Sorry I flaked out on Friday and today’s post is short. Probably will continue with weird work hours through March. Anyway, woo, one more step toward gun control in the state.
Anyway, please wash your filthy hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Now remember, everybody, it’s JP Morgan that’s evil, what with its strong balance sheet, strong stress test performance, and uncanny ability to keep its nose clean relative to most everyone else.
JPM is the Obama of banking.
1 sir, this is a Wendy’s
Predictably, First Vegetable Joe Biden blamed Barney Fag for the banking carnage.
Biden vows new bank rules after SVB collapse, cites Trump rollback
What did Barney Fag do? Why, he took Signature Bank’s money and told his fellow Democrats, and the rest of America, that the partial rollback was just fine:
When Barney Frank Said It Was OK for Democrats to Deregulate Banks, He Was Getting Paid by a Bank
If not for Barney Fag, this legislation wouldn’t have passed the Senate. This underscores the danger of giving homosexuals like Mayor Pete too much authority in government. Well, that and Mayor Pete’s demonstrated incompetence in his current role.
KRE is the trading symbol for the SPDR Exchange-Traded Fund concentrated in regional bank equities. The largest holding in the fund, as of February 28, is Silicon Valley Bank, at 2.35% of fund assets.
Those interested in real-time assessments of how the regionals are faring might use KRE as their barometer.
I’m gettin’ hammered today.
Anyone else surprised that it’s only $100 billion?
OK, that’s two banks’ depositors covered. What about the rest of them?
See @ 5
Key Lender to Regional Banks Aims to Raise $64 Billion Via Bonds
When the backstop needs money, the backstop isn’t nearly strong enough.
The Biden Economic Miracle referred to by QoS McHillbilly will end with nationwide runs on banks. Sooner or later Bidenflation touches us all.
One of them will talk.
House Oversight Chair Comer quietly subpoenas bank records for Hunter Biden business associates
Down nearly a dollar so far today, 3M shares slide ever closer to “breaking the Benjamin”.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit rubs his hands with glee in anticipation of yet another tax loss he can harvest. If only once in awhile he could have a gain.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Still a Wendy’s.
Enjoy this brief clip of Lady Gaga being groped at The Oscars:
Fellow sexual assault survivor Queen YLB can commiserate. Men just want to get at YLB’s goodies, she tells her fucked kids.
Bernie Sanders says Silicon Valley Bank’s failure is the ‘direct result’ of a Trump-era bank regulation policy
You can’t have both deregulation and stability.
“I literally had a Republican loved one tell me that Biden is failing because he isn’t cleaning up after Trump’s mess quick enough. Like imagine the mental gymnastics required for that!”
One of the main game plans of the GOP: Break/deregulate something and hope it blows up while dems are in office then proceed to blame them.
Trump era deregulation responsible for banks’ failure, Trump era deregulation responsible for rail catastrophe, Trump disbanding pandemic response teams and mishandling of Covid resulted in unnecessary death, disability, economic crisis. Trump SCOTUS and Fed judge pics have destroyed the integrity and credibility of our highest courts. Trump tax policies have harmed all but the super-wealthy.
I’m beginning to see a pattern here. Perhaps not the greatest president ever. Yet people still want to vote for him.
@ 11
For the past 20 years Steve has been reduced to faking an infirmity in order to get women to feel sorry for him. It’s the only way they’ll come within 20′.
Yesterday Fat Midget blamed the SVB failure on “Wokeism”.
It’s so stupid it’s funny.
Even funnier is noticing why the Shit-lord crybaby is shrieking about it non-stop:
Poor thing just missed his last, best chance to get out before he loses his retirement savings. Hee.
If only it was this easy for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to delete his contributions to the 10/20/17 thread, in which first recommended, then defended, and after being buried with overwhelming evidence that he was illogical finally abandoned his recommendation that GE shares be purchased by those with a 2-3 year investment horizon.
Greta Thunberg deletes 2018 tweet saying world will end in 2023 after world does not end
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment stupidity, alas, will remain there for all to ridicule, for as long as Goldy is around for all to ridicule.
15 – People have predicted the “:end of the word” for centuries and have all ended up looking like buffoons. Greta is just another one of the buffoons and is trying to redeem herself. Good luck with that, Gret!
Somebody will eventually solve the energy problem, but, until then, we will need fossil fuels. (My guess is that it won’t be a gender studies major that solves the problem.)
