Having my morning coffee and cracking open the newspaper….
Hacked!. Let’s see…I am trying to remember how it goes—something like, “Iran, if you are listening….”
Oh…and then there’s this—Swifties are organizing for Kamala:
…Swifties are figuring out voter registration requirements in every state where there’s a swift concert, making QR codes with voter registration and donation links so people can do both at her concerts….”
Yeah…don’t panic, Трампistas. Just give them a healthy dose of your usual insults and denigration.
Speaking of insults and denigration, a couple of headlines from today: “Donald Trump Privately Rants That Kamala Harris Is a ‘B***h’ as His Polls Plunge” and Vibes matter: Трамп can hardly restrain his jealousy over the Harris campaign’s joy. SAD!
A writer puts things into a British perspective in his description of Трамп.
NPR fact-checked Трамп’s emergency news conference from last Thursday. They found “at least 162 misstatements, exaggerations and outright lies in 64 minutes.” And, yes, the article enumerates and factually debunks all 162 statements.
Last week Elon Musk filed an anti-trust lawsuit against a marketing trade body and the advertisers who were “boycotting” Xitter. Apparently, Musk’s strategy has consequences: more advertisers are fleeing the ailing platform. I’m no lawyer, but if “corporations are people, my friends,” aren’t they fully entitled to First Amendment protections of freedom to assemble and freedoms on matters of conscience? Also, Musk did tell advertisers unhappy with Xitter to “not advertise” and instead “go fuck yourselves,” so this is really just performative litigation that is backfiring on Musk. So sad.
Kreepshit knows this well:
with each shovel full of horse manure..
Americans don’t like Project 2025
Why would Americans like
– Surveillance of pregnant women,
– rebrand HHS as the “Department of Life”,
– a national abortion ban,
– refuse to certify election results,
– install party zelots in high levels of government. (It so weird how that’s how conservatives used to describe the evils of a communist government, where bureaucrats were chosen for their party loyalty, not merit or skills. It’s like they want to be communists. )
Plain and simple – Drumpy and the rest of the Putin lovers are a bunch of bad fucks.
P.S. Darryl, you have the power to lift my moderation, it is overdue. The evils of The Heterosexual Virus must be fought! Too many women and children are victims of this violent and Neanderthal brain dead virus.
G @ 3,
Moderated? Your comment appears in this thread. Therefore you are able to post comments.
But do be aware that if you engage in violent rhetoric or violate the comment policy, the privilege will be revoked.
Darryl, I’m very much concerned that your post will cause an even more rapid decline of the dumbfuck’s mental state.
Please contact Adult Protective Services. You can call 1-877-734-6277 or file a report online here.
Democrat Josh Stein leading Mark Robinson 46% to 36% in the race for governor
It’s understandable. It was fine for Mark Robinson’s wife to chose to get an abortion, but he doesn’t want women now to have that choice.
Robinson complains that red tape made it difficult for his wife to manage a day care, but he has demanded more intrusive state regulation of what teachers can and can’t say in the classroom.
Robinson rails against “government ‘charity,’” but his wife’s nonprofit took $57,000 in Paycheck Protection Program cash.
Robinson preaches fiscal conservatism, but declared personal bankruptcy three times.
Robinson laments being bullied by classmates as a child for being poor but doesn’t seem to empathize with other marginalized people, including LGBTQ people.
Robinson says it’s time to “start reading” quotes from fascist strongmen like Hitler and Stalin.
Is it any wonder Robinson is a loser like trump?
“A writer puts things into a British perspective in his description of Трамп.”
And what he says are all fine sentiments. But still, the Brits aren’t all that great, either. Colonialism, brutal wars against native populations, Irish repression, modern-day racism, classism, clinging to monarchy, all that. So, they’re not exactly a model to emulate. Preferable to Trump, though. Even the French are preferable to Trump.
Musk is bringing SLAPP lawsuits. He’s acting like a developer who attends a public hearing on his plans, then sues every citizen who spoke against it. In short, he’s being the asshole everybody already knows he is.
These lawsuits likely are utterly without merit, but they cost money to defend against, and that’s their purpose. It could backfire the way you suggest: Who’s going to advertise on a platform with a reputation for suing advertisers who leave?
@1 Oh, she just carries her purse in her left hand because she’s left-handed. She’s not left-handed? Well, maybe she’s practicing to become ambidextrous.
The single most overwhelming characteristic of today’s Republican Party is that everything they claim to stand for is empty words. Their leader is as far removed from family values and respect for the military as it’s possible to get. Crime? Their leader is a criminal. Immigration? Their leader employs cheap immigrant labor at his golf courses and private Florida sex club. A businessman who’ll set the economy right? All his businesses are financial failures. Republicans must all be on psychedelic drugs.
Before Trump took on Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” 727 as his campaign’s backup aircraft, the interior furnishings, upholstery, and carpeting required extensive cleaning.
Jimmy D Bowman was very happy to tackle that project personally.
@5 Wrong contact info. You want to call 1-800-962-2873. And talk to these folks.
“Vance says mass deportations of undocumented immigrants should start at 1 million people”
How are they going to transport them? In trains?
USA women’s basketball team won Olympic gold, but had a close shave: 67-66 over France. They should’ve put Caitlin Clark on the team.
When I Spew from IP addresses that I’ve used most often here, my comments await moderation and then are eventually deleted and not moderated (selected to be posted upon the moderating).
It would be kindly appreciated if you could look into that and see if there are limits or blocking of my known IP addresses.
The only reason why @3 posted was because I have to disconnect from my wifi and then I’m able to post. I’d like to post like normal, so that I don’t have to continuously disconnect from wifi. Like now.
Thank You kindly.
PS. I am not a violent individual. There is no place for violence. I don’t believe I’ve ever posted anything violent in nature.
If a Trump-supporting veteran tells me Walz did a terrible thing by saying he “carried a weapon of war,” and I ask him about Trump’s draft dodging and he brushes me off or walks away, that’s a veteran I’m going to ignore.
Twenty years ago, I reached out via email to a veteran who served as a lieutenant in my Army unit in Vietnam. Old war buddies reconnecting, you know. He sent me a picture of a dog peeing on a Kerry yard sign. He never heard from me again.
