– Some counties could be going back to phase 2 for COVID-19 reopening. I don’t think King County will be one, but restaurants are quite crowded for how much of the population has not been vaccinated yet.
– This article about the cost of not vaccinating is interesting.
– I hope that the Seattle Chamber of Commerce will stay out of elections long term, but good for 2021.
– Light rail on the I-5 Columbia River crossing in the Federal infrastructure plan would be great.
– Wash your hands right now.
– Light rail on the I-5 Columbia River crossing in the Federal infrastructure plan would be great.
Too bad, so sad. It’s not on Kirsten Gillebrand’s list of included infrastructure items.
You need to give up your light rail wishes so that both mommy #1 and mommy #2 can stay home full-time for an entire year with their infrastructure-funded artificial insemination-conceived newborn child, which is currently receiving infrastructure-funded hormone therapy so that the XY can appear more like the XX Heather that the mommies demand.
When your son is born, mommy # 1 and mommy #2, is he already on hormone therapy?
That joke @ 2 would not survive the final cut in a movie made today.
Murican “conservatives” doing yeoman’s work ushering in the Single Payer future.
How about we look at the costs of lockdown versus the results obtained in states that did versus those in states that didn’t?
If the cost of not vaccinating was that substantial the armed forces would be doing something about it. What the armed forces are doing instead is celebrating diversity.
Observer tweeting live:
If Tara sez so, you can count on it!
After all, when has she ever lied?
You’d be wiser to go slowly on the live tweeting end zone dances.
The state gets to cross each of these defense witnesses and then call additional witnesses of their own later in rebuttal.
Knowing this, defense attorneys are cautious about what lines of inquiry they open to the state with their own witnesses and questions. Opening a universe of speculative questions about all the things that might have kept George Floyd alive that day might not look good on Derek Chauvin. Remember him? He’s the guy who kneeled on Mr. Floyd’s wind pipe for nine minutes that day… for example.
@ 7
I erred, absolutely. No argument. When it was pointed out I acknowledged it, right away.
I did not lie. A lie is an intentional inaccuracy. You’re better than this, QoS McHillbilly.
Compounding the misdeed?
Either you fabricated “FB friends from CO” or you fabricated what you saw them post.
You needed to. You need to fabricate things that will discredit Joe Biden. Laptops. Finger bangs. etc.
Because four years ago you listened as the GOP nominee bragged on a hot mic about a history of sexual assaults. And then a few weeks later you voted for him anyway. The only way you and your fellow Republican voters can live with that is by convincing yourselves that attacking women and violently grabbing their vaginas is perhaps not so bad. And you do that by pretending that “everyone does it”.
I realize it feels like merely “a tactic” to you at this point.
But these things are lies.
And at this point you can’t help yourself any more than Trump can.
@ 8
Opening a universe of speculative questions about all the things that might have kept George Floyd alive that day might not look good on Derek Chauvin. Remember him? He’s the guy who kneeled on Mr. Floyd’s wind pipe for nine minutes that day… for example.
You may have missed the transition during the last week. It’s no longer carotid or tracheal occlusion that is being alleged.
It’s external restriction of ventilation. He couldn’t expand his lungs due to the weight on his thoracic wall. He couldn’t operate his bellows due to the weight on his abdominal area pushing back against the attempted diaphragm movements.
This shift in attribution began when video was played showing things from a different angle. Most of the time Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s upper back, not on his neck. And much of his 140# weight was on the balls of his feet, not on Floyd.
It changes the calculus a little. It’s still police activity as a contributing factor. It’s just not Chavin’s knee anymore. It’s too many bodies preventing Floyd from being able to expand his lungs.
I’ve watched a fair amount of video and I’ve read plenty of transcript. “Neck” has become “neck area” and a lot of the testimony from state witnesses has been about ventilation at the pulmonary level.
While I’m responding, I’ll point out that there has been plenty of speculation from state witnesses. Plenty. It’s a lot of what defense focuses on during cross.
@1 I’d think a xenophobe like you would want as many “infrastructure-funded artificial insemination-conceived newborn child”[ren] as you can get to reduce the number of immigrants you’ll need to fill jobs and pay taxes for your Social Security benefits.
@2,3 Dumbfuck’s jokes are so bad even he doesn’t laugh at them.
@ 13
I get plenty of laughs every time you mention your investments, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s not just that you’re an awful investor. What really makes it funny is that you think that you are a good investor, and that telling the world waaaaaaay too much about all of your investments will convince others to think so, too.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The horse just kicks him in his groin. He likes the abuse, that is why he tells such bad jokes and that is why he gets up early and posts here.
What a sick dumbfuck.
what I missed is that the state is still presenting and Rich is a state witness who was responding under cross. Surprised me to see that, given the nature of the exchange.
I’d have to see a transcript. But it looks like it was a contentious exchange that, aside from Tara’s excitement over the ruling, was a bit of a push, at least in that moment.
