lee thinks the Whole Foods Boycott is “dumb” I guess everyone should call it off!
Lee has spoken.
Course what if some people are boycotting Whole Foods not just because of his right wing rhetoric on health “care” reform, but because of Mackey’s anti-union practices? I’d be curious to know if Lee thinks they’re also actually “dumb” or maybe instead those folks are simply something like “misguided”?
If they’re just “misguided” or the like by boycotting a corporation because it happens to go out of its way to undercut EFCA, (excuse me, I mean it proposes “alternatives” to EFCA) does Lee think should they continue to boycott or not?
There may be good reasons to boycott Whole Foods, but the op-ed isn’t one of them. That’s all I’m saying.
@ 6 You mean “@5” right? That is unless you’re going to censor a perfectly on topic post. Like goldy is doing on the ted kennedy thread. I just wish the liberals had the same decency when someone on the right passes, but they don’t.
You guys really live in a surreal bubble here in blue state USA.
Classism vs Corportatism
I have not read David’s book but I think liberals as well as conservatives all to easily conflate fascism (Mussolini) with Nazism (Hitler)
The scary thing today, IMO, is that both right and left are all to willing to play with the “power to the people” rhetoric.
Hitler and Mussolini came to power with promises to make Italy and Germany “work for the people.” At least initially, both leaders did just that .. they employed everyone and exploited a jingoistic pride of country not unlike what most Americans want now. Gandhi and Roosevelt praised il Duce.
What bwent wrong? I have never understood why fascism, European style, was built around the cult of the great leader. But, that cult remains a real concern today. Obviously there are cults of the same sort in N. Korea and Burma but the bigger question comes from China.
The Chinese state controls 75% of the “stock market.” It may well be that President Hu and his oligarchs are benign patriots, but the dangers are all too real. Remember the Soviet Union. A nominally socialist movement became, but by its fall, a nationalistic, jingoistic monster.
The most frightening thing to remember is that Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were very successful until they mixed imperialism with the rest of fascism. The rest of the world looked the other way as Hitler built camps, Mussolini tried to colonize Africa, and Stalin colonized a vast swath of Eurasia.
I suspect that racism and imperialism are intrinsic to any system built around a great leader. How many Popes or Kings have not had outsize egos? What did Napoleon do with the ideals of the French?
China may be creating a form of fascism that does not require a cult of the personality. I hope so. Maybe the foundations of Confucianism offer a better basis for government than the foundations of Christianity?
We have a different problem here. No one supports fascism in the US. What we do support is classism … a system not unlike that of Britain before WW I.
What happens when a class bound society competes with a corporate state?
Cross post at SJ
@6 lee,
This could get habit forming. We agree totally on this. The schwanz who runs WF is a fool ..unless this was a publicity stunt to get Fauxista to buy organic?
I generally do jnto support boycotts with the exception of not buying goods when a labor movement or other form of social justice is protesting exploitation.
I have however, boycotted Beck, It seems to me that there needs to be a line drawn around that sort of extremists.
We’ve seen little of the trolls this morning save for the execrable Mr. Klynical.
The death of Teddy Kennedy has taken away something that was dearest to their cruel, cold, fiendish hearts:
an galvanizing symbol of white hot hate.
The words of “Teddy Kennedy” and “Chappaquiddick” unlike any other incantations could really bring wingnuts togther .
Gone would be the chest puffing and the endless competition over “who’s more conservative”. Gone would be the strutting and preening over “who’s richer”. Gone would be the endless bragging of “who’s gun is bigger”.
The magic incanation of “Ted Kennedy, Chappaquidick” could really bring wingnuts together in a unified group hate fest of fear, loathing and revulsion like no other symbol except, for a time, Hillary Clinton.
The mourning must be really deep on the wingnut side. I notice that (un)SP has posted no notice of the Senator’s passing. I see no comments from the regulars. The shock must be too much to bear. There will be no longer any phony tears for Mary Jo Kopechne. A few stalwarts will soldier on in the pseudo-cause but without a living Teddy to project the hate upon, the fake sentiments will fall flat.
Your comment didn’t appear right away. It’s on topic (and incredibly dumb).
The only people I hear comparing regular citizens to nazi’s, fascism, Timothy mcVeigh, etc. are Democrat party politicians.
