Great job, King County. We’re smashing all sorts of records for early voting. I don’t know if this presages higher turnout or if it will taper off. Maybe people are worried about the Post Office so they’re dropping their ballots in the boxes rather than the mail?
No matter what, please seal your ballot with a sponge and wash your hands.
Godwin, thanks to your truth telling, I am NOT voting for Hillery Clinton OR Hunter Biden for president in 2020
Last night as I addressed BLM, antifa and the resistance at CHOP, I talked about Doctor Dumnfuck’s treason. Loved their response…
Of course, I was just having fun, Doctor.
I got my ballot on Friday, voted, and dropped in the collection box over by the fire station on Saturday. There were several people doing the same thing. Therefore, I suspect Washington voter turnout will be high, probably above 80%.
Joe Biden meeting with Devon Archer in a government building.
This Devon Archer:
Court reinstates fraud conviction for Hunter Biden business partner
Devon Archer was convicted of defrauding the Oglala Sioux Indian tribe out of bond-sale proceeds.
The son of the Democrat nominee for president sure has a lot of criminal business partners. There’s
Devon Archer @ 3.
Oh, and there’s Bevan Cooney, currently in jail. Cooney’s unhappy that he is incarcerated and Hunter Biden is not. So Cooney gave Breitbart access to 26,000 of his emails.
Surprisingly, ol’ Joe is unavailable for press queries until after the Thursday debate.
Hunter Biden is the Fredo of the Biden Crime Family. ol’ Joe plays the Al Bundy role.
If not for the Biden name, Hunter would be in prison.
Despite the Biden name, Hunter is a crack addict.
Yes. Next question.
Should Hunter Biden Be in Jail? Another Look at the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe Securities Fraud Case
Gallup, 9/14-9/28, 2020:
Republicans 28
Democrats 27
Gallup, September and October, 2016 (two polls):
Republicans 27
Democrats 32
PIERS MORGAN: Despite the best, biased efforts of Facebook, Twitter and the overwhelmingly Trump-hating media to kill the story, Biden now has serious questions to answer about Hunter’s dodgy deals and he can’t duck them forever
I remember when this guy had a highly visible gig on CNN.
I see that he won “Celebrity Apprentice”.
Maybe sometime soon he can interview Hunter Biden. Maybe during the interview segment he can bring out ol’ Joe and Hunter’s illegitimate child, so grandfather and grandchild might see each other for the first time.
Big turnout nationwide continues to be THE big story. Most recent data through Sunday shows a small drop from the prev week. Instead of early turnout running six times 2016, last week was only five times.
Still no sign of the steep decline in early voting predicted (required) by Trolls4Trump. Democratic turnout still running 180% or more of Republican. This despite TRUMP2020 spending record sums on targeting supporters to vote early.
Heh. Music to my ears.
I agree. The doctor needs to pay for his treason.
Trump’s ‘enablers’ must pay for ‘betraying their country’: conservative
Serial philanderer Cal Cunningham did not get the libtard endorsement of the Charlotte Observer. Firs time a dummocretin missed that in 22 years. Didn’t his #2 mistress pop up last week?
Not a parody.
It’s just dumbfuck logic. We’re used to that here at HA.
From Stanford University’s Hoover Institution:
Author afliations are: Texas Tech University (Fitzgerald); The Lindsey Group and the Hoover Institution (Hassett); University ofWisconsin (Kallen); and University of Chicago, NBER, and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (Mulligan).
Why, if Joe Biden is president Roger Dumbuck Rabbit’s chances of ever becoming a millionaire will truly be zero.
There are ALWAYS secondary effects of substantial tax increases. Democrats are not going to tell you what they are, because then you won’t vote for them.
I know that sounds simple, but The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is one of the readers here. It has to be simple for people like him.
@ 15
Yeah, I saw that.
It’s hyperbole. So is Democrats claiming our democracy is at risk. So far the only party that has protested election results in my lifetime is the Democrat party (2000, 2016), and yet here we are, about to do again what we have done, q4y, for more than two centuries.
It’s hyperbole. So is alleging traitorous behavior because you and I disagree, Steve. Ya pussy.
Putin’s troll says,
Yeah, right.
Militia Members Plotted To Kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer, FBI Says
While y’all HA libbies are getting ready to rub it in the faces of those with whom you disagree, may I remind you of how some of us responded the last time you had the opportunity.
It’s a contact sport, sure. Just don’t forget the handshake when the clock hits :00.
You wish.
You stay classy @ 20, Steve.
Back to 2012. The Morning After, I also had this to say:
So libbies, impress me with turnout again.
[Edit: And Steve, try not to be such a fucking pussy.]
Hey, remember when Toobin cheated on his wife, seeded the woman he was fucking, and then tried to bribe her to get an abortion?
New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Zoom Dick Incident
And when the bribe failed, Toobin pulled a Hunter Biden, years before Hunter did.
“When Casey wouldn’t have an abortion, Jeff told her she was going to regret it, that she shouldn’t expect any help from him,” another source told the NY Daily News.
Toobin is the kind of people who will sit at desks, look into cameras, and tell you what to think on Election Night, libbies.
I’d vote for Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden because pos rapey mcdimfuk is such a dimfuk..
They’re not on the ballot! Joe got my vote..
So libbies, impress me with turnout again.
And what motivates that turnout dimfuk?
Something about the candidate of your “ilk” being so…
A.. W… F.. U.. ….
Now here is a dog whistle that dummocretins purposely didn’t cover from Whitless!
86 (kill) 45 (Trump)
OMG @ 21
What a “gracious” misogynist, rape fantasist..
