Good morning, Washingtonians. Have you voted yet? Remember, if you have until November 3 to have your ballot postmarked or dropped off. I have not confirmed it, and I wish I could remember who tweeted it, but hopefully this map is helpful. Otherwise, check your county elections office.
And please wash your hands right now.
Trump says he built a ‘booming’ economy. Economists say he inherited it.
(Chortle!) Fact have a liberal bias.
Luckily for Goldy and his Philly Dem thugs, there’s always fraud.
Even God is voting for Biden.
Fox News anchors are quarantining after coronavirus exposure on debate flight
In the last year of Obama’s “booming economy” @ 1, real GDP grew only 1.6%. This was slower than GDP growth in the years 2012-2015.
By 2018, real GDP growth was 2.9%, or nearly double what Obama managed in his last year.
Facts are facts, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. If you pulled your head out of your ass more often you might see one or two of them.
@CrookedHillary enabled a serial rapist.
Joe and Jill Biden enabled their crack addict, deadbeat dad, corrupt, pedophiliac son.
Get rich or die tryin’.
I just heard AOC say that long lines to vote are vote suppression because people may choose not to wait in line to vote. AOC is a joke.
Goldy chooses to make a joke @ 6 about the plight of black families.
The reality is that there are only about half as many two-adult (married + cohabiting) black families per unit population as there are white families.
Hispanic families have two-adults nearly as often as white families, and Asian families have even more two-adult households than white families.
It’s no joke, Goldy. You just don’t see political advantage in being serious in your approach to a problem. Because of this, you also can’t see any political advantage in keeping inner city black kids from being killed by other inner city black kids.
Baltimore and Chicago aren’t Republican strongholds. Those kids are dying in Democrat strongholds.
Nothing funny about that, Goldy.
@ 7
I just heard AOC say that long lines to vote are vote suppression because people may choose not to wait in line to vote.
That’s not what a certain Trump says.
AOC’s idea of patriotism is successfully pocketing the dough that supporters donate to her campaign:
FEC Complaint Filed Against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for ‘Extensive Off-the-Books’ Campaign
The reason true socialism has never been tried is that deep-down, socialists are in it for the grift. How else does Bernie get three houses?
In this grimy business of politics, fortunately there’s always one guy we can trust to give it to us straight:
Putin rejects Donald Trump’s criticism of Biden family business
You see, Russia has no interest in Ukraine.
The thing about Hunter Biden that The Q Clearance Cat Lady just can’t stand is that his father loves him.
Whatever the voters decide on November 3rd, it needs to be a blowout, landslide win for one of the candidates. If it’s a massive victory, the losing side won’t have any grounds to contest the election results. That means no rioters burning police cars or looting stores because their “reason” for acting like criminals won’t exist.
Jared’s advice to blacks about racism: “Stop complaining”
The thing about AOC that The Q Clearance Cat Lady just can’t stand is that, just like his wife, she’d never fuck him.
@7 AOC is exactly right. If you think Republicans aren’t trying to discourage people from voting by making voting difficult, you’re an ostrich.
Keep it up, doc. Democratic candidates love what you and Jared are doing.
If Democrats weren’t trying to discourage people from voting they would not have nominated the corrupt Joe Biden.
Keep it up, Mitch. You’re doing fine! You’re just what progressives need to push court packing over the finish line.
The real meaning of Barrett: “We’ll do it because we can.” Those are the new rules for Democrats, too. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
You’ll now please direct us all to the quote of Vice President Biden threatening to disregard the results if they’re not to his liking.
Also, kindly fuck off.
We all get that you neeeeed Democrats to be as opposed to democracy as the clowns you’ve empowered. But your needs are not the country’s needs.
Not anymore. Not since you traded your patriotism for permission to tell racist jokes in the workplace.
@17 “corrupt Joe Biden”
too damn funny for words
If you are going to cherry pick facts, Now do this last year of trumps’s “booming economy” 2020.
@9 Republicans complaining about alleged dark money. hahaha
You’re just full of laughs this morning, doc. How does it make you feel to realize Republicans are so hated by so many that Democrats are raising vastly more money from small donors than Republicans can get from people like Sheldon Adelson?
@10 “this grimy business of politics”
What we have here is a cat complaining the litter box stinks.
@12 I don’t know about police cars — I suspect Boogie Bois will still be ambushing cops after election day — but at least it’ll be the end of white guys in hoodies throwing lit matches into ballot drop boxes in minority neighborhoods.
@14 Even the horse, goat, and chickens aren’t willing partners.
@17 “If Democrats weren’t trying to discourage people from voting”
Don’t get out much, do you?
@ 20
You’ll now please direct us all to the quote of Vice President Biden threatening to disregard the results if they’re not to his liking.
I can direct you to a quote of #CrookedHillary telling Biden to disregard the results if they’re not to his liking.
Democrats objected to the results in 2000 and in 2016. It’s not the GOP that has history like this.
The Senate has sent word to Vice President Pence that his presence will not be required in Senate chambers today.
Which means that Schumer has the votes to block Barrett. /sarc
Happy Birthday, #CrookedHillary.
MN Senate race:
Senate challenger Jason Lewis undergoes successful emergency surgery
If he’s released tomorrow and makes a campaign event tomorrow night, that might help. Maybe.
Texas Hispanic voter support for Trump is 34%. In 2016 it was 29%.
Texas black voter support for Trump is 12%. In 2016 it was 8%.
In both groups the support for Biden is notably lower than it was for #CrookedHillary.
Voter suppression should be a federal crime with stiff penalties.
The sale of access to the Vice President to companies linked to the Chinese government should be a federal crime with stiff penalties.
@34 Agree. In fact, I think it already is. There must be a federal statute that would cover this, should it ever occur.
“A young man wearing a pro-President Donald Trump baseball cap pulled out a handgun during a confrontation with political opponents Saturday afternoon in Woodinville” and then women got between him and the children he was pointing the gun at to protect the kids.
P.S., I don’t see any Biden supporters pulling guns on people
@ 36
P.S., I don’t see any Biden supporters pulling guns on people
You really don’t have much of a perspective with your head up your ass all the time, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Biden has 73% of Philly voters.
#CrookedHillary won 83% of Philly voters.
Guys in South Philly think “hardscrabble” Scranton is full of cocksuckers.
Really, where? Words have meaning. ‘Not Conceding’ doesn’t seem to mean what you think it means.
@ 39
‘Not Conceding’ doesn’t seem to mean what you think it means.
How about if I attach “under any circumstances” behind it, Cz-252?
Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election ‘under any circumstances’
That’s NBC News, not Fox.
Do those words sound as emphatic as “absolute lock” does, Cz-252?
The sale of unused hotel rooms to foreign diplomats in exchange for looking the other way when they murder journalists is definitely illegal.
