Good morning to Burien, who are building supportive housing to move people out of homelessness. It is a regional problem, and requires a push from the entire region. I am heartened to see it go forward despite vocal opposition.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
My president is an imbecile.
Ever wonder what a “conservative” authoritarian security state ideal really looks like?
A sovereign state with hyper-militarized borders, severe press restrictions, aggressive interventions into personal individual freedoms, and vigorous ethno-nationalism?
The swelling in Chris Rock’s face this morning is reminiscent of the swelling in Juanita Broaddrick’s face the morning after she was raped and assaulted by then-governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton, who subsequently became better known as the husband of failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
You’d better get some ice on that. Chris.
@ 2
A sovereign state with hyper-militarized borders, severe press restrictions, aggressive interventions into personal individual freedoms, and vigorous ethno-nationalism?
Sounds like the barriers erected around the Capitol building before this year’s SOTU address.
Offering to buy Greenland?
Or ordering a nuclear strike on an Atlantic storm system?
Half a million of your fellow “conservatives” are now dead because of “Teh Savvy”.
Nothing a nice, stiff, sustained increase in mortgage interest rates won’t fix.
Call it the Biden solution to high home prices.
This morning I boosted the rent on one of my SFR properties by $75/month. First increase since they moved in, mid-2018. I thought it was mid-2019 until I reviewed old correspondence.
I was going to raise rents in 2020 but held off during the early phases of the pandemic. That was probably a mistake. The increase in property taxes since they moved in will cat up more than half of that rent increase. Also up: insurance, accounting fees, travel costs for maintenance and repairs…
Not much to complain about, really. Zillow’s estimate for value of the property is up 6.3% just in the past month.
One other possibility seems to exist:
Neither event is of any importance.
And not only will Degen have wasted his morning violently masturbating to looped GIFs of one Black celebrity slapping another, but he will have wasted the last five years fruitlessly conjuring outrage against Clintons,
@ 5
Half a million of your fellow “conservatives” are now dead because of “Teh Savvy”.
More than that number of your taken-for-granted Latino voters will instead support the GOP because of First Vegetable Joe Biden.
In a decade or less, instead of cheering on the growing Latino percentage of Texas residents, Democrats will be bemoaning it.
Eastman get’s privilege over just 10% of the coup materials sought by the House:
Along the way, and certainly not for nothing, a federal judge just ruled that TFG “more likely than not” is an unindicted felon:
Shortly after, President Trump rang Vice President Pence and once again urged him “to make the call” and enact the plan. Just before the Joint Session of Congress began, President Trump gave a speech to a large crowd on the Ellipse in which he warned, “[a]nd Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you’re not, I’m going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now.” President Trump ended his speech by galvanizing the crowd to join him in enacting the plan: “[L]et’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” to give Vice President Pence and Congress “the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
Together, these actions more likely than not constitute attempts to obstruct an official proceeding.
And we still get to subpoena a “conservative” Justice’s loud, fat wife.
My president is an imbecile.
“Obviously, quite different than what the president said.”
3. Please spend your limited brain sugars obsessing over past imagined grievances and we will work on electing more and better Democrats. Its a fair trade.
@ 11
Together, these actions more likely than not constitute attempts to obstruct an official proceeding.
Never go full Anna Diggs Taylor.
Side note: Until today I did not know that she was black.
Said no Ted Cruz.
h/t Middle Aged Riot.
Last night I wrote that Smith hits like YLB. Others feel similarly:
“Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth”.
Said no Ted Cruz.
“Keep my husband’s penis out of your fucking mouth.”
Said Hillary Clinton, so many times she recites it in her sleep.
Said Michelle Obama, to Vera Baker.
Questions asked by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit when he thinks nobody is listening:
Do I need to file a tax return if most of my income is Social Security?
@3 Well, let’s see what Rock and Broaddrick might have in common.
Rock, unlike Broaddrick, has witnesses.
Rock, unlike Broaddrick, hasn’t signed a sworn affidavit for use in court stating it never happened.
Rock, unlike Broaddrick, isn’t a Trumper.
Rock, unlike Broaddrick, isn’t an object of Doctor Dumbfuck’s lust.
Conclusion: Rock and Broaddrick have nothing in common.
@19 If I followed your investing advice, I wouldn’t have to file tax returns. If I followed your tax advice, I’d be in jail.
@7 I won’t go into the manifold reasons why I’d rather be a shareholder than a slumlord.