It’s pretty bad when even FOX thinks your “news” is BS…..
Fox News Passed on Hunter Biden Story
Mediaite reports.
Mediaite reports.
MEDIAITE! Oh man that’s a left wing blog….
Just “aks” the fool @ 25..
LA Times wouldn’t run the story about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter, either.
A decade earlier Newsweek sat on the story about Clinton and Monica and got scooped by Drudge.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, there will be plenty of time for blame to be shared for numerous MSM (yes, Fox is one) entities choosing not to cover a story. BTW, Fox is covering it now – you know that, don’t you? – and likely wishes it had decided differently last week.
Right now, the important thing is this is a growing scandal, and no one from Team Biden has said it is not true.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it should trouble you that a story with ramifications as great as this one has is NOT a story that Team Biden feels it can deny.
Following @ 29
It wasn’t a MSM entity that took down Weiner.
It was Andrew Breitbart.
The Hunter Biden thing is salacious and by the time it’s over it might be more accurate for Steve to label Joe Biden a traitor than for him to use the term with respect to me.
In a salacious story that will damage a Democrat when it gets out, the MSM has chosen to do, yet again, what it did with Clinton, Edwards, and Weiner.
Which requires that Hunter Biden be outed by other means.
Sit back and watch, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. That’s your choice. Just don’t try to get away with feigning surprise when it busts open and can’t be hidden anymore.
It was Andrew Breitbart.
Whose toxic politics led to…
a bit of a pre-mature grave.. Bannon beware.. Sun bathing on a Chinese oligarch’s yacht is salubrious.
Yours truly would not vote for Tony Weiner even if his name was on the ballot. Bill Clinton? Been there, done that.. Joe doesn’t have Bill’s heart condition afaik
no one from Team Biden has said it is not true.
Why put that that always wrong wing (and Russian) shit into the news cycle by placating the always wrong wing hacks? Beyond stupid to babble like this.
@ 31
I put it out there because the simplest thing for Team Biden to do with an untrue allegation is to deny it, YLB.
Team Biden is not denying it. Instead Team Biden has put ol’ Joe into hiding for the next three days, and it has convinced social and traditional media to go full ostrich on the allegations.
Fortunately for ol’ Joe, little pansies like you, YLB, are there to provide low-IQ cover for him.
It’s more than just 2 or 3 black cops, doc. Cop union endorsements of a racist serial lawbreaker are tearing those unions apart. All I can say is, if cop unions can’t do any better than that, good riddance.
@2 Lara Trump is a twit. She’s what Eric was able to get. Wikipedia says, “She studied at North Carolina State University and the French Culinary Institute in New York.” In other words, a home ec major. Doesn’t say she graduated, either.
@3 IOW, your putrid little vote will be drowned in the tsunami of blue ballots pouring into the drop box.
I can think of two people who are losing it as the wave approaches. Doc is one of them.
So I’m just scrolling past his chalkboard screeches today, and perhaps for the duration.
@14 I’ll bet serial philanderer Trump will get your endorsement, because the one thing Republican idiots like you are really skilled at is hypocrisy.
@16 “We conclude that in the long run, Biden’s agenda would reduce full time equivalent employment per person by about 3 percent … ”
Did they also mention that in the short run, Trump’s agenda will reduce the population by about 3%?
@19 “While y’all HA libbies are getting ready to rub it in the faces of those with whom you disagree, …”
You don’t have it coming?
One of the more amazing things I’ve ever seen on this blog over the years is a doctor propagandizing for an anti-science, anti-doctor, mob. That’s one bitter doctor.
@25 Wherein Pudiot goes whole hog for Camp Trump’s most idiotic conspiracy theory yet.
As for the Trumpists, it’s understandable they think Democrats communicate assassination plots through drapery patterns. After all, they do.
@ 41
Short memory, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Zina Bash moved her hand — and the #Resistance saw a white power symbol. Then she did it again.
My wingnut projection decoder ring informs me that @21 is a fucking pussy.
Fortunately for orange dear leader, rapey misogynists like you, pos bosley mcdimfuk, are there to provide low-IQ babble for him.
We’ll it looks like Rupert Murdoch’s NY Post isn’t just crapping themselves over the Hunter Biden hoax.
They’re misquoting Neil deGrasse Tyson about a refrigerator sized asteroid coming round about election time.
One of the more amazing things I’ve ever seen on this blog over the years is a doctor propagandizing for an anti-science, anti-doctor, mob. That’s one bitter doctor.
Notice that dimfuk gets awfully triggered when Scott Atlas is mentioned..
It’s the dream of dimfuks the world over to put one over on serious people of science like Doctor Fauci.
@35 – All 12 of WA’s electoral votes will go to Biden. There are too many wealth-takers in this state, so they will vote for the candidate who they think will provide them with the most feee stuff – Section 8 housing, food stamps, other freebies. My “putrid little vote” will be against them, and your “putrid little vote” will be for them.
But remember this, you fucking arrogant, antiquated asshole, your “putrid little vote” will not garner any more electoral votes for Biden no matter how fucking “Seattle-Wonderful” you think you are.
@47 “There are too many wealth-takers in this state, so they will vote for the candidate who they think will provide them with the most feee stuff”
A city where tech salaries start at $160k and starter homes go for $700k doesn’t need or want “free stuff” from a loser living in his mom’s basement.
Another thing they don’t need is a killer for a president, a nutjob for a governor, or a QAnon party running the country.
@48 – What we don’t need is arrogant fuckhead assholes like you pontificating about how wonderful you are. You’re a piece of shit and always have been.
