Remember to get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow. Light ballot for me, but there are some interesting legislative and Congressional races. If you drop off your ballot in Downtown Seattle, please note that the location has changed.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
A chick with a dick isn’t a chick.
Trans cheerleader kicked out of camp after allegedly choking teammate
Instead of a black dude getting murdered for acting trans we’ve got a black dude trying to murder a white chick for pointing out that he’s a black dude acting trans.
Wesley Snipes could not be reached for comment.
“… liberalism is escape from reality” For me part of liberalism is the ideal that humanity can be better to each other.
Does that mean conservatives believe that humanity cannot be better to each other? What a bleak miserable world view.
Wesley Snipes was a lot of fun as a black drag queen in “To Wong Foo.”
Libbies currently stuck in Phase 3.
RawStory will never move beyond Phase 3, and Steve will cry bigly in November. The pussy.
I can wait.
Hey, there’s now an Axios for homosexuals!
Axios San Francisco
And a 95% chance of Monkeypox if y’all attended the Dore Alley Fair.
“Medlock alleges that a teammate made transphobic and racist remarks before the altercation,”
So after being provoked, the trans girl fights back. She should NOT have physically assaulted the trans phobic girl taunting her. If she’s being teased and taunted, is she just supposed to endure it? Is this a return to the 1950s where minorities have to be servile and not challenge the abusive white women?
More on the Dore Alley Fair, which SF officials permitted to be held despite the public health emergency due to monkeypox the City had declared earlier in the week (Link #2 @ 5):
It’s politically unwise to come between a gay man and another man’s rectum.
Sodom. Gomorrah. Read up on it.
In Key West festival-goers wear tans and plastic beads, and smear each other with greasepaint..
At the Dore Alley Fair the fair-goers smear each other with Santorum. Look ma, no hands!
@5. I’ve never been but I’ve seen photos from the event in the past. It’s out there. If they are idiots and won’t wear condoms and practice safer sex while indulging in their kinks and fetish’s, that’s on them. However, as long as the activities are between consenting adults, it is none of your business what they do.
The opposite would be republicans who wouldn’t wear masks and infected and killed un-consenting adults and children with COVID. That was wrong.
“Sodom. Gomorrah.” Yeah, your kind are going to target Marriage Equality next.
@ 6
“Medlock alleges that a teammate made transphobic and racist remarks before the altercation,”
The chick with dick also alleges that the altercation didn’t happen:
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron seems to think that an entire cheerleading squad watch all of this unfold and none of them thought to turn on the cell phone camera surgically implanted between their breasts.
Dude’s a liar. And has shitty eyebrows.
Bob put his Cheerleading Skirt away, so no cheering the Stock Market today.
God Bless President Biden for work a miracle of an economy!
Bob is on a Transgender bashing today.
The Vapid Troll is been highjacked by my effectivness.
@ 9
However, as long as the activities are between consenting adults, it is none of your business what they do.
Seems there was an awful lot of constitutionally protected activity during the observed portion of The Wuhan pandemic that our various governments had no trouble intruding into in order to prevent or restrict. Remember the prohibition of gatherings for church services, weddings, funerals, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? The government made those activities its business.
If the government can restrict those activities, it should be able to restrict social distancing violations in a single alley in San Francisco, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. There’s no difference in the concept; only differences are in the relative intimacy of the activities.
Family Values. Pro Life. The Sanctity of Marriage.
Here you go.
@11. When those other girls produce video, then we will know who was lying. If it can work for cops, it can work for cheerleaders. Roll video.
@ 13
The Vapid Troll is been highjacked by my effectivness.
And bamboozled by the magnitude of your AGI, G-clown.
You are speaking of a bunch of Neanderthal heteros, you know. Not much more to expect.
@17 and you have yet to figure it out.
To G-clown, a high five is a quintet of erect phalluses competing for entry into his mouth.
It’s just a flu.
@ 21
It’s just a flu.
I think you mean cold sore.
@14. So you are saying that since the Government officials have the right to shut down the Dore Alley event because of public health, the same Government officials also have the right to enforce mask mandates on church services, weddings, funerals.
You can’t have it both ways. You were adamant government could not limit conservatives as they infected and murdered un consenting adults and children they came in contact with their COVID, so shut the fuck up about the consenting adults in the Dore Alley event or you are a partisan hypocrite.
Lets go Darwin.
I’m gonna take it easy on G-clown this week. He hasn’t been able to sit down since the middle of July due to all of the ulcerated pustules that have erupted and burst in his circumanal region, and he’s’ growing increasingly weak.
Plus, his urge to scratch is simply overwhelming.
It’s like guns. I don’t care if consenting gun nuts murder each other, but I don’t want them killing my un-consenting family.
Let’s go Darwin.
Noooo. He’s not saying that.
He’s saying that he is a bigot, hypocrite, dumbuck, and fascist traitor pig vapid troll.
@ 16
Video, rolled.
“Seems there was an awful lot of constitutionally protected activity during the observed portion of The Wuhan pandemic that our various governments had no trouble intruding into in order to prevent or restrict.”
Since it has become so apparent that Trump fucked Republicans in the head without their permission or awareness, I now believe it is plausible Degen might get fucked in the ass without his permission or awareness.
He’s got a really good point. /s
China Threatens To Retaliate For Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip By Letting Her Return Safely
The low IQ Nazi traitor who has never fucked anything but farm animals says,
Steve will cry bigly in November. The pussy.
Oh my! I have been taunted with a future which will never happen. How stupid is that? So stupid that I might shed a single tear as I shit on his face as he lays in the shallow grave that patriots will have prepared for him.
I can wait.
No, he cannot wait. The low IQ Nazi traitor is fast running out of time.
It works for me that he’s too stupid to know it.
