It’s the first day of the Washington legislative session. I would advise you to see what bills a lobbying group whose goals you support is pushing, or a general organization like Fuse. And find a bill or two and write your legislators about it.
Many organizations will also have lobby days or other ways to get involved. These are a hoot for citizen groups, and I would encourage you to sign up if you can.
And please, wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Or, in the event that you are a Republican or a Republican-voting EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE, you can begin shopping for your pipe bombs supplies.
Bill Ackman is in full Peter Thiel asshole mode:
But when Business Insider raised plagiarism concerns about his wife’s work, Ackman excoriated the publication, accusing it of unethical journalism, promising to review its writers’ work and predicting that it would “go bankrupt and be liquidated.” In one social media post, he implied that Business Insider’s investigations editor (whom he called “a known anti-Zionist”) may have been “willing to lead this attack” because Oxman is Israeli.
Neither Ackman nor Oxman, whose companies didn’t respond to requests for comment, have pointed to any factual errors in the articles.
Sleeping with a plagiarist.. Shame Bill, shame.. Neri, otoh, after “thinking on her sins” has admitted to the transgression and apologized to person she wronged.
She’s far ahead of you Bill, fucking greedhead asshole..
So you opened a company that pays sub-minimum wage because they’re ‘independent contractors’ and everyone looked the other way while you illegally created ‘for-hire’ rides without proper municipal licenses or food safety training and rode that all the way to sky high stock valuations and a vacation home or two.
But now you scream like a stuck pig that you might actually have to pay workers for their time.
As a general rule, anything the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is opposed to is good for workers and their wages.
We’ve gone from:
It was election fraud and I was just standing up for the voters.
It was a perfect call
I relied on legal council and they told me it was OK to break the law and steal an election.
Ok, ok ok, so we stipulate that the actions to tell the Georgia Secretary of State to ‘find’ enough votes for a win and then try to get him to not certify the election and then have a sitting Senator from South Carolina try to do the same are in fact illegal. But we didn’t KNOW it was illegal at the time and the President has immunity so pretty please your honor just let it go. We had no idea that trying to overthrow a legal election wasn’t part of his regular Presidential Duties. Enemies Domestic or something. He relied on council from way better lawyers than us that he was in the clear.
You guys certainly have a hard-on for anyone with whom you have even a slight difference of opinion.
My worthless son was born without a dick. Sad!
Nothing exceptional about that.
The Founders had a difference of opinion with George II.
Churchill had a difference of opinion with Adolf Hitler.
His victims had a difference of opinion with Jeffrey Dahmer.
Hopefully even a complete fucking dullard like you can appreciate that what matters are the stakes.
The Republican Party is, very explicitly (and if absolutely necessarry I’ll be happy to cite examples) promising to attempt to implement a form of authoritarian government in the United States, stripping the democratically elected Congress of its constitutional authority to oversee the Executive, deploying federal troops into “liberal” cities under the authority of the president to seize control of local government functions, strip away a host of significant individualized civil rights, and to take over control of elections, including voting rights, from the individual states. In addition they propose policy changes that would produce the closure of entire functions of the federal government that Americans rely upon, to erect massive barriers to international trade and travel that would reduce the US domestic product by as much as 30% and produce prolonged and sustained hyper-inflation, withdraw from our global security partnerships that would destabilize multiple large regions of the globe and consign the planet to a permanent sea level rise that would submerge major US coastal cites by the next century, and give massive tax cuts to an insanely narrow class of privileged individual and corporate tax payers who simply don’t need it and would hardly benefit from it.
an insanely narrow class of privileged individual and corporate tax payers who simply don’t need it and would hardly benefit from it.
To them “more” is the ultimate benefit.. there’s never enough. Whoever has the most is the most..
This asshole Trump would have called the zealots who stormed our embassy and kept us all for a year and a half “hostages”.
Jackson Mississippi.
Well by now you’ve heard about the mom who reported her son missing and then found out months later that he had been buried after being struck by a police vehicle WITH HIS WALLET AND ID IN HIS POCKET.
“No ma’am we have no idea where he is.”
