I saw my parents for the first time since the quarantine started over the weekend. We had a socially distanced, masked walk and a picnick. It was a relatively low risk thing, but it was still nervous making. I was glad to see them, but still I don’t know.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
SCOTUS reversal of the 10th Circuit in Chiafalo this morning establishes precedent that ensures the only possible legal impediment to National Popular Vote is now removed forever.
Now with Trump’s help the next goal is shifting a few more state houses this year with record turnout.
Even The Q Clearance Pussy, who by now openly admits that Trump is losing, would also admit that his most realistic hopes of preserving the Styupid Hitler disaster, lie in a narrowly crafted electoral vote win relying on razor thin margins in key battlegrounds, while almost certainly losing the popular vote.
If that happens again this year, it could be optically at least even worse than 2016. Negative partisanship and immense and widespread activism in many traditionally blue states could trigger massive turnout waves that drive up Biden’s popular vote count. But if pimply Moldovan teens relying on security breaches built into the campaign software, working in combination with corrupt state officials limiting ballot access, are successful they may in fact tilt just enough of three or four battleground states to produce a narrow win.
@1 – It’s highly unlikely the Constitution will be amended to eliminate the Electoral College system.
Ennio Morricone died today!
Think about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Theme!
Found a good rendition!
To a libtard these are wimens https://9gag.com/gag/aAegnvL
“You need to wear a mask to stop the spread of CoVid-19.”
“Yah but a virus is smaller than a fart and your jeans don’t stop that.”
I hear you Carl, was with my parents this weekend too, can be stressful.
On a separate note – just think you try to prepare against an attack on your enemies with a bunch of bombs and fire power. And all they have to do is send over the bubonic plaque, render your bombs useless.
Might be easier in life to make friends and have less enemies, seems to be a better solution.
Go yankeeeeees. Fuck the Red Sox and fuck the Seattle Marines.
Defund and stop the Industrial Sports Complex homogeny
The only problem is that with greed and capitalism and nationalism come no friends.
National Popular Vote does not involve any change to the constitution as it exists today. National Popular Vote eliminates the effect of 48 individual “winner-take-all” state laws that require the state to award all of the state’s electors to winner, rather than awarding the electoral votes proportionally.
The US Constitution is silent with respect to how the state’s may choose to award their electoral votes. In the past nearly all states awarded their electoral college votes on a proportional basis. In the years following the Civil War a number of at the time large states began passing “winner-take-all” laws. At first it was an effort to designate increased regional power to urban areas within these large states. But as more states took part, presidential campaigns began to focus more and more exclusively on those “winner-take-all” states, forcing smaller states to follow suit to avoid becoming irrelevant.
Unfortunately, once nearly all states adopt the pattern, the effect is inevitable. Large, important regions of large states have become irrelevant to the outcome of presidential campaigns. And most smaller states have become irrelevant as well. By any rational measure, the meaningful field level campaign activities of all major campaigns going back decades now, is exclusively concentrated in a handful of about twelve states. Other states see some campaigning and advertising mostly aimed at raising money. But retail level campaigning focusing on turnout and to a lesser extent on persuasion is concentrated in those states.
So long as National Popular Vote does not conflict with any other parts of the Constitution (it does not) then it is free to move forward and eventually become the binding law that transforms our presidential elections. In fact, Justice Kagan’s majority decision further clarifies on this question, when she rules that states my not impose requirements on electors that would otherwise conflict with other areas of the constitution.
If you’ve been told that National Popular Vote is “impossible” because it would require an amendment you’ve been lied to. You should be more skeptical and careful about who you listen to. And since the people you have been listening to don’t know either the law or the history, you should probably take that upon yourself. If you don’t know about the law or the history behind your own political system you will be ill-equipped to function within it. That’s probably the intent of the people who have been lying to you about it.
@9 – You’re still not going to get what you want.
@3 True but irrelevant. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact doesn’t change the electoral vote system; it’s merely an agreement among states about how they’ll cast their EVs.
@10 Not up to you. You don’t control the legislatures that make the decision.
@ 9
Yes, he will.
Gay marriage
Eventually there will be a sufficient number of states voting for the Compact that it’s a done deal.
The only question is when. Right now citizens of red states are aghast at what they are seeing in Seattle, Portland, NYC, Twin Cities, and now Atlanta. Not giving up the intent of the EC will be increasingly important to them.
“Enough is enough.”
What liberal mayors say when #BLM ends up taking the lives of black children.
@4 We like this version
because it shows (at 1:02) what could happen to you if you continue hanging out with your White Power Party “friends.”
@6 PuddyScience in action.
I hope he did, too.
The libtards are upset because their big voting blocks can’t force their low-life candidate into the white house. They see their big block cities becoming more and more “spectator states” because everyone knows the coastal states tend to vote dummocretin when you brainwash black people with “we, the dummocretin party really care for you”.
So it comes down to the swing or the new term “battleground” states. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan are in that category. Even though Pennsylvania has Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh as dummocretin bastions the rural areas can overcome the digital effects of brainwashed minorities. We’ll see the Whitmer effect in Michigan this year.
@12 “Right now citizens of red states are aghast at what they are seeing in Seattle, Portland, NYC, Twin Cities, and now Atlanta.”
Citizens of those cities are aghast at what they’re seeing in hick towns like Forks, Salem, and Klamath Falls.
Remember NY Slimes libtard Nate Cohn from Auburn WA, called 2016 Trump voters “Appalachafornians”.
Now that SCOTUS has affirmed that states can punish faithless electors, Washington should change the punishment from a $1,000 fine to 6 months in jail.
Any group could raise money to pay a faithless elector’s fine, and these days $1,000 is a trivial amount to raise on the internet, it can be done in 10 minutes.
But if faithless electors know they’re going to get jail time, they’ll be less likely to violate their oath, because there’s no way someone else can serve the jail time for them.
Faithless electors? I’m more interested in establishing term limits members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Now that idea would really change things for the better.
So senile idiot wabbit,
Willamette University
Chemeketa Community College
Corban University
Western Oregon University
Mount Angel Seminary
Linfield College McMinnville Campus
Linn Benton Community College
George Fox University
Oregon State University
Pioneer Pacific College
are all hick institutions of learning in and around Salem?
DAYUM u b really a moron along with being really senile!
You mean getting of rid of Cantvotewell and Mrs Sneakers?
Perish the thought!
More admissions of failure and losing from The Q Clearance Pussy. This is an unprecedented run of failure and humiliation. Sadly, it is one unlikely to be interrupted any time soon.
But also, more lying about “winner-take-all” electoral votes isn’t going to help, either.
Rapepublicans are at present so singularly opposed to National Popular Vote because, having allowed themselves to become a violently nationalistic, corrupt, and rapidly shrinking enclave exclusively devoted to the service of old white people, they know that going forward eaking out narrow EV wins accompanied by popular vote losses through undemocratic “winner-take-all” is their only hope. Moreover, Rapepublicans now recognize that facing a massive popular backlash against their corruption, racism, and violence, as a political movement they have become dependent upon election hacking and foreign assistance in order to win. “Winner-take-all” facilitates these processes uniquely. With the outcome of a national election reduced to the turnout and voting in only a few states, election corruption in the form of reduced ballot access, ballot hacking, and foreign assistance is made both more efficient and far easier to conceal or at least obscure. In short, and fairly obvious terms, “winner-take-all” is the preferred method when you wish to corrupt an election. And Rapepublicans do. Because they have no other choice.
