This is a fun story about the Miller Seed Vault at the University of Washington. I didn’t know it was a thing, but I am glad that it exists. These types of projects are vital. And we (understandably!) don’t spend as much time on things going right as them going wrong.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
Republicans and too many boomers burn the trees and the seeds and salt the earth, since if they don’t get the shade, nobody gets any.
The DJIA is killing it today.
Thank God for Joe Biden! Work that magic!
God bless President Biden!
@ 1
300 trees planted with my own two hands, and with my wife’s two hands, on our property since purchase. That’s in addition to the 2,800 little guys planted by order of the DNR while we were in escrow.
So much growth that in a couple of years we’re gonna have to begin thinning them out.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron never disappoints.
I dunno. Sumthin’ tells me Chinese military hardware will function better than Russian military hardware.
First Vegetable Joe Biden wants to put the Chinese military to the test.
Why is the GOP escalating attacks on trans rights? Experts say the goal is to make sure evangelicals vote
“They have an interest in keeping the base riled up about one thing or another, and when one issue fades, as with same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, they’ve got to find something else,” Balmer said. “It’s almost frantic.”
>> This is how fascism works. They focus on one group, then move to another, then another. Fascists have to continually direct their energy to an “other” group because the only core part of their philosophy is that they aren’t an “other”
>> This is so sad.
“Colby [who has a grown trans child] still supports candidates who pushed anti-LGBTQ+ bills this year. He likes their economic policies, he said. ”
>> Sure I’m voting for republican candidates that vilify my trans child, but think of the money we could make.
Republicans are Forced Birthers.
Democrats are Pro Life.
Someone here will have a sad.
‘Lies and hatred’: Top Russian diplomat resigns – accuses Putin of attacking Ukraine ‘to remain in power forever’
That certain someone loves him some Putin and really loves the idea of a fascist “strong man” like Putin ruling America, remaining in power forever. His latest choice for that is Florida’s midget-MAGA wanna-be dictator.
@3. You do not understand that @1 is a metaphor? It is NOT just talking about actual trees.
300 trees planted with my own two hands
I’m surprised that someone with such a bloated ego thinks he’s wonderful.
He is probably lying.
Joe Biden wants to put the Chinese military to the test.
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
At least he didn’t send love letters and keep the return love letters to treasure.
Trump Busted for Hoarding Kim Jong-un ‘Love Letters’ at Mar-a-Lago
Re-elect Cuellar or watch the seat flip red. Pick one.
Will Texas pick a progressive or anti-abortion Democrat in heated runoff?
Pramila Jayapal picked seat-flip.
@ 10
Trump Busted for Hoarding Kim Jong-un ‘Love Letters’ at Mar-a-Lago
China and DPRK are two separate nations,
YLBSteve.I forgot to mention in the last thread that there’s a FB page with over 100.000 members which would be the perfect place to share the stories of Shira and Rachel on each of their birthdays this summer. As I wrote yesterday, it’s all about the girl’s legacies of hope and courage, hoping to help them to endure.
I’m also writing to the American Diabetes Association to request that they acknowledge Shira and her legacy on their own FB page on her birthday. I’ll also write to the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, which had previously acknowledged Shira eight years ago on their FB page, to ask them to do it again on her birthday this year.
I realized that, rather than just watching their legacies fade, a small effort on my part might actually help them to endure a little longer. So far, so good.
China and DPRK are two separate nations
No shit? Way to miss my drift. Stupid much? Apparently so.
Doctor Dumbfuck for President.
That would be a good laugh!
He wouldn’t do any real work, he would just have daily press conferences and blame every previous POTUS that was a Democrat for everything that is wrong in his eyes.
When that wears thin, he would move on to non-whites and non-hetero, but he would save females for his most vitriolic hatred.
Good grief.
‘Why didn’t Trump stop it?’ GOP voters stumped when questioned on claims that Antifa was behind Jan. 6
Don’t they know? It was a dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
Girl fight!