He was dumped behind a police prisoner work camp as ‘unidentifiable’ presumably to avoid and liability claim for, you know, getting run over by a city vehicle on official city business.
Turns out there were 215 bodies in the same ‘cemetery’ and at this point it is unclear how many of them were easily identifiable if Jackson Police weren’t a lazy ass bunch of crackers who don’t give a shit about the people they should protect and serve.
Two other bodies so far have been identified as matching people whose families filed missing person’s reports on their family members only to have Jackson Police make zero attempts to compare any deceased John Doe with the reports.
There will doubtless be more.
And the State of Mississippi just got a court OK to overhaul the Jackson Court system with a new one comprised of staff exclusively appointed by the legislature.
Trump supporters “Swatted” US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan last night.
That ought to go very well for the rapist once she gets this trial back from his bullshit immunity claims.
@4 “Attorneys for Donald Trump claim that the former president didn’t have ‘fair notice’ that his attempts to reverse his Georgia loss in the 2020 presidential election could result in criminal charges against him.”
Do I need to post “If you break in, you will go to jail” placards on my burrow?
The Texas rednecks are way ahead of us on this one. For years, they’ve been posting signs saying, “Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.”
I wonder what signage the KGB had on Lubyanka Prison’s basement door? “Lose all hope, ye who enter here”?
@5 If you think falsifying electoral votes, and beating up cops and trashing the Capitol, to violently overthrow democracy and force us to live under a dictatorship are slight differences of opinion, you’re sadly mistaken. We’ll hunt people down and throw them in prison for that.
And that’s going easy on them. If General MacArthur was around today, he would’ve ordered his troops to machinegun that mob (look up “Bonus Army”; Patton commanded the tank charge that day in Washington D.C.).
@6 Did plastic surgeons sew one on him? Or is he only a cross-dresser? Just curious, that’s all.
@7 It looks like they plan to take over private universities and turn them into re-education camps to indoctrinate youths in Christian nationalism theocracy, too.
@10 “And the State of Mississippi just got a court OK to overhaul the Jackson Court system with a new one comprised of staff exclusively appointed by the legislature.”
I assume this overhaul doesn’t include the Jackson PD, as they appear to be doing a great job of keeping the black population down.
@1 It sure seems like Trumper pipe bombers are people with drinking problems, because that’s the excuse they all use when arrested for threatening to kill someone.
Odor in the court!
I got fired today.
@19 No severance?
Headline at The Hill: “Trump world looks to squash Haley’s momentum”
Don’t need to. She’s squashing it herself. Every time she opens her mouth.
Jay Ashcroft , son of John, worst of his name, getting his ass handed to him is fun viewing.
Maine’s constitution explicitly gives the power to the Secretary of State to declare a candidate ineligible. We can have a discussion about if it’s the RIGHT decision but the power in the state of Maine goes to the secretary of state.
In Colorado the Secretary of state does NOT have that power and the issue was decided by the courts. We can have a discussion of if the decision was correct but not that Colorado went around any existing law to keep Donald off the ballot.
Missouri, the Secretary of State, does not have the constitutional power to remove someone from the ballot. Jay Ashcroft insists on air that that doesn’t matter and if SOCTUS leaves either ruling in place it opens the door to him having the unilateral power that Maine gave to their Secretary of State.
Jay Ashcroft is a crappy attorney and doesn’t in any way understand or he does but he’s just riling up the rubes.
New Trumper Video Claims ‘God Made Trump’
I accept no responsibility whatsoever for the body odor.
@22 A Supreme Court that kicked Trump off the ballot would also make short work of any retaliation against Biden.
The fact is, SCOTUS can do anything with this case it wants to. It can rule the Colorado statute wasn’t an appropriate vehicle to impose Section 3, and then say one isn’t needed and Trump’s actions disqualified him. Or it could say Section 3 is inoperative until Congress enacts implementing legislation.
Or it could say Trump got enough due process in the Colorado hearing; disqualification is a civil disability, not a criminal penalty, so it doesn’t requires a unanimous jury, or a finding of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, or discovery and opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.