You fucking Seattle-Wonderfuls think you’re all sooooooo great because you live in a commercial center which you had NOTHING to do with building. All,you fucking cocksuckers should be put to death in painful ways.
is this pos @ 49 shortbus?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Giant Russian Conspiracy Has Been Hacking Hunter Biden’s Laptop for Decades.
Hunter Biden profited from his father’s political connections long before he struck questionable deals in countries where Joe Biden was undertaking diplomatic missions as vice president. In fact, virtually all the jobs listed on his resume going back to his first position out of college, which paid a six-figure salary, came courtesy of the former six-term senator’s donors, lobbyists and allies, a RealClearInvestigations examination has found.
One document reviewed by RCI reveals that a Biden associate admitted “finding employment” for Hunter Biden specifically as a special favor to his father, then a Senate leader running for president. He secured a $1.2 million gig on Wall Street for his young son, even though it was understood he had no experience in high finance. Many of his generous patrons, in turn, ended up with legislation and policies favorable to their businesses or investments, an RCI review of lobbying records and legislative actions taken by the elder Biden confirms.
That the 50-year-old Hunter has been trading on his Democratic father’s political influence his entire adult life raises legal questions about possible influence-peddling, government watchdogs and former federal investigators say. In addition, the more than two-decades-long pattern of nepotism casts fresh doubt on Joe Biden’s recent statements that he “never discussed” business with his son, and that his activities posed “no conflicts of interest.”
Hunter Biden’s resume begins 24 years ago. Here is a rundown of the plum positions he has managed to land since 1996, thanks to his politically connected father and his boosters:… ….
Hacking Hunter Biden’s Laptop Part II
According to US treasury documents provided by the Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees, Hunter Biden was paid $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife.
Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Yelena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
Until today we didn’t know why Yelena Baturina paid Hunter millions of dollars.\
According to emails and documents, Yelena Baturina laundered funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed the firm received $200 million.
Bonus Post – Hacking Jeffrey Toobin’s Laptop.
The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week. Toobin says he did not realize his video was on.
“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added.
Two people who were on the call told VICE separately that the call was an election simulation featuring many of the New Yorker’s biggest stars[.]
Both people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely, noted that it was unclear how much each person saw, but both said that they saw Toobin jerking off.
Oh PortaPotty, assesHorse gutter dwelling dummocretin
Mediate is leftwrong fool! Part of the Abrams Media Network and founded by Dan Abrams NBC guy.
Once again FACTS keep PortaPotty’s “water” blue!
Isn’t that Senate Report one of those BeerPong loves to quote about Russia Russia Russia?
It’s official: The Trump campaign says not letting Trump hog Biden’s debate time is an “attempt to provide advantage to their favored candidate.”
I half-agree with them. Letting Biden talk makes their candidate look bad. But I don’t think that’s favoritism, it’s merely Donald being himself.
Is that the old MarkS, Obummer lover from California Puddy had lunch with all those years ago?
Anyway how does “could” not equal “buzz-cut”?
See ya!
Seems Kamala Harris got more time than Mike Pence or did you gotget that too senile idiot wabbit?
You just figgered that out godwinha? That short memory has been getting shorter and shorter for the last decade! It’s just very apparent now!
@53 Accidents happen. With guns, too.
“…the last time…”
Now you’re just sad.
It isn’t about how you behave when we kick your ass.
It’s about how you behave when you barely skeeve out a win with Russian help and tons of illegal campaign finance that amounts to a popular vote loss and winning three states by fewer than 78,000 votes.
This is how you behaved:
And this:
@50 Very unlikely. I recognize SB’s writing. He posts on Handbill.US multiple times daily. It looks like I triggered #50, though. He not only has a thin wallet, he also has a thin skin. Shortbus doesn’t blow up like that; he just demands to see my driver’s license and bar number.
Quintessential Trumpalo Primal Scream.
So much resentment, regret, latent insecurity masked as hostility, and also probably vaginal cramping.
Thanks. That was awesome.
And thank you to Rog for tiggering it. Well done.
@58 Seems you can’t do basic math.
Pence: 36:27
Harris: 36:24
But if you’re looking for a kicker, here’s one:
“Again and again—to the incredulity of the moderator, Harris, and much of the audience—Pence refused to stay within his allotted time, no matter how often Page tried to interject or remind him of the rules. …
“Afterward, many pointed out that the candidates had ended up with near-equal speaking time—36 minutes and 27 seconds for Pence, by CNN’s tally, to 36 minutes and 24 seconds for Harris—in an effort to argue that the vice president’s rudeness was a mirage.
“But there’s a different, and more revealing, way to look at the time split. By Slate’s count, Pence talked past Page’s closing signal 17 times, for a total of 4 minutes and 21 seconds—which means 11.9 percent of his debate performance came after he’d been told his turn was over. Harris went over the limit 9 times, for a total of 2 minutes and 4 seconds, or 5.7 percent of her speaking time. (This tally does not even include the occasions Pence tried to grab time directly from Harris, by talking over her at the beginning or in the middle of her response time.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people follow rules better than others, and some people not at all. And Pudidiot can’t count.
@61 Wait a minute, doc wants us to shake paws after watching his party swirl down the drain? I think we should take him up on that. But make him wear gloves. And we supply the gloves; don’t trust his gloves, you don’t know where they’ve been.
@63 It was easy.
Trump still owes Tucson $80,000 from his 2016 rally, and now he’s going to make the whole city sick, too.
Mediate is leftwrong
HAHAHA!! Yeah that’s why Noah Rothman wanted Republicans to win..