@27. Nope. you lied. Lots of propaganda but no video of the alleged assault. So far it’s just She said, She said.
This is video of an alleged assault, got anything like this?
And if there was a President Harris, y’all could frame any and all criticism of her as grounded in racism. No matter how awful y’all know she’s gonna be.
Why this Democrat thinks Biden must resign — before the midterms
Roll tape.
Our low IQ Nazi traitor and his freaky fascist friends have very strange and unfortunate notions about child rape. The rapist has a “relationship” with the victim. The child will have a very “romanticized view” of what’s happening to them, thinking the rapist is their “boyfriend”.
The presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee buried his first ex-wife, who he raped, in a sand trap on his New Jersey golf course for a special billionaire tax break.. Then he played a round of golf on her grave with Saudi petro-terrorists.
President Biden spent a weekend in Delaware visiting family.
@33. “A democrat”?
Which Democrat doesn’t like Biden?
Oh, specifically Andrew Stein doesn’t like Biden.
Is he credible?
Did you know that On May 27, 2010, Stein was indicted and arrested for lying about his involvement during the investigation of the multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme involving Ken Starr, a financial advisor to various Hollywood celebrities.
Also he dated Ann Coulter for a year.
He ran for Mayor of NY and failed in the primary.
Jeez, why not just quote Tulsi.
It seems I can’t post comments here any longer.
Is Patty Murray worried about getting re-elected in November? I’ve noticed a lot of commercials for her, and I’ve never seen such commercials in previous elections.
@ 37
Jeez, why not just quote Tulsi.
Or Bob Menendez.
A Republican lawyer in West Virginia argued to the legislature that child support should be abolished because men wouldn’t help women get abortions if they didn’t have to pay for raising the child.
Hard to tell if this is the whackjob idea of a sole practitioner with a family law practice who represents men in divorce, custody, and support cases; or could become a trend. However, I can see how it might become a popular idea in a political party whose aim is to establish a male-dominated society that relegates women to the role of childbearers and household servantsm, with the males completely free to come and go as they choose.
@1 A doctor without patients isn’t a doctor.
Bob Menendez
Everything you need to know about the two parties:
While Dems debate how bold we can go in healing our climate, lowering prescription costs, & growing our economy, Republicans are fighting over how extreme they should go in controlling women’s bodies.
@14 “Seems there was an awful lot of constitutionally protected activity during the observed portion of The Wuhan pandemic that our various governments had no trouble intruding into in order to prevent or restrict. Remember the prohibition of gatherings for church services, weddings, funerals, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? The government made those activities its business.”
Because spreading a deadly virus into the community is everybody’s business, idiot. You claim to be a doctor, but don’t know how infectious diseases work?
If you don’t want the government interfering with Republicans’ “constitutional right” to infect each other, then sequester them so they don’t infect others.
Yes, I have internment camps in mind, but a less harsh version of the concentration camps that Republicans want to put liberals in.
@24 The protuberance between your shoulders is an ulcerated postule.
@38 Clearly you don’t know Washington voters.
So why is she advertising more heavily than in previous elections? That was my question.
@46. You should look into that.
38, 46,
When a grownup has been a US Senator for three decades, chairs the Senate budget committee, and serves in Senate leadership, lots of other grownups will send lots of money to their reelection campaign whether they need it or not.
If she were a Republican like Duncan Hunter she could spend it on hookers and blow. But she’s not a Republican. So she runs ads.
Democrats everywhere, including those in “safe” states and districts, have lots of small donor dollars pouring in like never before.
You would not find out about this with your head shoved all the way up Brian Kilmeade’s ass.
Which one of y’all fuckin’ twats claimed last week that it was Roe, and not the economy, that was on the ballot this fall?
My money’s on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who is the asshole most likely to knowingly spew a falsehood.
I’ll grant that this was before Roe was overturned.
But it’s still the fuckin’ economy that voters care about, when it’s time to pull the lever.
Patty Murray will win by double digits plus plenty more digits to spare.
She’s spending because 1) she’s got the money 2) she hasn’t been in the news much lately
3) Schumer has not been an effective Senate majority leader. My guess is that he might have some competition should he find himself running for Senate Minority Leader later this Fall. Murray may be raising her profile for that possibility as well. She’d be far less likely to try it if the Dems hold the Senate.
4) Cantwell was on NPR this morning. Patty Murray can’t be overshadowed by an even more useless woman.
This, and Biden’s a criminal. Along with his whole fuckin’ family.
I believe it’s easier to understand what First Vegetable Joe Biden is saying than it is to understand what Herschel Walker is saying.
In each case their slurred speech is worrisome.
Big fish. Credit Team Biden.
It’s pretty clear that Degen spends a substantial fraction of his steadily diminishing conscious, sober minutes each day intently crawling through perseverative Google search results in search of hopeful glimmers that Trump, Qanon, 1 million Trump Clap dead, a naked guy in a fur hat, and forced birth for 10-year-old rape victims haven’t completely ruined his chances for a legitimately triumphant moment this November.
I wouldn’t say the Senate is entirely out of reach.
Questions asked:
Why DOJ is avoiding domestic terrorism sentences for Jan. 6 defendants
Questions answered:
Capitol rioter Guy Reffitt gets longest Jan. 6 sentence, but no terrorism enhancement
Maybe ’cause it wasn’t terrorism, except to the panty-twisters on silly libbie sites like HA.
Alex Jones is on the radio this week bragging that by declaring bankruptcy last Friday his appeal bond on the inevitable huge judgment he is facing will be massively reduced to only one half of what the bankruptcy court concludes his remaining net worth to be.
With a massively reduced net worth he’ll be able to easily front the appeal bond with click-bait, and dick-pill promo code money from now until forever.
Genius, right?
Except for the fact that all he did on Friday was file a petition.
