I saw Macbeth at Seattle Shakespeare over the weekend. Fantastic performances and staging. It was the final weekend, so this isn’t a review or anything like that.
It is me saying that I was very impressed with their mask policy. Obviously, get vaccinated or boosted is the thing that helps the most in saving lives from COVID-19. But with people in close quarters for a couple hours, masks are also important. And it was mandatory, and at the introduction, they said they would kick people out or stop the show if people weren’t masked.
They aren’t killing the little old ladies who make up their core audience. Don’t be absurd.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Why is CBS reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop?
It’s a 5+ minute story.
Why did the FBI issue a subpoena for the laptop?
Hunter Biden is gonna realize that he’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Why has Hunter Biden not denied the authenticity of the laptop subpoena’d by the FBI?
With Bob Iger now back in firm control, The Walt Disney Company is preparing an announcement that there are, in fact, only two genders.
No word, yet, on whether they’re singing in front of a smirking, face-punchable Nicholas Sandmann.
Tiffany Cross could not be reached for comment.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s Christmas gift to Hunter will be an overdose of fentanyl.
Hey, just ’cause the wrong Biden son died doesn’t mean the right one has to keep on breathin’.
2023 according to Goldman Sachs:
The problem with this is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t have 50 months. He’s got nowhere close to that.
We’d be better off if Trump had
been re-elected.DIED.No more SS checks to the cheeto-tinted looser.. that’s GOOD for my kids…
At least according to the unhinged, kreepy and BOOORIING babble of the kreepshit @ 2-8..
Midterm popular vote alert:
YLB, are ya still gonna blame gerrymandering, girlfriend, if the GOP has a 3% popular vote advantage and a 3% advantage in the House of Representatives?
What a fuckin’ silly twat is our darling YLB.
Meanwhile, Nick Hanauer is deciding whether to continue to pay a guy hired to tweet, now that said guy suddenly finds it beneath him to participate in a social media forum that doesn’t always promote the truth.
Goldy hasn’t taken a real close look in a mirror for a long, long time.
Short-thinking Goldy’s potential paths to Twitter return:
• “Hey, it turns out that I was wrong about Musk mainstreaming literal fascists, because all along I was wrong about the mainstream presence of literal fascists. Except those in my own party, I mean.”
• “I cannot fight fascism without direct engagement of them, which means I regretfully must return to Twitter.”
• “If Nick Hanauer stops paying me there is no other way for me to feed myself.”
None of these strikes me as a win for Goldy. CBS learned its lesson in about 36 hours. Goldy’s far from that smart.
Elon Musk is laying off even more Twitter workers
This time it’s the sales staff and executives.
Must fired the head of ad sales, the vice president of partnerships and head of US content partnerships also left.
>> the company is not profitable so fire the sales staff until profits improve. Brilliant!
>> $44 billion, in a dumpster, on fire
Tesla stock is down 26.3% since Elon Musk took over Twitter last month
The electric vehicle (EV) pioneer has seen its stock lose almost half its value since the beginning of the year,.
The most recent news affecting Tesla came over the weekend, as the automaker issued another recall, potentially affecting more than 321,000 Model 3 and Model Y vehicles.
>> Who would be so stupid to buy a car from this fool?
The important thing is that now that Goldy is “taking a break” from Twitter, there is no outlet for the misinformation he is paid to shill.
Except for that POS blog maintained by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 13
The electric vehicle (EV) pioneer has seen its stock lose almost half its value since the beginning of the year.
GM is down from $65 (Jan 4) to $40. That’s a 40% decline YTD.
Toyota is down from $211 (Jan 13) to $142. That’s a 33% decline YTD.
Ford is down from $25 (Jan 19) to $14. That’s a 44% decline YTD.
Yes, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, Tesla is down more than the others. Might have to do with the fact that in previous years Tesla rose so much higher than the others did, and had further to fall.
Last night’s executive firings were because they were not on-board with Musk’s intent to reduce staffing even more.
Twitter was overstaffed. Its former CEO said as much in a recent communication:
How do you address overstaffing? You do it by reducing staff.
That should make sense even to someone like you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. It should, but as long as you prefer to blindly suck whatever cock your liberal rags place in front of you to suck, it won’t.