I just noticed that Ginni Thomas is taller than Ron DeSantis.
And yet somehow they weight the same.
Next time I watch Bad Boys, it’ll be Téa Leoni whose character is the tough guy.
There’s nothing tough about bitch-slapping. Smith should have stayed in his seat and yelled from there, or used a closed fist and shown some authority.
@ 23
I just noticed that Ginni Thomas is taller than Ron DeSantis.
And yet somehow they weight the same.
How does she compare to, say, Stacey Abrams? Since we’re talkin’ governors an’ all.
@23 Shit is denser than hot air.
Aww, lemme answer my own @ 25 question:
Ginni Thomas:
height 1.75 m
weight 80 kg, or about 176 pounds
Stacey Abrams:
height 1.6 m
weight 115 kg, or about 253 pounds
Now, I know yer all thinkin’ it, so I went ahead and found the answer. A side of beef weighs 400-500#. So calling Abrams a fat cow is politically but not physiologically accurate.
I know what else yer all thinkin’, and she looks fatter than that to me, too.
I’d like to thank QoS McHillbilly for startin’ it.
The prospects for peace don’t look great when one side poisons the other side’s peace negotiators. Got a go-between, too.
@27 You’re so weightless gravity doesn’t know you exist.
The prospects for peace @ 28 don’t look great, either, when the Leader of the Free World calls the other side’s leader a “murderous dictator”, a “pure thug”, and a “war criminal”.
My president is an imbecile. And a one-termer.
Yabbut did it weigh more than Stacey Abrams’ heart does?
Stacey Abrams’ obesity @ 25, 27 is why Joe Biden invited her, then hung her out to dry during that 2020 Lawrence O’Donnell interview.
Food for thought:
Same way we all have to worry about how Senate Judiciary Committee hearings are going to go after what Kavanaugh endured.
@30 This president tells the truth.
@ 34
Funny. This president can’t tell the time.
Two United States Senators to zero by my count.
But at least Ginni Thomas brought us Nick Fuentes (via Charlie Kirk). Which isn’t nothing.
Heads Democrats win.
Tails Republicans lose.
Who’s this “we”? Dan White with a Twinkie in his pocket?
I guess Democrats can “worry” the next time a Democratic President nominates a beer drunk, gambling addicted, gang-rapist with a fascination for bumping lines out of a hooker’s asshole.
Last night I
wrotefantasized some boring shit that Smith hits like YLB.And I responded that kreepee widbee dimfuk defends mary kay’s honor by hanging her out to dry..
Oh not deliberately by any means, just by being stupid.
@ 36
Two United States Senators to zero by my count.
We can count again on the first Wednesday in November. Although you’re largely correct about that.
I am so proud of Bill for his strength and courage as he stares down accusations that he fucked minor girls on Jeffrey Epstein’s island. What an unshakingly faithful husband!
6:52AM . 2024 Announcement Day
Why doesn’t YLB make bald jokes about Jada Pinkett Smith or Ayanna Presley?
Personally, I would have liked to see Chris Rock ask Jada Pinkett Smith if the carpet matches the drapes.
@41 Looks like you just did @42. If Will Smith books a flight to SeaTac and hires a Uber to Whidbey Island, you’d better leave town for a while. He’ll probably use a closed fist with brass knuckles on you, and he’d get a medal instead of censure, because everybody in the world will think you deserved it.
What do Putin and Doctor Dumbfuck have in common? A lot, it seems.
Putin underestimated Ukraine’s army and overrated his own.
Doctor Dumbfuck underestimates GMan’s AGI and my investments, and overrates his own.
Both come off looking foolish if not downright silly.
And every two years thereafter unless and until Ginni Thomas and all Degen’s other sedition friends ever manage to succeed in “saving” America from democracy.
It wasn’t really America she, Mark Meadows, and a thousand fat cosplaying grandmothers were trying to save.
It was “conservatism”.
And they failed.
Why doesn’t YLB make bald jokes about Jada Pinkett Smith or Ayanna Presley?
I only make them about stupid misogynist fucks…
who already admitted they’re bald.
You might be a girlie-girl, YLB, but you’re far from unique.
Most U.S. households paid no federal income tax last year: Report
The reason so many libbies want to tax the wealthy more heavily is because they and so many other libbies are on the dole.
YLB’s palm is the most suntanned part of her body.
