It’s going to be a hot day. So have a glass of ice water. If you can’t get ice because you’re at the office and they don’t have ice, just some cold water will do. Drink more than you think you need. Pee clear.
And while you’re at the sink, wash your hands. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Carl forgot to tell y’all to bend over for the IRS.
Hey, if y’all didn’t make any mistakes on yer return, y’all won’t even need lube for it.
Just wait until G-clown finds out his real AGI is nowhere near what he thinks it is.
A simple, flat-rate tax would simplify things quite a bit.
In a TrumpGOP primary debate in Arizona in June, Senate nominee Blake Masters called for the immediate and permanent mandatory conversion of the Social Security retirement system into an entirely private, 401k type system.
Now in an interview published over the weekend in the Arizona Republic, Masters suddenly says he no longer fully supports doing away with the Social Security retirement fund. Still, he called his earlier demands for elimination of Social Security “…fresh and innovative thinking…”. And he still insists that he wants to “get the government out of it”.
In simplest terms, this is why the D Governors ran ads to the right of incumbent, fake-moderate Republicans like Peter Meijer in Michigan. Whenever a Republican has someone running to their right in a primary they are forced to tell the truth about who they are and what they stand for in order to win a primary. That prevents them from lying and tracking back in the general election and pretending to be reasonable people. They are not reasonable people. They are Republicans. They support forcing 10-year-old rape victims to give birth to their rapist’s babies and co-parent with them. And they oppose the single most successful retirement insurance system in human history.
@ 3
And they oppose the single most successful retirement insurance system in human history.
Ponzi schemes always work well in the beginning, QoS McHillbilly.
Looking forward to the increasing wealth transfers from YLB’s kids that will be needed to prop up Social Security enough to cover my retirement check each month. Harry Reid had his chance and passed.
Fuck ’em. Let ’em experience the pain of “the single most successful retirement insurance system in human history. “
On page 20 of this report to Congress, signed by Janet Yellen among others, “the most successful retirement insurance system in human history” will slash payments by 22%, beginning in 2034.
Don’t like it? Y’all can avoid it by increasing the contributions of YLB’s kids to the Social Security Trust Fund.
Gee, now why would anyone want to mess with Social Security?
Fuck YLB’s kids. YLB has cheered, obliviously, their financial demise for nearly two decades.
Don’t run from police. Period.
Doesn’t matter if y’all’s innocent or guilty. Run from police and they’re gonna assume y’all did somethin’ to feel guilty about, and they’re gonna make life miserable for y’all.
And hey, if it turns out yer innocent, then they’ll let yer ass go.
So don’t run from police. Especially if y’all got nuthin’ to hide.
Don’t lie? Tell that to the US government that has been lying to us for decades and decades.
Axios has been sold to the owner of, among numerous other properties, the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
I like Axios, so far. It just picked up Josh Kraushaar.v
My whole family is livin’ rent-free in a silly fatuous kreeeepeeeee freak from widbee’s pin head…
And life is goood!
Thanks for the free stuff kreepshit!
@ 9
Thanks for the free stuff …
To HA’s dumbest twat everything is “free”. No charge, girlfriend, for the career-long ass-pounding your kids will receive from the Democrat party.
Economic pain is always free.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has no problem with the excise tax that will be assessed to companies that buy back stock shares, because Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investments are so poor that none of his holdings are in companies that would have any reason to repurchase their shares.
klownservatics are expiring daily from poor diet, “doing their own research” and infecting each other with teh wuhan, cancer, strokin’ out…
one day it’ll be lord kreepshit’s turn.
It only follows from kreepshit’s own silly babbling..
nothin’ but blue skies ahead for the kids..
everything is “free”.
especially the vacuum between your ears… our family lives rent-free there…
everyday kreepshit.. the gift that keeps on giving.
It’s been 90 years.
Outlasted Polaroid by a mile.
Out of pity I’ll decline to mention Doge.
Behold the future of “the most successful retirement insurance system in human history”.
So instead of 3 workers supporting each retiree, there will be 2 per retiree.
YLB, that’s your two kids supporting my Social Security monthly payment, girlfriend. This is what happens when society decides to subsidize the unemployed with permanent “disability” payments rather than compelling them to get their lazy fuckin’ asses back to work. It’s no coincidence that the numbers declined beginning with Obama’s tenure in the White House.
You fellated The One for eight years, YLB, and the result is your kids will have no help supporting my payout. The entire burden will be on those two poor fucks.
Oh, and did I tell you that my payout is predicted to rise by as much as 10.5% beginning in 2023 due to Bidenflation?
supporting my Social Security monthly payment
bourbon is a muscle toxin kreepshit…
keep swillin’ the good stuff… pan fry another spencer.. baste with garlic, rosemary and plenty of butter…
my kids have no worries from silly fuks like you… bunkered w/ all the other silly fuks in widbee… the free free rent in the black hole between yours ears is yet another bene..
free rent.. endless laughs..
you’re too sad… no sympathy from us..
Criticize the government but not The FuckHump.
Where is the condemnation from the right wing?! Otherwise STFU on everything else. You have no right to speak when you want to conveniently stay quite, or even worse and support this fuck and fascist party.