I’d certainly say our own experience with Republicans here on HA would bear this fine, scientific research out:
I noticed there’s a dark red spot on one of those maps right over Island County in Washington. Huh.
@ 14
QoS McHillbilly tells us that Wolfe Research has downgraded Tesla. Well, OK, then.
What he didn’t tell us is that Wolfe is in the tank, bigly, for Rivian.
In 2021 Wolfe/Nomura managed $13B of offered Rivian shares in its IPO.
In August of last year Wolfe announced a per-share price target for Rivian of $50.
In January of this year, after Rivian missed its production target, Wolfe still ranked Rivian shares as Outperform and issued a price target of $40.
Rivian shares today? $13.77 each.
In 5 years Rivian will be a memory, and Nomura will no longer use the Wolfe name for anything it publicizes.
Colorado is lost to us for the foreseeable future in state and federal elections
I don’t personally have any fucking idea whatsoever what an “enbi trans girl faerie princess” might be. I know some of those words. But that particular combination is a novel one in my experience:
But I’m not here to kink-shame. And I’m sure the Shit-lord crybaby or just about any Republican lawmaker can fill me in if needed.
Police also found diapers and dolls around his apartment, including a child-sized doll in his bed
Doing Jesus’ work, one victim at a time.
@ 20
I don’t personally have any fucking idea whatsoever what an “enbi trans girl faerie princess” might be.
Steve knows.
Their more common name is Moobs. Steve knows.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has ’em, too. Unlike Steve, Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t know what they are, and just assumes they’re a side effect of the hormone therapy he takes to control his metastatic prostatic carcinoma.
@ 21
Not exactly a denial on the part of LGBTNation, is it?
Editors are important. Goldy did not understand this, which is why he became unemployable in real journalistic settings.
I knew I could rely on a Republican for expert insight into the world of trans girl Chaturbate.
Well Done!
Especially considering that he would have had to type all that using only one hand.
And just look at how angry it makes the Shit-lord crybaby.
And speaking of Colorado, Trump lawyer(ish) Jenna Ellis is wall-to-wall on the BirdShite reminding her drooling fans that she “merely stipulated to reckless disregard for the truth” and not to “lying per se”.
This is just the kind of reassuring statement one looks for in the bios on
@ 25
I’m a fan of full disclosure. Oh, and I hadn’t heard of Wolfe Research.
I’m not saying they’re wrong about TSLA. I’m sayin’ there’s a lot of reasons they need to be right about TSLA, and additional reasons they benefit from slamming a RIVN competitor.
@18 & 25
Someone is bitter that despite a years long head start Rivian has eaten Tesla’s lunch in the delivery vehicle space while the Tesla Semi was coming out in 2017….no wait….19….no wait, 2020, nope, 2021 or 2022, but we are DEFINITELY delivering 100 of them to PepsiCo in 2023!
Huh, Rivian has DELIVERED 10 times as many commercial vehicles than Tesla claims it will get around to delivering by the end of the current year.
What fuckwit businessman is running Tesla that he failed to see the small package delivery market as viable and let an upstart come in and dominate the market segment before Tesla could roll out a single product?
Having been forced to remember Jenna Ellis it occurs to me that maybe we need to just take a pause every few months and be reminded with a little recap:
This was just a few weeks after the GOP lost. And to be clear, this isn’t being pried out of them. This is a press conference being held at the RNC at their behest to update the media on the progress of “the investigation into election fraud”.
And to be clear, what we absolutely know for a pure fact now more than two years later, is that all three of them are simply making this shit up out of thin air. Literally every statement they make with respect to the election in this press briefing (and it’s worth watching the whole thing on CSPAN) is completely fabricated bullshit that they have pulled directly out of their asses. No person or circumstance conspired to pressure them into these absurd lies.
At this point, more than two years later, I still don’t know and I really don’t care why they launched this crazy fucking lie campaign except to point out that its only practical use was to help promote the attack on Congress two months later. But what matters most now, and what can’t be forgotten, is that this was not some fringe thing being conjured up and pursued by crackpots. This was as mainstream GOP as it gets. The only thing that kept them from holding this event in the Rose Garden is the Hatch Act. Every single Republican at every level was on board 100%.
And it was all pure lies.
And hardly “innocent” lies at that. These are lies that killed people a couple of months later and almost cost us our republic.
Biden nominees are now verbs.
