I was unaware of the police officers on the University of Washington being different from Seattle Police. I don’t know if disbanding them would lead to SPD just taking over their role.
But disarming them seems like a good step, and I hope that happens. Also that the lawsuit gets resolved fairly, and the explicit racism isn’t ignored or swept up under the guise of training.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
I think it’s only fair that a perpetrator like the Boston Marathon bomber, on the run from police, be able to shoot and kill an unarmed university LEO.
I also think that the next time a shooting occurs on UW’s Red Square, the police be unarmed while they try to arrest the shooter. It’s only fair.
’cause we certainly wouldn’t want YLB’s kids, or cowards like them, triggered by the sight of a firearm on the utility belt of a university LEO.
Good call, Carl. It’s especially brave that you provide no justification for disarming university LEO.
I remember when Goldy brutalized the Times in his letter to the editor, in which he found fault with the concept of estate planning, because the planner was still breathing and therefore still capable of planning.
Dennis Praeger says the quiet part out loud:
“Young people are enamored with “anti-racist” rhetoric because they think they are fighting racist systems in America. The TRUTH is they are fighting America itself and the very values the country was founded on.”
Truly curious to see if Praeger takes this down and how soon. Might provide some indication of any self-awareness on the part of mainstream “conservatives” these days. Obviously Praeger is untroubled by any sense that the United States was founded on racist values… like slavery.
He’s proud of that fact.
I think that features very largely in the “conservative” mindset whenever they recruit appeals to “tradition” and “patriotism” in defense of inhumanity, cruelty, ignorance, and of course blatant racism. “Conservatives” in America essentially believe in and support racism as not just the system that supports their privileges and advantages, but also as an “American tradition”.
Yeah, Carl, the UW has its own cops. I remember watching them drag antiwar protesters out of a campus building amid a jeering crowd back in Nixon days.
The crowd didn’t attack the cops with spears and fire extinguishers, or chant “hang [the university president]”. All they did was boo.
I feel that I should clarify what the dumbfuck said @1, so there’s no ambiguity about this.
It’s the black cops on the U.W. police force he hates.
From news accounts at the time taken from official UW Police briefings:
“The suspect, along with another individual accompanying him, turned himself in to UW Police detectives some time after midnight Saturday.”
I keep telling you, police just don’t do what you think they do.
You should believe me.
Didn’t work in Wisconsin to prevent Act 10. Didn’t work in Texas to prevent the last redistricting.
Texas Democrats to flee state in effort to block GOP-backed voting restrictions
It sure makes Democrats look like unserious cowards. Small wonder YLB cheer-leads for them the way she does.
Is this a new Republican tactic? Hunt down Democrats wherever they gather, disrupt their gatherings, and physically attack them?
Maybe this is what they meant by “cival war.” This and post-election riots.
@5 “It’s the black cops on the U.W. police force he hates.”
Don’t forget the U,W. Police that are women, Dr. Dumbfuck hates them too. Especially them, the are women that have power.
Looks like the sanctions hearing for the Trump/KRAKEN attorneys has adjourned and it did not go well. Judge grilled them on due diligence and they all came up short.
Here’s how this works: you get mad about something and decide “I’ll sue!” You contact an attorney to see about representing you. Two things they look at immediately, really before they even listen to your stupid story. First is standing. Do you have legal standing to act as a plaintiff for whatever the fuck it is that you are mad about? In other words, are you the injured party? And second is jurisdiction. Are you in the right place/jurisdiction for the claim (of damages) to be contested? No to either one gets you a polite goodbye.
But assuming you get past those two prelim questions (and for the Trump lawyers and plaintiffs that’s a big assumption), and assuming the defendant denies your claim, then your prospective attorney is going to look at evidence supporting your claim. They are bound by law and oath to do so. They can’t merely take your word before they proceed to file (and begin billing for their time doing so). They are perfectly free to waste their own time. But not the time of the court. So they are obliged to examine whatever the fuck stupid shit you claim happened that left you feeling butt-hurt and “injured”. And that obligation includes a credible search for evidence. If there just isn’t any, even after a thorough search then that also gets you a polite goodbye.
But it’s often the case that, at least initially, your attorney will be relying on you for that evidence. Your neighbor builds a fence on your side of the lot line? Do you have a survey? You do? Your attorney is supposed to check that the survey is legit – at least make a phone call to the licensed surveyor, etc. You present your attorney with a fake survey as the basis for your claim, and they don’t even bother to verify it, they can get sanctioned.
That’s basically what happened in Michigan. The plaintiffs fabricated a bunch of shit as “evidence” and the attorneys went ahead and filed without checking on most of it. They should have. They all now admit that the “evidence” was garbage. And they all now admit that they would never have relied on it to file. But file they did. Even going so far as to file appeals. Mother. Fuck.
So they get pretty much exactly what they deserve.
And they really do deserve it. These are not strip-mall hacks. They absolutely knew better. That’s almost certainly why they didn’t bother to verify the evidence. They strongly suspected it was all bullshit. They deliberately kept themselves in the dark so they wouldn’t be facing even more serious sanctions and even possible disbarment.
@ 10
That’s basically what happened in Michigan. The plaintiffs fabricated a bunch of shit as “evidence” and the attorneys went ahead and filed without checking on most of it. They should have. They all now admit that the “evidence” was garbage. And they all now admit that they would never have relied on it to file. But file they did. Even going so far as to file appeals. Mother. Fuck.
At the prosecutorial level, this is what happened to Ted Stevens, too. And when the Obama FBI/DOJ wanted FISA warrants to listen in on American citizens.