Off your knees, bitch.
CBS is owned by Paramount Global. Over the weekend CBS News paused its participation on Twitter for 36 hours, and then quickly jumped back on.
Hey, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, any idea how PARA shares have done YTD?
Is it because CBS News was on Twitter, because CBS News left Twitter, or because CBS News quickly jumped back on to Twitter?
Or – perish the thought – is there no direct correlation?
@5 With Bob Iger now back in firm control, the Disney stock I bought the day after the election is up another 6%.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, Amazon shares YTD have fallen nearly as far as those of Tesla – down 46% YTD.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why don’t you ask who would be so stupid to buy products from Amazon?
YLB sleeps soundly at night, secure in the knowledge that as long as The Even Bigger Fucking Moron spews on HA, nobody will accuse her of being the stupidest commenter on HA.
@ 17
I sold naked puts on TSLA today, June expiration, strike price $125.
The shares can fall another $43 between now and then and it won’t affect me. The shares would have to fall below $113 before I’d lose money.
I’ve never owned TSLA. Doesn’t mean I can’t profit from investor angst about the shares. Every time The Even Bigger Fucking Moron or dumbshits like him post, I smile and cash in.
Keep it up, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. YLB @ 18 and I are counting on it.
@11 I suspect a lot of people in addition to Goldy will be leaving Twitter after Musk reinstated Marjorie Taylor Greene this morning. He seems to be trying to alienate as many users and advertisers as he can. It appears he intends to support Twitter’s last two dozen employees with ads by Bob’s Gun Shop and Black Rifle Coffee Company.
@13 Musk secretly loves liberals and is covertly trying to drive them away from a car that spontaneously combusts and crashes into trains and buses in self-driving mode.
@19 “I’ve never owned TSLA.”
You strike me as the type who wouldn’t own either its stock or its cars. This is more you:
@ 20
But with luck perhaps he can support Twitter’s last two dozen employees with ads by Bob’s Gun Shop and Black Rifle Coffee Company.
You saw how many people voted in the Twitter poll last week, didn’t you?
The libbies who pledged to leave Twitter already have or reneged. Loss of a few loudmouth blue-checks is easily shrugged off. The prompt return of CBS News tells you everything you need to know about Twitter’s ongoing commercial importance.
The worst of Twitter’s employees are being purged as we speak. What’s left will be a vast improvement.
Hey, there’s always Mastodon. Goldy can share a server with Ilhan Omar. And then go extinct.
We need more Republicans like this:
“A recently elected Arizona legislator is planning to go on strike if the Nov. 8 election is not redone. Liz Harris, who won her election in Legislative District 13, issued a statement on Instagram and her campaign website pledging that she would not vote on any bill because she believes Republicans had been robbed in statewide races, reported KPNX-TV.”
@ 22
We’re a truck family. I’ve seen the Rivian and I’m not impressed.
We likely will never need to buy another truck.
The miserable, unhappy sad weak dancing freak is “just asking questions”…
What could be weaker or sadder? (Also a question)
@25 “We likely will never need to buy another truck.”
Already got your funeral home picked out, and your headstone engraved, do you?
@26 He’s on a roll today. See #22 for additional details.
We’d be better off if Trump had been
re-elected.DIED.The sad, weak dancing freak would have been.
But instead Trump is running, and the sad, weak dancing freak has no choice but to drop trou, bend over and spread wide.
@23 “The prompt return of CBS News” to Twitter on the same day they declared Hunter’s laptop free of planted files and declared the laptop proves Hunter paid kickbacks to his dad tells you this isn’t Walter Cronkite’s CBS News.
@ 26
“just asking questions”…
For the next DNC nominee for president. Hunter Biden is as dirty as they come, and next time it can’t be hidden.
Next time it won’t be hidden.
@ 30
@23 “The prompt return of CBS News” to Twitter on the same day they declared Hunter’s laptop free of planted files and declared the laptop proves Hunter paid kickbacks to his dad tells you this isn’t
Walter CronkiteDan Rather’s CBS News.ftfy
CNN, MSNBC, and CBS News are moving toward the center.
Liberals are unnerved.
Which if I’m not mistaken would still have Tesla with a market cap twice that of Toyota.