So go fuck yourself
And if you do have something to hide, please do not share it with your attorney.
I really can’t emphasize this enough. Don’t. Just shut up.
If you’re even a little bit smart you’ll teach yourself to shut the fuck up in general. It may be that IRS enforcement has been lack luster for more than a decade. But they still operate a tip line. And they still offer cash rewards. And if you’re still gonna talk shit, you better make sure you haven’t made enemies.
You fellated The One for eight years
And you’ve projected your whole life..
we get the last laugh!
Thank God for President Joe Biden!
God bless Joe Biden
There are still 500 people per day dining of COVID, that should help our Social Security. They should have never produced a vaccine, and it could have helped even better.
Keep looking for your social security check amongst the rising tides and changing weather. Sounds like a typical smart American, and doctor none the less. Vapid Antagonist Troll.
@ 17
A “draft”? How precious.
G-clown, do you recall the draft Comey wrote in which #CrookedHillary would be found to have commited a felony?
No? You don’t?
#CrookedHillary is a fucking felon, G-clown. The FBI scrubbed the evidence.
So please, G-clown, tell us more about the retroactive publication of “drafts” alleging this or that. G-clown has a fetish for cowardice.
O look murders are down…
blame joe and hunter’s laptop and cry in your bourbon kreepshit.. you’re minutes closer to “that certain day”…
Now if you all will excuse me I’ll bask in the glow I’ve gotten from the free rent I get daily livin’ in kreepshit’s empty skull.
@1 This is going to be doc’s sing-song for the next 2½ years, so we may as well get used to it. Unless, of course, the horse kicks him in the head sooner.
Because long before that happens we’ll reform the immigration system whether the Christian Nationalists like it or not. It’s either that, or average worker compensation will rise sufficiently to cover the difference. Degen’s local fatburger drive-thru jumped its starting wage from $9 to $19 and still can’t cover shifts. Degen has been shrieking about “DA FLATION!!!!” for over a year, and yet employers won’t pick up the memo.
Boomers are done. The era has passed. So now we are faced with the challenge of either importing enough people to replace them in all the Bullshit Jobs™, or reducing the number of Bullshit Jobs™ and reallocating the resources more efficiently.
Did you never stop even once to wonder, in all that time, over two full years, why it was that FOX News Karens like Degen never stopped bitching about the shortage of warehouse forklift drivers, cops, and fast food cooks, but never once complained about the two-year disappearance of “program managers” and “developers”?
The probable GOP nominee for Michigan attorney general is under investigation for conspiring to tamper with Michigan voting machines.
Michigan’s incumbent attorney general has the decorum and professional sense to recuse herself from the investigation and request a special prosecutor be appointed. The D.A. who chatted on the phone with Ahmaud Arbery’s killer at least 16 times did not, and is now under investigation for obstruction.
Sleeping with a copy of “Mein Kampf” at your bedside doesn’t make you an expert on WW2 history:
“Former President Donald Trump reportedly complained about his generals not being loyal enough to him, at one point lamenting they did not act enough like Adolf Hitler’s generals in World War II ….
“’You fucking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?’ Trump reportedly asked Kelly, referring to German generals in World War II.
“To which Kelly later responded: ‘ou do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?’”
Doctor Dumbfuck voted twice for the American Brownshirt Leader, not because he’s necessarily a Nazi, although that can’t be clearly ruled out, but because he’s a dumbfuck who’s too stupid to know better.
Not a good look for the FBI director.
Last week there was an attempt to cut short his testimony before a Senate committee because Wray had a flight to catch. It wasn’t a commercial flight, and it wasn’t for any official purpose.
I wonder how many of these planes are currently in use by IRS officials. I wonder how many there will be in, say, 3-5 years.
Not a good look.
You think the greedy racist incel is so venomous because he feels Social Security is being “given” to people he hates? He would rather see the whole thing destroyed rather than let them partake? It seems so.
Raise or Eliminate the Social Security Earnings Cap
Raising the cap over the next several decades to cover 90% of all wages (a proposal that would affect about 6% of earners) is an easy fix that most people support. Eliminating the cap is another option. With this option, favored by a majority of respondents in a recent survey by the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI), taxes would go up significantly for people at the high end of the earnings spectrum.
When all is said and done, that’s all they have to respond.
Trump is now firmly cemented in the minds of every voter as the raging man-baby who throws food, chokes the help, and cries that his generals aren’t more like the Nazis. Oz is Jersey Man. Walker is the ultimate “scary Black man”. And Masters is the newest Googly-eyed Granny-starver coming for your checks.
Where’s the CRT when a Christian Nationalist really needs it?
It’ll happen. It’ll have to happen. But probably a lot of it will happen due to adjustments in the NAWI. In the future, to sustain economic growth, we will either import more workers, or we will pay fewer people more money. Or some combination of the two.
It’s ironic that Christian Nationalists oppose both of these things as aggressively as they do. Ironic, but not at all surprising.
DeSantis is set to campaign for GOP candidates in some important races.
I understand that First Vegetable Joe Biden is resting up to do the same. Tim Ryan, in particular, has been anxious to stand side-by-side with my senile, incompetent, imbecilic president so that the cameras can capture the special moment for posterity.