@47 We paid federal income tax bald widbee kreepee dimfuk… 2021 will be our biggest bill yet.
Lemee offer up a repuke jerk who bragged it reformed taxes and took a lot of poors off the tax rolls:
“Packwood’s credentials are underscored by one of the few mementos on his walls: a 1986 letter from President Ronald Reagan congratulating him on passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
It is his most impressive achievement. It cut the number of tax rates from 13 to three, shifted more than $100 billion in tax liabilities from individuals to corporations, eliminated 6 million low-income Americans from the tax rolls and closed scores of tax loopholes.”
Yours truly remembers Packwood bragging about taking poor people off the tax rolls in a press conference and a young black woman in the same press conference lauded him for it.
Yes and Packwood was a sex addict who forced himself on countless women. Got reamed in public for it by no less than Moscow Mitch.
A “man” after dimfuk’s heart.
Criminal repuke Rick Scott wants to tax teh poors.. That does more for dimfuk than anything it can buy at the affirm clinic.
Found it:!
Skip to 16:45
A member of ACORN.. heh.
Why the fuck am I having trouble commenting using an IPad?
Is it the site?
God Bless President Joeseph Biden!
In dedication to Puffy and his gay family members.
Is that AGI math at work @7? Or you just trying to brag an boast to all the you are a slum lord?
Bob, feels the same way, but only about his horses name.
Bob is bald? Hahahaha! What a Putin lover loser and failure
He’s a fool. He should keep his bald ass head up his ass.
@ 50
Why the fuck am I having trouble commenting using an IPad?
Because you infected it with the HiPadV virus, G-clown.
Subtract his doll hair-plugs and I have significantly more hair than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
I also have significantly more teeth than ol’ Choppers McJoe.
@59 but you’re a bigger loser
@59 dimfuk is put out to pasture, not old enough to get a SS check and it disses an elderly guy pulling down a paycheck doing a thankless job.
How “ageist”.. wtf is it doin’ w/ mary kay?? was it just teh fookin’ muneee??
..bald asshole..
57% of U.S. households paid no federal income tax in 2021, compared with 44% the previous year,
pandemic.. asshole…
In 2020, a little more than 54 percent of Americans had an annual household income that was less than 75,000 U.S. dollars.
Oh but that’s not all..
The median household income decreased for the first time in five years to 67,521 U.S. dollars in 2020.
Americans got poorer. but dimfuk kept up its streak since swallowing teh bonzo’s raygun of getting greedier and more stupid.
Living alone, day drinking, prematurely removed from the workplace, lacking any healthy daily routine…
…statistically low probability Degen will ever live to be as old, as accomplished, or as smart as President Biden is today.
@47 Federal income tax is only one slice of the pie. Those households still pay FICA taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, motor vehicle taxes, gas taxes, property taxes, and a host of other taxes. They would be surprised to learn they’re “on the dole.”
I’ll tell you who’s on the dole: Capitalists like you and me who don’t work but still get paid with profits from other people’s labor. You have a good thing going, dumbfuck. I wouldn’t lean too hard on it, if I were you. That could screw it up for both of us.
@48 “Criminal repuke Rick Scott wants to tax teh poors.. That does more for dimfuk than anything it can buy at the affirm clinic.”
Every Republican wants to tax the poor. They believe hard work, military service, and paying taxes builds character. They also believe they don’t need any character because they’ve got money.
Republicans are a bunch of bigots. Racists, and Anti Semites. And a bunch of homophobes.
May all these Nazis fucking get hit by a bus and die one day.
Fuck you MTG, you horse faced ugly miserably snowflake bitch, can’t get laid, can you?
For all of those cheering for Will Smith, for all who defended that hit, when they or their spouse or their kids gets slugged, or jumped or stabbed or shot because they said something and someone else took offense, they can’t get upset about it. They approved of that behavior.
If nothing else, Mr. Smith’s accountants know it was wrong.
From this day forward all of his insurance costs have doubled. Completion bonding for his films and television productions, liability insurance, security, all of it. And there is not one single producing partner or other investor who will not demand that it all come out of his end. As it should.
@ 68
If nothing else, Mr. Smith’s accountants know it was wrong.
Not much of a market for movie heroes who slap with an open hand. So girlish.
I mean, how many tickets can YLB’s panhandling really purchase?