Ballot eligibility determination is an administrative process, and under federal and statement administrative procedures acts, the processes are more informal and the evidence rules are more relaxed.
There’s a multiplicity of directions SCOTUS could go. I think it will boil down to whether they want to do this, or don’t want to do it. Trump is attacking judges, treating courts with contempt, and daring them to take on him and his mob. They just might run out of patience with him and his mob.
Trump wants an economic crash so Biden will be a Herbert Hoover. Never mind the unemployed who will suffer.
I would argue you probably have very little business claiming that you and your Republican Pipe Bomb Pals never had anything like “INSURRECTION” in mind that day when you’ve all been dumb enough to have filmed yourselves that day, as you were busy doing it saying just the opposite:
“We’re stormin’ The Capitol.
Princess Bride jokes only get you so far, before they get you prison time, assholes.
@26 The comments below the vid are outstanding:
“We were storming the castle, and they poured boiling oil on me!”
“I got maced! whimpers, rubs eyes with onion in a towel”
@ 25
Never mind the unemployed who will suffer.
Everyone should be a capitalist. Then unemployment is just spending one’s wealth.
C’mon, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Tell us why everyone should be a capitalist rather than needing to work for a living.
And it’s Queen YLB’s fucked kids who will suffer.
@ 26
Princess Bride jokes only get you so far,..
Revolutions or insurrections without firearms don’t get you any further. Which is why what happened was neither.
@ 2
Sleeping with a plagiarist.. Shame Bill, shame..
Sleeping with a plagiarist of a Neil Kinnock speech. Shame, Jill Biden, shame.
Oh. That wasn’t Biden’s first plagiarism, either.
Dumb cunt Queen YLB just doesn’t learn.
@28 “Tell us why everyone should be a capitalist rather than needing to work for a living.”
Ever hear of an unemployed capitalist? How about an overworked one? Or underpaid one? How many workers own mansions and yachts?
What’s the tax rate on capital gains versus wages? Business jets are deductible, bus fare to work is not …
@29 “Revolutions or insurrections without firearms don’t get you any further. Which is why what happened was neither.”
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! A violent uprising against the government is an “insurrection” only if it succeeds! Your best
legal argumentcomedy line yet, doc.Btw, there were firearms at the Capitol uprising, and just across the river. At the Ellipse speech, too, where the Insurrectionist In Chief ordered the magnetometers removed (remember)?
What need was there to remove the magnetometers, unless Trump knew there were guns in the crowd?
@30 Old news. Very old news. You linked to a 1987 NYT story. That story played out as follows:
And it got worse; he had also exaggerated his academic record, and “borrowed” from other politicians’ speeches. But there’s a saving grace in all this:
Biden is a flawed man. Trump is a flawed man, too. Only one of these flawed men has admitted fault and taken responsibility for his actions. Only one of them has been indicted on 91 criminal counts. Only one of them tried to violently overthrow an election and our democratic system of government. Sure, lots of voters want a better choice than these two. But if this is the choice, one is better than the other.
This explains a lot*:
of ass-kissing sycophants.
* E.g., delusional and disordered thinking
@30 Biden was always ambitious. He always wanted to be president. It took Trump to put him in the Oval Office.
Think on your party’s sins.
Dead Zombie Lie Alert:
Trump’s rioters brought lots of firearms with them.
Traitors can’t have it both that “it was merely an unarmed street celebration” and that Backpack Bomber Barbie was a “martyr for La Revolucion”.
Hand the bank teller a robbery note then see if having left your gun in your pocket makes any difference a year later when you watch your last good tooth circling the prison shower drain while Barrio Azteca is pulling train on you.
Of course it was an insurrection.
And of course they were armed.
Nobody said Republicans were any good at it.
It took Trump to put him in the Oval Office…. while campaigning from his basement wearing a comfy sweater.
That will always be my favorite part about that win.
@38 I’d like to see Trump campaigning from a prison cell wearing an orange jumpsuit — and see how that goes over with voters.
Btw, Haley — inadequate as she is — now is within 7 points of Trump in New Hampshire. And that’s before his convictions start rolling in.
