Hey, Carl. You spent the last two open threads talking about things that you think are worse and better about Tacoma busses versus Seattle, do you have a couple things that are just different? You know to stretch it out even further?
Talking to strangers: It’s not just the bus. It’s like everyone everywhere in Tacoma is chit chatting with someone. I am a big fan and defender of the Seattle chill. But I can understand how it can be isolating.
And for a more bus specific one, there are a lot more frequent stops in Tacoma. It was every couple blocks for stretches. It made the route slower, but less of a walk before and after.
Anyway, hopefully this is less Carl rides the bus and back to normal (?) open threads soon. In the meantime, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Say, remember when in February Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit crowed about his one-day 6% gain in AT&T share value?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s AT&T shares have fallen more than 20% since then. He hasn’t bragged about AT&T since then, either.
He doesn’t talk about his investments in Citigroup or 3M, either.
To be fair to Democrat voters, if not for Biden they’d be stuck with Momala.
Pick your poison, bitches.
What an embarrassing display of senility and incompetence from my president over the weekend at the G20.
Some on the right were making fun of Momala’s “granny moves” at a hip-hop event she hosted at the Veep’s residence over the weekend. I really didn’t think that was a fair critique.
I mean, her moves looked like those of every drunk white 65 year-old woman I’ve ever seen. Really, what’s to criticize? I doubt Melania could do much better.
For that matter, I doubt Michelle O could do much better.
@2 The minute I looked at the stock market I knew the Whidbey Crow would be loudly cawing this morning. Throw some on the bread and he goes crazy up on the phone wire.
@3 Dissent is only allowed under Democratic administrations, so enjoy it while you can.
@4 I’ll take it over the vituperative authoritarian revenge-seeking displayed in Iowa this weekend any day. So will any rational person who loves this country and his freedom. Accordingly, the question is:
Are you irrational?
Do you hate America?
Are you sorry you missed out on being a Jew in the Holocaust, or a victim of the Armenian genocide?
Or are you just trolling for the fun of it?
@5 Melania’s best move is being nowhere to be seen.
In mid-November I’ll have Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to thank for another $3,000-plus on a sold GNRC call contract that will expire, worthless, as long as GNRC shares don’t exceed $160.
This is what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and QoS McHillbilly refer to as “gambling”.
I guess I’m “gambling” that there won’t be five Cat 5 hurricanes to hit the SE US coast in the next 9 weeks. ’cause only a slew of natural disasters would change Generac’s poor fortunes.
Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit holds on for dear life to his pitifully small number of GNRC shares.
@10 I’m curious where you found someone willing to bet real-world money that GNRC would break $160 by November. A stock jumping 35% in three months isn’t all that common. I heard, though, you got hosed by betting TSLA wouldn’t fall by even more than that.
@10 “Meanwhile, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit holds on for dear life to his pitifully small number of GNRC shares.”
I’m supposed to be crying because GNRC is up nearly 9% over the last 30 days?
You can tell it’s a slow news day. Not much going on besides G20, an escaped convict in Pennsylvania, digging out bodies in Morocco, and Trump mimicking Hitler in Iowa (and getting the middle finger from football fans).
@ 11
I’m curious where you found someone willing to bet real-world money that GNRC would break $160 by November.
Stick with utilities, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Even now there are investors willing to buy and sell at a $160 November strike price on GNRC:
There are 11,900 shares people are willing to pay for the option to buy at $160 between now and November 17. They won’t pay the same as they were willing to pay – when I sold naked calls – before the most recent GNRC plunge, but they’ll still pay.
To answer the where question, I imagine the CBOE.
Since you don’t even get to.
JEB!EVAN! 202413
And joe Biden is fumbling all over himself.
The guy needs to be in an old folks’ home.
@ 12
I’m supposed to be crying because GNRC is up nearly 9% over the last 30 days?
No, you’re supposed to be crying because you didn’t sell covered calls when GNRC was trading in the $150 range only a couple of months ago. Because if you had you’d own the same GNRC shares, but you would have also been paid several dollars per share in exchange for your willingness to have them called away from you at $160 some time prior to the November expiration.
Hedging is not gambling, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Hedging is how many, many companies manage risk.
Shorter 10:
“No, seriously you guys!
Stop laughing at me. I really mean it this time. I really do have a totally hot girlfriend who’s a model in Canada. Here’s her picture!”
(Jesus, fuck me. You cut that out of a catalog.)
“Yeah. But it’s totally her and she really is my girlfriend. Guys?
Where are you going?”
@ 18
My Notadumbfuck Method has returned somewhere in the mid-$20k range in the last couple of years. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment mistakes are profit centers.
Sell naked puts at strike prices 20% or so below Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s entry points, expirations 4-6 months out. Citigroup has been very reliable, as it sinks slowly. AT&T, same thing. Selling naked calls on both has also provided nice returns.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a reliably awful investor. Why not put his failures to work?