@ 32
Or some combination of the two.
Actually, it’s more likely that desperate Dems will embrace chained CPI.
Interesting factoid. As it stands, Social Security will be solvent till most Boomers die off.
“The Baby Boomers will be 75% gone (figuring the statistics of an average 72 years old for the whole group) at about the age of 80…. Averaged across the whole group, this implies that at about 2035, “most” boomers will have died.”
Social Security will be unable to pay full benefits starting in 2034.
“However, the recent 2021 Social Security Trustees report finds that in 2034, retirees will start receiving a reduced benefit if Congress doesn’t fix funding issues for the social program. In other words, Social Security will exist after 2034, but retirees will only receive 78% of their full benefit starting then.”
Interesting comment
“I think the incidents of senior abuse will skyrocket to about 100% when Gen Z gets tired of taking care of the Boomers who were responsible for destroying their future. So there may also be a correlating spike in Boomer deaths.”
Good thing the greedy racist incel doesn’t have kids. he will just have to pay and pay and pay for people to care for him. Hope he really as wealthy as he claims to be.
@ 30, 32, 34
Seriously, it’s unlikely Democrats will have the votes to do anything substantial. There will be serious pushback by employers AND by higher wage-earners, and there are A LOT of taxpayers who would be affected by an infinite FICA payroll tax. Just look at the stink raised in the blue states over SALT. Then multiply that tenfold.
I’ll predict that a deal is struck. The contributions go up BUT some of those contributions can be self-directed into various individual investment classes in order to boost earnings.
Democrats will get their tax increase. The GOP will get its privatization. G-clown’s AGI still won’t be enough, but it won’t matter because HIV will take him down first.
There’s an Army recruiting ad that I love.
It’s two guys in waders standing near each other fly fishing in a high desert river somewhere. One guy, in his 50s, is frantic, juggling an “intense” phone call. The other guy, younger, maybe mid 40s, is chill. Frantic guy asks chill guy “What do you do?”
Chill guy answers, “Retired.”
Frantic guy looks a little puzzled and asks “Tech?”
Chill guy laughs and responds “Nah.. Army.”
Chill guy is Black. Frantic guy is so white he could be Canadian.
Subtle/not-so-subtle subtext is powerful. I’m betting it works on plenty of white kids in exactly the way the writers intend.
But I also would bet that if it’s as successful as it looks, it will produce a predictable white backlash against veterans benefits, perfectly captured by the GOP vote to throw wounded vets into burn pits. It all comes down to who they hate/resent/fear. Always.
The Senate bill offers a $4,000 tax credit for purchasers of used EVs.
The Nissan LEAFs back from 2-year lease frequently have fewer than 20k miles on them. Used car prices have spiked but if they settle back down as supplies improve and Bidenflation begins fucking consumers, they may settle back into the $10k range – I saw a couple closer to $9k before the pandemic.
If one can live with 100-120 miles of battery range, snag a vehicle in the $11k range, and benefit from the $4k of free money, it’s not a bad way to get into a little-used vehicle.
Until the battery needs to be replaced, at least.
The LEAF was fun when we had it. My wife thought differently but she was more worried about being stuck alone at night looking for a charger in DT Seattle, understandably.
It’s the correct thing to do, and it protects the investigation in more than just legal ways.
Once a special prosecutor is appointed by the commission, should DePerno somehow manage to win the election he’ll have a much more difficult time fucking with the investigation. He either took part in stealing and tampering with election equipment or he knowingly took possession of stolen equipment. He’s corrupt as fuck. And probably a criminal.
Make no mistake, Michigan is a very major battleground this year. Republicans are trying to reclaim as much control over the election process at the state level as they can in hopes of “fixing” things in the future with fraudits, selective recounts, and ballot shredding. Michigan is one of a handful of larger states where it is make-or-break time for the future of the Christian Nationalism.
DeSantis will campaign in support of GOP candidates in tight, important races.
This got me thinking: Who do the Democrats have to do the same?
Not Biden or Harris. Not Pelosi or Schumer. And Andrew Cuomo is recently in less demand, as are Bill and Hillary.
Barack and Michelle, absolutely, if they are willing, but they would probably prefer to save their cachet for 2024.. Bernie, maybe. And Mayor Fudgepack, if he doesn’t mind (he will mind) damaging his own brand by supporting losers in advance of 2024. Who else?
@ 39
…he knowingly took possession of stolen equipment.
He received a written report on the function of the equipment in question. After the equipment was appropriated, analyzed, and reported on.
His actions were on the basis of a report he was given, not one he commissioned.
It’s a cheap stunt by a weak AG in a whole mess o’ trouble given the current campaign environment.
Republicans support vets the same way they support babies, once they are out, they abandon them.
Darryl would not use this poll:
But I will. 62% disapproval of my senile, incompetent, imbecilic president overall, and just short of 70% on his handling of the economy.
The disastrous performance of First Vegetable Joe Biden is why QoS McHillbilly desperately points to the generic congressional poll.
IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said the $80 billion in funding would not increase audits of households making less than $400,000 per year.
“The resources in the reconciliation package will get us back to historical norms in areas of challenge for the agency — large corporate and global high-net-worth taxpayers,” he wrote in a letter to the Senate.