One of the Georgia defendants asserts two of the prosecutors are fucking each other. I don’t see how that compromises the case. It would be different if a defense attorney was fucking the prosecutor.
Undoubtedly just another part of the “Circus” defense strategy.
I’d say we can expect a non compos defense but Powell already plead out to cooperate.
That wasn’t Biden’s first plagiarism, either.
Biden being in “asshole mode” towards orange tinted fascist prick drumpf is just what this country needs..
Yawwwn.. degen asswipe of widbee babbles apples and oranges..
Everyone should be a capitalist. Then unemployment is just spending one’s wealth.
The kids are savers.. many months of liquid saving to ride out any recession. Both are gainfully employed – have spotless resumes.
Recession seems more unlikely by the day:
the greedee kreepshit types will be so fucked in November.
The Dems got Trump into office by running Hillary Clinton in 2016. It took the help of the Deep State to get Biden into office in 2020.
The Dems got Trump into office by running Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Poor Dems. Just can’t understand that this country doesn’t like uppity women. Roger Stone understood that. It founded “Citizens United Not Timid”.. What does that stand for? Had to drop it when that other klownservatic sued him.
It took the help of the Deep State to get Biden into office in 2020.
oooh a klownspiracy to hack the dominion machines.. yeah.. you right…
According to teh kreepshit troll, drumpf coulda got a second term just by babbling about Joe’s plagiarism. heh. What a dumb krap head..
It’s so typical of trolls here to denigrate people they hate for being “lazy”..
Living in Spain has shown me there’s a different way to exist.
I love the work culture in Spain. In America, I felt like my only options were to rise and grind and get beat down by the machine, but everything is different here. In Spain, they seem to value their lives over their work — it’s not even a work-life balance.
People take three-hour lunches and drink a bottle of wine before going back to the office or they stop in the middle of the afternoon for a leisure espresso break. It was kind of difficult to transition into that lifestyle because I was so used to the American way of life where work is everything. Even through college, I was constantly working and grinding my life away.
When I first moved to Spain, I felt like I was really lazy. I wondered, what am I doing? I should be working myself to the bone. But then I started to see how Spaniards live and I wanted that level of freedom and joy. Now, I attend a community college and spend my days studying, going to class, and drinking espresso and wine at cafés.|1
Asked to comment teh widbee kreepshit babbled: “Spain sounds like a country of “unserious dumb twats”.. While I molder in widbee in retirement countin’ my fookin’ munee I will hate lazy “dumb twats” till “that certain day”.. freedumb biches…
I haven’t yet been introduced to one single “Dem” who voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
However, I have endured the plaintive mewlings of at least one profoundly supid trust fund troll, and one EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE ignoramous who voted for Trump no less than three times, two of them after they learned that he was a rapist
You lost. You’re a fucking loser. A retired dude beat you half to death without even leaving his basement or putting on his “good” shoes.
That may be hard for you losers to face. But no less so than the fact that you eagerly voted to make a corrupt rapist your president just for the lulz and to piss of fsome imaginary “libbies”. And it’s a plain fact born out by every single court and every single Republican state election official. You lost.
And the only big “conspiracy” to cheat in that election was you fucking losers recruiting impostor state electors and forging faked state electoral certificates of ascertainment, and then recruiting a violent, armed mob to attack Congress in the middle of the count.
That will not be forgotten by history. Not at all.
And history teaches us all traitors must fuck off and die.
My advice for anyone planning to visit, pick just one or two locations. Plan a stay of at least two weeks, but preferably three. Do not fill an itinerary with boxes to be checked. If you feel you must visit Parc Guel, go very early in the morning and plan to be leaving by lunch. And for heaven’s sake, skip La Sagrada Familia. Rent some fucking VR goggles and tour the fucking thing that way.
Barcelona is honestly a lovely and enchanting place filled with wonderful people, culture, and experiences. But it is also being destroyed by tourism. Tread cautiously and lightly if you can. And consider some alternatives like Valencia, Cadiz, Grenada, Seville, or Bilbao.