You have some extremely selective hearing, apparently. Do you not remember Jonah Goldberg writing an entire book trying to compare modern liberals to fascists?
So because it was accurate it was “dumb”. Enjoy the bubble, Lee.
Do you not remember Jonah Goldberg writing an entire book trying to compare modern liberals to fascists?
Speaking of dumb, you obviously never read the book or you’d see that he did no such thing. You assume it did because of the TITLE of the book. More bubble thinking, Lee.
Disagree on the Whole Foods point. I don’t shop there, so it’s no big deal for me, either way. But there’s a worthwhile difference between being a CEO with typically right-wing views and deciding to become a player in a national debate by expressing said views in a op-ed for the Wall Street Journal.
Tasers were designed to be a sometimes-not-lethal alternative to guns for situations warranting use of deadly force, not a method of summary punishment for the non-offense of mouthing-off-to-a-cop.
@4 Maybe if you got the wax out of your ears you’d heard better.
@10 Weird how “Ted Kennedy” and “Chappaquiddick” (Democratic politician) has an effect on them that “Timothy McVeigh” and “Oklahoma City Bombing” (rightwing terrorist) doesn’t.
Good news for you! If you’re feeling let down in the hate department with the passing of Teddy, this hellfire preacher has more than enough hate to pass around:
Whoa! Pretty sick stuff. Only in America.
@16 “Only in America.”
No, that goes on in Iran, too.
18 – Agreed. That ugly preacher has a lot more in common with the bin Ladens and al Zawahiris of the this world than he can ever possibly realize.
I think many liberals and progressives really misunderstand Whole Foods.
Enjoy yourself shopping there if you like (and if you can). There’s nothing wrong with that. Much of what WF has to offer really is better food. And in some cases it might even be a little bit better for the environment (compared to other industrial scale food retailing). But don’t confuse marketing with political ideology. Don’t think that these kinds of consumer choices amount to political choices. The design of WF’s business plan and holistic approach to marketing are not driven by political ideology.
This is theater. WF creates a wonderful stage upon which they play out tiny dramas that appeal directly to our middle class aspirations for a life with greater meaning. If you are able to briefly suspend disbelief, and immerse yourself in the fantasy, you can come away feeling better about yourself and your life. No, you can’t throw everything away and go join the Peace Corp. No, you can’t chuck the 9 to 5 and escape to an organic farm in the Okanogan to make goat cheese, like Sally Jackson. But at least you can eat her cheese.
Mackey’s a good business person. He has launched and runs a successful business that over time has carefully refined its marketing to seek out a very diverse but stable group of relatively affluent consumers. This doesn’t happen by accident. And politics has nothing to do with it. And frankly neither does the kind of demographics typically associated with traditional politics (or traditional marketing).
Once you understand Mackey’s holistic approach to marketing you’ll better understand how Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton.
# 8: You might want to consider that some of the common assumptions about Mousselini and Hitler’s rise to power are false.
(1) Hitler didn’t put Germans back to work again. The infamous inflation of the Weimar Republic occured in the early 1920’s, not in the late 1920’s or early 1930’s. The German economy had already stabilized by the time Hitler came to power, it’s political situation, unfortunately, had not.
(2) The German people never voted the Nazis into power in a free election. The Nazis never got more than on-third of the popular vote. Unfortunately, the other parties were fractionalized, and when Hitler was appointed Prime Minister by Hindenburg, he expected him to fall on his face and be discredited. But instead the Nazis engineered a public security crisis in the form of the Reichstag fire, the suspension of opposition parties and free speach, and assasinated or imprisoned their opponants. The next election resulted in a resounding Nazi victory, which shouldn’t be surprising since the Nazis decided who could be candidates and counted the votes.
3. Hitler took credit for the suspension of payments under the Versai (sp?) treaty, but that had actually already occured. Years earlier the allies had agreed to a temporary suspension of the payments in order to allow for the German economy to stabilize. By 1932 that suspension had turned into a cancellation of all payments. Hitler took credit for something that had already been worked out by the bankers and foreign diplomats of Britain, France, and Belgium.