“These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” he added.
More than two-thirds of registered voters support boosting the IRS budget to strengthen tax enforcement on high-income taxpayers, according to a 2021 poll from the University of Maryland.
“I think the incidents of senior abuse will skyrocket to about 100% when Gen Z gets tired of taking care of the Boomers who were responsible for destroying their future.”
Here’s another fun factoid.
Did you know that FLSA partially exempts “home based” caregivers, and the the definition of “home” extends to group residential settings? What this means is that some group home, AFH, and managed care workers can be scheduled almost endlessly when things like COVID produce staff shortages.
It doesn’t require mal intent. Frail, or vulnerable seniors can be easily neglected to death. This is likely to take the form of a late night fall without response, aspiration of food without response, or confused wandering into the hands of the wrong sport-murdering cops. And that assumes someone is lucky enough to find placement in a group-home, AFH, or supported living facility. Without staffing there will be no placements. And without higher wages and better working conditions there will be no staffing.
Again, consider the irony. Some fucking drone who labors through endless staff meetings, Zoom calls, and emails every week to grind out the WEENUS report, earns over six figures, contributes absolutely nothing to the world, and their absence is barely noticed. While some other fucking drone who delivers real vital services required by society, helping people dress, and eat, and find their glasses, is paid min wage, is exempted for overtime, can’t get a day off to see their own family, and can’t call out when they are sick with a highly contagious and deadly virus.
America is wealthy enough to fix all this shit. But we won’t. At least not until after a very long and difficult process of adjustment.
Dudes like Degen, and probably far too many other aging Boomers, convince themselves with magical thinking, that they’ll “Gracefully Age in Place™”. And there is no shortage of hustlers out in the world willing to sell them that dream. But everyone runs out of time, eventually. For some, found badly dehydrated buried beneath a fallen stack of firewood behind the barn under a thick cloud of cadaver flies, it will be “sooner”.
America is wealthy enough to fix all this shit. But we won’t. At least not until after a very long and difficult process of adjustment.
Too many Americans bought into the lie that “Greed is Good” and made it their religion. “Shared Sacrifice” and “Cooperation for the good of everyone” and other democratic ideals got erased by unfettered selfishness and greed. Republicans have done an excellent job of fanning the lie to get votes.
More than two-thirds (69%) of Americans think the nation’s economy is getting worse
I agree with that statement because I know to hurt Democrats get elected, republicans are blocking anything and everything effective, that they can, that might help the economy and workers, It’s who they are. They are in a war for greed and selfishness and power and anything is allowed in a war.
@ 44
IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said the $80 billion in funding would not increase audits of households making less than $400,000 per year.
Um, that’s not what he wrote:
YLB, if 60% of the IRS audits are on taxpayers making less than, say, $200k/year, and if the number of audits made possible by the new cash infusion is doubled, then the IRS can audit twice as many taxpayers making less than $200k/year without increasing the audit rates for the taxpayers in those income categories.
Do you understand this, girlfriend? Do you? Because by all appearances you do nothing more than parrot misinformation that is spoon-fed to you from your libbie sources.
HA’s dumbest twat solidifies her well-earned reputation.
YLB, if there really was not going to be an increase in audits of taxpayers earning less than $400k/year, there would not have been a reason for all 50 Democrats to vote against Crapo’s amendment, would there?
You’re such a silly, unserious twat, YLB.
The IRS recently audited James Comey’s income tax returns. Nothing materially awry was found.
Nonetheless, Comey’s family paid $5,000 in fees for the additional accountant support needed to respond to the audit.
Look at it… it babbles three “serious” spews to push back against a source of “misinformation” that millions of boomers tune to for the latest stock tips..
Crapo’s amendment ties the IRS hands.. What will rich people do if this amendment passed? Create all kinds of tax cheats to make their income look like it’s under 400k. TFG did all kinds of shit like that.
Do you understand what a miserable piece of crap you are, lord kreepshit? You’re such a greedee fucking asshole. You understand how proud you are of what a low life you’ve become? bottom feeding in widbee? You understand that don’t you?
Livin’ rent free… so nice..
@28 “I wonder how many of these planes are currently in use by IRS officials.”
Doctor Dumbfuck Logic: The FBI has one, so the IRS must have a fleet of them, and IRS agents probably are relaxing in the Adirondacks every weekend after spending all week auditing waitresses and Uber drivers.
“Shared Sacrifice” and “Cooperation for the good of everyone” and other democratic ideals got erased by unfettered selfishness and greed.
Partly. But I’d say more of it had to do with how people in relatively high paying Bullshit Jobs™ were systematically trained and inculcated to resent and even despise the people whose jobs produce value to society. That began with anti-union propaganda in the early 20th century. But it advanced into “bootstrapping” and “bootlicking” rhetoric and deeply held belief systems, especially among Boomers, by the end of the 20th century. People who frame houses or clean sewers, or load freight, or scrub out beer fermenters, or serve coffee aren’t just regarded with suspicion. They are often deeply resented, even if only subconsciously. People with Bullshit Jobs™ will even carry around a special burden of vicious hatred ready to be unleashed on an unsuspecting server or clerk whenever they feel the “rules” will allow it. This kind of punching down is now commonplace. One popular category of “cancel” culture features very high paid elites with Bullshit Jobs™ being caught in an unguarded moment shitting all over some Uber driver or clerk.