The world was treated to RT black-on-black violence Sunday night. Just as Hollywood turned a blind eye to Weinstein because he employed or otherwise enriched so many of them, the Academy will turn a blind eye to Will Smith’s girlish overreaction to Rock’s joke because it will increase gossip and viewership next year.
It’s the same way Democrats got themselves Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Damn you $15 minimum wage!
‘froggy’s $32.25/hr will be a joke soon enough. Fight for $35!
Read elsewhere:
“[T]he cloud” really just means “someone else’s hard drive.”
YLB will be the first to point out that work is a four-letter word.
Another poll, this time Harvard-Harris, has First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval rating in the 30s.
Just wait until the inflation numbers from March come out.
The seven hour and thirty seven minute gap in the White House switchboard phone logs and daily diary for then President Donald Trump on January 6th of last year is probably a ticket to jail for someone. Who those someones might be, and how serious the criminal charges remains unknown for now, owing mostly to how the gap in records came into existence.
It is certainly possible to establish that there are records missing in the period described by the gap. Whether those records were later removed, or whether those records were never created to begin with will determine how much trouble White House employees are in over this. But since this gap has been known about by the committee since January, it can be safely assumed that it constitutes the full record as produced to the National Archives by the Trump administration (including those records that were physically torn up and then later reconstructed using tape), and that a more painstaking forensic reconstruction has been underway since that time.
I’ve learned never to underestimate the brazen stupidity of the political operators in Trumpworld. So my assumption for the time being is that the House has or is obtaining a contemporaneous constructive record for the gap assembled from other sources. The more critical issue pertains to how the gap came into being and of course why it came into being. Altering or destroying such a record is a serious felony under these circumstances. Two or more persons entering into an agreement to do that would constitute a criminal conspiracy under federal law. So there’s strong reason to believe that before this is over some more players will be taken off the board.
But almost more significant is how such a conspiracy would clearly demonstrate knowing intent with respect to obstruction and knowing criminal culpability with respect to the effort to overturn the election results. Obstruction and fraud are both intent crimes. And so far as allegations that the White House was engaged in a conspiracy to defraud by interfering with the electoral count and creating a fraudulent set of alternate electoral certificates, it has been a key defense offered by Trump supporters that the targeted efforts represent nothing more than perfectly innocent and legal channels for challenging an election.
Altering or destroying the records of those efforts renders that claim entirely without merit. It provides the compelling evidence of criminal intent and a guilty mind that is often a significant stumbling block in cases of political corruption and fraud such as this. The innocent do not destroy evidence. And when they get caught doing so it quite often turns an investigation into a prosecution.
Richard Nixon knows.
Thank God and God Bless President Joe Biden. Not a Putin Puppet like the FuckHump and his groupies!
POS assholes they are. Nazi fucks.
I really don’t care either way if Will Smith or Chris Rock (whom I met in a standup gig before he became famous in Glastonbury CT in a place that probably sat 50-100 people – I knew then that he was funny as fuck) was right or wrong.
But what I find interesting is those that think Will Smith was in the right are the same people that think boycotting a comedian for insensitive jokes said against a minority group is bad. Bunch of hypocrites, but we’ve always known that.
Modern “conservatives” are simply incapable of exposing any of their number, no matter how despicable, to any consequences:
The beauty of this is that it is a self-licking ice cream cone essential to the inevitable collapse of “conservatism”. By their own actions (and inactions) they have made their position so precarious that they simply can’t afford to cast aside even the most odious of fellow travelers. Yet by continuing to provide a safe haven for the worst possible human beings, they guarantee that their political fate remains increasingly precarious.
Case in point will be when Matt Gaetz is indicted for child rape about two weeks after he secures the nomination for reelection to his House seat. Kevin McCarthy’s stunned confusion over being replaced by Gym Jordan will be another.
Will Smith tried to cancel Chris Rock and those fucks loved it.
Biden’s FY 2023 budget indicates that the DOJ will be moving into a new phase of work, with the addition of 80 new Assistant United States Attorneys investigating the January 6 Republican terror attack on the Capitol, a 160% increase in the number of attorneys working on the investigations.
How those positions are filled and where they are assigned will tell us a lot about where Garland is focusing in the coming year. But with the referrals from the House investigation, and the development of document production a year late from the Trump administration and other subpoenas, it is likely these new transfer/hires will be focusing on White House employees and outside organizers.
@ 76
…those that think Will Smith was in the right are the same people that think boycotting a comedian for insensitive jokes said against a minority group is bad.