Veterans are a brotherhood, but only to a point. Political assholery destroys relationships among veterans just as it does among families. It’s one thing to be a passionate supporter of a party or candidate, but being a shithead about it is a colossal turnoff.
This is why swiftboating Walz will be resonate among MAGA veterans, but won’t get traction among non-MAGA veterans. Attacking a veteran over something as trivial as that is offensive to everyone else.
@14 What’s important for clearing moderation is not how you see your posts, but how Darryl sees your posts. Clearly he wants something to change. Just friendly advice trying to help.
Overcome with humiliation at being the very first nuclear power in world history to lose sovereign territory in an armed conflict, the now thoroughly humbled armed forces of Russia have piled used tires inside one of the cooling towers at Zaporizhziha and set them ablaze in a desperate plea for help.
Anyone who hasn’t decide yet on who they are voting for shouldn’t be allowed to vote. It’s pretty clear what you are getting with either candidate at this point. Or what this Country would turn into if Repukes prevail
@16 and that is fine. I just don’t know whether he knows that that is what is happening. He made it sound as if there is no moderating occurring, or made it sound that my messages aren’t (when Wi-Fi connected) being moderated.
There’s a backstory to the swiftboating of Kerry that most civilians don’t understand. Kerry was an officer who got a Silver Star, a fairly high-level valor award. Few enlisted grunts (or swift boat crewmen) got Silver Stars for their battlefield exertions.
In the Vietnam war there was a class distinction, call it discrimination, in the award of medals. Officers wanted medals to advance their careers. Officers made medal recommendations and approved medals. It wasn’t hard to get a fellow officer to sign off on your medal paperwork. For this reason, medals like Kerry’s Silver Star were considered a joke in the ranks.
Meanwhile, the grunts were overlooked at headquarters, and underappreciated or outright rejected by civilian society back home. Naturally there was a feeling that many former officers didn’t earn their medals. Some also took Kerry’s antiwar activism as a slap in the face. The resulting resentment played out in the attacks on Kerry’s military service. Politics, of course, played a role in this, too; but it wasn’t just politics, it had origins in how the “real heroes” were mistreated on and off the battlefield.
With the overall better treatment of veterans today, tapping into this resentment probably is less potent today, but some of it still lingers. Kerry was “swiftboated” during the heat of the Gulf War debates, but veterans of that conflict came home to a far better experience than Vietnam veterans did, and that took a lot of the sting out of it. But the lingering resentments among those who were overlooked never completely went away.
I can think of two cases in point that exemplify how Vietnam soldiers were treated. During the battle of Dak To, Pfc. John Barnes threw himself on an enemy grenade to save wounded comrades. His battalion colonel refused to recommend him for any medal, saying “men who commit suicide don’t deserve medals.” Higher headquarters thought otherwise, and Barnes was timely awarded a Medal of Honor, presented to his family by President Nixon.
The other is James McLoughan, a medic who repeatedly carried out rescues under fire of wounded men from the kill zone, despite being wounded several times himself, and refused evacuation because the unit would’ve been left without a medic. For fifty years, the only recognition he received for his heroism was a Bronze Star, the lowest medal for valor. Obama’s secretary of defense was instrumental in getting McLoughan the Medal of Honor he deserved, which was presented to him by Trump.
Favoritism, and neglecting the troops in the ranks, is where resentment of false valor or “stolen valor” comes from. When Dan Quayle, who only served in the National Guard, put a “Vietnam Veteran” sticker on his briefcase, he was shamed into taking it off. Walz, too, was a National Guardsman who didn’t see combat, and although his embellishment of his service is slight, it pushes buttons.
It would be a mistake to write off the attacks on his service as purely partisan, even though they’re politically motivated, because there really is a reservoir of resentment among veterans against those who “weren’t there.” Vance gets a pass partly because of partisanship, but also partly because he served on a battlefield, even though he wasn’t a combat soldier and didn’t see combat.
I’m not writing this as a justification of the attacks on Walz’s service. His 24 years of National Guard service isn’t trivial, and merits respect by all. I’m just stating the way things are, the reality of what exists, and why his service claims provoke some veterans who don’t like his politics to begin with.
Comparing service is an exercise in futility even among service members serving in the same ranks, units, and conflicts.
The more time that passes, the more futile the exercise.
Today there are Navy AVOs and Air Force RPA pilots who never leave U.S. territory. They take human lives in combat. They suffer combat fatigue and PTSD. Then they go coach soccer and mow the lawn.
Surrendering Russian armed forces in Kursk now outnumber the tiny, insignificant (according to local expert troll) number of AFU invaders.
21, 22 Someday all wars will be fought by kids manipulating joysticks. Maybe they’ll teach them to fly airliners, too. From the ground, of course. They’ll give medals to robots smashed on the battlefield.
JD Vance, drag queen
Oh, and with eyeliner and mascara.
I have nothing against drag queens. It’s the gross hypocrisy. I do wish I could have seen Trump’s reaction.
As for the dumbfuck, he’s probably out in the barn in drag, eyeliner and mascara, hanging from a rope.
Darryl, it still might not be too late to give Adult Protective Services a call. My post @5 provides the number for our state and Roger also provided the number for Florida @11 just in case he dumbfuck has fled the state.
When you see the story about the D sponsored poll that says Donald will need to campaign in NC because it’s tied and it all starts to make sense.
@25 Robinson is a total nutcase. There are plenty of other Republican nutcases, but he’s in a class of his own. He belongs in a mental institution, not a statehouse.
I’m arguably the biggest WNBA fan on this board and I’m ok leaving her off. Christian Laetner was put on the Dream team and never really panned out professionally. The college game is way different. Everyone named is a great player.
Add in that if Clarke had played she’d have had zero break for a full year possibly jeopardizing her future. Potential, Clarke is a solid pick on the team but everyone else was proven.
Team USA dominated every game and kind of laid an egg in the final but the sheer talent overcame the poor play. That and France played amazing defense.
She’ll lead them to gold in ‘28, ‘32, ‘36.
Britney Griner crying on the Medal stand after all the trolls wanted to leave her in Russia was poignant.
