I am heading on vacation. So no more open threads from me this week or part of next. And this one is basically nonsense. I will avoid the heat wave (by being in a different hot place), and hopefully you can too.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Today’s entry in the culture war of republicans on gays.
GOP candidate said it’s “totally just” to stone gay people to death
“Well, does that make me a homophobe?… It simply makes me a Christian. Christians believe in biblical morality, kind of by definition, or they should.”
The bible has more to say about disobedient, alcoholic, gluttonous sons deserving to be stoned to death than it does about homosexuality. Yet they’re silent about that one.
Republicans hunt the politically weak minorities with glee.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Tuesday, 2/16/21 at 1:18 pm
The reason why our politics have gotten so dysfunctional is simple and has two basic elements:
1. Extremely dishonest Republican opinion shapers spew absurd lies.
2. Extremely gullible Republican followers believe absurd lies.
Our political discourse would be fine if we didn’t have Republicans.
Change “Republican” to Democrat, BLM, ANTIFA or liberal progressive and the statements are correct.
$1.6 billion. Not bad dough.
Laxalt may not be doing as well as Trafalgar would have us believe. Money might or might not help. This week it’s about Jay Powell’s speech.
Trump’s Florida real estate attorney:
Who’s this “we”?
You got a client who’s been charged? Nope.
You got a client who’s been notified that they are a target? Nope.
Criminal discovery is for criminal defendants, not for random real estate attorneys jockeying for television appearance fees.
These people can’t attract paying clients so this is their solution? To pretend to be representing someone in a criminal case that does not exist? I can’t believe the stupidity of the grifts that Republican voters will fall for.
There does exist an alternative explanation for this public posturing and pouting. Criminal obstruction. This is either a lawyer running a scam on witless Republican dupes, or this is a lawyer organizing a conspiracy to commit criminal obstruction.
Shorter Lindsey Halligan:
“I have no legal standing in this matter. Nevertheless, I demand to see highly sensitive investigative information including the names and other identifying information of confidential informants so that I can sell that information to criminals.”
She’s probably too dumb to even realize that she may be committing a crime here.
Yeah, because The FuckHump wanted to blow the guy.
Inflation, Inflation, Inflation.
Inflation, Inflation, Inflation of the Future!
Who will make all of the World’s shit?
Speaking of claims of politically motivated law enforcement activities….
…any progress on HUHRDUHRHAM?????
Been any recent frog marches or LOCK HER UPS?
No? Nothing? Sussman acquittal? That’s it?
Greatest fucking Bullshit Job in the history of Bullshit Jobs.
You want a free ride-for-life job with a huge expense and travel budget and no accountability, get yourself appointed as a Special Council.
Degen is still waiting.
You just can’t change things with a magic wand. It has to be true to make sense. And in your case you make no sense.
@2. All sides are the same!
Republicans wants to murder gays by stoning them to death, and liberal progressives wants the richest to pay their taxes so American can afford more government services that help Americans.
Just the SAME! Both are corrupt! Really.
@1 the dude is probably sucking on his horse’s cock, or the wife is.
All too common amongst their kind.
Breeding will not save them.
Quick reminder:
Throughout 2016 the FBI was conducting not one, but two separate, full blown, quite invasive and publicly exposed investigations of the leading candidate for the presidency.
It’s been awhile. Can anyone here recall how Republicans in Congress felt about that use of federal law enforcement at the time?
Come murder me….see who dies first. You are helpless and weak without being a gang of Neanderthals.
Yeah. This is why people like this are subpoenaed. Any asshole can say any stupid thing they want to a reporter’s microphone or in a Tweet. And there is no better living proof of that than Ron Johnson. But if the things he is claiming are true, then he ought to be willing to appear, swear an oath to tell the truth, and answer questions about what he seems so pleased to explain to dudes behind the tents at the county fair.
If, in fact, the answers to any of those questions might, for some strange reason, implicate Ron Johnson in a criminal conspiracy then he may invoke his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent at that time and in that context.
Rasmussen has President Biden at 47% approval.
What ever happened to the Ten Commandments? Isn’t one of them “Thou shalt not murder.”
I guess murder is OK if it supports your fears and phobias.