The steering of U.S. spending spending to your own companies is definitely illegal.
Donald Trump should not concede under any circumstances.
Donald Trump should not give an inch.
That’s just throwing Hillary’s words back at her, substituting only the name of the candidate.
Fuck Hillary Clinton. She has given license for Trump to behave in any way he chooses, because she gave license for Biden to drag it out no matter how the election results turn out.
Goose, gander.
@40 Biden shouldn’t concede if Trump declares victory and ballot counting over when half the ballots are still to be counted.
Scrolling through today’s thread, I think doc is getting a little edgy in the final days.
AOC is not something I would touch either dumbASS dot bombed. Puddy once say a meme that said…
Seems most assesHorse females fit the bimbo(?) category with their comments over the years. Puddy married a woman with a brain. Twin masters and two bachelors and board certified in her field. You can call Puddy every name in the book dumbASS dot bombed. Doesn’t matter to Puddy!
Sux to be a moron like dumbASS dot bombed.
I see what you mean.
The 30 hours of Senate debate are winding down.
Clarence Thomas will swear in The Notorious ACB when it’s all over except for the liberal tears.
Only YOU can keep the zombie out of the white house!
Don’t worry. He won’t He’ll still be screaming about all the illegals voting and the mail in ballots as they lead him from the courtroom for…take your pick:
Tax Evasion
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Misconduct
That pronoun thing is gonna bite ya back.
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
@ 49
Meanwhile, Biden has nothing to lose. He’ll be indicted, of course, but he’s too mentally incapacitated to stand trial.
Good question.
Piddles loves to talk about ‘lefty’ Police Unions endorsing the fascists.
There are generally rules in most Police Departments against individual officers endorsing candidates while in an official capacity. That wasn’t understood by this guy.
The Union will try to get his suspension overturned of course because that’s what they are required to do. Also, NYPD union loves Donald. He encourages the racist stop and frisk and violence against anyone disrespecting their AUTHORITY!
@ 53
I’m reminded of all of those NYPD officers pointedly turning their backs on Hizzoner de Blasio at that officer’s funeral about 2-3 years ago.
That was very political, but directed at only one guy.
No commissioner would find fault with that. Besides, are ya really gonna discipline HUNDREDS of officers?
Hundreds of NYPD cops turn backs to de Blasio in protest as he speaks at funeral for slain Officer Miosotis Familia
Despite this (and it was July 2017), de Blasio thought it wise to run for president.
Other than skin color, what do Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill have in common?
They each hate Joe Biden’s guts.
Joe Biden Expresses Regret to Anita Hill, but She Says ‘I’m Sorry’ Is Not Enough
Someday before he passes away maybe Donald Trump will get a chance to tell a Mother whose child was taken at the border and never seen again,…
“Fuck you you shouldn’t have come. It’s your fault.”
So sad! It’s like the dumbfuck is posting while curled up in a fetal position.
If states are planning on using the stimulus money to bailout their public employee pension funds then they shouldn’t get a penny. States like South Carolina should not be rewarded for financial incompetence and chicanery. They got themselves into their financial messes, and it’s not the responsibility of the rest of the country to bail them out.
@45 “Puddy married a woman with a brain.”
We can safely assume she’s the dominating type who prefer weak, stupid men they can boss around.
@47 If she gets us 4 new justices we wouldn’t have otherwise, and two of them are Obama and Warren, I’ll be happy.
@52 Russell Crowe knows more than you.
Barrett will get on the Supreme Court, but that will be the last hurrah for the Republican Party for at least four years. Biden will win on November 3rd. I don’t think he should attempt to pack the Court with progressive liberals in order to get his way. That maneuver didn’t work for FDR, and it won’t work for Joe Biden.
@58 They shouldn’t get money for UFO research, either.
However, they should get money to pay firefighters, police officers, teachers, improve school ventilation systems, provide PPE for first responders, and all their other needs going unfulfilled because of collapsing tax revenues.
However, I wouldn’t spent a cent on remedial education for dumbasses like you who don’t know a budget item from a tree limb. It would be a waste of resources.
@62 I don’t think he should pack the court with progressive liberals, either. I think he should pack it with judicial moderates who reflect the centrist thinking of the majority of the American people to offset the radical right extremists Trump and McConnell packed the court with.
Say it with me, bitches:
Cork, popped.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Statement On “Nazis-For-Biden” Assaults On “Jews for Trump” Rally;×750/public/images/2016/7/19/2016_AGT_S11_CONTESTANTS_PAGE_TapeFace.jpg?itok=3TCcXKNi
Skirmishes broke out between supporters and opponents of President Donald Trump as a “Jews For Trump” convoy of hundreds of cars draped with American flags and Trump 2020 banners rolled slowly through Manhattan and Brooklyn over the weekend.
The caravan traveled from Coney Island to the Trump Tower in Manhattan on Sunday before heading to a rally in a Brooklyn park. Videos shared on Twitter showed several protesters pelting the vehicles with eggs or stones, snatching flags, and shouting insults.
In one video showing physical fights between several people, police officers detain an unidentified man and protesters chant “let him go.” Another video showed a small group of people throwing objects from a Brooklyn highway overpass at vehicles bedecked with Trump flags.
Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, called Monday on the Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, to denounce attacks on the president’s Jewish supporters.
There was no immediate response from the Biden campaign.
Pre-Telecast Public Service Announcement For Demorat Loons – “We prepare you for ‘Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens’ so you don’t stress out and whack it on Zoom.”
On Monday Tucker Carlson announced he will have Tony Bobulinski on his show for an extended interview on Tuesday night.
Bobulinski touched on several key points in his damning memo and impromptu press conference Thursday night before the final presidential debate:
He confirmed “the Big Guy” AKA “the chairman” referred to in Hunter’s emails is indeed Joe Biden
He met with Joe Biden at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles in May of 2017 to discuss Hunter’s business deals in China
Mr. Bobulinski said he received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says 10% held by “H” for “the Big guy” in that email there’s no question that “H” stands for Hunter, and “big guy” for his father Joe Biden and Jim for Jim Biden
He confirmed the Bidens went behind his back and got paid millions by the Chinese in side deals outside of their contract
Relaxing Music;
@67 Tsk, tsk. Such behavior is unseemly. So is pulling a gun on children.
I wish people on both sides would settle down.
While Doctor Dumbfuck does jumping jacks to celebrate the confirmation of an extremist to the Supreme Court, Biden announces he opposes term limits for judges.
Clearly, between doc and Joe, one is more adult than the other.
Leave it to a dumbfuck to cherry pick shit out of his ass.
Never in the last 12 years has the GDP ever been any better since Obama was President. Aproximately in the begining of 2015 it hit 4%.
The Hump and the Repukes never could achieve what they said they could achieve. What a fucking shock!