Wells Fargo’s Mike Mayo says banks stocks have gotten ‘Powelled’
Think “boofed”.
Hopefully heteros will solve the Hetero Neanderthal STD Virus problem too.
In which we learn @ 28 that a semi and a cargo van are pretty much the same thing. Hey, they’re delivery vehicles. Whether it be cross-country or last-mile, what it boils down to is they deliver stuff, amirite?
So turns out SPD lied from the get go about the woman their officer mowed down.
Publicola has the receipts. It was not, as originally claimed by SPD Public Infomation Officers an emergency situation requiring rapid response. The subject of the 911 call was lucid and alert and called 911 themselves and the call was NOT treated as a potentially lethal overdose. 911 sent the lowest level of medical response, a single EMS Unit, the department will consider in response to such a call.
Then SPD said the officer was responding “alongside” but not at request. Then SPD said the officer was responding as an “EMT” which is weird since SFD was sending EMT but you get the point. The SPD rationale for mowing down a pedestrian is fluid as actual infomation gets out.
Our resident SPD cheerleader assured on these pages that the pedestrian was clearly on her phone and not able to rnotice (yet unsubstantiated) lights and sirens and SPD has so far declined to provide dashcam video.
So what we now know is this, the officer responded to a call that may not have needed him, entered an intersection, killed a pedestrian and SPD tried to justify it via press release so KOMO and The Times and Brandi Ngo can assure the public that SPD is entirely without blame in the situation. They said, top level emergency call then….well…we needed to be there…now…we can’t talk about it open investigation blah blah blah.
Why is the male part of a hetero marriage called “Groom”?
They are Groomers!
@34 I’m so sorry you have to work, Carl. I’m a capitalist, so I don’t work. I’m living off the fruits of your labor, and that of many others. Thank you for your hard work and contribution to my comfort and well-being. Doc and Jeff Bezos thank you, too. The least I can do is express our appreciation. At this point I also need to include the usual disclaimer that I didn’t create this economic system that exploits workers, and I’m not in favor of it; I’m just a piece of flotsam that figured out which wave to ride on into the beach. Doc is flotsam, too; neither of us is important in the grand scheme of things. We’re both just waveriders. He does it with options; I do it with equity shares.
Market share is not a thing in Dumbfuck’s world.
TESLA as a company focused all of it’s efforts on an E-Semi which does not have long haul range without non-existent MegaChargers ™ and had a delayed rollout of SIX YEARS with no actual sign of being able to meet their goal for 2023.
One company had a solid growth strategy for a commercial E-Vehicles and executed it and one has a single customer getting their Beta testable vehicles six years late and maybe never. Now all TESLA has to do is convince lots of trucking companies to replace their fleets with the most expensive base model semi currently on the market.
Good work, Dumbfuck.
@ 26
…“merely stipulated to reckless disregard for the truth” and not to “lying per se”.
Hey, such differences are important. As in the difference between “extremely careless” and “grossly negligent”.
The former gets you three conservative SCOTUS justices, the latter gets you indicted.
Comey chose poorly.
A once-noisy ivermectin booster died a slow, agonizing death from the drug’s well-known side effects. But at least he can say Covid-19 didn’t kill him.
I see what you did there.
And I approve.
@ 35
I’m living off the fruits of your labor, and that of many others.
To be complete, this was the case when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was employed by the government, too.
@ 39
Me, too. On Page Six I read that the two of them were recently spotted sharing a milkshake.
@40 Look who thinks government is useless and public servants do nothing of value. Should we be surprised?
Why do you hate cops, firefighters, teachers, snowplow drivers, and meat inspectors? What did they ever do to you, besides make your life better and safer?
@1 “JPM is the Obama of banking.”
Sounds like Doc might be sitting on JPM options that aren’t working out so well. Why else would he be so bitter about a stock he doesn’t own?
@3 Dumbfuck Logic: Barney Frank couldn’t be trusted to regulate banks, and Barney Frank is a homosexual. Pete Buttigieg is a homosexual, therefore he can’t be trusted to regulate railroads.
This makes a lot more sense: Doc is a Republican dumbfuck pervert, therefore he can’t be trusted to be left alone in a barn with a horse.
@4 “I’m gettin’ hammered today.”
So you’re saying you went in bigly on regionals. I applaud your honesty about it. Likewise being honest, I own no regional bank stocks. They’re too much like the cheap cuts of steak, or the head and tail of a fish.