@16 “The guy needs to be in an old folks’ home.”
You got a better idea? Republicans sure don’t.
@17 According to you, I don’t own enough GNRC shares to make more than chump change doing that, so why do you think I should bother?
Shorter 19,
“Yes okay. It is from a catalog, but she signed it. See?”
(Dear God. That’s your mom’s signature.)
“Hold on! I can prove it! I’ve got a pair of her panties I can show you!”
(Runs away screaming)
@18 That kinda sums up this morning’s posts so far.
@19 Here we have a purported multimillionaire bragging about making $20,000 in 2 years …
The other crows are laughing. Have you ever heard crows laugh? It’s a high-pitched cawing noise.
@23 Yeah, that’s where we’re at in this thread. Pathetic.
…why do you think I should bother?
For the same reason you bother to trudge to the library so you can read day-old Barron’s news.
It gives you something to do between Depends changes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
If my parents named me “Tau Techno Mechanicus,” I’d sue them for child abuse.
Clarence Thomas even lies about his sister.
@ 28
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your children are suing you for frittering away their financial futures with your silly investment ideas.
I mean, re-investing in 3M? Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, what the fuck were you thinking?
@30 WTF were you thinking when you voted for Trump twice? And you criticize me?
@ 29
Clarence Thomas even lies about his sister.
Well, yes, if you discount the 4-5 years his sister and her family spent receiving welfare in the 70s-80s, and concentrate instead on what a reporter found in the 90s, then what Thomas had to say about his sister in 1980 would be incorrect.
But if you realize that he was speaking contemporaneously at the time, and that his sister and her family were on welfare
when he said it, then the story is different, isn’t it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, try to look beyond the headline once in awhile.
@32 From the news story I linked at #29: “But a journalist tracked down Thomas’ sister and discovered that what he said about her was not quite true. She learned that while Thomas attended law school, his sister Emma Mae Martin worked two minimum-wage jobs before quitting to take care of an ailing elderly aunt. She did receive welfare checks, but their sums were paltry, and she later took another job as a hospital cook. And her children all either worked or were in school when the journalist spoke with her. One even served his country aboard a battleship during Operation Desert Storm.”
Doctor Dumbfuck attempts to refute that by quoting Thomas’s lie. No wonder he’s not considered an intellectual heavyweight around here.
@ 33
Shorter Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
“Clarence Thomas lied about his nephew in 1981 because his nephew served in the military a full decade later.”
Thomas mostly despises his own family. When his own mother was left alone to raise them, Thomas was sent to live with his maternal Grandfather who taught him to hate the rest of the family. He was a fanatical Catholic who condemned Thomas’ mother. So Thomas was raised from an early age to hate and to betray.
Nothing has changed.
He hates and betrays his own country and the Constitution he took an oath to uphold.
The Secretary of Energy went on a four-day EV caravan through the southeast US in order to demonstrate how well the country is adapting to EV technology.
It did not go well. The advance team decided to park an internal-combustion vehicle in an EV charging spot in order to “save” a place for the soon-to-arrive caravan. This forced a family with a young child in the vehicle to wait in sweltering conditions rather than charging in the government-occupied space.
The family called the cops.
Well done, Secretary Granholm!
In the Secretary’s defense, at least none of the EVs in the caravan caught fire.
It is very well documented that Thomas’ story about his sister and her family is a complete fabrication that he created with the help of a corrupt journalist around the time of his rise in the Republican Party by jumping on the Reagan Train.
Martin was deserted by her husband in 1973, just as her father had disappeared 25 years earlier. She worked two minimum-wage jobs while her brother attended law school, but stopped working to take care of an elderly aunt who had suffered a stroke. That led to four or five years on welfare, trying to make it on $169 a month.
Thomas went to cocktails for years on these “personal experience” stories precisely tuned to delight the audience of celebrity tanned ultra conservative Reagan country club white Republicans. It had everything to do with his rise to power. And it was always a total lie. His nieces and nephews are nothing at all the way he has described them for many years.
As it turns out, Mark, 22, works as a carpenter. Christine, 20, recently was laid off from a bakery. Leola, 15, is still a student.
And the eldest, Clarence, named for his uncle (and a lovely name it is, isn`t it?), served aboard the battleship Wisconsin during Operation Desert Storm.
He’s a complete piece of shit, and a corrupt judge. So of course Republicans defend him.
10% intraday share price increase, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
No, not 3M.
No, not AT&T.
No, not Citigroup.
No, not Generac.
Yeah, that’s where we’re at in this thread. Pathetic.
It’s much like roadkill not knowing it’s dead.