Most people with Bullshit Jobs™ have been systematically taught to carry mistrust and resentment toward these people they depend on. That’s why we have “Nanny cams”, and “consumer advocates” on local television who specialize in ratifying that mistrust. For every one person you meet willing to recommend a car mechanic or plumber, you’ll meet a thousand loud drunks to tell you they are all cheats and sex offenders.
There just isn’t enough actual, productive work to go around. But it’s essential to the maintenance and protection of the non-productive billionaire class that the majority of people be kept occupied. And those occupations should as much as possible be invested in promoting and maintaining the values and interests of that same non-productive billionaire class. So if you want Chandler Bing’s Bullshit Job™ (which by the standards of society is a very, very good job), then you better get on board and care very deeply about the WEENUS, motherfucker. And you better also begin to develop a deep suspicion and resentment of the brown guy putting a new roof on your house.
@33 Of course DeSantis will campaign for the likes of Mastriano and Lake, as any fascist would.
What both of those candidates say they want to do is blatantly unconstitutional and a violation of the rights of millions of Americans. They’re not deterred by that in the least.
Neither is DeSantis.
Until Republicans wise up and get rid of the guy, it will be Trump, and his extended camp-following of little Trumps.
At this point, however, it’s looking more and more like getting rid of the guy would carry a steep price for other Republicans.
It bears repeating. Updated daily:”Awarded”
All the klownservatics and brainwashed dumbasses who “did their own research” and
according to the silly oh so “serious” babbling of teh widbee kreepshit…
makes my kids’ future secure…
DeSantis/Mace 2024.
Here’s the thing: TPA’s announcement has Fat Midget campaigning for Blake Masters, Kari Lake, J.D. Vance, and Doug Mastriano – all solidly and definitively “Trump” owned candidates.
He’s not out appearing at rallies for Kemp, or Raffensberger, or even JHB. Although if Kent wins Fat Midget might campaign for him… if Trump told him to.
Georgia prosecutors offered Rudy Giuliani a bus ticket after he claimed he could not comply with a subpoena because his doctor would not let him fly.
God bless Raw Story.
Rest in peace, Olivia.
John Travolta And Olivia Newton John – You’re The One That I Want
Twenty four years later.
Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta sing ‘You’re the One That I Want” at the 2002 Grease DVD Release Party.
DeSantis/Mace 2024
So laughable. In 2024, your GQP will nominate a raging orange man-baby who is under indictment for seditious conspiracy, and he’ll pick MTG as his running mate.
Looking further into my crystal ball, I see a low IQ Nazi traitor in complete denial, accepting no responsibility whatsoever for any of this, when the fact is, it is all his fucking fault.
It is for un-American fascist shit like this that had our low IQ Nazi traitor wearing a cheerleader skirt for years.
Baker and Glasser wrote that, after returning from his 2017 Paris trip, Trump told Kelly to see about duplicating the parade but added, “Look, I don’t want any wounded guys in the parade. This doesn’t look good for me.”
“Kelly could not believe what he was hearing,” the book reports. “‘Those are the heroes,’ he told Trump. ‘In our society, there’s only one group of people who are more heroic than they are — and they are buried over in Arlington.’”
Trump reportedly repeated, “I don’t want them. It doesn’t look good for me.”
The low IQ Nazi traitor owns this. He owns all of it. The only person the low IQ Nazi traitor has loved more than his raging orange man-baby these last six years is Vladimir Putin.
Fat Midget will become Trump’s 2024 Primary Piñata® in the grand tradition of “Little”.
The humiliation will be just as spectacular and just as fatal.
@58 “Here’s the thing: TPA’s announcement has Fat Midget campaigning for Blake Masters, Kari Lake, J.D. Vance, and Doug Mastriano – all solidly and definitively ‘Trump’ owned candidates.”
And all solidly subversive, too.
@59 Indict him, extradite him, and transport him to Georgia on a prison bus. This is a good time for him to get used to riding on prison buses.
@61 “he’ll pick MTG as his running mate”
If he was smart, he would’ve done that the first time, because the 1st time he was impeached he could’ve said, “If you remove me, you get her,” and he wouldn’t have been impeached a 2nd time because she wouldn’t have certified the election and the whole Capitol riot mess would’ve been avoided. (And Ashli Babbitt wouldn’t be dead, not that he cares about her.)
@62 Don’t those wounded soldiers realize they’re only there to be exploited by Trump for his personal wealth and power?
@33 “my senile, incompetent, imbecilic”
He’s been winning an awful lot lately for a senile, incompetent imbecile.
@34 “Actually, it’s more likely that desperate Dems will embrace chained CPI.”
And there will go the lifestyle you enjoy on your wife’s Social Security.
@35 Octogenarians must arm!
@36 “The contributions go up BUT some of those contributions can be self-directed into various individual investment classes in order to boost earnings.”
And here we see Doctor Dumbfuck giving mouth-to-mouth to the scheme that got Bush Jr. run out of townhalls all across America.
@38 Why would your wife be in downtown Seattle at night? Working to keep your horse in hay?