I’m for democratic elections. And believe it or not, I’m also for nationwide elections that provide a meaningful voice to tens of millions of voters in every part of the country. In 2016, for example, four and a half million Californians voted for Donald Trump. One point two million voters in your state also voted for Trump. Their votes should have counted for something. And the campaigns should be encouraged to travel west and pay attention to western states and our issues, not just to take home envelopes stuffed with cash.
@21 Already ruled unconstitutional, dummy. Way back in 1995. You need to catch up on the news.
@22 I didn’t say that.
3, 10,
You should pay close attention to the “diehard Trump supporters” you see here now railing with hysteria over this progress for National Popular Vote. Notice the tone, the framing, and the effort to distract.
Suddenly, as has always been the case since our founding in the great American Revolution, the prospect of real democracy is a terrifying threat to safety. It was a lie two-hundred and fifty years ago. It’s still a lie today. If they had any good reasons they would not have to resort to lying and empty threats of “mob rule”.
Seems fair to me.
Shouldn’t employees know how much of their tax dollars went to the business owner who cut their hours?
@ 27
As opposed to those who co-opted the #BLM movement with lies and actual mob rule.
Lookin’ good, Mayor Jenny.
Well worth noting is that passage into effect of National Popular Vote happening sooner (unlikely) rather than later (more likely) would probably be an important factor in saving the Rapepublican Party from itself.
Built around gerrymandering, restricted ballot access, and narrowly crafted electoral vote wins, The Rapepublican Party has become increasingly extremist in it’s political views as its base has shrunk and become more regional and isolated. Party voters, state level elected officials, and operatives in otherwise “blue” states like Washington are isolated and ignored. House and Senate members from these states are forced into a kind of legislative limbo, relied upon to vote the party line when needed, something they all freely admit to now.
The effect is that any moderating voices are silenced. And you get a nominee like Donald Trump, whose success now imperils the party itself.
It would of course take some time, but with NPV moderate, less divisive, and less polarizing candidates would gain greater support. Participation in primaries would increase as people from every part of the country begin to feel more invested in the process. And party organizations would have greater incentive to seek to increase primary participation, knowing that increasing primary participation in every part of every state increases their nominee’s chances for success.
Maybe it’s not such a bad thing for America in the long run that Rapepublicans are destroying themselves. But it’s bad that they are doing so much damage to the country in the process. Actual acts of treason or anarchy are one thing. Labeling people who demonstrate for civil rights and equal justice and all of your political opponents as “traitors” and “anarchists” is not great for them or for us.
Puddy and I await the appearance of YLB, who will inform us that the death of an eight year-old girl in Atlanta is NBD because it’s only one death, whereas Chicago experiences a dozen or more nearly every weekend these days.
Black Lives Matter to YLB only when they can be parlayed into some free shit.
When the best you can do is more distraction and more threats about mob rule.
So, a guy who served thirty six years in the US Senate before being elected Vice President for eight years is coming to kick in your front door and “nationalize” your guest bath “for the homeless”.
He’s about this far from threatening you that if you vote for another Democrat they’ll be roasting your children on a spit.
That is the best they can do at this point.
Yours truly is here!!!!
Here to see herr doktor apologize for white kops killing unarmed kids of color.. pooh pooh kops standing on the necks and shoulders of black men as they expire.
And when peeps get pissed and angry like in 1968 and march in the streets (mostly peacefully) but when shit happens, see herr doktor babble its silly ass off about “antifa carnage”..
Here to see to teh babblin’ poophole “jockstrap” an orange supremacist moron who is a serial philanderer, sex assaulter and con man..
“jockstrap” an orange racist who in turn “jockstrapped” racist police with full page ads in the papers to send these innocent black kids to jail.
Yours truly will LAUGH at these fools.. All the way to November..
That’s entertainment folks!
Black Lives Matter to HA HERO YLB only when they can be parlayed into some free shit.
And free shit from teh gubmint matters greatly to herr doktor dimfuk when exactly..
Oh yeah here.:
All told, the U.S. government has committed more than $6 trillion to arrest the economic downturn from the pandemic. The moves appear to have calmed stock market investors
Free shit enables herr doktor pos rapey mcdimfuk to gloat on HA about its stocks.. awwww.. isn’t that precious..
Takes a hero to deal with a moron zero like herr doktor.
Looks like the Atlanta situation might be approaching a critical mass that makes it harder for YLB to dismiss.
Police respond to 2nd deadly shooting in 24 hours near burned Wendy’s
The problem with that last part is Lance Bottoms said the same fucking thing last week.
Maybe I’ve got it wrong this time. It’s not the numbers that YLB will dismiss. It’s the location – three time zones away. That means YLB gets to ignore murders by protesters, ’cause EST.
The best thing about being as unserious as YLB is that nothing has to be taken seriously.
@35 LMAO!!! What’s her doktor’s solution to this?
Status quo??? kops on necks??? 20 minute sobriety interrogations that end with a bullet in the back? Wow that solves a lot.
Keep jerking yourself off herr doktor from your panic room in your safe space in teh Whidbey..
You don’t understand why people do these things any more than teh babblin’ poophole who is safe in a white suburb like you and scared to death of the neighborhood it left loooonng ago.
The Founding Fathers, most of them slave owners too, knew big cities would overrun rural areas. This is why nutzo dummocretin like dot bombed want a national vote only to count. They want to make sure fly-over country is NEVER EVER COUNTED AGAIN in any future electoral process.
So herr doktor is crying krokodile tears about kids getting killed in violent crossfires..
No comment about kids ripped from their parents at the border or even dying in custody
No comments about kids dying in gun accidents due to their stoopid always wrong wing parents. So many examples of this:
Dozens of examples of this..
Puddy lives in a city! Stooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
You mean the process started by Obummer? If they didn’t come here illegally no problem right yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Hey herr doktor how’s your stocks today? Good? Acceptable? Could be better but oh shit it could be a lot worse.
Thank djt for teh free shit and vote for the pos in Nov.
Finally some libtard who is telling the truth for a change.
Of course assesHorse’s yellowishleakingbuttspigot doesn’t want to read or hear this!
You mean the process started by TWO TERM President Obama?
LOL! TWO TERM President Obama kept families together with some exceptions like when a parent had a criminal record.
Miller and drumpf used that to cover for a policy that was truly ugly.
Yours truly chuckles when Obama won a second term and teh babblin’ poophole said teh sky was gonna fall..
Obama teed the economy up for drumpf.. Democrats always do that so Repukelican can fuck it up.
Something for you libtard dummocretins! TRUTH!
Protests ‘Had a Lot to Do With’ COVID-19 Surge in Florida
Oh wow babblin’ butthole.. what an insight! In these times, peeps are angry at a lot of shit besides kops kneeling on black necks..
Don’t pay attention to those blm signs.
Damn you’re weak this morning. See ya!
And Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer want to spend more more more yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Psychobabble cleanup in aisle @43 from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Obummer built the caged areas! PERIOD!
Carl, Congratulations on seeing your parents.
Pyschobabbling idiot yellowishleakingbuttspigot@46,
Yet you continued to put Florida covid-19 case loads on assesHorse dummocretins every day. Now you run away when Puddy claimed it was from the BLM marches two weeks ago?
