On it’s face the Meadows hearing today should just be a formality.
Meadows is arguing that because he was an advisor to the president any meeting he was ever in with the president is protected.
But the Hatch act specifies that no meeting where elections, campaigns, or campaign fundraising can be done while in any government facility or acting in an official government capacity.
So Meadows is hoping that admitting a lesser charge of hatch act violations will get him off the hook for be a conspiring party in a nakedly political act.
Hatch would have known, and been deeply briefed on assuming his jobs, that meetings regarding stealing votes or faking electors were not in any sense “executive branch” activities.
Roger Rabbitspews:
3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“If we can’t take away your books, then you can’t have a library!”
The Legal Team Representing Super Genius Donald J. Trumpspews:
Our client’s right to run for president supersedes criminal prosecution. You must delay the trial until after the campaign.
We cannot have a trial that starts Super Tuesday or thereabouts because he has the constitutional right to be in a primary state on the day of trial. Because he’s running for office.
Vivek “Trying to Outdunb Boebert” Ramaswammyspews:
“THE UNITED STATES CONTITUTION…that’s what won us the American Revolution”
GOP primary voters who’ve accepted Donald is a lost causespews:
Hell yeah! We need a general knowledge test for voters*
*also Vivek
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 2
3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
Mr. “Ten Year Investment Horizon” can’t stop his urethral catheter from bouncing in excitement over an intraday gain in two stocks in his pitifully small investment account.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would rather talk about an intraday gain than about the fine assessed against 3M, announced over the weekend.
3M Tried to Hide Payments for China Officials’ Vacation, Shopping Sprees, SEC Says
Company to pay more than $6.5 million to settle allegations
3M spent $1 million on overseas trips cast as conferences: SEC
Not unlike The Biden Crime Family, which accepted bribes from Ukrainian business owners and then tried to hide them.
So yes, let’s all cheer Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who with today’s gain in 3M shares is now down 12% instead of 17% on his second investment in 3M, after he closed out his first 3M investment at a 30% loss on his invested capital.
Why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit isn’t silent due to embarrassment WRT his 3M investment history is a mystery, until one realizes that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is shameless.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 4
The prosecutor DeSantis recently fired because of LE complaints against her was investigating corrupt cops.
The Ukrainian prosecutor VP Biden caused to be fired was investigating corrupt Bidens.
Vicious Trollspews:
Obvious fear in the Biden camp that Democrat voters might learn what a cognitively intact, communicative Democrat sounds like.
Biden advisers bristle at Gavin Newsom’s plan to debate DeSantis
And the Kamala camp obviously fears Democrat voters might learn what a Democrat who isn’t an idiot when placed in front of a microphone sounds like.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ allies are particularly annoyed by the California governor’s move into the spotlight ahead of a possible 2028 Democratic nomination fight.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 10
NBC News went with “2028”, but it’s clear Newsom is running in next year’s race.
It’s called Folksyspews:
Once a Dumbfuck gets his teeth into leg of a fake story it holds on like a terrified toddler getting a first ride on Uncle Bob’s Harley after he’s downed a half rack of PBR.
Real Newsspews:
Does it really matter? Oh wait, he’s a white boy, it matters.
@6 Did he actually say that? I wouldn’t put it past him given his demonstrated ignorance on various other subjects.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “3M, you see, bribed Chinese officials and then tried to hide it.”
So what? I don’t demand character of American corporations, because they don’t have any, and I couldn’t invest if I did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is shameless”
Even though I’m shameless, as you say, there are things I won’t stoop to. Voting for Republicans is one of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “The Ukrainian prosecutor VP Biden caused to be fired was investigating corrupt Bidens.”
You’re a shameless liar. That corrupt prosecutor wasn’t investigating Hunter Biden, he was working for Moscow’s puppet leader in Kyiv, and removing him from office after the pro-Putin regime was overthrown by the people of Ukraine was official U.S. and NATO policy. VP Biden was speaking for the U.S. government, in other words doing his job. You shamelessly vote for Republicans, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Joe the Plumber has left us. The stated cause of death is cancer, not MAGA overdose.
The sleezy, shit-smeared grift of Republican fake populism has been around for decades. All that really changes is the grifters get better and Republicans get dumber.
Real Newsspews:
All that really changes is the grifters get better and Republicans get dumber.
Very little change with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus too. If anything it’s probably getting worse.