That Steph Curry kid is pretty good
Imane Kheleif has lawyered up and is planning on suing media outlets and prominent Twits that libeled her.
@29 Good. Hating shouldn’t come free.
Hey Rick!
What about Ron? It’s not fair!
Jamie Donalda Bowman went to Yale
Kreepshit would hit on that serving up double strength jungle punch.
World traveler..
@32 With a name like “Sofa Loren”, kreepshit and its frat bois would fight each other to the death for first dibs on serving “her” the 200 proof jungle punch.
Anyone remember when Drudge was slavishly followed by Dori Monson and every HA troll?
Overnight AFU opened a second offensive push into sovereign Russian territory. The new, second offensive is into Belgirod oblast to the south of Kursk where a very, very tiny insignificant, unimportant (according to local military expert trolls) was carried out successfully last week. AFU forces in Kursk oblast are currently fortifying strategic positions they hold to the north, processing thousands of surrendering Russian POWs and establishing administrative control over the civilian population left unprotected by the Russian state. The surrendering Russian forces in Kursk appear to largely consist of very young, recent conscripts with very little training.
Trump is fighting an audit that could cost him over $100 million because he claimed 2 tax breaks for the same Chicago building
>> This guy cheats on everything and republicans love him for it?
@ 30
@29 Good. Hating shouldn’t come free.
Yes, but lawsuits come with discovery. Show us the chromosomes. Oh, and all of the testosterone levels in the last three years.
Governor Walz voluntarily extended his service four years past his earliest full retirement. Most enlisted service members of that era retired as soon as possible. Since 911 it’s grown more complicated because of re-enlistment bonuses, educational bonuses, training opportunities and bonuses, and many new opportunities for advancement in rank. But in 2001 when Walz first qualified for full retirement none of that stuff existed. In fact, it’s probably fair to say that those who served during those decades got the worst pay and benefits available in the all-volunteer era.
But when asked, and like quite a lot of other senior NCOs at the time, he willingly extended for another four years to help with the anticipated post 9/11 buildup. These guys in their 40s, with young families, mortgages, and civilian careers were offered absolutely nothing in return for that.
Civil disco is limited to credible defenses.
The lesson is never take legal counsel from billionaire nepo-babies or Trustifarian radiation techs.
Is Walz retired? Yes.
Was Walz a Command Sergeant Major? Yes.
End of Story.
Voters see Trump’s policies like a 10% across-the-board tariff that one analysis shows would raise costs for a middle-class family by at least $2,500 a year, as being a loser for them and say they will not be voting for trump.
>> Voters in Idaho who care about kids, need to vote in better legislators.
>> This is what Project 2025 will be like, nation wide.
@ 39
These guys in their 40s, with young families, mortgages, and civilian careers were offered absolutely nothing in return for that.
Walz was given a promotion to Command Sergeant Major, which he in fact did not earn and from which he was demoted.
He could have met his obligation to earn what he was given. He cut and ran instead.
When the base chaplain calls him out as a coward, it becomes problematic for Democrats.
Aide: “Madame Vice President we’ve narrowed your running mate options down to three choices. One is an astronaut, senator, and true American hero. Another is an extraordinarily popular governor of a battleground state that you pretty much have to carry if you are going to win in November.
Boxcheck Momala:
KARE 11 is the Twin Cities NBC affiliate.
Governor Cut and Run has had years to hone his abandonment skills.
Boxcheck Momala chose poorly.
On Saturday, when his 757 nicknamed “Trumpforce One” was denied landing in Bozeman because of previously unpaid landing fees, and diverted to Billings, the 78-year-old convicted felon changed to a Gulfstream 550 jet to make the connecting leg of travel, which caused a 90 minute delay in the itinerary.
The aircraft bore the tail registration numbers N550GP. FAA records show that the aircraft bearing these tail registration numbers was previously registered as N212JE. N212JE was previously owned by convicted serial pedophile and international child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. It was purchased from the estate liquidation of Jeffrey Epstein in 2020 by a close friend of the 78-year-old convicted felon.
There are no current filings on record to indicate a campaign donation of the use of the sex-crime associated Gulfstream jet, nor any expense filings indicating campaign payment for its use by the candidate. In 2021 the owner filed a lawsuit against the Epstein estate for failing to disclose during the sale that it had been previously employed in the ongoing conduct of an international criminal child sex ring.
Three days of attempted abandonment didn’t save Governor Cut and Run. On the fourth day, he was forced into doing his job.
Governor Cut and Run chose the rioters over the shopkeepers and citizens of his state.
Pretty damning text message on the screen at the end of this 19 second video.
Shorter @ 48
Why wasn’t that plane demolished like they did with the Sandy Hook school after a crime was committed inside it?
Has Welfare Queen YLB come up with a less bigoted way of referring to Usha Vance than “Muslim wife”?
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman.
One of them is a weird goober who fucks couches.
And the other one is a pedophile-pal facing felony sentencing in a few weeks who failed at trying to overthrow the government.
It’s impressive.
Probably not in a good way.
Why let so much perfectly good upholstery fucking go to waste?
IF that were even obtainable in discovery. Ask the single Russian corrupt boxing official who is the sole source for the ‘Test Result’ if he’ll finally share it publicly.
Just take the “L” on this one. She’s a woman no matter what the Wizard Author and 5th place swimmer say.
“Muslim wife”
Wow. Next thing ya know, in its mental confusion, it’s gonna go all islamaphobic on Tulsi.
Court martial, dishonorable discharge and Tulsi doesn’t get to direct drones to kill Africans in their beds.
Your truly senses “cognitive decline”.. well.. shit that’s been the case way before it started trolling here.
No one treats a muslim woman more viciously than a cognitively declining bonzo and empty suit bush buttlicking ha troll.
With his campaign running out of funding, no scheduled events, having lost the free media cycle to his opponents, and in a polling freefall, much is being made right now of the 78-year-old convicted felon’s “guerilla-style” outreach to young toxic males through “influencers”.
Apparently the kids failed to read the memo.
A brand new youth poll from the director of Harvard’s Institute of Politics now shows a thirteen point shift among 18 to 29-year-olds since last month in favor of Vice President Harris, who now leads by 9.