Kellyanne Conway blasted by Trump spokeswoman for ‘totally false’ claim in new book
God bless Raw Story, a news aggregator website that causes dumbfuck fascist’s heads to explode.
I have to admit that I had no idea what a YIMBY might be.
California official faces furious backlash after comparing ‘YIMBYs’ to Nazis
Oh, I get it. Pro-housing advocates are Nazis! And here I thought it was the GQP that had embraced fascism.
I can understand why they’d want to do that.
Texas GOP lawmakers ask Supreme Court for emergency shield from disclosing redistricting map ‘motives’
What do you think the supreme court wing of the federalist society will do? Shield probably.
Peter Zeihan on the retiring boomers and inflation:
“The Baby Boomers, the generation that matters the most, are the largest generation we’ve ever had. And they are doing what everyone at their age group does. They are retiring. So we’re losing our single largest worker cadre. At the same time we’re losing our single largest skilled cadre. I don’t want to talk you out of being concerned about inflation. Monetary inflation is an issue. War disruptions are an issue. Supply chain disruptions are an issue. That’s all true, but they all combined pale compared to what’s happening in the American labor market right now because the boomers are leaving and they are never coming back.”
hmmmm.. but just blame it on joe.. or kamala.. or hillary… or bill clinton.. easier for some dipshits.
@ 13
I’m also writing to the American Diabetes Association to request that they acknowledge Shira and her legacy on their own FB page on her birthday. I’ll also write to the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, which had previously acknowledged Shira eight years ago on their FB page, to ask them to do it again on her birthday this year.
Steve, you might have more success if you include in your correspondence that, should they not comply with your reasonable requests, you will visit their places of business with your .45 handgun and do some serious damage.
Just a thought. Tryin’ to help you, amigo.
Wrong: Bragging that you grabbed hangers-on by the pussy, back in 2005.
Totes cool, ’cause ya never know when a black dude is a threat in 2013:
Fetterman justifies — but does not apologize for — chasing down and brandishing shotgun at Black jogger while Braddock mayor
Chasing down a black dude and pointing a shotgun at him is the right thing, if you’re big and white and a liberal.
I’ve been reading up on Fetterman. #BLM was so 2020.
Zeihan predicts China will dissolve as a nation within this decade due to demographic collapse. It’s dependence on foreign oil, mostly from the gulf states is like 80 percent. It may fragment into multiple states or the shit could get really weird – like North Korea style. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.
The result is the great ONSHORING… the return of manufacturing to the U.S. This guy saw it coming back in 2016.. Highlights:
Then, almost imperceptibly at first, the trend started to reverse. Decades of 20% a year wage increases took the cost of a skilled Chinese worker from $300 a year to $25,000…
A minor strike by the Longshoreman’s Union at the Port of Oakland in California brought the distribution channel to a grinding halt. Business plans that looked great on an Excel spreadsheet turned out to be not so hot in practice…
It gets worse.
When Chinese workers walked across the street to collect bigger pay packages, they often took blue prints, business plans, and proprietary software with them.
Six months later, a local competitor would show up with a similar, although inferior, product at half the cost. Suddenly, globalization was not all it was cracked up to be….
The energy picture is undercutting the arithmetic that used to justify offshoring. Oil prices that once levitated near $100 a barrel were up 400% in 14 years, elevating the cost of production in Asia and shipments to the US.
In the US, the fracking boom has let loose a gusher of cheap oil. It has also freed up a few centuries worth of low carbon-burning natural gas, giving American manufacturers a further cost advantage.
Zeihan claims the labor shortage is going to persist until the 2040’s. The zoomer generation ain’t gonna cut it. So bigots, drop your fucking racism and get a new manufacturing jerb.. Let people desperate to come here and work take at least some of the jobs you look down your nose at.
Steve, you might have more success
Think about this, fascist fuck face. Each of those little girls achieved more in their brief lives than you will ever achieve in your entire pathetic, money-grubbing career and life.
I’ve achieved a lot more than you as well, not just in my career, but also in life. To compare my achievements to yours would be like comparing a shiny silver dollar to a dull fucking nickel.