Ladies – you’ve been duped by Heterosexual men. You’ve been groomed by the real groomers.
@23 DeSantis got what he wanted. Dead black people. He won this round.
The Justice Department is suing SpaceX for allegedly not hiring refugees and asylees
Is SpaceX exempt from hiring refugees and asylees due to export control laws or not? Justice department has interpreted the rules that they are not except. SpaceX thinks they are. One of them is correct. Seems like an easy resolution.
Export control laws are administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security, which is part of the US Commerce Department. Have them clarify.
Rockets are primarily used for scientific research, space exploration, and civilian applications such as satellite launches. They are not designed to cause harm or destruction intentionally. On the other hand, missiles are designed as weapons intending to hit and destroy specific targets.
>> Is Musk planning on using his rockets as missiles to cause harm or destruction intentionally?
Dark Brandonspews:
He may be too preoccupied this morning having taken the proceeds of his recent trailer sales and poured them all into JNJ.
DOJ is America’s first line of defense against Russian hackers and scammers. If Republicans defund DOJ, Russian hackers and scammers will have free rein to run wild and tromp on Americans’ bank accounts.
Another reason why Republican election victories are wildly celebrated in Russia’s dark corners.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I predict that if Trump is convicted, Florida’s shamelessly hypocritical Republican legislature and governor will rush to amend their own anti-felon voting law to exempt former presidents who own and operate private sex clubs within the state.
The chief justice of America’s most blatantly partisan state supreme court is throwing a toddler tantrum over the new liberal court majority’s blatantly partisan moves to assert their authority.
Here’s a Roger Rabbit suggestion: If she thinks what the liberal majority is acting illegally or unconstitutionally, she should sue her own court, and let the court decide. I mean, where else does she go with her complaints? If you don’t like how something is being done, you go to court; and this being a state court matter, you go to the state’s highest court.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Raw Story has dug up dirt on Ramaswamy: In 2003, he talked about voting for a Democrat in 2004. When this heresy gets out in MAGA Land, it’ll end his chances as a GOP candidate.
If we’re going to put age limits on politicians, then shouldn’t we also put the same age limits on Supreme Court justices? After all, some of them are politicians, too.
If DeSantis wants to shoot drug smugglers, he could start with the Texas state police.
They’re easier targets than the Bidens, what with the Secret Service helping them smuggle coke into the West Wing an’ all.
Vicious Trollspews:
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit stands today on the precipice of the yawning and ever-widening gap between himself and real millionaires.
Pus and urine drip from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s uncorked urethral catheter as he attempts to gin up a derisive comment about TSLA shares, while knowing full well that the only reason GNRC shares are up this week is because its shareholders are praying for a devastating Florida hurricane and the resultant rush to purchase generators.
@31. That conservative reads like a person, when in the majority and was asked by the liberals on the court to accommodate them, she told them to fuck off.
Vicious Trollspews:
Robinhood “Don’t Know Much About History” Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 32
Raw Story has dug up dirt on Ramaswamy: In 2003, he talked about voting for a Democrat in 2004. When this heresy gets out in MAGA Land, it’ll end his chances as a GOP candidate.
Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat.
Donald Trump was once a Democrat.
They each subsequently were nominated by the GOP, and won three presidential races (so far) between them.
Go back to praying for devastation in Florida so that your family may benefit financially, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Age & Term Limitsspews:
33 – Age limits and term limits for the members of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate and the US Supreme Court would be very welcome ideas indeed.
Vicious Trollspews:
Current Democrat and.
Former Los Angeles City Council Member and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas was sentenced to 42 months in prison on conspiracy, bribery as well as mail and wire fraud convictions on Monday.
Why, it’s a conspiracy against an innocent man, that’s what it is.
Ridley-Thomas was convicted in March for a scheme that was executed with former University of Southern California School of Social Work Dean Marilyn Louise Flynn wherein the then County Supervisor sent the school county contracts in exchange for, “direct and indirect financial benefits.”
As a part of the scheme, Ridley-Thomas sought post-graduate admission, a full scholarship and employment for his son, Sebastian, who was the subject of an internal sexual harassment investigation by the California State Assembly where he had resigned as a representative.
As with The Biden Crime Family, POSism is hereditary among Democrats. Like father, like son.
Former dean at University of Southern California indicted on bribery charges
California is home to more POS than any other state. ‘s why Hunter prefers California. It helps him blend in.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 39
Age limits and term limits for the members of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate and the US Supreme Court would be very welcome ideas indeed.