When it happens to Republican victims, QoS McHillbilly sees nothing wrong with any of it.
The commonality is misconduct by persons who certainly know better.
Gabing’em by the Pussy!
How about that Biden Economy!
Best economy ever! 40,000.
Woke, woke, woke. Deficit, deficit, deficit!
@ 13
It will be at 30,000 before it’s at 40,000.
And then it will go to 40,000.
@14 After such a brilliant financial statement, greedy racist incel, you going explain how you think Japanese interment justified child labor? I think all of us would like to read your thought process.
Of course you’re wrong*. Again. As always. Why do any of us even bother? (Sometimes it’s funny)
Find a better example. They’re out there. And you could easily find them, too. But you are lazy. Lazy and stupid.
You couldn’t have always been this way. We know that. You fought your way past hundreds of thousands of other aspirants to get into and through medical school and into a favorable match. You once showed great promise. Now you just show us your ass.
You were warned, Tara.
You did this to yourself. Just like Trump.
*Brady rule violation. Very different thing.
I’ll offer you some possible insight into the Stevens prosecution, since it seems to be something that really sticks in your craw (man’s been dead for more than a decade – never made any difference to anything of import outside of his own state – also probably guilty as fuck).
Federal political corruption prosecutions are the smelly-dog-shit-on-your-shoe of the criminal division. They are not good for anyone’s career. The career line prosecutors (you’d call them DEEP STATE!!!!!) hate them because everyone in Washington has long memories and over the course of a thirty year career eventually some political appointee will come along seeking payback. And for the climbers who intend to use a few years in the criminal division to chalk up some “battles with narco-terrorists” it’s a time consuming diversion that alienates half the voters and donors you’ll one day be calling on in your run for Matt Gaetz’s House seat.
So guess which line prosecutors work these cases?
The fuckups.
NEWS FLASH! – Fuckups tend to fuck up.
Most recently annointed “Cofeve Boy”:
Allen Weisselberg
He should ask a friend to explain what “You’re fired!” means.
It means:
login credentials revoked;
email accounts closed and routed;
voice mail passwords revoked and accounts forwarded;
device accounts closed and devices bricked;
cloud accounts revoked;
passkeys inactivated;
cardkeys inactivated;
and finally it means the minute you even try to access any of it you are guilty of about fifty federal felonies.
I hope they do.
@ 19
He should ask a friend to explain what “You’re fired!” means.
Maybe instead he could ask Leandra English.
SCOTUS ultimately backed Trump.
If only your memory was as long as your rectal and urinary catheters, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I thought the GOP was supposed to be dead. Everyone on HA tells me the GOP is dead.
I’m informed by everyone on the left that Trump will have his hands full with bankruptcy and indictment and mid-70s age, and therefore won’t run for president in 2024. After all, everyone he employs will flip, amirite?
This is why the left is so desperate to take down DeSantis. Well, this and Kamaka Harris’ favorability polling.
@21 Off topic.
You don’t really think anybody here falls for your “don’t look here, look over there!” crap, do you?
Looks like Weisselberg’s goose is cooked. Innocent people don’t keep two sets of books.
Except Doctor Dumbfuck. There’s the spreadsheet he shows his wife. And there’s the brokerage statement he doesn’t show his wife. He’ll cover her credit card bills. Somehow. Until he can’t.
@23 I guess being a sycophant doesn’t pay, as Mike Pompeo, Don Jr., Ted Crud, Kristi Noem, Rand Paul, Tucker Carlson, Nikki Haley, Ben Carson, Mike Pence, Greg Abbott, and Josh Hawley are finding out.
As for Ivanka, she can take comfort from knowing every male Republican over age 12 wants to fuck her. Except maybe Jared. But including The Donald.
4)EWU has a small commissioned police force, hasn’t had too many controversies. At the time I was there, it was a chief, 2 sargeants, and a couple officers. Cheney PD, WSP, and the Spokane County Sheriffs also patrolled the area. The Cheney PD hasn’t had a line of duty death since before Washington became a state. The current EWUPD Police Chief is a career officer, been on the Force since 2008, and before that a Linebacker on the Football team. Explains the degree in Therapeutic Recreation.
Noted ESPN white supremacist Stephen A. Smith disses a Japanese baseball player.
I don’t think it helps Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to use the term eggplant when referring to black people, but he did it. It surprised nobody.
Shorter Railfan @ 27:
Public transit in Washington killed a cop.
It was more than 130 years ago, but any line-of-duty death of a police officer makes Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit smile. It used to give him a hard-on, but not since the new millenium.
Tara is squirting over news that Louisiana is a hold.
What Has Happened Down Here Is The Wind Have Changed
Clouds Roll In From The North And It Started To Rain
Rained Real Hard And Rained For A Real Long Time
Six Feet Of Water In The Streets Of Evangeline
Congratulations, Dumbfuck.
Keep on clutchin’ yer guns and treadin’ water.
This is the same audience that gave a standing ovation to vaccine denial, an avowed Nazi, and reanimated claims about Hugo Chavez ghost.
Very… um… impressive?
@28 nobody believes your eggplant accusations. “don’t look here, look over there!” crap especially considering how you talk about Vice President Harris.
They, along with the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck, would eagerly end our democracy to make their raging orange man-baby our fascist dictator-for-life.
Want to save our democracy? Heh. Hang the likes of the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby. Put the rest of the deplorables in Walmart FEMA camps and nuke them from orbit. Unless anyone has a better idea, I say it’s the only way to be sure.
God bless America, our beloved president, Raw Story and Gman!
The Hill/HarrisX
President Joe Biden Approval 59% Approve 41% Disapprove