ICYMI, WaPo and Politico reported on recent financial disclosures that show Kellyanne Conway channeling bribes from Leonard Leo to Clarence Thomas at Leo’s instruction as part of the deals he was brokering for Conway for her court-packing work.
Leo basically bumped one of his payments to Conway by $25,000 then at precisely the same time instructed Conway to pay Thomas (through his wife) an entirely unexplained… $25,000. There are no contemporaneous records to support that Thomas’ wife ever performed any work for the payment. Nor had Conway documented anything to support the payment from Leo. Senate subpoenas have been sent.
Chief Justice Roberts is lost somewhere in a Bangkok alley drunk out his mind with his pants around his ankles.
Bob’s Colorado Facebook friends miss him
The WaPo story I mention in 40 is a little old. And the Politico report was maybe a little overlooked because it appears to be a recap sort of “profile in corruption” that was all previously documented. But it’s actually worth a quick read (rare for Politico imho):
Harlan Crow provided the half million in seed capital to start Ginni Thomas in the dark money business over a decade ago with “Liberty Central, Inc.”. About a year later Ginni Thomas was forced to step down after she drunk dialed Anita Hill and left a threatening voice mail that later went viral (it was rumored that Crow demanded her resignation).
That same year however, Leo stepped in and served up another giant funding miracle to Ginni Thomas to launch her next (and current) dark money project “Liberty Consulting, Inc.” Over the next ten years Leo would regularly funnel payments to Thomas through his wife, as well as providing shockingly well compensated employment for a select few of Thomas’ recent clerks. After the 2020 Trump defeat Leo rebranded his dark money “charity” fund as “The Honest Elections Project” and boosted its collections over ten fold in the first six months.
Throughout that time Leo paid out tens of millions to all kinds of for-profit and not-for-profit vendors, many of which vendors were owned by… Leonard Leo! But some of which vendors absolutely also included Kellyanne Conway (for-profit) and Ginni Thomas.
Citizens United exempts dark money groups like Leo’s from disclosing their donors. And IRS rules only require that such groups disclose their largest vendors, and those collecting $100k or more. Intentionally structuring payments through intermediary vendors in order to get around disclosure requirements is a felony. In his communications to Conway instructing her how to bill him and what to do with the funds, Leo took pains to advise her “No mention of Ginni in this“.
This is all just one very thin slice of a very massive and multi-layered corruption cake surrounding Leonard Leo, the Republican court packing project, and Clarence Thomas. Lots more to come, no doubt.
NBA star arrested for suffering The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Scummy Mums don’t approve of his actions but they want to let you and all the jocks know that their babies’ tits are ripening to full bloom and up for grabs along with their Pussies.
Your back alley rent-a-suck client is missing you.
@34 He’s still telling the same lie.
@35 Interesting psychology there. Hates his own family and race. Even married a white woman so his kids would be white. I’m surprised he didn’t try to paint himself white. Maybe he did but the paint came off when he showered.
And as a “fanatical” Catholic, naturally you’d expect him to use his position on the court to try to impose Catholic Church doctrine on America’s Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Native Americans.
Remember, the Catholic Church used to burn people at the stake for refusing to be Catholics. Northern Ireland spawned Catholic terrorists. A Catholic pope looked the other way at Hitler’s crimes. And generations of U.S. priests molested Catholic boys.
It’s understandable that Thomas feels his religion has to be force-fed to the non-Catholic U.S. population.
@36 “In the Secretary’s defense, at least none of the EVs in the caravan caught fire.”
They must not be Teslas.
@38 All those stocks were up today, except C is unchanged. Yawn. I don’t consider daily stock price fluctuations significant, but you apparently think they matter.
I see the bozo main cop in the PA manhunt opened his big mouth again, saying that they are employing investigative skills that most often result in a capture. This is like Bob making a prediction.
It’s the only thing giving any meaning to his existence at this point. A bunch of his daily gambles payoff. A bunch of his daily gambles go up in smoke. Watching minute by minute the mysterious trends and the imaginary momentum is his equivalent of the bells and flashing lights in the casino slots room.
Fricken Bozos.
I didn’t have to wait till he broke the perimeter, I knew after the like the 5th day they really didn’t have the right tactics.
Leave it to the media to question it after the fact – monday morning quarterback it.
I wonder if these cops are gathering information on anyone and everyone (inmates) that served time while he was in prison and now released, a friend that could eventually help him, connecting up with him after the heat was off or after he broke the perimeter.
And then put those individuals under servailance.
If they are not then they aren’t doing their job.
Momala still leads DeSantis by 1 1/2 points in the RCP Favorability Ratings.
Momala Harris 36.8
Ron DeSantis 35.3
This Police Bivens guy is a real beauty…..he says the Escapee “Doesn’t have” what he needs……why the fuck would you say that.