Not to The Biden Crime Family they wouldn’t. It took POS Ol’ Joe 47 years to amass enough sway to be worth bribes totaling $10 million. Add term limits and POS Hunter has to find a real job. And submit to drug testing, with no ability to swap specimens with Secret Service agents.
Ben Carsonspews:
They once believed that I could save them.
Then they learned the truth about me and my koookiness.
And all I wound up with was a new credenza.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat.
¡JEB! would have a better shot than Blessed Saint Ronald of Alzheimers at making the debate stage in the modern Republican Party.
Don’t let them and Bob distract you with their other bullshit…..this is what they rather you didn’t know about.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Age limits and term limits for the members of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate
They are not elected for life. Senators must stand every six years. And House members must stand every two. And unlike “appointed-for-life Supreme Court Justices”, in between elections they are required by law to file financial disclosures that fully expose all sources of income and any possible inurement or financial conflict.
Like if a billionaire buys them a fucking house and flies them all over the globe to exclusive ultra luxury private resorts and buys them hooker-massages. For example.
Real Newsspews:
Got to hand it to Al Sharpton for speaking it so well. Here is the clip of Vivek, noted by RR Comment.
May not agree with Al on everything but I always admire how it puts it. Smarter than The FuckHump and not the crooked man that the FuckHump is.
Real Newsspews:
Go back to praying for devastation in Florida
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
Recession, Recession, Recession!
Drag Queens, Drag Queens, Drag Queens!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “as he attempts to gin up a derisive comment about TSLA shares”
Actually, I’m happy for you, doc. You’ve waited a long time to catch a break.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 I understand past history better than you comprehend current events, doc. That was a different Republican Party in 1980 and 2016, before the MAGA cult took it over.
This world is becoming a very unjust world, where the privileged will be protected in their crimes and ordinary citizens harassed for breathing.
Vicious Trollspews:
If Carl would update his threads with new ones more frequently, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit could write stuff like
@ 2 3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
without being shown to be a moronic investor by subsequent news in the same thread, like this:
257.18 quote price arrow up+18.36 (+7.69%)
It was newsworthy to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit in February-ish that his pitifully small holding of AT&T shares rose 6% in a single day. They’ve fallen 25% or so since then, but I digress. It should be similarly newsworthy to him when TSLA shares rise more than 7% in a single day.
What a bloviating, useless clown is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Vicious Trollspews:
The value of a single TSLA share rose far more more today than a share of AT&T is worth.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 49
That was a different Republican Party in 1980 and 2016, before the MAGA cult took it over.
The Democrat party was different, too, before #CrookedHillary bought
Donna Brazile: Bailing out DNC gave Clinton campaign control, ‘made my job impossible’
her DNC nomination.
Judy Woodruff:
You say the primary process wasn’t rigged, but it sounds like you’re saying it was a foregone conclusion, what was going on at the DNC.
Donna Brazile:
They began to hire vendors, pay for consultants using money being raised under the name of the Democratic National Committee at a time when our primary process was still under way.
Vicious Trollspews:
The delicious irony of Clintonian corruption is that in 2016, #CrookedHillary spent more money to elect Donald Trump than Donald Trump spent.
Russia didn’t collude with Trump to win the election. #CrookedHillary colluded with a helpless DNC to lose the election.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think it’s conceivable that an Obama-appointed judge might rule that trying to overthrow the government isn’t an official act nor acting on behalf of the government.
Sheesh. Even Kari Lake’s strip mall lawyers come up with better arguments than these, and that’s an extremely low bar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 “Russia didn’t collude with Trump to win the election.”
They just wanted him to win. And sent a lawyer to talk to his son about Russian orphans (and the Magnitsky Act, as in, “unfreeze my money, or you get no more orphans!”).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 The AT&T that was up 3.9% today?
Hundreds of First responders from Florida in Texas instead of preparing for storm in Florida.
>> Hundreds of National Guard troops, Stare Troopers, FWC officers, and FDLE agents in Texas instead of preparing for and responding to the Hurricane about to hit the state. This has cost Florida taxpayers millions of dollars and their absence will cost millions more.
>> It’s a shame that the people of Florida who voted for him, now have to suffer because their first responders are wasting their time in a whole different state, fending off the brown people. Thoughts and prayers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Why is it a shame? They knew what they were voting for.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Donna Brazile:
Clock check: Dark Brandon kicked their asses up and down the street while campaigning from his basement wearing a fucking sweater with a blanket over his knees.