Never fear, MAGA-tards. Some Canadian TikTok influencer you’ve never heard of with zero FEC filings is announcing a “$20 million” campaign soon to be launched “Send the Vote“, to excite young toxic incel males with more tales of sofa sex and cartoonish misogyny. Nothing on the ground yet. And registration deadlines are looming. But a “cool” TikToker from Ontario is on it.
You REALLY gotta check sources:
Hey look, a peaceful protest is happening at THIS location while looting is happening at a completely different location. We need to bust it up because it MIGHT get out of hand. (Ask SPD how well that works)
Side note, if a ‘deleted’ recording is widely available on a News Station’s website four years later….the source is lying about a ‘coverup’ for the obvious reasons.
The “deleted” video starts about 26 minutes into the ‘live’ broadcast where at several times the Anchors refer to how the National Guard disbursed a protest in one area only to have the protesters reform in another.
So riddle me this? How can Governor Walz be doing nothing when he’s already sent the National Guard? It is being reported live in that very same ‘deleted’ video that the Guard is on the ground in Minneapolis. But according to “GOP Hype Man” who Dumbfuck doesn’t question, they weren’t there because Walz took no action.
Too Damn Funny.
You didn’t click through or thing about it. Shame.
If this comment is indeed true (dubious) the claimant says it was made about the 3rd precinct. You know the 3rd Precinct where two Boogaloo Boys were arrested and convicted of setting it on fire to make it SEEM like the blacks did it to start a race war.
The alternative to an order to “Give it Up” was to have officers stay in a burning building? Yeah, that’s the better option.
“On Wednesday night…”
By Thursday morning the MN National Guard had alerted Guardsmen to report for deployment.
Keep swinging.
Meanwhile, Donny is out there talking about AI videos and “For the first time this election cycle, voters trust the Democratic candidate more than former President Trump on the economy, according to new polling released by the Financial Times and the University of Michigan. (42-41)”
I used to bitch slap you for fun but now it’s just sad. It’s like doing a 100 yard dash against a toddler.
You don’t even see how this proves that National Guard was called up earlier?
Donald made his heralded return to Twitter this morning posting a 2.5 minute video that has now been up for five hours and generated 185K ‘likes’.
Kamala HQ is still getting 1-4M likes on every video posted on TikTok. The latest, yesterday afternoon, is sitting at 1.9M
Face it, no one is into you anymore.
Independent Voter, you are not really independent. You fully support liberal progressive Democrats, and that is very obvious when one reads your posts.
Do you disagree? Fine. Start making posts that are critical of liberal progressive Democrats, communists, socialists and organizations such as BLM and ANTIFA.
Right now the independent vote is Anti-Fascist and the standard bearers of one party is a guy who tried to get his fans to violently overthrow the government and a guy I wouldn’t trust around my daughter who just four years ago was saying the guy he now wants to work for was “America’s Hitler.”
Would it make you feel better if I switched to “Swing Voter?”
You REALLY gotta check sources:
Here’s the thing.
Right now MAGA-tards like The Village Idiot are being fed a continuous steady diet of “feel-good” misinfo about their beloved celebrity failure, along with a continuous steady diet of “greivance” misinfo about THE ENEMY.
Trapped as he is inside the sticky, mucilaginous, condom littered film of the Orange Event Horizon it’s all he’s got. And it makes him feel glorious, even while his incredibly poor personal decision history consigns him to evermore loss and humiliation.
Always remember that just like any lifelong degenerate gambler, the momentary endorphine rush of triumph that he experiences simply by passing along stupid fabrications like this will more than makeup for the inevitable defeat later on. He’s going to remain stuck in that doom-loop from now until long after this November in exactly the same way he was four years ago. He can’t give up that rush. And he won’t. Not even when he hits rock bottom. He’ll just go looking for another, lesser, grubbier, dumber game.
Where? Show me one communist in any position of power in any Federal or State or even Municipal government and maybe I’ll get around to it.
Might as well ask why I’m not up in arms about Trans Kindergarteners getting gender reassignment surgery and “post Birth Abortion.”
Explain to us what’s wrong with feeding hungry kids to help ready them for the school day?
This one time, see if you can do it in a way that doesn’t expose your consistent hypocrisy on women’s reproductive healthcare and family planning.
apparently only this one low information troll gets to set the conditions for a progressive liberal blog dominated by Democrats.
That seems weird.
organizations such as BLM and ANTIFA.
Wow.. bleating noun, verb, blm/antifa is so 2020..
And guess who won that November..
glwt this November..
As many as three marshals flew with her. To make sure she wouldn’t blow up the plane the way she blew up Boxcheck Momala in those 2019 debates.
On July 22, Gabbard said that Kamala Harris would essentially be a mouthpiece and puppet of the Military Industrial Complex and National Security State. The next day, July 23, she was on the Quiet Skies watch list.
Democrats aren’t even trying to hide their weaponization of the government anymore.
Like I said.
He’ll believe and pass along anything so long as it feeds the momentary, degenerate need. How we react to it is irrelevant.
The falsity of it is even less relevant. It feeds the poor thing a brief endorphine spike that gets him to the next shot of cheap Bourbon and the evening’s sweet oblivion.
@ 61
You don’t even see how this proves that National Guard was called up earlier?
I do, actually. When Mayor Frey asked for the Guard to be called up, Walz blew him off for a day,
and then called up a wholly inadequate number. So few that the next night, Thursday, there were only 90 National Guard in Minneapolis.
It took another two days for enough Guard members to show up and calm things down. First request Wednesday. Enough to quell the disturbance Saturday.
That’s two full days of looting, rioting, and arson enabled by Cut and Run Walz.
I’d like to thank you, Hops, for the opportunity to expand and explain, in detail, just how weak Cut and Run Walz’ response to the crisis was.
Clearly you don’t need an excuse to put out your fantasy timelines.
Request made late in the evening. By morning the call up orders, by end of day first most deployable guardsmen are en route.
“Damn! It could have happened 4-5 hours faster if they really put the pedal to the Metal.” -Partisan Hacks
Dear Mr. Taibi,
To safeguard sensitive national security measures, TSA does not confirm or deny whether any individual has matched to a risk-based rule.