Toyota being that global manufacturer of everything from aerospace to biotech with ten times TSLA’s revenues who manufactures and sells over ten million cars each year.
Mmmkay! I sure hope this bet pays off after the beating the poor thing took on Cryptoland.
CNN, MSNBC, and CBS News are moving toward the center.Away from Trump, like neeearly everyone else, except of course the sad, weak dancing freak.
@ 34
Toyota being that global manufacturer…
…that has sat on its hybrid technology for most of the last 20 years.
I’m not knocking it. We have 215k+ miles on our Prius and it’s running fine although we just spent $800 for engine repairs. Buying a Prius with < 30k miles back in 2010 probably was my wisest-ever vehicle purchase. Wife stole it within months and bemoans only its lack of heated seats.
But really… How has Toyota materially improved its offerings after the second iteration of the Prius? The Prius V? C'mon.
Putting hybrid technology in the RAV-4 and the Sienna are nice, but not progress.
PE ratios are more important than market caps. Tesla's growth potential far exceeds that of Toyota. Tesla deserves a significantly higher PE.
Remember when GM was the biggest – by far – US auto manufacturer? That didn't last. If Toyota doesn't step it up, its leadership position won't, either.
QoS McHillbilly, hybrid and all-electric are not the same.
Toyota, the undisputed hybrid leader, has taken heat for opposing efforts to speed the entry of EVs in the US market. Toyota began doing this before it was excluded by the Biden administration from participation in the giveaways because its plants are not unionized.
Toyota does not want all-electric vehicles to parasitize its lead. Why would a liberal support that?
CO Springs Drag Show Shooter is grandson of a GOP CA assemblyman from Santee who worked for Trump and recently lost his reelection. Last year the kid was arrested for issuing a threat to anhialate his own mother and the rest of her family using his large collection of weapons and a home made bomb, and for barricading himself inside of his apartment while local police evacuated the entire neighborhood, surrounded the building, and negotiated for hours.
Police booked the kid on menacing and kidnapping. Then the local prosecutor declined to file and had the records sealed.
People concerned that the kid retained access to his enormous weapons arsenal used in the attack on Satruday night have many questions. Local authorities have offered no answers.
Well, Adam Schiff isn’t accused of being responsible for $6/gallon unleaded. He’s got that luxury.
It’s not just MBS. Joe Biden’s the best friend that Xi and the Taliban have ever had.
Hey, QoS McHillbilly, remember when IBM enjoyed a dominant market position over Apple?
Forward-thinkers like QoS McHillbilly always line up against the biggest American companies.
’cause it’s the big ones that always lead the way.
hybrid and all-electric are not the same.
“Noun, verb, 16th dimensional chess equals BINGO, slurp-slurp, MARKET CAP phooeeeeey!!!! Blort-blort, zing!”
Share price of TSLA is a casino wager. It has nothing to do with anything like fundamental value of the company, its IP, its workforce, its capital assets, its market position or its market access. TSLA put a car into orbit as a stunt. Toyota is putting a car on the moon.
The sad, weak dancing freak, like so many other Douche-bros, got hisself a man-crush and had one too many drinks at the casino this morning. He probably just noticed that TSLAs market cap is twice that of Toyota for the first time today. Which merely tells us that there are more than enough love-drunk Douche-bros with money to burn to keep this baloon afloat for at least a few more years, and hopefully for his sake at a price that saves the troll’s ass.
@ 42
He probably just noticed that TSLAs market cap is twice that of Toyota for the first time today.
Yes, because you told me. I have no other use for that information. OTOH, I have known that TSLA’s PE is (more than) 5x that of TM’s for quite awhile. Down from closer to 10x with the recently greater decline in TSLA’s share price.
Market cap is size. IBM and GM put the lie to the influence of size. And as for the wisdom of having one’s hands in many different marketplaces as a measure of diversity, ask Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit how his love for General Electric worked out for him in the end.
Toyota is putting a car on the moon.
GE helped put a man on the moon. Back in the day.
Focus on growth prospects. Focus on PE. You’ll be happier, and wealthier, if you can manage that.
Photos Of Twitter Office ‘Before And After Elon Musk’ Shock Internet: “Where Are The Women?”
The internet was quick to spot the unusually low number of women among the employees left at Twitter.