@40 “This got me thinking: Who do the Democrats have to do the same?”
Wrong question. Think some more. Then ask, “What do the Democrats have to do the same?”
Answer: Constitutional government and rule of law.
Not everyone wants that, but the majority of us do.
@41 “He received a written report on the function of the equipment in question. After the equipment was appropriated, analyzed, and reported on.”
Not quite. He was in a room with stolen equipment discussing with the people who stole it what to do with it.
@44 That’s not what doc wants to hear.
@48 “YLB, if 60% of the IRS audits are on taxpayers making less than, say, $200k/year, …”
That’s a big “if.” As of 2009, “If the income you listed on your tax return last year was less than $200,000, your chances of being audited were less than one percent in the 2009 fiscal year — 0.96 percent to be exact, according to an Internal Revenue Service report released this week.”
In more recent years, over half of IRS audits have been of taxpayers with less than $25,000 income who claimed the earned income tax credit. And what’s being audited — in most cases with “correspondence letters,” not face-to-face audits — is that tax credit.
If you juice your data by including that group, then maybe you can get to your 60% figure.
Breaking News: The FBI just executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago.
Daily Mail’s headline reads: “FBI raids Mar-a-Lago hours after InfoWars host Alex Jones handed over two years of texts to January 6 committee: Trump says ‘my home is under siege by large group of agents who even broke into my safe'”
CNN just broke the news that there’s an investigation of Hunter Biden.
Who knew?
Had the FBI raided Bill and Hillary Clinton’s domecile when they had more than sufficient cause to do so in 2016, Bernie Sanders would have defeated Trump and we would not have SCOTUS justices
Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett.
Think on yer sins, libbies.
@79, 80 The best objective measure of who’s really a criminal is the address on the actual search warrant.
@ 76
No reason to use 2009 data to make your argument, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, unless it’s laziness.
Here’s a report by the IRS from 2022:
The most important line is at the bottom, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. If the taxpayer filed to receive an Earned Income Tax Credit, there was a 1% likelihood of an audit.. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, are those wealthy taxpayers, those who claim EITC? Or are they financially struggling taxpayers?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, why does the IRS audit those who file for the EITC at rates greater than those who earn between $500,000 and $1 million per year?
While the IRS wishes it could audit wealthier taxpayers, the bottom line is that 1) the wealthy can more easily lawyer up and 2) the wealthy use CPAs, who employ legal methods of tax minimization.
Poor people are stupid and get caught easily. Wealthy people are smart and generally minimize taxation through legal means. More money to the IRS means that more lower-income people will be audited. That’s how the IRS can show a return on its investment.
Best of all, Senate Democrats just unanimously enabled it, and Momala made it happen.
YLB, @ 82 is why it’s important to look at the number of audits being done, and not just audit rates.
It should bother you, YLB, that the IRS has not pledged to decrease the rate at which it audits poor people.
Bernie Sanders would have defeated Trump
@80 as “unserious” a load of shit as we’ve ever seen from it.. Black voters in the South gave Hillary and Biden their nominations..
Bernie Sanders fought for heating subsidies for the poor in New England.
Bernie was as known to a crucial portion of the Dem base as “the maverick” in 2000 was known to voters in South Carolina..
Well, maybe better known, after Karl Rove did its dirty work. No spew of “gook” could compete with a black love child.
Damn you Crooked Hillary!
Lock her up!
Damn you Crooked Hillary!
Lock her up!
Poor people are stupid and get caught easily.
Moldering idiots in widbee are imbecilic and admit to being an ideal target for an IRS audit.
Much more likely for an IRS computer to kick out the return from a hate driven always wrong wing freak than a minimum wage shlub whose most sophisticated “deduction” is EITC.
It should bother you, YLB, that the IRS has not pledged to decrease the rate at which it audits poor people.
Heh.. Nope.. Poor people shouldn’t make up wives and children they don’t have. I don’t have sympathy for tax cheats of any income level.
I have even less sympathy for asswipes like Dumbya who created a 10 percent tax bracket and the skeletor from Florida who want to punish people for being poor.
You realize what a dishonest asshole you are? You understand that don’t you?
A fundraising email from Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said, “If we don’t take back the Senate, Dems will pack the courts, give DC statehood, grant abortions up to 52 weeks, and Republicans will never win again.”
Three of those are aspirational, and the other one is impossible.
Watch out, fourth trimester abortions are coming!
@82 “The most important line is at the bottom, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. If the taxpayer filed to receive an Earned Income Tax Credit, there was a 1% likelihood of an audit.”
No, the most important line is the one you omit: “Since 2010, the number of IRS audits has dropped by nearly half, as the audit rate slipped from 0.93% to 0.39% in 2019.”
Which means taxpayers filing for EITC were at least 2½ times as likely to be audited as taxpayers in general, using your figures.
@83 From your own link: “Substantially all experienced, field Revenue Agents are focused on high-income individuals and their related entities and, to a lesser degree, large corporate and complex pass-through entities.”
The hundreds of thousands of “correspondence letters” sent to EITC claimants are handled by GS-7s. And it stands to reason that auditing the complex return of a high-income individual or large corporation requires more agent time than does a computer-generated 1-page letter. It also stands to reason that when cracking down on tax cheaters, the resources will go where the real money is.