But if you do go to Barcelona don’t miss this theater and these dudes if/when they are appearing:
I’m in the audience, stage left, first balcony. Theater is a Gaudi design. Almost the entire interior is Gaudi ceramic ornament. The ceiling is incredible.
More of this is coming between now and November and women vote.
The New Yorker has a long piece about Yeniifer Alvarez-Estrada Glick. A Texas woman with a history of hypertension and other conditions found herself pregnant. She wanted a family. A combination of a religiously affiliated local hospital, where the delivery and OB/GYN have closed and births routinely take place in the emergency room, and the Texas abortion ban killed her.
She had had Covid, at seven weeks she was seen with trouble breathing and vaginal bleeding. In a normal society the dangers of her being pregnant would be acknowledged. She would still have a choice to try to carry a baby.
But in Texas in 2022 neither the religiously affiliated local hospital nor any doctor suggested that carrying the baby to term could kill her. Though they knew.
At nine weeks it was recommended she be hospitalized for her hypertension while pregnant but uninsured she could not take that advice. Still no one counseled her about ending the pregnancy.
At 12 weeks she needed to be airlifted to a hospital in Austin where she was discharged days later. He family believes her being uninsured was the driving factor in sending her home.
A few weeks later paramedics were called to her home and found she had dangerously high blood pressure and catastrophically low oxygen levels. She died waiting for a helicopter transport back to Austin. The baby did not survive.
No one at any appointment or medical facility ever told her being pregnant with her medical history could kill her.
She wasn’t given the option of staying alive.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit strongly supports SecDef Austin.
After all, each of them has had post-prostatic carcinoma surgical complications, and each has been left permanently impotent and incontinent.
@ 47
QoS McHillbilly channels his inner Pauline Kael:
I haven’t yet been introduced to one single “Dem” who voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
This is how you get President Trump in 2025.
Think on your sins.
Legal Eagle Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 40
One of the Georgia defendants asserts two of the prosecutors are fucking each other. I don’t see how that compromises the case.
No one around here is surprised that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is unable to comprehend the ethical implications of what is being alleged.
Everyone around here understands how Robinhood Dumbfuck
Rabbit was unable to find work as an attorney by the time he reached his mid-50s.
Jesus Christ, can’t these fucking losers do their sobbing where we don’t have to hear it?
Obviously we all need to do our part to beat their asses again this year. But perhaps with some luck all the sobbing, shrieking, pipe bombing, Swatting, death threats, and truly pathetic grift schemes will finally begin to subside once Trump is locked up.
Jesus Christ, can’t these fucking losers do their sobbing where we don’t have to hear it?
I love that they share their pain with us.
Now very slowly like we’re five. How
Is any of what’s alleged a conflict of interest?
Is either party representing a competing interest in the case?
I’m not as entertained by it as I once was.
It’s becoming repetetive and thus boring. The profoundly stupid trust fund troll is a perfect example. The same tired schtick going back years now. Still chanting the same self-soothing mantras. Still sheltering in the same long-since-debunked bullshit lies and myths.
He’s simultaneously too puritanical, too stupid, and too divorced.
He thinks the rule is “no fucking” because he caught one of his divorce attorneys plowing one of his ex-wives.
The same tired schtick going back years now.
“Get ready for The Pain” and “GE” date back to at least 2011. I’d bet “Think on your sins” goes back that far as well. Same with the rest of his tired shtick.
His schtick is obviously stuck. Such a bore.
What happened to the 50-point lead all y’all have been claiming Trump has over the competition?
CNN Poll: Haley trims Trump’s lead to single digits in New Hampshire
Christie is at 12%. Trump’s numbers in the Granite State are somewhat less than inevitable now. Twelve point increase in a race with five candidate is significant.
Where will Haley be when Christie drops out after NH? Where would Haley be if Christie drops out before NH?
What happened to the 50-point lead all y’all have been claiming Trump has over the competition?
What happened to DeSantis? Does he no longer exist in your dojo? No mention at all.
In case you missed it, the RCP National GOP Average has Trump leading by 51.5.
The judge asked, Could a sitting president be criminally prosecuted for issuing a presidential order to Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival?