But the judge ruled. The judge ruled that a cardiologist was free to speculate broadly about “what might have happened” in the absence of something that did happen. That’s not a great door to open for the defense in any case of wrongful death. Experts may be allowed to speculate about things related to their expertise. That’s not uncommon. And it seems like this expert to his credit tried to restrict his response to his area of expertise, even if the defense was asking overly broad questions.
But it’s a risky/half-dumb move for a defense attorney. Generally under cross the challenge is to restrict hostile witnesses from speculating or roaming (“Your honor, please instruct the witness to answer yes or no”). Here he seems to have been encouraging it. Maybe he’s tired. Still, not what I’d call a win.
@ 12
,,,you would want as many “infrastructure-funded artificial insemination-conceived newborn child”[ren] as you can get…
I want as few fucked-up future adults as I can get. A growing population is only useful if they are employable and can contribute economically to society.
A boatload of Deathfrogg types, for instance, does nobody any good regardless of skin color, gender, or claimed phenotype.
The ‘froggy types of the world should be culled, the earlier the better.
Uh oh. Another Fruitvale Station.
@5 “If the cost of not vaccinating was that substantial the armed forces would be doing something about it. What the armed forces are doing instead is celebrating diversity.”
No, what the armed forces are doing is waiting for full FDA approval and adequate vaccine supplies, then they’ll make it mandatory.
At present, “with limited supplies”
and “because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certified both vaccines under emergency use authorizations, military personnel retain rights to receive one at their discretion.” But “Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis … said in comments to reporters, … ‘I can tell you we’re probably going to make it mandatory as soon as we can, just like we do with the flu vaccine.'”
Dumbfuck’s forgetting that in the military, where people are ordered to do thing, there’s red tape to deal with. Plus supplies. You can’t order people to get something that isn’t available. Also, civilian doctors and nurses, vulnerable seniors, etc., must might be higher priority that troops, who are easier to sequester from infectious Republicans.
If you think reaching for a taser and pulling out a gun instead should be a firing offense, raise your hand.
If you don’t believe this explanation of how yet another black man came to be shot during a traffic stop, raise both hands.
@9 OK, so you’re merely sloppy with facts. That makes you better than Trump. Fwiw.
@14 I didn’t say you never laugh at your own jokes.
@17 “I want as few fucked-up future adults as I can get.”
Don’t worry, most parents raise better kids than yours did.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Your just supposed to trust the solemn word of The Oracle of Control Top Panty Hose.
What’s with the fact checking?
@ 20
If you think reaching for a taser and pulling out a gun instead should be a firing offense, raise your hand.
She used her dominant hand (firearm) rather than her non-dominant hand (taser).
I don’t see how she isn’t fired unless it’s a UNION contract item.
Unions fucking suck.
@24 “What’s with the fact checking?”
@25 “Police unions fucking suck.”
A $10-an-hour Amazon warehouse worker needs a union more than a $200,000-a-year cop.
But, this being America, $200k-a-year cops have unions, and Amazon’s $20k-a-year warehouse workers don’t.
Today, Newsmax neeeeeds you to know that Army Lt. Nazario owns a gun.
And is Black.
Doctor Dumbfuck votes for “a party of grifters and kooks.”
The writer forgot to mention pedophiles. They’re that, too.
“A 74-year-old Michigan woman filed a federal lawsuit on Monday against a county commissioner who flashed a rifle at her during a virtual public meeting when she asked the group to condemn the Proud Boys.”
Good, as far as it goes, but not enough. If we’re still a civilized country governed by rule of law, he should also be (a) removed from public office, and (b) criminally prosecuted.
The Oracle of Control Top Pantyhose uses her non-dominant hand to choke herself while her dominant hand is otherwise occupied.
“Good, as far as it goes, but not enough. If we’re still a civilized country governed by rule of law, he should also be (a) removed from public office, and (b) criminally prosecuted.”
and put in a straight jacket and locked in a rubber room
Premeditated “Taser”, “Taser”, “Taser”.
A cop doesn’t know the difference between their taser and gun?
Next time maybe one will pull out their taser and yell, shouting gun, shouting gun, shouting gun. Mistakes are made all the time.
Proven – Bob is a liar.
Makes shit up all the time. It’s his specialty. He’s a fucking liar. The truth doesn’t fit his narrative.
The horse knows he’s lying, every time he says “baby your like my nine inches” (two lies).
Ok, fucking shooting not fucking shouting.
Fuck Bob
“I think that if officers can’t tell the difference between firearms and tasers, we need to re-evaluate whether or not they need to be carrying tasers,” Henderson said on CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith.”
I think they should re-evaluate whether officers who can’t tell guns from tasers should be carrying guns. But hey, that’s just me.
@34 Funny how they never pull the taser by mistake when they intend to use their gun. People accidentally die in police encounters, but they don’t seem to accidentally survive police encounters.