[Deleted. Excessively Copied Material and no value added analysis]
An excuse?
What’s that got to do with the degenerate troll’s compelling need for the feeeeels?
Again, our responses are irrelevant. And I think it probably makes the most sense to limit those responses to mockery. A lonely child who shares with you in confidence about their secret, invisible playmate can be sympathized with and even humored harmlessly. But the only sensible way to respond to these idiotic fantasies that now control MAGA-tards like our Village Idiot is to ridicule them and throw the idiocy right back in their faces. It won’t, it can’t serve to deprive the degenerate of the momentary rush. The only thing that can ever do that would be to ban him from the comment threads – and that explains why he’s both so incredibly obsequious to Darryl’s authority over him, and so incredibly defensive and wounded whenever he’s been given a timeout.
Why should we continue to fund Arts and Humanities degrees?
Because conservatives and Evangelicals are stupid and reactionary and someone needs to know things and be smart.
The incredibly famous work is in the Louvre and among other things is the inspiration for Rolls Royce’s hood ornament. It’s also the French being French and thumbing their nose at the Greeks at the Olympics as Greece has been demanding the works’ return.
But the blue check twitter guy thinks it’s satanic because why else would anyone chop off the head of an angel?
The only way to fight against stupidity is a bunch of smart people laughing when ignorance rears its head.
I graduated from Ohio State with humanities degrees in philosophy and poly sci.
It does not appear to have helped. 🛋️💖
@72. Why didn’t Governor Walz go back in time to summon the guard there four days before the event happened? Why didn’t he? Huh? Huh?
You know, what I want to know is why didn’t Governor Walz summon the guard to go rampaging through Minnetonka on a house to house clearing operation looking for hidden mifepristone, some Somalis to slaughter and for nice, plush sofas? 🛋️
A frat boi (like kreepshit) wet dream:
Jamie Donna Bowman… klownservatic..
“Governor Walz, why did you not inflame the situation by ordering the Minnesota National Guard to shoot some inner city folks or at the very least administer some beat downs?” – Whiny Conservatives in Grant Falls, MN
This. This right here. This seat. This was where the 14 year old gave me the best head of my life.
Who wouldn’t want to vote for an old romantic like that?
I wonder if he’s gotten Ivanka to sit in that seat?
Texas goes blue:
While the candidate continues to remain in hiding, the campaign has responded to the media inquiries by lying. When asked about the history of the aircraft they responded at first by claiming that the aircraft was randomly supplied by a vendor with no prior notification about it’s sordid history being used extensively in the operation of international child sex crimes involving a former close associate of the candidate.
Following up reporters asked about the custom livery matching the rest of Trump’s fleet and gigantic TRUMP 2024 logos appearing all over the “chartered” aircraft on the ground in Bozeman and appearing very clearly in all the publicity photos.
There was no further comment from the campaign.
Any pregnancy is a precious, precious human life that was created by God and is part of His divine plan.
The taking of any human life is murder. Doctors who refuse to commit murder should be praised and celebrated, not sued.
That’s just the way it is. God plans it. We enforce it.
Praise Jesus!
The legislation is working as planned.If a black or brown or liberal or poor needs an abortion it will of course be denied, because the hospital staff will go to jail. If a powerful Republican needs an abortion, that will be granted and there will be no prosecution. This is just a taste of what it’s going to be like under project 2025 when every bureaucrat is a party appointee.
If a powerful Republican needs an abortion,
Republican or not, people with money who are not dependent on local providers can simply travel.
And if MAGA is elected to implement their Project 2025 plans then it’s going to work out that only white Christian Nationalists loyal to the regime will have money.
@ 74
Request made late in the evening. By morning the call up orders…
This is provably false. The request was made at 6:23 p.m. Wednesday evening. This might be late for an 81 year-old senile president but not for a state governor in the same time zone, who knew full well that Minneapolis was in crisis. “Late in the evening” is a bullshit lie.
The call-up order was not issued until 2:30 p.m. the next day. It was in the morning that Cut and Run Walz was still trying to minimize the usefulness of the Guard by referring to them as a bunch of “19 year-old cooks”.
Governor Cut and Run Walz sat on it for more than 20 hours, while knowing that Minneapolis was rioting and burning.
Re-read @ 72 and the associated link. Cut and Run Walz hesitated in a crisis and no amount of lying on your part changes that.
CBS News when Trump calls for tax-free tip income.
CBS News when Boxcheck Momala calls for tax-free tip income.
Neither says how they’ll pay for it. Spoiler: Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids will foot the bill. Hey, they need to cough up. Neither of them can afford to tip because neither of them can afford to go out to dinner.
@90. He lies, slurs and tells half truths about everything.
Now he throws out numbers and more slurs and demands us to take him at his word, cause this time, it’s for real? This time, he’s telling the truth?
Fun Fact: You know who started taxing tips? Republican Ronald Reagan.
We’re 6 days into the Cut and Run Walz pick, at least five days into the stolen valor claim, and NPR’s All Things Considered is still talking about it, and isn’t giving him a pass. Instead NPR referenced John Kerry.
Way too many times Walz mentioned a rank that was stripped from him.
And NPR mentioned that he knew his unit would be called up to deploy to a combat zone.
This isn’t going away.
@ 92
Now he throws out numbers…
And a link to a USA Today piece that validates them. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you forgot that part. One wonders whether you can read and, if so, at what grade level.
More Fun Facts:
Republican Ronald Reagan also started taxing scholarships & fellowships for students & faculty…
While dropping taxes for the wealthiest.
And cutting social security student benefits to kids when their parents died.
Every statement posted from the account belonging to “Vicious Troll” in the last seven days has been probably false. That is why the account received a suspension.
Something seems off.
It’s an article by a reporter who’s other stories are the decline Minnesota muskrats and an unauthorized drainage ditch, and the other reporter who’s most recent articles were about college aid.
Why the paper didn’t have any political reporters ?
In 2014, the Star Tribune was acquired by billionaire Glen Taylor, a former Republican state senator, said that the Star Tribune would be less liberal under his ownership. He remains a large donor to Republican candidates.