@6 That “key lender” is a privately-owned banking system financed with private money. FDIC funds come from insurance premiums paid by private banks. Where’s the taxpayer exposure?
Nikki Haley, one of your party’s two declared 2024 presidential candidates, says SVB’s depositors should be thrown to the wolves. So think of her as the pro-contagion candidate. Lots of Republicans are stupid enough to agree with her. You’re one of ’em.
@27 “I’m a fan of full disclosure.”
DeSantis isn’t.
Republicans are right, there’s a crime wave.
The perps would know, wouldn’t they?
For the record, I didn’t get hammered today. Money fleeing bank stocks has to go somewhere, and it went to the other stocks I own in my diversified portfolio.
Shake Shack no doubt. Laced with mysteriously undetectable self leveling compound.
So…Nikki, darling, I know you want to be president but stop saying stupid shit.
What assets are going to be sold off? Will the office furniture auction and the physical computers cover the billions of investor deposits that went up in smoke due to poor regulation of the bank’s investments?
Specifically what assets? Are you suggesting blowing up a huge segment of the economy like it’s nothing? You can’t just, on the campaign trail, make stupid statements that show you don’t know shit about fuck about the financial industry. It’s embarrassing. You can’t pull an orange “I’m a billionaire so I just know” card out of your purse. You don’t have the background or assets to make that cloud of smoke keep people from seeing you lack of financial acumen.
Don’t matter though, you’re a girl and republicans would rather have a rapist candidate than a girl.
There’s a federal judge in Amarillo is definitely is not.
Amping this up because it’s for a very good cause:
TST opened an online abortion clinic in New Mexico last month to provide two-component medication abortions by mail to patients in New Mexico, and named the clinic in honor of Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito’s mother.
“The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” is a fully licensed telehealth clinic in New Mexico offering screenings and appointments and prescribing abortion medication for patients in New Mexico who want to take part in its “religious abortion ritual” and who happen to reside a convenient short car ride to many major West Texas urban areas like El Paso, Lubbock, Midland, and Amarillo.
@52 Just more evidence that Kacsmaryk is power-mad, wants to be dictator of the whole country, doesn’t want to be scrutinized as he abuses his judicial office, and prejudges all the cases coming before him. He’s a “constitutional judge” like the “constitutional sheriffs” who are a law unto themselves and assert there’s no other law than the Voice of God speaking inside their heads.
@51 She’s not going to be president and won’t stop saying stupid shit because that would require her to know what she’s talking about.
You left out the most important thing about him:
Appointed for life.
Trump did it for over a year before he ran away with the GOP primary and got 70 million racist assholes to vote for him in November. Fat Midget does it almost every day, and the resident dumbshit Republicans here all plan to vote for his ass.
She’s a Republican. Stupid statements are not disqualifying.
Demonstrating competency is disqualifying.
I wonder if Mike Pence ever thought about killing his wife. Maybe he felt that way while getting fucked in the ass.
The are really afraid to have to possible face him. They’ll do everything they can to prevent this guy from ever becoming close to President. I’m mean enough is enough, they already had a black guy become President….for 2 Terms.
Pence should answer to why Husbands kill their wives and children and thier pets. I bet he wouldn’t know what to say.
@56 He won’t necessarily be a judge for life. He might give up his seat on the bench for an appointment as Secretary of the Department of State Religion in the next Trump administration if there is one.
Gooming…..or Groping? Groping you can believe in.
Shocked! I wonder if she ever heard of Heteroneanderthal Disease? Thight might shock her too.
Haley objected to a taxpayer bailout. Turns out so did Team Biden. Hence, whatever costs there will be are going to be covered by the insurance fund, which will be replenished by higher premiums for FDIC insurance paid by the banks.
Which means that instead of being paid for by taxpayers, it will be paid for by consumers. As in less interest paid for deposits and higher loan rates/fees. IOW YLB’s fucked kids will pay for it on the first of each month as consumers, rather than on April 15th as taxpayers.
You’re blaming Haley for speaking out and saying essentially the same thing that the Fed and TSY were thinking. Haley got what she wanted – no taxpayer bailout.
Meanwhile, this 12-second snippet
is what First Vegetable Joe Biden had to say, in response to a question asked this morning:
The country’s in the very best of hands.
Share trading was halted at least briefly for 20 different banks today.