If a black driver has one bullet hole in him, it was an accident. If he has a dozen bullet holes in him, it was an “accident.”
Because no cop ever shoots a “suspicious person” only once.
Doctor Dumbfuck is waiting for the toxicology report to find out how many air freshener chemicals the victim had in his blood stream.
The air freshener made him do it.
Hugs and kisses.
Jack Wade Whitton, a 30-year-old CrossFit instructor from Georgia, was identified by the government as the man in new officer-worn body camera footage also kicking officers and saying, “You’re going to die tonight.”
In the body worn video I’ve seen of the Wright killing, there are multiple officers and multiple units taking part in the vehicle stop, and more units arrive during the stop.
Over an initially incited violation of expired tags (according to the agency responsible for the death).
Now, before you go any further, or draw any inferences about the outcome, or the other motivations of any of the parties involved, I think it’s very important for people, especially white people, to take a look at that initial basic fact set.
According to the Police Chief speaking at a press event in the immediate aftermath, and who has now been relieved of his command authority, the inciting officer upon approaching the stopped subject vehicle then observed the equipment violation (air freshener). So far, neither of these violations would warrant a custodial arrest. The now-relieved Chief went on to state that the officer returned to his patrol vehicle and thereupon discovered an outstanding arrest warrant of an unspecified nature. During this ensuing delay, additional units were summoned and responded, including the 26 year veteran officer who would ultimately shoot the suspect to death with her service weapon.
Now try to imagine you are that 20-year-old African American male. You’ve been pulled over and told that the stop is due to your air freshener. Then you see that you are being swarmed by multiple additional police units with sirens and lights who all take up tactical positions and prepare themselves for violence.
Would you be afraid? Would it seem to you that an air freshener would not justify the response unfolding around you? What if you had just watched a video of a young, African American Army Lieutenant being beaten to a pulp over a traffic stop? Would you be afraid for your life?
You should be. Because you are supposed to be afraid for your life. That is really the purpose of these kinds of pretextural stops and aggressive responses by police in these situations. They are absolutely intended to intimidate and instill fear.
And the fear is entirely justified. Mr. Wright is dead. Lt. Nazario has seen his life destroyed. Oscar Grant is dead. Philando Castile is dead. The list goes on and on, and it does not begin to encompass the hundreds of thousands of such pretextural stops conducted in the US that merely result in humiliation, disgrace, and a notice to appear.
Perhaps Mr. Wright might still be alive if he had not sought the relative safety of climbing back into his car. But can you really say he was wrong to do so? Think about the strength and composure that would be required to quell all your well founded fears and simply submit your body to police in such a situation. Surrounded by screaming, paramilitary troops wearing guns and mace and body armor and roughly seizing you over an air freshener.
Then imagine you’re only 20.
BIden wants to withdraw all 2,500 US troops from Afghanistan by September 11′ of this year. Well, it’s about fucking time!
Would this be a good time to recall that in 2014, butt-hurt NYC police staged a work stoppage that lasted seven weeks?
And crime plummeted.
Police are not doing the job you think they are doing.
I don’t know if speechless is the right word or just completly numb. I don’t have a great vocabulary to express how I feel. But I feel, as a white person, that I have to apologize for the fuckers.
They aren’t keeeping me safe, they are endangerin my life by “policing” in this manner. It isn’t policing – its darn right abuse.
I really think we all have to stop what we are doing and reflect on what is going on here and all demand change. I think personal responsibility is a small part of it, but this is bullshit. I simply find it hard to go on with my daily routine knowing of this injustice. I think every American needs to stop and say this is bullshit. I think every sports event needs to be cancelled for the fucking season. Peolple need to stop and respect life. They want to fucking moan about abortion and then they don’t care about this. Fuck them!
I would agree that “Policing” in general needs an overhaul, but I also think that some of the localities are different from others.
Enough is enough. Hold her accountable for involuntary manslaughter.
My apologies to every black person.
@41 Doctor Dumbfuck’s finest.
(No, I don’t mean the police officers.)
They aren’t. And they are endangering my life, they aren’t keeping me safe by doing their jobs wrongly.
@42 “Lt. Nazario has seen his life destroyed.”
Speaking of Lt. Nazario,
“A US Army officer feared for his life when two Virginia police officers pointed guns at him during a traffic stop, his attorney said. ‘He was terrified that if he was going to move his hands below where Officer Gutierrez could have seen them to undo that seatbelt, they would have murdered him,’ said Jonathan Arthur, attorney for 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario, who is Black and Latino.”
I can readily think of a formerly 4-man, and now 3-man, police department that will soon entirely cease to exist, the rest of the town government with it, and perhaps the town itself.