How does he know whether some friend or former cell mate didn’t drive him out somewhere?
Why say such a thing when you have no clue to that.
This only reinforces to me that they have no clue what they are doing in trying to track this guy down.
Slut Scum Mums for Fascism don’t care!
So remember our dumbfuck laughing about the dead pedestrian with her earbuds in, typical checked out millennial, getting mowed down by a cop responding to a level one call.
Well first SPD had to admit it wasn’t a level one call. Despite what they said in the first press briefing.
Then they had to admit that it wasn’t a priority call of any kind. Despite what they said in the first press briefing.
Then they had to admit that multiple witnesses stated that the pedestrian tried to get out of the way but the extreme rate of speed of the responding officer made it impossible. Despite what they said in the first press briefing.
Then they had to admit that Seattle Fire never requested back up and the officer just heard some radio noise and decided to drive well above department policy speed limits because….PRIORITY ONE! Despite what they said in the first press briefing.
Now they have PR sitch so bad about an officer laughing about a civilian being killed and her life being worth only $11K. But SPD is a totally legit organization that cares about the safety of the people of Seattle.
And it’s so bad even MAGA affiliated Sinclair News feels they just can’t bury the story anymore with ‘back the blue’ and ‘public protection for exploding crime.’
@56 Life is cheap in dirt holes like Somalia, Haiti, and SPD.
You know I think the best thing about not being on Twitter anymore is I saw no
Sucmmy Mums for Fascism can’t give two shits either.
Don’t forget that their babies tits are ripenning and every jock strap should know.
If you’re not chasing them because they escape from prison, or you’re having to house them, or just having to pick up the dead bodies, the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is costing the Imurikan Taxpayer dearly!
But no complaints. Why? Because you probably have something in common with them.
Scummy Mums for Fascism certainly don’t give two fucks. All they care about are their darling babies developing boobies. They have to ensure that the jocks want to rape their little babies.
More from India.
What a fucking Virus. No vaccine. No cares. Just a little house on the praire called a prison……yeah!
Scummy Mums for Fascism are just that, a bunch of POS Scum cunts.
Launching a House impeachment inquiry, of any kind, and then citing as the reason for the inquiry the fact that there is no evidence of any kind of wrongdoing on the part of the target of the inquiry, will be a significant, unprecedented first in the history of Congress.
It probably deserves some notice for that specific fact.
@ 62
…the fact that there is no evidence of any kind of wrongdoing on the part of the target of the inquiry…
I see your user name is a lie. Clearly you look nothing up.
Grassley Obtains & Releases FBI Record Alleging VP Biden Foreign Bribery Scheme
I’m fast. Maybe I’m too fast. You tell me.
I read it: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/download/fd-1023-obtained-by-senator-grassley_-biden
Can you please cite by page number and paragraph where we would find the evidence so that we can respond?
I’ve read it four times (like I said, I’m fast) and still can’t find any documentary evidence or eyewitness statement available to present as evidence. But I’m sure you can.
After all, you aren’t a liar, are you?
Her breasts are implants but that cream pie is very real.
Virginia House of Delegates candidate streamed sex online for money
More Democrat candidates like her, please.
No, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that’s not where the tokens go.
Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit only lets certain of her BBCs perform that act. Of course, with Mrs. DR the money flow is in the opposite direction.
I guess he’s a liar then.
I’m incredibly shocked /s.
But allow me to clarify the issue. The linked document contains a narrative report by an FBI agent about the statements made to that agent by a person identified as “CHS”. That’s FBI shorthand for confidential human source. That person’s identity is withheld from the report in order to alternatively protect them or in order to protect any target of an investigation in a still unsubstantiated phase where no evidence of crime has yet been established. So in a sense, it is by definition not criminal evidence in any legal sense sufficient to support an indictment or even further investigation.
Can anonymous testimony be introduced in evidence in a US public criminal trial? No. Never. Can the statements recorded in writing of a third party not present ever be introduced in evidence in a US criminal trial? By themselves they cannot. There is an explicit exception in the FRCP for the written reports of sworn law enforcement officers. But they have to be present to be cross examined about those written reports.
Can “CHS” appear to testify in person? No. Neither the Special Counsel appointed by President Biden, nor the Special Counsel appointed by the retired rapist living in a damp sex club in Florida, nor the House committee appointed by Brave Kevin have been able to produce any eye witness able to corroborate in sworn public testimony the statements recorded in the cited document.
So can those anonymous, uncorroborated, unsubstantiated statements by a person who cannot be identified or located and cannot be produced to swear to them ever be used as evidence to support a criminal investigation or even a warrant? No. Absolutely not.