4. Unemployment dropped during the 1930’s under Hitler’s regime, but not because he was doing anything spectacular. Under the Nazis, women were discouraged or prohibited from the workplace, the official policy being that they should be home making good German babies. Jews and other minorities were removed from their jobs, and were not counted amoung the unemployed. Workers were prohibited from leaving their jobs without the permission of their employers and the Nazi party. Trade unions were busted, their leaders imprisoned in concentration camps. The ramp-up of the military in the later half of the 1930’s took care of the rest. The end result is that the statistics got skewed, they simply counted those that already had jobs, and refused to count those that didn’t.
5. Hitler’s conquest of other nations needs to be recongized as what it essentially was – a ponzi scheme. Germans were being bribed by apparant economic success, but that came at an unsustainable price. First, they seized the properties of Jews and other minorities and distributed it to their loyal party members. Second, they started on a militarization of the economy which couldn’t be sustained indefinately without paying a price (high taxes or inflation). Before they started paying that price, the entered into a program of conquest, using seized foreign property as dividents on the German investment, and ultimately resorting to slave labor. But once German conquest reached it’s sustainable limits, the economic house of cards started to collapse. Remarkably, the Nazis tried to insulate the German people from the affects of the war and the economic difficulties by having factories continue to produce civilian goods well into 1942 – they didn’t switch over to a true “war economy” until then. At that point they finally allowed women back into the factories, stopped manufacturing of civilian cars, etc.
6. As far as the “cult of personality” goes, the era of the 1930’s and WWII certainly produced it’s share of charasmatic individuals who became the subject of national hero worship to one degree or another – Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, Stalin in the U.S.S.R., F.D.R. in the U.S., and ultimately Churchill in Gr. Britain. But note that while Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler governed their countries in those uncertain times by resorting to suspensions of civil liberties, confiscation of assetts, and agendas of conquest, F.D.R. and Churchill managed to govern their countries in a democratic manner, pursuing their agendas despite some very vocal criticism from their opponants. The few who argue that Hitler’s draconian regime was necessary to “save” Germany from the depression ignores this inconvenient fact.
I’ve never walked into a Whole Foods. Glanced inside once but I’ll never shop there – I just can’t afford it and I’m not about to line a right wing Texan’s pockets if I can help it.
There’s an alternative to Whole Foods for our organic-food inclined in Seattle – the PCC. Home-grown and AFAIK no right wing taint. I don’t shop there either (again too pricey) but I’ve been known to visit the deli counter there for a bowl of soup and some bread.
PCC and Madison Market are both member owned co-ops.
I can’t say I know anything about Whole Foods management, except that the CEO was investigated a year or two ago by the SEC for making annonymous and derogatory posts on investment blog sites about his competition, just as he was trying to buy their chains. It smelled like market manipulation – trying to drive down the price of the shares in advance of purchasing them.
A couple of years ago Whole Foods put Larry’s Market out of business. Now there aren’t very many grocery stores in the downtown Bellevue area for me to go to during my work day. QFC is a bit far away (too close to the mall, which makes traffic a problem), and the Safeway relocated last year (I still havent’ found it’s new location yet). But the prices at Whole Foods are just too high for me to consider, and their product selection is a little to high-end for me, also.
The best article on our government I have read. Ever.
Oh by the way. I used to shop at Whole Foods…. Not any more. I hate helping America’s enemy fund their campaigns, and their propaganda.
This is the BEST QUOTE of the New Millenium!!!
An illegal alien in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up ‘executing’ the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state wide manhunt ensued.
The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. After he shot at them, SWAT team officers open fired and hit the guy 68 times.
Now here’s the kicker:
Naturally, the media went nuts and asked why they shot the poor undocumented immigrant 68 times.
Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: ‘Because that’s all the ammunition we had.’
Speaking of dumb, you obviously never read the book or you’d see that he did no such thing. You assume it did because of the TITLE of the book. More bubble thinking, Lee.
I read the introduction, and yes, he did.
27 – What did the Sheriff’s hate more? The cop-killer or the fact he was brown-skinned and undocumented?
Judging from the tone of the comment one could almost conclude it was a “two-fer” for those guys.
The truth could have been that the guy was transporting drugs, on the run from the law or was being abused by the police but no we have to emphasize his alien status.