The only think the Hump can do is kill 250,000 Suckers and Losers.
@65 / 66
Can you say Shithole?
This is asinine even for The Q Clearance Cat Lady.
Legally contesting ballot counts in a particular state (in a winner-take-all contest for EVs) where state election officials are documented fucking with ballots is not remotely the same thing as the GOP FailPresident suggesting he might use the powers of his office to remain in place even if he loses the contest.
Republican party policy, according to their leader, is now that Trump should remain president regardless of what the majority of the Electoral College votes.
Republicans have abandoned the legal process available to them and are now resorting to threats of violence, and armed insurrection.
Time for Reconstruction again.
Drink veeeery, veeeeeery slowly.
It’s going to have to last you about ten years.
Per the FBI website.
In 2019
48 law enforcement officers died due to injuries incurred in the line of duty during felonious incidents.
By region, 27 officers were feloniously killed in the South, 9 officers in the Midwest, 9 officers in the West, 1 officer in the Northeast, and 2 officers in Puerto Rico.
Of the officers feloniously killed, 25 were employed by city police departments, including 7 who were members of law enforcement agencies in cities with between 100,000 and 249,999 inhabitants.
By race, 40 of the victim officers were White, 7 were Black/African American, and 1 was Asian.
3 officers were involved in vehicular pursuits.
28 of the alleged offenders were White, 15 were Black/African American, and 1 was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. Race was not reported for 5 of the alleged offenders.
The States with the highest killed was Texas @ 8, followed by Alabama with 6 and California with 6, followed by Illinois with 3 for a sumation of almost 1/2 of the total number.
How many were Heterosexuals?
That’s you, isn’t it Shortbus?
Still an imbecile.
That “maneuver” didn’t have to work for FDR because the Court backed the fuck down. Study the history. It was an outrageous over reach by the Court, stepping into and usurping the role of the legislature simply because they didn’t like the laws that were being passed. Within months of the Judical Reform Act of 1937 being read into the House the Court reversed the earlier rulings and one of the most conservative Republican judges announced he would retire.
It was a defeat for FDR in appearance only. The reform bill got dumped and briefly split his support in Congress. But it didn’t matter because all the key New Deal legislation was enacted and upheld by the same court. And by the time he died in 1945, a beloved and unprecedented four term President, he had replaced every single one of the nine who had thwarted him ten years earlier. In the end he slaughtered them all and spit on their bones.
Gman @ 71
Never in the last 12 years has the GDP ever been any better since Obama was President. Aproximately in the begining of 2015 it hit 4%.
For the full 2015 calendar year, the return on the S&P 500 was negative, and if one adds dividends to the return, it was only 1.2%.
Leave it to a dumbfuck to cherry pick shit out of his ass.
You cherry-picked a one-quarter period in early 2015, gman. You fucking hypocrite.
I chose a five-year period of time, which were the final five years of Obama’s presidency. Not exactly cherry-picking; I doubt you understand the term.
[Fun fact: if you google “cherry-pick homosexual” you get 3,510,000 results, and 3,509,999 of them pertain to homosexuals using the term “cherry-pick” incorrectly. OK, I made that last part up. But still.]
RBG who?.
I’m really shocked, YLB, that your Handmaid’s Tale costume didn’t succeed in preventing ACB’s confirmation. I mean, look how well your pink pussy hat worked out – the Senate actually added two Republican members in 2018.
I don’t understand the complaint about a shifting balance on the Supreme Court.
I mean, a well-qualified white woman was replaced by a well-qualified white woman. What more do y’all want?
Hey y’all, it was four years ago today, when things were sliding for her in the Rust Belt, that Birthday Girl #CrookedHillary decided she was gonna go campaign in Arizona.
In support of Joe Biden’s pledge to transition away from oil, gman has pledged to transition away from oil-based anal lubricants. Years ago gman swore off using prophylactics for his nameless, faceless trysts in grimy alleys behind the local gay bars, as they are manufactured from petrochemicals.
The Democrat party sure won’t need, or care about, its black voters come November 4.
NBC Nightly News: “The most partisan confirmation in Supreme Court history.” Also the most extremist in living memory.
Doctor Dumbfuck and all the other Republican dumbfucks are proud of this moment, because they’re dumbfucks.
I’m really shocked,
Oh? Did you look in the mirror by mistake?
Heh. Accidents and shit happens.
“Not anymore.”
I don’t think I’ve seen a more prescient comment than this:
Note the date.
Think on your sins. Especially you, Steve.
This should be pinned at the very top of HA. Always and forever.
Does it hurt much, Leader Reid?
@89 Precipitated by what? Reid didn’t just dream this up, you know.
The GOP will always be remembered by future historians as the hugely unpopular party that wouldn’t let the majority govern and tried to impose dictatorship on America.
@ 90
Sez the asswipe who remembers Mike Brown dying with bullet holes in his back.
There’s work to do.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would get full credit for an own-goal like this:
Pack the courts. would have to replace Think on your sins.
Kavanaugh sure had to take one for the team during his confirmation process, but y’all got nothin’ except whinin’ like pussies this time around.
Congratulations, libbies. Y’all gave Lindsey Graham a spine in 2018. He used it in 2020.
Multiple people were on camera screaming at him to drop the knife, you lying piece of shit. Both officers were in retreat while telling him to drop the knife.
Goldy stoops so low he’s stealing Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s shtick now. How embarrassing.
I have to wonder how many lives might be saved from being extinguished in a post-election riot if somehow Goldy could use his employer’s resources to make this informational tweet go viral:
Similarly, I wonder how many pre-election lives might be lost in a riot because of the absolute garbage tweet @ 95 Goldy also sent today.
You’re can be a reasonably effective community activist or you can be a clown, Goldy. Choose.
What the hell kind of “shitless, hip-thrusting, end-zone dance” involves a 2 hour long recitation of alleged penalties, trash-talk, and other offenses you believe the defense committed during the drive?
Here’s the social media clownsurvaturd censorship report for this week:
The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:
1. Dan Bongino
2. Donald Trump For President
3. Dan Bongino
4. Mike Rowe
5. Fox News
7. Donald Trump For President
8. Fox News
9. Fox News
10. Dan Bongino
8:51 AM · Oct 26, 2020
Oh the humanity!
Don’t be your own lawyer.
Don’t do it. Most especially don’t do it if you are already on bail facing a felony conviction.
Blundering right-wing activists Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl appeared before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on Monday morning over a newly filed civil lawsuit on behalf of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.
At the hearing, the duo was not represented by counsel and instead personally responded to the judge, Victor Marrero, while frequently struggling to address simple questions about their robocall scheme.
“May it please the court, Your Honor, my client is currently on bail having been indicted on felony criminal charges related to these events in another jurisdiction. In order to protect his rights and against those charges he is unable to answer these questions or respond at this time. We ask for an indefinite continuance of this matter until that criminal case can be resolved.”