>> Fired sales executives were women as well.
Independence of the federal judiciary notwithstanding, in its oversight role as described in Article 2 and in the impeachment clause Congress has an interest and authority to examine the court with respect to matters relevant to impeachable offenses.
Among those must be included ethical violations of a nature either certain or likely to provoke the impeachment clause. The court and Roberts should not resist the effort of the House and Senate to get to the bottom of the coordinated, corrupt influence scheme operated by The Supreme Court Historical Society, Faith and Action, and apparently the spouse of one of the Associate Justices. Whatever investigations are under way by Roberts should be shared with the Congress. And if Roberts refuses to investigate then the House should proceed to investigate on its own.
Having a co-equal judicial branch that operates independently of the other two is an important feature of our republic. But as with the other two branches, the judicial branch cannot set itself above the law or public oversight. At least not with respect to impeachable offenses.
Rest assured that in the event the sad, weak dancing freak’s casino wager goes bust, and any of us bothers to notice, he’ll quickly inform us that it all worked out somehow, with sparkle magic, and other casino bets yet to be announced.
I’ve never met a professional gambler who wasn’t incredibly, hugely, massively successful. They don’t always win. But they somehow always come out waaaay ahead. According to them.
And if anyone around here deserves that pretense, it’s gotta be the sad, weak dancing freak, who otherwise as far as we know has never one anything ever.
@ 44
The internet was quick to spot the unusually low number of women among the employees left at Twitter.
Number of women who spew at horsesass.org:
1. YLB
@ 46
To QoS McHillbilly:
Tesla = Delorean
Fetterman = Daniel Webster
Hey Rog,
you and I think alike and usually on the same page, but I have to disagree with you about one thing. I don’t think Bob is a Grindr….they’re are no equines allowed. I hear he spends his time on Hoofs.
They should probably announce the Neanderthal Hetero STD that is killing women daily. You know they’re the family channel.
I think Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and G-clown think alike, too.
There are only two genders.
Pretty much shows the inferiority of heteros. If they don’t have an STD, then they’re just useless.
Why’s Bob having it with a horse if there are only two choices?
@52 There are only two colors, black and white, with no colors shades or tints in between.
There are only two numbers, 0 and 10, with no numbers in between.
People are either good and bad, with no character in between.
You are either dead or alive, with no sickness in between.
By strange coincidence, all the inhabited either-or worlds in the universe are populated by simpletons.
@51 You’re right, neither of us votes for treason or fascism. And we both know somebody who does.
@49 What’s Hoofs? Is that a meetup site for horses?
@46 He won big in 2016, but only temporarily, until cooler heads prevailed four years later.
@54, @55
There are only two genders – male and female. Just because you’re following the latest woke insanity does not mean what you think is reality.
@43 My stocks were up again today. Showing 2.8% for the year, plus dividends. You haven’t told us how you’re doing. I’ll bet not as well.
@41 “it’s the big ones that always lead the way”
Yeah, like two guys named Hewlett and Packard assembling electronic testing equipment in a garage.
And two other guys working in a garage who decided to call their enterprise Apple.
And two other guys working in a University of Washington computer lab who decided to call their enterprise Microsoft.
And a guy working from his home who decided to call his online flea market eBay.
And another guy who decided to call his online bookstore Amazon.
And another guy in a college dorm who decided to call his online bulletin board Facebook.
And then there’s always a few who start off in the fast lane but go off the rails, e.g., the Van Sweringen brothers, Elizabeth Holmes.
Brett Favre, a multimillionaire who steals from poor people, sinks even deeper into Mississippi’s welfare corruption mess.
“Four years ago, … Favre joined forces with a Florida neuroscientist to promote an experimental drug — a nasal spray designed to quickly treat brain injuries from a concussion.
“Favre, a major investor in the company, touted the substance on podcasts, radio interviews and national television, including on NBC. And he … lobbied Mississippi state officials who granted the company $2.1 million in federal welfare money that was intended to help poor families.
“The payment was illegal, … part of a huge Mississippi welfare misspending scandal …. But beyond that, experts say, … there is no evidence the experimental drug Favre promoted does anything to treat [concussions] in humans, according to a review of claims by the company.”