When FBI field agents begin the tedious processes of trying to learn about any suspected evidence in what might possibly turn out to be a criminal investigation they cast a very broad net. They telephone, email, and meet in person with hundreds or even thousands of individuals who might have information or some direct knowledge. They talk to partners, coworkers, colleagues, friends, family, neighbors, adjacent business owners, acquaintances, and nearly anyone who volunteers to provide information. All of those contacts are recorded on forms like the one the Shit-Lord Crybaby linked to. They dutifully include anything those individuals say to them. Anything at all. Nothing is judged. Nothing is discarded.
So it’s actually a perfectly normal thing that there exist probably millions of these records containing statements that are complete bullshit. Reports about alien spacecraft. Reports about witchcraft. Reports about LIZARD PEOPLE slaughtering adolescents to harvest their adrenochrome. None of those documents form the basis for any criminal investigation. Nor should they. I actually once had some FBI field investigators approach me on my patio one day to inquire about a neighbor’s home. I answered their questions as best I could honestly, mostly by telling them I didn’t know that neighbor, but that I thought it was a rental (turns out it was). But I could have said almost anything. And they would have reported it in their record of the encounter.
I wonder what Rand Paul’s neighbors have had to say about him over the years? Maybe we should launch an investigation.
The people deserve answers.
@63. I don’t see authenticated evidence to back it up.
Until I see that, it’s fiction and lying
From Tucker Carlson and Zero Hedge:
“Most governments are run by a small group of people for their own benefit without reference to what the majority wants.”
Man, ain’t THAT the truth! The Deep State rules, along with the military-industrial-congressional complex.
@63 Here we go again. Doctor Dumbfuck thinks a form an FBI agent dutifully filled out while Rudy Giuliani ranted constitutes “evidence.” Only a dumbfuck argues that LE notes of partisan ravings, backed up by nothing, is proof of something.
You lost.
Trump was kicked out and sent to live in exile in a Florida sex club.
Carlson was caught red-handed, sued and lost, and then fired.
Be a fucking adult for once in your miserable life and accept the obvious fact that the overwhelming majority of patriotic Americans completely disagree with you and think you are very stupid.
@65 The Democratic Party is a big tent. Occasionally a cockroach crawls in under the canvas. But unlike the GOP, the DP is not a cockroach nest.
@67 “None of those documents form the basis for any criminal investigation.”
They’re good enough for dumbfuck posting on HA, though.
@69 That’s a pretty good statement of Republican aspirations for America after our democracy is disposed of.
Today C is up more than twice as much, percentage-wise, as Tesla is down. It means nothing.
Meanwhile, in other news, Elon got very upset because Bill Gates shorted Tesla stock. That means something.
I agree that it is noteworthy that Brave Kevin will be bullied into allowing a minority in his own ranks to force him to take up impeachment without any evidence to support it. That will probably get more fully noticed as this very very foolish idea goes forward. And it will make Republicans in general, and Brave Kevin in particular look very bad, politically.
But it will also probably fuck them in a few ways politically.
Right now Dark Brandon’s single greatest political liability is his age. Mitch McConnell’s rapid disintegration notwithstanding, the GOP’s best strategy to suppress turnout centered on this issue.
Forcing an impeachment of a sitting president where there is no evidence in support of that impeachment will only serve to reinforce those squishy Biden voters resolve to turn out. It’s dumb as fuck.
But ultimately it will also force fake moderate asshat Republican House incumbents in Biden districts to make a choice between the president they voted for, and the incumbent House member who voted to impeach him. Faced once again with Donald Trump as the GOP nominee, they aren’t going to choose Trump after having voted previously for Biden. And a significant number of those ballot crossing voters can be counted on to undervote the down ballot race or to switch back. This is also very stupid.
The only people this serves are people like Matt Gaetz who are desperate for more camera time.
It basically skull fucks the rest of the party.
In case it wasn’t already clear, I’m okay with skull fucking Republicans.
@76 Nancy Mace (R-SC), a POS who at least has the excuse of not being a lawyer and therefore can plead total ignorance about things like evidence and process, argued that impeachment is a “tool” to look for evidence of wrongdoing.
I suppose that’s why this is an important push back.
It is not a tool.
Impeachment confers certain extraordinary powers on the House and the Speaker that the framers only intended for them to have in extraordinary circumstances. Those circumstances don’t exist here. But an extremist reactionary minority among Republicans crave those powers right now because they recognize that a majority of Americans are growing to hate them. And their only response to that is to burn everything down.
Fake moderates in Biden districts will be first to fall, owing entirely to their own weakness and cowardice rendering them incapable of confronting the extremism in their party.
It’s a self-licking ice cream cone of stupidity. These MAGA political stunts carried out under Brave Kevin’s weak leadership only serve to make his party more extreme, more divided, and more incapable of governing themselves, much less the country.
The easiest and most direct way for Biden to accomplish that push back will be for the administration to legally resist and challenge the efforts of Brave Kevin to subpoena information from the executive agencies.