Sucks for you, doesn’t it?
America’s future:
a giant horde of retired, bigoted boomers barcalounged in front of Faux Snooze channel being fed “replacement theory” and shambling to the voting booths to vote in forced birthers, book burners and “make america white again”
American business needing workers to make executives and shareholders rich.
who’s gonna come out on top?
@ 22
Zeihan in the first minute of the video: “… the boomers are leaving and they are never coming back.”
When retirees can’t afford to maintain their standard of living because costs increase as part of Bidenflation, they either cut their standard of living, come back to work, or both.
Biden has made inflation worse and Biden will be punished for it in November, and in November 2024. Attempt all the misdirection you want, YLB. Doesn’t change the fact that the guy in charge has fucked this up, and bigly.
yawn @ 28.. until they gotta watch their grandchildren, or get too bad of a bad back, they get a kidney stone, or a tumor, stroke out, have their first heart attack…
their lungs are ravaged by COVID after swallowing always wrong wing lies..
maybe a #gunfail accident..
or maybe just need a part time low stress gig to make ends meet.. Like they’d pass the screening at Tesla.
Biden has made inflation worse
Not even one percent worse as best as you can argue… BIG YAWN…
Don’t you have any faith in your heroes, Manchin and Sinema?
The level of workers who retired then came back a year later is running around 3.2%, just about where it was before the pandemic.
Well then.. I guess Joe’s labor participation numbers are looking up now.. If only teh black guy could be so lucky.
If 3.2 percent of retiring boomers coming back to work means they spend less time watching Faux Snooze, NewsWhackjobs or ONAnism.. good thing in my book..
until at least they tire of all their black and brown co-workers. Then it’s back to teh boob toob.
Sucks for you, doesn’t it?
I only learned a couple of years ago from a retired GSA engineer that my middle finger is legend in every GSA office in the country for what I did to Honeywell to close a meeting with GSA’s “Very Important People” from Washington DC in attendance twenty years ago.
Holding my hand up, back side facing Honeywell, fingers and thumb spread apart, I said to Honeywell, “UL doesn’t test it here, here, here or here.”, while tapping fingers and thumb which I would then close to my palm, leaving only my middle finger extended. Then while tapping my middle finger, I continued, “For what you need to do, UL tests on-axis on all those points, five degrees apart, including on-axis, and what you’re using is only tested on-axis ( still tapping my middle finger), and this means that what you’re doing in the Seattle Federal Courthouse does not comply with UL listing requirements and it is a violation of our National Fire Code. All of the work you’ve done in the courthouse is rejected and shall be removed.”
Was that an achievement? Nah. It was just me doing my job, telling a huge American corporation to go fuck themselves, which they did. It was cool, though, to learn all these year later that my middle finger had become legend.
@27. An enjoyable irony that the racists want to get of democracy rather than share power and privilege with the liberals and minorities and corporate greed might then get rid of democracy even more to ignore the voters of forced birthers, book burners and “make america white again” to keep the rich, rich.
@ 32
When I was 10 I made this great catch in center field…
@34. Probably lying about the baseball catch as well.
When I was 10 I made this great catch in center field…
And it was all downhill since then, with you eventually becoming a stupid fucking radiologist because you were steered in that direction because of your utter lack of people skills. “We cannot allow this fucktard creep to be around patients, especially women.”
Quite understandable, as we all witness your continued slide into irrelevancy, worthlessness and soon, oblivion as a low IQ fascist traitor, not being worth anything but target practice, with you being the target.
Must suck for you to know that I’m a far better man than you, as is everybody else here at HA. I don’t believe I’m a better man than any of them, but I do believe we’re all better men than you.
Nothers ‘pon nothers ‘pon nothers ‘pon….
“The scale of the preventable loss of life is staggering. According to a recent analysis by Brown University, nearly 320,000 lives nationwide could have been saved if more people had chosen to get vaccinated. The Brown analysis also shows a partisan split in how those preventable deaths are distributed. States that went most heavily for Trump – including Wyoming and West Virginia – have among the highest rates of preventable deaths, while states that voted heavily for Biden – such as Massachusetts and Vermont – had among the lowest.”