Trump’s lawyer replied, “He would have to be, and would speedily be, impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution.”
Yes or no? the judge asked.
“If he were impeached and convicted first,” Trump’s lawyer replied, insisting the “political process” of impeachment has to occur first.
Under this Trump lawyer’s theory of the case, the GOP House can authorize assassinations of Democratic leaders by refusing to impeach a GOP prez for ordering them. In effect, they’re the grand jury.
But hey, we can do it too, when we have the White House and a House majority. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Buh-bye, Donald and MAGA Mike and a few others.
@41 As I see it, there’s no chance a defense attorney is fucking the prosecutor. Their defense attorneys are fucking horses and goats.
@ 60
In case you missed it, the RCP National GOP Average has Trump leading by 51.5.
Howard Dean 2004 could not be reached for comment.
Neither could 2008 #CrookedHillary, who had a 22 point lead going into Iowa caucuses.
It’s the little things that matter. The Dean Scream, John Edwards’ bastard baby, crying about one’s wife. Little things like that.
We’ll see.
DeSantis? Last I read he’ll drop out after Iowa and endorse Trump.
@50 While other people are playing Fantasy Football, our doctor troll is playing Fantasy Medical Procedure.
Honestly, I think he wanted to be a urologist instead of a radiologist, and never got over missing out on inserting catheters into nursing home patients.
@63 “It’s the little things that matter. The Dean Scream, John Edwards’ bastard baby, crying about one’s wife. Little things like that.”
To the Democratic electorate, yes. I’m curious why even big things don’t matter to the Republican electorate. I suspect the answer is these electorates have different moral and character standards.
Pro Tip: Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Honestly, right now the very best thing for America would be for Shop Girl to win the first two primary contests in Iowa and NH. Because it’s inevitable that she won’t win all the delegates. And it’s even fairly unlikely at this point that she can win enough delegates to challenge Trump at the convention. But if she did, woo boy!
I get dizzy just thinking about it.
Take the convention into a floor fight. Go for it. Split that vote. DOOOOEEEEEEIT!!!!!
Because of YOUR profound stupidity, you may get to choose a different nominee but… YOU NOW GET TRUMP NO MATTER WHAT. And all us “libbies” can do is look on and laugh. Trump is done fucking America. Dark Brandon and 81,000,000 loyal American voters saw to that.
But he won’t be done fucking Republican losers for at least a decade.
Great looking headline at The Hill:
Very credible look for Team DERP STATE./s
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Will these fucking stenographers ever stop falling for this bullshit:
He isn’t. Promise.
Yeah we’ve been over this.
Nikki gets trounced in Iowa. Squeaks out a close second in New Hampshire. Gets trounced in Nevada. And then she suffers the deep embarrassment of not carrying her South Carolina and by Super Tuesday it’s over.
Imagine being president with
sixseven grandchildren you are willing to admit to, and never having to pay a dime into the college funds for any of them.Because your friends do the financing for you, in exchange for White House perks.
Sweet, sweet deal. The White House is for sale.
@69 Here’s a couple more terrific-looking The Hill headlines today:
Trump: Georgia case ‘totally compromised’ after allegations against Fani Willis
This is great! We no longer have to prove anything to convict people. Jack Smith can go straight to the guilty verdicts without bothering with troublesome trials!
Chip Roy on Johnson ouster: ‘That’s not the road I prefer’ But wait, there’s more: “I think there’s going to be some real conversations this week about what we need to do going forward,” Roy later added.
Translation: Speaker Mike is well on his way toward reverting to just Plain Ol’ Mike.
@72 This is a thing? Purchasing ambassadorships is as old as the Liberty Bell. Well, almost as old.
The profoundly stupid trust fund troll’s terrifying DERP STATE commission:
The Commission consists of 21 members appointed by the President of the United States. Of these, seven are appointed after consultation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and seven are appointed after consultation with the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, with three of each seven by tradition recommended by the minority leaders of each house of the Congress.
They are not paid for their service.
This incessant sobbing and wailing is deafening.
Ray Epps certainly took one for the FBI team.