The $1 million he’s asking for seems a bit light, considering that
“Punitive damages are awarded in Virginia cases … to punish wrongdoers for extreme acts. Some of the examples in which extreme acts garner appropriate punitive damages are … intentional acts such as … assault or other injury, and other cases involving willful and wanton disregard of the rights of another person. … Courts consider a variety of factors in determining punitive damages … these factors include … the level of willfulness or wantonness in the wrongdoer’s conduct, and the degree to which the conduct was easily preventable. For example, if the conduct was a very blatant assault with a helpless victim, there is a likelihood of more punitive damages ….”
My life wasn’t in danger because some kid had an air freshner hanging from the rear view mirror. My life wasn’t in danger because he had an outstanding warrant.
But now these bastards put my life in danger. They need to be told what a bunch of fucks they are. They need to be told that they aren’t fucking doing there jobs in this particular case and the many cases similiar to it.
Bunch of Fucks… With all this I hope that the African American community knows that some people are with them. A lot has to change.
You may ask yourself, how fucking stupid do you have to be to vote Republican?
This is how fucking stupid you have to be:
Ronald Sandlin is a 31 year old resident of Nevada who was arrested on Jan 28th of this year for taking part in a terror attack on the US Capitol. He owes over $500,000 in unpaid federal taxes earned mostly from various internet fraud hustles and offers to teach others his hustle. During his initial pre-trial detention hearing on April 6th Sandlin expressed “deep remorse” and portrayed himself as being “swept up” and informed the court “I’m done with politics”.
The detention service makes tablet computers with WiFi access available to these mooks. They are in federal detention with absolutely no expectation of any privacy other than when meeting with their attorneys. It’s jail. People watch you when you shit. They are notified that their use of and communications on the tablet devices is being monitored. In monitored communications between Sandlin, his family, and his fellow terrorist attackers, both before and after his April 6th detention hearing Sandlin expressed enthusiasm for the attacks, and his fellow terrorists, and described plans for possible future attacks including staged “events” that would involve large assemblies of violent mobs to attack government facilities, as well as negotiations for publishing books and selling motion picture rights.
He won’t be getting pre-trial release any time soon.
@ 45
I don’t know if speechless is the right word or just completly [sic] numb. I don’t have a great vocabulary to express how I feel.
This is the result of expressing your feelings about every single issue in terms of how said issue affects your mouth, cock, and anus when they are connected directly to another man, G-clown.
There are only so many ways to describe the anonymous, bareback experience or the anonymous mens’ room BJ. Pretty soon you are vocabulary-limited. G-clown, you still have no explanation for your support for Mayor Pete other than your common penchant for kneeling in front of an erect penis.
I see that the Biden one-shot vaccine is a failure and is gonna be yanked from use.
That’s the way this works – if you’re gonna take credit for vaccines, you’re gonna take blame for vaccines, too.
@ 50
In which I learn what cock marble is. Ouch.
Shared with Becki Falwell, Scott McClellan, Stormy Daniels, Richard Grenell, and Pam Bondi (if we are to believe Rep. Gaetz) among a great many others.
But not by Anita Bryant. Nor OfDumbfuck apparently.
Explains a lot.
And to think that only last week Doctor Dumbfuck was crowing about how his raging orange man-baby deserved credit for 600 million vaccine doses, which included 300 million Astra-Zeneca doses and 100 million Johnson & Johnson.
As for the 100 million doses each of the two-dose Moderna and Phizer vaccines, neither vaccine, in fact, none of the vaccines, were even manufactured, let alone distributed, during his raging orange man-baby’s term.
So what the doctor is really saying is that his orange moron’s 100 million J&J vaccines was a failure, as with his 300 million Astra-Zeneca. Vaccine manufacture and distribution of any vaccine? Fail. But let’s not leave out the Doctor’s comments on this matter. Those are fails, too.
In the US, Black motorists stopped for traffic infractions are twice as likely to have their persons and their vehicles searched attendant to the stop when compared to white motorists similarly stopped.
Yet contraband and/or evidence of other crimes is discovered in a higher percentage of such searches conducted on white motorists.
All police vehemently deny that they use pretext infractions to justify stops of Black motorists. And they just as vehemently deny fabricating probable cause for searches of such motorists. And yet decades of evidence, with nothing to refute it, consistently demonstrates that they do this. And when they do, police also do something else in the case of Black motorists: they escalate.
The documented higher frequency of searches is just the tip of the iceberg. Police summon back up. The follow “felony stop” procedures in cases involving minor traffic infractions (often citing a well rehearsed litany of “exigent” circumstances to justify – “furtive movement”, “darkened interior/tint”, “agitated driver”, “high crime area”, “dangerous crowd” etc). They summon additional backup response, using call codes to alert responding units to respond prepared for a violent felony arrest. Responding units are positioned tactically to surround the traffic stop. Black motorists are ordered out at gunpoint and made to lie on the ground. They are handcuffed. They are placed in custody in the confinement of the patrol cars.