The problem with Silicon Valley Bank wasn’t the maturities of Treasury bills and bonds. It was MBS paper.
I’ve read that 30 year mortgages are priced as if the loan will actually be in place only 7 years before being paid off, because that’s how long the average owner stays in the house before moving on.
The managers of SVB put about 2/3 of their assets into MBS with an average duration nearly equal to the average homeowner’s duration in a primary residence.
That’s Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit-level dumbfuckery. Jeebus.
So why the fuck would they do that? I suspect they figured that a recession would occur before inflation took off, and that the plunge in rates that happens during a recession would enable them to sell their MBS paper at a profit.
They probably did not figure that the recession was being papered over by all of the free money Democrats ladled out since Biden took office, all while causing rates to spike.
Bidenflation touches everyone, eventually.
But OMG. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit-level dumbfuckery went on at that bank.
Being a capitalist is experiencing the first part without ever experiencing the second part. Which is why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to himself as a capitalist.
Q: What’s the difference between an entrepreneur and a capitalist?
A: The entrepreneur doesn’t spend his entire retirement desperately but unsuccessfully attempting to convince others that he’s a millionaire.
The Democrat who wants to deny people their First Amendment rights is Mark Kelly.
I know, I know. I would have guessed Warren, too.
Hetero Neanderthal people that don’t care about Heterosexual Neanderthal virus. It’s acceptable behavior for the Neanderthal Heteros. Nothing abnormal that a little jail and taxpayers money can’t take care so we all can just move along. Ntohing to see here or talk about….it’s just Hetero Neanderthal living a lifestyly that is not condemable. Smell the Roses!
Thomas Massie essentially joined the Klan. Also still claims that 9/11 was an inside job.
Having finally docketed the hearing last night, news that the Kacsmaryk Mifepristone hearing will take place on Wednesday has now gone completely viral this morning resulting in the very predictable Streisand Effect from his efforts to keep it secret from the public.
The transcript of the zoom status conference in which the Fed Soc Puppet described his plans to hold the hearing in secret has now been “leaked” to the media as well. In it the judge reveals that his initial plan was to withhold filing notice until either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. News of that plan apparently resulted in some “inquiry” yesterday from the District into the judge’s plan.
Uber and Lyft got a break today: they don’t have to treat their independent contractors as employees. This is a victory for economic freedom.
Tues morning kid stuff:
He can sing some too. Amazing. It’s a trip all the grandparents in the audience who grew up on what he’s playing..
Otherwise, got stuff to do. A life to live. Carry on HAers!
I didn’t realize it was trump bank collapse season already. I still have my trump train derailment decorations up.
Florida. “Your kids can’t read the books they want, raped women cannot get abortions, you cannot smoke weed without facing prosecution, and you cannot write about the governor as a blogger without registering first. Please, tell me how Florida is more free than someone living in a blue state.”
>> I realize freedom is not the point. Fascist Apartheid, with them in charge, is the point.
The endless cycle of angry, old, white voters never stops.
Before you know it, it will be Trump deadly pandemic virus season again.
Don’t forget to stock up on toilet paper before it all runs out.
DeSantis and other prominent Republicans blame ‘woke’ politics for Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse instead of bankers miscalibrating risk and building a portfolio that a rate hike would annihilate
“Combating “wokeism” has become one of the main rallying points on the right in everything from education to investments.”
“The Far Right is starting to use ‘woke’ in the all purpose way that Smurfs say ‘smurf,'”
“Noun, Verb, Woke”
You know what will solve this? Hunter’s laptop!
Ah, the fruits of Bidenflation.
Moody’s cuts outlook on U.S. banking system to negative, citing ‘rapidly deteriorating operating environment’
I expect that a good part of the negativity stems from distrust of First Vegetable Joe Biden. Hard to blame Moody’s for that. Even if the Fed and the FDIC and TSY are able to shore up the current mess, it goes without saying that First Vegetable Joe Biden has nearly two years left to fuck up the economy in other ways.
I disagree with the text of the piece on one point: We’re already in recession.
@76. Does President Biden control the Fed?
@76. After multiple collapses in the banking system Moodys announces there’s issues in the banking system. In other news, Moody’s just gave Lehman Brothers another AAA rating. Also
Breaking news, Water is wet!
Talk of another big Fed Interest rate hike is off the table.
Sorry Dumbfuck
Some still think DeSantis can stop the train…
We’re Probably fucked.