Those are not necessarily contrary positions. It’s not a boycott to give the comedian a black eye, and then let him go on with his routine. A boycott would be to prevent him from performing in the future.
Chris Rock’s stock rose Sunday night. Like the dick of the 14 year-old you sucked over the weekend it rose, G-clown.
74)Nixon only has an 18 and a half minute gap.
NYAG’s brief in response to Trump appeal of order to provide depositions asserts ten years of fraudulent financial statements, supported by sworn interviews with over 40 individuals directly involved and “hundreds of thousands of documents” either describing or corroborating the fraud.
And to think he’s less than 24 months away from securing his party’s nomination.
“Conservatism” consumes itself.
The Smith/Rick episode at the Oscars is of no importance.
That should be “Rock,” not “Rick.”
You think Trump being 24 months away from being the nomination is a surprise? Heck no, the GOP embraces assholes like him. Heck, they even sent David Duke to the Louisiana State House.
Not surprised.
But absolutely delighted.
Delighted to be alive to watch it all unfold. Delighted to witness them destroying themselves while I happily look on munching popcorn and giggling at the spectacle of it. Most of all delighted that it has all come about in such a way that they themselves are mostly unable to see it, and thus unable to avoid it. The partisan cultural commitment that is now required of them to maintain connections in social media spaces, in curated news media spaces, and within supportive social networks prevents them form observing their own political self-destruction, even as those same social and media networks drive them to greater acts of self-destruction.
It’s a thing of supreme grandeur and beauty. But of course also potentially dangerous. Like watching a volcanic eruption. Best done from a safe distance.
@72 “YLB will be the first to point out that work is a four-letter word.”
For you it is. For all that society invested in your medical education, it’s currently getting back nothing. Which is just as well.
@73 The worst that can happen to Joe in 2024 is go into a comfortable retirement. Trump could have a less comfortable retirement. You’re spending your retirement shoveling horse shit.
The Biden Crime Family dogma lives large within y’all, libbies.
Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden
Ginni Thomas matters. So does First Vegetable Joe Biden’s POS surviving son.
@ 88
@73 The worst that can happen to Joe in 2024 is go into a comfortable retirement.
If he makes it to 2024, the worst that can happen to First Vegetable Joe Biden is to be twenty-fifted by his cabinet and tossed into memory care by Jill, in time for Momala to take her turn as a failed Democrat president for several months before losing in a landslide to Ron DeSantis.
Biden is fading quickly. Watch some video from 2020, and compare it to today, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The slap isn’t.
The standing ovation from the members of the Academy that followed is very important, imho. Important and absolutely disgraceful to the industry and the institution of the awards.
I mean, how many tickets can YLB’s panhandling really purchase?
I don’t bother much w/ movies these days kreepee bald dimfuk.. My “panhandle” has to foot my FIT bill come april 15.
Your white privilege isn’t taxed.. Feels good gettin’ that “free stuff” don’t it? heh..
It’s really not possible for any of us to watch any video with the same partisan cultural commitment as Degen or any other ardent Trump supporter.
In the same way we can’t help but conclude that Biden won the election, that Trump conspired with Congressional Republicans to unlawfully prevent the electoral count, that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, and that Trump proudly bragged to a bus load of total strangers about his history of violent sexual assaults, we will never be able to view the Biden presidency the way Degen or any other degenerate Trump-adoring “conservative” does.
There’s really no point in trying.
I found myself coming to this realization over the weekend while trying to understand some of the truly bizarre use of capitalization in the Ginni Thomas texts to Mark Meadows. It stood out to me as something remarkable and entirely unique (in my experience) owing to the obvious intent behind it. She was typing on a iPhone keyboard using her text messaging app. Caps are all intentional, and require specific extra effort. And hers are, at least to my mind, weird and unique in a way that I thought might be revealing.
Example (one of many): “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!…You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”
There are lots of others. All seemingly just as random.
I quickly realized that however deliberate and intentional this shit may be, and simply incapable of happening inadvertently, it’s a product of a closed society of partisan cultural commitment that as a Democrat, a liberal, and a modern progressive, I’ll never have access to or insight into. Call it a cult if you like. But whatever it is, it defines a unique and highly distorted world view produced by a restrictive set of rules the rest of us don’t follow, and really don’t even know about.