Anti-racism is not anti-white. Nor is it anti-police.
But that’s the prospect Trump, Trump2020, and The Q Clearance Pussy are trying to sell America.
Sure, it can be a bit of a struggle in many circumstances to tease the tangle apart. The movement to obliterate systemic, institutional, and cultural racism in our society is not in favor of violence or vandalism. But it’s trivially easy for police to bring those things together in the same time and place if they choose to do so. And they have in many cases chosen just that in recent weeks.
Examples are easy enough to come by. And either ignoring them or rejecting their existence isn’t just dishonest. It completely distorts the truth of any single event. When police lines charge at groups of demonstrators obeying their orders to disperse, slash the tires of vehicles obeying their orders to depart from an area, or make what are later established to be falsified sworn reports relating to these kinds of events we all ought to ask why? What’s the purpose of preventing demonstrators from obeying such orders?
It’s to enable the violent conflict that the police want in order to portray the demonstrations themselves as violent.
dot bombed is one of those brain dead zombies.
Oh the heady days of May when one of the trolls was giddy about Donald’s highest ever approval in the Gallup poll, widely considered the gold standard.
38% approval.
48% among white men
33% among independents
All that’s left is the 91% of identified Republicans.
Maybe take a Confederate Flag back to NASCAR and lay a wreath at Christ the redeemer in Rio and this will turn around.
For Comparison President Obama was 45% at this point in 2012.
Specifically it pertained to violent criminal records.
In a Kafkaesque twist Miller expanded on that, applying separation to any criminal violation by an asylum seeker, and then arguing that being present within the US was itself a criminal violation. The courts have since invalidated this argument, but the policy has been modified to create the asylum refugee camps inside Mexico along the US border. In many ways the camps are much worse than separation.
Just another horrific Rapepublican mess the next administration will have to clean up. There are so many.
Just going to remind you here that it was your president for whom you voted who tweeted “White Power!”.
Your president. Not some random, obscure, ignorant, powerless minor party official on an election board in some rural trailer park backwater.
Your president did that.
Just like he admitted openly to a long history of violent sexual assaults against women.
The guy who leads the Rapepublican Party, sets the agenda, and establishes the policy priorities is an outspoken racist who promotes “White Power!” and brags about sexual assault.
And in response you offer a Facebook meme.
The republican Miami-Dade Mayor thinks it’s the protestors fault??
Do you think our conservatives wrongly assumed he’s a ‘libtard” because he’s a mayor of a city or that he’s got a Latino last name? Or do they just lie?
P.S. Of course the mayor says that, he’s got political ambitions.
“In January 2020 he announced he was running for the Republican nomination in the 2020 U.S. House election for Florida’s 26th congressional district.”
Currently Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell currently represents the district.
He had to blame someone after getting slammed for reclosing. He’s not going to get elected.
“A doctor arrested after writing an article about Egypt’s fragile health system. A pharmacist picked up from work after posting online about a shortage of protective gear. An editor taken from his home after questioning official coronavirus figures. A pregnant doctor arrested after a colleague used her phone to report a suspected coronavirus case. As Egyptian authorities fight the swelling coronavirus outbreak, security agencies have tried to stifle criticism about the handling of the health crisis by the government ….”
I’ll bet Trump wishes he could do that, too.
Trump’s latest DNI is now simultaneously arguing that:
a) The US probably should not hold Russia responsible for targeting and paying for the killing of US Marines because “anybody else would have done it too”;
b) Trump’s good friend Putin might not have known it was going on;
c) It’s been going on since before Putin helped steal the election for Trump.
So a “secret rogue unit of GRU” has been offing US Marines in Afghanistan for more than four years, Putin never knew, and anyway offering bounties on the lives of US Marines is just “locker room talk”.
And Rapepublicans will do nothing but go golfing instead.
Vote for that if you can, I guess.
@57 “Vote for that if you can, I guess.”
Of course they can vote for that, because their depravity is boundless, and they’ll do it without any pang of conscience, because they have no conscience.
Redreformed, He is the mayor in a largely blue county, hence thought to be libtard. Okay so he isn’t. Butt, y’all were calling for contact tracing so now contact tracing is being implemented you are now upset for him calling a spade a spade?
Yeah, I can use that spade comment cuz to me y’all think I am one anyway!
It was reported last week that Russia been doing this since 2014. No uproar when Obummer was preznit (headless lucy spelling)
@28 So now you hate small business owners? Might as well, you already hate everyone else. Your horse hates you, but with more reason.
@30 “Labeling people who demonstrate for civil rights and equal justice and all of your political opponents as “traitors” and “anarchists” is not great for them or for us.”
And Doctor Dumbfuck eagerly participates in that logic-defying labeling (see #29), because he’s a dumbfuck.
If he wins he will do all that and more.
Remember the quote credited to Peter Thiel but which Thiel actually stole from an Atlantic essay by Salena Zito?
“…the media is always taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally. … I think a lot of voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally, so when they hear things like the Muslim comment or the wall comment… What they hear is we’re going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy.”
I guess we all take Trump seriously now. But we should also have figured out by now that Thiel was wrong about “a saner, more sensible immigration policy”. Assuming we agree that punching out sobbing Guatemalan toddlers as you tear them out of their mother’s arms and throw them into tile-lined rooms to sleep on the floor where you will feed them on pet food is neither sane, nor sensible, we should also be taking him literally. There is no pivot. He means what he says. He means to do the things he says he will do. And if it turns out there is no way to do these things without destroying democracy, then democracy will just have to be destroyed.
Now ask yourself what kinds of things has he been promising since he became elected? Where is he heading in terms of a second term, literally?
He will seek to criminalize political opposition and disloyalty. And now he has the Attorney General he needs to make that happen. There might not be any way to stop him.
@31 “Puddy and I await the appearance of YLB, who will inform us that the death of an eight year-old girl in Atlanta is NBD because it’s only one death, whereas Chicago experiences a dozen or more nearly every weekend these days.”
Sounds like the argument your side makes about Covid-19 being “just like flu.” In fact, I think that’s where you plagiarized it from.
@50 How many police vehicles were torched in Seattle? Five? And how many police vehicles were torched by the same person, a white woman from Texas via Tacoma? Five.
A BLM operative for sure. Yeah.
Severe and crippling economic sanctions imposed, removal from G7, along with things like Magnitsky Act.
All opposed by you.
There’s no way to make this thing look good for you. Putin green lit the killings of US Marines in Afghanistan and you approve of it.
You can’t vote for Trump without approving of it.
And you can’t smoke screen it or obscure it in a way that makes it look like anything but what it is: Treason.
Trading the lives of US Marines for “dirt on your opponent”, other forms of election assistance or favorable business loans is not a form of “political expression”.
It really is treason.
In Martinez, California, where a woman painted over two letters of a “Black Lives Matter” street mural Saturday afternoon while her male companion shouted racist slogans, another man was arrested last night for brandishing a loaded handgun after driving paste the mural shouting the same racist slogans, then stopping, getting out, and arguing with a group of people gathered there.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rightwing thugs are openly threatening people with guns with increasing frequency, but I don’t see Doctor Dumbfuck saying anything about this violence. His outrage seems to be highly selective.
You are just being wrong all over this sub thread.
I didn’t call for contact tracing. No idea what you are talking about.
First you don’t look up the party of the mayor in your rush to claim a lib gotcha, Next you attribute words to me I didn’t write.