Bankruptcy is granted by a judge in response to a petition. His petition hasn’t even been considered by a court yet, and he’s already on the radio declaring to his judge (whoever that turns out to be) that his petition is fraudulent. Any judge as offended by Jones as his own jury appears to be could very well deny the petition. But at the very least this is going to tie up that petition for a lengthy investigation and series of hearings to inform the court about the reasons behind the petition.
#owngoal is a Cancervative specialty.
y’all fuckin’ twats
What a loser.
This, and Biden’s a criminal. Along with his whole fuckin’ family.
After putting a raging orange Mobster-in-Chief man-baby in the Oval Office, the low IQ Nazi traitor says stupid shit like that.
Biden just killed al-Zawahri. The low IQ Nazi traitor will have a sad.
Capitol rioter Guy Reffitt gets longest Jan. 6 sentence
Its ass is in serious trouble.. That’s punishment enough.
It only follows from the deranged babbling of teh widbee kreepshit.
Tossing wounded veterans into toxic burn pits will be on the ballot this fall.
Repeatedly lying about that will probably be on the ballot as well.
Biden’s a criminal. Along with his whole fuckin’ family.
Perhaps you should turn that into a hashtag and post it 10,000 times.
Trending headline for the last few weeks.
Very likely to continue.
Biden just killed al-Zawahri. The low IQ Nazi traitor will have a sad.
Wow… next thing you know, teh widbee kreepshit will manage a weak..
for Joe Biden.. heh.. and then resume babbling about Hunter’s hookers, blow and laptop..
This seems really to be the clearest evidence we’ve seen yet that Degen has just fallen lazily into mindlessly repeating the anger he slurps up from Gab, Facebook, YouTube, and OAN every day.
He might as well say “Biden is a lizard person” and be done with it.
Twat @ 64
See @ 55.
Just read this:
Maybe ’cause it wasn’t terrorism, except to the panty-twisters on silly libbie sites like HA.
Yeah, just one of your cosplaying grandmothers with a real gun and zip-ties trying to get into our nation’s Capitol Building during a violent insurrection intended to stop the peaceful transfer of power so your raging orange man-baby could become our nation’s first fascist dictator.
So anyways, you low IQ Nazi traitor, what was your cosplaying grandmother intending to do with the gun and zip-ties? Want to talk about it?
The CIA basically put Zawahiri in a blender.
What a contrast…
Heh.. that sure helped w/ orange dear leader’s numbers.. look where it is now..
twice impeached, failed, ONE TERM, oranged-tinted beached whale is running..
Cause The FuckHump couldn’t do it.
@ 67
…what was your cosplaying grandmother intending to do with the gun and zip-ties? Want to talk about it?
Good question. He apparently didn’t make it into the building, because he was “incapacitated”. I didn’t get a specific on how this occurred.
He didn’t make it in.
Steve, why aren’t you upset about what the guy who was arrested after getting out of the Uber in front of AJ Brett Kavanaugh’s house had planned? After all, he had a firearm with him, and planned to kill three SCOTUS justices.
Why is one worse than the other, Steve?
Instead of being a beached whale in a hospital, a COVID positive Biden will speak from the White House.
Good question. Monkeypox vs COVID.
Bob, you partisan hypocritical hack.
G-clown, is that perianal epithelium and a little blood under your fingernails from all the ass-scratching your monkeypox infection is making you do?
Ok, loser.
You have horse shit under your nails, dipshit.
Neanderthal. Raping zee womenz.
Bob’s uncle.
Obama killed Osama bin Laden, and Biden killed Ayman al-Zawahri. Democrats get the job done.
@ 76
Biden learned from his mistake when he opposed the killing of OBL.
I’d expect nothing less after that embarrassing position.
His legal bills to the RNC related to the attack on the joint session of Congress have now surpassed $2 mil. No end in sight either. He just lost a motion suit for injunctive relief from future lawsuits for using a violent mob to relieve his humiliation.
RNC is now offering to extend paying his bills in exchange for him delaying his announcement until after midterms. But Liz Cheney makes him throw cheeseburgers and choke people. So one more hearing ought to do it.
Suckers just pay and pay.
Why is one worse than the other, Steve?
Nobody here excused the all-alone-by-himself Uber driver.
You, on the other hand, describe the violent 1/6 insurrection intended to end democracy in America by installing your guy as dictator as being just,
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.
Your own words inform us that you, a low IQ Nazi fucking traitor, see one as being far, far worse than the other.
Democrats get the job done.
And Republicans throw food and choke their drivers.
Railfan, Captain of the WSF did the right thing.
Nice to see a maritime license holder accept responsibility.
Sort of makes me wonder if the USCG showed up with a portable document shredder when they started the investigation.
I only hope the USCG doesn’t go overboard (no pun intended) and heap new regulations on the rest of us MMC holders. To be fair, they did need to update their medical reviews after the Staten Island ferry crash of 2003.
And Republicans throw food and choke their drivers.
This last weekend Trump was showing the world that he favors the Saudi’s LIV pro golf circuit over America’s own PGA while President Biden was busy killing terrorists.
Sounds like Bob is crying and cuddling his horsey blanket.
Don’t cry Bob, it’s ok.
No tears, Steve.
Joe Biden advised against Osama bin Laden raid, Barack Obama writes
“Hey, Barack, wait until somebody gets the chance to warn him.”
@77 Far more embarrassing is GOP President Bush metamorphosis on the subject of killing Osama bin Laden, a task he ultimately left to his successor:
“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” – G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
“I want justice…There’s an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive,'” – G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” – G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
“I am truly not that concerned about him.” – G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
Like I said, you want a job done, hire a Democrat to do it. Republicans will let you down every time.
We know the American Taliban won’t be happy, that’s for sure.