There’s a name for these poor souls. A named coined by our degen troll:
“stupid drumpfers”
And according to the insane, inane, deranged babblings of teh kreepee, greedee degen troll of widbee…
this tragedy of ignorance and mass delusion can only be..
for my kids…
heh.. that’s a gimee.. it remains to be seen if this will impact November of 2022 and 2024..
Anyone see anything “wrong” with this?
If Bob planted 300 trees then I’m sure they were little tiny new growth trees. Probably not much effort involved.
The FuckHump and Q were busy fighting the basement Pizza man that day.
@3 Who would’ve dreamed you’re a conservationist?
@4 Look who’s upset because Biden stated clearly and succinctly that he won’t hand Taiwan over to the brutal and genocidal communist dictators in Beijing without a fight.
@12 So are the United States and Texass. They even have separate electricity grids and definitions of free speech.
@18 That’s not the only Kellyanne Conway story in the news today. As I said here, the Conways need the kind of marriage counseling where he sits in the waiting room reading a magazine while the shrink tries to figure out what’s wrong with the wife who works for a madman.
@22 So is he blaming boomers for retiring? I’d give Doctor Dumbfuck credit for getting out early. That probably saved lives.
If Bob planted 300 trees then I’m sure they were little tiny new growth trees. Probably not much effort involved.
That’s my take on it. When I last bought some trees, I had to invite five friends to come over the the house to help me get them into the holes I’d dug behind the pond in the back. Twenty years later one of the firs is 60′ tall and another 40′. The Alaska cedars I bought grew big, but not tall like the firs.
But I’ll concede that the dumbfuck is for sure a manly-man for having planted 300 tiny little trees.
@25 Here’s why they don’t want to work in factories anymore:
They can’t get away with being bigots on the company email system anymore.
Look who’s upset because Biden stated clearly and succinctly that he won’t hand Taiwan over to the brutal and genocidal communist dictators in Beijing without a fight.
Would that same guy who roots for Putin?
@27 Only a third of us boomers are like that. Another third are like me, more or less. The rest are dead.
@28 Bidenflation, that’s a good one. How did he cause inflation? By reappointing Powell? And who put Powell in the Fed chair’s seat in the first place?
Milton Friedman once said that inflation “is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” or words to that effect. Biden is not, and never has been, a member of the Fed board or FOMC.
@34 Which made you a legend in your own mind.
@35 No, he probably did have a ball fall into his glove after bouncing off his forehead and knocking him out cold.
The low IQ traitor’s raging orange man-baby calls for civil war.
Talk is cheap. Bring it on.
The dining room at Grampa’s favorite DQ is permanently closed because somewhere a retired “Boomer” took a part time job for the summer at the Lowe’s garden center?
For most CEOs it’s a classic “chicken versus egg” conundrum:
Is it the white supremacy that drives PAC funding for a top Republican lawmaker?
Or does an avalanche of PAC funding make a leading Republican lawmaker lean into her natural white supremacy?
Whatever the answer is, so far we know one thing for sure:
It’s “uncivil” and “divisive” to ask the question out loud.
@32 haha! That’s a great story Steve.
Now we know why Cuomosexual G-clown called Puddy a big ape.
CDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community
Gettin’ a little tired of providing special consideration for guys who think that fewer than seven cocks up their ass on an average Saturday night is a wasted evening.
Monogamy – give it a shot, HA homosexuals. Although admittedly the problem for G-clown is finding someone who can stand to be anywhere near him after blowing his load.
Dumbfuck is more concerned about inflation than the dysfunctional governing of the greatest democracy in the world. The dude is a warped Neanderthal.
The doctor didn’t tell all of the story. After planting 300 tiny little trees, he brought his horse out from the barn to show him what he’d done. The horse took one look, kicked him in the head and whinnied, “Dumbfuck! I said ALFALFA!”