Or you can go pro se and fuck yourself.
Washington state ran all-mail in 2016.
In 2016 by Sunday one week prior to “election day” 763,000 ballots had been returned.
As of Sunday in 2020, the state has already received over 2,000,000 returned ballots.
Same rules. Completely different voter response.
Do not be a Republican in this cycle.
As of Monday in Texas the total number of early votes cast is already equal to 82% of all votes cast in 2016. And Texas has not expanded mail balloting in 2020, strictly limited ID is required in order to vote, and the Republican Governor limited each County to only a single ballot drop location. Early voting in Texas will conclude on Friday.
Bad year to be a Republican in Texas.
In Arizona, over 400,000 voters who did not cast a ballot in 2016 have already voted. Registered Democrats have a 10.4% advantage among these new “surge” voters, which is almost double their lead in 2016.
These actual voters are largely uncounted in most pre-election polls.
Nationwide, over 15,000,000 voters who did not cast a ballot in 2016 have already voted in 2020. Nationwide, the Democratic voter lead among these voters is double the lead among early voters who did vote in 2016.
Turnout in general will be the story. But within that will be an important story about “new” voters turning out. It will be decisive in a few key states. It may be ignored by some in the media. It will certainly be denigrated and dismissed by Republicans and Trolls4Trump. The implication will be that “new” voters are somehow less “worthy” or less “valid”.
It’s up to patriots to defend voting and the right to vote. This is no different than the surge elections in the South following the voting rights act that saw large numbers of African Americans elected to state houses for the first time since reconstruction. These voters, and the representatives they elected were also discounted, rejected, and ignored.
BTW, the shit Trafalgar polls that The Q Clearance Cat Lady was pimping last week have now so humiliated Robert Cahaly that he’s been reduced to disavowing them and pretending that they were “fakes” posted to discredit him, despite the fact that immediately following the releases he was on FOX defending them.
Trafalgar has now been removed from 538.
Dumbfuck knows what it takes to be a Klown.
Short lived success that enriched the rich and ran up a deficit is part of the reason, that I wouldn’t call success. Look mom I can ride with no hands, just before hitting the tree. You fucking moron. Bankrupt this nation, no investment….great growth that is unstainable, but it got you a horse and buggy!
For all those people that claim they are better off in the last 4 years, why the disgruntled complaints?
I am better off too – I got the same raise that I got as I did in the previous 4 years. Such fucking bullshit from the con people.
Cherry picking asshole – Why are your comparing only the last year (2015).
How about you respond to the Repuke and The Hump claim that they would far exceed what they’ve done in the last 4 years with the GDP, especially when it’s the fucking most amazing greatest economy ever! Is it unachievable, but they want you to believe it is? Just because they have nothing in reality to talk about and fear, fear, fear is great.
Now do the unemployment rate that it’s the lowest ever in fucking history.
Bob is a bigger Con job than The fucking Hump. Piece of shit. Ok, I have to admit, I didn’t make that part up – it’s true!
Damage assessment report:
“Sen. Ted Cruz wrote off President Donald Trump’s repeated efforts to accuse Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden of corruption, saying in an interview that the narrative doesn’t move ‘a single voter.'”
@95 You stoop even lower by fucking unnatural species.
The whole idea of having a better economy is relative. And it can only be relative in miniscule amounts, given that we manufacture less (with Bob’s robots) and depress wages that creates a bigger disparity in income equality.
This capitalism isn’t sustainable anymore than socialism, when you have people heavier on one side of the See Saw than the other.
If it weren’t an issue that couldn’t be used as a wedge to divide then the Repukes would have nothing.
Here’s a Graph….the GDP charted over 25 years (you’ll have to select 25 years yourself – unless you are Bob, he’ll pick 2009) looks a lot better in Obama’s 8 years than it did in the last 4 years as average lines for each period respectively. From the fuckers that complained that it wasn’t good and they could do better, but only to con the suckers and losers like Bob.
@100 Isn’t it obvious what’s going on? “Trump” and “Biden” are merely proxies for the real candidates:
Dictatorship (R)
Democracy (D)
And voters understand, all too well, that once the “R” candidate gets in, you can never vote it out, no matter how disillusioned the citizenry becomes with it.
@82 Bob you miss your brother? Go see a psychiatrist.
@103 “It’s up to patriots to defend voting and the right to vote.”
This, of course, is what the election is all about: Whether you’ll get to vote in another one.
Dictators understand that once they seize power, keeping it requires eliminating eliminate voting rights. That lesson is not lost on Trump. He knew what he was doing when he appointed Kavanaugh to the Puppet Court:
@ myself
Success that is being exaggerated as extremely successful. Nothing that killing 250,000 to many more will cherish this great success. The trailer park hillbillies still wont be able to afford a casket, such great success!
Southern Hillbilly says – I’m much better off, but I still can’t plug the hole on the roof of the trailer and my daughter she don’t need much, all she needs are those short short daisy dukes that make her look like daddy’s whore.
Speaking of dictators, Elizabeth Warren would give Mussolini a run for his money if, God forbid, she ever got elected to the presidency. The woman is a loud mouthed nag and scold.
oh, hey cherry picker – why did you pick that 2.9% value in 2018? Was there any particular reason fuckface?
The Hump economy blows…..Doctor Dumbfuck blows it.
Aside form the COVID isn’t a virus Con this is the biggest Con over the last 4 years – that the economy is great. The losers and suckers need to face it, they are being fucking conned. Skirts on!
Bob is a loser and a sucker and the other Trolls here know it. heeheheheh.
@106 “Short lived success that enriched the rich”
Well yeah. One of the things doc overlooks, when citing raw data, is who it goes to: A few at the top. The growth he cites means nothing to most people. They’re not better off than they were four years ago.
@115 “The woman is a loud mouthed nag and scold.”
Your wife voted for her behind your back.
Gclown @ 110
If you go back to the original post @ 1, it referred to whether Trump inherited or built the economy. That has been the discussion in this thread.
2009 has nothing to do with Trump. You’ve hijacked the discussion due to your failure to successfully dispute my point that Trump’s second year GDP growth was nearly double Obama’s last year GDP growth, and now you’re time-traveling to a period eight years earlier in order to build up The One.
For a variety of reasons, the economy has performed well under Trump until the ‘rona hit. Nothing you can gin up from The Great Recession era changes that, Gclown.
You’ve been letting too many guys slam your head into the brick wall while they’re fucking you bareback in that grimy alley behind the bar, Gclown. That repetitive trauma, and the degenerative neurologic issues associated with your HIV+ status, have badly affected your cerebral function.