@ 77
@76. Does President Biden control the Fed?
First Vegetable Joe Biden controls the Secretary of the Treasury, who told us that inflation would be transitory.
First Vegetable Joe Biden nominated the Fed Chair and the Fed Vice Chair.
First Vegetable Joe Biden signed the bills that authorized all of the silly spending that pumped waaaaaay too much money into the economy and fueled the serious inflation problem that caused T-bill and T-bond (and MBS) prices to plummet.
So yeah, this is pretty much First Vegetable Joe Biden’s fault.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you really think there is no consequence to printing money in order to spend it on stupid shit?
It’s literally all they have.
Raise the retirement age, death to young pregnant girls, tax cuts for banks (oops) ‘woke’ and laptop.
It would be remarkably ironic really if the prayed for economic collapse were to actually take place.
With boomer voters in rapid decline, post-Boomer voters, all of whom were raised up mostly after the Cold War, are consistently more interested in embracing aspects of socialism in responding to big economic crises. Without the Bush Bust there’s no way in hell Obama could have passed ACA.
Another really massive economic downturn could be the final nail in the coffin for late-stage capitalism. And nothing shouts capital market system failure louder or more clearly than bank failures.
@ 83
Another really massive economic downturn could be the final nail in the coffin for late-stage capitalism.
There’s this scene from Margin Call. The CEO of a financial firm recounts the numerous times throughout history that the market has crashed. Of the repetition, he states, “We can’t help ourselves.”
We can’t. If stupid people with miniscule amounts of money aren’t given a way to gamble wildly on their families’ futures, there’s nothing for people like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to live for.
I disagree that this cyclic behavior and its sudden consequences will ever end. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t help himself.
Fave Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit stock 3M slides ever closer
to Breaking the Benjamin.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought 3M in the high $170s, then sold it in the $120s, and then repurchased it in the $110s. All so he can watch it fall into double-digits.
Robin Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t help himself.
Fox Business is reporting a US drone and a Russian fighter collided in “international” airspace over the Black Sea. The US drone was conducting a “routine” activity.
So, how do you lesser beings know we’re not lying our asses off? We are, fundamentally, self-serving liars, acting solely in our own interests.
TIL THE DEEP STATE sits at home with a plate of Hot Pockets watching Fox Business.
I would not have guessed that.
Very terrifying.
I’m the “1 Black” on the SVB board.
It was me. They never saw it coming. I can’t be resisted. It’s my hypnotic animal magnetism.
I made those motherfuckers put 50% of their assets into long term mortgage backed securities at 1.5%. I planned it all along. I wanted the bank to fail. And I just stared their asses down until they all collapsed. White liberals are like putty in my hands.
There’s a very simple solution:
Pass me.
@84 My wild gambling saw an initial investment of less than $7500 turn into a retirement nest egg of more than $1 million. Yes, capitalism is a gamble. The gambler always wins, and the worker always loses.
I added 311,000 brand new jobs last month.
Stop that or we’ll crash the economy. We can’t have McDonalds unable to find workers because they all got $15/hr jobs at Starbucks.
Friends of Bob.
After the protest they went home and beat their dogs…I’m pretty sure they don’t have girlfriends.
Shameful fucks.
Finally! The recession is coming! Finally! Forget the Nazis! We have recession coming! Freedom!
“Another really massive economic downturn could be the final nail in the coffin for late-stage capitalism.”
Blame the Nazis, you Dumbfuck
Bob is a fraud. A troll with the main goal of distraction from downward spiral of democracy.
He should spend more time fucking the wife or he’ll be buying more horses
The FuckHump didn’t? The FuckHumps was more immediate in the form of checks. Biden’s infrastructure bill not so immediate, it’s over many years. It’s investment, The FuckHumps was a complete waste.
It hasn’t escaped my notice that a lot of prices at the local grocery store are going back to what they were before what some economic illiterates choose to term “the Bidenflation.”
A lot of those temporary price increases were due to supply chain disruptions that are smoothing out now. Some were price-gouging that corporate hyenas are seeing they can’t get away with (i.e. sales declines).
I can now buy a lot of my grocery items for the same prices I paid before the bleating about “Bidenflation” began. Poof! There goes another dumbfuck talking point.
Hey, if politics can get us to finally reconsider neo-liberal capitalism and see it for what it is, I’m in. Whatever gets us there with the least further harm is what I’m for.