That sets up a confrontation that attracts media focus and inquiry about the basis for the confrontation. Changing the conversation from the objectives of the impeachment to the justifications and legitimacy of the impeachment is to Biden’s advantage and to America’s advantage. It not only leaves Republicans empty handed, but it also forces the inevitable comparisons to the two Trump impeachments, both of which had abundant justification in the form of evidence. The predicate acts justifying the impeachment votes were carried out in plain sight and on television with everyone observing them in real time. And America benefits because we get to have a more thorough exposition of what sorts of things justify an impeachment and what the framers had in mind. Brave Kevin seems to think that by skipping a full vote he gets to avoid that. But like almost everything Brave Kevin does, it just kicks that can down the road a week or two.
CNBC profiled a woman who had $60k in student loan debt forgiven. She’s an artist, and after 20 years her loan burden grew from $50k to $60k.
Here’s what she does for a living.
She could earn more if she moved to Key West and painted bodies of frolicking adults instead of the faces of children.
@70. The greedy racist incel is being a hypocrite. He claimed the Steele dossier was totally false because some of the assertions did not have facts but everything in the grassly fan fiction is TRUE without any facts whatsoever.
@ 79
…the administration to legally resist and challenge the efforts of Brave Kevin to subpoena information from the executive agencies.
That sets up a confrontation that attracts media focus and inquiry about the basis for the confrontation.
That confrontation also raises the obvious question that attracts media focus and inquiry about what The Biden Crime Family is trying to hide.
Inquiry from people like, oh, I don’t know… Kamala’s husband, perhaps. Or from Gavin Newsom.
Spouses asking uncomfortable questions isn’t unprecedented.
Unfucking believable. $50k of student loan debt to do face painting. These are the people that have completely fucked up the university system with their inability to contribute to society, financially or otherwise. They suck up the resources while in school, and provide nothing back.
These people deserve to be broke and starve.
One important thing to know is that Queen YLB cheered on federal subsidies for corporate abuse like this:
Lucid CEO’s $379 million annual pay draws criticism from billionaire Elon Musk: ‘Beware any company where leadership compensation is not linked to performance’
The other important thing is that Queen YLB’s fucked kids will foot the bill for it.
It’s a good thing this CEO took up pump-and-dump stock manipulation as a career rather than, say, @ 80 face-painting. Although both activities are heavily government-subsidized.
Imagine the materials costs that would be incurred in body-painting a frolicking Mrs. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
If her loser of a husband could ever afford to send her to Key West to attend Fantasy Fest, that is.
At least her well-paid BBC would know where to stick it if he rolled the freshly painted Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit in flour and hunted for the wet spot.
If impeachment is a tool to look for evidence of wrong-doing, and my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president has done no wrong, then why not hasten the inquiry, rather than obstruct it?
Is it because each and every time information is obtained under threat of subpoena, more dirt on at least one of the Bidens is found?
80, 83 shut up you ignorant assholes
For close to 20 years, she waited tables. She currently works as a sales representative at a manufacturing company.
Whenever Goles found herself with extra cash, she threw it at her student debt. At times, she put thousands toward her student debt in one payment.
As a result, most of her life she never had any savings. “It was scary,” she said. “Jobs come and go.”
When medical bills for the family came in, she only sent back partial payments.
When her husband lost his job a little before 2008, it was an especially hard time. (They eventually couldn’t afford their house and had to move.) She put her student debt into forbearance, and it grew faster from interest.
So fuck you. I want you very much to broke and homeless and have people treat you as you want others to be treated.
@ 87
So fuck you. I want you very much to broke and homeless …
You mean you want us to be art majors. You want us to incur six figure educational debts, graduate with zero job prospects, and stick Queen YLB’s fucked kids with the tab when we fail to pay our loan debts.
We can be high on something for most of those 20 years, right? And we can start our days by taking a steaming dump in your doorway, too, right?
@ 80, 83
How unfair of me. I failed to note that she also created puppets. With strings and everything.
Who among us doesn’t want to drop a C-note in the jar for a puppeteer?
I once read about a guy who racked up hundreds of thousands in student loan debt to become a radiologist but then was driven out of the business by malpractice and sexual harassment claims. They say he’s now a day trader who works a “system” using “proven methods” to “wildly outperform” the markets. But as far as anyone here can tell he’s a rad tech who got laid off and now plays gut hunches like a degenerate gambler. Lives in a trailer in the woods far from others. Stalks an imaginary rabbit who lives rent free in his head. Lies a lot.
As usual. Playing an empty hand.
@ 90
But as far as anyone here can tell he’s a rad tech who got laid off and now plays gut hunches like a degenerate gambler.
You forgot the daily manure scooping.