His football millions weren’t enough to maintain the lifestyle to which he was accustomed, which forced him to steal from the poor. It’s like sticking up 5,000 convenience stores, but without the arrests.
@57 Yes. They offer both kinds, ones with 4 hoofs and some with 2 hoofs. Bob takes pleasure in both.
And we’re both millionaires. You – a multi-millionaire. But my million is nothing to sneeze at.
Bob doesnt’ come close to you.
To Viscous Twatt:
For once you may be right.
(see what you did there?)
It’s like sticking up 5,000 convenience stores,
It’s more like sticking up 50,000 very poor children.
Well, really it’s exactly like sticking up 50,000 very poor children.
So much, much worse. In almost every conceivable way.
Favre would have to be crippled with incompetence and stupidity to escape any culpability for the things he’s done. And then he would still be a completely garbage human being.
1 – We don’t need you or Biden in 2024. It’s time we had somebody under the age of 60 in the office, and it’s time for you old farts to get out government forever.
At the Club Q, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is with an unarmed hero WITHOUT a gun!
“I’m just a dude, I’m a fat old vet, but I knew I had to do something.”
-news quote from Richard M. Fierro, just a heroic dude who saved countless lives
It looks like Twitter has badly violated the terms of that one stop shop agreement, and Irish regulators are meeting next week to potentially decertify Twitter’s headquarters there. This would make Twitter subject to independent enforcement actions from each of the European Union nations separately.
This also adds an ominous edge to Twitter’s recent requirement that software engineers self-certify that their code is compliant with legal and regulatory requirements. Engineers who do so could very easily get caught up in this, with some of the legal risk applying to the engineer personally.
Musk to remaining employees: “If your code causes a data breach or runs afoul of regulations anywhere, I will show you the same loyalty Trump shows his underlings. I’m blaming you and throwing you to the wolves. Now go ‘work long hours at high intensity’ and don’t make a mistake. “
@67 Why? America is a seniority system. We spent a lifetime being kicked around, waiting for our turn to kick you, and you’ll get to kick our great-grandchildren. Wait for your fucking turn.
@68 Acting with the restraint of a highly disciplined soldier, he didn’t shoot the perp with his own gun, he only bashed his face in with it, so the state could have the privilege of finishing him off. Very generous.
@69 Hard to see how this doesn’t prompt another exodus. Musk hasn’t read the Robert Reich memo. He will, after it’s too late.
21)Still wonder how the FSD mode couldn’t see a Toronto Streetcar, they are only 100ft long.
Anyway, if the FSD mode is no longer geofenced for Toronto, special one day hazard in Toronto today, Argonaut Grey Cup victory celebration. Blocked Field goal preserving a one point win. Better a block than a miss.
24)Didn’t the AZ GOP game the redestricting commission to get them a majority?
@74 And what they got is babies who are gonna hold their breaths until their faces turn blue.
A second GOP House member who voted to impeach Trump has been reelected (Washington’s Dan Newhouse was the first).
Oh yessss.
75)First bill should be the AZ State Police funding, then run commercials saying she defunded the police.
Herschel Walker’s new ad is a doozy.
Looks like Dems swept Arizona statewide offices, and this last one is a biggie, because you don’t want the state AG to be a Trumper election conspiracist. Final results still subject to recount and certification.
“Garrett Archer, a data analyst for local news station ABC15, reported on Monday afternoon that all ballots statewide had finally been tallied, leaving Democrat Kris Mayes with a 510-vote lead over Republican Abraham Hamadeh in the race for Arizona attorney general. With more than 2.5 million votes cast, Mayes’ margin amounts to just 0.02%—well inside the 0.5% that triggers a mandatory recount.
“Such a recount won’t take place until after Dec. 5, when results are certified. But despite the very close race, a recount is not likely to change the final outcome since, as election law expert Quinn Yeargain points out, county officials have already conducted hand-counted audits and found only minimal discrepancies. …
“Axios’ Jeremy Duda notes that this will be the first time since 1978 that Arizona Democrats have simultaneously held the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general.”
Republicans had to work at it to hand over Arizona to Democrats, but the not-quite-final tally indicates they may have accomplished it!