That explains why it’s such a hit piece.
The account belonging to “Vicious Troll” lied on four hundred and forty seven prior occasions in the current election cycle about lies it made up “not going away”.
They have all gone away.
Governor Jesse Ventura has joined Republicans for Harris/Walz – as an honorary Republican.
This isn’t going away.
NYT and USA Today have now picked up on reporting 78-year-old convicted felon Donald Trump’s flagrant use of the Lolita Express for his campaign travels.
This isn’t going away.
@36 “…establishing administrative control over the civilian population” who probably would rather be Ukrainians than Russians, so this should be pretty easy to do. These days nobody wants to be a Russian.
@37 “This guy cheats on everything and republicans love him for it?”
Republicans don’t like taxes, so of course they admire tax cheaters. That’s why they oppose funding IRS audits. They know some of them would go to prison.
Elmo’s live Sxitter interview with the 78-year-old convicted felon was 40 minutes late getting started and most users attempting to access the stream reported site crashes and timeouts.
A cleaning crew could be seen rushing to Trump’s private quarters in his Florida sex club carrying mops, buckets, and Oxy Clean.
@ 98
Something seems off.
It’s an article by a reporter…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it’s not an article and it’s not by a reporter.
It’s a tweet with a brief video by the current mayor of Minneapolis. Nothing more than that.
Someday you might grow the fuck up. Doubtful, but possible. Until then you remain an embarrassment to homosexuals everywhere.
@38 “lawsuits come with discovery”
Discovery isn’t unlimited, Amateur Legal Eagle. But in this case, one upskirt photo would suffice.
Newest Ipsos has Harris/Walz over Rapist/Sofa by at least two points in seven swings including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
This is within the MOE. And given structural features in the EC ought to be seen as a tie.
But it more than demonstrates how much movement can be accomplished in a very short period of time. There’s more than enough time remaining to nail this down and serve up the House and Senate in the process.
Register Democrats.
Save the World.
Make Trump explode.
@39 Walz is one of Trump’s “suckers and losers.” Trump doesn’t get what was in it for him. Having his service dissed and denigrated by Trump’s Republican buddies, that’s what. Walz would’ve been better off if he’d never served. After all, you can’t attack Trump for not extending.
Maybe we should attack Vance for not extending. After all, the minute his enlistment expired, he was gone. A couple months later he was going to college on the G.I. Bill; that’s what was in it for him.
As far as I’m concerned, they’re both veterans, and one veteran is as good as another veteran, except maybe the career guys deserve a little extra respect for putting up with military demands and hardships much longer than the rest of us did.
@44 “Walz was given a promotion to Command Sergeant Major, which he in fact did not earn and from which he was demoted.”
You know nothing about the military. Promotions are based on needs of the service. Always. He was a command sergeant major because they needed a CSM. He wore the rank, had the duties, and that made him a CSM, not whether he finished CSM school.
When I volunteered for the Army Reserve after Vietnam, I knew a guy who went to Vietnam as a private, was thrown into intense combat, and very soon was a captain commanding the remains of his company. He didn’t go to West Point, ROTC, or OCS. He was field-commissioned an officer based on the needs of the service, which at that time and place were immediate and acute. The Army can do that. No law says it can’t. Only a
REMFnever-served like you imagines otherwise.More Shady drag queen pics.
It’s okay with me that Shady gets off being s drag queen, but that he not want to allow anyone else to be a drag queen? That is …weird.
Same with the dumbfuck, I have no problem with the drag queen thing he does out in his barn. But like Shady, also doesn’t want anyone else to be a drag queen. And that’s weird, but being assfucked by the horse while he does it? That is very weird.
I can’t help but think of Steve and his woeful threats of violence.
Steve was no less cowardly.
@ 111
Cowardice wrapped in threats of violence against others is what liberals do best.
It seems that Darryl is beginning to be bothered by this.
Democrats – Harris won!
Republicans – Trump won!
Elon should not have fired all his skilled people.
Another preview of what it’s going be like under Project 2025 if they get into power.
Vote Blue
Why didn’t the elderly criminal in mental decline uses his dentures during the interview? Seems weird.
“The FBI and other investigators probing the apparent hack-and-leak of Trump campaign documents, which Donald Trump has blamed on Iran, suspect that the hackers were able to compromise the personal email account of longtime Republican and Trump operative Roger Stone, multiple sources familiar with the matter told CNN.”
He probably clicked on a “Naked ladies of Tehran” link …
@111 He belongs in jail. Now do Republican election deniers who threaten to shoot, bomb, hang, and “cival war” us if they don’t get their way. In a normal world that usually would bring a massive law enforcement response.
@112 PUH-leeze. Your tribe holds the patent on political violence.
@114 “Elon should not have fired all his skilled people.”
Yes, he should have. He did them a favor. They deserve a better boss than him.
@45 Oh look, a civilian is calling a veteran a “coward.” Have you ever met “Mean Jean” Schmidt? You two are soulmates.
The winner is announced in November.
It won’t be you.
@47 “Anna Hedberg” is a board member of a Trump-supporting police union, and while she’s spewing GOP talking points, the New York Times is debunking her claims:
What is “third hand”? Hearsay upon hearsay. Who was that officer? Anna Hedberg. The governor’s office called bullshit on her claims, too:
This is someone who, if she testified like that in court, would be put on a Brady list. Four pinocchios for this one.
Another one of Doctor Dumbfuck’s “sources.”
@51 “Why wasn’t that plane demolished like they did with the Sandy Hook school after a crime was committed inside it?”
No Republican will demolish his personal Gulfstream merely because it had been used to commit crimes against children. He might demolish it through poor maintenance or sloppy piloting, but that would be an accident. Besides, he’s probably busy demolishing public education.
was no less cowardly.
Disappointing. The kreepshit we’ve all known would wish something nasty on the student’s ass before bleating about cowardice.
@63 I think the idea behind “Black Lives Matter” — that black lives matter, and white cops shouldn’t be given license to strangle or shoot black people whenever they please — is a fine idea. Right up there with black voting rights and ending segregation. That doesn’t make me a “communist.” Nor do I understand why you have a problem with it. Maybe that makes you a racist?