Here’s your proof the election was stolen:
“Friends, consider the following. Trump, on May 28th, 2020, 80.3 million Twitter followers while being actively censored. Joe has 34.3 million followers today, half of which are fake. So the person who has roughly one-fifth the amount of followers of Trump, a guy who couldn’t pull 200 people into a rally, got 80 million votes [and] was the most popular president in American history? No one, not even the Democrats, believe this crap.” — Eric Trump
Kinda speaks for itself, doesn’t it? And as Farron Cousins points out, Trump’s 80.3 million followers included Democrats, foreigners, and bots. Watch the video to hear what Cousins says about Ashton Kutcher.
@59 lol! 😂 😂
We all know Bob has no brain, especially in math. It is evident by the notion that he thinks 7 human cocks is greater than 1 horse cock.
Bob’s equivalent to BBC is BBHC
Bob has a uncommonly vivid and detailed imagination when it comes to gay sex. Probably on the gay spectrum and has a lot of self hate. Republicans project.
God Bless Ricky Gervais.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 63 has an uncommonly vivid and detailed imagination when it comes to the definition of a woman.
God Bless Ricky Gervais.
No decisive outcome regarding Trump’s control and dominance of the GOP. Some wins. Some defeats. Some decidedly Trumpy White Supremacists will advance as party nominees. And in a bunch of House districts they’ll skate to victory owing to the party’s gerrymandering efforts. But J. R. C. J. D. Vance may turn out to be the only significant Trump victory outside of the House. But what a victory, growing the Senate movement to quietly overturn Cocaine Mitch.
When the dust settles, with Trumpaloompas in charge of Republicans in the Senate, it’s pretty clear that Trump can win the 2024 nomination with the steady 1/3 of the primary voters that he already controls. That’s been his strategy all along. And it should work. Once he takes a commanding lead rolling up delegates, all the rest of the party will fall in line and support him, including each of his primary opponents.
Apparently Democrats responded to the new election laws in Georgia by, er, following them and still getting their people to the polls. Legally (this time, anyway).
When the abortion kerfluffle dies down and YLB’s finished pearl-clutching and panty-twisting, liberals will respond to the new laws governing abortion in the same way – following the laws and still accomplishing abortions.
The real problem in each of these cases is that Democrats lose an issue. The fewer issues Democrats have to distract from the fact that they aren’t governing well, the more apparent to voters it will be that Democrats aren’t governing well.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is way ahead of the game. He lost the function of his cock right around the new millenium.
God Bless Ricky Gervais.
@ 66
Your spew will have far less meaning by the end of this evening. How incredibly unaware you are.
Neither of Georgia’s general election candidates for Senate this year have any business being a US senator.
Stacey Abrams D-Lipid City would make a better senator than each of them.
Unfortunately for liberals, Abrams will go the way of Darcy Burner after November.
Heh.. kreepshit’s spews, cribbed from the latest horseshit circulating in teh wingnutosphere, only serve to illustrate what a boooorrriing drumpfist it has become…
orange dear leader is running and will only extend its lifelong losing streak.. as in bankruptcies.. insolvent golf clubs.. losing elections..
talk about “pearl clutching”…
Next thing ya all know kreepshit’s gonna have a..
“come” to jeebus moment…
we always knew that’s where you’d end up, widbee kreepah…
@ 72
YLB is creaming herself this morning over the upcoming evidence release of sexual improprieties by southern Baptist leaders.
One can’t help but wonder if she’s gonna be as interested when the FBI files and tapes covering the Martin Luther King surveillance are released.
And then there’s that vexing recording of a woman being gang-raped in a room while MLK was present.
One can’t help but wonder if YLB knows that MLK was a southern Baptist minister. HA’s dumbest twat knows so little about so much, after all.
YLB’s only sorry @ 72, 73 she wasn’t the woman.