This is what defines the modern GOP.
What a fucking screwball you are. How on earth does murdering people equate to paying taxes? Other than maybe someone saying, “You’re killing me Smalls.”
GOP is the American Taliban.
How on earth did George W. Bush survive?
CO-6, gerrymandered to carve an R district from the Denver Metro combining Aurora with Northern Suburbs.
The review process of the documents and other materials recovered from Trump’s private Florida sex club is going to be a long one. Not allowing for delays created by opposition motions, of which so far there are none, the DOJ will be sorting a filtering the materials very carefully in a couple of ways that will take time.
First they will filter for attorney client privileged materials. At the same time, but separately, DOJ will be narrowing their focus on only the documents that are responsive to the description given in the warrants pertaining to the criminal statutes cited in the warrants. That’s going to include documents giving evidence of any efforts to destroy, alter, or conceal other documents. So it will end up being quite painstaking because any mention of another document by citation or direct reference will require that the other document be identified, categorized, filtered, and located.
Also separately they will be sorting and categorizing materials in terms of classification level and status. That will be a full, formal classification review for every document recovered identifying precisely how the law calls for each document to have been handled. That review will have to include independent agencies within the government who have creation, ownership, or other interest pertaining to the classification of information contained or described in those documents.
All that has to happen before any consideration of specific criminal charges against specific individuals can take place. And it will have to include an equally painstaking cross reference process in which cataloged documents are compared to the recovered materials, and documents cited or referenced in the recovered documents are present in the catalogs but not among the recovered materials. It’s going to take quite a while.
So I can very easily imagine a scenario in which Trump moves through the 2024 primary process, raking up delegates, with this cloud over his head. And then perhaps as the convention draws nearer, indictments against individuals are filed in which we learn very shameful things about the activities of the most recent Republican president.
The Whole World’s Watching
Liz Cheney must be so jealous.
🔥🔥🔥Might not🔥🔥🔥
< >
@ 21
Yes, but: He still votes with Republicans 90% of the time, and said he “will not be changing the way I vote on legislation.”
Priola has previously voted against abortion rights and efforts to regulate guns.
And it only took him 19 months to decide he’d rather be in the majority.
It also deflates the GOP’s hopes of retaking the Democratic-controlled Colorado Senate…
That having been said, congrats to CO Democrats. I hope this assists Polis come 2024. If the GOP loses, no one better to lose to than Polis.
Shorter 24:
“What? Didn’t you guys know?
I like losing. It’s my new thing!”
I’d like to welcome Meryl Streep’s first husband to the discussion. His presence raises the number of brain-dead liberal HA commenters to at least four.
“The last straw” + 19 months of casting about for an employment opportunity come 2025, apparently.
Democrats must have found him a sweeter deal.
@ 18
How on earth did George W. Bush survive?
Well, after setting the non-stoning bar as low as He did with Bill Clinton, God couldn’t very well sacrifice GWB43.
After all, adultery almost didn’t make it on to the tablets. God had to leave off homosexuality in order to make room for it.
Uh oh.
A closet Senator Cynthia McKinney. ’cause Feingold didn’t bring home the bacon. So to speak.
Seven years ago an Osceoloa School District “school resource officer” was summoned to the front office at Dyer Boulevard Public School. Upon arrival Officer Mario Badia confronted a 13-year-old student identified in court documents as “T.R.” Badia struck the child in the shoulder, drove him across the lobby, grasped T.R.’s wrist turning it upside down and drawing it behind his back while throwing T.R. to the floor. Officer Badia then stood over T.R. and continued to apply a torture technique to the child’s wrist and arm for forty seconds while witnesses described he screamed at the child. After 40 seconds the torture technique was terminated and the child was allowed to stand up. The officer then drove the child into the front desk of the office lobby and according to witnesses was heard to issue a series of threats of violence to the 13-year-old.
Officer Badia was terminated, and agreed to plead no-contest to reduced criminal charges in return for relinquishing his law enforcement certification in Florida. T.R. was injured in the encounter and received medical treatment for those injuries.