Why so sloppy in your fact checking? Is something going on at home?
Also, you are a gardening tool? What a weird thing to call yourself. Is that contributing to the fact checking problems?
@67 Just more evidence that Trumpers are both crazy and dangerous.
The stock market loves death.
Virus and plagues will be the stories going forward for the next decade, not EV.
I don’t think it will take anywhere near ten years to win the remaining 74 electoral vote states. The measure has already passed in 16 states with 196 electoral votes. And it has passed at least one chamber in eight states with another 82. And Nevada is poised and ready to pass some time in the next couple of years. It’s getting hearings and being voted out in legislatures in another 17 states. It’s really only seven out of 50 states where NPV is being stonewalled successfully by Rapepublicans. And even that may change in the next few years, as the two largest of these states are now trending away from Rapepublican control.
Even The Q Clearance Pussy recognizes the inevitability of NPV.
China is going full dictatorship in Hong Kong.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they treat Hong Kong like the rest of China, it’s time we do, too.
Statistics for Steve’s blog show that page views spiked to over 16k in the week of his death, and have doubled since I took over the blog, although I suspect a lot of that is due to (a) people spending more time on their computers while stuck at home, and (b) heightened interest in current events because of Covid-19 and elections. The site averages over 600 page views per day, and has more readership now than when Steve was alive. He postdated a lot of material, so his pieces still post regularly, and I regularly post about current events, so the site has something new for readers nearly every day.
Suggested names for baseball teams:
Washington Redskins – Washington Lobbyists
Atlanta Braves – Atlanta CPAs
Kansas City Chiefs – Kansas City Fly-Overs
@74 New England Has-Beens
@75 Seattle Seahawks – Seattle Guppies
senile idiot wabbit,
Senile and stooooooooooooooopid.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: COVID-19 “May Turn Out to be Like a Bad Flu Season”.
Sux to be stoooooooooooopid and a recipient of senility!
You need to have Mrs. Rabbit comment from now on. Your cognitive skillset has diminished 99.92% since you began.
Wait for it. Someone along with the senile wabbit will claim the .08% is still better than we whom think right possess.
If Puddy can remember these comments why can’t the senile idiot wabbit? Because he’s senile your honor!
The Prosecution Rests. Senility is very bad! Oh wait, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will claim Puddy gaslighting the senile idiot wabbit.
Now watch! Which libtard will come to the rescue?
Hiyo Sillllvvveeeeer!
Hey senile idiot wabbit,
Puddy utilized the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayback machine. Listen to the show senile one! January 21st.
Then on January 26th -“The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously.”
Senility sux. Not a good thing.
Here’s another team name change:
Washington Senators – Washington Failed Attorneys (With apologies to Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers.)
Still waiting for the Marxist Antifa Biden to announce what his plans are to protect the Brazilian statue of Jesus.
@76 Sounds about right. Until you bump them in a bar.
@77, 78 Well, that’s easy enough. Scientists change their minds based on new evidence. Republicans don’t.
Tom Douglas to permanently close two South Lake Union restaurants this month
I won’t blame $15 minimum wage. But labor costs sure didn’t help.
“Alright, who’ll give me $20? You, sir?”
$15, going once…
So, is the word “black” used in capital letters only to describe those we like? Or is it used to describe only a people and not an individual?
@ 82
Yeah, that was why they suddenly decided masks were useful. Evidence, the new kind. Not because they lied when they said masks wouldn’t help because they were afraid if everyone wore a mask there wouldn’t be enough to go around.
It was science, dammit!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, ever the fucking clown.
Did Puddy say Redreformed called for contact tracing. Your side has
Nancy Pelosi – Pelosi Calls for ‘Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate’ Contact Tracing
Chucky Schumer – https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1259887236520304640
Andrew Cuomo: NY, NJ and CT to launch contact tracing program
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s contact tracing program won’t ask new COVID patients if they had attended any demonstrations.
See ya!
Stories that might find a way to become a campaign ad.
Based on the little bit of info out, Mrs. ‘Moscow’ Mitch McConnell, Eliane Chao received PPP payments. The couple is worth approximately $50m. That’s bad but she’s also a member of Donald’s Cabinet.
Mitch is pretty sure the little people who still don’t have their jobs back don’t need any more help.
Texas Rep Roger Williams’ Auto dealership also received PPP funds. He voted against disclosing recipients of the money.
Net worth…..$60m
Six Weeks, Six Cities, 600 Murders
NY – Thus far in 2020, homicides are up 21 percent.
LA – July first week up by 250 percent in homicides, and a 56 percent increase in shootings.
Chicago – Year-to-date shootings have eclipsed 1,508 for 2020, putting them 350 ahead of 2019. To date homicides sit at 254, placing them ahead of 2019.
Washington, D.C.- Year-to-date homicide numbers are 13 percent higher
Philadelphia – Shootings are up 67 percent. Victims of armed violence are up 29 percent. Homicides are up 25 percent.
Baltimore – Outpacing last years rate of 348 homicides, with a five-year streak of more than 300 murders.
Yet libtard dummocretins don’t care about black people.
Oh senile idiot wabbit. Puddy brought this up months ago. All you had to do is ask the BIG YAAAWWWN yellowishleakingbuttspigot and determine what Fauci told Trump back in January, February and March. Sure, Trump is a optimist and you are a senile pessimist, but the FACTS have been out there for a long time. Oh wait, your mind has been gone a long time!
Senile ya!
Doesn’t this moron hate Trump?
Robert De Niro’s Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 PPP Loans Worth $28 Million
Another Trump hater – Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms says she tested positive for coronavirus
$10,000 reward offered in Atlanta killing of 8-year-old girl
Black lives really don’t matter butt blame it on coronavirus! dummocretins run the big cities except Miami!
Well lookie here. Look at who hung out with Ghislane Maxwell…
BEIJING BIDEN. Say it ain’t so.
Please dummocretins, keep using TikTok. dummocretins are the dumbest of the dumb!
Keep it up morons! It’s AOC approved!
Puddy hopes all your bank accounts are drained dry!
Talk to Sheila Jackson Lee and Robert Johnson!
Oh noes what will dummocretins do over this?
Chicago – dummocretin controlled
July to Date: Shot & Killed: 20, Shot & Wounded: 94, Total Shot: 114, Total Homicides: 21
Last Week’s Totals (6/28 – 7/4): Shot & Killed: 26, Shot & Wounded: 112, Total Shot: 138, Total Homicides: 28
Year to Date [2020]: Shot & Killed: 330, Shot & Wounded: 1506, Total Shot: 1836, Total Homicides: 359
A city that can’t let a crisis go to waste. Defund da police becuz we don’t need more black lives in Chicago – 2 children killed among 79 shot and 15 total killed during the July 4th weekend as this was 3rd straight weekend of children dying in the streets. Ten children under 18 have died in Chicago gun violence since June 20. The mayor blamed it on the coronavirus!
While Kleiner Perkins holiday parties are invitation only, with controlled access and VIP areas, they are still attended by hundreds of fund investors, valley CEOs, board members, and their authorized guests. Assuming Maxwell attended as the guest of an invitation holder, you’re just now breaking the news that ten years ago the tech industry was dominated by infantile male pigs.