@87 It would never occur to a poor person to bury his relatives on a high-end golf course and keep a herd of goats there in order to claim the property is a “farm.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets subsidies from the Department of Agriculture for not planting crops, too.
Now list three legitimate aspirations particular to Christian Nationalism at random.
I’m sure he does. In fact I imagine he delights in it.
His entire tribe have abandoned any and all pretense of belonging to any community beyond what’s right in front of them that they can either fuck, marry, or kill.
Thing to think about w re the FBI “raid” of Trump’s Florida sex club is that this is not a stunt.
They would never do this for any kind of fishing trip or just to fuck with him. Not only because of all the regs, but more than anything because of the fake outrage it would inevitably trigger.
Cheetolini will be crying about this and fund raising off it from now until the 2024 general election. Garland, Monaco, Polite, Jr., and the OLC all signed off on this knowing that it would empower the degenerate freak and draw heat and light to him for weeks, months, and maybe years. It’s even the sort of thing that can be exploited in the mids.
So they did it with some high confidence that it would produce specific results.
Yes. Of course. Yawn, fucking, stretch. Degen and Hannity, and Every dishonest capering Republican You Know will wake up tomorrow reciting a mnemonic chant declaring the search “a meaningless stunt” and “harassment”. Dersh will be summoned from a Thai pedo-massage to render the appropriate outrage and anguish. And they will all declare it a fishing expedition.
But that is the very last thing this is.
Just flipped over to Fox News for 3 minutes and heard Hillary mentioned 3 times and Hunter 2 times and something about illegals. This must be serious.
Good Point. This is not a fishing expedition.
96, 97,
Just off the top of my head, and acknowledging a vast universe of possibilities, one thing I’m pretty sure would get a green light without much hesitation would be if the scum bucket removed any U.S. or NATO defense intel that would facilitate targeting or system degradation. That’s keys to the kingdom shit.
But who the fuck knows? One thing is probably certain: we won’t be finding out any time soon, if at all.
Whatever it is, this is not because he stole lunch menus.
Reading the GOP reactions I’m particularly struck by how the party leadership have come to regard the Florida sex club as some kind of almost hallowed ground or holy shrine.
I especially love what this does to them. Not only does it completely obliterate the free media buzz surrounding Fat Midget’s campaign appearances. But it also drives the entire party further into Trump’s sticky, jizz-covered, sphere of orange eminence. For the next several weeks it will become a ritual duty for each and every “good” Republican at every level to issue their declaration of appropriate outrage, at submit to His holy authority.
I miss anything?
Confirmed tonight.
Alex Jones shared highly graphic pornographic images on his phone of his own wife via text with Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone.
This is Republican destiny.
I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere and by others, but normally, DOJ will only prosecute cases alleging “mishandling” of classified documents in a couple of circumstances. One is if there is evidence of classified documents being actually transferred to a third party. The other is if DOJ has discovered evidence indicating the mishandling is in furtherance of obstruction of justice.
So we all saw some of this in play a few years ago when freaks like the racist incel Degen were bleating about documents on iPads, and “homebrew servers”. There was some evidence that documents may have been mishandled. But none that they were transferred to a third party. Nor any evidence that the mishandling was part of any conspiracy to obstruct some other criminal investigation. This was actually all patiently explained at the time. But it was difficult to hear over all the shrieking.
@ 102
Confirmed tonight.
Alex Jones shared highly graphic pornographic images on his phone of his own wife via text with Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone.
This is Republican destiny.
Confirmed in September, 2016.
The husband of DNC presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “body woman” shared highly graphic pornographic images of his own erect penis via DM with a 15 year old girl. Said images were stored on his family’s personal laptop, which also contained classified State Department material, including some documents marked Top Secret.
President Donald J. Trump was Democrat destiny that year.
Said “body woman” still under the employ of Hillary Clinton, while the husband now is required to register as a sex offender.
@ 102
I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere and by others, but normally, DOJ will only prosecute cases alleging “mishandling” of classified documents in a couple of circumstances. One is if there is evidence of classified documents being actually transferred to a third party.
Like, say, the laptop that Anthony Weiner used to conduct sexually explicit conversations with 15 year-old girls? Hillary —> Abedin —> Weiner.
That evidence sat on the desktop of the # 2 guy at the FBI for months, QoS McHillbilly.
@ 98
But who the fuck knows? One thing is probably certain: we won’t be finding out any time soon, if at all.
And when we don’t find out, and the GOP gets to spend the next three months talking in detail about the differences in the way Trump was treated from the way that Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden have been treated, what will happen to turnout in November?
Is there much celebrating going on tonite on MSNBC? I’m hearing that there’s concern that the overreach was too obvious this time around, and that they’re worried.
Imagine how the DeSantis administration will go after The Biden Crime Family after this.
The statute is more than merely a technical one. Otherwise Wikipedia would be in jail.
In making a criminal charging determination, the nature of the documents and their contents is a central consideration. If an officially “classified” document that has been entirely redacted is mishandled it would not normally result in a prosecution. But a lot would depend on the documents, how thoroughly redacted, and how they were mishandled.