@70 Look like HA’s resident Amateur Legal Beagle needs training in FAIR USE. Maybe this would help. We could take up a collection to send it to him.
TSA doesn’t normally explain why someone is on a watch list. Maybe she’s been ID’d as a Russian asset.
I keep seeing stories about this guy with a loud car in Seattle. This guy obviously has mental issues that should be addressed.
I think TSA should explain why Tulsi and her husband were put on the watch list. They weren’t on it before. Something happened on July 26 that got them put on it. Conservatives claim it’s political retaliation; that can’t go unanswered. If it is, TSA needs to stop it; if it isn’t, those claims need to be debunked. Because she’s a controversial political figure, the public deserves to know how this came about. It’s not necessary to release the name of the gate agent she kicked in the nuts when her flight was delayed if that’s what this is all about. If she didn’t do that, then TSA should tell us that.
So Walz sat on the order until 2:30pm to call up the guard. And yet they were deployed and on the streets that very afternoon.
Cool story bro.
@126 Wrong. The guy’s not mental, he does it for money. His street racing antics have earned him nearly $1 million from social media. But right now he’s in jail on a DV warrant, a judge has banned the car from public streets, and he owes the city $86,000 in fines.
House GOP arsonists have inserted a poison pill in the continuing resolution to keep the government open after September 30. If I didn’t read this with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe Republicans are stupid enough to shut down the government right before the election. Democrats should gleefully accept this gift.
In other news,
Sounds like election fraud to me.
What’s not going away is the 78year old doing friendly interviews:
Drinking or Stroke?
The more likely scenario is a single unnamed source claims she’s on the list and the more fringy media is treating it as fact and an attention whore is pretending this thing she didn’t even know about until this morning was stressing her out because she could ‘feel’ the watchful eyes of air marshals on flights with her family.
But it’s probably bullshit.
Climate change? What climate change? If cities are getting hotter, it’s because more people are exhaling 98.6° air. (sarcasm)
@132 He doesn’t drink, but it’s not necessarily a stroke, it could be dementia or some other form of terminal brain rot. Maybe he has dry rot between his ears.
@133 Hmm. Quiet skies is a real thing. See TSA fact sheet here. But I have some questions.
1. How would someone know they’re on the list?
2. If she’s under heavy enough surveillance that she’d notice, wouldn’t other passengers and people in the airport also notice?
3. So, has anyone else witnessed what she thinks she’s seen?
4. If, on every flight Gabbard boards, there are “two K-9 explosive detection teams, one TSA specialist, one plainclothes TSA supervisor, and three federal air marshals,” as stated here, wouldn’t other passengers notice? And wouldn’t that take up a lot of seats that were already booked?
Lots of GOP legislators are demanding answers from TSA. If they say this whole thing is a fantasy, then what?
Back in his venture capitalist days, which weren’t so long ago. JD Vance was involved in a Kentucky startup indoor agriculture business. The company went public in 2021 and bankrupt in 2023.
Working there was a nightmare. Temperatures in the greenhouses commonly reached triple digits. Workers complained of a lack of water breaks and inadequate safety gear. Some were carted off in ambulances.
“Despite promising local jobs, the company eventually began contracting migrant workers from Mexico, Guatemala and other countries” — who were sequestered out of sight when politicians like Mitch McConnell toured the facility.
“On the campaign trail this summer, Vance has promoted an agenda of economic prosperity. During his speech at the Republican National Convention, he talked about his personal record of starting businesses ‘to create jobs in the kinds of places that I grew up in’ and what he called the need to ‘stand up for’ American businesses.” Former employees of this company say that’s bullshit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We have not one, but two, miserable failures topping the GOP ticket.
Roger, what is your evidence that serial fabricator and weird cult member Tulsi Gabbard is on any list?
The only proof anyone has that someone doesn’t drink is their claim. Because someone doesn’t appear to drink doesn’t mean they don’t knock back a shot or two in private.
‘I don’t drink’ to some means ‘day to day no but I’ll have a couple at the ballpark.’’
Arizona goes blue, two items.
They got roughly 200k more signatures than needed? Man this Dobbs thing is really unpopular.
And nothing like a late summer reminder that ONE party is willing to break the law to steal elections.
1. They would not. They could not. The Patriot Act provisions that authorize creation of TSA programs for enhanced security screening of U.S. domestic air passengers are exempted from public disclosure laws.
2. She’s a weird, paranoid, and very entitled cult member who flies a lot and who like everyone else has faced delays recently at overcrowded airports. Being entitled she arrives late and then gets upset when TSA agents don’t disregard security to accommodate her entitlement. Again, as an entitled Karen, she issues threats and paranoid claims to justify her entitlement. It’s entirely in her head.
3. No.
4. The Hill sources Taibi. Taibi sources Gabbard. Gabbard as we all know is a liar.
This is not complicated.
The real question ought to be why did you believe any of it?
Hitler didn’t drink.
Arizona’s abortion access ballot measure is now certified for the November general election ballot.
The Arizona secretary of state’s office said Monday that it had certified 577,971 signatures — far above the required number that the coalition supporting the ballot measure had to submit in order to put the question before voters.
The coalition, Arizona for Abortion Access, said it is the most signatures validated for a citizens initiative in state history.
In Missouri later today the Secret of State will certify petition signatures placing abortion access on the ballot there in November as well.
150,000 excess voter signatures collected by the deadline.
Politico, The Washington Post, and The New York Times all three received compromising leaked campaign information accessed by hackers using Roger Stone’s unsecured personal emails.
All three chose to keep the compromising information secret from their readers to protect Stone and the campaign.
That is so weird.
The Project 2025 training videos currently going viral are both alarming and very weird.
Some are certainly more revealing and alarming than others. Many discuss ways of using political appointments to defy the law or get around public oversight, Congress, and the courts to implement an authoritarian agenda.
The dumbfuck doesn’t want to talk about the 2nd Shady drag queen photo.
Quite understandable. It’s so…weird.