All of this contributes to heightened risk. And officers know it. They know that they themselves are placed at increased risk because of this kind of elevated response. And they’re scared. They know these tactics are risky. They know these things increase the risk of something going wrong, some order being misunderstood, of someone losing their cool, of someone making a fatal mistake. But they do it anyway. Over routine traffic stops. But they do it almost exclusively to Black motorists.
We should ask why. I could suggest a few answers. But I’m not sure there would be any point. Knowing why police agencies everywhere routinely engage in very high risk tactics when making routine traffic stops involving Black motorists won’t actually change any of it. Training hasn’t changed it. Tactical training hasn’t. Diversity training hasn’t. “Warrior” training hasn’t. “Guardian” training hasn’t.
I honestly believe that it has come to the point where states must pass laws that forbid traffic stops incited by non-moving offenses.
Many prosecutors in many jurisdictions already have informal policies like this. It’s the reason why the initiating officer in the Daunte Wright stop cited and mentioned the equipment/safety infraction. His training has probably been that he needs more than tabs. It’s good enough for a brief stop. But prosecutors and judges are suspicious. They want more. So he fabricated a citation over an air freshener. And in doing so, he undoubtedly initiated the cascade of frustration, fear, and escalation of response that ultimately lead to Wright’s death.
Preventing these kinds of traffic stops would save lives immediately, with absolutely no increased risk to public safety or officer safety. In fact, just the opposite.
@51 I can think of somebody else who’s so focused on mouths, cocks, and anuses that he doesn’t have time to think about anything else, except his next piece of horse’s ass.
@52 I remember when you were bragging that Trump signed the contracts to purchase this stuff.
@53 They didn’t teach you that in med school?
@56 I remember when cops treated hippies that way. Now you may ask, where did all the hippies go? Most of them became Republicans, and today, they’re all for this shit.
How short human memories are …
Back in 1970, I was driving cross-country, and found two guys sitting with backpacks along the highway roughly 40 miles from the nearest down. This was in a state where hitchhiking was strictly prohibited. (Today, we have anti-voting laws, i.e. no giving food and water to voters; back then, we had anti-hippie laws, i.e., no giving rides to hippies. The more things change, the more Republicans stay the same.) Well, anyway, not seeing anyone watching (they didn’t have drones then), I picked them up and it turned out they’d been there for three days after being dumped in a ditch by the cops in the small town 40 miles back and told to walk to the next state. Anybody who thinks cops just enforce laws, and don’t harass people other people who pay their salaries don’t like, has his head up his ass.
It begins.
Checked lumber prices lately?
Sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or a 20% tariff on Canadian softwood imports.
Whichever one suits the moment. Right?
When the Biden Economy gears up to recover from four years of GQP dumbfuckery that culminated in BEACH WEEK!!!! SHIT DOWN!!! CHEWBACCA BIKINI RIOT!!! you better believe there is going to be some price gouging.
Jared is counting on it. So is American Airlines.
Too bad for you and Josh Hawley the Fed no longer plays by your inflation rules. But you can always melt down your Krugerrands to make some Christmas Tree Cock Rings.
The WA state Secretary of Health just emailed me to ask me to convince y’all dumbfucks that the vaccine is safe, and that the election wasn’t stolen.
I’m glad to help out: The vaccine is safe.
@62 The Fed has been trying for years to get inflation above 2%, and Doctor Dumbfuck has profited enormously from that (me, too), and now he’s whining because inflation is above 2%? What does he want, an interest rate hike? Is he stockpiling Kruggerands?
“A New York parent who wants to marry their adult biological child is suing to overturn laws banning incest, saying marriage is a matter of ‘individual autonomy’. The parent filed the lawsuit in Manhattan federal court on April 1 asking a judge to declare incest laws ‘unconstitutional’ and unenforceable so that they can wed their offspring in a ceremony in New York City.”
Sure sounds like a Republican to me. Probably an evangelical, too. But at least he want to fuck a human, not a horse. Gotta give him that much.
Immediately after declaring that 6 blood clots out of over 1 million doses administered to the highest risk populations makes the vaccine “a failure”.
Whichever one suits the moment.
Biden wonders if the shooting of Daunte Wright was intentional.
This is the next thing that First Vegetable Joe Biden said:
Sure, Joe. A woman turned on her body cam so that the whole world could see her intentionally shoot a man who was not holding a weapon.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is less scary when he is unaware than when he is lucid.
I would like to apologize to every 7/11 and Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee and worker for Joe Biden.
‘Simpsons’ voice actor says he wants to apologize to every Indian person for Apu character
Biden explains Indian-American remarks
Facing criticism, potential 2008 presidential candidate Joe Biden has been forced to explain his recent remark that “you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
I wonder in that incest case if the two are trying to do this in a creative way to avoid some sort of Taxation. Or spouses dont have to testify against spouses. Wonder if its trump?