From a MLK scholar and Professor of English at NCSU (link @ 74):
Don’t look at me. Chappelle has tried to warn y’all. There’s gonna be some serious blowback from what y’all have perpetrated these last few years. Weinstein was just a warning.
when bonzo was in its glory days, its schedule managed by nancy’s astrologer, kreepah’s pants were creamed daily..
straight through bonzo signing off on MLK day…
awww, now look at it.. from “vanilla cream” to “orange cream”.. yawwwn..
Heh.. that texass institutionalized rape scandal really triggered kreepshit this morn…
kreepshits of the world: you reap what you sow…
mission accomplished..
YLB’s grand observations of the HA trolls:
1) anyone to the left of dino 4-time lossi is a commie pinko green uniform wearing marxist leninist stalin, castro, mao soshulest who wants to take all surreal ‘murkan’s munee and guuuunnns…
2) the ha troll starts as garden variety bonzo lovin’ and “evolves” over the course of its trolling towards the ultimate always wrong wing philosopher: ted bundy.
@63 or bob is an asshole who will spew the most vile homophobic slurs just because it might “own us libs”.
The Supreme Court Just Said That Evidence of Innocence Is Not Enough
On Monday the supreme court wing of the Federalist Society gutted the precedent established by Martinez. by a 6-3 vote, they concurred: Barry Jones’ innocence is not enough to keep him off of death row. The state of Arizona can still kill Jones, even if there exists a preponderance of evidence that he committed no crime.
Republicans are just Forced Birthers
Democrats are Pro Life.
Election fraud found!
“The Michigan Bureau of Elections recommended disqualifying half of the candidates in the Republican primary for Michigan governor because of invalid signatures on their candidate petitions. The bureau … named 36 people who … ‘submitted fraudulent petition sheets consisting entirely of invalid signatures.’ … It added that the bureau would report the suspected fraud to the police. While invalid signatures on candidate petitions are hardly rare, the Michigan bureau said this was the first time it discovered wholesale fraud.”
We already know Michigan Republicans are a rotten bunch, so this comes as little surprise.
@82. Republicans didn’t think rules applied to them. If republicans followed the rules of democracy, not enough people agree with their ideas and they would lose. So the rules of democracy have to go.
@67 How many were taken down by SWAT teams and hauled away in armored police vans for possession of water bottles?
@67 ” … iberals will respond to the new laws governing abortion in the same way – following the laws and still accomplishing abortions.”
How do you accomplish abortions by following laws that prohibit abortions? I’m curious how the math works on that.
@70 Darcy Burner hugs rabbits. Yay for rabbit huggers!
@73 Still resent the hell out of the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed with Republican votes, eh? Why, I’ll bet your resentment encompasses Brown v. Board of Education, too. And even the 13th Amendment. It all goes back to your having to plant the 300 trees yourself, doesn’t it?
When your client is a total piece of shit, and his actions are utterly indefensible, you argue he has no brain and merely got caught up in the moment — because there’s nothing else to argue.
Make-work stimulus program for newly minted lawyers.
Now, whenever any expectant couple* experiences the tragic disappointment of miscarriage they’ll immediately find themselves Goggling AVVO to defend themselves against criminal charges and civil suits.
*Provided they are Black or Brown, of course.
Blue sky. Nothing but blue sky.
Not before I own that bitch!
Is Ricky Gervais a fucking Mexican? Did he come to this country barefoot holding a jalapeño pepper? That Ricky?
You can send money to G Comedy Club.
All proceeds will go to the Chihuahua Foundation.
Clarence Thomas finally got to do what he’s been itching for years to do: Write a majority opinion that says “tough luck” to innocents sentenced to death in sloppy state trials. States’ rights matter more than guilt or innocence. Therefore federal courts can’t interfere in Wild West Judge Roy Bean verdicts. I fail to see how this doesn’t gut federal due process rights. I write about this on today’s Handbill.US frontpage, with a link to a Vox article on the case.
A lot of innocence claims are bullshit. But not all are. Thomas and his cabal don’t care. They won’t give the time of day to any of them, no matter how bad the state trial was, and in complete disregard of impartial experts raising red flags about dicey convictions. How many death row inmates have been exonerated by Innocence Projects? Isn’t that number now in the hundreds? Thomas would execute them all. Whatever else he is, he’s not pro-life.