A nothingburger is still a nothingburger, no matter how loudly or how often Trey Gowdy shrieks.
Once he makes it past the next six months and then finds enough of his teeth in the sink drain after the first primary debate to make words again.
Today’s best headline.
News Roundup: A bad day for Donald Trump, Alex Jones, government toilets and multiple senators
Although not mentioned, it was also a very bad day for a certain low IQ Nazi traitor. But at least he’s found succor in babbling about Hillary, Hunter and IRS audits.
Trump fired his first FBI Director for refusing to refer criminal charges against his political rival. He spent the following three-and-a-half years threatening to fire his next FBI director for similar reasons.
Trump has a copy of the search warrant.
The way a federal search warrant issued by a federal judge works is it specifies the locations to be searched, the items to be sought in the search, and the federal statutes alleged to have been violated. Trump has all that in front of him tonight.
Sooner or later Degen can either join the rest of his Christian Nationalists in abandoning any claim to respect for the law, or he can shit fully to Fat Midget and abandon Trump entirely. They didn’t do this to find stolen office supplies. It’s most likely going to be something worse than most Republicans think.
If they allow themselves to be dragged along in this process for the sake of “identity” and partisanship they will probably find themselves blowing past yet another boundary retaining what little human decency and dignity they have left. And in a few months they may find themselves vigorously defending something even worse than an armed assault on the peaceful transfer of power following a democratic election.
@95 “But that is the very last thing this is.”
He must be selling our Taiwan defense plans to Xi’s agents. Wasn’t some Chinese female spy caught hanging around his sex club?
@99 “regard the Florida sex club as some kind of almost hallowed ground or holy shrine”
Isn’t that what all sex clubs are to them?
@104 So now Hillary is guilty of what’s on Weiner’s laptop because Huma was married to him? I guess if you can’t get her for a moving violation, or even a parking ticket, that’s what you go after.
@106 Where’s their outrage about Chinese spies rubbing elbows with all this classified stuff? And yours?
I’d send the FBI to confiscate it, too, as any patriotic American would. Of course, Republicans aren’t patriots, and I don’t expect any loyalty to our country from them.
@110 “It’s most likely going to be something worse than most Republicans think.”
Whatever it is, it probably has “China” stamped on it.
Or maybe “For Xi’s Eyes.”
From Joe Kent’s Ballotpedia questionnaire:
Question: “Is there a particular representative, past or present, whom you want to model yourself after?”
Answer: “Former Representative Ron Paul (TX) and current Representative Matt Gaetz (FL).”
Don’t cry Bob.
Dumbfuck Bob
The GOP Suddenly Wants to Defund Law Enforcement After Feds Raid Mar-a-Lago
Aaron Rupar
Marjorie Taylor Greene says that if Republicans take control of Congress, they should defund the DOJ and only giving them money for “prosecution of sex trafficking or human trafficking or drugs coming across our state lines”
“Of course they want to defund the police. Biden wanted to hire 100,000 new police officers. The GOP said “no.” The first stimulus package included money for state and local governments to pay their employees (police, firefighters etc…) and the GOP said “no.” They viciously attacked Capitol police officers. The only time they stand behind the police is when a police officer kills a black guy….that’s when they love law enforcement.”
I knew I was forgetting something amidst all the anguish and tears of Republicans last night.
More anguish and tears!
Kent now pulling ahead of JHB.
Pretty awful week for Republicans. And it’s only Tuesday morning.
Picture of Hillary smiling.
Caption: “Just having some Chardonnay in my non-FBI raided house. “
Ron DeSantis deliberately didn’t warn Trump about the raid.
It is funny how the minds of conservatives work; from one side when discussing about Brittney Griner the disgraced female basketball player all the conservative comments are “ you do the crime, you do the time” certainly the disgraced basketball player made a mistake to bring drugs to a country like Russia and she is going to get 9 years of prison for it
but when talking about Trump who took 15 boxes of confidential documents with him to his personal house and maybe have destroyed some of them because they are evidence of wrongdoing the raid of his house is somehow outrageous….
the same people who were scandalized by “Hilary’s emails” (which the FBI scrutinized twice and could not find signs of wrongdoing except for careless user of a non encrypted system)
Now republicans are demanding that law enforcement be defunded because they enforced the law on republicans.
A textbook example of double morals.
I don’t see what the fuss was about. They were just a bunch of tourists taking in the sights and history of Mar A Lago.
I mentioned last night that US and NATO defense intelligence that could be used to either target US or NATO personnel or degrade weapons systems would be the kind of thing that would eliminate hesitation or objections over a search like that.
The other one that occurs to me, that is highly classified, and also treated as a national security investigation would be information concerning operational details, methods, and systems employed by the USSS protective mission.
Given recent events and an active investigation involving those exact personnel, this seems an intriguing possibility. Something may have been discovered in the investigation of the text deletions that led to the search warrant. And that is more likely to be the kind of records Trump’s minions would have boxed up and stolen.
@123 “you do the crime, you do the time”
If anything, they think 9 years in a Siberian forced labor camp for possessing two little vials of cannabis oil is lenient, and will point out if she’d done this in Indonesia she’d be en route to Execution Island.