Bob is definitely crying now after reading that. Little whimpy baby tears.
@85. Ask the Burn Pit Vets. Republican fucked them when they no longer useful in getting votes.
Republicans like vets, like they like babies. After they are out, they abandon them.
Barack Obama writes
Yes, Obama killed bin Laden. You’ve only been in denial about that for over a decade.
Bobby must be wrapped in his horsey blanket.
Don’t cry Bobby
President Obama
Got Osama Bin Ladin
Presidnt Biden
Got Ayman Al-sawahir
Got to host a golf game for the Saudis who sponsored 9/11
Biden, knowing Republicans would call him a baby-killer if one of al-Zawahiri’s grandkids was harmed, was deeply involved in months of planning that included a model of the house, and repeatedly insisted that no one else be touched. No one was. It was a perfect operation.
While Biden was taking out al-Zawahiri, Trump was paling around with Saudis and digging his ball out of sand traps.
It seems Trump had an opportunity to kill al-Zawahiri, but refused because he didn’t know who al-Zawahiri was.
It would help if the President of the United States would read a fucking newspaper now and then, which Trump apparently never did.
Republicans like Kyrsten Sinema are now arguing that closing the carried interest tax loophole will adversely impact regular wage and salary earning taxpayers.
Because billionaire hedge fund managers’ super yachts will have fewer marble paneled bathrooms for us to clean.
Gas is 90 cents less today. Thanks president Biden
@ 96
Gas is $1.81 more today. Fuck Joe Biden.
Gallup has polled approval of the US Supreme Court at 43%.
Last year it was only 40%.
Y’all need to scream louder and panty-twist tighter.
First Vegetable Joe Biden breaks another record.
Household debt tops $16 trillion for the first time, fueled by higher inflation and interest rates
Here are the bullet points:
This is gonna get ugly right about midterm-time.
And the corrupt, unlikable, crooked Hillary Clinton was beaten by the same GOP primary candidate she hand-picked to run against.
Texas man killed by same bullet he shot at woman: cops
Weren’t we just talking about how safe NYC is?
Now my new favorite quote from the best trial judge ever in the Alex Jones defamation damages trial:
“There’s a million things you could object to, and they’re all sustained.”
Jones’ atty def facing sanctions for his conduct.
Of course sanctions can be appealed. And Texas is notoriously permissive with attorney misconduct. But the dude is really piling up a record here. If the judge wants to put the asswipe on trial after this, and she says she will, the purpose will be to create a full and detailed record of this attorney’s disregard for the Texas rules of civil procedure and evidence as well as deliberately disparaging statements and comments about the plaintiffs. There’s a lot there. And with a full enough record, the Texas supremes will have no real option to stay all of the sanctions she might impose.
And yet despite this being fairly obvious now, and despite multiple warnings from the bench, my dude just keeps right on punching himself in the face.
These guys are nuts. Republicans. And quite obviously insane.
Trump Supporters Think They’re in a Fight to the Death
Fear, hate, and grievances animate the new Republican Party.
Sad but true. It’s worth a read. It re enforces our observations of the conservatives who post here.
@97. Gas cost 89 cents in 1986. Gonna blame Biden for that as well? Probably.
Only a grievance driven greedy racist incel uses the price during the trump caused COVID depression as the benchmark.
The more you embrace treason and sedition, the lower your IQ drops.
Wehner seems to be attempting to blame the extreme rightward, authoritarian shift of his party on “corrupt liberals” abetted by Trump.
This is and has been the fundamental weakness from the get-go of Never-Trump. They simply will not face what they have become. Not Trump. Not “elites”. But what Republican voters have become. The over two-thirds of Republican voters who still believe that Trump won the 2020 election can not be blamed on “elite disregard for flyover Americans” or on AOC.
This is not a top-down phenomenon. It’s bottom-up. And it emerges from a diversity of sources, concentrated in the lives and communities of generally older white people who didn’t attend school after graduating HS. It’s the long latent yet virulent racism of white boomers. It’s the fear, resentment, and victimhood inculcated in the weekly rituals of evangelical mega-churches. And it’s the self-soothing lies promising that simple, but lazy pieties and “common sense” can substitute for hard-won expertise and disciplined critical thinking. And fuckers like Peter Wehner are just as responsible for it as Steven Bannon. Both pander to, and monetize human weakness and fear. They just go about it differently.
107. Wehner seems to be attempting to blame the extreme rightward, authoritarian shift of his party on “corrupt liberals” abetted by Trump.
Where? We didn’t read the same article. He didn’t blame anyone. I searched and he didn’t use the word liberal or AOC. I read this article as a catalog of the republican drives of hate, fear and grievance. The author described the republican hellscape, not what caused the hellscape.
He cataloged how trump read the crowd and and stoked hate fear and grievance because that’s what the republicans were responding to. I read that as a list of how awful republicans are.
Hey, if walking through the Capitol building and snapping selfies makes one a fascist, then I guess this description of a coward is pretty accurate, too:
Shorter 109:
“One ruthless authoritarian dictator-state is as good as another.”
You’re gonna do that, anyway.
This guy has taken his 15 minutes further than any other bit actor with the exception of Guy Fleegman.
“. I read that as a list of how awful republicans are.”
As did I. Where I differ with Wehner and other never-Trumpers is in their analysis of how (and when, and why) Republicans became awful. And more importantly to me at least, what Democrats ought to do about it.
Wehner sees the fundamental problem of the modern drift of the Republican party as a loss of what he calls “epistemological modesty” – that being the recognition that the problems confronted by political solutions are the most complex, and by definition will always surpass the ability and perspective of any single individual no matter how talented. Therefor, he concludes, we must collaborate and compromise.
But I think he misses for the forest for the trees.
Ask yourself what specific set of political policy measures would the “average” current Democratic voter put into effect tomorrow if that “average” were given that power.