And not to spoil your fap, but those Kleiner parties were said to be rather boring by valley standards, black tie, no hard liquor, just a big room full of quiet networking dominated by elevator pitches. Perfect for a guy like Gore. Ten years ago some silicone valley holiday parties were legendary for debauchery and excessive alcohol consumption. You and Al would have hated them. All that was before Gamergate.
Kleiner Perkins holiday parties were very media controlled too dot bombed. They only let out what they wanted the public “to know”. Hence she deleted the post!
State of emergency has been declared in Atlanta by Gov. Kemp. Up to 1,000 National Guard troops to be deployed.
Y’all blue city types are just doin’ a bang-up job with your municipal governance.
It will be interesting to see what happens, so we can compare and contrast with Inslee’s decision-making.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms
Where were Al NotSoSharpton or Jesse HiJackson?
No no no, the woke dummocretins tell you it’s the police that are killing these little black babies. Just ask all the morons on assesHorse. It’s police lawlessness or the coronavirus per De Blasio
Another woke idea from the moron of new york!
Seems all the children killed this weekend were black. The woke said this 4th of July was a white holiday. Guess some people proved it!
There’s this guy who likes to link to a lot of these sites…
Yesterday afternoon the fucking asshole Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit expected
you to believe that Dawit Kelete is like every other frat boy you’ve ever met, just with a little bit darker skin.
Well, OK. Here’s the father of every other frat boy you’ve ever met.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a piece of shit.
@ 74
How about Kansas City of Low, Sloping Foreheads?
“Did I say that out loud?”
Looks like Trolls4Trump are not Veterans for Responsible Leadership>
Better call Putin.
Troll4Trump approve of Bounties.
@104 You don’t know what a “piece of shit” is. These guys are pieces of shit:
And this driver is a piece of shit:
But I have no reason to believe their fathers are pieces of shit. And for all I know, your father was a pillar of his community and the very soul of rectitude. I certainly don’t blame him for how you turned out.
@105 “Did I say that out loud?”
I don’t know. You typed it. Or, if you didn’t, maybe a chicken using your HA posting account pecked it with her beak.
So, tonight we learn a bunch of Confederate hat-wearing drunks snarling “white power” attacked a black guy and yelled “get a noose!” while trying to break his arms, and also assaulted witnesses taking video of the incident, at a public park in Indiana on July 4. And when the victim called 911 and state park police showed up, they didn’t arrest the perps, didn’t interview the witnesses, and filed no charges.
Going to a park while black in a red state. Yup.
And then, when some folks protested the incident, another perp drove a car into them. Cars seem to be the new terrorist weapon of choice among violent white racists.
This is the work I’ve done so far on SJ’s blog about the July 4 attempted lynching and the July 5 attack on protesters in Indiana.
Y’all loved the black-dressed “Panthers” taking matters into their own hands in Atlanta, amirite?
They were models and actors.
And sure enough, the opponents pounced, which y’all try to turn into the real story here:
They certainly are seeded with people who have interests at cross-purposes with those of #BLM movement supporters.
Biggest loser: Steve.
Didn’t BeerPong claim lying was unBiblical becuz his daddy is a preacher and he “knows” the Bible?
See how BeerPong tries to create a false narrative?
FACTS always suck when you are a libtard!
Another typical dummocretin exposed for what she really is behind the black lives matter facade!
Betcha can’t guess her skin color?
She has many more winning tweets on Twatter. No canceling her though!
How is that any different from these Cosplaytriots?
Except of course the dudes in Atlanta are getting paid, because SAG/AFTRA.
Pro Tip: they are all “Crysis Actors”. Including sometimes you and Puddy.
Remember when A1 told y’all how Ghanians reacted to Pelosi wearing Kente cloth and not knowing what it really means?
They kneeled to whom? Well done dummocretins. Well done!
More Cosplaytriotism:
That one is pointing a semi-automatic military assault rifle at federal law enforcement officers attempting to execute a warrant signed by a federal judge.
This Cosplaytriot used the screen name “Fluffy Unicorn” online for many years while spreading virulent racism, antisemitism, and threats of violence before he was arrested for outstanding warrants and threats to federal law enforcement:
Nicknamed “Buddha” because… fat, he also pretended for more than a decade to be a “retired” Marine sniper and war hero.
As they say, “Very fine people”.
Gotta love the cancel culture especially when they Facebook live stream it and then realize oopsie.
The even used words and phrases assesHorse dummocretins are well known for…
@ 116
For starters, the guys in your photo know which end of the rifle to hold.
Today’s greatest irony has got to be The Q Clearance Pussy, after voting for a fake, bankrupted “business tycoon” and “reality” television star, and then spending the next four years promoting his greatest failures as unmatched success, while simultaneously entertaining us all with lurid tales of Satanic ritual adrenochrome harvesting inside invisible Pizza dungeons…
… he now demands “authenticity”.
I suspect the last “authentic” conservative was fired by Monica Goodling in the summer of 2006. Soon thereafter The Q Clearance Pussy was spotted dancing naked on the roof of the horse barn, hips thrusting and fists pumping in triumph.
Several of your favorite online ‘sources’ printed ‘journalism’ and OpEds penned by people who were not real and I fact were state sponsored actors.
Somehow that got lost in your ‘rebuttal.’
My ‘Barrister’ father would be quite surprised if I ever referred to him as a ‘preacher.’
So much wrong in one post. Good job. Here’s a treat. Shake.
There’s a chance we can find out about Jeffrey Epstein and his activities if the Intellignce agencies don’t “suicide” his girlfriend before she gets to squeal. And she will sing like a canary once they work the right deal with her.
Which intelligence agencies? Most likely the Mossad. They are really good at sneaky shit and “suiciding” people on the orders from the political class. We can’t have any prominent politicians’ “legacies” stained by any child porn or charges of having adult relations with children.
It’s going to be great fun if we can keep Epstein’s girlfriend alive long enough to get the story.
I know you want to believe these things. I guess it makes you feel good. Whatever.
But the truth you just don’t want to think about is that our prisons and jails are just this disorganized, chaotic, cruel, and indifferent to the lives and well being of the people we put in to them. Epstein is no angel. And he took his own life. But it should not be overlooked here that at the time of his death he was considered legally innocent of the charges he faced, and was only being held as a flight risk.
Innocent people die in US jails and prisons every day. Not a few of them by order of the state. But it isn’t just the innocent that we should be concerned about. People make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes put them in prison. But a civilized society would not put such people to death randomly for relatively petty crimes. Yet that’s happening right now. Because we are not willing to make these places sanitary enough to prevent deaths from COVID-19, dozens of people are dying in prison, some only weeks or days away from scheduled release.
Turns out it doesn’t take vast DERP STATE!!! conspiracies and secret “globalist” cabals of Satan worshipers to kill people. It just takes the usual bureaucratic incompetence combined with vast public indifference.
We can stop it any time we like.
125: The Deep State is not some global cabal. It’s a loose amalgam of Civil Service, IRS, Treasury, DOJ, NSA FBI and other agencies’ high level employees who, because they have high positions in government, actually think they are the government, not the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
They are extremely dangerous.
No one could have imagined a haphazard system that rewarded large organizations with the resources to get applications filed quickly by attorneys over small businesses.
Minnesota gets a campaign ad.
Rev Mac Hammer and Living World Christian Center of Brooklyn Park, MN got $2-5m in PPP loans.