Like Sean Inanity.. You so f’in stupid.
“The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow to Republicans on Monday with a split vote that effectively allows Pennsylvania to keep its extended mail-in voting period. The justices’ 4-4 tie leaves in place a lower court ruling that will let state officials count ballots received after Election Day unless there’s evidence they were sent after the deadline. Election officials have three days to count those votes, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court determined last month.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That, of course, is as it should be. But the main points are: (1) It looks like McConnell didn’t confirm ACB fast enough. (2) That gave Democrats some breathing room to protect American citizens’ right to vote in their own country, but not much. (3) Democrats know what they have to do. They’ve got two years to do it, and if they don’t this time, they won’t get another chance.
Once again REALITY keep Ty-D-bowl babblin’ butthole “water” blue!
You the freak who went on and on about “toilets”..
Like your orange dear leader..
PROJEKSHUN!!!! You’ve always been teh babblin’ Ty D bowl freak.. You the freak in the toilet bowl..
Book-of-the-month club recommendation for October:
A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President Nov 14, 2012
by Jeffrey Toobin
Um, Fucktard, I was on the design and construction teams for a hell of a lot of Seattle’s and the Puget Sound region’s high-rises and hospitals, as well as tech and biotech campuses. That said, that does not make me or anybody else who does that for a living “wonderful”.
WTF have you ever done except for deluding yourself into believing you’re fucking wonderful for jacking off to pics of an orange fascist freak?
2012, huh? Probably the last time you showed me even a hint of having redeeming qualities. Since then, nothing. And since you embraced your fascist orange moron, less than zero.
I have a record of befriending HA trolls, often to the dismay of my HA progressive friends.
You are sorely in need of a redeeming quality.
This is what I have to say about the New York Post story.
Here’s a pretty good analysis of what’s going on in this election — and why Trump could still win.
The best of all reasons for Biden to win is Putin doesn’t want him to.
“…and without its (blank) electoral votes this year, his path to victory would become significantly more difficult.”
Times fifty.
Perhaps interesting:
Post-ABC poll of NC conducted Oct 12 to Oct 17 showed 2 in 3 of the survey’s “likely voters” planned to vote early, with 9 percent indicating they already had voted. Sixteen percent of registered Ds in the survey indicated they had already voted compared to 3% of registered Rs.
While the state statistics through the end of that week indicate that over 1.5 million have already voted early equaling 32% of the total turnout from 2016, including 708,000 registered Democrats (46% of early total), 379,000 registered Rs (28%), and 433,000 No Party (28%). Raleigh, Orange, and Chatham Counties are leading the way in early voting at around 30% of registered voters having already voted. And 340,000 of the early total so far did not vote in 2016.
So with only 3% of the survey’s Rs indicating they had already voted, and only 9% of the survey’s overall “likely voter” model reporting they had already voted, the state returns show an early vote total equaling 32% of the overall 2016 turnout. This could be an indicator that the “likely voter” model being used in surveys like this one is leaving out or down-scoring significant numbers of voters who did not participate in 2016, and who are voting early (more likely to be Ds, less likely to be Rs).
One place to find them may be among African American voters. About 688,000 African Americans voted in the 2016 general in NC.
351,000 non-Hispanic Black voters have voted in NC by the end of last week, or about 51% of the total 2016 Black turnout.
Doctor Dumbfuck is carrying Putin’s water for him again. Coincidence? No! This has been going on for years.
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say
The doctor is a fucking traitor and should hang for it.
Puddy don’t use tiny URL anymore because it can lead you to real BULLSH^TTIUM
USA Today –
USA TODAY calculates Pence spoke for 33 minutes, 9 seconds, while Harris spoke for 34 minutes, 5 seconds.
Pence: 35:22 Harris: 38:48 –ABC News
CNN? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
You are a continual insufferable jackASS senile idiot wabbit
Wow PortaPotty, you raised your game to 2nd grade. From the gutter to 2nd grade in 15+ years! Still doesn’t explain how Mediaite isn’t left wing?
See ya moron!
The more disturbing implication is that, by agreeing to actively participate in a GRU disinformation program, the participants like Sen. Johnson, Sen. Grassley, and their senior staffs compromise themselves to GRU operatives and become an intelligence liability to US national security interests.
Future administrations, as they work to rebuild the enormous damage that Trump/GOP have inflicted on the US national security intelligence community, will have no choice but to wall them off as very serious liabilities to sensitive intelligence information.
Sorry a word with multiple contextual uses triggered you.
Maybe if more conservatives ever worked for a living in the food industry or retail they’d know the most common usages of language.
Good of you to read that on conservopedia and run with it.
Just wondering if the implosion of the Foxconn Wisconsin factory touted as a huge success by Donald and the former GOP governor is having an impact on voting?
Ex RNC Chair Michael Steele knows Don’s a racist. That’s one of many reasons he endorsed Joe Biden this morning.
Getting lonely yet, Piddles?
It’s my soap, and my dick, and I’ll “wash” it as fast as I want!
I’m back from a year of addiction treatment and rehab to tell you how to live your lives again.
Line of Proud Boys forms by the park restroom.
Michael Steele ran from the Carl McCall oreo story BeerPong, even when it was proven true. Steele is a Deep State Swamp living lover.
Plain and Simple!
Try again with 50 Cent now!
Jordan, you’re sounding like a liberal progressive with “l’m here to tell you how to live your lives” stuff. You’re sounding like me.
James O’Keefe strikes again. Google fixes search results and this guy admits it!