Then ask yourself the same thing about the “average” current Republican voter.
Depending on how exhaustive you make that list, you’ll see a few sincere policy debates along the more classic partisan divide. But I also think if you’re honest you’ll see that fundamentally right now, where the “average” current Republican voters is places them decisively outside the realm of what Americans have historically agreed defines a constitutional republic. They want to build an authoritarian state and use it to suppress political dissent. They want to re-engineer electoral systems in all 50 states to limit ballot access. Where the law may serve to support that authoritarian state they want to strengthen and empower it. And where the law may serve to protect political dissent they want to dissolve it.
Wehner and nearly every other never-Trump Republican reluctantly acknowledge this about their party’s voters. But they do so only as seldom as required. And when they do they blame outside forces, either Trump, or FOX, or “social media” or “mortgage meltdown” or “elite disregard”. And they insist that it’s recent, and therefor temporary. It’s not recent. It isn’t temporary. And even if Republicans themselves can’t or won’t confront that, Democrats absolutely must. Because understanding that changes everything about how we deal with them.
Bipartisanship must die. Any near term future in which bipartisanship remains a shibboleth of our politics is one in which we will continue to see our rights as individuals gradually dissolved into a growing, conservative reactionary authoritarian state.
From the guy who also predicts that a Pro-Bort lesbian is poised to win a statewide Arizona GOP primary.
@97 “Gas is $1.81 more today. Fuck Joe Biden.”
A guy in my neighborhood with a 3×5 foot “Fuck Biden” flag flying from his pickup drove past school bus stops where little kids were being dropped off to their parents. That wasn’t you, was it?
Nice of them to go out of their way to help like that.
My neighbor keeps his on a wall inside of his garage.
I think his truck got repo’d last year.
@98 43% is how many Washington voters voted for Loren Culp for governor. 43% is how many votes Richard Pope got for attorney general simply be being on the ballot with an “R” after his name. Nationally, 43% is the GOP’s hardcore base who would vote for Putin (they’ve already voted for Putin-Lite). All of this is explainable by low IQ, and you’re one of those low-IQ dumbfucks.
I recall driving SB on I-5 and seeing a tailgate on a truck that read, “Donald Trump? Fuck that puto”. Apparently it’s the most memorable thing that George Lopez has ever uttered or written.
Dude will probably silently vote for the Republican candidate in 2024.
YLB needs a new superheroine.
Wendy Davis#CrookedHillary
Kirsten Gillibrand
Stacey Abrams
‘Batgirl’ Won’t Fly: Warner Bros. Discovery Has No Plans to Release Nearly Finished $90 Million Film
Too woke. No amount of cleavage can overcome revulsion to too woke.
A cowardly, low IQ Nazi traitor who has been self-reduced to spewing dumbfuck inanities,
Hey, if walking through the Capitol building and snapping selfies makes one a fascist
His low IQ has led him to believe that the DOJ charges of seditious conspiracy against our Nazi traitor’s dozen cosplaying grandmothers is just a cruel hoax.
This guy has taken his 15 minutes further than any other bit actor with the exception of Guy Fleegman.
Even for a low IQ Nazi traitor who is deserving of death for his sins, that was a really stupid fucking comment.
@109 He’s right. We should send Biden in broad daylight on a schedule published in advance. With, of course, all the security the situation calls for.
@117 “Dude will probably silently vote for the Republican candidate in 2024.” That’s my guess, too. Probably squashes bicyclists on side streets, too.
@ 116
43% is First Vegetable Joe Biden’s job approval, if Rasmussen be believed.
If one believes the others, our presidential POS is polling below 39%.
Support by Americans for SCOTUS is significantly greater than support for my senile, incompetent, imbecilic president.
A guy in my neighborhood with a 3×5 foot “Fuck Biden” flag flying from his pickup drove past school bus stops where little kids were being dropped off to their parents.
Similarly, there’s a shop in Shelton with a 3’x5′ poster like that on the outside wall. Public school buses drive by each morning and afternoon.
The guy is a low IQ stupe, of course, but I’m quite certain his very low IQ is considerably higher than that of our fast-deteriorating low IQ Nazi traitor.
@122 “Support by Americans for SCOTUS is significantly greater …”
I believe this is called “damning with faint praise.”
my senile, incompetent, imbecilic president
Your IQ is so low, you probably didn’t notice, but it was your senile, incompetent, imbecilic president who lost in 2020. Choose better next time, you stupid fucking low IQ Nazi traitor.
@122 “… my senile, incompetent, imbecilic president”
And the alternative is — ? For the foreseeable future, the GOP’s program is reinstating the 1950s. Give me something better than Biden to vote for, and I’ll vote for it/him/her.
@ 125
Choose better next time…
Lookie, y’all! Steve has his own version of
Think on your sins.
Of course, my side has
Neil Gorsuch.
Brett Kavanaugh.
Amy Coney Barrett.
Y’all’s side is desperately trying to find a way to assassinate Momala without it being traced back to y’all.
The chickens are coming home to roost:
“Veteran teachers have been fleeing Iowa schools at such an alarming rate that the Des Moines School District is now paying them $50,000 to stay for at least one more year. Buffeted by culture war clashes and burnout, Iowa educators have had enough and are checking out in droves, leaving the public school system depleted of teachers for the next year. More than 500 teachers resigned or retired from the Des Moines public school system this summer alone ….
“Statewide, there are a staggering 5,400 school jobs open, according to Teach Iowa, an Hawkeye State education employment service. More than 1,600 of those openings were for teachers. …
“The problem isn’t just in Iowa. Teachers across the country give their jobs an F grade. A national survey by the American Federation of Teachers, a union with 1.7 million members, found an 80 percent dissatisfaction rate with their positions. …
“The Iowa State Education Association president Mike Beranek told the Des Moines Register in March that the reason for the defections is simple. ‘They’re tired,’ he told the paper. ‘This is due to them feeling exhausted and demoralized. They are seeing attacks on their profession and themselves through the legislative bills that have been presented and through various forums such as board of education meetings.'”