A provable lie by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 119
One of the things doc overlooks, when citing raw data, is who it goes to: A few at the top. The growth he cites means nothing to most people. They’re not better off than they were four years ago.
Here’s Gallup, three weeks ago:
Now, if you want to talk about first terms in which most people were NOT better off than they were four years previously, in 2012 only 45% said that they were.
Maybe it’s Obama you meant to slam, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you just got it wrong. Or perhaps you’re simply a bloviating, cowardly liar.
@121 and your reply to @1 using the 2018 figure of 2.9% growth was cherry picked, nor represents that the economy was better (or not inherited). In fact the GDP growth chart shows that the last 4 years have sucked and he made the economy worse (except for your cherry picked 2.9% value), even without factoring in COVID.
Now I can’t put it any more simpler. So let’s move on…..tell us about the low, low, low, low unemployment rate.
I’d like to thank Steve @ 105 for amplifying the point of my @ 95, 96 posts. Can’t do it without ya, buddy.
Bob here is the graph once again….just in case you got distracted by the horse.
4 years an no infrastructure plan.
The Hump infrastructure plan was to decommission America’s democracy with Bob’s help. The horse wish he had the opportunity to kick Dumbfuck in the head.
More Trump vs. Obama, to soothe Gclown’s overpenetrated, flaming anus:
SCOTUS justices appointed by Trump in fewer than four years: 3
Coney Barrett
SCOTUS justices appointed by Obama in eight full years: 2
@127 I see you moving on because you lost the argument… walking out of a 60 minutes interview…..or buying a truck to ride on out of here.
Gclown @ 123 at 10:39 a.m.
Gclown @ 128 at 10:56 a.m.
Gclown does 12 year-old girl better than anyone else.
Anna Wintour during the Obama years:
Michelle Obama and Anna Wintour Have a Moment
YouTube · Associated Press
May 5, 2014
Video result for wintour obama3:05
Michelle Obama pays tribute to Vogue editor Anna Wintour …
YouTube · AP Archive
Aug 3, 2015
Video result for wintour obama
Anna Wintour Costume Center Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony with …
YouTube · The Met
May 7, 2014
Video result for wintour obama0:49
Could Vogue’s Wintour Be Obama’s New Ambassador?
YouTube · Bloomberg QuickTake Originals
Dec 4, 2012
Anna Wintour, 2020:
Vogue’s Anna Wintour Apologizes After Black Staffers Call for Her Removal
The moral of this story is to never get too friendly with the Obamas.
@130 moving on again?
You lost the argument. You and the Hump have a failed economy, an economy that never existed as you would like to portray. You are a sucker and a loser. And every other doctor near you knew you were a sucker and a loser.
@120 Nope, wrong again!
Conversation started at @1 and ended at @131. Dumbfuck lost.
@132 if you really want to know what wrong is then you need to checkout Doctor Dumbfuck for the true example.
Goldy @ 95 wants you to think that Philadelphia police intentionally caused this. Through murder.
30 Philadelphia police officers injured as tensions erupt in West Philly following fatal police-involved shooting
[ABC affiliate report]
Never go full Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Goldy.
@135 not out of the question. Actions have consequences. Like voting for The Hump.
And you want us to think you have any points that are meaningful and not cherry picked and not biased.
I was just musing about the number of 40-something SCOTUS justices President Trump might be able to appoint in a second term.
Obama Repeatedly Tried to Get Biden Not to Run for President
The former president is reportedly worried Biden will “embarrass himself.”
Plenty of time for that later.
When the mockingly discredited Team-“Spygate” is reduced to covering ladies fashion in order to find something to SCANDAL…
…you’ve already won.
@ 138
…reduced to covering ladies fashion in order to find something to SCANDAL…
Ivanka Trump could not be reached for comment.
Confidential to Gclown:
The reason it won’t stop burning is this time it’s no longer merely classified as pre-cancerous.
Does anyone think that 40-45% of this nation can sustain an economy?
So there’s talk of the Conservative Supreme Court electing Trump to another 4 years. If that should play out that way, don’t you think there will be a complete revolt by the balance of the nation? I like to see business and an economy survive.
Bob, you better take the horse for a spin in the little buggy and get that over with.
Does anyone think that 40-45% of this nation can sustain an economy?
So there’s talk of the Conservative Supreme Court electing Trump to another 4 years. If that should play out that way, don’t you think there will be a complete revolt by the balance of the nation? I like to see business and an economy survive.
Bob, you better take the horse for a spin in the little buggy and get that over with.
Does anyone think that 40-45% of this nation can sustain an economy?
So there’s talk of the Conservative Supreme Court electing Trump to another 4 years. If that should play out that way, don’t you think there will be a complete revolt by the balance of the nation? I like to see business and an economy survive.
Bob, you better take the horse for a spin in the little buggy and get that over with.
Tripple post! yeah baby.
Really, really unfortunate that those Philadelphia riots orchestrated by #BLM happened so close to the election.
In this report by CBS affiliate CBSN, the author made no suggestion whatsoever that a peaceful group of protestors was provoked by heavy-handed police presence.
Civil Unrest Across Philadelphia Leads To Looting, Vandalism Of Multiple Stores Following Police-Involved Fatal Shooting Of Walter Wallace, Jr.
Why, it’s almost as if people used the shooting as an excuse to loot and riot.
It’s almost as if a reporter for CBSN has finally seen enough.
No wonder Goldy @ 95 is so desperate to spin an alternative narrative.
@140 is that what you tell Rush LimpDick as you suck his dick?
Why @ 145 did I use the word unfortunate?
It seems that Pennsylvania is an important state this year. At minimum, it seems that way to Nate Silver:
Is Joe Biden Toast If He Loses Pennsylvania?
Pratt & Whitney chooses lower-cost North Carolina — not Connecticut — to build a $650 million manufacturing plant
Relatedly, Gclown has advised those strangers wishing to fuck him bareback in the ass that the ulcerations now completely encircling his anal sphincter have nothing to do with HIV, and that he is completely clean and has always chosen his partners wisely and with caution.
Oh, and to bring poppers!
Have a good day, y’all.
The Notorious ACB will be formally sworn in today, and has a mountain of work awaiting her, including abortion and 2A material.
It’s a Ruthless era. Lie back and enjoy it, gents. You too, YLB.
Unwise advance planning:
Clinton’s rare visit to Arizona is unusual show of confidence for a Democrat
Wise advance planning:
Here’s how the Guardian link in @ 150 actually reads:
“Unprecedented show of bravado”
That show of Hillary Clinton’s bravado culminated yesterday in The Notorious ACB’s confirmation on Hillary Clinton’s birthday.
Think on your sins. Steve.
I might have to swap out @godwinha for Unprecedented Show of Bravado for the next several days, to commemorate the Hillary Campaign 2016.
Whaddya think?