Today, after seven years, an 11th Circuit panel issued a ruling holding that Officer Badia is not entitled to qualified immunity from a civil lawsuit seeking monetary compensation for the injuries suffered by T.R. After seven years T.R.’s lawsuit may only just now begin to move forward with discovery, depositions, and motions before the court. That’s how qualified immunity works. The school district having opposed the lawsuit for all of those seven years will now have spend a bare minimum of several million dollars on qualified legal practitioners to obtain this losing result. In a few week’s time, after losing various motions for discovery, they will attempt to settle the case cheap in order to avoid exposing sensitive and humiliating internal school district communications surrounding the employment of Officer Badia, his record, his workplace behavior, and that of his supervisors.
Having fought this far and this long, T.R.’s attorneys will themselves have invested substantial firm and partner resources in obtaining this judgement allowing them to proceed to trial. They will be reluctant to settle cheaply. All in all, however this case is resolved, it will cost the taxpayers of that school district tens of millions of dollars by the time it is settled or litigated to a verdict.
At a time when many urban police departments are complaining of significant staffing shortages, it makes abundant sense to eliminate SROs. Not only are SROs an inappropriate application of resources but time after time they have consistently presented a high risk of liability to the school districts who employ them. Police have neither the training nor the temperament to deal with children suffering an emotional crisis. And their consistent tendency to escalate confrontations to violence, arrest, and expulsion does enormous damage to the communities served by the school districts who employ them.
People who want shorter police response times to high priority 911 calls should start by demanding that schools everywhere eliminate SROs.
@ 30
…demanding that schools everywhere eliminate SROs.
And that teachers learn to use firearms.
QoS McHillbilly breathlessly informed us of the shift of the generic congressional polling several days ago. He was so excited.
Lest he blow his load too early, here’s a bit of a cold shower:
It has come to my attention a “roger rabbit” is posting comments on Raw Story. That’s not me. Simple rule of thumb: I’m the much-beloved Roger Rabbit of HA and Handbill.US; anywhere else, it’s not me.
One of the “roger rabbit” comments on Raw Story suggested Trump “catch a ride with Alexander Dugin … ” so that “roger rabbit” doesn’t look like a flaming rightwinger.
There are quite a lot of very high quality, peered reviewed studies that prove that young African American males show enormous benefit from a periodic beat down at the hands of lethally armed employees of white people.
As we all know, most of these young men are being raised in single parent homes without the sobering influence of a strong male role model to provide them with examples of how well adjusted males, comfortable with their masculinity express their feelings. The regular confrontations with aggressive, indifferent authority figures with poor impulse control masking uncontrollable fear help prepare these young men for their futures.
Teachers are ill suited to the task, being too empathetic and with a foolish and misguided but persistent belief that they can alter the destinies of these young men. That would require money that is better spent on the regular beatings.
Oh, yes. Also, MAGA!
The losing is hurting Degs. He’s starting to hallucinate.
Since Herschel Walker will hear criticism for not debating, no reason Fetterman shouldn’t hear it, too.
@ 34
Teachers are ill suited to the task, being too empathetic and with a foolish and misguided but persistent belief that they can alter the destinies of these young men.
Not to mention the school attendance requirement. Ooh, and the metal detectors.
Oh boy!
Trump’s lawyer clown car finally filed a motion for judicial review two weeks late. This will be breathtaking.
I’m not gonna be able to get to this shit until later tonight, by which point the world will have undoubtedly exploded into fits of mocking laughter. Still it’s only 21 pages so hoping I can burn through it right after dinner. It is not promising that the clerk already had to reject portions of the filing because the fucktards couldn’t follow the local filing rules. It’s sure to go downhill rapidly from there.
@2 “Change ‘Republican’ to Democrat, BLM, ANTIFA or liberal progressive and the statements are correct.”
You were doing fine until you threw in this bullshit. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same; nor are they equally corrupt, hypocritical, vile, and just plain wrong. Not remotely.
“Antifa” you can have. Kind of an ill-defined category, but as far as I can tell, certain individuals self-describing themselves as such or falling under this rubric are more or less a leftwing version of the Proud Boys, but without the sedition or attacks on Capitol Police. If there are thuggish lefties whose hobby is beating the crap out of Proud Boys, I’m not going to feel sorry for the Proud Boys. That doesn’t mean I condone these activities.