Republicans made this, and the kids whose futures are being impaired will have to live with it.
Let’s say I’m a recruiter for a Seattle company, and I’m interviewing an applicant from Iowa, and I find out he doesn’t know that slavery once existed in the United States. I’m gonna ask myself how much else he doesn’t know.
@127 “my side has Neil Gorsuch. Brett Kavanaugh. Amy Coney Barrett”
Your side also has Trump, the biggest liar of them all.
I wonder what the Trumpers in Dan Newhouse’s district are gonna do if he wins his primary? They’ll have a choice of voting for someone who voted to impeach Trump, or voting for a Democrat. It really sucks to be them.
How to go out in style:
“A terminally-ill university lecturer who mooned a speed camera for his bucket list has been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing today ….
“?Darrell Meekcom, 55, was arrested in the garden of his home in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, by several officers after dropping his trousers at a mobile speed camera van in November last year.
“Following the incident, three police cars pulled up outside the home of Mr Meekcom – who also has Parkinson’s Disease and heart and kidney problems – and demanded to be let in.
“When the disabled father-of-two refused, officers allegedly raided his home and kicked down the garden gate before wrestling Mr Meekcom to the ground outside to put him in cuffs. In footage filmed by his wife, Mr Meekcom, who used to lecture medical students at Birmingham City University, can be heard telling the officers, ‘Have you never wanted to moonie a speed camera? …’ Mr Meekcom was subsequently arrested and hauled to the station ….
“After being cleared of a public order offence at Redditch Magistrates Court today, Mr Meekcom blasted West Mercia Police ….”
Lookie, y’all! Steve has his own version of
an AR-15. Also, a 30 round mag. In fact, three of them.
When I empty a clip into Nazi traitor, I want more rounds than the 8 my .451 magnum gives me.
@118 Too woke. No amount of cleavage can overcome revulsion to too woke.
So a blonde wig and a pushup bra is good when it supports a right-wing actor’s terrible film? Got it.
I thought you would be excited to see Pelosi go to Taiwan, I mean after all, she is giving the finger to Xi and mainland China.
Jesus, your side is never happy.
Jesus, your side is never happy.
No happiness until the fucking traitors end democracy in America.
Charlie Kirk and our low IQ Nazi traitor need only look in a fucking mirror.
LOL Charlie Kirk Is Out To Find The ‘Real Nazis’
Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA (TPUSA) outfit has a white nationalist problem. Kirk’s solution to the problem: Pretend to be a Nazi hunter!
@ 128
The Des Moines Public School system is 98% staffed with teachers, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
‘Batgirl’ Won’t Fly: Warner Bros. Discovery Has No Plans to Release Nearly Finished $90 Million Film
Heh… It’ll go to streaming and probably have great success there..
Just saw The Batman the other night.. didn’t care for the first 10 minutes thought it was going to be a bust.. but whoa did it grow on me..
Zoe Kravitz as catwoman didn’t hurt..
And dang it turned out to be a pretty good movie.. the dark and the perpetual night and rain was as dreary as The Joker but the story kept me involved. Just as you thought it was going to end, there was yet another twist, another surprise.
And it hammered on themes of unfathomable corruption, child abuse and vengeance.. Paul Dano does the acting turn of his life. Incredible.. Rob Pattinson’s performance is understated, Batman is a man of action, of few words. All the character actors do the talking..
The art direction is great.. for a movie mostly shot in the dark and the rain. Enjoyed the hell out of it
@ 135
I thought you would be excited to see Pelosi go to Taiwan, I mean after all, she is giving the finger to Xi and mainland China.
Newt, she’s giving the finger to my senile, imbecilic, incompetent president, the leader of her party.
I will give Pelosi credit for consistency. In 2007 she gave the finger to GWB43 by visiting Syria, remember that, Newt?
Pelosi knows Biden is incredibly weak, Pelosi has her own legacy cred to burnish, and since she’s retiring after the 2022 midterms and she’s fabulously wealthy there is no reason she needs to be flushed down the toilet with the rest of her party.
Pelosi is giving a very public Fuck Joe Biden signal to the world.
@ 134
… a right-wing actor’s terrible film?
It was so terrible that a fawning documentary about it was made in 2019, Newt.
We Made a Galaxy Quest Documentary! | Official Trailer | Feat. Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver & More!
Newt, you didn’t like it because it laughed at you. It made you feel the way you feel when I mock you, and when your family mocks you.
We are laughing at you. Newt.
Pelosi is giving a very public Fuck Joe Biden signal to the world.
Not true, of course, but what is true is that our low IQ Nazi traitor just gave a I’m a low IQ Nazi traitor signal to the world.
@ 139
Dark Batman worked first for Tim Burton.
Thanks for the review.
Newt, she’s giving the finger to my senile, imbecilic, incompetent president, the leader of her party.
Has the balding aging kreepy perpetual teenager of widbee forgotten that we have 3 co-equal branches of the federal government?
Bet it loved Scalito dissing bojo in Rome.
We are laughing at you. Newt.
No, we are laughing at your fucking low IQ stupidity. Your treason, however, is not funny. You deserve death for that.
Hmm, what actor when to space? It wasn’t Tim Allen.
Figures you would like a flick from a convicted drug felon.
The only laughing is from your barnyard, and it isn’t at me.
We don’t laugh at you here, we just shake our heads at you.
“Fuck Joe Biden.”, said Nancy Pelosi.