I can understand the brutal logic of the cops “defending themselves” against a cop killer but such executions will do NOTHING to solve drug trafficking, illegal immigration or even slow down the occurrences of officers dying in the line of duty all that much.
somewhat clueless op-ed? how many health care plans have you administered to employees? You’re a terrible writer.
@24 Whole Foods didn’t kill Larry’s. Larry’s did…or more precisely, Larry’s idiot sons. After Larry himself spent a couple of decades carefully building a local chain of what were arguably the best supermarkets on the planet, he decided to retire and sold the whole shebang to his kids. They in turn got some wild-eyed notion to try to leverage a massive expansion in the Post-9/11 slump.
Mr. Cynical, I don’t shop at Whole Foods–haven’t in over a decade. I’m taking this opportunity to tell people why.
Someone with a faintly obscene acronym: “Mackey’s a good businessperson.” If starting a business in boom times and taking advantage of government policies favorable to anti-union, anti-environmental businesses are, I suppose he is. But where is libertarianism in that? He is a hypocrite.
John Mackey has to be given a modicum of credit for sincerely trying to give his own employees a fair shake, for no other apparent reason than that he just thinks it’s the right thing to do. What he may or may not understand is that some of the people he’s fallen in league with are far less altruistic.
Larry’s did themselves in, Whole Foods “put them out of business” no more than Safeway, QFC, Metropolitan Market, or PCC did.
@ 21. rhp6033
Good post, Tx for the reply
My economic comments actually had more to do with Mussolini. As for Hitler, the impression he made on the Germans is more importnat than facts .. just ask any Reaganite
Yes I know that, nonetheless he was pout into office by a democratic (or at least republican) system. Remember the US has also had minority Presidents.
Same point as before. I suspect, however, that you are wrong here. “, women were discouraged or prohibited from the workplace, the official policy being that they should be home making good German babies.” maybe true but women were not yet a major part of the workforce. “Jews and other minorities ” were very small numbers and, in any case were disenfranchised. The “true” Germans were the only ones Hitler had to please. BTW, alot of the current discussion of protectionsim is not that far from Nazi doctrine. You actually make the same point later on … “Hitler’s conquest of other nations … was – a ponzi scheme. Germans were being bribed by apparant economic success,,,. ….Remarkably, the Nazis tried to insulate the German people from the affects of the war and the economic difficulties by having factories continue to produce civilian goods well into 1942 – they didn’t switch over to a true “war economy” until then. ” aka supply side economics.
Yes, BUT the same can not be said of President Hu. Just because the govt of China now is not as ugly as Germany/Russia/Italy .. the same issues pertain when democracy is breached.
I have a thoery that the major shield protecting the uS form fascisim is the bill of Rights and America’s religious zeal for that document. I am not at all confident that England or France is equally safe in this regard.
#34 Larry’s Did Themsleves In
It is not that simple.
Part of what got Larry’s was real estate games, Kroger/Safeway/FMeye and whole foods are VEY aggressive in buying property to keep each other out. As one example, the concentration of supermarkets on Capitol Hill is close to the number of drug stores. Also, when these guys leave a property they work hard ot make sure a rival does not move in.
AP updated 11:56 a.m. PT, Wed., Aug 26, 2009
Hard to know whether to laugh or cry.
Do you think this KLOWN will take the punishment she demanded of others?
SJ’s Mr C service ..
Mr. C is pleased that an old dog died in a hot car owned by someone who works for group that is cruel to animals.
I love dogs.
I’m disgusted that this idiot was so…..cruel.
Don’t you find any irony in this SJ??
Of course not, you are soooooo angered by the Progressive implosion that your humor gland has shrunk to less than the size of a pea.
Humorless, Atheist Progressive’s…why bother breathing? If this is all there is in life and once you die that’s it…why should anything matter??
You are flying in the face of an America that is mad as hell and ain’t gonna take it anymore!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Can you imagine if you take the Government Employees out of this poll…it would probably be 75%+!!
Numbers don’t lie, young liberal women are in favor of a deep bore tunnel.
Men want to get on with the boring, women would like to hold off, or restart the date, uh, process over.
This is actually about what I suspected, don’t know if McGinn will keep saying a majority are against the tunnel, or move on to the cost aspects, or on to another subject to broaden his support.
. . .