Black Lives Matter is a peaceful movement against gratuitous police violence against black people. Why do you think black lives don’t matter? Why do you think it’s okay for cops to harass and abuse people because of their skin color? Is it lack of character? Was your father a Klansman? Did your mother drop you on your head as a baby? Sounds like you’ve spent time around people who are bad influences. Maybe you need better friends and relatives than the ones you have.
Democrats have progressives; Republicans have white supremacists, fascists, and theocrats. If forced to choose from that menu, I’ll go with the progressives every time. There are plenty of people in the Democratic Party who love their country and believe in democracy, and none in the Republican Party, so I always vote Democrat as the indisputable best of the two available choices.
Honestly, I don’t think you’re getting traction here with remarks like this. Not even the dumbfuck doctor is a fan of yours. You have no fans. Nobody wants to be associated with a numbskull who trips over his dick every time he gets near a keyboard.
@3 To put this in context, this is effectively a $1.6 billion dollar donation to the Federalist Society, structured to enable the 90-year-old donor to avoid paying taxes on the capital gains accrued from selling the business the donor was founder, chairman, and CEO of, by running what is obviously political money through a shell non-profit organization or two.
More a celebration of obscene wealth and obscene tax avoidance than a celebration of democracy, wouldn’t you say?
@ 38
It is not promising that the clerk already had to reject portions of the filing because the fucktards couldn’t follow the local filing rules.
Old school, baby.
Never happen. Republicans would rather die than admit that an SRO wasn’t effective. Republicans will simply get rid of all the students that trigger SROs. They’re already doing that in Florida getting rid of all the gay kids, because they can. The black and brown kids will be next, when the illegitimate supreme court annex of the Federalist society deems it’s constitutional. The only kids that will be left will be the mild meek mannered authority subservient children, not a threat to an SRO.
@4 “jockeying for television appearance fees”
No doubt the fee arrangement is the client allows him to make whatever money he can from television appearance fees in exchange for representation.
The client, no doubt, will deduct the fair market value of those legal services as a business expense. Then he’ll enter into a similar fee arrangement with a criminal tax defense attorney.
@7 Where will they get the cannon fodder they’ll need to become “ever more dangerous”?
Inept, unaccomplished television comedian from another state, well known for having lost entire homes more than once, demands to share a stage with prominent, highly accomplished Pennsylvania state elected official and is rebuffed.
@ 40
To put this in context, this is effectively a $1.6 billion dollar…
To put it in different context, if the money were spent instead on ED research it’s still not enough to make Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s penis work again.
@8 Trump has a plan for that. It involves cutting out the middlemen. When he returns to power, this time for keeps, he’ll decide who’s guilty and what the punishment is. Or he’ll hire a bright-eyed Liberty U. law grad and Federalist Society member to be the next Roland Freisler. Based on what we know about his attitude toward due process, I wouldn’t put any of this past him.
Each of the attorneys appearing Pro Hac Vice will have filed statements to the court attesting that they have carefully read and understand the local rules prior to making the filings.
I wouldn’t say this sort of thing prejudices a judge against your client. But at the very least it does make them regret receiving the assignment.
Judge is a Trump appointee.
42 per the greedy racist incel, any child with attendance problems or fails a metal detector will be expelled.
@14 “Any asshole can say any stupid thing they want to a reporter’s microphone or in a Tweet.”
I beg to differ. Ron Johnson is too stupid to be an asshole. His shit comes out of his mouth.
@16 That jackass apparently isn’t aware the Bible was amended in the New Testament. That shit about stoning gays only appears in the Old Testament. God sent Jesus to revoke all the shit in the Old Testament that the first draft of the Bible got wrong. There’s nothing in the New Testament about stoning gays, just chapter and verse about loving everyone, forgiveness, tolerance, and all the other stuff conservatives don’t like. That’s why they’re always quoting the Old Testament instead of the New Testament. They’re like lawyers trying to peddle a superseded version of a will. I’m pretty sure the Judge isn’t having it.
@31 Yes, untrained and frightened teachers brandishing, and perhaps wildly discharging, lethal firearms will keep your kids safe in school. You don’t have any kids.