Google HR set up crying sessions. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You dummocretins are H I L A R I O U S !!!!!
Hunter Biden’s laptop came in directly from Moscow to the computer shop owner. Had to be that special Aeroflot flight no one saw. This is what dot bombed, BeerPong and the other useless dummocretins of assesHorse want you to believe. Direct from The Atlantic, Vox, Huff comPost and CNN!
You dummocretins are H I L A R I O U S !!!!
@80 “Puddy don’t use tiny URL anymore because it can lead you to real BULLSH^TTIUM”
It’s not like you need to be led to it. You find it on your own. In fact, you go straight to it like a fly to shit.
@86 Yeah, that should swing millions of self-described “undecided” voters to Trump, i.e. the “family separations/toddler torture” crowd.
@90 “James O’Keefe strikes again.”
What’s he lying about now?
@91 Thought you were a computer expert? Who makes his living in IT? And you think data has to be transported across oceans by airplanes to get onto a hard drive?
There’s Already a Corrupt Presidential Kid. It’s Ivanka
As the right races manically to pin whatever it can on Joe Biden’s son, let’s not forget who’s actually made millions while in the White House.
So far there is no hard drive, regardless of whether it belongs to Rudy or his GRU handlers.
Just talk.
Huh! A government job. That means Doctor Dumbfuck views Fauci as a loser. You know, just like he does Jonas Salk and
Albert Schweitzer. Those fools didn’t go after the big bucks.
Trump Can’t Land a Glove on a Real Man Like Fauci
The doctor’s “60 Minutes” appearance showed a man happy with one wife, the hair God gave him, and a government job. To the president, all this makes him a sucker.
Real men don’t have orange faces and tiny hands.
I guess Americans believe me more than they believe you, Trump, or your Russian operators.
Can’t help that you have been caught lying sooo… many… times.
You’re a lying piece of shit. It is what it is. (See what I did there?)
Real men don’t have orange faces and tiny hands.
You forgot to mention Mario Kart Mushroom dicks.
Wherein Trump’s tweets aren’t “orders,” only rants, and White House staff, government officials and agency heads, and above all judges, are expected to be able to distinguish between a Trump order and a Trump rant.
It isn’t hard; just consider everything he tweets a rant, and ignore it. That’s what Meadows seems to be saying.
Give him a break. A computer expert would know a picture (PDF) of an email is easy to fake and Rudi et al could do a great deal to prove the story by releasing the actual email. Forward it to someone. Anyone. A journalist maybe with all the metadata of what servers it went through and when intact. It would be really easy.
But they haven’t or won’t do that.
It’s why reputable outlets passed.
They have tech reporters who would have demanded to see the actual email and not a photo of an email’s message.
But our resident computer ‘expert’ is untroubled by all that.
Kind of like Donald can make the tax story go away by actually releasing the documents. You can draw your own conclusions why he steadfastly refuses to do so and just issues these statements calling reports “lies.”
Fixed that for you.
Also our resident computer expert is unaware of search optimization and keyword metadata and reputation management consultants.
What’s the tipoff that he’s talking about a hypothetical and that’s the part that’s edited out?
“Let’s say you say, here Google, here’s another two billion dollars…” $2B? That’s more than double what the Biden campaign raised, would need to be explained on a P&L statement, etc, etc, etc. $4B? that’s half of George Soros’ current net worth, an amount that would also have to be accounted for in expenditures and campaign donations. Did he liquidate a shit ton of stuff recently? Without anyone seeing it? Maybe he DOES control the whole financial system, they’re shifty like that. (Eds Note, this is absurd but the standard Anti-Semitism often directed at Mr. Soros by his critics.)
Now do “We have video that proves Donald extorted Exxon to donate to his campaign.” Hypothetical but in this case it at least came out of the candidates mouth, to the public directly as opposed to, a convicted felon with a history of putting out pure bullshit.
Piddles doesn’t learn. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me a second time. Fool me three times, will get fooled again.
@102 Why should I give an idiot who propagates baseless conspiracy theories and blatant political smears a break?
Yes dot bombed. Another EPIC attempt at making sense. Too bad you failed once again.
See ya!
New development in Breonna Taylor case: The judge ruled the grand juror can talk, and the grand juror’s attorney says the grand jury was not allowed to indict the cops for Taylor’s death. Total sandbag job by the Republican AG, even though he’s black. Party trumps everything else.
How do you like the way black Republican electeds protect your people now, Pudiot? Looks to me like they’re no better than white Republican electeds.
Republicans want you dead, Pudiot. White, black, purple, makes no difference, they all want you dead. And they’re handing out free passes to white cops to kill you.
Oh wait it’s more Russian disinformation direct from Google!
These freaks love to brag; just like most assesHorse dummocretins!
That’s why the senile idiot wabbit went to CNN. A well know left wrong web site. What leftists did Puddy use? USA Today and ABC. And the senile idiot wabbit called Puddy a fly.
The only sh^t on this board are the smelly pellets you leave in every thread because as the fly you only know left wrong sh^t sites.
Good job there buddy. Once again you explained yourself in your own words! Funny how you do that every day!
Ms. Taylor was “one of the good ones”.
But still just not quite as good as a lying cop.
No wonder the senile idiot wabbit didn’t put forth any link. The BULLSH^TTIUM the senile idiot wabbit wrote @106 is REAL BULLSH^TTIUM. Here is the link the senile idiot wabbit would not reveal!
DAYUM senile idiot wabbit. Seems Puddy is right again. You can call Puddy all the names you want butt FACTS don’t support the name calling as usual.