We’ve all stood by and watched over the last five years as Degen has gradually morphed into this unrecognizable partisan freak moving further and further beyond the reach of reason and objectively verifiable reality. Whether or not this is a cult is irrelevant insofar as it functions the same way. We aren’t going to be able to see things from Degen’s perspective any more than we could ever see things from the perspective of a Manson Family member.
The seven hour and thirty seven minute gap in the White House switchboard phone logs and daily diary for then President Donald Trump on January 6th of last year is probably a ticket to jail for someone.
kreepshit dimfuk is rootin’ for a pardon..
by “dishonest harvard fat boy” desatanist…
That wasn’t my point – a “boycot” My point is that Dumbfucks like you are a bunch of Neanderthals, and hypocritical. You felt that Will was in the right for being insulted or taking offense to what was said about his wife, yet if the joke was about someone in the margins and they were offended then you’d cry about them taking offense to the joke, and you would say it was just a joke. You cant say it was just a joke but the support the individual taking the action that Will Smith took. It’s hypocritical and it’s being a Jeckle and Hyde. See at 78
But you failed to get to hat point because you had 14 year old penis on your mind, like a good Repuke fuck.
I bet Chris no longer makes jokes about the Smiths, so yes he does prevent him from performing in that nature in the future.
Once again, Dumbfuck is a Dumbfuck. But we all know that.
The Will Smith supporters supporting a Cancel Culture. Not unlike trying to cancel the freedoms of African Americans, gay Americans, etc.
Apparently your Dumbfuck buddy was right on cue commenting about it, as if he feels it is of importance
Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth….that’s not a command to cease and dismiss,
Boy Bob is truly a Dumbfuck
Sadly too true.
The party of “Whatever it takes and we all get pardons next time” is the newest grift.
Think about the hundreds of Trumpers going to jail just from Jan 6th. Not one single pardon in the bunch. No pardons for HeeHawley or Gym. No pardons for Gaetz or even for Meadows. Gotta keep them all properly motivated.
That’s the insidious thing about these kinds of social conspiracies. Once you are in them you can never get out. Like the Skull and Bones hazing rituals from the good old days. Once a roomful of future Senators and CEOs have seen you suck a dick or take a toilet plunger up the ass, they kinda own you.
Now Trump owns them all. Including DeSatan.
@83 Nor is a troll who can’t type “Rock.”
The world was treated to RT black-on-black violence Sunday night.
The attendees of the weekly pissing kontest at teh widbee vip lounge are regularly treated to RT white-on-white violence..
quien es mas klownservatic???
two greedee fux beat each other over differences measured in nano-bux.
I wish I could find the fight scene between Lloyd and Walker on Yellowstone.. No one’s uploaded it. krap..
@ 91
Important and absolutely disgraceful to the industry and the institution of the awards.
I disagree. Here I am willing to cut a little slack to the Academy.
The last movie I saw was No Time To Die. Before that it was Greyhound. It’s possible I will never spend a dime in a movie theater again. Not likely, but possible. There’s only one on the south end of Whidbey Island, for one thing. So I don’t follow this shit.
That having been said, it was, what, two years ago that there weren’t any black nominees for… whatever, and the Academy was criticized for that? Sunday they have a well-liked black guy with a decent chance to win, and someone in the Academy must have been made aware during the short period between slap and award that it was gonna be Smith.
Do they kick him out immediately before announcing the winner of one of the three top honors bestowed each year? A black man who did, justifiably or not, act in response to the disrespect directed so publicly at his wife?
Tough call. We’re fewer than 24 months removed from George Floyd’s death. The Academy would have been criticized no matter how it responded. I suppose it might have been better had Smith’s victory been announced following his enforced departure, with some words of eloquence from the Academy president accepting the award on Smith’s behalf while forcefully rejecting violence in all of its forms and for all of its reasons.
My guess is that when Smith received the award, the Academy was still trying to determine whether what they witnessed was real or staged.
Way to do your fucking job, Chris Rock. That was truly impressive.
Just looked It reports the US broke one million deaths..
from “teh wuhan”..
How many of those deaths didn’t have to happen but because of always wrong wing horseshit?
but because of a vain, serial rapeshit, orange asshole hijacked the highest office in land?
but because of Tucker asswipe Carlson?
but.. heh.. some deranged babbling from a kreepshit troll from widbee said more or less that’s all good for my kids..
wow.. how “hi iq” is that?
All 4 of us are “wuhan” free..