Captured on clearly identifiable video recordings instigating illegal activity and trespassing onto Capitol grounds, and he gets zero jail time.
That’s one lucky dude. Fortune has smiled upon him.
Not only does Trump want the courts to approve of political assassinations, but he also wants criminal defendants to be able to get immunity by alleging, without proving, the prosecutor is getting laid.
Of course the prosecutor is getting laid! Everybody’s getting laid, even Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse. Whatever people’s other differences may be, they’re all in favor of fucking.
Ambassadors get paid, they get a bunch of perks, and they get to serve abroad in national capitols where many have business interests.
This is another volunteer commission that pays zero, requires regular attendance at incredibly tedious and very long meetings, reading of insanely lengthy staff and consultant reports, and as most non-idiots realize is a giant pain in the ass compared to whatever symbolic “honor” attaches and very honestly consists of real generous service freely given to the American people and their government by individuals motivated to serve. As you can quickly see from the people who serve, they have no need of resume building.
The profoundly stupid trust fund troll can’t recognize honest acheivement and loyal patriotic service because everything he has was handed to him thanks to someone else’s hard work, and sacrifice.
“It was only a matter of time before former President Donald Trump went birther on Nikki Haley. … It’s not only concern about his electoral prospects that’s driving him; Trump’s massive yet fragile ego also feels threatened. So he reached for the most reflexive slur he could find ….”
I.e., she’s not a citizen because she was born in
KenyaSouth Carolina. You know, there might be something to this; they still fly Confederate flags there and act like they’re still fighting the Civil War, so in their minds at least her state of birth isn’t part of the United States.Boeing airplanes didn’t fall apart in the air back when parts and subassemblies were made by Boeing union workers instead of nonunion subcontractors.
Maybe they need to rethink their manufacturing philosophy.
I dumped my Boeing stock for $372 right after the second crash. Since then its stock has struggled to stay above $200, hasn’t paid a dividend for 3 years, and it’s been 5 years since Boeing made a profit. I won’t touch Boeing stock now; I don’t want to own a company with deep internal rot, or one selling a bad product. I don’t see any future in that.
Trump thinks his lawyer’s argument that a president has immunity to assassinate his political opponents “went well.”
North Carolina cops, eager to “solve” a rape, concealed crime scene evidence, “lost” the rape kit, coached the victim to ID the suspect, removed blacks from the jury pool, and committed perjury on the witness stand. As a result, an innocent black man spent 44 years in prison. The settlement is $25 million.
I assume all of those crooked racist cops are dead now, but if any are still alive, they should be prosecuted and spend the rest of their lives or 44 years, whichever is less, behind bars.
Society has gone too easy on dishonest cops. Lying on a police report, hiding evidence, falsely testifying in court, should be prosecuted as criminal offenses. And we’ve got to stop letting police unions control internal investigations and disciplinary processes.
The states still taxing tampons are mostly states you’d expect to make women pay sales tax on tampons: Mostly red states, and most of the red states.
Do you get the feeling that states run by Republicans have hostile policies toward women? I sure do.
Republicans are strange people.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Demorats keep trying to come up with statistics that are better than when Bidenclown was installed, and always fail, because everything is worse. Inflation is higher, mortgage rates are higher, murder rate is higher, illegal immigration is higher, and once again you get caught faking employment statistics. Thanks for another laugh you fvcking clowns.
Another “blockbuster” jobs report as half a million imaginary jobs are revised away and another 700,000 Americans drop out of the labor force.
Meanwhile, the economy lost 1.5 million full-time jobs — in a single month. Replaced by gig work, Doordash, and government jobs.
Guzzling aquarium cleaner and shoving flashlights up your asses wasn’t a great idea after all.
Oh well.
Thoughts. Prayers. And so forth.
Here’s to 6,000 of you assholes dying every fucking day. 🥂
@ 84
Roughly a quarter of teens and a third of adults reported having trouble affording period products in a 2023 survey from the underwear brand Thinx and the nonprofit organization PERIOD.
It’s a little-known fact that Queen YLB got her start pan-handling because she needed money for Kotex. She found the effort easier than working for a living.