Department of Justice rules suicide of police officer who defended the Capitol during Jan 6 a line-of-duty death
Days after the attack on the US Capitol, Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, died by suicide. The 15-year law enforcement veteran was one of four officers who took their own lives following the violent riots.
If you’ve seen the footage, you know that the insurrectionists did their best to beat any cop to death that they actually got their hands on. Except the one cop caught in a door that they tried their best to crush to death.
On to Georgia.
Warnock leads voters between the ages of 18 and 49 by a 24-point margin. But Walker has a 9-point edge among voters older than 50.
Outcome to be determined by targeted turnout effort.
The poll indicates that 90% of those older voters are “extremely motivated.” About three-quarters of voters younger than 50 say they share that intensity.
The best news is that it can only get worse from here for Walker.
Unless he decides to stop campaigning.
New ad dropping in Georgia:
Richard Fiero, guy who stopped the Drag Show Shooter, was violently subdued and arrested by Co Springs cops and locked in the back of a police cruiser for over an hour.
@84 link?
““We have a very slim majority, and so this is why it’s so important for us to stay unified … because we cannot open the door to the Democrats peeling off several of our Republicans and working together to choose a speaker,” said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.),”
Behold the new Troll Queen.
As other officers arrived, Fierro said, they treated him with suspicion. They interrupted him as he gave first aid to a friend, he said, and “dragged me out of there like I was the shooter.” He said he was held in a police car for an hour before authorities released him to reunite with his wife and daughter.
There are only two genders.
If that’s true, where do we slot dickless incels like you and the OCD-fueled narcissist? You’re not women, and you’re most definitely aren’t men. So exactly WTF are you?
What gender are intersex people?
What TMZ notices: a pathetic millionaire fayle-son with a substance abuse problem that people love to hate.
What a criminal defense attorney notices: the cops aren’t even wearing gloves.
Don’t get me wrong. I honestly wish this is how everyone who gets arrested while asleep in bed was handled. Not only are these cops not trying to get it started, they never even allowed for the possibility. And make no mistake, he resisted. By the legal standard of nearly every criminal court in the U.S. this man physically resisted arrest.
They never even swore at him.
Number of incels who spew at horsesass.org:
1. The Vicious Twatt afflicted with OCD-fueled narcissism*
2. The troll who can barely muster a comment with more than one sentence.,
*I’m sure you’ve all noticed that our Vicious Twatt simply cannot stop addressing YLB as a woman. He’s been doing this for years without even once pwning the man, and he cannot stop doing it! Same with the way he attacks the gays here without ever pwning any of them. He has certainly raised eyebrows with his compulsive behavior, but not in the direction he’d hoped, that’s for sure. The Vicious Twatt is the one receiving those raised eyebrow looks.
Truly, OCD-fueled narcissism has to be a terrible thing, especially if the OCD-fueled narcissist is an incel loser like our Vicious Twatt.
@90 It could have been worse, much worse. The woman could have come home to find Vicious Twatt incel sleeping in her bed.
Anybody in their right mind would glove up before throwing hands with that freak. Even then, I’m not sure it would be worth the risk.
Wiser option might be to simply back off to a safe distance and burn the place to the ground.
burn the place to the ground
Kind of like how Barr says Trump will burn down the GQP if he doesn’t get the nomination. Hmm, wouldn’t that result in a massive blue wave in 2024?
The way I look at it, the wave has been in effect since 2018. Maybe tide is a better metaphor.
There are average tidal highs and lows. But then there are certain seasonal tides, like King Tides. And then there are King tides accompanied by an unusual atmospheric pressure low. And then there are King tides accompanied by a cyclonic low pressure system and very high winds driving seas inland.
Led by Newt Gingrich, the GOP dropped their trailer home on a low lying, sand spit. Then the Bush’s came along and started tearing into the pile bulkhead for firewood for cool summer beach fires. Then Trump came along and put a third mortgage on the place and used all of the money for cheap Costco gazebos, inflatable hot tubs, above ground pools, and white plastic lawn furniture that they leave scattered outside every fall.
Seasons come. And seasons go. And each year they lose a little or they lose a lot. And in the good years they hardly lose anyting. But in years when conditions are right, the maple hardwood floors are submerged and the drift logs come crashing in through the big view windows.
Winter is coming.
[Deleted, moved to DL thread]