They are a tax exempt entity
Oh, also they are suing Governor Tim Walz over shutdowns and limits on gathering sizes.
Evangelicals fighting for the right to kill people while sucking at the teat of big government…WWJD?
I hate to break it to you, but that doesn’t sound any more realistic or any less crazy. The people who could not figure out how to avoid sending stimulus checks to the dead are engaged in a conspiracy to damage your favorite imbecile.
Another scary fact that you don’t want to face is that every single embarrassment and humiliation that Donald Trump has had to face since becoming president has been entirely of his own making. You don’t like to think about it. So instead you create a Tolkienesque fantasy about Orcs tunneling under democracy. It’s all right out in the open. Right in front of you. It’s called incompetence. And it’s why you don’t vote for bankrupted “reality” television actors expecting them to do anything other than fuck things up.
Bolsonaro has the Trump Clap.
Better call Putin.
And if you think it is, you are not an Amerikin.
Oh, look: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 112 wants you to believe that protesters in Indiana were hit by a car (title of the piece to which he linked).
For the record, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, this is NOT someone being hit by a car.
OTOH, this is from a guy shooting in burst mode a split-second after the person on the freeway in DT Seattle TRULY WAS hit by a car.
When you jump on a car to try to prevent it from driving away, it is not hitting you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You really are a fucking piece of shit.
You created a post that was FAKE NEWS, like most of your “facts”. This is from your hands…
That “quote” never existed.
Leenks. I must have Leeeeeenks!
Sad. So low energy. Low IQ. So typical of Piddles to dig in when he’s beaten.
Here’s a tip from IT Mr. Made a ton in Computers.
Google: Twitter 16 accounts suspended
“That kind of thing could save you some embarrassment.” Mike Rogers.
This is imaginable being the Bezos Post.
Figures. dummocretins are soft on China!
Dan Quayle wishes to retract his debate comments likening himself to Jack Kennedy because of the way it turned out.
Once again BeerPong@134 when caught manufacturing a lie, now going postal, throws up links from the same reference. No where will you find what he offered in @103. Doesn’t matter if 16 accounts were canceled. They were writing about middle east issues regarding pro-United Arab Emirates and anti-Iran. While that was great for those peeps, it wasn’t something offered here by godwinha or myself.
While you coddle Iran as Obummer-Biden-Kerry-Clinton did and you still do, Puddy was looking at other items. Ask the crazed databaze purveyor for help. Oh wait it will be here soon as the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to help you!
Keep digging. You are demonstrating how useless your commentary is again!
While I haven’t read so won’t dispute the overall accuracy of the story it’s worth noting that John Podesta was never COS in the Obama White House.
COS to Clinton. Onetime Counselor to Obama.
A simple Wikipedia read would have told the author that. And a google search might have kept you from not questioning it, Piddles.
And irrelevant. A guy who works for a guy who once worked for another guy may have done something that probably wasn’t illegal. Didn’t read yet but did he fail to register as a lobbyist for a foreign entity? Someone ex if the current administration went to prison for doing that.
EdsNote: Counselor is a much more often used phrase that means Barrister.
Damn! Yours truly is too busy during these drumpfplague times.
Soldier on HA HEROES – have fun with these degenerate trolls.
I’ll be baaaaack.. Sooner than later..
Lemme do The Steve:
People peaceably carrying flags in support of their preferred presidential candidate! What were they thinking? They could have been killed!
Utah man threatens people with gun for having Trump flags, police say
To be fully in Steve character, I’ll burp, fart, and pick my nose right after hitting “post comment”. Then I’ll cry myself to sleep about the high school girlfriend I’m still missing.
@ 138
No. That was Tony Podesta, his brother, who avoided prison because 1) people don’t usually go to prison for it and 2) someone on the inside tipped him off in time for him to register before charges were filed.
The Podesta Group is no more nonetheless.
Reading comprehension.
They weren’t real people. They were ‘Fake Journalists’ literally. They were mostly paid agents of Middle Eastern Governments peddling a Middle Eastern Worldview that fits well enough with the political leanings of various publications that those publications were happy to publish the work with no due diligence or vetting.
The only connection to you, as made above, is that many of those publications that were duped are some of your favorites that you like to quote and link here.
Now some of your favorite sources have been proven to happily or ignorantly peddle fake news.
Too damn funny.
“It doesn’t matter that you lie to all the time I trust you on THIS! Pravda was accurate some times!” Piddles, or words to that effect.
@ 142
AKA The Jooooooooos.
Yeah, Cz-252. I comprehend you just fine. We all do.
Newsmax. Washington Examiner. Jerusalem Post. Real Clear Media.
As a Newsmax “Insider” columnist, he has thoughts about how Iraq needs to rid itself of Iranian influence to attract investment and why Dubai is an oasis of stability in a turbulent region.
He’s printed those insights at a range of conservative outlets like the Washington Examiner, RealClear Markets, American Thinker, and The National Interest.
Unfortunately for the outlets who published his articles and the readers who believed them, Raphael Badani does not exist.
Etc. etc.
Why bother. Roger is right about him and always has been. In that sense so is YLB. Puddy is pure troll. It’s just volume. Most of it lies. Most of it copy pasta. His credibility is shit. I guess they enjoy sparring with a pile of shit. I mostly prefer to step around it and be on my way.
I comprehend you just fine.
Obvs he does not. And that wasn’t even a decent try at trolling.
@113 “Y’all loved the black-dressed ‘Panthers’ taking matters into their own hands in Atlanta, amirite?”
No, and you’re not right about anything else, either. You’re a dumbfuck.
@120 At least those drunken Indiana racists had enough sense to try to shut down the video recording while they were trying to lynch one of your bros.
Unfortunately for them, they were unsuccessful. But fortunately for them, the local law enforcement isn’t interested in arresting terrorists who try to lynch black people.
And even more fortunately for them, Rand Paul won’t let Congress pass a federal anti-lynching law.
Relying for your information on funded media companies who take payments from foreign adversary nations is only a problem if you actually care about being informed.
Trolls4Trump don’t. All they care about is keeping up with whatever the latest talking point nonsense is. As their posting history amply demonstrates.
Bragging about years of sexual assaults on women is “locker room talk”. Tara Reade was violently finger fucked by a US Senator in the middle of the day in a public hallway in one of the busiest buildings on earth. Lifelong Republican Robert Mueller is a Deep State mole. A hangman’s noose is not a hangman’s noose. Seth Rich was murdered. Klansmen are “very fine people”. Philando Castille robbed a liquor store. Jared is a genius. etc.
@121 What’s the old fart in the middle planning to do with the bazooka? Shoot down Chinese jets?
@124 You know about waterboarding, right? Done correctly, it kills the subject only 3% of the time. About the same mortality rate as Covid-19; too low to worry about, so … IT’S PARTY TIME!!!
@126 As you point out, the “deep state” is people who know what the fuck they’re doing. So why are you against it? Would you rather have a sixth grader auditing your tax return? Would you prefer our leaders get intel from the National Enquirer? Don’t answer that last question — do yourself a favor and keep that to yourself.
Maybe you should also look into it.
Good of you to inject some Anti-Semitism into the conversation. Why do you harbor a mistrust of Jewish people. Are you saying they control the media. What we’re you getting at?
No, what I loved was you shitting your pants at the sight of armed black men marching through an American city.