Vendors? What’s that? Cesar Chávez’s grand daughter is bringing them to their knees pleading for mercy without enough employees to field a baseball team.
History has left them all behind, sobbing and kicking their heels furiously into the dust.
On it’s face the Meadows hearing today should just be a formality.
Meadows is arguing that because he was an advisor to the president any meeting he was ever in with the president is protected.
But the Hatch act specifies that no meeting where elections, campaigns, or campaign fundraising can be done while in any government facility or acting in an official government capacity.
So Meadows is hoping that admitting a lesser charge of hatch act violations will get him off the hook for be a conspiring party in a nakedly political act.
Hatch would have known, and been deeply briefed on assuming his jobs, that meetings regarding stealing votes or faking electors were not in any sense “executive branch” activities.
3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
“If we can’t take away your books, then you can’t have a library!”
The prosecutor DeSantis recently fired because of LE complaints against her was investigating corrupt cops.
Our client’s right to run for president supersedes criminal prosecution. You must delay the trial until after the campaign.
We cannot have a trial that starts Super Tuesday or thereabouts because he has the constitutional right to be in a primary state on the day of trial. Because he’s running for office.
“THE UNITED STATES CONTITUTION…that’s what won us the American Revolution”
Hell yeah! We need a general knowledge test for voters*
*also Vivek
@ 2
3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
Mr. “Ten Year Investment Horizon” can’t stop his urethral catheter from bouncing in excitement over an intraday gain in two stocks in his pitifully small investment account.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would rather talk about an intraday gain than about the fine assessed against 3M, announced over the weekend.
3M, you see, bribed Chinese officials and then tried to hide it.
3M Tried to Hide Payments for China Officials’ Vacation, Shopping Sprees, SEC Says
Company to pay more than $6.5 million to settle allegations
3M spent $1 million on overseas trips cast as conferences: SEC
Not unlike The Biden Crime Family, which accepted bribes from Ukrainian business owners and then tried to hide them.
So yes, let’s all cheer Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who with today’s gain in 3M shares is now down 12% instead of 17% on his second investment in 3M, after he closed out his first 3M investment at a 30% loss on his invested capital.
Why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit isn’t silent due to embarrassment WRT his 3M investment history is a mystery, until one realizes that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is shameless.
@ 4
The prosecutor DeSantis recently fired because of LE complaints against her was investigating corrupt cops.
The Ukrainian prosecutor VP Biden caused to be fired was investigating corrupt Bidens.
Obvious fear in the Biden camp that Democrat voters might learn what a cognitively intact, communicative Democrat sounds like.
Biden advisers bristle at Gavin Newsom’s plan to debate DeSantis
And the Kamala camp obviously fears Democrat voters might learn what a Democrat who isn’t an idiot when placed in front of a microphone sounds like.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ allies are particularly annoyed by the California governor’s move into the spotlight ahead of a possible 2028 Democratic nomination fight.
@ 10
NBC News went with “2028”, but it’s clear Newsom is running in next year’s race.
Once a Dumbfuck gets his teeth into leg of a fake story it holds on like a terrified toddler getting a first ride on Uncle Bob’s Harley after he’s downed a half rack of PBR.
Does it really matter? Oh wait, he’s a white boy, it matters.
@6 Did he actually say that? I wouldn’t put it past him given his demonstrated ignorance on various other subjects.
@8 “3M, you see, bribed Chinese officials and then tried to hide it.”
So what? I don’t demand character of American corporations, because they don’t have any, and I couldn’t invest if I did.
@8 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is shameless”
Even though I’m shameless, as you say, there are things I won’t stoop to. Voting for Republicans is one of them.
@9 “The Ukrainian prosecutor VP Biden caused to be fired was investigating corrupt Bidens.”
You’re a shameless liar. That corrupt prosecutor wasn’t investigating Hunter Biden, he was working for Moscow’s puppet leader in Kyiv, and removing him from office after the pro-Putin regime was overthrown by the people of Ukraine was official U.S. and NATO policy. VP Biden was speaking for the U.S. government, in other words doing his job. You shamelessly vote for Republicans, too.
Joe the Plumber has left us. The stated cause of death is cancer, not MAGA overdose.
He was never a plumber.
And his name was not Joe.