The Vox article is here:
The more you read about this, the more disgusting Thomas looks.
Everybody has a plan.
Then they get punched in the mouth.Then shit happens.
Republicans will come up with a new plan.
Having gotten punched in the mouth today, Texas Republican AG has a new plan.
MORE guns in your kid’s schools.
Paxton suggests arming students.
“Street Language”
That’s a plan too, I guess.
Heh.. Sometime back degen dipshit accused the FBI of conducting a “demonrat” masterminded klownspiratorial investigation of Henry Cuellar..
Uhhh. noo… they were investigating him for corruption..
When the DOJ was investigating and prosecuting Menendez of New Jersey that was ok.. After all an always wrong wing horseshit website popular w/ the always wrong wing kewl kids (always wrong wingers who aren’t YET limp and bald) said Menendez was shtupping under age sex trafficked girls… and taking illegal money from a close supporter.
Fantasies dashed… and Menendez is still serving..
but no problem for degen – it just goes on to the next sleazy fantasy, a bubble is blown in its pin head, it’s popped, on to the next, rinse, repeat..
This is how it’s life came to be and how it will go till “that certain day”…
“ELECTION INTEGRITY” is proving to be a real stumper for The Olds™ in Texas:
“It may surprise you to hear that in Texas, The Olds™ vote disproportionately Republican.”
Republicans bleat about crime, but can’t protect their own kids, thanks to their insane gun policies.
Armchair Abbott doing a terrible job policing the crazies in TexAss.
@ 85
How do you accomplish abortions by following laws that prohibit abortions? I’m curious how the math works on that.
By repurposing the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on abortion politics to creating transportation options enabling women to travel to where they aren’t prohibited.
It’s not math, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s working the problem. Once the decision drops and there’s no reason to further twist panties, this is what will happen.
In a world in which “Let’s Go Brandon” is prohibited, allow me to present the reasoned prose of a congressional Democrat:
I guess Ruben Gallego will be first to dust off the old “white Hispanic” description of the shooter.
Abbottt is too busy stopping rape so there’s no reason for any abortions in Texas to do anything about gun regulation
In the words of a @ 102 Democrat:
Baby Killer = representative of the people who opposes the killing of unborn children.
Why give up so easy, Republicans?
No absolute PROOF yet the shooter wasn’t trans.
You can trust “Xtians” to do the right thing when it comes to rape:
Xtians just “hug the rape away!”
@101 Now explain how that math works on this:
You are truly a dumbass if you think they’ll stop with red state bans.
P.S., they’re coming for birth control, too.
@102 “In a world in which ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ is prohibited”
What world is that?
@104 Cruz opposes anything that will get him elected by opposing it. If infanticide was popular in Texas, he’d be for it.
By repurposing the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on abortion politics to creating transportation options enabling women to travel to where they aren’t prohibited.
So those “transportation options” can be sued by vigilantes..
Heh. Victims of rape and incest in TexASS had the option of going to OK to abort abuser spawn..
That appears to be gone now. Gotta go farther.. Repuke govs are in a pissing kontest over who can..
force birth better…
the forced birth better bills.. nice ring to it.. eh degens?
@ 108
Now explain how that math works on this:
1. You need 60 votes to advance it.
2. You’ll sentence your party to minority status for a generation.
3. It will be about as legal as Clinton’s line-item veto.
When push comes to shove about abortion, the GOP will be as firm and unyielding about their purportedly strong beliefs as Bart Stupak was.
Stacey Abrams (D – Lipid City) will be a bucket of cement sinking Democrat hopes and dreams this November.
In November 2024 that bucket might very well be Momala.
@112 “1. You need 60 votes to advance it.”
Good God, you are naive! Do you think McConnell and Republicans, if they get the simple majority needed to change or suspend Senate rules, will let a filibuster stand in the way of their anti-abortion legislation?