It’s probably as good a time as any to remind the treasonous doctor that the fascist insurrection to overthrow our Democratic Republic form of government that he and his raging orange man-baby incited was a failure.
On top of which The FuckHump is saying that the decision to pause J&J is politically motivated by the Pfizer lovers.
Bob get with the fucking program you fucking looser racist.
Bob spewing politically motivated bullshit. Go fuck yourself, you mother fucker, go fuck your horse instead you racist pig.
@56 and Bob is a mother fucking racist
I’ve had enough, I started drafting an email to the CEO of the company I work for letting him know that I think they and others need to fucking get more involved. The company I work for does a lot, but can do more.
I don’t care where it leads to.
He must have gotten the memo from the FuckHump
It’s always what suits the Dumbfuck,.
I know maybe a black cops shots a white kid and yells Taser, taser, tasing the mother fucker.
I’m sure Bob would think it was just a mistake.
Mistakes happen sure, but it doesn’t mean that wasn’t intentional.
And like said – bullshit traffic stops aren’t’ non intentional. It’s all part of the equation.
I know maybe a black cops shots a white kid and yells Taser, taser, tasing the mother fucker.
I’m sure Bob would think it was just a mistake.
Mistakes happen sure, but it doesn’t mean that wasn’t intentional.
And like said – bullshit traffic stops aren’t’ non intentional. It’s all part of the equation.
Bob you should be apologizing for being a racist and horse fucker and horse Vick sucker.
@68 “Sure, Joe” etc.
Biden: Let’s see what the investigation concludes.
Doctor Dumbfuck: Jumps to conclusion.
No, Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same. No equivalency exists between the President of the United States and a failed doctor/horse fucker.
@70 “Wonder if its trump?”
Well, that would throw bigamy into the mix, but why not? Anybody who lusts for his own daughter probably won’t be stopped by the fact she’s already married.
@72 I own the stocks of both companies, so I’ll win no matter who comes out on top.
@78 The last thing we want from him is contrition and an apology. What we want is for him to stick around and keep being himself, so we can continue abusing him with clear consciences.
This is the United States. We incarcerate people for mistakes in the United States.
It’s kind of “our thing”.
Certainly a big part of what contributes to deaths like that of Daunte Wright is the absolute certainty granted to every single police officer that they will never, ever be held to account for any of their mistakes no matter how egregious or how irreversible they may be. Almost no other profession is granted that reassurance. And we grant it alongside the authority to use deadly force. A reasonable objective person might conclude this would lead to recklessness. So we shouldn’t act shocked when it does.
Calling Daunte Wright’s homicide an “accident” is nothing more than just another way we license police to take the lives of unarmed, innocent African Americans.
The police officer responsible is entitled to due process that includes a thorough investigation without bias. And that would include the bias exhibited by the Police Chief in the hours immediately following Wright’s homicide. It would also include the bias that any of us exhibit when we leap to conclude that Wright’s death was “an accident”.
Accidental homicide is still a homicide. Whether or not it is a crime depends on the statutes and the circumstances. We’ll have to wait to find out more. But at this point there’s absolutely no reason to declare that no crime was committed in this case. Even the bare information provided by the now fired Police Chief would indicate that some criminal elements were present. An accident of “chance” is not the same thing as an accident of “folly” or “gross human negligence or indifference”.
Reckless assholes are sent to prison all the time.
But if the reckless asshole happens to be a police officer then the rest of us need to answer for that too.
Amber Guyger is a reckless asshole. And testimony at her trial made it very plain that she worked within a reckless asshole culture. And it’s a reckless asshole culture that the people of Dallas and the rest of America have yet to reckon with in any meaningful way, even after her trial.
And that’s also why Daunte Wright is dead.
Changes nothing about the horror of what happened. But regarding the reason Wright was pulled over…
It wasn’t ’cause of something dangling off of the mirror.
@ 83
The police officer responsible is entitled to due process that includes a thorough investigation without bias.
See, I would have thought the same thing. Turns out, not so much.
City manager fired after calling for ‘due process’ in police shooting of Daunte Wright
Today feds revealed in one of their pre-trial detention memos that they have surveillance capture (photos, video, messages, physical evidence) showing that Florida Fur Bikini Team had indeed brought a huge arsenal of firearms and other weapons with them to the Capitol on Jan. 6th. And just as we had suspected, their plans to deploy those weapons fell through when their Quick Reaction Force logistics got screwed up.
Being incompetent at violent terrorism is still not the same thing as being innocent of violent terrorism.
And the Republican Party stands with the terrorists.
@ 74
I don’t care where it leads to.
Yes. You do.
The reason I know this is that you have been just as bad about sharing the details of your financial life as has Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You don’t have enough saved to be uncaring about your future employment. Most people don’t, so you’re not alone.
The thing is, most people don’t broadcast their PFS data on the internet to strangers, G-clown.