@137 I’m not surprised that Republican Capitolist JayDee turn to illegals to do the work that Americans won’t do for a living wage and safe working conditions. But it was Kentucky, a former slave state, maybe JayDee didn’t know if your business plan won’t pencil without slaves, it’s not a good plan. Yale probably assumed people knew that.
Both JayDee and the mentally failing elderly convicted criminal hired illegals because they didn’t want to pay Americans a living wage. I see a pattern.
Project 2025 is going to make it so much worse.
Wonder why people vote for these losers?
OK, he’s a potentially well-off crazy bastard. In any event, he will not have a successful and happy existence. Prison and mental illness will be his fate.
Holy Moly!
He looks very sexy there. And he looks like he’s really into it, and finding himself, dreamy.
Willie Brown laughed for half a minute when asked if he was even in a helicopter with the elderly convicted felon in obvious cognitive decline.
“Ha ha (half a minute) ha ha. No. “
Are we going to not address the fact that Trump is hallucinating that he was in a helicopter crash with Willie brown? He’s threatening to sue. He’s delusional and is demanding that everyone pretended happened.
@156 the guy is way way way beyond deplorable.
I could be wrong but I finally think that the rats are jumping ship.
Eight years ago we refused to address the fact that the Republican nominee admitted to having bragged to a bus load of complete strangers about getting away with rape.
Nothing has changed.
The media gaslighting is very real, and much worse than ever.
They are more likely to investigate Governor Tim Walz’s pleading guilty to DUI in Nebraska 30 years ago than the 78-year-old Republican nominee being found guilty of 34 major felonies by a jury three months ago.
It’s up to us to always seek out and steer towards the truth, and not get distracted by bullshit like Roger’s TSA nonsense.
I don’t think he’s getting the union vote in the Michigan.
For the record, I actually preferred amphetamines as my drugs of choice. The History Channel did a program about me and my drug use.
I liked to “grind my teeth and feel better!”
Trump’s declaration last night that in the event that he loses the election in November he will flee the jurisdiction to a non-extradition countty should be grounds for Judge Merchan to at a minimum seize his passport and increase his release bond.
Bragg should file a motion immediately.
The entire balance of the Xitter platform was fully operating with no bandwidth problems and no denial of account access throughout the free campaign advertisement that Elmo arranged last night.
The only part of Xitter suffering any technical issues during the stream were the streaming platform servers.
When Elmo says the platform was targeted by hackers he is lying again.
Only the streaming platform crashed.
Because it’s shit.
And it’s shit because Elmo is an emotionally crippled nepo-baby who fired all the engineers.
Florida isn’t in play yet, but it’s getting there.
@138 “Roger, what is your evidence that serial fabricator and weird cult member Tulsi Gabbard is on any list?”
That’s a very good question. Answer: Because she’s the sort of person who gets put on watch lists, and all the squealing transforms it from a latent suspicion to an overt assumption.
A wise, thoughtful Democrat can make better use of their time than to elevate and promote the paranoid ravings of serial liars and poseurs like Gabbard or Taibi.
Happiness means what WE SAY!
@165 Tell that to the media, not me. I’m not elevating it, the media is, including to so-called “liberal” media. I wouldn’t notice if it wasn’t so widely reported.
@166 “Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.”
Apparently “ought” includes making money from polluting industries free of regulation.
@161 How does Trump’s expressed interest in obtaining legal asylum in Venezuela not compromise his ability to conduct foreign policy involving that adversarial state?
If he’s elected president again, I think it’s reasonable to presume his policy toward Venezuela and Maduro will be colored by his desire to keep his personal asylum options open.
In particular, he may be tempted to offer Madura’s illegitimate government recognition, support, and lifting of sanctions in exchange for a promise of asylum should he need it.
This beyond his natural sympathy for authoritarians who steal elections, which he himself readily relates to.
GOP Senate candidate is suing TV stations for running a Democratic PAC ad accusing him of sheltering his wealth from taxes. Good. That exposes his financial dealings to discovery.
I have a feeling these lawsuits will be dropped before the discovery phase.
Elon’s judge-shopping blows up when shopped judge recuses himself.
@165 What makes you think I have better things to do with my time? After all, I’m spending it here on HA. My time is as worthless as Doctor Dumbfuck’s time, who also camps on HA.
Which media?
Other than Taibi, I’ve seen Gabbard’s paranoid rant repeated in only three or four places, and always in the context of a news bot algorithm auto repeating Taibi with zero independent journalism.
If you intend to blame the source then name the source. What is your media source?
If that’s going to be your ultimate response, that you intend to spend your time here, like the Village Idiot, routinely passing along right-wing nut-o-sphere bullshit for lulz, then you can expect to see it beaten down just like this Gabbard bullshit.
She made it up. Taibi reported it in a fucking substack. A few bots and one or two Sinclair stations published it to their webpages.
And you fell for it.
There is no TSA list that Gabbard could reference. There is no evidence. There is no corroboration. She’s nuts.
She’s hungry for attention. And she’s part of an attention economy that preys on fools, dipshits, and bots.
Which one are you?
“but what we ought. “. Wanna bet that means you ought not be LGBTQ or Buddhist or liberal or unmarried?
The elderly criminal in mental decline lied about Plagiarism Script generated images of Vice President Harris’s crowds when the crowds were real, when HE promoted a Plagiarism Script generated image back in January 25, 2024 with too much soft focus, overly-cinematic lighting, and an anatomically incorrect number of digits. Praying. In a Church. A dead give way right there of a fake image.
It’s weird how much he lies.
@173 I used Hawaii news sources (2 TV stations and a newspaper) reposted by Yahoo News and MSN) and The Hill. Of course, you’d also find it on Fox and the usual rightwing suspects, but I give such sources no credence. The story seems to have originated with a Canadian investigative journalism blog of indeterminate political bias or reputability.
@174 “There is no TSA list that Gabbard could reference.”
She referenced TSA’s “Quiet Skies” program. This is how TSA describes it:
Conde Nast did an article on “Quiet Skies” several years ago:
The fact the program she referenced exists doesn’t prove she’s on a list, but her extensive foreign travel and contacts would make her a candidate for observation. If you ask me, she should be under observation.
@176 A Republican is someone who believes Trump’s fake crowds are real and Harris’s real crowds are fake.