Ryan Blethen, in my opinion, is not very bright. His endless and shameless self-promotion makes me want to barf.
@12 Welcome back little Ricky D. – your mindless, partisan hackery was (almost) missed.
I read the book – Jonah Goldberg is a first class idiot who tried to conflate “liberals” with Nazis…it didn’t make any sense and neither do you.
The bottom line is that the Obama critics and psychos made up pictures of Obama as a Nazi…to prove how totally ignorant those self-same critics are. And little Ricky D. doesn’t get it.
You can provide quotes to back up your assertion then, right? Lee couldn’t do so to back his assertion of course, but maybe you can. Or did you just “read” the book cover (likely scenario) and not the contents in between?
Put up or shut up, folks.
Hey Wingnuts (like Little Ricky Dumbass),
Lynn Jenkins, the gentlelady from Kansas bless her heart, is trying to find the “great white hope” for you all.
Hey Stupes. Whadaya think of that?
@36 Ah…is that why the former site of the Stoneway Safeway (whose land, at least at one time, was actually owned by QFC) has been occupied for the last few years by a large hole in the ground?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Yup, the Dems are kickin’ butt.
Republicans will never hold another office.
And more exciting Democrat news!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
rhp sez
Really? You mean you and your ilk haven’t called old people Brownshirts here on HA? You mean your ilk never mentioned “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare. [Nancy Pelosi]”? When an old man, the father to a cerebral palsy son confronts John Dingell, the “ARCHITECT” of HR 3200, he’s called unAmerican by Nancy Pelosi? HR 3200 the bill from which Puddy placed parts for HA Libtardos to read didn’t have cerebral palsy covered until “an amendment” was attached to cover the condition? [John Dingell’s own words].
Yep, your side is performing that shameless trivialization tremendously well. Rhp, where do you and your ilk get off dude?
@43: Like I said little ricky – I read the book and returned it to the trashheap where it belonged.
Jonah Goldberg is lying SOB who tries to justify torture, the unnecessary war in Iraq, outing a CIA agent, the healthcare mess….and on and on.
I don’t have the book anymore…but Goldberg conflates liberalism with facism and shows an astounding lack of knowledge of history…a lack of knowledge that you share.
He goes on and on about “liberty cabbage” as that somehow proves that Wilson was a facist…yet never mentions “freedom fries”.
What an idiot, what a hypocrite and what a genuinely stupid person.
And little Ricky D. …if you believe any of that simple-minded crap, then you too are just as stupid and gullible. His whole pathetic thesis (that is interminably long and pathetically lacking in any academic methods) is that since progressives and facist both believe in government action…they are the same….but he leaves out the entire part of the corporate participation with Hitler in Germany and with Mussolini in Italy.
He claimes FDR is a facist…without any proof except his own ramblings….what a tool. Did any liberal ever ban the opposition party? Did any liberal ever approve of torture? Did any liberal ever create the Hitler youth?
Nope….thanks for playing little Ricky D……I love your total ignorance.
Only a total fool ignores most of history to make a point of a sidelight.
Oh, Nancy Pelosi mentions anti-Obama protesters carrying swastikas and she is making the Hitler reference?
She is merely stating what the right wingnuts are doing….rightwingnuts bring out the Hitler and you criticize Pelosi for mentioning the fact that they are doing it….nice touch, hypocrite.
Oh, and the amendment to HR 3200 was passed by voice vote on day three of the debate (early on) and is supported by Obama and the national cerebral palsy foundation and is part of the bill….and your point is…..nothing as usual.
Yup, you got nothin’ and nothin’….and that leaves nothin’.
Yo Stupes,
Here’s another pic of Lynn this time with a couple of white dudes.
No way she’ll find the “great white hope” in either of those two losers.
@51 Maybe they’ll send Michael Steele to Jacko’s dermatologist.
52 – LOL! Good one! Steele is trying really hard by spewing the most incredible tripe day in and day out on Faux News and other places but it’s just a matter of time before he’s turned out by the rump regionalist base and their standard bearers.
Oh really cnr,
She still hasn’t produced any proof. When asked she clammed up.
And regarding the cerebral palsy comment listen to Dingell’s own words around 0:19 seconds ASSHOLE!
You are one mighty dumb fuck these days.