I did assume, though, that, unlike the rest of your racist, deplorable, loser trash, you would at least have enough sense to shower and change your shorts before posting again. I can see now that I was wrong.
@131 The only problem your owner has with this is that it was stuck in a Florida garage while his “fine people” in Indiana were asking for it. What’s wrong with the mail service these days?
Here, Doctor, this video will make you feel better.
Video shows youth facility staff piling on Black teen before his death — students say he cried out ‘I can’t breathe’
@132 Oh, I see. It was self-defense. Yep, sure looks like it, at least to a dumbfuck.
Now do the black fratboy in Seattle who drove the wrong way on an off-ramp to get onto I-5 so he could defend himself.
@140 Criminal behavior cannot be tolerated irrespective of partisan loyalties or affiliations. Throw the book at him. Just for fun, lock him in a cell with the guy in #118 and see what happens.
@140 “To be fully in Steve character, I’ll burp, fart, and pick my nose right after hitting ‘post comment’. Then I’ll cry myself to sleep about the high school girlfriend I’m still missing.”
That’s role playing? Coulda fooled me.
Being an incel loser no doubt greatly handicaps you in this endeavor.
@132 I guess the cars they sell in Indiana don’t have reverse gears, huh? They can only go forward. So if someone is standing in front of your car, for whatever reason, the only way out is to run them over. Or call the cops like a civilized person. Or don’t drive into a protest scene in the first place. But don’t expect a dumbfuck to figure out any of this.
But let’s suppose the driver somehow inadvertently found himself in the midst of a large protest involving several hundred demonstrators and, fearing for his safety, panicked while his passenger calmly got out of the vehicle to remove a scooter from the pavement in front of the vehicle. Then, after defending himself and his passenger by running over the protester standing in front of his car, he drives off, leaving the scene.
Even if all the driver’s actions up to that point were self-defense, unless he contacted the police afterward to report the accident, he’s still guilty of hit-and-run, is he not?
A doctor needs a scientist to determine if a mask will help him.
@161 I know of a doctor who doesn’t realize cars can back up.
Tucker Carlson, an NS,* accused Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a Purple Heart recipient who lost both her legs in Iraq, of hating America. She invited him “to walk a mile in my legs.”
* Never served
Do I need to explain why people like Carlson, and the network that puts them on the air, have zero credibility with anyone who knows how to think?
P.S., why do conservatives hate our veterans and war heroes?
why do conservatives hate our veterans and war heroes?
They didn’t always. A few of them in the distant past were even veterans and war heroes in their own right.
But then they lost control of the fear and hatred they stoked in the base of their party and wound up nominating Styupid Hitler. Now they find themselves trading the lives of active duty US Marines for “dirt” on their political opponents and business loans.
Ahhh yes the typical pile on. BeerPong creates a narrative in @103 then runs away and all other libtardos come and circle the wagons. No where will anyone find that post on any of the leeeeenks BeerPong offered. Butt don’t let that ‘small infraction’ as dot bomb calls it interfere with the BIG LIES Puddy cuts and pastes from right sites. No one can touch the multiple young black kids deaths so y’all run away from it. Butt gotta defund the police becuz that’s the cause du jour since the two leaders are avowed Marxist-Commies who believe in spiritualism.
When Puddy put up how Minneapolis’ NAACP and Urban League were never consulted over the defund plan that will directly affect Minneapolis black neighborhoods nary a peep. Oh when Puddy identifies a made up quote with no attribution and then proves it was made up all hell breaks forth from the Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Moonbattic Thought!
Carry on!
@164 Personally, I think it’s their fear of being compared to them.
@140 “Then I’ll cry myself to sleep about the high school girlfriend I’m still missing.”
Still wishing you’d had one, huh? Aren’t you a little old for that now? That train left the station, oh, in your case about 40 years ago.
I am watching KOMO’s 4 o’clock report and laughing my ass off at Seattle’s City Council. What a bunch of fucking macaroons! They go after taxing Jeff Bezos’ salary, thinking he makes a butt-load, and he only makes a little over $81 grand a year. They were thinking they could tax the excess over $150K, and that idea blew up in their fucking faces! What a bunch of ducking idiots!
This envy of successful capitalists’ successes is not only immature, it’s detrimental to the economic wealth of the entire nation.
You can’t tax your way to prosperity, Seattle City Councisl, and going after Amazon is going to accomplish nothing! I’m surely glad you Seattle riffraff are the ones stuck with Seattle government!
@168 It could be worse. At least they’re not robbing the poor to pay the rich. And, no doubt, it’s lost on you that taxing Bezo’s salary over $150k is completely harmless. Even to him.
You shouldn’t say “stupid Republicans,” because it’s ungrammatical; it’s redundant.
Namaste, bitches.
Kindness Yoga called out: Weakened by coronavirus, 9 studios close after Instagram campaign exposes rift over race
The guy ran a pay-what-you-can business. Untimely wokeness can be lethal.
@135 & @131
Wow, now that I read it that gets even stupider. The subject of the Post Terry Neal left WaPo in 2007. George W Bush was president in 2007. Bezos, which is the subject of Piddles’ hackles didn’t buy WaPo until 2013.
It is entirely possible that Bezos and Neal have never been in the same room together. Then again, it’s possible they have. But they have no professional relationship.
And Dumbfuck took it a stage further, a guy, who once worked for the brother of a guy who quit the “brothers” lobbying firm in 1993 and went on to NOT be the COS to Obama did something that was likely not illegal. They didn’t even get the right Podesta. (Mike Rogers! Yaaaaargh!)
Piddles’ link asserts WaPo = CCP.
Again, timeline.
John Podesta mentioned in Piddles’ link left The Podesta Group in 1993(!)
Neal No longer worked at WaPo and hadn’t for 9 years from when he was named principle by TONY Podesta to the Podesta Group, 23 years after John Podesta had left the firm to pursue other things like COS to the Clinton White House.
WaPo wasn’t owned by Bezos until 6 years AFTER Neal was no longer with the paper and had moved in those years from journalist to lobbyist.
John Podesta was never Obama White House COS.
Tony Podesta was never involved in either the Clinton or Obama White House.
Tony Podesta left the firm under a well deserved cloud in 2017.
A 2019 disclosure form by Neal, 26 years after John Podesta left the firm, 12 years after Neal left WaPo and two years after Tony Podesta left the firm PROVES that Neal and Bezos are in league with the Chinese for some reason that happens in the mind of a blogger by the name of Natalie Winters and edited by the former head of Breitbart News London.
That’s a fine set of connections they put together that Piddles needed to pass along here.
And Dumbfuck though it was good enough too.
How’s that boot taste, Piddles?
Too Damn Funny.
@171 Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck grieving the loss of another low-wage business. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of mindless herd behavior, whether propagated by social media or through some other medium. But let’s be clear: What he’s grieving isn’t the business per se, but the low wage jobs. The loss of so many low wage jobs is more than he can bear.
She followed Trump’s advice to the letter: Went to church, didn’t wear a mask, didn’t social distance, and took hydroxchloroquine. But she died anyway. And she was only 17.
I guess God isn’t on Trump’s side.
She followed Trump’s advice to the letter: Went to church, didn’t wear a mask, didn’t social distance, and took hydroxchloroquine. But she died anyway. And she was only 17.
I guess God isn’t on Trump’s side.
Millions of working poor families are about to be faced with rent evictions and homelessness because of the Trump Clap Plague, and all The Q Clearance Pussy cares about is the Denver “yoga community”.