@84 He had an outstanding warrant. They were supposed to arrest him. That’s their job. He resisted. Subduing him was their job, too.
However, none of that required him being dead because the arresting officer “made a mistake” and shot him with her handgun instead of her taser.
But you’ll take a corpse any way you can get one. Notice I’m not calling you a racist. You wanted Bowe Bergdahl dead without a trial, too. You don’t care what color they are. You just want them dead, if they’re less than perfect.
Be careful what you wish for. Remember what Clint said:
Jacob Blake had it coming, too.
“The Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer who shot Jacob Blake, a Black man who was paralyzed from the waist down after the shooting in August, has returned to work and will not face discipline, the department announced Tuesday. …
“He was ‘found to have been acting within policy and will not be subjected to discipline,’ according to a statement from Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis on Tuesday. The determination was made after an outside investigation and independent expert review, the statement said.”
Which doesn’t justify what Kyle Rittenhouse did.
@ 86
Today feds revealed in one of their pre-trial detention memos …
Jordan Fischer
Jan 21
In a pre-trial detention memo filed in federal court in Tennessee yesterday, DOJ lawyers say “zip tie guy” Eric Gavelek Munchel had a safe full of guns at his home, including “assault rifles, a sniper rifle with a tripod, shotguns…” and a “drum-style magazine.”
They were revealing shit like this nearly three months ago.
…had indeed brought a huge arsenal of firearms and other weapons with them to the Capitol on Jan. 6th.
The weapons shown in the photo in the tweet were in Tennessee. “…at his home…”
Please include a link.
@85 At-will employees aren’t entitled to due process. If he has a contract, he’s entitled to damages for breach of contract, but not the job back. If he’s civil service, and it’s hard to imagine a city manager is, he’s entitled to get the job back. Otherwise, he’s a free agent with severance pay in his pocket.
City managers get fired all the time, often for bad reasons. They know that when they sign up for the work. Compare it to a coaching job. After a big loss, the players are traded or sent down to the minors, the coach is fired, the general manager is fired — everybody gets sacked. That’s just how things work.
The cop, police chief, city manager — all gone. Soon, the city won’t be able to afford their salaries, anyway.
Dude. Yeah, you – the dude halfway through the Duante Wright Is Jesus wall mural.
Imma stop you right there before you add the halo.
The city council took a vote.
The result of the vote was to get rid of the current City Manager and look for a new one.
I’ve seen those contracts. I have a good friend who is a City Manager in a similarly sized municipality. That is precisely the due process called for and spelled out in these contracts. It’s not a civil service job. Usually includes a specified severance deal. In all likelihood he got six months at his current salary and benefits.
“Chilling”, isn’t it?
Somebody please explain to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 91 that the due process @ 83 that QoS McHillbilly was referring to was for the police officer, not the city manager.
It seems clear as day to me. But then, I don’t call a perp who takes six slugs in the chest and one in the top of his head as he’s falling forward a “fleeing felon”.
@87 I don’t have to work. You’re not allowed to work. They’re not the same thing. They’re not equivalent.
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 89 the intentional discharge of a lethal weapon and the unintentional discharge of a lethal weapon are the same act.
Good luck introducing it at the trial of the disgraced police officer who admits she “accidentally” neglected to differentiate between her 8oz plastic taser and her fully loaded two pound SIG Sauer M17.
Just one of the reasons the city might have had for immediately firing these idiots. Being a breathtakingly stupid troll only costs you your self-respect. Being a breathtakingly stupid City Manager or Police Chief can cost the taxpayers millions.
They have multiple sources of capture. They are unwilling to reveal most of it for pre-trial memo purposes. What has been revealed so far include surveillance images of gun cases and ammo cases being loaded into and out of hotels, vehicles, and exchanges taking place in nearby parking lots.
Relax. You knew this would happen. You know who these fucksticks are. Tarrio drove right into the District a few days before loaded down with illegal ghost guns, conversion kits, and drum mags. These people masturbate with guns. They pose their half dressed sister/wives with them. They don’t leave them at home. Not for something like “The Revolution”.
You knew this would eventually come out. And there’s plenty more to come. Your move here isn’t to pretend that it isn’t true.
That hasn’t worked for you lately. Your move now is to pretend that it isn’t important.
Just a giant arsenal of weapons staged nearby. So what?
Everyone does that. How else are you supposed to LARP?
Republican fact: 38,000 gun deaths every year.
Republican response: “New gun laws are pointless acts of tyranny!”
Republican fact: 2 cases of voter fraud in all of 2020.
Republican response: “We must act with reckless speed and urgency to enact over 250 new voter suppression laws!”
It’s almost like there’s some kind of, I dunno, “agenda” or something, maybe. Just “slightly hidden” below the surface?
The cop who can’t tell a taser from a handgun was a cop union president. Figures.