The executive branch was kept in the dark until Pelosi was wheels-down on final approach, Steve @ 142.
I figure you like it so much because a bunch of aliens think a second-rate actor is a real space commander. Much like your tribe thinks Trump is a real leader. Now that is actually hilarious (and sad at the same time).
“Fuck Joe Biden.”, said Nancy Pelosi.
No surprise here to see yet more low IQ stupidity. It’s all the low IQ Nazi traitor has going for him anymore.
If you actually believe they didn’t know what she was going to do until her final approach, I’ve got a bride to sell you and some prime real estate in Florida.
@149 sums it up pretty well.
@ 144
…forgotten that we have 3 co-equal branches of the federal government?
YLB, I must have forgotten all those times you mentioned that Paul Ryan was one of the three equally most powerful men in the world when he was Speaker during the last year of Obama’s presidency.
@ 150
… I’ve got a bride to sell you …
Newt, about the only less appealing woman than your wife is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s wife.
Degen-boomer grasp of modern media distro is also stuck in Reagan years. Which is ironic considering his preoc w celebutards.
Meanwhile, a giant “Fuck you Ted Cruz!” in the Senate today.
Why does Ted hate American vets so much?
Oops, my bad, that was supposed to be bridge.
I guess it doesn’t matter, you don’t think women are any different than any other piece of property. Bridge, bride, all the same to you. You just think of them as something to ride and pay a toll.
@ 154
Another low-information voter self-identifies.
To be fair, there was little doubt about Newt’s general understanding of most legislative items before he spewed.
If you buy an EV truck, don’t expect to tow very far with it.
Cummins, y’all.
Cruz wanted to play politics with the lives of Vets. Jon Stewart called him out. Mitch had to do something to save face. Plain and simple. I thought even you could understand that.
@ 158
Newt didn’t know why the bill was stalled, and still doesn’t.
@138 Nothing in that article about DMPS being “98% staffed.” It does say, “In total, about 11.4% of DMPS teachers (310) are resigning or retiring this summer,” which doesn’t sound like they’re at a 98% staffing level unless they’re getting a torrent of new blood; and if they are, why are they offering retirement-eligible teachers $50K just to stay one more year?
It was stalled because your side cares about one thing, screwing vets (and Biden).
Oh sure, they say budget issues, pure BS. Republicans spend worse than drunken vets on liberty.
Once again, Doc defends the always-wrong party.
@147 “The executive branch was kept in the dark until Pelosi was wheels-down on final approach, Steve @ 142.”
Pelosi doesn’t work for, or report to, the executive branch. If the legislative branch can invite Netanyahu to speak in its chamber, Pelosi can invite herself to Taiwan.
@152 My wife doesn’t need hay to be happy.
@ 163
@152 My wife doesn’t need hay to be happy.
Your wife needs The Big O, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, which is why there are so many line-items in your checkbook register with the memo “BBC”.
@159 The senator who stalled it didn’t know why it was stalled, either:
“Supporters of the bill say Toomey is seeing a mirage. ‘If you look in the bill for $400 billion that he’s talking about, you won’t see it,’ Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough told Tapper after Toomey’s appearance.”
In any case, it isn’t stalled anymore; the Senate just passed it.
@164 I don’t need a Cummins diesel to tow my wife around, either. Sucks to be you.
@ 166
@164 I don’t need a Cummins diesel to tow my wife around
From what I hear a bag of flour and a couple of revolutions does it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Paul Ryan was one of the three equally most powerful men in the world
Don’t recall saying that at all.. Said something more along the lines of the most dishonest jerk that’s ever served..
Newt Gingrich was another dishonest jerk, a truly evil pos, who by the way also traveled to Taiwan while playing at Speaker..
Pelosi also met w/ Assad during her first turn at Speaker and that got plenty of bushie butt licker’s undies in a twist..
Now Tulsi does that and klownservaturd trolls think the world of her. ho hum..
@ 160
@138 Nothing in that article about DMPS being “98% staffed.”
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your link @ 128 says DMPS is short 58 teachers.
My link says 310 teachers is 11.4% of the force. 310 divided by 0.114 is 2719 teachers and change, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
58 divided by 2719 is 0.021, or 2.1%. I rounded down.
G-clown, are you listening? This is why I know your AGI, you pitiful fuck.
…why are they offering retirement-eligible teachers $50K just to stay one more year?
That’s how DMPS got to 98%, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You should really try to follow along better, you useless, bloviating fuck.
Newt, about the only less appealing woman
Your wife needs The Big O
Our low IQ Nazi traitor has been reduced to tossing out personal insults with no connection to reality, and ball-spiking taunts about a future that he’ll never live to see.
I’m sure that it is for you folks as it is for me. His lame-ass attempts to insult you are like water off a duck’s back. The reason why? He’s no fucking good at it. And why is that? It’s because he’s so fucking stupid.
The only threat he poses is the very real possibility that his low IQ stupidity might someday bore us all to death.
@169 According to Wikipedia DMPS has 2,255.55 teacher FTEs, so they’re losing nearly 1/7th of their teachers every school year. To fill those positions, they’re paying an extra $50,000 a year to every teacher over age 60. How are they going to sustain this?
In the nation’s first popular referendum on the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, the Kansas state constitutional amendment against abortions is getting crushed 2-to-1 with about half the votes counted.
That scumbag Kris Kobach is back, this time running for Kansas AG, and he’s slightly ahead in the GOP primary.
@170 “He’s no fucking good at it. ”
At least he’s consistent. He’s no fucking good at anything.
He resorts to those types of insults and taunts because thar is all he has left. It is very predictable.
Sad, so very sad.
@172 To put it another way, the women of Kansas have just handed the low IQ Nazi traitor’s ass to him for attempting to turn them into chattel.
If the low IQ Nazi traitor thinks Kansas sucks, just wait until he sees what America’s women do to Republicans in November.