We pay our 17 year-old barn assistant more per hour than that degreed artist @ 80 has ever earned. It’s because she’s worth more than that degreed artist will ever be worth.
It is not.
Impeachment as provided for under statute and the constitution is not and was not intended by the framers as a tool for random fishing.
Where credible evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors” by an office holder exists impeachment is intended to empower the House to further investigate that evidence.
No such evidence exists and the Shit-Lord Crybaby has now conceded.
He lost. Trump lost. Republicans lost.
And despite conducting a violent insurrection attacking the Congress to overturn some of those losses, and despite racking up further humiliating losses thereafter, they still cannot accept that they are losers and that the majority of Americans reject them. So they throw fits and abuse any position with any authority that they can lay claim to.
This is a crying fit by losers.
The winners bear no obligation to indulge them. Nor should they.
QoS McHillbilly is quick to mention the one member of The Biden Crime Family who files tax returns.
Not so quick to mention the 170 SARs.
$60,000? Shocking.
Shockingly weak, I should say.
Jar Jar and I pulled down hundreds of millions for doing nothing much really, other than going on a second honeymoon to India at massive taxpayer expense.
Now THAT is pure art.
Brave Kevin has had them for half a year.
HuhrDuhrham for even longer than that.
Still nothing involving President Joe Biden.
Still an empty hand.
So go ahead and please impeach Hunter Biden just as soon as he gets elected to something.
As things stand, I’m precisely one George Santos away from losing the gavel anyway.
And word has it that freak is in negotiations for a plea deal.
I’m just so fucked.
Dan Goldman claiming “no direct evidence” that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings.
’cause there’s a shit-ton of indirect evidence.
This is why QoS McHillbilly is calling for the foot-dragging. He realizes there’s plenty of direct evidence that hasn’t yet come to light.
Kevin McCarthy demonstrated today how politically and morally weak he is.
McCarthy “announced Tuesday he is calling on his committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, even as they have yet to prove allegations he directly profited off his son’s foreign business deals. The move comes amid increasing pressure from his right flank to move ahead with the inquiry, including some on his far right who have threatened to oust McCarthy from his speakership if he does not move swiftly enough on such an investigation.”
@80 “Here’s what she does for a living.”
And Doctor Dumbfuck thinks that’s a terrible thing, or at least a terrible waste of educational resources and taxpayer dollars.
This is more to Republicans’ liking.
@82 “Shaheen: Did Obama sell drugs?”
That’s in the same category as, “Have you stopped whipping your horse yet?”
@ 100
…thinks that’s a terrible thing, or at least a terrible waste of educational resources and taxpayer dollars.
It’s objectively a waste of resources and taxpayer dollars.
Just as you are objectively a waste of food and oxygen, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@83 In other words, Michelangelo’s and DaVinci’s contributions to society were far inferior to yours as a fast food burger flipper.
When you get right down to it, face painting kids is on the same level as climate science: Useless and pointless to people who see children as a labor shortage solution and planetary survival as unnecessary beyond current generations living.
I won’t waste my breath trying to explain the value of art education to dolts.
@84 Look who’s criticizing capitalist greed! Maybe we’ve got a potential recruit here.
@ 101
That’s in the same category as, “Have you stopped whipping your horse yet?”
No, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, the same category to your example would be,
Which is silly, really, because Barack stopped dealing from his house when he was accepted into law school. And because Larry Sinclair forbade it.
Your move, Madame Governor.
Seriously, bitch, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?
When even David fucking Hogg is telling the world your EO is blatantlyunconstitutional, it’s really time to rethink your strategy. Although you’ve got “weak Democrat” down really well.
More on the economically useless twat who graduated with $50k in “educational” debt, and over 20 years saw it grow to $60k because she couldn’t afford to feed herself by painting kids’ faces in the park and constructing puppets for other adult losers:
She spent six years learning how to be unable to feed herself:
Six years learning a skill that doesn’t pay enough to buy a dime bag once a week.
Let this be a lesson to you, Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
What happens when we let Democrats run things.
What happens when we let Democrats run things and then pay our taxes.
Median Household Income After Taxes Fell 8.8% in 2022
Clearly the solution is to be like POS Hunter Biden and just don’t file a tax return or pay income taxes. Easy-peasy.
And if you get caught the DOJ will step in to protect you from consequences.
Did some bitch die today due to The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus?
We, Scummy Mums for Fascism, don’t want to know.
But we do know that our babies tities are rippening and will be available to all the jock straps out there, Yippie!
$50k in “educational” debt and six years in school so you can doodle designs for coffee mugs.
At least if I was homeless like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wants me to be I could still do doodles that end up on coffee mugs.
Or, like the average homeless Democrat voter in Seattle, I could do crystal meth.
Or both, amirite?