Strong is senility here. Kicked is his ASS! – Yoda speak!
Soooooooooooooooooo, the FBI admits to having the Hunter Biden [read Russia created] laptop in their possession. Oh wait… it ain’t Russian disinformation per the FBI and DOJ!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Emerges From Padded Cell To Defend Hunter; “I barely know Hunter, I may have met him once at a crackhouse.”
FBI and DOJ do not believe Hunter Biden laptop part of Russian disinformation campaign.
Government officials across multiple agencies do not believe the contents on Hunter Biden’s laptop are part of a foreign election interference effort.
“1) FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden’s laptop & the emails in question weren’t part of a Russian disinformation campaign,” Fox News producer Sean Langille tweeted Tuesday evening. “2) The FBI DOES have possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in question.” He said it was first reported by Fox News’s Justice Department producer Jake Gibson.
A federal law enforcement official confirmed the report with the Washington Examiner.
Since the release of some emails to the New York Post last week, many Democrats and former intelligence officials have speculated that the contents of the hard drive cannot be trusted.
The idiot-in-chief can’t financially manage his own campaign, let alone a casino or a country.
But hey, Sheldon Adelson didn’t need that $100 million anyway; he’s got lots more.
@110 “Cameron said”
Yup, we know what Cameron said, and what he wants. I suggest you stay far away from his cop friends, Spud. There’s little chance they’ll mistake you for a white person.
@112 Source: Washington Examiner. hahaha
Yeah, it’s almost as ridiculous as the Washington Post or the New York Times.
Contains both an implicit finding of fact as well as an explicit finding of fact.
Did Walker fire first?
Under what circumstances did Walker fire first?
These questions should have been reserved to the Grand Jury.
Cameron predetermined the facts for the GJ. In doing so he is subverting the fact finding process and purpose of Grand Juries.
According to the authentic copies of his previous year’s tax filings, the GOP FailPresident has a secret Communist Chinese bank account. Deposits spiked during his first year in office.
@ 112, 115, 116
It was reported on the MSN website. Not exactly out of the mainstream.
Sourced to Fox News:
We’ll hear more about this on Thursday night.
“GOP pollster Frank Luntz said President Donald Trump and his team are emphasizing all the wrong issues ahead of the Nov. 3 election, calling the political campaign the worst he’s ever seen. …
“’I’ve never seen a campaign more miscalibrated than the Trump campaign. Frankly, his staff ought to be brought up on charges of political malpractice,’ Luntz said …. ‘They’re on the wrong issues. They’re on the wrong message. They’ve got their heads up their asses,’ he added. …
“Luntz said that ‘nobody cares about Hunter Biden,’ the son of Democratic nominee Joe Biden and a favored target of right-wing media attacks. With weeks before Election Day, the Trump camp has seized aggressively on a dubious story published by the New York Post that alleges the Bidens were involved in high-level political corruption.”
That’s one of the most prominent GOP pollsters talking, and he’s right, Trump’s campaign is very poorly managed, and nobody gives a damn about Hunter Biden. Well, doc and Pudiot and pork sauce do, but they’re not persuadable anyway. Nor will their votes count for squat. They’re wasting their votes by living in Washington. They should move to a Florida swamp where they can be with their own kind.
Senate Will Vote on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Confirmation on Monday
Thank you, Democrats, for permitting DWS and Donna Brazile to fuck with the 2016 primary in order to ensure that Hillary Clinton received the nomination.
Most of all, Hillary Clinton, thank you for doing the same thing about the homebrew server scandal that Team Biden is trying to do with the Hunter laptop scandal.
Hillary Clinton gave us SCOTUS justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and now Barrett. It is uncommon for three justices to be nominated in one presidential term. Certainly it was Hillary’s good fortune to be responsible for these three stellar nominees.
@ 120
“’I’ve never seen a campaign more miscalibrated than the Trump campaign.
Perhaps Luntz has not read Shattered.
Lindsey Graham:
I can’t wait to #FillTheSeat.
@119 “It was reported on the MSN website.”
Yeah? You mean here? Pork sauce’s link?
Take a closer look at what the actual source is. Or how about here?
That’s another “MSN” link sourced to Washington Examiner. What about this one?
“FBI investigating Hunter Biden emails as possible Russian disinformation operation: reports”
That’s an MSN link taking you to a Salon story. What about this link?
“Feds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation”
That’s MSN linking you to an NBC News story.
CBS News, now.
Fuck you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@123 It may be his last act as a U.S. senator, so he may as well enjoy it.
I have no idea whether this is true.
But it can’t be any more false than Harry Reid’s claim that Romney went 10 years without paying taxes.
And I can’t think of a more appropriate local medium in which to spread this story than Horsesass.
Anthony Weiner and Hunter Biden used to have contests to see which one of them could diddle the youngest minor child.
Bill Clinton served as tiebreaker when needed.
Hunter Biden taught Jeffrey Epstein everything he knows.
@125 Where, here?
I can’t find a CBS link to your cut-and-paste. Nor did you provide one. Maybe you’d share your source? And a link? Pretty please?
After all, the CBS story I linked here is 4 days old. Maybe something has happened since then. Maybe Bill Barr said today, “This isn’t Russian disinformation.” Surely that would be definitive, no?
This was issued yesterday but is still making the rounds. It’s the Trump campaign statement on the debate changes.
– Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager
This CBS story appears to be the real thing:
“Dozens of voters in a heavily Democratic county in Florida and across several states reported receiving emails on Thursday purporting to come from a right-wing group threatening to ‘come after’ them unless they vote for President Trump.