Signalling. But certainly not virtue.
Is there no safe place left to be a huge bigot?
I think what needs to be understood here is that there are obviously a great many white folks all over the world who, whenever they are under a little stress or perhaps a little disinhibited by a couple of drinks, are comfortable exercising some low-key racial or ethnic hostility to take the edge off. This isn’t something that Trump or the GOP created. Ask any person of color you know. They’ve faced some of it long before Trump came along.
And honestly it isn’t as though phone cameras changed everything. They’ve been around longer than Trump and BLM too. But what has changed is people, the culture, and the general sense among civilized, decent members of an enlightened society that this stuff is wrong. Wrong in a way that transcends privilege and status and exposes anyone who engages in it to ruinous scorn and social destruction. This guy should have known better.* You can literally see him sitting there making up his mind.
And what that tells us is that lots of people just like him still don’t get it. And Trump is responsible for some part of that. That’s why this wank stain invokes Trump once he makes his mind up. On some fucked up level he thinks this sudden cultural awareness of bigotry will pass and in its wake will come some huge reckoning for liberals. But the thing is this really does transcend the boundaries of political ideology.
The overwhelming majority of us, regardless of our politics, do not want to be this guy. Whatever his status, his wealth, or his privilege may be, it’s swept away and corrupted by the ugliness of his bigotry. People like this are the “out-group” now.
And that “out-group” includes Trump and nearly all of the GOP.
*He’ll be removed by his board of investors before the week is out. He’ll probably be offered a time limited chance at a buyout. Nobody will ever invest a dime with him ever again.
Here is her “blessed screed on how BLM looks at you white dummocretins.Sweetness! White ppl are recessive genetic defects! Very apparent here on assesHorse! Just read their mentally deficient comments!
Try Toronto. See @178 for BLM’s view of you dot bombed!
senile idiot wabbit, what other conditions did she have? What comorbidities did this poor girl have?
Don’t look this way per the senile idiot wabbit, look the other way.
Seems friends of dot bombed got caught by the Feds.
Now we see the cancel culture is attacking one of their heroes, Noam Chomsky! How fast they turn on their own!
None of that spew is working.
The overwhelming majority of voters in this year’s elections have simply become sickened by all the hatred and bigotry.
And Trump has chosen the side of bigotry.
Better call Putin.
The ones that could have been greatly mitigated by doing all these things your hero president and her state governor downplayed.
Take the virus seriously (“It’s a Democrat Hoax” Feb, 28, 2020)
Don’t go to large public gatherings. Close churches and avoid worship in large groups . (“At my direction the Centers for Disease control is issuing guidance for communities of faith…Today I am identifying Houses of Worship, Chruches, Synagogue (sic) and Mosques as essential places that provide essential services….I call upon governors to allow our Churches and places of worship to open right now” May 22, 2020)
Wear A Mask if you have to go out, more applies to the people the young woman came in contact with than herself but Christian compassion for the high risk citizens clearly stops where the freedom from mask begins. Gospel of Luke I think is where you can find unencumbered nostrils. (“Masks are a double-edged sword, People touch them. And they grab them and I see it all the time. They come in, they take the mask. Now they’re holding it now in their fingers. And they drop it on the desk and then they touch their eye and they touch their nose. No, I think a mask is a — it’s a double-edged sword.” (June 19th, 2020, multitude of public appearances from April-present while not wearing a mask.)
“Her fault, she was frail. It’s her fault. Praise my lord. I’m a Christian.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
In no time at all they’ll be selling tickets to candle light vigils in her honor, launching gofundmes for shrines to memorialize her sacrifice, selling veladoras featuring her beatified image, and guiding sweaty hordes of maskless wheezing Trumpalo pilgrims along the stations of her progress toward an early grave.
I’m pretty sure you can’t shame these people with their cruelty and indifference.
You just can’t help being spoon fed an opinion from a nutjob blog can you. Gatewaypundit….really?
Let’s see who all these leftists are according to Piddles…
Eight Twitter users.
With about 80k followers combined. (0.02% of the American population assuming, and that’s a big assumption, that there are no duplicate followers and every single one of them is an American.)
One of them with 35 followers.
And the one GatewayPutz says is the most salient and cutting crackback….. 311 followers
The fun thing about Twitter is it’s searchable by keyword and hashtag so people who used to have an audience of whoever is in shouting distance of a particular streetcorner can now be quoted in a “paper” like GatewayPundit.
California gets an ad:
The winery and farm (google @DevinCow) owned by Devin Nunez got $1M in PPP funds.
Wonder how that will sit with employees of the Visalia Tuesday Morning store that closed due to Covid-19. Or the positive employees at Target. The Jostens ring factory employees? The positive employees at FoodMaxx?
If those suckers hadn’t been wage earners and had access to Congressional level info on when and how to file for funds….
@177 Context: The Chan family was enjoying a birthday party at the Lucia Restaurant & Bar in Carmel, California, when Solid8 CEO Michael Lofthouse “told the family to ‘go back to whatever f—ing Asian country you’re from,'” flips them off, and says “Trump’s going to f— you.” Then, “Lofthouse then starts to stand up and says, ‘You f—ers need to leave.’ A waitress orders Lofthouse not to talk to guests like that, but he responds: ‘F—ing Asian piece of shit.'”
The UK publication Daily Mail identified Lofthouse as ” the British CEO and founder of tech company Solid8.”
Another source said he lives in San Francisco, described Solid8 as a “tech consulting company,” and says he immigrated to the U.S. in 2010.
Roger Rabbit Suggestion: If we’re going to kick immigrants out, let’s start with him. If we need to reduce the immigrant population in the U.S., I say the Chans stay and he goes.
As an Asian-hating Trumper, though, he might not be welcome in Canada, though:
“PALO ALTO, U.S. — Just days after Donald Trump issued an executive order suspending new work visas issuances for the rest of the year, his counterpart to the north was rolling out the welcome mat to foreign talent.
“‘If you don’t want to go to the [U.S.], come to us, we will take you,’ Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told audiences of the online Collision tech conference last month.
“Canada, like many countries with ambitions of fostering their own vibrant tech hubs, is attempting to attract highly skilled professionals with a friendly immigration system — and conditions in the U.S. could prove to be their most powerful recruiting tool.
“‘If you want to bring someone in to work in your company at a certain high-tech job or a high-value job, we’ll give you a visa in two weeks to get them to come in,’ Trudeau said. ‘Regardless of what happens in the United States, Canada continues to be welcoming and excited about people coming to Canada.'”
@178 I certainly don’t dispute that some white people are mentally deficient. https://tinyurl.com/ych8f6fn
But I wouldn’t rule out some black people being mentally deficient, either. You, for example.
It doesn’t seem to be a racial thing. It’s more of a psychosis thing.
@184 The lunatic @180 probably also thinks Breonna Taylor died from diabetes and the police bullets pumped into her were, at most, “comorbidities” that aggravated her preexisting conditions.
They promise to hire back all the hookers and drug couriers at the end of this month. You can count on it.
She said all you whitey are deficient senile idiot wabbit. She said nothing about blacks being mentally deficient. That’s the BLM way!
Senility aside, you gotsza read carefully!
You typical libtard California CEO spewing trash about Trump.
True feeling from disturbed mentally deficient white dummocretins in power.