How weak is the Democrat governor of New Mexico? The elected Attorney General, also a Democrat, won’t prosecute offenses under the governor’s unconstitutional gun ban.
New Mexico Democratic attorney general won’t defend suspension of right to publicly carry guns
Silly twat did not think this through.
@ 112
I believe I may have misunderstood the NM AG’s position insofar as a court defense of the dumb twat guv’s EO.
It’s not that he won’t prosecute those who ignore the dumb twat’s ban. It’s that he won’t defend the ban in court – there are four lawsuits (so far) filed in response to the EO.
So she’ll have to front her own legal eagle.
That he keeps with the signed photo of his Canadian fashion model girlfriend.
No, you can’t see it. Shut up.
NPR reporter:
EVs that are Teslas are not liked by the Biden administration. So it’s obvious that to bring down Tesla the administration needs to conduct itself as if Tesla does not exist.
No matter how many people it hurts and no matter how many of Queen YLB’s fucked kids’ future tax dollars are wasted in the process.
I spent two years paying some other asshole to attend Penn in my name.
I still can’t feed myself. But I throw a mean cheeseburger.
Do Dumbfuck and Tim Scott share the same Canadian girlfriend?
It’s possible. We’ve never seen all three of them together at the same time. Which is a funny way to say we’ve never seen either Dumbfuck’s Canadian girlfriend or Tim Scott’s Canadian girlfriend.
Because they don’t exist. And neither does any “evidence” against President Joe Biden. They both just keep on saying that they do exist.
Because they have to. At this point, they have no other choice.
If Tim Scott does not have anything to hide about his Canadian girlfriend then he should stop resisting efforts to inquire about his Canadian girlfriend and just allow reporters to follow him to a truck stop and photograph him sucking cocks.
@117 depends, horse or of another kind?
Because Republicans shot this down in January of 2020 when then Attorney General William Barr instructed his OLC to issue a 54 page controlling memorandum of of opinion instructing the White House Counsel that it would be unlawful for the White House to respond to subpoenas attending to any impeachment inquiry undertaken by the House of Representatives if that impeachment inquiry had not been preceded by full vote of the House.
Biden should continue to follow the law, of course.
As a follow-up on #84, I see in Wikipedia that Saudi Arabia owns 61.1% of Lucid Motors, so who cares if a greedy CEO of a money-losing luxury EV maker is stripping the Saudis of their oil money?
@85 Our doctor friend has quite an imagination. I wonder if somebody should check with the state medical commission to find out if he ever got imaginative at work.
Hey doc, did you ever touch up x-rays? You know, colorize them?
@88 Well, since she works, she doesn’t have zero job prospects, does she? And the company that employs her apparently saw something of value in her art education. And, not putting too fine a point on it, she’s more employed (and, apparently, employable) than you are.
@89 “Who among us doesn’t want to drop a C-note in the jar for a puppeteer?”
Some people would drop a $1, $5, or $10, even a $20, but I’m under the impression you’re not one of them.
@92 Shoveling shit should command premium pay.
You’re not much of a businessman, though. When I was a young bunny, teen girls would sweep out the barn for free, in exchange for getting to ride the horse.
I’m not sure anyone wants to ride your horse, though, after how it’s been “ridden.” I’m surprised you can hire a shit shoveler, when there’s more than shit in the horseshit. Did you make full disclosure to her?
@96 Hunter Biden is a sleazebag who sells influence he doesn’t have. The suckers he defrauds deserve to be conned, but that doesn’t excuse his actions. I think he should be removed from office right now. The fact he doesn’t hold any office is a technicality. The situation calls for prophylactic action.
@98 “’cause there’s a shit-ton of indirect evidence.”
Such as? He talks to his son on the phone? He doesn’t call him names in public?
Rudy Giuliani’s unsubstantiated tip to an FBI agent doesn’t count. Neither does stuff planted on Hunter’s laptop.
@102 Who elected you to make such value judgments?
And while we’re on the subject, are you prepared to swear on a Bible that you attended medical school entirely on your own dime? Meaning a for-profit med school, with no state or federal subsidies, and no scholarships or subsidized loans?
She’s working and contributing to society. You’re not working and you’re contributing to HA. Do you really want to be making value judgments?
@106 If I saw a hundred people flashing guns in public just to show everybody they can, I’d be inclined to say I saw a jackass parade.
As I see it, only three kinds of people display guns in public: Cops, criminals, and jackasses. Those people aren’t cops, so unless they claim to be criminals, they’re jackasses.
Democrats admire artists who paint children’s faces. Republicans admire hooligans who brandish guns in the public square because they can. More proof that Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
@108 It would have fallen a lot more if Republican employers had their way.
@115 It’s not like the well-heeled folks who can afford Teslas ever got tax credits for buying them …