And I definitely see a lot of evidence that significant percentages of voters in each successive election are coming to question whether/if neo-liberal capitalism is even capable of providing the things it has promised. For the vast majority of actually rather well situated post-Boomer workers, “work” is increasingly a cruel dystopian joke. The things that neo-liberal capitalism promised are permanently receding into the distance no matter how hard they chase them.
The series of economic calamities that they grew up with, all created by massive and completely avoidable failures of neo-liberal capital market mechanisms, seem to have given them a different perspective about the “value” of work, compared to previous generations. If that trend continues, and their voices continue to gain influence politically, then perhaps there’s hope that capitalism can be saved from itself. But as far as I’m concerned plenty of Democrats are just as guilty of propping up the falsehoods about the ability of minimally regulated market oriented capitalism to take care of people and reduce suffering.
@96 So now bridges that don’t fall down with cars, trucks, and buses on them are “silly spending”?
The red states whose Congress Critters voted against those bridges are more than happy to get that “silly spending.”
Not least because their bridges, for the most part, are in worse shape than ours. But a bigger reason is they get to brag to their constituents about bringing home the pork (they voted against).
@64 “they figured that a recession would occur before inflation took off”
Usually the inflation occurs first, then the Fed hikes interest rates, and a recession follows that.
I’ve read that SVB was poorly managed. I believe it.
Darigold brand milk headquartered in your own state has just rolled out a new “1/2 gallon” that is only 59 ounces in volume. The five ounce reduction in volume produces a carton that is indistinguishably narrower and shorter than a real, 64 ounce half gallon.
Not to be overlooked is that “oppressive” anti-market regulations in food support programs that result in this fake “half gallon” being disqualified from purchase using EBT and WIC benefits.
So now Darigold brand can juice their profits seven percent by forcing food insecure low income working and disabled poor to walk from grocery store to grocery store in search of “qualifying” milk for their kids.
The greed and gouging is ongoing. It’s just changing in ways you can’t see with the naked eye.
@98 The “value of work” has always been capitalist propaganda. Capitalism doesn’t value work. The less value work has, the better off capitalists are.
The capitalist incentive structure leads to a $2.13 per hour minimum wage for certain tipped employees in the year of our Lord 2023. I hear restaurants are having trouble hiring servers, especially in red states.
“Free market” capitalists are bitching about having to pay more than $7.25 per hour for cooks and dishwashers. They don’t really like paying competitive wages. Cheap labor conservatives positively don’t like it when labor isn’t so cheap anymore.
@ 97
I can now buy a lot of my grocery items for the same prices I paid before the bleating about “Bidenflation” began.
There’s a limited market for XXXL Depends, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, especially since so many of them died from The Wuhan. You’re the beneficiary of way too much inventory in that size.
Meanwhile, Naked Juice is still 8 bucks a half-gallon.*
* it’s not really a half-gallon @ 101.
Doctor Dumbfuck spends a lot more time on my investments than his own. Why is that?
@103 I know nothing about Depends. I have no clue what they cost. You’re the expert on that subject.
The now soon-to-be former employees of the bank, who are well positioned to know, are basically reporting that the directors and executives had plenty of warning from their own risk analysts and consulting economists that their investment positions were dangerously risky in a rising interest rate environment. And they also had analyses giving them estimated probabilities of various interest rates in each year for the next ten years and have for some time, long before rates began to rise.
They knew all along that if interest rates rose a certain amount and if depositors started a run they would be insolvent. They planned for this. That’s why they sold shares last week.
@101 They can’t label 59 fl. oz. as a “half gallon” without running afoul of false advertising, mislabeling, and weights and measures laws.
@80 If they consider losing elections in places like Arizona and Georgia a “good effect” then I guess it is.
It certainly is from our point of view.
@ 104
… spends a lot more time on my investments than his own. Why is that?
My investments don’t make me laugh. OMG, that climbdown on GE shares that you did will probably never be topped for hilarity.
Biden’s epiphany, of course, is why he voted for the Defense of Marriage Act.
It’s also why he felt that homosexuals, being a security risk, should not work in Federal government.
I used to say the hard “R” all the time.
Actually, I still do!
As soon as I announce I have to resign from being Governor. So I won’t be doing that very soon.
I still have too many fags, trans, and pregnant teens to kill.
@109 “My investments don’t make me laugh.”
This time I believe you. 😥😥😥