The sleezy, shit-smeared grift of Republican fake populism has been around for decades. All that really changes is the grifters get better and Republicans get dumber.
Very little change with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus too. If anything it’s probably getting worse.
Ladies. You have to be that catalyst for change. The Hetero men are going to kill you to death.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Ladies you are their property. They groomed you and you allowed it.
Did anyone else notice how resentful El Dumbfuck was that 3M and Generac did well today? While Tesla did not?
Hey Bob, who do you think has a bigger problem with Black people, Mayor Pete or DeFuckFace?
This is happening way way wayyyyyayayayayay tooo tooo much.
But there are drag queens to stifle!
Ladies – you’ve been duped by Heterosexual men. You’ve been groomed by the real groomers.
@23 DeSantis got what he wanted. Dead black people. He won this round.
The Justice Department is suing SpaceX for allegedly not hiring refugees and asylees
Is SpaceX exempt from hiring refugees and asylees due to export control laws or not? Justice department has interpreted the rules that they are not except. SpaceX thinks they are. One of them is correct. Seems like an easy resolution.
Export control laws are administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security, which is part of the US Commerce Department. Have them clarify.
>> Is Musk planning on using his rockets as missiles to cause harm or destruction intentionally?
He may be too preoccupied this morning having taken the proceeds of his recent trailer sales and poured them all into JNJ.
State attorney says DeSantis fired her because she was ‘prosecuting their cops’
She added: “They thought that I was overly critical of law enforcement and didn’t do anything against ‘real criminals’. Apparently there’s a difference between citizens who commit crimes and cops who commit crimes.”
DOJ is America’s first line of defense against Russian hackers and scammers. If Republicans defund DOJ, Russian hackers and scammers will have free rein to run wild and tromp on Americans’ bank accounts.
Another reason why Republican election victories are wildly celebrated in Russia’s dark corners.
I predict that if Trump is convicted, Florida’s shamelessly hypocritical Republican legislature and governor will rush to amend their own anti-felon voting law to exempt former presidents who own and operate private sex clubs within the state.
The chief justice of America’s most blatantly partisan state supreme court is throwing a toddler tantrum over the new liberal court majority’s blatantly partisan moves to assert their authority.
Here’s a Roger Rabbit suggestion: If she thinks what the liberal majority is acting illegally or unconstitutionally, she should sue her own court, and let the court decide. I mean, where else does she go with her complaints? If you don’t like how something is being done, you go to court; and this being a state court matter, you go to the state’s highest court.
Raw Story has dug up dirt on Ramaswamy: In 2003, he talked about voting for a Democrat in 2004. When this heresy gets out in MAGA Land, it’ll end his chances as a GOP candidate.
If we’re going to put age limits on politicians, then shouldn’t we also put the same age limits on Supreme Court justices? After all, some of them are politicians, too.
If DeSantis wants to shoot drug smugglers, he could start with the Texas state police.
@ 34
If DeSantis wants to shoot drug smugglers, he could start with the Texas state police.
They’re easier targets than the Bidens, what with the Secret Service helping them smuggle coke into the West Wing an’ all.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit stands today on the precipice of the yawning and ever-widening gap between himself and real millionaires.
Pus and urine drip from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s uncorked urethral catheter as he attempts to gin up a derisive comment about TSLA shares, while knowing full well that the only reason GNRC shares are up this week is because its shareholders are praying for a devastating Florida hurricane and the resultant rush to purchase generators.
@31. That conservative reads like a person, when in the majority and was asked by the liberals on the court to accommodate them, she told them to fuck off.
Robinhood “Don’t Know Much About History” Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 32
Raw Story has dug up dirt on Ramaswamy: In 2003, he talked about voting for a Democrat in 2004. When this heresy gets out in MAGA Land, it’ll end his chances as a GOP candidate.
Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat.
Donald Trump was once a Democrat.
They each subsequently were nominated by the GOP, and won three presidential races (so far) between them.
Go back to praying for devastation in Florida so that your family may benefit financially, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
33 – Age limits and term limits for the members of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate and the US Supreme Court would be very welcome ideas indeed.
Current Democrat and.
Why, it’s a conspiracy against an innocent man, that’s what it is.
As with The Biden Crime Family, POSism is hereditary among Democrats. Like father, like son.
Now, conspiracies require more than one evildoer. This one was no different.
Former dean at University of Southern California indicted on bribery charges
California is home to more POS than any other state. ‘s why Hunter prefers California. It helps him blend in.