It’s obvious you don’t, or you wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about arming teachers. If you bothered to ask the teachers themselves, you would find most are decidedly unenthusiastic about that idea.
Here’s a little factoid you may be unfamiliar with. Studies of the Vietnam War revealed that when soldiers who went through 8 weeks of boot camp training, another 8 weeks of intense infantry training, and additional training in-country, were exposed to combat roughly 20% of them never discharged their weapons in any given firefight.
The percentage of less-trained, less combat-hardened teachers, in a setting where children are present, who don’t fire their weapons under stress could reasonably be expected to be somewhat higher.
Always a dumbfuck. The defining characteristic of a dumbfuck is someone who doesn’t get facts or think things through before jumping to conclusions, and readily embraces pat “solutions” that look better on paper than they work in real life. In short, they jump off cliffs without checking the water depth.
@49 “42 per the greedy racist incel, any child with attendance problems or fails a metal detector will be expelled.”
Not exactly. They will be grabbed by the wrist and hair, body slammed to the floor, and sat upon by a burly security guard then handcuffed, dragged outside in front of their classmates, and shoved into the back seat of a patrol car to be hauled off to a holding pen in a for-profit juvie detention facility.
Funny the truncated quote left out the org.
Peace Action, that virulently anti-Israel group that, looks at the teleprompter, advocates for the end or all wars and peace talks between Israel/Hamas/PLO over the years.
Free Beacon
Barnes 50, Johnson 46, Fox News Aug.12-16 just before “I only did treason for a second or three”
What kind of stupid shit kills an Oklahoma sheriff’s deputy serving an order? He was caught. He will get the death penalty. The only good thing about this is another moron is removed from the gene pool.
Had a look, boils down to:
It’s a SOLID legal framework that will be taken all the way to the Supream Curt for the District of North America.
“A man fumbled with his gun while inside a Georgia Walmart, causing it to discharged and strike four people including himself — with a single bullet ….
“Michael Walton, 29, was carrying the gun in his waistband unholstered when it began sliding down his leg, causing him to grab for it. ‘The gun was in his waistband not holstered and loaded. The gun slipped down his leg, he attempted to grab it, and was somehow manipulating the weapon and discharged the firearm,’ said Sgt. Akeem Turnbull with Lovejoy Police.”
Good guy with a gun, or stupid guy with a gun? And can anyone tell the difference when doing a background check for a gun purchase?
Republicans want to do away with concealed carry permit, so there’s no permit to revoke when stupid people do stupid things with guns. That’s not a program I’m willing to vote for.
I hope the victims sue him into indigency. They should take everything he has. Especially the gun.
Just a couple months to turn this around. Senator Scott, how are we on funding? Can we get that orange haired lunatic off the teevees?
@53. “That’s not police brutality of a child, that’s good clean fun involving a weak representative of a social group that isn’t us.” – Every trump republican you know.
Cant really feel bad for the turtle or the crazy wife.
When The Fuckhump is right hes right.
This Repuke Party really has turned to shit.
No wonder The Trolls here have nothing but nonsense. But they are Neanderthal heteros so you have to go easy on them, they’re existence isn’t with much success. Breeding will not save them.
“Firearms are becoming more common at abortion-related demonstrations. Three times as many armed abortion-related demonstrations were reported in 2021 compared to 2020. Armed abortion-related demonstrations have turned violent or destructive 40% of the time, while unarmed abortion-related events have turned violent 0.2% of the time.”
I don’t need to tell you who’s bringing the guns or instigating the violence, do I?
@61 “This Repuke Party really has turned to shit.”
No, I wouldn’t say that; I’d say it’s turning into a mob of Brownshirts.
If you’re gonna elect a criminal to Congress, then elect a good criminal.
This morning Judge Cannon (Trump judge) has already denied a pile of the initial Trump motions in her court because Trump’s attorneys did not bother to read and follow the local rules.
These will be refiled and presumably granted. But of course it’s just more delay. The judge is under no obligation to even read any of the complaint until all of this stuff is corrected. Meanwhile the DOJ continues to process, catalog, and cross reference the evidence that Donald J. Trump is now desperate to prevent them looking at.
They waited two weeks to file. And now their filings are incorrect and incomplete. These are bad lawyers.