@97 ” Being a breathtakingly stupid troll only costs you your self-respect.”
It doesn’t even cost him that, because he had none to lose.
@96 “the intentional discharge of a lethal weapon and the unintentional discharge of a lethal weapon are the same act”
Not in court.
Here’s an interesting question: Could a cop able to hide behind qualified immunity for an intentional killing be held criminally liable for the same killing if it was accidental (i.e., negligent homicide instead of intentional homicide)?
In other words, does an otherwise non-prosecutable killing become prosecutable if the cop says, “It was an accident”?
Punished for honesty. That’s today’s GOP.
With the exception of you. Boasting about buying a boat, a trailer for the horse for the horse, your stocks.
Ohhh go fuck yourself.
I got more money than you think or wish that I hadn’t.
Please, tell me what I’ve told you, surely you’ll be able to repeat it, to make that statement
QI is applied in civil disputes.
But I’m gonna go waaaaaaay out on a limb and suggest that in the case of a cop who has so negligently and recklessly discharged their “magisterial duties” that they stand to be convicted in a criminal court, the agency employing that cop is going to pay to settle before trial. They are not going to move to invoke QI in order to obtain a dismissal ahead of trial and thus, unleash global condemnation, mass protest, boycotts, nightly civil unrest, and election losses for every single incumbent. Just a hunch I have. Not based on any particular examples or, you know, whatever.
But I get your point. Essentially “intent” plays no role in QI as it always would in a criminal prosecution. QI applies when the agency employee was acting within the scope of their duties, AND was not and could not be aware that their particular action had been ruled by a federal court to constitute a deprivation of rights under Sec. 1983 of the Klan Act of 1871.
QI was created by the court in order to protect “the Klan” acting under color of authority.
@103 does this answer the question?
Taser – light
Gun – heavy
Beyond a liar, Bob is a fake, a phony. A failure a being a doctor and a failure of pro sports.
From link @108: “Experts agree this is a real but very rare occurrence that probably happens less than once a year nationwide.”
IOW law enforcement has used up its quota for this year.
@109 An all-around failure.
108, 110,
“Reasons cited include officer training, the way they carry their weapons and the pressure of dangerous, chaotic situations.”
This is gaslighting.
You should avoid reading or relying on such a source. Having allowed yourself to be gaslighted in this way, you should henceforth regard the source with enormous skepticism.
“Reasons cited”. By “experts”.
What “experts”?
The now fired Police Chief.
A police psychologist who makes a living as an expert witness defending agencies and as a contracted trainer to police agencies – i.e. he’s the fucking idiot who trains the hyper-aggressive, violently trigger-happy cops and then testifies to get them off.
That’s it.
It’s terrible journalism and even more terrible science. There’s just nothing to it. And more to the point, police are not the only first responders who are put into stressful “life and death” situations.
But they are the only ones who do this kind of shit.
The only ones.
Because they really, really want to. They fucking dream about it. They train for this moment of deadly violence more than almost any other. They certainly train for this moment of deadly violence more than they train to de-escalate. That’s just a fact. Their training doesn’t make them better/safer. It makes them even more dangerous.
To all of us.
That’s the “reason”. Killing people is a fucking preoccupation of modern, hyper-aggressive, “warrior” police culture and training.
It really is. And escalating every encounter with “those people” to the breaking point is built into the culture, the training, and the system. Paramedics and firefighter EMTs don’t accidentally defibrillate your granny when responding to her dizzy spells.
“I thought I was checking her BP. I swear, I thought I was hooking up the BP cuff. Before I knew it she was dead!”
Wildland firefighting pilots don’t accidentally dump their fuel tanks onto a burning neighborhood.
“We came in on a steep approach at 260 knots because of the heavy smoke. I thought I was removing the series of three fail safe switches to obtain the green release indicator light before reaching for the 24 ” blue handled lever with the word RETARDANT printed on it. But somehow, instead, I reached across the center console to the co-pilot position to remove the five fail safes for the auxiliary fuel pods, each individually labeled DANGER before obtaining the red flashing warning light and warning klaxon and then reaching up and behind the pilot position to pull down on the dual red-handled release levers each labeled FUEL JETTISON. Oh my god!”
What the fuck.
Stop giving in to their dishonest narrative.
Do better, goddamnit.
New data shows that Chewbacca Bikini Team Terrorists were 95% white, 85% male, and almost entirely urban professionals who express feeeeeeelings of anxiety over loss of “status” as they perceive white privilege being stripped away.
And the Republican Party stands with the terrorists.
@112 I was posting it only for the cited examples of where cops were convicted of involuntary manslaughter, in response to Rogers comment @103. I wasn’t buying into a “mistake”
@113 100% probably identify as straight in sexual orientation too, let’s not forget that significant trait either.
@92 by greedy racist incel logic the black man must be killed on sight. Skip due process.
So, not “accident” then?