@ 96
I bet Chris no longer makes jokes about the Smiths, so yes he does prevent him from performing in that nature in the future.
You might as well wager that comedians won’t make jokes about Louis CK.
I bet Chris Rock earns millions because of what happened and, yes, absolutely he will make jokes about the Smiths. Lots of them. It will be expected.
See Richard Pryor’s “Have a Coke and a smile and STFU” routine.
See Kathy Griffin’s spots on Seinfeld.
Grim milestone alert @ 102.
It’s too bad, really, that RBG didn’t die directly from The Wuhan. It would have given y’all HA libbies more ammo to use against ACB.
I suppose it might have been better had Smith’s victory been announced following his enforced departure, with some words of eloquence from the Academy president accepting the award on Smith’s behalf while forcefully rejecting violence inof its forms and for all of its reasons.
Hollywood makes violent movies and tv dumbass. People eat it up. and Hollywood makes lotsa muneee..
So the academy gets to be all self-righteous when Will Smith hits Chris Rock “like a girl”?
As mentioned above, Will Smith’s mistake is gonna cost him. ’nuff said.
white kreepshit pleez..
It’s too bad, really, that RBG didn’t die directly from The Wuhan. It would have given y’all HA libbies more ammo to use against ACB.
Love this word salad..
Too bad we aren’t in an alternative universe where there’s a Senator koo-koo Karsen from Florida and it asks ACB if she takes orders from the “whore of babylon”..
babblin’ butthole would still be here and we’d have yet another great laugh at its expense.
Okay Boomer.
What the fuck does that have to do with Hollywood or AMPAS?
It’s possible the 7 – 1/2 hour gap is not remarkable. It’s possible that logs and daily diaries from the Trump administration are routinely littered with similar large gaps in legally required record keeping. The House will have to perform a forensic examination of some kind of statistical sampling of logs and diaries to know.
But if it should turn out to be the case that the 7 – 1/2 hour gap on January 6th of last year is unique and particularly unusual, then the House will have to go farther to determine how the gap came into existence, who knew about it, and why it was created.
The bombshell in Watergate that destroyed Nixon and blew open the corruption of the GOP was the discovery of the existence of the recorded eavesdropping which could either prove or disprove Nixon’s claims of innocence.
The existence of this gap in normal record keeping could disprove Trump White House claims of innocence in their planning of the attempted coup.
What it means is Bob isn’t going to spend a penny for any movies for theaters because 1) he can’t take his horse (unless it is at the drive-in on Whidbey and the horse is in his trailer) 2) Hollywood and the AMPAS won’t make bestiality movies.
Living alone, day drinking, prematurely removed from the workplace, lacking any healthy daily routine…
The low IQ twit traitor does shovel horseshit. Makes him feel like a real man. Same as when he comes here and calls someone a “girly-girl”. He believes writing stupid shit like that makes him sound manly.
There’s a very sad, though simple explanation for why he tries so hard to come off as being a manly man in his comments here. Not one person in his miserable, pathetic low IQ life has ever seen him as being that way. Ever.
It was.manly man Nazis who took turns with Steve’s mother.
Steve grew up with the smell of Thunderbird mixed with Chanel No. 5 permeating his mother’s hair on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
@101 “The Academy would have been criticized no matter how it responded.”
They’ll assign it to a committee, who’ll issue a report a year later, and then vote to take no further action.
Just like the South Dakota legislature.
@102 Look at the bright side, these days most of them are Trumpsters.
@107 He’s not a Boomer, he’s Gen X.
It was.manly man Nazis who took turns with Steve’s mother.
When I imagine the low IQ dumbfuck typing the words “girly-girl”, I don’t picture a manly man. Rather, in my mind’s eye I see a decidedly unmanly creep wearing a woman’s wig, dress and way too much makeup, especially with the orange rouge caking his white cheeks. And the red lipstick smeared on his mouth?? OMG! Nice touch.
And to think that our low IQ traitor wonders why he and his 8,000 pro-Putin hashtags stink of borscht.
Kremlin TV Hopes Russia’s Unhinged Ukraine War Claim Will Help Re-Elect Trump
“Things were so good under Trump… Listen to Trumpushka.” After playing a clip of Trump’s interview with Sean Hannity, wherein the former president dismissed the idea of helping Ukraine fight off Russian aggression, Soloviev sighed: “[He is] so sorely missed.”
Our low IQ traitor misses him, too.