Or, a fragile justice with a long history of serious medical illnesses could decide not to play Russian roulette with midterm and presidential election results, and decide that 81 is a good age to retire, so that a president favored by said justice can successfully appoint a successor with similar jurisprudence.
It makes yours truly laugh at the time the misogynist freak @153 advised that I take Rog Rabbit “seriously” at my own peril… the
misogynist, rape fantasist, porno linker, hair challenged..
Teddy Kennedy decided he wouldn’t retire and that got y’all Senator Scott Brown and a shortened duration of filibuster-proof legislative power.
RBG decided she wouldn’t retire in 2014, and that got y’all The Notorious RBG.
Just think what y’all coulda gotten otherwise.
@121 “Trump’s second year GDP growth was nearly double Obama’s last year GDP growth”
That’s like saying borrowing $100,000 from the bank increases your income by $100,000.
Trump borrowed $1.1 trillion from China and gave it to billionaires. GDP growth in 2018, the first year of the tax cuts, was $970 billion.
That’s the “growth” you’re bragging about. And if Obama had done that? You guys would be screaming bloody murder.
Correct. We don’t care.
The Amy Coney Barrett Hail-Mary Touchdown
Republicans understand that Barrett’s confirmation is coming just a week before a potential electoral “bloodbath.” They don’t care.
He kept his end of the deal.
If he loses, he loses. He did what he was elected to do. We’ll survive the next two years just fine no matter what.
@132 I guess I shouldn’t have assumed any woman would marry you.
@137 Sometimes doc is downright funny. Here, he’s worried about Biden “embarrassing himself” if he’s elected, after his candidate has spent four years embarrassing the entire country.
@145 “orchestrated by #BLM”
Yeah, the only thing missing in that news report is BLM, so you inserted it.
Making shit up, as always.
Full of shit, as always.
That’s our doc.
@ 156
That’s like saying borrowing $100,000 from the bank increases your income by $100,000.
No. It isn’t.
Money borrowed increases a company’s cash on hand. Other than providing stability in troubled times, it does nothing for the company unless the company puts it to use.
GDP growth is the result of capital put to proper use. How the capital was acquired in order to accomplish the growth is immaterial. People are hired and paid, they can pay their mortgages and buy food and other necessary items. Whether the company used saved capital or borrowed capital in order to produce goods which are sold for revenue which the company then uses to pay its employees, who then support the national and global economy, is irrelevant.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, in October 2017 you supported GE and pointed out that one reason for your support was because GE paid a dividend, even though the company was losing money at the time you supported it. The dividend was draining GE’s cash position. GE borrowed, heavily, in order to sustain it.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@148 You get what you pay for. Boeing certainly did.
@149 “It’s a Ruthless era.”
Sure is. I’m waiting to see how far you guys will go. And what will happen when you do.
@155 Everybody’s luck runs out eventually. You’ve had a good run of it. Glad you enjoyed it while it lasted. I’m happy for you. It gives you something to look back on after Nov. 3.
@161 In which Doctor Dumbfuck wants us to believe all the capital sloshing around that’s being used for stock buybacks because corporations can’t put it to “good use” is being put to “good use.”
Explain why the trillion dollars borrowed from China to finance Trump’s tax cuts for billionaires isn’t just more surplus capital.
Following on Goldy’s @ 95 conspiracy theory that the police intentionally murdered a man in order to create a riot atmosphere in Philly yesterday…
Obviously Democrat governor Tom Wolfe is complicit in this evil GOP plot to steal the election from Biden by winning Pennsylvania, as Wolfe has called in the National Guard to assist overwhelmed Philadelphia PD:
National Guard Will Be Deployed to Philly, Day After Fatal Police Shooting
Clearly this conspiracy began in May with the right-wing thugs provoking the behavior that followed in Philadelphia:
You nailed it, Goldy. The Philadelphia PD and the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania are working together to steal the election from Biden and hand it to Trump.
See how stupid you sound when you misuse the word “traitor”, Steve?
Imagine how big a pussy I would be if I spent the next four years posting about traitor and Xi several times a day, because my choice blew an election.
Actually, Steve doesn’t have to imagine. It’s the same pussy he’s been for the past four years.
OK, the taser option turns out not to have been an option (link @ 166).
But still, they could have offered the gun-wielding dude an exposed shoulder to cry on. And he didn’t need to drop that knife, not really. It only had one sharp edge, after all. And maybe he would have missed the heart and aorta.
Well, we already know he hasn’t forgotten the name George Bush.
From a guy who is so foggy he can only refer to Trump as “this guy”.
The only reason some people are pushing for statehood for Washington, DC is this action would provide the Senate with two more Democrats, thus tipping the balance in the Senate towards the Democrats. The same reason is why people are pushing for statehood for Puerto Rico.
Washington, DC should be joined with Maryland, not made its own state. Puerto Rico should pursue its own independence or perhaps returning to Spanish administration and being a Spanish colony again.
The more I can do to get Doctor Dumbfuck to say this kind of stuff
the better.
You aint shittin. Dude thinks he’ll be immune.
Funny? The Troll is what he is, a demented Troll. A1 is less demented. A1 might be from Pluto, but Bob is a case.
WOW! Just watched Kennedy verbally bitch-slap Rudy Giuliano about how Rudy’s bullshit with Hunter Biden’s laptop is exactly the kind of shit Richard Steele did. Giuliano nearly popped his cork! I thought the greasy bastard was going to come unglued at one point. He’s DEFINITELY hiding something.
Rudy Giuliano is nothing more than a Deep State supporter who needs to be OUT of government forever! Throw that greasy bastard out!
@167 Can’t disagree with you there, as far as it goes; Cardillo sounds stupid when he uses the word “traitor.” But he sounds stupid every time he opens his mouth, and is incapable of not sounding stupid.
Wow, that Tony Bobulinski interview was non_Russian INFORMATION!
See you dummocretins!
@170 “The only reason some people are pushing for statehood for Washington, DC is this action would provide the Senate with two more Democrats, thus tipping the balance in the Senate towards the Democrats. The same reason is why people are pushing for statehood for Puerto Rico.”
Well, those aren’t the only reasons. People who live in D.C. and P.R. are U.S. citizens, just like us, but don’t have a vote in Congress. So, treating them as equal citizens, with equal representation, is a big part of it.
“Washington, DC should be joined with Maryland, not made its own state.”
That’s one possible option.
“Puerto Rico should pursue its own independence or perhaps returning to Spanish administration and being a Spanish colony again.”
That’s an option, too. However, I think we’ll make them states and give ourselves four more senators, to fuck you guys because we can. In other words from now on we’re playing by McConnell’s rules, too.
Thank you Adam Shifty Schiff.
Did you guys see Tony Bobulinski nuke Shifty Schiff, saying that Congressman Schiff was the reason that Tony decided to join Tucker and sit sit down with Fox News for an interview?