@ 39
Age limits and term limits for the members of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate and the US Supreme Court would be very welcome ideas indeed.
Not to The Biden Crime Family they wouldn’t. It took POS Ol’ Joe 47 years to amass enough sway to be worth bribes totaling $10 million. Add term limits and POS Hunter has to find a real job. And submit to drug testing, with no ability to swap specimens with Secret Service agents.
They once believed that I could save them.
Then they learned the truth about me and my koookiness.
And all I wound up with was a new credenza.
¡JEB! would have a better shot than Blessed Saint Ronald of Alzheimers at making the debate stage in the modern Republican Party.
Get a load of this shit.
Don’t let them and Bob distract you with their other bullshit…..this is what they rather you didn’t know about.
They are not elected for life. Senators must stand every six years. And House members must stand every two. And unlike “appointed-for-life Supreme Court Justices”, in between elections they are required by law to file financial disclosures that fully expose all sources of income and any possible inurement or financial conflict.
Like if a billionaire buys them a fucking house and flies them all over the globe to exclusive ultra luxury private resorts and buys them hooker-massages. For example.
Got to hand it to Al Sharpton for speaking it so well. Here is the clip of Vivek, noted by RR Comment.
May not agree with Al on everything but I always admire how it puts it. Smarter than The FuckHump and not the crooked man that the FuckHump is.
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
Recession, Recession, Recession!
Drag Queens, Drag Queens, Drag Queens!
@36 “as he attempts to gin up a derisive comment about TSLA shares”
Actually, I’m happy for you, doc. You’ve waited a long time to catch a break.
@38 I understand past history better than you comprehend current events, doc. That was a different Republican Party in 1980 and 2016, before the MAGA cult took it over.
Police don’t do what you think they do:
This world is becoming a very unjust world, where the privileged will be protected in their crimes and ordinary citizens harassed for breathing.
If Carl would update his threads with new ones more frequently, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit could write stuff like
@ 2 3M and Generac shareholders are having a good day, Tesla shareholders not so much.
without being shown to be a moronic investor by subsequent news in the same thread, like this:
It was newsworthy to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit in February-ish that his pitifully small holding of AT&T shares rose 6% in a single day. They’ve fallen 25% or so since then, but I digress. It should be similarly newsworthy to him when TSLA shares rise more than 7% in a single day.
What a bloviating, useless clown is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The value of a single TSLA share rose far more more today than a share of AT&T is worth.
@ 49
That was a different Republican Party in 1980 and 2016, before the MAGA cult took it over.
The Democrat party was different, too, before #CrookedHillary bought
Donna Brazile: Bailing out DNC gave Clinton campaign control, ‘made my job impossible’
her DNC nomination.
The delicious irony of Clintonian corruption is that in 2016, #CrookedHillary spent more money to elect Donald Trump than Donald Trump spent.
Russia didn’t collude with Trump to win the election. #CrookedHillary colluded with a helpless DNC to lose the election.
I think it’s conceivable that an Obama-appointed judge might rule that trying to overthrow the government isn’t an official act nor acting on behalf of the government.
Trump isn’t a Scottsboro boy.
Sheesh. Even Kari Lake’s strip mall lawyers come up with better arguments than these, and that’s an extremely low bar.
@56 “Russia didn’t collude with Trump to win the election.”
They just wanted him to win. And sent a lawyer to talk to his son about Russian orphans (and the Magnitsky Act, as in, “unfreeze my money, or you get no more orphans!”).
@54 The AT&T that was up 3.9% today?
Hundreds of First responders from Florida in Texas instead of preparing for storm in Florida.
>> Hundreds of National Guard troops, Stare Troopers, FWC officers, and FDLE agents in Texas instead of preparing for and responding to the Hurricane about to hit the state. This has cost Florida taxpayers millions of dollars and their absence will cost millions more.
>> It’s a shame that the people of Florida who voted for him, now have to suffer because their first responders are wasting their time in a whole different state, fending off the brown people. Thoughts and prayers.
@60 Why is it a shame? They knew what they were voting for.
Clock check: Dark Brandon kicked their asses up and down the street while campaigning from his basement wearing a fucking sweater with a blanket over his knees.
Vendors? What’s that? Cesar Chávez’s grand daughter is bringing them to their knees pleading for mercy without enough employees to field a baseball team.
History has left them all behind, sobbing and kicking their heels furiously into the dust.