“But an examination of the messages, which are now under investigation by state and federal authorities, shows they were sent via servers located overseas, raising questions about their origin amid concerns about voter intimidation just two weeks before Election Day.”
IOW, you can’t blame this on Trump or Republicans. Their Russian friends are behind it.
So did anyone cover the unsealing of Ghislaine Maxwell‘s Epstein testimony?
Reasonable chance Bill Clinton makes an appearance. Reasonable chance Donald makes an appearance. Hey about that pic of Donald introducing Ivanka and Eric to ‘barely knew him’ Epstein…
You know who won’t be making an appearance in the story of Donald Trump’s pedophile friends? Joe Biden.
@132 Trump will ask the question, and nobody will believe him. Biden will answer it, and everyone will believe him. (Except you and Pudiot and pork sauce.)
What 22,000 lies gets you: Boy who cried wolf.
Trump offshore:
– No wars
– Embargoed Iran
– Embargoed Venezuela
– Brokered agreements between multiple Arab nations and Israel
– Soleimani still dead
Yeah, better change the last debate topic from foreign policy.
@134 “You know who won’t be making an appearance in the story of Donald Trump’s pedophile friends? Joe Biden.”
No problem, they’re still running against Bill and HIllary anyway.
@ 133
Read the article, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
But first, pull your head out of your ass.
@135 North Korea still has nukes.
China is more belligerent than ever.
Russia is buzzing our aircraft.
Iran is building a nuclear bomb.
China crush Hong Kong autonomy.
China is imprisoning Uighars.
Putin is still poisoning his political opponents.
Two American mercenaries are rotting in Venezuelan jails.
NATO, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are going their own way on defense.
The dollar may not be the world’s reserve currency for much longer.
The rest of the world laughs at our foreign policy.
@138 Read the rest of the article, doc:
“On Sunday, Admiral Mike Rogers, the former head of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, said he believes Russia is attempting to spread disinformation on social media and other mediums to sow confusion and discord, including by using false identities.
“‘What you’re watching the Russians do is really double down on the idea of using disinformation via social media and other paths to continue to polarize our nation, to incite violence, to incite hatred and to attempt to pull us apart,’ he said in an interview on ‘Face the Nation.’
“Alachua County was the target of a cyberattack launched by Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, in 2016, though the effort to gain access to the county’s election office through a phishing email was unsuccessful.”
But first, pull your tongue out of the horse’s ass.
You left off got made North Korea’s Bitch.
Let KSM murder a journalist
Sold massive amounts of hardware to KSM to turn Yemen into a smoking pile of famine and disease
Not trusted by anyone in NATO
Bent over for Putin and said either hole is fine
Separated 525 children from their families and can’t ever get them back.
Tried to get Putin back into G7 (8)
Ignored bounties on US Soldiers
Did above AFTER he knew about Bounties
‘Shithole Countries”
I’m still waiting for the link I requested @131, doc. Got one?
Putting aside that it would be a socialist takeover of Health Care…
10,000 Americans have died since Donald promised to sign an executive order making his miracle COVID treatment available for free.
226,000 > 15
And we get an encore performance from that Mike Rogers!
File under a race no one’s watching….
Tyson research has a poll out showing an awful lot of undecideds in Mississippi and Democrat Mike Espy within 1 at 41-40. In March the same polling had Espy down 54-28.
The only other vaguely recent poll was a Democratic pollster in August showing him down 5.
I’llLeave it to Dumbfuck to just look at the poll aggregators to find it.
Personal opinion, MS isn’t a pickup but an incumbent Republican at 41 in Mississippi two weeks out is causing some TUMS munching in GOP land. A bad Trump debate performance, a spike in COVID deaths or maybe a rushed SCOTUS hearing could make a late difference if people are fed up with the status quo in MS.
Then again it could just be a weird outlier.
The same pollster has Donald at 50% in the General. Other recent polls are in that range. Donald took MS with 57.9%. But not a lot of data for MS out there.
I really didn’t understand why it was relevant that George Floyd cried for his mama during his May arrest.
Turns out he behaved the same way during an arrest last year.
Earlier last week, Cahill ruled that the 2019 arrest video could be made public. That footage, taken a year before Floyd’s fatal arrest, shows him not complying with officers’ requests, crying and asking for his mother. According to Gray, Floyd’s behavior during the two arrests were “almost identical.”
@ 145 Re Espy:
Do you have evidence that the poll in question is NOT the September poll, now a month old? If so, please provide a link.
@146 Yeah, he must’ve faked his death this time, too.
There are photos of Hunter Biden naked with underage Chinese girls –
@147 This is it:
Page 14. Poll conducted 8/28-8/30.
@149 Which one of those naked Chinese girls is going to be Joe Biden’s national security director?
P.S., do you think this will change the minds of the 29 million-plus voters who’ve already voted?
P.P.S., don’t you wish someone would photoshop you with naked Chinese girls? I’ll bet you do. To make the horse jealous so he’ll put out.
@149 Powerline according to Rudi. You are all pretty obsessed with underaged girls. Like you’re trying to balance out something ahem….Maxwell testimony.
The odd thing is how would you know they are underage? Got an ID? Can you tell from a picture of someone is 12? 17? Or 23? Or a youthful 30? Qanon is real so all Dems must be pedophiles. You’re not converting any swing voters with this.
Rudy claims turned over to Delaware state police? Why? As a lawyer Rudi would know not the home of the alleged perp, not where the alleged crime was committed, China allegedly. Maybe Rudi thought FBI wasn’t gullible enough so go where the laptop was allegedly left though jurisdictions would be murkey there.