@178 “Did you guys see … ”
Well senile_idiot_wabbit@179 you can see it on YouTube or Fox News.
FARA, RICO, Money Laundering, etc. direct from his business partner because the Biden Campaign would not say Tony was NOT Russian disinformation! That’s all Bobulinski asked for and the Biden Campaign could NOT say the truth!!!!!
See ya senile idiot wabbit!
Mister Goldstein’s Neighborhood:
“I always wanted to live in a house like yours, my friend
Maybe when there’s nobody at home, I’ll break in!”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Thank You Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report – How arrogant & stupid must you be to hire an honorable vet with a top secret clearance to run an influence peddling scam, then piss him off by accusing him of being a Russian agent when the scam becomes public? As stupid as Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein.
Bobulinski explained how he met with Joe Biden in Los Angeles on May 2, 2017, at the request of Hunter and his uncle, Jim Biden, to discuss the Biden family dealings at a high level.
“They were sort of wining and dining me and presenting the strength of the Biden family to get me more engaged and want to take on the CEO role” of the joint business venture between the Chinese energy firm CEFC China Energy Co. and Oneida Holdings, a Delaware-based LLC.
Bobulinksi said it was “crystal clear” that Hunter Biden had brought his father up to speed on the status of a joint venture deal with the before he met with the former vice president.
Bobulinski recalled bringing up his concerns with Jim Biden the following day after his meeting with the former vice president that their business dealings with the Chinese could impact his brother’s 2020 presidential aspirations.
“I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future? Aren’t they taking political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, ‘How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren’t you concerned?’
“And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, ‘plausible deniability.’” Bobulinski said.
(w/ video clip of interview)
I don’t know how many districts there are in Philly. Probably not many more than 26.
If they’re all the same size then a little more than a quarter of Philadelphia is supposed to shelter in place.
That’s about 400,000 people.
Maybe while they’re stuck inside while liberals are rioting they can fill out their ballots.
They can’t even do petty right,
If a WalMart is being looted, are the looters greeted upon entry?
Democrats need people to believe that Tony Bobulinski is 2020’s Michael Avenatti.
Not the Michael Avenatti all those MSNBC and CNN interviewers fawned over. The Michael Avenatti who’d be in jail right now if not for the Wuhan.
But… but… but… DEATH STAR!!!!
Oh Brad!
Everyone at the Superspreaders was supposed to be using the Trump2020 DeatStar “Ap” enabling the boy-genius to engineer the Trump Reich and sell them discount Bleach Injections!
Instead WiFi is down, Brad is in a straight jacket on 400 mg of Clozapine, and Trump is losing Texas.
You and the Democrats can attempt to get Washington, DC to become a state and maybe Puerto Rico, too, but it ain’t gonna happen. Just like Joe’s threat to pack the SCOTUS ain’t gonna work (assuming he gets elected). Washington, DC should simply be incorporated into Maryland. Take a look at a map. D.C. is bordered by Maryland and has the Potomac between itself and Virginia. Makes sense to just blend it in to Maryland.
As for Puerto Rico, considering the way we became involved in that island’s history back in 1898, should be an independent nation.
Tucker failed to trend on Twitter at any point during his broadcast. #Bobulinski briefly hit #10 with 16k hits.
So no, no one saw it that wasn’t already a Trump cult true believer.
A freshman Democrat representing a Staten Island congressional district is now running behind his GOP challenger.
A video that caught him in an argument with a constituent and cursing out that individual is NBC’s property, and it’s no longer available, at least not that I can find.
He must have been pretty inappropriate.
Not sure either of those states would agree to incorporate. In both cases DC would instantly become the largest city in the state throwing the legislatures into temporary chaos as seats are reapportioned, districts redrawn and the ‘power centers’ are suddenly diminished.
Given its singular area status for over a century saying it should just get absorbed is pretty strange.
@ 189
I haven’t seen it.
And I guess since there are never any video clips on any platform anywhere, since I missed it tonite I will never have a chance to see it in the future.
@ 191
Not sure either of those states would agree to incorporate. In both cases
DC would instantly become the largest city in the state throwing the legislatures into temporary chaos as seats are reapportioned, districts redrawn and the ‘power centers’ are suddenly diminishedthe nature of the grift would change significantly, and that would make too many powerful people very unhappy.ftfy
Most people would watch it BeerPong. Also, Twatter is burying, deleting or delisting anyone who bring up Hunter Biden. Tony Bobulinski’s Twatter account was deleted early on the 25th. That’s what Marxist thugs do.
dummocretin are scum!
@182 I gather they’re tired of being slaughtered by white cops, but I suspect some of them are also in it for a tiny piece of America’s vast wealth.
@186 Actually, I don’t think anyone outside your echo chamber is paying attention.
Boy who cried wolf.
godwinha, you need to up your game. Really?
@188 What makes sense has nothing to do with it.
This account doesn’t exist
Try searching for another.
He was tweeting last week,
The left wrong dummocretin loving news was blown apart by Tony’s own words and actual emails missed by the people in the above erag.
Who would have guessed that a fake Spartacus and a fake queen were part of the same fake royal family?
Cory Booker ‘very happy’ to find out he’s RuPaul’s cousin: ‘Hope he and I can have a family reunion soon’
@190 Looked her up and was amazed to find a Republican candidate who isn’t a QAnon nutcase. She opposes overturning Roe v. Wade and supports gay marriage rights. Not bad for a conservative Republican.
@ 197
Poorly written sarcasm from me.
@193 All of this is irrelevant. What’s relevant is that deterrence failed.
Piddles doesn’t know about live tweeting.
Computer expert.
Items in the top ten on Twitter tonight while they were in the air
#gonsolin (P, Los Angeles)
#snell (P, Tampa Bay)
@202 “Poorly written sarcasm from me.”
Actually, that describes everything you post.
Remember vote for BiuteME! or else.
Daily Mail is a trashy tabloid, but is good for a laugh now and then, such as this headline:
“Trump’s campaign website is briefly ‘seized’ by hackers who claim to have evidence that ‘proves his criminal involvement with foreign actors to manipulate the election’ – but spokesman says ‘there was no exposure to sensitive data'”
Donald, this evening
@206 No need to threaten. Everyone knows what the “or else” is.
@209 With the wholehearted support of the National Association of Police Officers. Why are you down on the police? Oh, that’s right, because you’re …
Trump’s pitch to suburban women:
“I’m getting your husbands back to work.”
That oughta work.
Btw, how’s he doing with that voting bloc?
Oh Poor Poor BeerPong, such an expert on everything. Live twatting with Periscope is what BeerPong? Does it go through the Twatter server system? Do Twatter servers know who and where you are? Does Twatter know your previous tweet slant?