The low IQ Nazi traitor won’t be posting anymore comments tonight, but he can be found out in the barn crying his heart out.
What’s the matter with Kansas?
Fill the tank, make the rent… the “rest” doesn’t matter..
according to some babbleass…
Shhhhsh, it’s a secret. Let’s keep it that way.
To steal a phrase from Steve, you are a low IQ Nazi traitor! And I’ll add, You’re a Vapid Dumbfuck troll.
I struggle to imagine just how much what happened in Kansas today must suck for our low IQ Nazi traitor. I mean, being rejected by hundreds of thousands of women over the course of just a few hours?? Damn, that’s gotta hurt.
But the really big hurt for our low IQ Nazi traitor will come in November. I can hardly wait.
To steal a phrase from Steve, you are a low IQ Nazi traitor!
God bless you, Gman.
Gas Prices See Fastest Decline in over a Decade, Down 83 Cents Since Mid-June
AAA says the national average is currently $4.19 per gallon, and it’s $3.77 or less in eight states.
Americans are behaving rationally, giving the middle finger to the oil companies. Fuck ’em. Lower the prices and we’ll use your product. Maybe. EVs are a compelling alternative.
There was no substantive policy reason for obstructing the bill.
Senate Republicans simply decided to play politics with severely wounded veterans for the fun of it. There was never any slush fund in any version of the bill. And the simplest proof is that no Republican will ever show it to you.
Republicans lie for sport. They fuck little girls. And they torment wounded vets for laughs.
Republicans lie for sport. They fuck little girls. And they torment wounded vets for laughs.
And that’s not to even mention the horribly perverted things they do to animals.
Too early to call, but Kari Lake is losing in AZ by 8.5 points. All three candidates are awful, but Lake is particularly odious.
Jones unable to comprehend that he may not treat his trial jury the way he treats his audience of ignorant mewling cattle.
Jones and his atty are also engaging in bankruptcy fraud here.
He and his atty executed $58 million in promissory notes to the company that supplies the dick pills he sells before filing his petition for bankruptcy. That secures that debt ahead of any trusteeship.
Guess who owns the dick pills company?
The low IQ Nazi traitor won’t be posting anymore comments tonight, but he can be found out in the barn crying his heart out.
Looks like I called it. What a fucking coward.
Smooth move by Kansas Republicans, attempting to shackle women during an election year.
Thank God they’re fucking idiots.
189)Putting it on the primary ballot, too.
This guy reminds me of DeSantis a little bit, because they’re both control freaks.
Kansas is a nice example of what may happen when states are permitted by the federal government to decide issues for themselves, as prescribed by the Constitution.
Kansas is what AJ Alito wanted.
@192 Nice concession speech, doc.
Hey, look what I found on YouTube …
Kansas is what AJ Alito wanted.
@191 Neanderthal Hetero.
Breeding will not save them!
Same-sex marriage anybody?
How about a national vote to pass legislation?
Not for the first time in their miserable lives Associate Justice GangBang and Degen are waking up hung over and confused, muttering, “But I thought she wanted it?”
GOP makes further progress consolidating itself as the Stop the Steal party of election denial.
The good news may be that if they all agree to shut their fat mouths, stop talking shit and give Trump all the credit he just might hold off announcing until after the mids. But he does like to be unpredictable.
Next hearings in four weeks.
Looks like when the dust settles that around two thirds of state GOP primary winners for Sec of State will be Qanon/StopTheSteal/Trumpalo.
And a few more never-Trump incumbents will resume their careers in telemarketing.
That pitch didn’t break at all.
@ 185
Too early to call, but Kari Lake is losing in AZ by 8.5 points.
By my hand I acknowledge that on this date, in this place, Steve was correct about something.
It was too early to call.
What do Steve and Meaghan McCain have in common?
Other than cup size, I mean.
How does one insult a guy who is too senile to understand that he’s being insulted?
86 seconds isn’t even enough time for YLB to apply her lipstick.
…hundreds of national and local progressive civil rights groups put money into turnout in a single contest.
86 seconds isn’t even enough time
plenty of time for teh widbee degenerate to soil its boxers while watching a maga celebration dance on teh tube…
only takes a second really..
Every day produces a new one.
My new favorite quote from the Jones trial, judge to Jones:
@ 205
Have I mentioned recently that in 2024, when the GOP has only 10 Senate seats to defend, the Democrats will have to defend 23?
This is one of them.
Republicans Line Up to Challenge Manchin in 2024 for Sin of Being a Democrat
In 2024, Joe Manchin will be 76 years old, and the state he represents will be even more red.
And First Vegetable Joe Biden and Momala will have done even more damage to the nation.
What if the voters preserved abortion without having to pack the Supreme Court?
Gave up on 2022 already?
How… flaccid.
@ 209
The House will be nearly enough.
Senate looking out of reach unless something changes. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
No polling out of NV in nearly a month, tho.
Nevada better than Kansas for GOP?
@204 Given how sensitive oil prices are to tiny changes in supply or demand, it might be enough to materially affect pump prices, which have already gone down 50 days and outside California now average under $4 a gallon.
@209 “And First Vegetable Joe Biden and Momala will have done even more damage to the nation.”
Every once in a while you’re hilariously unserious.
As CNN pointed out,
“The rejection of the measure highlighted the increasingly stark divide between the activities of Republican state lawmakers, often in legislatures gerrymandered to effectively guarantee GOP control, and the political and policy desires of American voters.”
What happens when people live in an increasingly undemocratic society is they emasculate their rulers any way they can.
What do Steve and Meaghan McCain have in common?
We both only have sex with our own species. Leaves you on the outside looking in, doesn’t it?
You’re such a fucking loser. And a low IQ Nazi traitor.