Meanwhile if a headline is a question and the salacious detail is In the final graph…..uh…. the answer is no.
Funny you went from wild speculation to ‘this is fact’ in 19 parsecs.
That is the one. What’s your issue? The last GOP candidate to get about 50% in MS was Bob Dole and he won the state. If Donald is really at 50 and off 8 points from 2016 in deep red MS what is happening in the states that were close in 2016? If support for Donald is dropping in MS, what’s happening in MI?
Again could be a random strange poll. And no one is really mining data there.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 150 to the rescue, with a poll nearly TWO MONTHS OLD. It’s also not the Tyson poll that Cz-252 referred to @ 145.
If you pull your head out of your ass, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you can easily find that the Tyson poll was performed roughly one month ago and was reported widely.
What I asked someone other than you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is whether there is a more recent Tyson poll of MS.
Changed your story again?
Oh, Tara.
“I’m Donald Trump. And I approved this message.”
Rudy’s Ukrainian Hunter-Smear Drug Deal is like a Rorschach for whatever liabilities or fears haunt the losing campaign.
“It’s email”, then “it’s a hard drive”, then “it’s Chinese money”, then “it’s nepotism”, then “it’s drugs”, then “it’s a server”, then “it’s underage girls”, etc, etc.
It’s a floor wax and a desert topping.
I can wait to #HangTheTraitor. But these things must be done…delicately*.
* The planning phase, not the actual hanging. The traitor will find that to be an act of violence, I’m sure.
“If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican.
They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They love anything on FOX News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up.
I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
Hours after changing it again, the latest version of Rudy’s Ukrainian Drug Deal story has already fallen apart. Again.
In an official statement Mat Marshall, a spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings said Delaware State Police and the Delaware Attorney General’s office are not investigating Hunter Biden and have never investigated Hunter Biden.
Where’s HuhrDuhrham when a cat lady really, really neeeeeds him?
Lawyers at Jones Day, Don McGahn’s big white shoe firm that represents Trump and Trump2020 have donated a total of $50 to Trump2020.
The firm’s lawyers have given over $90,000 to Biden/Harris.
Since late last year Jones Day has billed over $4.5 million to the Trump2020 campaign. Jones Day was unable to respond to inquiries about whether any of the invoices have been paid.
Oct. 20 update:
Voters have already cast a total of 37,904,665 ballots in the reporting states.
Happy Birthday Ms. Vice President!
PS: NY doesn’t begin to report until this coming Saturday.
Stand back and stand by!
Don’t look for the GOP to turn itself around following this humiliating defeat:
Half of Trump’s supporters think top Democrats are involved in child sex-trafficking
The Cray will Stay. This is Teh Orange Even Horizon.
Once Republicans chose to go there, they really can’t come back.
Pretend billionaire GOP FailPresident Donald Trump pays more in taxes to Communist China than to the U.S.
He won’t listen.
Trump-backing columnist hits the panic button — and begs the president to shut up about Hunter Biden
if Trump sticks to his Hunter Biden messaging in the final debate, “it will be a disaster” for him.
The dumbfuck’s comments of late are rank with fear, desperation and borscht.
The Huff comPost. Giving tips to the Trump campaign?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Didn’t she leak the Manafort indictment before it was an indictment?
The problem with anyone in the lamestream media talking about Trump tax returns is Real Americans with working brain cells knows the libtard dummocretin loving NY Slimes illegally acquired them from the NY Grand Jury. Since anything and any story from those illegally acquired tax returns is ginned up as “salacious” you dummocretins forget that REAL American people understand the “fruit from the poisonous tree” principle.
Butt keep being a DOPE alive.
Trump2020 are down to their last $63 million with two weeks to go, against Biden/Harris $177 million, after Biden/Harris successfully cornered the remaining swing state ad buys.
Here’s another fantastic data tool from TargetSmart that allows users to visualize trends in early voting patterns and ballot returns nationally and state by state:
Even beyond state level the tool allows users to filter to the CD and County level as well. This is highly useful in observing where a state’s early votes are coming from. The tool also permits filtering by various demographic data.
It’s fun to be able to actually see the demise of GOP/Trumpism taking place in real time, and track it to the states, counties, and voters who are making it happen. Go Bucks County!
According to the inevitable discovery doctrine, I’m afraid the court has ruled that the evidence you seek to exclude is admissible. For more on this ask your fake son the fake “barrister”.
Two-term immensely popular rock-star President Barack Obama will headline a huge drive-in rally in Philly today as he launches a swing through PA in the closing days of Trumpism.
Secret Chinese Bank Account GOP FailPresident plans to respond by whining on twitter.
@167 ” … illegally acquired” like the Hillary emails your tribe wallpapered America with?
So dot bombed, without the NY District Attorney’s office leaking Trump Tax Returns how does your sad argument of
fly? No one had Trump’s tax returns except secretive legal entities?
evidence obtained by methods that are unconstitutional may be admissible if it would have been inevitably discovered without the unlawful methods.
If so who had them dot bombed?
Grand juries are secretive entities. Hence the use of unconstitutional methods has no bearing to your argument of admissiblity. They were dummocretin leaked not published by the IRS or US Court System.
Another dot bombed lying EPIC FAYLE!
Silly stooooooooooooooooopid senile idiot wabbit. Did Trump leak the emails? Mueller Report said Trump ‘s call for Clinton’s email investigation effort did not ultimately recover Clinton’s emails and was not part of a coordinated effort between Russia and the campaign.
More lying BULLSH^TTIUM from the senile idiot wabbit!