See ya!
“President Donald Trump has had more than $270 million in debt forgiven since 2010 after he failed to repay his lenders for a Chicago skyscraper development, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
“An analysis of his tax records by the Times shows that after the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago encountered financial problems, big banks and hedge funds cut Trump considerable slack, granting him years of additional time to repay his debts, much of which was ultimately forgiven.
“And while the previously unreported forgiven debts would usually fuel a large tax bill, Trump appears to have managed to pay almost no federal income tax on them, … partially because of the significant financial losses his other businesses were enduring.”
Successful businessman …
They probably can’t nail him for tax evasion. You don’t owe taxes if you’re a wastrel who’s never had a paying job and burns through your late father’s money like a drunken playboy.
“The case for stripping the Supreme Court of its power”
“A Harvard law professor on whether it’s time to rethink the nation’s highest court.”
Understand that I’m not for a partisan judiciary. I’m against that. This explains my position:
“When he was arguing for the ratification of the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton wrote that the judiciary ‘will always be the least dangerous branch to the political rights of the Constitution,’ in part because he believed the federal courts would stand above the political fray and act as a bulwark against tyranny from all directions.
“But it’s hard to defend the Supreme Court on these grounds today. As my colleague Matthew Yglesias has argued, the Court is now a blunt political instrument, used repeatedly to undermine outcomes of democratic governance ….
“So it’s perfectly reasonable to ask if we should abolish the Supreme Court, or at the very least strip the Court of its ability to overturn laws that it rules unconstitutional. If the Court is no longer a neutral arbiter of the law, if it’s gradually shape-shifting into a partisan weapon, then maybe it’s time to rethink its role in our constitutional system.”
To which I would add that if the Supreme Court starts taking elections away from the people and deciding them itself, or even just interfering with the right to vote, then it’s definitely time to disempower the court.
By the way, Barrett’s participation in a Trump campaign show 7 days before an election didn’t add to the appearance of either her or the Court’s impartiality or legitimacy.
She may regret that.
The blue check marks are muting us.
It’s real!
Like Q
Like Child rape on the pizzaPong shop.
Judgement day is coming
A week to go and Trump2020 has pulled down all their ads in FLA.
Battleground station operators demand the money up front, and the “savvy businessman” is broke as a joke.
Women continue to turn out in much higher numbers than men.
An astonishing 25% are voters who did not participate in 2016.
Was it something he said?
Hundreds of Trumpaloompas stranded in a freezing, littered Omaha air field hanger following the GOP FailPresident’s departure aboard a luxuriously appointed AF1. Dozens treated for hypothermia and exposure, nine rushed to area emergency rooms for life-saving treatment. No word yet on the number of fatalities.
Thoughts and prayers.
It is now officially too late to mail in your ballot, thanks to the GOP rat fucking of the postal service.
Drop it off in person at a safe, official ballot drop location.
DOJ now facing potential sanctions from Judge Sullivan in the Flynn dismissal scam.
After having been caught submitting altered documents with faked dates to the court, DOJ faced a Monday deadline to certify that all submitted documents were authentic, not faked, and not altered to suit the GOP FailPresident or his lying former National Security Adviser. Late Monday afternoon DOJ filed their response in which the department “confirms” the accuracy of original photo copies and transcriptions of field notes from FBI’s Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok, whose notes had previously been found to have been falsified by the DOJ.
According to the DOJ filing:
“The government reiterates, however, that the content of those exhibits was not altered in any way, as confirmed by attorneys for both former FBI employees,”
However, while lawyers for both McCabe and Strzok are not commenting about the DOJ filing, correspondence documents both lawyers released for informational purposes clearly indicate that DOJ waited until Sunday night to reach out to them for confirmation, that lawyers for both McCabe and Strzok declined to respond, and that neither lawyer “confirmed” anything.
DOJ filed a response in which they lied to a federal judge.
Now is probably the best time to be reminded that the essential substance of the government’s argument for dismissal of the charges for which Flynn has already pleaded guilty was that the court must simply take their word for it that they have a good reason and that they aren’t lying about anything.
Sure Jan.
Same judge, different order:
Sullivan issued an emergency order last night instructing the USPS to immediately inform employees no later than 9 am this morning that they are to completely ignore Postmaster DeJoy’s previous orders limiting mail handling and collection which he implemented in order to prevent voting and delay ballots so that they could not be counted in time. Sullivan’s order also requires the Postmaster to participate in daily status conference to ensure compliance and to update the opposing parties and the court.
the cold wouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t so many thermometers
Once the photo op was done, trump and the republicans dropped those prop people like a hot potato.
Let them freeze, why were they waiting for the state to take care of them.
After all, It’s the Ruthless age now. Suck it up trumpers.
You all “trust” the BULLSH^TTIUM dot bombed puts forth without links direct from left wrong web sites like Vox or The Atlantic?
Puddy was reading DOJ – Flynn Filing – October 26, 2020 on Scribd chuckling at the ludicrous posts dot bombed put forth above. The filing revolves around three sticky notes put on the documents guessing the dates Strzok and McCabe wrote the self-damning notes January 4, and 5th 2017, about Flynn and conversations known to have occurred at those times from other submitted documentation. The Strzok and Flynn lawyers objected to the sticky notes being on the documents when photocopied by DOJ staff and submitted as evidence. Did the dot bombed idiot add this to the BULLSH^TTIUM above. NOPE!
If you have a scribd account like Puddy does for $8/month you can read everything posted there. Or as Puddy does all the time, Puddy provides links FREE so you can read it for yourself rather than drink polluted kook-aid from the moron above. Hopefully you can see, read, and comprehend the 46 page filing.
Never trust dot bombed for anything. He calls everyone else liars when you can see who really is lying! Judge Sullivan doesn’t want to rule on this case until after the election. Obummer gave Sullivan his marching orders when Obummer spoke out on this case earlier this year. If Trump wins Sullivan will dismiss. If Trump loses Sullivan will rule against Flynn to force Trump to pardon Flynn.
When an assesHorse dummocretin posts without links, it’s definitely from left wrong dummocretin ASS kissing web sites! Now watch for a conservative web site post from the lying idiot dot bombed liar! That’s what they do!
dummocretin ballot harvesting anyone?
dummocretins hate the truth, especially from their own mouths!
Wall Street losses gain steam, with the Dow dropping 750 points amid coronavirus fear.
The Dow is now negative again for the year. Not a credible source.
Unlike you, I’m not a pathological liar motivated by a cult belief system. So yes. My posts are believed. Because they are true.
Now do invisible ping-pong baby cannibal dungeon.
@221 Preferably one that some transient, mental case, or GOP operative (is there a difference?) doesn’t drop a lit match into.
@226 Project Veritas. James O’Keefe.
You need better “sources,” Pudiot.